What is world federalism?
Federalism: A government system where states/provinces are subordinate to a central governing body.
World Federalism: A centralized global government system where nations would play a subordinate role under a world government, where all officials would be elected to their positions.
In this new global government, local problems would be allowed to be solved locally, national problems solved nationally, and global problems solved globally. State sovereignty would still be respected.
The Pillars of World Federalism
Our world federation will be built on the principles of democracy, republicism, secularism, and federalism
Together these concepts support a worldwide structure that can tackle today’s most pressing problems
Government by and for the people with free and fair elections over a period of time.
In our global democracy, citizens will have a voice in the affairs of their government through a variety of means, such a congress or parlimentary body. That creates laws and holds free and fair elections for every nations. as free and fair elections.
Each nation and region on Earth is provided with elected officials to represent their interest.
In our democratic-republic supreme power is held by its citizens and exercised by elected officers and representatives who govern according to law. Republics are governed by law, and not ruled by dictators, monarchs, oligarchs, aristocrats, or theocrats.
Our global government will be secular in order to respect the freedom of people’s beliefs.
With over 4,000 world religions including atheists and agnostics. Our secular government can help eliminate the pitfalls of religious extremism, and allow religious communities to flourish peacefully without interference. This will help prevent unwanted wars because of religion.
Solverign nations joining together under one central world governing system.
Our government allows nations to join together in while still maintaining their national governments. Because international problems cannot be resolved by the nations unilaterally. The world’s nations will join together as one to deal with dire problems.
“Humanity is reaching its most advanced stage, the era of maturity, characterized by cooperation among men in contrast with the antagonism of the past.”
Dr. Francesco Stipo, World Federalist Manifesto (2007)
The Key Areas where we need to make change.
The first step to building a world federal government is to work with existing organizations. Many non-governmental (NGOs) around the world have done great work creating the foundation for a strong democratic world government. This includes: educating the public, conducting research, providing aid, sharing technology, and legal support regarding human rights.
Take some time and look at the organizations below, and learn more about the work they are doing to empower the people of the world. By supporting these organizations, including DWF, and way that you can, you truly make a difference for those who are less unfortunate and you help yourself as well.
International criminal courts with World law
The International Criminal Court (ICC) investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression.
Int'l Coalition Responsibility to protect
The RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT (“RtoP” or “R2P”) is a new int’l security and human rights norm to address the int’l community’s failure to prevent and stop genocides, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.
United Nations parlimentary assembly
The UNPA is a global network of parliamentarians, NGOs, scholars, and dedicated citizens that advocate for the democratic representation of the world’s citizens at the UN. A UNPA for the first time would give elected representatives.
International Environmental courts
The ICE Coalition represents a growing number of environmental, legal, business, academic and NGO stakeholders who advocate for an international rule of law that protects the global environment for present and future generations. order.
Supporters of World Federalism
“We’ve all heard about globalization of power and globalization of profit and globalization of greed until we’re blue in the face… It’s time to balance the books with globalization of peace, globalization of freedom and justice, globalization of prosperity and opportunity. If we want it, we can have it.”
Al Gore
“There’s an old African proverb that says “‘f you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ We have to go far — quickly. And that means we have to quickly find a way to change the world’s consciousness about exactly what we’re facing, and why we have to work to solve it.”
Pope Francis
“To build peace also means to work actively for the care of creation… The efforts made in recent times to respond to climate change will meet with increased cooperation on the part of all, for the earth is our common home, and we need to realize that the choices of each have consequences for all.”