MisterBigRed on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/misterbigred/art/Giant-Star-Wars-Heir-to-the-Empire-880844878MisterBigRed

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Giant Star Wars: Heir to the Empire

Character  Padme AmidalaCharacter  Leia Organa


Artwork by :iconcaiman2:. Continuing with the theme of giantess mothers interacting with their relatively smaller daughters, we have a less endearing moment than Mary Jane observing with pride at her daughter May first giantess rampage from last time, as Empress Padme of the Amidalan Empire is very disappointed with her daughter Leia recent behavior. Having entered her rebellious teenager phase, Leia has been engaging in action unbecoming for Princess, such as vandalizing imperial ships, seeking out at night, and dressing like a common dance girl. With her latest misdeed being a wild party with her giantess girlfriends which resulted in the devastation of an entire vacation planet, Empress Padme is ready to reprimand her daughter, but Leia seems to be in no mood to listen.

Also by Caiman, an alternative version of this image with Padme wearing only underwear:
Giant Star Wars: Heir to the empire alt by MisterBigRed

This artwork Kaijaa Darkonin by Amionna by :iconamionna: inspired Empress Padme's dress for this image:.

Previous giantess image commissioned from Caiman of giant Leia, plus the first appearance of Padme gigantic space throne:
Giant Leia: The ultimate power in the universe! by MisterBigRed  Giant Padme: That is some aggressive negotiation by MisterBigRed

Patreon: www.patreon.com/misterbigred
Image size
2250x3300px 1.73 MB
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claymoretink1991's avatar

Will there be comic where giantess Padme reprimands Leia?