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Seamless music loops for all genres and styles of games
Includes 40,000+ game assets including 2D sprites, 3D models and more!
Assets for a fun Platform Adventure
elegant monospace pixel font
2D character Art Assets to start your game off the right way. Perfect for platformers or metroidvania.
​The most brutal and colorful battle!
32x32 sprites and tilesets for top down games
Create the cutest game with this playful asset pack!
Top-down tilesets to create your office and work areas
A gender-neutral pixel art base for RPG or adventure game characters.
Assets for topdown game with ninja theme
Pixel art player animations for prototyping and using in your games.
2D HD sprites to create an atmospheric cavern.
A colorful and cartoony flat icon pack!
An asset pack, comprised of a main character and four enemy types.
Make your first game using this small collection of pixel-art characters, tiles, sounds and music.
3D lowpoly rigged and animated character model game assets
Build your town, farm crops, explore, fish and battle rebellious enemies!
Showcase of shader code for Godot game engine
16x16 Tile set, Animated animals and more!
600+ sprites for Free, fully animated character and 3 enemies, 16x16 Pixel Art Sprites Assets Pack
Animated characters, hairstyles and clothes!
Wallpapers, furniture, decorations & more!
3D lowpoly modular dungeon themed 3D game assets.
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