Hello! I just wanted to start off by saying I adore your art and your TWST Ciel au! It makes me smile whenever I see a new post from you! 💕

If you’re still open to TWST Ciel interaction request I was wondering how you imagine a meeting between Ciel, Kalim, and Jamil would be like? I wonder if Kalim and Jamil would remind Ciel of Soma and Agni in a way, especially if Jamil ended up making curry buns at some point and shared one with Ciel? 🤔

Keep up the amazing work!


HI! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE!!!💗💖💗💖 And for the nice words, it makes me very happy!!😭💕💕💕

I think Ciel would have tried to tolerate Kalim but at some points he still broke down. Kalim could really remind him of Soma! "He's so loud and annoying, laughing all the time!🙄". BUT IF THEY GOT TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER... That would be lovely!!😭💗💔💗💔
They could be somewhat similar. They are calm and want to be invisible to others (at least definitely Ciel). It seems to me that Ciel would really like Jamil, he could joke about him sometimes! Jamil sees Ciel as a younger brother, BUT he also takes him seriously. Jamil will keep an eye on him so that he doesn't do anything to Kalim, but Ciel himself doesn't want to be in Kalim's company, so Jamil isn't too worried😊
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@glitchy-anime-fan YOU'RE WELCOME, AND THANK YOU SM!!😭💗💖💕💕💕 I'm glad you liked it!!🥰🥰🥰

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@twisted-in-underland THANK YOU SO MUCH, DEAR🥺🥺🥺💗💕💗💕💗

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@zetsubobu 💗❣️


ciel and kalim are so cuteeeee, he really would remind him of soma! I also feel like ciel would have a bit of a soft spot for him (if this au plays after the blue cult arc) considering what happend to soma


also kalim appears like fusion of soma and agni


also ciel definitely would hire jamil as one of his bodyguards haha, especially here where sebastian isn't present

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