Welcome to Holy Cross, Croy

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The Parish of Holy Cross, Croy

Holy Cross, Croy, has over 100 years of parish life. The faith and resolve of the parishioners of Holy Cross is well known. For all that has been achieved, we are grateful and proud.

A Parish is described by one Vatican Document thus:

“…the Parish is envisioned as a response to a precise pastoral need, namely that of bringing the Gospel to the People through the proclamation of the faith and the celebration of the Sacraments.  …the Parish is a house among houses and is a response to the logic of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, alive and active among the community. It is visibly characterised then, as a place of worship, a sign of the permanent presence of the Risen Lord in the midst of his People.” We ask for the grace to be such a parish and we strive to ensure that there is a place for everyone here.

This is the Faith of our Church

Holy Cross RC Parish is large, friendly and vibrant; it lies half-way betweenCumbernauld and Kilsyth. Originally, the parish served the Irish Immigrants who found employment in ironstone and coal mining. Many of them settled in the area bringing with them their strong devotion to the Church.

Thankfully, this devotion and faith remains strong and our parish has a regular weekly attendance of over 600 people.

One of the Parish treasures is a Relic of the True Cross. In addition, the parish also claims indirect responsibility for the Marian Shrine at Nethercroy, near the canal. Here, Our Lady has the title “Protectress of the People of Holy Cross, Croy.”

The Parish Hall is available to hire for events.