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Waifuist Thread #2555 QG!LaneyabuJ6 10/18/2024 (Fri) 16:20:47 No. 502778
Besties and Friends
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>>503098 Ugh this is the quality content Allie been missing! >>503101 Shhhhhh, let it happen >>503095 Awwwww look at the lil bobbleheads
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>>503094 me alegro
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>>503102 yeah it’s been a long time since the “your girl loves shrimp” clip
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A quick on theme drive by
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>>503102 bro i was just looking through my throwback honeybun edits was not expecting sof! just goes to show girls hit when they hit...but dang she was an adorablllle bobble too! tbf tho she did disappear for awhile then come back
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(3.28 MB 720x1280 Queen of hearts [...].mp4)
>>503104 Man who are you telling! >>503110 Yeah i remember her being around but had no memory of her dancing with Cass. Surely she danced with all our cutes and we just have to look back and see lol
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>>503103 cutie Lika doesn't post enough :(
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>>503111 lmao i should revisit these movies now that i'm actually old enough to understand it all >>503112 yeah same like i remember that she was around yeah but let's be real back in the day everybody had their focuses and there really were sooooooo many cutes across each studio and choreographer it was hard to keep up with all of them!
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>>503114 You in the back? >>503115 Oh yeah we were certainly distracted, that's for sure
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>>503114 this...is not how colie's went at all lol
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>>503115 BTW do you have the Cass live with her saying Sophie is best or something recent, swear can't find edits i made
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in case u haven't seen, ping..
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>>503116 I wish I made dentist money >>503117 she had a dentist visit go wrong?
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>>503117 >>503119 lol that’s a roller coaster of emotions
(1.24 MB 720x770 soph glaze.mp4)
>>503118 tsk tsk OFC i have it! 😊 >>503120 no no it went right just took a few days >>503121 lol yeah the whole vid is a lot might've maybe possibly got me emotional!
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Teenage Kamelya is gonna be wew
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>>503119 Lmao oh gosh every time >>503120 Yeahhhh, but you would make all the cutes brush their teeth in front of you to make sure their techniques are good
(3.22 MB 1080x1920 I think I need t[...].mp4)
>>503122 Lol shush but also facts
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>>503124 I hadn’t thought of that perk! And I could have them send me vids of brushing at home just to monitor. That wouldn’t be weird right? Change of topic, do you know who this is? Not a who dis but a quiz.
(6.85 MB 1080x1920 kamelyamelnicoff[...].mp4)
this girl is so dang cute
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>>503126 Only if you are professional about it Oh gosh with those ears and face. Def Danielle
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>>503126 >colgate.com/en-gb/products/toothbrush/colgate-slimsoft Dr Sav98 says 0.01mm or gtfo
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>>503129 Got even more cutes but that's just my opinion
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when i am a 64 year old boomer i hope to travel around the south pacific in a sail boat with my qt 20-something gf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JZmnX4ZuBQ
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>>503132 Oh for sure. Crazy how her ear to head ratio stayed the same over the years.
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>>503128 teases
>>503070 she has one spicy body !!!
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>>503070 >s her name actually "Spice?" I mean, who names their kid that? she's a spice girl
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>>503134 Lol so very true >>503136 You aren't suppose to be looking!
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>>503138 Must be Sporty Spice 2.0 because she's got great abs and no tiddys lol
>>503079 i dont use tktk
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>>503142 New Carwoman movie in the works? I had to idea, looks better then the Halle Berry one
>>503139 >>>503136 (You) You aren't suppose to be looking! they must be watched under every angles
>>503140 >>503142 both are amazing halloween outfits
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>>503075 what a beauty
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naket girls.
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naket girls.
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