2B (Nier: Automata) - for Koikatsu!

Jul 25, 2022

(UPDATED: 27/10/2023)

Remember to update your game because it uses some weird shaders and stuff, and if you are too lazy then edit manually with the material editor the affected parts.

It delayed me a lot the amount of bugs and glitches, but I finally managed to make it work, more or less...

Anyway, thanks for voting and I hope you like it!


You are so fuckin good Evaan it's kind of unbelievable what you achieve with the limits of the KK character maker, can't wait to see what's next !

this is gone be good

So good

I'll admit I complained, but this was definitely worth it.

@Evaan if people drop out of your $30 a month tier, do you open that back up?

It is automatic

What version of ino yamanaka are you going to make?


This is amazing! I only have two critiques, and I'm wondering if you have any thoughts on them or ways for me to easily change them using the material editor. 1. Her teeth give kind of an uncanny valley look, in my opinion. In particular they hang too far past the top and bottom of her lips so they're oddly noticeable whenever her mouth is open. Specifically, the top row of teeth only has a few noticeable so it looks like she's missing the rest. 2. An option to push the underwear to the side as well as being able to remove it while keeping the skirt on would be great! Thank you for your excellent work.

hoping you make a 2p edit sometime

Hoping to one day see 9S

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