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 No.332416[Watch Thread][Last 50 Posts][>][<]

doctos edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on:
Try to keep these to a minimum: Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting
>PPH trackers: https://marge.moe/ https://soygem.party/stats.php https://soyjak.link/
>Archive gemmy threads: https://archive.is https://ghostarchive.org
>View past threads: https://archive.is search - https://archive.marge.moe/ (warning: use latter with VPN/TOR)
Past happenings:
Previous thread:




Erm /soap/ sisters,,


nothing ever happens


Well the domain hasn't expired yet


Happening: shemmy janjan went rogue and posted xer password since xhe was leaking, most of /soy/ was wiped afterwards and ppd dropped hard


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lol what



>most of /soy/ was wiped
did we lose any posters to biden?


I forgot to change sharty's happening page 's link https://wiki.soyjak.st/Soyjak.party/Happenings


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/soy/'s 333333 GET is obtained:


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we pph bots won


the owner of RTR, lionswordleo12 has stepped down from his adminship and gave Mnep full admin over the site, The mnep era is already gaining new users and activity..


Retarded SNCA


btw RTR is not soysphere and never will be i just wanted to post here i don't want any soyteens grubby hands on this 'blox perfection


I don’t don’t know know what what is is it it is is it it was was it it was was a a little little bit bit of of a a little little something something like like a a little little thing thing like like


Mad! Ha-Ha!




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>they actually were trying


nothing ever happens




i got fucked in the ass by mutt


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>i got fucked in the ass by mutt


im serious


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the sharty looks like this for some fucking reason


>jarty layout
tjey miss them so bad
anyways there's an account system at the shloment because of bots
if someone getting biden'd cant take it anymore just contact one of the mods


also, for the account, make sure your links have mod.php?/ after shemmy.org so you dont post things twice after getting an error and also be aware of what you post because i don't think you can delete your own posts. youVILL make sure that you're not leaking anything when you post anything.


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it sounds messy but it was surprisingly simple to get through. i'm mostly just pleased to be able to post again after a week of being cockblocked by cuckflare.


tsmt i transheart being able to post


it's a good feeling, i just hope there are other non jannies around because fuck the janny cabal


one more thing; a little while ago, [games] was removed from the top bar. i know nobody really cared or talked about it, but i think it was nice to have around.


i am not janny never was one despite bothering them a lot


>jannies are le bad even doe they are kind and merciful and they delete my posts for me when i can't
checkmate, liberal.


tsmt, bring this back


tsmt, i cant tell if the jannies liked me because i posted a lot or hated me because of what i post lol



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sharty jannies removed several threads claiming that the site was a honeypot. i saw it happen. screenshot.


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this thread was posted, deleted ,reposted and deleted again on /soy/ and /pol/


schizo above do not interact


frootcord ip


seriously do soyim just not have any problem with this shit? or what??
I feel like everything is coming down to something even worse being added in the future…


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new snca
for the first time in a long time, /soy/ now comprises a minority of the sharty's daily post count. maybe baitGODS have scared nusoicacas off to the serioustroon boards?
/soy/ is 48.99% of the daily post count as of now.


the problem isn't that LEO is there, it's that LEO is there and there is all this insane datamining shit going on.
and no, they don't have a problem with it, the fact the site is still used in about the same quantity it was before the leaks shows this. it's crazy.


They are probably preparing to go full kike mode soon enough, notice how much they're trying to take after 4chan now except even more cucked.


i talked to somebody on the chinny about it, he explained that the site tells you to disable 'block outsider intrusion into lan' in your ublock settings. this means that the site is allowed to snoop into your local network, potentially even viewing the fucking traffic on your router.
i wouldn't recommend visiting without ublock + a vpn. at all.


this, they even added fucking google ads lmao


maybe that one GrandWizardMan namefag from several months ago was right about Quote being a glowie


did he actually say quote was one? i thought he only said the sharty was an obvious honeypot, he was proven right there.


you did NOT fuck my mom last night


he even joked about how quote is doing a bad job since glowies aren't supposed to interact with the communities they target and that he would report him for that lol


or maybe that was all part of his act


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Old news but I'm posting it anyway
/raid/ was cleared after a pedo youtuber got fucked with and either someone favorited softcore irl 'p or the guy did and blamed the sharty for it coming out, it's a mess and I can't bother too much to be honest


muh bulletproof hosting but they cuck out to stuff like that? theres no need to wipe the whole board



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Shut it down lmao


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It'll get banned whatever


heheyy i made that twitchjak


cease your lying posthaste


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lying evendoe i literally did


not the one in the image thoughever


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evendoe partially


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>fujoshits make everything soy related
straightcels.. did we just lose?


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watchu gon do about it ukeboi


I once again thank you for your incredible contributions to the site.




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sharty admins stopped using emails, I guess froot got so pissed at his email being shit up


Rundown on his email getting shat up?


it's more likely the new cabal got tired of it, froot doesn't do shit anymore


people just shit up his email with newsletters, pornhub signups, etc
i think froot is just going to go hiro and only operate the site for google ad money






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the kuz discord leak has happened
Take all of this with a massive pound of salt as the archive is gone
The following message is the text

Now i had been reasearching deeply into kuz’s history and what’s up with him for the past two weeks. The things i’ve written were hard to shape up because i simply just noted down info i found and the conclusions i drew from those as i went but since many of the paragraphs i wrote contained input for more than one argument it was difficult to splice them into paragraphs that only talk about a single argument. The whole thing was mixed paragraphs consisting of seperate but related arguments that were referring to other paragraphs that were also exactly that. And A LOT of those at that. So what i’m going to do is instead post about my findings bit by bit, and then make a final conclusive post that contain everything i previously posted. It isn’t a build up into a single big revelation, just a bunch of different stuff that i hope will make what is known about kuz and what he did far, far more clear since everything people say about him seems to be foggy and even people in this thread have failed to see the wider picture in some cases.

The first bit i’ll be sharing is this discord server that i’ve found on kuz.lol’s archive. I was very surprised to see the invite was still active, and even more baffled that the channel in which they discussed and posted shit that was BARELY not illegal is public to someone like me with no roles that just joined. The server seems to have only been used in late 2020 and then totally forgotten about. A lot of the accounts that were used are deleted and additionally it seems some of the users have wiped their history prior to doing so since there’s parts where it’s just one side of a conversation with the other side nowhere to be seen. I made dumps of the server with two different tools here.

Now both tools i used to make the exports were weird. One barely worked and didn’t dump all the media and the main channel is fractured into 102 different HTML files. The other seems to have dumped the media properly, but the whole channel is a singular file which makes it laggy. I once saw a dump on this site that displayed channels to the left with a page navigator and searchbar at the top, it was responsive and the whole server was confined to that single file rather than seperate files. I wanted to use that but couldn’t find it whatsoever so if you know what i’m speaking of please inform me about what it’s called and where i can find it. And since the invite is still active, i also recommend willing users here to go into the server yourselves so that there are more witnesses to the server’s existance since its possible to fake these. Not trying to gather a personal army or anything.

The server had magi/goth in it and scrolling through the media output folder i can see a bunch of weird fetish images, lolicon drawings, and children’s feet. There doesn’t seem to be anything straight up illegal but i haven’t seen the whole thing so inform me if you see such a thing.

Have these as a sneak peak

(Continued in next post


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Part 2


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Part 3
"As you can see, this is proof that kuz really does know goth. But this isn’t the only thing pointing to that. If you see this archive of 9chan.moe, you’ll see “kolyma” is hyperlinked to kolyma’s neocities which mentions magi. Not only that, but if you look up the snapshots under the kolyma.neocities.org domain on archive.is, you’ll see this page called “vephistory” which again not only mentions magi but also speaks of him “spamming CP and guro” which kuz thought was a good idea to document for some reason. One of the channels in the server that were there but i couldn’t access (the export tool shows names of channels you don’t have perms to see) was called VEP too."
"Who knows what went on there when you consider the kind of content that was on the channel visible to everyone.

I’ll have to head to slumber now. As i’ve said more findings will come and it won’t take long, probably will be in noon my time."


Anyways as per normal der shemmy walks away as the bad guy because of our larp
I still have not read all of the leaks and I know none of the sharty teens have. I read them at some point but the shit is hard to go through


I had found that same link looking through archives, didn't join since lack of a 'cord account however


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How do discords always lead to degeneracy?


Bump due to it being important


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How the fuck will kuzists recover from this? This is practically the death nail to their movement.


Archive where the discord can be found (do not join)
https://mega.nz/folder/nhInmZBD#QguOB7RmgY-ojFNTZ0JhlA mega link containing full server(be warned have not scanned)
https://archive.is/kGujm (magi mentioned on kolyma net)
It's fucking over


holy shit what a cope


Kuz it's already over


>kuz is a pedophile and was friends with goth
shit everyone has been saying for ages. he was friends on vidlii and on telegram. he openly groomed sobot. soi babies have the memory of a goldfish.


I never saw solid proof of it till now
I just assumed it was jarty seethe


It was always a mystery if he was or was not a pedophile




its about as solid as the other proof really, he could just say these leaks are fake also. there was old discord archives of kuz and some underage heyuri retard flirting with him, and it was more damming because it wasnt "deleted user", he just denied it was him and ppl forgot


If it gets denied how many do you think will go it's fake


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>just making shit up now


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>everyone that disagrees with me is kuz


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everyone that disagrees with me is kuz


Downloaded the mega file
Do not download it your self it is 90% garbage
Going through important looking files right now
Wait and I'll post it all


User lists screenshotted and posted into the servers


Crazy message with no user listed
Could just be a meme


Kuz bullying random person
Kuz's dms with random person
Supposedly kuz admitting to showing a 12 his penis
Kolyma net servers


Kolyma net servers 2


Message from a admin
Pro trans kuz
If you have this file and you not posting it kill your self


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>and got chocolate


File (hide): 1728603997280.mp4 (502.72 KB, 1280x720, 5196523-44650b7db9beeb2f8f….mp4) [play once] [loop]

Post that file NOW I need to hear more of her beautiful voice


Kuz "she is for mature for her age"" zy


File (hide): 1728604146411.png (24.67 KB, 810x1080, tranny kuz.png)

>she is for mature for her age


What is this?


Kuz bonding over showing people child porn


Kuz dm with random person
Kuz asking for nudes from random person
Kuz? Harassing random person
Magi name drop


More steam convo



More talk of magi
Kuz addressing criticism
Random image of a person cutting them selfs
Please reverse image search this and make sure they did not make someone cut them selfs


"cocks-kuz "if she is a fighter hold her tighter"zy


>that second image
Mamesonxisters are we 'cord coal?????


Looks like a generic image cuz typically when someone is forced to do that stuff they "fansign" the person's name


Random dms



More dms
Long deranged message


Begging for sex
Random messages
Kuz wanting a femboy pic or something


File (hide): 1728606433908.png (1.76 MB, 1000x1400, ClipboardImage.png)

>>>337565 (You)


Random photo
Kolyma net setup #4


File (hide): 1728606556923-0.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 42.87 KB, 473x357, 10004_1_1_LETSFUCKINGGOOO….jpeg)

File (hide): 1728606556923-1.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 319.63 KB, 640x741, 9977_1_1_ami_cutfig_2.jpg….jpeg)

Random gore posted for some reason on the server


And that's about it for the mega shit


Thats not the real kuz he does not have a 'cord


and also why are you a 'cord kike?


i watched the video making fun of vidlii kuz uses discord


squeak squeak


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>squeak squeak


Federal documents with CSAM in them were posted on the sharty and was wiped off the site along with any threads related to it other then the one calling out that it has CSAM


this really is doctos edition


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yeah i think its over for kuzism.


We cant give up doe we already went this far wuth the larp


sunk cost fallacy moment


the moment kuz let foodists onto his site is when kuzism fell, so basically when he became admin


froot and bust is the new kuz and goth


how do i react you with optimistic


>he doesn't know the shemmy equivalent


It's more like doll and discord tranny because doll was banning people calling out discord tranny's embedded 'p and deleted his doxx


let's replace kuzism with vadism or something. it entails being a lazy nigger


lee did nothing wrong


vadism is just pedophilia


projection award


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who the fuck is magi



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Two shemmy GETs on /gif/ at once, win
Warning: Last link is in a bestiality thread for some reason




Kek it's kino


there is nothing else to say


why was the tama get posted in the bestiality thread shoallycucks explain.


Because tama is a cat retard


Because shoallyfails are dogfuckers


Every accusation is a projection.




sorry i didn't know that someone made a thread for shemteens to post and there isn't much time left so i decided to click on the first thread that isn't locked on the first page of /gif/ and make a post on that thread


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Can someone make a backup of the wiki without this shit already?


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can we not have a wiki scraper with a static ip and 1 guy who does the captcha


Never forget




best idea in the universe award




how did shemalies not notice it was doll this nigger always uses sockpuppets with all caps


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/trash/'s 69999999 GET was claimed by a picture of nate
the thread GET thread on sharty's /soy/ was deleted


it actually is the get she should want because its the coomer board and it starts with 69(funny 100 sex number)




First thing that set me off is that he changed the Kolyma theme name to something retarded like yogurt immediately after becoming admin


xe also changed the kolyma rizz to the map flag or whatever.


when the jarty died did ragefag leave all the soy sites where did bro go


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Was a little board today so I happened to check the sharty and holy shit what the fuck is happening
>Person talking about fucking a dog according to teens (didn't get to read the whole thread but everyone agrees he does fuck dogs)
>Jannys approved his images
>After called out /soy/ is completely nuked
>Jannys are moving every thread so nothing can happen
If only we were not locked by Biden so we could shill while the site is actually on fire


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and people call us degenerates…


they call us actual pedophiles for no reason






i remember that fag, he did the same bait months ago


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shemmy's default theme was changed to "Spoopy"


honestly i prefer that, gem B looked like ass
normal gem should still be the default theme though
uhhh also jannies if you select a theme that isnt the default one and go to the homepage those themes racemix fix this NOW


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I made that! There's also a Dark Gem theme I made if you want to check it out too.



original dark gem mogs


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If only I knew they would of made a "spoopy" theme. Wouldn't have made my own.


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I'm sorry but I didn't know there was an existing Dark Gem theme already hence why I made one myself. I can guarantee you it's more customized though.


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red add voice chats


This isn't Discord. GTFO!


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shemmy's booru is down


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The Shemmy is having an inter-board banner contest




leaky soitroon kike ultraclitty negroid subhuman BRAPhog shitokoid faggot twp tranny BITCH above who will NEVER be white in a million years or even a fucking GORILLION seriously, shoot that nigger in the head for being a retarded obsessed shitskin """"creature"""". fuck you kike, fuck you.


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someone has been making auto quoting threads on /soy/ for more than 7 hours.


double the pph, nice!


jannies where the fuck are you?


too busy gooning in xmppcord vc


sage test


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more than 7 pages worth of posts were wiped during the spam


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My due apologies on behalf of the staff. I wasn't awake during the whole time but I've cleaned it up the moment I found out.


No problem


what happens now?


Angeleno said he would take it down on October 20. I feel glad he stayed true to his words.


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It's outside the soysphere, but did you guys see how now you need to either verify your email (hi glowies) or wait 15 fucking minutes to post now on /pol/, /v/, /vt/, /vg/ and /a/?
It started with /vg/ around the 10th, then spread to /pol/ and /v/ around the 20th. Now even /vt/ and /a/ have been forced into this shit. Check out the stickies on those boards if you don't believe me.
Only time well tell what this does to regular posters, but it looks like they'll keep spreading it to any board where the jannies want to discourage funposting.


I think 4chan is on it's way out with the rise of zoomer altchans like the sharty. It's only a matter of time before those boards become ghost towns.


I think IBs as a whole are on the way out, but i dont think soychans are on the upturn either. Saying the sharty is on the rise feels like a lie. A year ago there was a massive raid, big dox or screencap-tier gem thread every single day. Now these happen weekly.
I would cite PPD stats which fell a lot since late 2023 and very early 2024 but numbers mean nothing compared to the actual goings on.


I never said the sharty was on the rise, what I meant was that the sharty's rise already happened, and with it spawned a new wave of zoomer IB users that dislike 4chan. 4chan is dying more and more everyday, while the sharty is still somewhat alive and active in comparison.


sharty now redorects to a faulty irc webclient with a #soy channel on "irc.soyjak.st"
.st is an african tld for sao principe


You really love seeing the worst in everything, don't you.


can they seriously not just cook up some shitty bunker to use for the mean time instead of THE FUCKING IRC?


Aside from the sharty, are there really any other zoomer imageboards of note?
With accounts, I don't consider this a true imageboard. Chud.win is fun but it requires you know all the other posters to fit in like a friend group.
I genuinely don't see the other zoomer imageboards, unless you're saying you think the sharty and /qa/ and soy culture were notable for spawning a lot of anti-4chan zoomers who still want to use altchans?


How am I seeing the worst? I still post on the Sharty and have fun doing it, I just come here every few days to check out the ghost town. But you're a liar if you think the sharty lost most of its real relevance with notable raids, GET steals, doxes and internal happenings that were actually funny or notable to people who didn't care for soysphere drama.


kek TSMT. a nice bunker would be fun to use, remember 'leno's?


>With accounts, I don't consider this a true imageboard.
>what are boorus


Mandatory accounts.
And I don't consider boorus imageboards. To me an imageboard isn't just a collection of images, it's a specific type of message board. But I know many people call their favorite boorus imageboards, so maybe I should change the word I use.


I keep hearing people mention bikinijaks what the fuck is a bikinijak


probably a 'jak in a bikini


A soyjak of a bikini would be a lot gemmier methinks


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sharty developer quote/mud/balrog/ballos, openly states that he is fine with CSAM being up on splinters, and wanting to keep them up as long as possible so they could "shut down"


>actual glowie kikery
This is just cartoonishly evil


quote…. :(


soicucks would see this and either say
>based fuck splintercucks
i predict csam will be spammed in raids eventually




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wasnt this guy a janny here


yeah he went back to the shitty's side lol


who even is this nigga


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>the nerve to say this in a namefag chatroom


well i got some news for you little buddy


swinnyCHAD here
this is what we tried to warn you about back in March
you called us jartycucks now you directly pay the price


RuleCHADs won after all
Can't have civilisation without rules


this has nothing to do with rulecucking or not
plus you niggers literally sided with the sharty and quote every time they attacked us lel


>sided with the sharty despite the fact that frootcord personally spammed 'p on our website
hell naw shemmycucks do we really believe the frootcord?


There were threads on your dead nigger about how quote is based when he was botting us 24/7 and when the "summer war" was happening you were bragging on the sharty about spamming us. Viasyni still makes posts on the booru glazing the sharty to act like the sw*nny is on their level.


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despite the fact that >>347525 directly implies that you shemmygroypers thought that quote was based

before accusing others of what you do, always look at yourself


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>falling for bait this cheap
>still not addressing the point


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Apparently pointing out your own hypocrisy is now "falling for cheap bait." Keep coping shemmycaca, us swinnyaryans are clearly superior.


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The only faggots who genuinely defend the swinny are its own mods and this alone is an argument against it.


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I hadn't despite the fact thatt about this before IT'S FUCKING TRUE


File (hide): 1729565671329.gif (2.37 MB, 255x255, kek peper.gif)

If us swinnychuds are arguing with you right now, then how is our PPH far higher than yours right now?
>inb4 but you said pph doesn't matter
Who kept lecturing us that our pph is dead for months on end?
Shemmybrappers unironically post reddit memes KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK


What is this wordfilter I did not write this shit


fake frog shareblue kike DO NOT INTERACT


I know what makes the weabs seethe and you don't, who's the real frog now?


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>us swinnychuds
You are the only person here defending the swinny and I'm 115% sure you're either yar, viasyni or that tranny who runs the kiwicuck account.
>then how is our PPH far higher than yours right now?
Proof or GTFO


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>I know what makes the weabs seethe and you don't, who's the real frog now?


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>You are the only person here defending the swinny
Snopes said that this is misleading, can you provide me with sources?

Swinny amassed 15 posts in the last hour while the shemmy, at the time of shortly before this argument, was dead for over an hour except for one outlier who posted a few replies 30 minutes prior.

The fact that multiple obsessed faggots showed up to argue in the window of 5 minutes proves the existence of a shemmycord btw KEEEEEEEEEEEK


15 posts just on /soy/, there are also a few other boards on the swinny
Meanwhile the shemmy had like 3 at most, all from the same fag


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i eat him


You're welcome for the free PPH boost, shemmyfren


File (hide): 1729566757697.png (1.37 MB, 1024x1024, 1729566497781.png)

AHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA HOLY FUCKING SHIT nigger PLEASE. This is nothing to brag about. 15 FUCKING POSTS in an HOUR. We have consistently had 50-120 pph for the rest of the day because nearly all our users are European (white), and the combined posts per day is still orders of magnitude higher even when most people are asleep. You are so fucking low that 15 pph is incredible to you. Not even the shartytrannies you sucked off and worshipped are posting on your site when theirs is down. Good riddance.


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yes we have shemmycord and it mogs this entire site i run it yaaaaaaaas its so validating and i get to rulecuck it yaaaaaasssss. you know what the shemmycords called btw? cytube


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don't you think the same metric should apply to you? an organic community has its posts concentrated throughout the day instead of in one random burst. A healthy website should definitely not be dead in "the wrong hours."

That being said, what do *you* prove by having the shemmy lie completely dead for hours on end during "the wrong hours"? That most of your users are in a 'cord server and use the site in bursts?


There's a reason this was banned from the sharty BTW


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one random burst of me FUCKING YOU


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Nigger… what? Do you think the entirety of Europe is awake for a "short burst"? The high-activity hours I described lasted 10-15 hours today and gradually sloped down. You know nothing about this site because you only use your dead nigger bubble.


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What's the main internet entity here, the cytube or the shemmy?

If you leave the shemmy to die with 0 pph to prioritise the cytube over it, then is the shemmy just one big bunker for the shemmy cytube? And in that case, wouldn't that imply that there is no native shemmy population, making 100% of this site's userbase cytube immigrants?

Also feralcuck you shouldn't talk like you don't have a discord account yourself KEK i will never forget that


>sudden 0 pph


it was banned because they were continuously getting spammed with CP something that has not once happened on a shemmy cytube


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could it be because the 'p spammers pledge allegiance to the shemmy?


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'p still gets spammed here, coincidentally the same time as when the frootcord bot attacks come


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same on the swinny, i feel you shemmycaca


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There are cytubes hosted here that have tonnes of people joining and yet the site itself still remains active with people posting and contributing. The swinny struggles to even have 2 people online at the same time.


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then how do you explain today's period of nothing ever happening?


dude i cant even lurk on your site without cloudflare blocking mullvad and you're still getting 'p? the Vietnamese dude?


apparently the 'p spammers vpn hop between a fuckton of different providers leading to all of them just getting plain banned


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You lot have spent your entire lives as a website catering to the sharty and this is where you've wounded up. A nigger that gets botted by the very site you worshipped and is so dead that 15pph is something to brag about and you've probably spent more time arguing with offsiters than you have on your on website. I'm sorry to bear this news but it may be a good decision to stop niggercoping and work on yourselves instead of trying to be something that already exists and mogs you in every aspect.


>working on yourselves
>working on growing the website
What better way to do so then to argue with the dead nigger of a website called soycoal.party?


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It might be time to admit that this shitty bait trip on the shoally is more fun than all the time you've spent scraping the bottom of the barrel to keep your site alive.


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>admitting that the swinny is alive
Meanwhile 95% of your current PPH is this very argument KEEEEEEEEK


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both of you retards fighting got the thread autosaged kys


It's not saged retard it hit the bump limit, no surprise a swine doesn't know how imageboards work, gek!






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