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>>488070973 (OP)
>>488070973 (OP)
What is the nutritional value of roadside mud?
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your afd politician was licking the tolet seat. This nobody indian drama queen just wants views
He was from the FDP(basically libertarians). It made all the headlines for the disgustingness and degeneracy. Serious question i saw a video of three indian guys literraly mixing shit and spices together and eating it. Do you think it was also just for attention, are they just degenerate or what would you say the motive was. I seriously wanna know.
India sucks. You all eat poo.
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you eat shit rajesh
india is a repressive society. People will judge you whatever you do in real life. Talk a woman and neighbors will start saying they are fucking. Wear some funky and revealing clothes and people call you hooker.
Internet is freedom for such a repressive society. It is a middle aged man doing this stupid thing. I don't think his family members or neighbors will ever know. So he is gonna enjoy his freedom
This is so fucking vile. No normal human being would do this. WTF. He even puts it in bread.
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good morning, saar
Bro nobody wants views on 4chan
Indian people are fucked up
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Interesting. So what i understand is, they do it just because they can with a degree of "impunity". But even if so. India has a huge population surely somebody you know will see in this case see him and his 2 bros cooking up shit and consuming it.

Also it is extremly scary it being so much. So many vids of people eating shit or getting bodied by trains.
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indian eat cow shit cuz they unironically think it holy and have health benefit
they are subhuman
Imagine being a tourist and then the locals start their literal shit fest. Throwing shit like snow in the crowd of people where you stuck.
>>488070973 (OP)
You can have a shitty civilization, just look at them, its not like he's a naked monkey, they just love poo.
But surely it is just a small number right? Though the amount of vids you see indians involving shit in some kind of way....
I love how the libertine confuse liberal and libertaian in both the social, political, and economic ways and somehow always become the representative because nobody else actually cares.
That is just one isolated village where a particular tradition exists
You have cow chip throwing festival in Oklahoma. You can't judge a country by one oddity.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVrO-vAPoSQ [Embed]
you know, india is piss poor,. Trains are our adventure sports. If he dies, he dies. You can't fix the stupid.
In India, internet is consumed by majority via phones. The internet culture isn't the same as in your rich countries.
I know people who would do some shit online but they don't have family members who would see it and judge it
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its in their religion
any jeet try to tell you it just some pajeet is lying
they always lie
No dude the entire nation is covered in shit and garbage and its the minority that are educated and trying to save india. They have a traditional drink made with all the liquid of a cow, and some dung. Thats milk, piss and shit all blended together into a slury and rank like a melted milkshake.
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>jeets have built in cow dung dispensers built in their temples
I know this one story of some indian who was willing to pay people to shit in the toilet who was then killed for it. So it is evident that there are people trying to fix the problems with their own means. The rest however stands in their way. I honestly dont know any good solution for the problem. They need to figure it out.
Hey buddy buddy
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>tfw living in india and you are the designated rape donkey
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That's fuckinfg sad, poor donkey didn't deserve that, fuck indians tho.
Indians just can’t stop raping
You still eat shit, rajeesh. Even our Hindus in Bali consider it the greatest insult to be compared to indians.
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Pa = father

Jeet = Victory

Pa + jeet = Victorious father

You are literally calling us your daddy lmao
Nothing of value would be lost if this religion and its supporters were wiped from the Earth
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stop eating shit pajeet
>>488070973 (OP)
These videos should be shared on world stage, such as UNICIEF and UN so we can collectively tag pajeets as non humans.
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They are really fabulous people to watch (from very far away)
Nah there is no excuse for this. That was a relatively fine fish. Just put it over fire, add some salt and your good to go.
What a fucking waste.
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>>488070973 (OP)
Can you, Mehmet?
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You are literally mutants
>>488070973 (OP)
This has got to be a dumbass video for clout
That doesn't look isolated lol
why do you call indonesia.Can't you suckers find an original name for your irrelevant shithole?

I'm 99% sure it's a river fish, not an ocean one, which means it's full of parasites, especially tape worms. Tasty.
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At least they speak their own language and worship their own God, Ahmed. Why do Indonesians willing slave themsleves to the Arab language, customs, and religion? Do you jungle gooks have no pride in your own indigenous culture? Always weird to see Indonesians with Arab names and wearing Arab clothes lol
shit in the ocean is full of worms too
t. Alaska
Thats why i said relatively. I mean it would probably be safer to cook it directly over a fire and eat it then. Also the shit smear certainly did not help against the parasites.
What liquid could this possibly be? Water? Piss? The squeezed liquid that comes out of cow shit? WTF is this?

The first guy survived by the way.
You think there might be an unkown parasite which adapted to shit and saltwater. The chemicals from the factories might helped something disgusting and dangerous to mutate. Kind of exiting.
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its a water dripping from AC unit so they put some decoration on it
but the retard pajeet now thinks its holy water
There's a chamber beyond the wall, there is a chute where cow shit and piss is dumped into and in the chamber there are 10 pajeets. 1 mixes and 9 others all furiously jerk off into the mixture as it runs down the funnel to feed the town people.
indonesians first had hinduism/buddhism and later converted to islam.
These jungle gooks are just unoriginal and unimaginative bugs.
> At the Banke Bihari Temple, devotees believed they were drinking Charan Amrit, but it was actually AC discharge from elephant-shaped spouts. A viral video revealed the truth, yet many still continued to drink, highlighting the fine line between faith and informed awareness.
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Man you are still posting? I remember you from last night "Thai" man. What's your last name "Thai" man?
yeah but stay the fuck off the internet please, just do what china did and blockade yourselves from the rest of us
Probably the cleanest water around eh?
>>488070973 (OP)
Why are Canadians like this?
I wouldn't doubt it. There is a parasite that evolved to live on the upper back of one fish specifically because sharks love to bite that area from behind and the next stage of life for the parasite is living inside a shark.
Average serbian at their tranny church kek
>The water emerging from the Banke Bihari temple was neither AC water nor is there an AC unit installed within the Lord’s sanctum sanctorum, the priest said. Sevayat priest Shalu Goswami, in conversation with Local 18, stated, “Those who are calling it AC water are very foolish. Those who have spread this rumour are mocking religion."
>“This is not ordinary water. When Lord Banke Bihari is bathed or the sanctum sanctorum is cleaned, this water flows out through this drain. The water used to bathe Bihari Ji is no less than Amrit. Those who think it is AC water are very foolish," the sevayat explained.
>He further added that any object that touches the Paras Mani also becomes precious. This is the water in which our idol has been bathed. Devotees also echoed the sentiment, describing the water as very special and refuting the AC water claim.
doubt it but its good for the scam the priests are running.
why are indians so fucking ugly? hideous even
We left the Pajeet with advanced technology they have no idea how to use.
Wtf man. Was geht bei denen drüben ab junge :D
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>mfw i have become jeet arch nemesis
>100 years from now a jeet youngling will gather near the burning dung heap listen to the elder jeet talking about the evil thai who make fun of innocent and noble jeet eating the holy cow poo
I talked to a woman recently who was saying how impressed she was how happy people in Bali are while having so little.
These pajeets remind me of that conversation and how little it takes to be happy. It's truly the small things in life
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It's magical watching these people with human tech
>muh religion
big wow, poos have their own retarded cult. so did jim jones, maybe you stinky curry niggers should adopt his practices and do the rest of the world a favor
Wtf was the endgoal. This video is extremly sad. No strategy or awareness led to possible death of 3 people.
That’s hilarious. For anyone that is worried people were hurt don’t worry there are another 1.5bn left.
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>>488070973 (OP)
TFW the Skaven would cringe.
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I think there was a tangle or something and they were going to use a metal ladder with no PPE to go manually untangle the live line.

It's just completely fucked who knows
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"poo and content is rich, and rich enough"
-visajeet shakespoo
My sides!
Fuck man this is so dumb sad and kind of silly.
Fuck off dindu, the term India was derived from Indus river and it's civilization which took place in Pakistan. You should rename India to BHRAAP
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jeet is like looney tune character except they would rape all the looney tune animal
>>488070973 (OP)
There is not a single race, culture or religion on which you cannot find videos were they do retarded things.
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>that one where they're trying to load a fucking forklift onto a rickety wooden boat
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>surely if I gently rock the machinery back and forth it won't make the boat list uncontrollab-
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for some reason the vid of people eating shi,t bath in shit or get hit by train is 99% pajeet
You think his mouth turned to the backside of his head and he had to rearange it back to place?
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>take a shit, not realize where you shit somehow, slip in it, fall under truck wheel and get your head exploded

It's like a comic strip
Its because you download those videos with a bias in mind. Germans dominate scat video landscape.
You can't defend it bro. It's OK
>Germans dominate scat video landscape.
We don’t even come close to you guys, there simply are too many of you
why would they upload this
>>488070973 (OP)
Somebody just nuke this shithole. Kindly put us out of our misery.
Self-aware Jeets should form a separate caste above Brahmins.
Or you could try to improve the country by showing the truth in every online place in india. Show them what the place is tell them how to improve. If you are lucky and it turns into a trend it may give the chance to fix your country (better it)
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Probably allowing their buddy to bask in juggernaut glory on the internet
The issue is, they are not united with ideals, hence why it's a shit box. Everyone is pulling in different directions. They need a king or dictator to rule with an iron fist, (Indians are usually very servile and respect power) then and only then can India not be a joke anymore..
There's no worse feeling than being a self aware Jeet, maybe a self aware nigger? It's like your soul has been put in a brown body in the shittiest country on the planet. Imagine having only one life on this earth and being born in India. Well, at least I wasn't born a dalit in this hellhole.
Indians are the most disgusting vile race close to pedos
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>Why do Indonesians willing slave themsleves to the Arab language, customs, and religion?
Pajeet calling anyone Arabic slaves is peak irony.
That is exactly the problem. The casts. The hatred for other groups of your own nation.You have to unite and rebuild that country.
It could always be worse fren.
True. Every comment section i see is. Saar he is from north he is from south. No saar he is bengali or punjabi or what ever i there is.
Haha, there's no fixing this shithole, kraut. Some parts are even worse than you see it on the videos. Recently met one of your fellow countrymen in a SEA country. He's only 19 and he came directly from Delhi to that place, kid was really traumatized from his time in north India.
And? Did we bathe in cow shit?
eat shit(lol) pajeet
>>488070973 (OP)
>why did I keep fucking my sister
>>488070973 (OP)
Indians, ironically enough, were the only country in the world where the majority of them supported IVF screening/genetic modification of fetuses for IQ, according to polls. If this technology gets off the ground, Indians will be the only ones who will embrace it.
>>488070973 (OP)
Through eugenics in the long term, maybe. But as it stands now, no.
>These jungle gooks
Yeah, because we used to fight in the jungle for independence like real man instead of begging and doing hunger strike like a girl
>Saar redeem the independent saar, I won't eat saar.
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Listen, we all don't have the glorious cocaine culture that your country is known for, but culture and language can be separated from religion you atheist edge lord
Why didn't you answer the question jungle gook, why has your entire culture been subsumed by goat fucking semites from a desert thousands of miles away, and what does that have to do with your country?
That is almost certainly pakistan.
3/4 of pakistanis are married to their cousin or closer.
This bad jeetnon...?
>>488070973 (OP)
indians humiliate themselves to show their community they are no threat.
Surefire, but noone cares what it means in your language. In the rest of the world, pajeet means subhuman shit eating rat
Leafbro is not amused
>Germans dominate scat video landscape.
Not anymore since you post so much when you eat cow shit
You laugh but these people have super human immune systems while you weak fucks die if you eat gluten
Aaand? Did Indonesia suffer from inbreeding? Also your entire culture stems from what is now Pakistan btw.
Yeah, Indians are so servile in nature, it would make medieval peasants seem independent. Some of them can be good at a personal level but the culture and the society they create is the most corrupt on the planet.

The stupid cow worship religion, the stupid caste system, extreme idolatry and nepotism are some of their biggest achievements.
I see. Dont give up anon even if it seems like there is no way out.
Fuck it, I've already given up years ago. It's just that these fuckers are now immigrating everywhere and ruining other societies as well. Look at Canada, it only took less than 20 years for Pajeets to turn it into Poonjab.
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>>488070973 (OP)
Here is family friendly jeet gore for the kids
Holy kek
That is sad anon. If more people thought more like you indian society might improve.
>>488070973 (OP)
based super aryan immune system.
The little ones need to start somewhere with jeet hate. So therefore making family friendly jeet gore should be a key point on /Pol/
>>488070973 (OP)
Beyond the few of them that already decided to come over and act like a fully functioning person of their own accord…highly doubtful.

Uh anon..i wish it were mud
did muhammad mention india in quran? What are you doing in India, my paki friend,.
Now here is a lesson for you. The word indus comes from the word sindhu which means river in sanskrit.
Your arab goatfucking prophet has no truck with this land. Can you just go back to the place where your pedo prophet lived, raped and poisoned by that lolly.
>>488070973 (OP)
Indians and friendship.

It's a weird thing with them. If you alpha the fuck out of them, but somehow show mercy/kindness, they turn into sycophantic dogs. Can soft-bully them into anything.

It's why (they) have been using jeets so much as (their) new terror horde.
>>488070973 (OP)
Civilized just means white.
>>488070973 (OP)
They wont have a choice soon

>>488086344 →
>>>488086344 →
Sad to see what Toronto has become these days
>yet many still continued to drink
pajeets have a lower IQ than some monkeys, holy shit.
>saar that's clearly a paki larping as and indian saar
>>488070973 (OP)
Being civilized is no virtue. It weakens you, makes you susceptible to your enemies.
Hard to believe he survived that. Doesnt look possible does it?
What a W. That'll make up for all your shit eating.
>>488070973 (OP)
the absolute worst part of all these webms is that indian people have no self awareness about how disgusting their nation is.
If americans got hit by it would derail the whole train.
based beastmaxxing pajeet
Pakistanis are literally just muslim poos.
>want to travel
>theres almost 200 countries in the world
>decides to pay to go to India
>surprised that the country with more than a billion of retards start playing with shit
nigga should go to the zoo at least the smell isn't as bad, but most animals play with their own shit
back to india with you, bhenchod bloody bich
good morning stinky saar
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one or even one hundred schizo scat fetish german pales in comparison to your shithole.
>Have been using cow-dung soap for 30 years, experienced no skin disease: Maharashtra minister Chandrakant Patil
So when youre majorly called "jeets" and the criticiam is shit eating baal-peor levels of insanity and idolatry, what does that imply?
Fucking moron with zero sdlf awareness pontificating his retarded level of happenftance vicotry, and a shit eating grin to match his smug attitude

Good job poop father of shits, you sure showed us

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