【珍報】ロシアさん、侵略してる側なのに何故か末期戦みたいな国内情勢になってしまう【働くモノニュース : 人生VIP職人ブログwww】 workingnews117.com/blog-entry-195…
posted at 23:52:30
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【珍報】ロシアさん、侵略してる側なのに何故か末期戦みたいな国内情勢になってしまう【働くモノニュース : 人生VIP職人ブログwww】 workingnews117.com/blog-entry-195…
posted at 23:52:30
ロシアカウントダウン!ウクライナ軍の撃破した装甲車両は5個師団分!?兵士不足で妊娠中絶禁止令が!?クルスクのウクライナ軍侵攻から2ヶ月ロシア軍のリソース不足が深刻に!|上念司チャンネル ニュースの虎側 youtu.be/7DYBrlKPWSw?si… @YouTubeから
posted at 23:50:57
posted at 23:46:06
ロシア、鉄道建設などで14歳も勤労動員 軍民で人材争奪 - 日本経済新聞 nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…
posted at 23:44:56
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posted at 22:13:29
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posted at 22:13:03
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posted at 22:11:54
お誕生日おめでとう💗 ナコルルはみんなの光✨ #ナコルル生誕祭2024 pic.x.com/qGsKdbncgR
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retweeted at 20:30:54
T-lex (Comms open)@tlex03353419
#Darkstalkers pic.x.com/n4RpjD8MhK
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retweeted at 20:30:38
Juri comm (blink182 cover), thanks so much for the support! pic.x.com/ysD3T6ICT3
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retweeted at 20:30:26
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retweeted at 20:30:04
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retweeted at 20:29:52
zoe and esme kiss scene degrassi fan video youtu.be/02e-6_LhgVs?si… @YouTubeから
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posted at 20:26:52
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posted at 20:26:41
おはようございます!今朝の本は 高水裕一「時間は逆戻りするのか」 講談社ブルーバックス@bluebacks_pub 「量子レベルでは時間の矢の逆行が観測されている」らしいですよ奥さまッ! 相対性理論、エントロピー、サイクリック宇宙... 何回読んでも理解は出来ませんが想像力がめちゃ刺激される1冊🔥 pic.x.com/VYMNQFKBwh
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 18:52:20
時間は逆戻りするのか 宇宙から量子まで、可能性のすべて(ブルーバックス) 高水裕一amazon.co.jp/dp/4065202108/… 昨年読んだ中で五本の指に入る面白さで、表現も読み易く肩肘張らず楽しめる。マクスウェルの悪魔やサイクリック宇宙論もそういうことなのかと。『鏡の中の物理学』もこちらで知った。いい本。
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 18:51:20
→浮世のしがらみを忘れて悠久の世界に遊ぶことができる。 「その研究は何かの役に立つのですか」と詰問してくる連中には、「こういうことを考えないと退屈のあまり死んでしまうのです」と答えておきたい。
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 18:49:43
→同様に「サイクリック宇宙」といった新しい宇宙論が、超弦理論やループ量子重力理論などから生まれている」 いずれにせよ現在進行形の研究テーマであり、自分が生きている間には結論は出ないだろう。それでも時々、本書のような解説本が現状説明をしてくれるのを読むことで、その間だけでも→
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 18:49:30
→ようなミクロの世界では一部で逆行することはあり得るかも」 「時間は重力(これも引力だけで斥力がない一方通行の物理力)と関係があるかも知れない」 「ビックバンから時間が始まるとすると観測者の問題が出てくるので、ホーキング博士は虚時間による神の存在を必要としない宇宙論を考えた。→
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 18:49:10
→いるかを説明していく。個人的には超弦理論と並ぶ最新宇宙理論の一つである「ループ量子重力理論」というのがおもしろかった。 当然ながら結論のようなものは無いのだが、それでも要約すると次のような感じに落ち着くのではないかと思う。 「マクロな世界で時間が逆行することは無いが、量子の→
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 18:48:31
→盛り込んだ、幕の内弁当のような本だった。 「空間はなぜ三次元なのか?」「空間(タテヨコ高さ)は自由に動けるのに、なぜ"時間の矢"は一方向にしか動かないのか?」といった素朴だが深い疑問に対して、相対性理論や量子力学、超弦理論などの考え方を紹介しつつ、現在ではどのように考えられて→
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retweeted at 18:48:05
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 18:47:50
【遊戯王】マスターデュエルを救いたい【絶対ショウリ/天獄組】 youtube.com/live/AtMPHufd7… @YouTubeから
posted at 18:36:05
【生配信】酔っぱらいながら真剣に絵描いてみた【難波ワン/天獄組】 youtube.com/live/fTN7q1d4x… @YouTubeから
posted at 18:35:43
【超美麗】特級呪物を選んだら即お持ち帰り!? ガチ呪物商店~怖いよ深層組~【なまほしちゃん/わからせちょろ/刺杉あいす/数打あたる/甘神すう/Vtuber】 youtube.com/live/sAyFdc5P1… @YouTubeから
posted at 18:33:41
【DWUお嬢様】ボス参戦!🔥対談わからせる…!?✨【わからせ ちょろ/深層組】 youtube.com/live/Zu8QhQfIm… @YouTubeから
posted at 18:32:47
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posted at 17:36:06
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posted at 17:35:29
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posted at 17:34:48
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posted at 17:33:47
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posted at 17:31:23
後ろから揉まれるシスターティファニア pic.x.com/ffpU8gzqAp
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retweeted at 17:29:38
サイトとデルフ! 楽に描けると思ったら やけに苦戦してしまった・・・ pic.x.com/lmFYjydNIz
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 17:29:11
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posted at 17:24:17
❤️Fredmonica Kisses Touya youtu.be/3Sd6BMYXLEU?si… @YouTubeから
posted at 14:30:25
戌神ころね 妖怪ウォッチ 出演 #hololive #ホロライブ youtu.be/IBxuqmS3Ueg?si… @YouTubeから
posted at 14:29:51
サムデイインザレイン名シーン youtu.be/aUeZn0Qazvk?si… @YouTubeから
posted at 14:29:26
베지터가 처음으로 초사이어인 되는날! 카카로트 너는 내가 죽여주마 - 드래곤볼 Z 명장면 youtu.be/IzSfi_uAyjQ?si… @YouTubeから
posted at 14:29:00
Unless the particles are flowing within the correct axis of space.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:27:58
This means that energy produced by current torus reactors will be minimal in comparison to the amount of energy that is required to run them.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:27:57
On = in
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:27:55
In this sense current torus reactors are cancelling out the magnetic fields they have created by circulating particles on the wrong axis of space.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:27:51
* be an
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:27:41
That’s going to bean expensive problem to fix 🤦♂️
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:27:39
In the respect the space particles are flowing in within current torus reactors should be completely avoided.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:27:37
In this sense there is too much uniformity within torus reactors and not enough difference.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:27:09
Although I’m not sure how much you’d want to reverse order and disorder within laboratory settings.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:27:08
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:26:36
In this sense the particles within torus reactors are flowing outside axis of space that can reverse order and disorder.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:26:33
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:26:27
The particles with fusion/ torus reactors seem to be flowing the wrong way.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:26:16
So our current quantum field is in some respects the visual representation between order and disorder.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:50
In this sense the future of our quantum field could currently be viewed as relatively disorder and the previous version of our quantum field could be viewed as closer to order in relation to infinity.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:48
But dark energy/ matter couldn’t function without an antithetical alignment of axis of space.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:47
Dark energy/ matter is a particular alignment of axis of space that can partially reverse order and disorder.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:45
‘Produced’ is probably the wrong word, but ‘converted’ may be more appropriate.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:39
In this respect quantum information seems to be the result of energy/ information being produced at the wrong time in relation to our quantum field, but it’s the right time in relation to infinity.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:38
However black holes appear to have a limited capacity to reverse order and disorder as they always emit energy/ information that is supposed to exist in the future.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:37
Black holes appear to be a reversal of the order and disorder we can view in matter, particularly stars.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:36
However some of the axis of space within stars seem to be in alignment with black holes.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:34
However stars may emit a proportionately higher amount of information that truly exists in the future.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:32
In this sense black holes seem to emit more information from the past and stars seem to emit an equilibrium of information from the past and the future.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:31
However the proportions of that energy and information appears to be very different.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:29
But yet black holes seem to emit the same type of energy and information at their periphery as stars emit from their surface.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:28
In this sense black holes are a type of antimatter because they can’t obtain a mass in the same way stars can.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:26
Black holes seem to be the antithesis of the order and disorder we can view in matter, particularly stars. In this sense stars occupy different axis of space than black holes.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:17:24
So the equilibrium that allows for the energy in photons to exist within our quantum field is a much bigger equilibrium that is closer to infinity.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:16:12
Because the energy within our quantum field is in a type of equilibrium between order and disorder, but it’s not in a full equilibrium if you count the energy within photons.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:16:08
In this sense the vastness of our quantum field seems to allow for too much energy to exist within a particular axis of space.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:16:06
In this sense energy is an axis of space at a particular time between order and disorder.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:16:04
So in a way space remains fluid, but time has a specific course.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:16:02
But it’s not necessary at a specific point in what we view as space.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:16:00
The energy within a single photon without duality is at a very specific point in the future.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:15:57
Those breaks in waves of information seem to form more of a uniform symbiotic wave of information.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:13:51
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:13:45
In this respect space/ time exists between quantum fields and spacetime is a form of information.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:13:43
In this sense momentary breaks in waves of information must be fundament to the complexity of infinity.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:13:41
In this sense the information from our previous quantum field seems to only fully exist until there is a further break in the wave of information and another big bang happens.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:13:23
The energy from photons appears to be a condensed form of all of the information from the previous version of our quantum field, but that information is spread throughout a wave of information until that wave is broken.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:13:14
That present being the exact point of the Big Bang, depending on which black hole you’re referring to and which big bang you’re referring to.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:11:16
Apart from the singularity of a black hole which doesn’t exist in the past or the future, but only exists in the present.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:11:15
Overlapping information/ axis of space can be more aligned with the past or the future.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:11:14
In this sense the energy within a photon could be viewed as a type of overlapping information.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:11:04
So energy and information overlap because they are essentially the same thing. Overlapping information is just another name for energy.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:11:02
And all stars within our quantum field, but it’s difficult to know where the current version of our quantum field begins because there appears to be an overlap.
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retweeted at 12:11:01
Unlike the photons that are currently produced by our sun.
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retweeted at 12:10:59
This may mean that most of the information we can observe with powerful telescopes comes fro photons that had an equilibrium with our quantum field in terms of the energy they carried.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:10:58
In this respect our reality is somewhere in between the energy of photons and the information of photons.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:10:57
In this sense the information from photons always seems to come from the past, but yet the energy from photons belongs in the future.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:10:55
Perhaps it’s the information from photons from a different time that belongs here.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:10:53
But the information from photons seems to belong here.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:10:51
In this respect the energy from photons seems to reflect the fluidity of infinity.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:10:40
Perhaps the energy from photons doesn’t fully belong anywhere within the complexity of infinity and its a type of ubiquitous energy.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:10:39
In this sense the energy from a photon doesn’t seem to belong here.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:10:37
Perhaps all photons are a bit like this, but it’s more observable within photons from the spectrum of light.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:10:36
Photons from the spectrum of light seem to be at an equilibrium with the future rather than the present, which is perhaps why everything we view seems so holographic.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:10:35
Electrons appear to be more aligned with the axis of space within matter and the transition from the past to the future. They appear to facilitate the transition of axis of space from the past to the future.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:04:16
They’re = their
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:03:07
Electrons seem to reflect previous versions of our quantum field and they seem to create types of wormholes if they’re energy fields are altered, but they seem to be more aligned with our current quantum field than photons are.
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 12:03:04
時間も空間もない「時空の無」とは一体何なのか?宇宙は時空の無からどのようにして誕生したのか?【ゆっくり解説・科学】 youtu.be/q5PpxH9Yovk?si… @YouTubeから
posted at 10:26:13
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posted at 10:25:53
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posted at 10:25:33
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posted at 10:25:14
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posted at 10:22:26
ぱんぱん pic.x.com/JgcN8jxt4k
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retweeted at 10:17:08
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posted at 10:16:37
night pic.x.com/rcalnhAV1N
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retweeted at 10:06:14
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retweeted at 10:05:55
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posted at 02:57:00
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posted at 02:55:52
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 02:50:27
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retweeted at 02:49:57
不同意性交の境界線は実務上曖昧で、判例の積み重ねを待つしかないが、相手の表面的な同意に頼らず、内心や状況をちゃんと確認することが重要。 いやいや、下半身が暴走モードで冷静に判断できないこともあるだろうけど、そこは自分の将来のためにグッと堪えろ。 「お前の判断ミスで何年も活動停止だぞ」と下半身に言い聞かせるのが、法律上も身のため。やらかしてから後悔しても遅い。
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 02:49:41
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 02:49:08
「内心NO」でも捕まるのか? 特に気になるのは⑤⑥⑧だろうな。「いや、あの時はお互い同意してたし」って言い訳も、相手が後になって「あの時はイヤだったけど断れなかった」って言ったら即逮捕の可能性もある。 しかも上司と部下、教師と生徒みたいな力関係があれば、「断れない状況だったんじゃ?」って見なされやすい。
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 02:48:49
①暴行・脅迫:殴ったり脅したりして無理やり。わかりやすい王道の違法パターン。 ②心身の障害:相手が心や体の状態が悪くて抵抗できない状況。これもアウト。 ③アルコール・薬物の影響:酔っ払わせたり薬使って正常な判断を奪うのも論外。 ④睡眠・意識不明瞭:寝てる時にヤるとか、もはや論外中の論外。 ⑤同意しない意思を形成・表明・全うするいとまの不存在:不意打ちや「えっ?」って相手が混乱してる隙にヤろうとするのもNG。 ⑥恐怖・驚愕によりフリーズ:予想外の状況にビビって動けなくなった時。例えば突然押し倒して、「やば、どうしよう…」ってフリーズしちゃった場合。 ⑦虐待による心理的反応:虐待された経験で「何も言えない、動けない」って状況。こういう時も全然ダメ。 ⑧経済的・社会的関係上の地位を利用した不利益の憂慮:立場を利用して「断ったら仕事なくなるかも…」と思わせるケース。上司・部下や教師・生徒など。
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retweeted at 02:48:04
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 02:46:43
「不同意性交」って、ただ「女が嫌がってるのに無理やりヤること」って思ってないか? それも確かに正しいんだけど、改正後ではもっと複雑。 世間のオッサンが一番ビビってるのは、「表面上はOKだったけど、女性の内心ではNOだった」ってパターンだろう?
Retweeted by sonicboy73
retweeted at 02:46:16
【不同意性交罪についてオッサン向け解説】 ジャングルポケットの斉藤の件で、「俺もいつか捕まるんじゃないか…?」と夜も眠れないオッサンが増えてるらしいから、弁護士として冷静に解説するわ。 ↓
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retweeted at 02:45:58
【やばすぎやろ!】上野由岐子 242勝52敗 防御率0.65 2360奪三振【反応集】【プロ野球反応集】【2chスレ】【5chスレ】 youtu.be/EQq0gn-my1k?si… @YouTubeから
posted at 02:43:13
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posted at 02:42:48
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posted at 02:42:12
3期生と こんマッスル💪! #ノエラート #マリンのお宝 #ぺこらーと #しらぬえ pic.x.com/NzjeEDu72J
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retweeted at 02:03:56
兎人参化 #ぺこらーと pic.x.com/BG64I9VuOj
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retweeted at 02:01:44
笑ってる推しが世界一カワイイ #ぺこらーと pic.x.com/vxPgd22cta
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retweeted at 02:01:01
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peko | ゆあさ #兎田ぺこら #ぺこらーと #ホロライブ #pixiv pixiv.net/artworks/87804…
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兎田ぺこら - ニコ百 dic.nicovideo.jp/id/5582034 #兎田ぺこら #ホロライブ #nicopedia
posted at 01:52:45
兎田ぺこら - Wikipedia ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%8E…
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「安倍晋三と小沢一郎のもののけ姫MAD」を見るゆゆうた【切り抜き】 youtu.be/vqXqkPhNB94?si… @YouTubeから
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posted at 00:26:36
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posted at 00:24:26
紫宮の発言を勘違いする一ノ瀬うるはwww【ぶいすぽ/切り抜き】 youtu.be/RX94jGwJ1R4?si… @YouTubeから
posted at 00:23:48
塗り練っしゅ pic.x.com/PbJ2Ek6xNE
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retweeted at 00:21:34
魔女ヒカリちゃん🧙♀️ pic.x.com/q9Z9vR8jC4
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retweeted at 00:21:29
枯れ木も山の何とやらの精神で慌てて描き描き ナコルルおめ! #格ゲーキャラ描こうぜ #ナコルル生誕祭 pic.x.com/wdfpZWuGTf
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retweeted at 00:21:22
SF6でプチコラボしてたのでレイレイ描いたよ! Hsien-Ko is so cute!! #格ゲーキャラ描こうぜ #darkstalkers pic.x.com/TBFdhesi13
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retweeted at 00:21:12
不知火舞🪭 #格ゲーキャラ描こうぜ pic.x.com/kRqctzgDRQ
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retweeted at 00:19:45
Cammy #StreetFighter6 #SF6 #StreetFighter pic.x.com/hEvcbm8xvh
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retweeted at 00:19:23