Become a Patreon supporter (at the Cuckold Stories level) to read all 7 parts of “Serving a Kinky College Girl”:
Let’s say you’re in college. You’re not exactly a lady’s man, but your roommate has quite a bit of skill when it comes to the fairer sex. Most of the time he kicks you out of the room when he brings a girl back, but on this particular night he thinks you’re asleep so he doesn’t bother. Instead, you get to watch as he and his new girlfriend have sex. You watch her give him a blowjob. You watch them fuck. You listen to her talk dirty to him.
When they’re done, Bryce gets in the shower and Kelly, your roommate’s girlfriend, comes over to you. You pretend to be asleep, but she knows. She knows you’re awake. She knows you’ve been watching them when Bryce brings her home. She knows you’re a little bit of a pervert that loves to watch his roommate and his girlfriend fuck. That’s where “Serving a Kinky College Girl” really begins.
Kelly decides that she’s going to have a little fun with you. She’s going to push your boundaries. She’s going to see just how far you’re willing to go in the name of making her happy. You see, she knows that you’re a pervert and that you’ll do just about anything to be close to her. She knows that you’ll venture into uncharted territory and get truly wild. She doesn’t really care about you, in fact. All she cares about is having fun with you. She’s using you. Thankfully, you can’t get enough of it.
“Serving a Kinky College Girl” is a 7-part submissive cuckold story told in second person and filled with imaginative pleasures as Kelly pushes you far beyond what you thought your limits were (seriously, it gets exceptionally dirty). If you’d like to read all 7 parts, just become a supporter today at the Cuckold Stories level.
Below you’ll find links to all 7 parts of the story. If you don’t want the plot spoiled make sure to avoid reading the summaries. Just click and read (as long as you’re a supporter)!
Part 1 – You watch. You hope to masturbate afterwards. You get caught. Kelly feeds you your first creampie. You clean up like a good pervert.
Part 2 – Kelly wants to see how dedicated you are. She makes you lick her sweaty asshole clean after a long run. Later she makes you clean a creampie out of her in public.
Part 3 – Kelly challenges you to eat your cum and send her a picture of it in your mouth. Later you watch her and Bryce fuck while you pretend to be asleep and after he falls asleep she makes you wear her cum-filled panties.
Part 4 – Kelly breaks up with Bryce, but she doesn’t break up with you. Instead, she toys with you. She teases you. She abuses you. She and her roommate then take turns abusing you as they both get off on it.
Part 5 – Kelly calls you to the library to have a little naughty fun with her and you end up consuming a stranger’s cum. Later, Kelly lets you watch her fuck a professor and she feeds you his cum after they’re done.
Part 6 – Kelly ups her humiliation as she makes you wear cummy panties, eat her ass, and cum in those panties right outside of a classroom. Later she and her roommate spend a great deal of time humiliating you in their dorm room before making you cum on their floor.
Part 7 – Kelly gets a stranger to cum on your French fries and makes you eat them while she watches. She verbally berates you. Kelly’s final act as a domme is to make you suck cock for her. She makes you blow a stranger. She humiliates you. She makes you swallow his load. Then she kicks you out of her room and out of her life.
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