Quantum Numbers on the Periodic Table | Definition & Overview

Karen Peterson, Kristin Born
  • Author
    Karen Peterson

    Karen has taught many different high school science courses over the last 30 years. She has a Bachelors Degree in Biology and Chemistry from Linfield College and has completed additional coursework to obtain a Professional Teaching License in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

  • Instructor
    Kristin Born

    Kristin has an M.S. in Chemistry and has taught many at many levels, including introductory and AP Chemistry.

Learn what the four quantum numbers are. Discover how to find the quantum numbers on the periodic table, and identify limitations of each of the quantum numbers. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

How do you read quantum numbers on the periodic table?

On the periodic table, the periods going across are the principal quantum number. Angular momentum quantum numbers correspond to the columns on the periodic table with l=0 for columns 1 and 2, l=1 for columns 13 - 18, l=2 for columns 3 - 12, and l=3, and for the lanthanides and actinides on the bottom of the table. For the magnetic and spin, quantum numbers look at the location of the element within its block. The first half has increasing magnetic quantum numbers and a spin of 1/2 and the second half of the block have the same set of increasing magnetic quantum numbers, but a spin of -1/2.

How do you find the quantum number of an element?

The quantum numbers correspond to each electron in an element. The first number in the electron configuration is the principal quantum number, 1 is 1s^2. The angular quantum number is n-1, so for the electron in 1s^2 that would be 0. This corresponds to the s orbital. The magnetic quantum number is -l to l, so for this example, it would also be 0 and this shows the orientation of the orbital. The spin quantum number will be +1/2 or - 1/2.

Where do the 4 quantum numbers come from?

The four quantum numbers provide the "address" for an electron. If the electron configuration of an element is known, the quantum numbers for that element can also be determined.

All of the known elements are organized on the periodic table. How they are organized on the periodic table gives information about their properties, which are determined based on the locations of their electrons. The periodic table is arranged based on the atomic numbers of the elements, which tell how many protons the element has. For a neutral atom, this also tells the number of electrons. The protons are in the nucleus and the electrons are outside the nucleus. The location of the elements on the periodic table gives information about the electrons and their locations. The location or address of the electrons is given by four numbers, called quantum numbers. These quantum numbers refer to different locations on the periodic table and different orientations of the electrons in the atom.

Periodic table with two quantum numbers shown.

Periodic table showing the filling of electrons in elements.

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  • 1:05 Electron Configurations
  • 2:07 Orbitals
  • 2:36 Principal Quantum Number
  • 4:08 Angular Momentum…
  • 5:37 Magnetic Quantum Number
  • 7:18 Spin Quantum Number

The location of electrons is described by an electron configuration. The electron configuration gives enough information to know where the element is on the periodic table and what some of its properties are. The major determinant of the properties of an element is the number of outer shell electrons it has called valence electrons. The number of valence electrons can be determined by looking at the electron configuration for an element and counting the number of electrons in the farthest out shell.

For example, the element nitrogen has an electron configuration of 1s22s22p3. The energy level that is the farthest out is the second energy level. The electron configuration that is part of this energy level is the 2s and the 2 p. There are 2 electrons in the 2s and 3 in the 2 p so there are a total of 5 valence electrons.

The electron configuration for each element shows where the electrons are located. These locations can be described by using four numbers, called quantum numbers. They are the principal quantum number (n), the angular momentum quantum number (l), the magnetic quantum number (ml), and the spin quantum number (ms). Each electron within an atom has a unique set of these four quantum numbers. The four numbers that describe the location of an electron can be thought of as the address of the electron.

The Principal Quantum Number

The principal quantum number (n) represents the shell or the main energy level that electrons are in. These shells show how far away an electron is from the nucleus. These are positive integers values from 1 to 7. These are the numbers written before the s, p, d, or f in an electron configuration. For example, the electron configuration of lithium is 1s22s1 This means there are electrons in the first and the second energy levels. The 1 before the s2 is a principal quantum number showing that those electrons are in the first shell and the 2 before the s1 is a principal quantum number showing that the electron is in the second shell or energy level.

Find the quantum numbers for the last electron of magnesium. First, write the electron configuration: 1s22s22p63s2. The last electron is in the 3s orbital, so n = 3. Since it is in an s orbital "l" = 0 and ml= 0. The spin quantum number or mss = 12 or 12.

Quantum Number Number (s)
Principal Quantum Number (n) 3
Angular Quantum Number (l) 0
Magnetic Quantum Number (ml) 0
Spin Quantum Number (ms) +1/2 or -1/2

There are some other rules that help determine where the electrons will go in an atom and help determine the electron configurations. These are Hund's rule, the Pauli exclusion principle, and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Hund's rule says that when electrons are going into orbitals that have the same energy, one electron will go into each orbital before they double up. This is seen in the three p-orbitals. If there are two electrons in the p orbitals, they will each be in a different orbital. They will not double up until there are more than three electrons, then one will go in each orbital, and from there, the extras will start doubling up in ones that already have one electron. The Pauli Exclusion principle says that no two electrons can have the same four quantum numbers, so if two electrons are in the same energy level, subshell, and orbital, then they will have opposite spins.

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle says that it is not possible to know both the location of an electron and its velocity. So what we determine using quantum numbers and electron configurations is the probable location of the electrons. It is not possible to know exactly where they are, but there are some areas where they are more likely to be than others. Those areas are the orbitals.

The periodic table organizes elements based on their numbers of protons and the organization of their electrons. The electron configuration can be determined by where the elements are on the periodic table. The number of valence electrons, or outer shell electrons, is also determined by the periodic table and is what gives the elements many of the properties that they have. The electron configuration can be thought of as the address for the electrons, which is determined by a set of four numbers called quantum numbers. The quantum numbers can be determined by looking at the electron configuration. An example of an electron configuration is that of oxygen, which is 1s22s22p4 The first quantum number is the principal quantum number (n) which is the number before the s or the p. This corresponds to the energy level that the electron is in. These are integers from 1 to 7. The second quantum number is the angular momentum quantum number which determines the subshells. This is represented by "l" and is equal to n-1. So for n=1, that means that"l"=0, which is just an s orbital. The next quantum number is the magnetic quantum number (ml) and this gives the orientation of the orbital and can have values from -"l" to "l" so if "l" = 1, then the value for ml is -1, 0, and 1. This means that there are three orientations for the p subshell. The final quantum number is the spin quantum number and that is represented by either +1/2 or -1/2.

There are also three rules that determine the quantum numbers for electrons and how electron configurations are written. Hund's rule says that if the orbitals have the same energy, one electron will go into each orbital before they start doubling up. The Pauli Exclusion Principle says that no two electrons can have the same four quantum numbers. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle says that we cannot know both the location and the velocity of an electron and that orbitals are just areas where the electrons are likely to be found.

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Four Quantum Numbers

The periodic table can be used to determine electron configurations.
Periodic Table Electron Configurations

How would you describe to someone exactly where you lived? I'm guessing you would start with your address. When you specify the location of a building, you usually list which country it's in, which city and state it's in within that country, and its street address. Just like no two buildings have the exact same address, no two electrons can have the same set of quantum numbers. Also, there are very specific rules about quantum numbers that can exist together, just like you wouldn't say that Wisconsin is a state in the country of Spain. A quantum number describes a specific aspect of an electron. Just like we have four ways of defining the location of a building (country, state, city, and street address), we have four ways of defining the properties of an electron or four quantum numbers.

Electron Configurations

Before starting this lesson, you should have an understanding of what an electron configuration is and how to write one for an element. Remember that an electron configuration tells us where each electron is in an atom, and knowing the arrangement of the electrons is necessary in order to understand how an element will react and what types of molecules it will form. So let's start with an atom of silicon. What would its electron configuration be? You should have an answer of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2. Silicon has a total of 14 electrons, which are all represented by that electron configuration. So what do all those numbers and letters mean? This lesson is going to crack that electron configuration code.

The electron configuration for silicon
Silicon Electron Configuration


Before we go into great detail about those quantum numbers, it is important to note that when I say location, I mean probable location. There is really no way to know exactly where an electron is at a given time; they are very elusive. But it is possible to determine which specific three-dimensional region it is probably in. These three-dimensional boundaries where an electron is most likely found are called an atomic orbital.

Principal Quantum Number

The first quantum number that describes an electron is called the principal quantum number. It is often symbolized by the letter n. This number tells us the energy level or size of an orbital. The higher the number, the larger the region is. So let's take the electron configuration for silicon and look at the very last electron that was added to silicon. It should be one in the 3p orbital. That 3 indicates the principal quantum number. So for this electron, n = 3. The orbital that the last electron is going to be in will be larger than the 2p orbital because it has a higher number. This means that the 2p electron is more likely to be found closer to the nucleus than the 3p electron. You will also hear the term 'energy level' a lot when dealing with electrons and their locations. The 2p electrons are located in the second energy level and the 3p electrons are located in the third energy level. They will have more energy than the electrons in the 2p orbitals. So, in silicon, how many electrons will have n = 3 as one of their quantum numbers? The answer is 4. There are two 3s electrons and two 3p electrons. All start with 3, so all will have a principal quantum number of 3.

Angular Momentum Quantum Number

The angular momentum quantum number refers to the shapes of orbitals.
Angular Momentum Quantum Number Shapes

The next quantum number relates to the letters in the electron configuration. Which letters did you encounter when you wrote out electron configurations? You should have encountered s, p, d, and f. The letters represent the angular momentum quantum number. It sounds like a mouthful, but it's really just the shape of the orbital and is sometimes symbolized by the letter l. The s orbitals have a spherical shape, p orbitals are sort of dumbbell-shaped, d orbitals look similar to a three-dimensional four-leaf clover, and f orbitals have more of a flower shape. When assigning a number to each shape, the s-shaped orbitals have an l = 0, the p orbitals have an l = 1, the d orbitals have l = 2, and the f orbitals have l = 3. So that last electron that we added to the silicon atom in the 3p orbital will have an l = 1 and be sort of dumbbell-shaped. So for this electron the n = 3 and the l = 1. You may notice that some combinations of quantum numbers are going to be impossible. For example, you can't have n = 1 and l = 2 for a cluster of quantum numbers because that would mean that the electron configuration would have to be 1d, and there are no 1d electrons.

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