Upload an image with up to 10 Megabytes using a single HTTP POST (multipart/form-data) request. An image can be uploaded by sending an image file or passing an accessible to an API url.
Account identifier tag.
An image binary data. Only needed when type is uploading a file.
User modifiable key-value store. Can use used for keeping references to another system of record for managing images.
Indicates whether the image requires a signature token for the access.
A URL to fetch an image from origin. Only needed when type is uploading from a URL.
Upload an image response
Image file name.
Image unique identifier.
User modifiable key-value store. Can be used for keeping references to another system of record for managing images. Metadata must not exceed 1024 bytes.
Indicates whether the image can be a accessed only using it's UID. If set to true, a signed token needs to be generated with a signing key to view the image.
When the media item was uploaded.
URI to thumbnail variant for an image.
Whether the API call was successful
curl --request POST \--url https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/account_id/images/v1 \--header 'Authorization: Bearer undefined' \--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \--form file= \--form metadata= \--form requireSignedURLs= \--form url=
1{2"errors": [],3"messages": [],4"result": {5"filename": "logo.png",6"id": "107b9558-dd06-4bbd-5fef-9c2c16bb7900",7"meta": {8"key": "value"9},10"requireSignedURLs": true,11"uploaded": "2014-01-02T02:20:00.123Z",12"variants": [13"https://imagedelivery.net/MTt4OTd0b0w5aj/107b9558-dd06-4bbd-5fef-9c2c16bb7900/thumbnail",14"https://imagedelivery.net/MTt4OTd0b0w5aj/107b9558-dd06-4bbd-5fef-9c2c16bb7900/hero",15"https://imagedelivery.net/MTt4OTd0b0w5aj/107b9558-dd06-4bbd-5fef-9c2c16bb7900/original"16]17},18"success": true19}