A Close Look At Mossad — The Group Claiming Responsibility For Killing Another Iranian Scientist

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1962: Mossad agents reportedly sent letter-bombs to German scientists serving in Egypt's missile program

letter bomb Mossad Israel

In his book, The Bomb in the Basement: How Israel Went Nuclear and What That Means for the World, Michael Karpin recounted that in November 1962, the director of an Egyptian company Antra Dr. Heinz Krug went missing.

At the end of that month, one letter bomb at Cairo's Factory 333 addressed to Wolfgang Pilz, who was in charge of the missile building operation, left his secretary blind, deaf and facially disfigured.

The following day, a parcel addressed to General Kamal Azzar, an Egyptian army coordinator for German scientists' work exploded, killing Egyptian scientist Michael Khouri and five Egyptian engineers.  

Source: Reuters


1963: Mossad agents allegedly used intimidation tactics on scientist's families

Mossad The Debt man threat woman

In 1963, Swiss police arrested two Mossad agents, one Israeli and one Austrian, after a German scientist's daughter accuses them of threatening her.

The two agents told Heidi Goercke that if her father refused to leave Egypt, he could expect "serious problems." They were arrested for suspicion of participation in failed assassination of Hans Kleinwachte.

In light of these events, Mossad chief Issar Harel resigned and the two agents were freed after a few months.

Source: Reuters


1972: Mossad agents reportedly used guns and booby traps to hunt down Palestinians terrorists

Mossad Israel Palestine terror Olympic Games
One of the terrorists, who killed 11 Israeli athletes, at the 1972 Olympics. AP

On September 5th, 1972, during the 1972 Olympics, a group of terrorists killed two Israeli athletes and took nine others as hostage.

After unsuccessful negotiations during which the terrorists demanded the realease of 232 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons, all hostages, one West German police officer and five terrorists were killed. 

Terrorists targeted as a result of this massacre were allegedly shot, blown up by a booby trapped phone and a booby trapped car.  

Source: Global Directions


1973: Mossad assassins were accused of shooting a waiter, after mistaking him for a Palestinian terrorist

server waiter

In 1973, Ahmed Bouchiki, a Moroccan-born waiter working in Norway, was mistaken for Ali Hassan Salameh. \

Five Mossad officers were tried and eventually released. Israel offered compensation to the waiter's family.

Source: Reuters


1985: US Navy analyst Jonathan Pollard was arrested for spying and sharing intelligence with Israel

Mossad Israel Jonathan Pollard free spy
Israelis protest, asking US to free Pollard. AP

After being recuited by Mossad, Pollard was caught trading information to the israeli agency Lakam and sentenced to life in prison.

Israel apologized to the United States and dismantled Lakam, an Israeli agency that specialized in scientific cooperation. 

According to the Associated Press, in November of last year, Pollard's wife said he will not survive another year in prison. 

Source: Reuters


1991: four Israelis were arrested during an attempt to bug the Iranian embassy in Cyprus

Mossad Cyprus Iran phone tap
Michael Blann/Getty Images

The agents were released for lack of evidence.

In 1998, two more suspected Mossad officers were arrested and charged with spying on sensitive military installations in Cyprus.

Source: Reuters


1995: motorbike-borne gunmen allegedly killed Islamic Jihad chief Fathi Shiqaqi.

Mossad Israel kill Fathi Shiqaqi
Islamic Jihad rally in remembrance of Shiqaqi. Abid Katib/Getty Images

Shiqaqi was shot outside a hotel in Sliema, Malta, at point-blank range with a gun with a silencer.

The two men on a motorcycle fired five bullets into his head. Police officials called it "a professional job." 

Source: The New York Times


1997: Two Mossad assassins were captured after a failed attempt to poison Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal

Mossad Israel poison Hamas Khaled Meshaal
Khaleed Meshaal Louai Beshara/Getty Images

Two agents, who pretended to be Canadian tourists, were arrested by Jordanian police. According to The New York Times, Mossad was no longer allowed to keep office in Amman after this accident. 

What's more, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repaired ties with Jordan by freeing Hamas's spiritual mentor, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, from prison.

Source: Reuters


1998: a group of Israelis were discovered tapping the phones of a suspected Lebanese Hezbollah militant in Switzerland

switzerland flag
AP Images

The Mossad agent admitted to spying on the Lebanese-born car dealer, conducting illegal activity on behalf of a foreign country, and using forged identity papers.

Israel paid almost $2 million in bail to guarantee agent's return for the four day trial that took place two years after the accident. Surprisingly,

Swiss justice officials allowed the agent's identity to remain secret and used his assumed name for the trial. 

Source: The New York Times


2004: two Mossad agents were found to have stolen the identity of a quadriplegic New Zealander

New Zealand Passport Mossad Israel

New Zealand took offense to this identity theft and imposed diplomatic sanctions on Israel, restricting Visas and uninviting Israeli President Moshe Katsav, who was planning to visit the country.

Hamas praised New Zealand's actions against the "Zionist security apparatuses."

Source: Foreign Policy


2006: A planned assassination by Mossad led to a bombing raid that destroyed a nuclear plant in Syria

Mossad Israel Syria nuclear reactor
Satellite image of reactor before bombing AP

In 2006, ten Mossad agents were allegedly supposed to assassinate a senior Syrian nuclear official.

After installing trojan software in his laptop, they found photographs and blueprints for a plutonium reactor. 

In September 2007, Israeli fighter bombers destroyed the nuclear plant.

Source: The Telegraph


2010: Mossad agents reportedly smothered Hamas military Commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh

Hamas Dubai Assasination

A team of 11 agents attempted to break Mabhouh's room after tracking him as he checked into al-Bustan hotel in Dubai.

After they failed to break into his room, it's believed the team tricked him into opening his door and forcing their way in.

When the team left the room, they locked the door from the inside and put the latch and chain in place. By the time Mabhouh's body was found the next day, the killers were on their way to Paris, Frankfurt, Hong Kong and South Africa.

Source: The Telegraph


2010: Southern Sinai Governor suspected Mossad of using a shark to hurt Egypt's tourism


After a shark attack on five tourists resulted in one death, Israel National News quoted Southern Sinai Governor Abed Al-Fadij as saying: 

“We must not discount the possibility that Mossad threw the shark into the sea, in order to attack tourists who are having fun in Sharm al-Sheikh. Mossad is trying to hurt Egyptian tourism in any way possible, and the shark is one way for it to realize its plan.” 

Source: Foreign Policy


BONUS: A vulture, suspected of being a Mossad agent, was captured in Saudi Arabia over a year ago

hungry baby birds

The vulture, named R-65, was carrying a global positioning satellite (GPS) transmitter and a ring etched with the words "Tel Aviv University."

Saudi Arabian security forces suspected the bird of spying for Israel. According to the researchers, R-65 was one of seven vultures that were marked in Israel in the last few years that reached Saudi Arabia.

Source: Israel National News


Most recently, Mossad has been suspected of killing off Iranian nuclear scientists.

car bomb Israel assassination kill Iranian nuclear scientist

Click here find out more about the most recent death of an Iranian scientist. >

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Israel Iran Murder
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