The Hallett Inquiry - Evidence given on 26 September 2024
Professor Whitty's responsibilities in the Covid saga
What does the CMO do, you may ask? It was not easy to find a list of responsibilities; the best we can do so far is this:
So, to sum up, the CMO is the country's number one public health authority. He/she advises the government on public health matters. He/she is a physician. He/she is independent, well, sort of, as his/her career and honours depend on ministers, as events have shown.
His/her advice is sought as and when but is not binding.
He/she may or may not toe the government line.
So, under his advisory stewardship, the following took place before, during and after the Covid pandemic:
A public health emergency was declared based on unverified data
Failure to observe what was going on in other countries (“ahead of the curve”)
Failure to stop or dissociate himself from politicians talking nonsense (“zero Covid” and “flattening the sombrero”)
Failure to ask questions on the verification of “cases”
Failure to verify the reliability of testing
Failure to put in place mechanisms for the separation of possible cases from other hospital admissions
Failure to tackle the problem of Hospital Acquired Infections
Mandating the use of 200 different “containment” measures (known as throwing the kitchen sink at a problem you do not understand)
Failure to study the mode of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a systematic way
Failure to study the timings of the epidemic curves in relation to testing times
Failure to protect the young, the frail and pregnant women - Potentially endangering the said categories by mandating vaccines which had not been tested in these populations
Failure to communicate commensurate risks of SARs-CoV-2 to his patients (England)
Endorsing the use of vaccines the properties of which not even regulators understand
Endorsing the use of face masks in the absence of evidence of effectiveness or knowledge of the mode of transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Failure to encourage a programme of randomised trials and other studies to fill the evidence gaps, providing modellers and influencers ample room to make “assumptions”
Aiding and abetting the construction of a fear narrative
Failure to investigate the causes of “Covid deaths” and excess mortality
Farcical attribution of excess mortality to statin starvation over 12 months
Lack of apology for the social and economic butchery suffered by the people
Failure to press for the institution of measures to prevent social media, modellers and influencers from dictating government policy
Failure to institute a national framework for the assessment of short, medium and long-term effects of restrictions
Failure to denounce the activities of Matt Hancock in suppressing what he considered as “enemies’ views”
Failure to act post-COVID and investigate the causes of excess deaths, exploding NHS waiting lists and why the mental health of the population massively deteriorated.
But apart from these minor points, well done, carry on, Sir Chris!
This post was written by two old geezers who understand their responsibilities and under such a weight would have resigned their Orders of the Concrete Boots a long time ago.
What a horrendous list of failures! Well, no matter - it got him a gong.
For me, this will always be one of the worst accusations to be levelled at him: "Aiding and abetting the construction of a fear narrative". Interestingly, Johnson in his book claimed he'd done all he did 'because people were afraid'. Yeah right - his own CMO fuelled the fear porn.
Looking on the bright side: we plebeians, ignorant and uncouth as we are, seem to have acquired excellent immunity to fear porn. Thanks, PM and CMO and MSM!
Do CMO s become a little unhinged after a short time in the job, not unlike some headteachers ? One of Dame Sally's very vocal rants was that NHS staff, particularly aimed at frontline, were selfish for their refusal to have annual "flu jabs". She seemed to have forgotten you are supposed to question the evidence not just follow blindly. Sir Chris always looked bemused to me.