Read MoreIn recent years, it has been reported that the proportion of international students at Japanese national graduate schools is on the rise. In particular, there is information that the majority of applicants to one national graduate school in western Japan are Chinese international students. There seem to be various opinions and concerns being raised among Japanese university students about this situation.
First of all, the accuracy of this information needs to be carefully considered. As no specific university names or accurate statistical data are provided, further research is needed to get a full picture. However, if this trend is true, it could be seen as a positive sign from the perspective of the internationalization of Japanese higher education, but it could also be a cause for concern for Japanese students.
Some Japanese university students seem to have mixed feelings about this situation. Students considering going on to graduate school may be worried about the intensifying competition and changes to the research environment. Also, while it is good to see that Japanese graduate schools have become an attractive option for students from overseas, there may be some concern that the number of opportunities for Japanese students to continue on to higher education will decrease relatively.
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The following is from X (formerly Twitter)
[Conservative NewsBy】【Sad news】9% of applicants to national graduate schools in western Japan are Chinese students, Japanese university students lament
引用元 https://x.com/hoshusokuhou/status/1832654425510342893
Everyone's comments
- It may be better to close down all the liberal arts departments at Japanese universities, which are filled with red professors, and rebuild them.
- I was in graduate school, but this is what it was like. Everything from grant-type scholarships to subsidies was monopolized by international students. Also, the level of instruction was obviously lenient. It was lenient because I couldn't speak Japanese very well.
- Kishida must be overjoyed!
- I don't know if this is okay.
- Japan is the best country in the world.
- As far as I'm concerned, Chinese people are not nice.
- Too much immigration causes problems in many areas.
- Shut down universities that mainly cater to international students...!
- Tax money is being used for this... Why not for Japanese children?
- The Japanese government is far too reckless...
- The Japanese government needs to regulate! It's obvious that they're handing out subsidies. They're letting their enemies make money with the tax money of the Japanese people.
- I saw a post about a Chinese person who graduated from a graduate school in Japan and stayed there for 20 years returning to the country and engaging in anti-Japanese activities. If this is true, it is unforgivable. If Trump becomes president, he will expel Chinese students from the United States, and I think Japan should do the same.
- Can't even Japanese people with the academic ability of international students be given subsidies (scholarships that don't need to be repaid)? That should come first, right?
- Why is the Japanese government willing to invite in those who are currently invading Japan and who plan to make it a vassal state in the future? What is the Japanese government and administration doing? Where are you politicians and bureaucrats from?
- The Japanese government is really not thinking that this is bad.
- We don't need a university that relies on international students
- The school is already under occupation. Scholars who do not see this as abnormal probably do not have a "Japan" in their national outlook. They should be advised to resign and retire, just like government officials who do not work for the Japanese people.
- Please create an environment where Japanese students can learn better than Chinese students.
- Japan Nurturing Anti-Japanese Nation
Editor A's opinion
I am extremely angry after hearing this news. What is going on in our country's higher education institutions being taken over by foreigners like this? If Japanese students are no longer able to continue their education, this is a serious situation that could threaten the survival of our nation.
First of all, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology bears a great deal of responsibility for creating this situation. They were supposed to be protecting Japanese education, but what were they doing? This is the result of blindly promoting globalization while ignoring the national interest. Japanese universities should exist for Japanese people, and they should have been more careful about accepting international students.
Next, the attitude of the universities is also a problem. How much profit are they making by accepting international students? Perhaps they are dazzled by the high tuition fees they can earn from international students. However, it is putting the cart before the horse to deprive Japanese students of opportunities in order to do so. Universities are not profit-making businesses. They are supposed to be places that nurture the human resources that will lead Japan's future.
Furthermore, we cannot overlook the impact this situation will have on research, development, and technological innovation in Japan. Certainly, international exchange is important. However, it should be carried out on an equal footing. Isn't the current situation just a one-way outflow of Japanese knowledge and technology? Particularly in the field of cutting-edge technology, vigilance is necessary from the perspective of national security.
Furthermore, this problem is not just an education issue. An increasing number of international students remain in Japan after graduation and find employment. There are serious concerns about whether they will be able to integrate into Japanese society and whether cultural friction will occur. There are also fears that Japanese traditions and culture will fade away.
In addition, this will have an impact on employment for Japanese people. If companies start to hire foreign students as a cheap labor force, it will become even more difficult for Japanese people to find employment. The salary level of Japanese people may also fall. This will only exacerbate the declining birthrate.
We cannot ignore the issue of public safety. With an increase in international students, the crime rate may rise. There are also concerns about friction caused by cultural differences and an increase in illegal immigrants. Our peaceful way of life may be threatened.
To overcome this situation, the first step is to tighten the standards for accepting international students. They need to be rigorous in their Japanese language ability, academic ability, and above all, their loyalty to Japan. At the same time, they need to give priority to Japanese students, for example by setting aside special slots for them.
Furthermore, the monitoring system for international students should be strengthened. It is necessary to thoroughly monitor their behavior while they are enrolled in the university, as well as their actions after they graduate. If they behave in an inappropriate manner, they should be immediately expelled from the country.
And above all, we need to change the mindset of Japanese students. We want them to feel more patriotic and have the determination to take responsibility for Japan's future. To achieve this, we need to improve education on Japanese history and traditional culture in the classroom.
Finally, I hope the government will take a firm stance in dealing with this issue. It must put the national interest first and have the courage to significantly restrict the acceptance of international students if necessary. Japanese educational institutions should exist solely for the benefit of Japanese people.
We Japanese have a responsibility to protect our country. We cannot sit idly by and watch this critical situation. For the future of Japan, the time has come for each of us to speak up and take action.
Written by: Editorial Department A