I’m loving the ciel in twst au so far and I can’t wait to see what happens in the text comic!

Tho I was wondering do you plan to have ciel meet malleus like how the mc meets him in game, and if so what nickname would ciel give malleus?


Thank you, I'm glad you like it!!🥰💗💗💗

I planned for everything to happen with Ciel as with MC/YUU. Therefore, Ciel and Malleus would have met each other for the first time on the street at night!

I think if Malleus had told Ciel that he could call him whatever he wanted, Ciel would have been stunned at first😳. Ciel might even have remembered Sebastian:

In fact, this scene ends pretty quickly, so I think Ciel would at least not have had time to come up with a nickname! As a result, Grim comes up with the nickname "Tsunotarou"❣️

Thanks for the interesting question!!☺️💕💗

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