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Poster:ShadowMan44Date:Jan 23, 2020 1:15am
Forum:forumsSubject:Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

I have had this issue for MONTHS now.

There seems to be a random chance the pages will save it seems now. Because more often than not the page will finish saving, then immediately boot me back to the "this page is available on the live web!" so I save it again, only to have an error message saying something about the snapshot already being captured some minutes and some seconds ago. It gives me a link to the archive page, guess what happens when I click on it?
If you guessed "brings me back to the this page is available on the live web" you're correct.

This happens using the main website and using the browser extension where you can right click on it and save the page.

I have already contacted the developers of this website multiple times and NOTHING has been done about this. I am seriously considering ditching this website for good if this issue does not get thoroughly investigated and fixed.

This is rather useless information but I should mention I have used both Google Chrome and Firefox, both of them have the same issue.

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Poster:jlnhlfanDate:Sep 26, 2024 1:45am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

That's what happens under a monopoly; the company doesn't have to care about their work when they're the only ones doing it.

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Poster:ShadowMan44Date:Jan 25, 2020 7:29pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Here's some more issues that I haven't mentioned yet
Saving a page with the browser extension will more often than not bring me to a blank white page. Saving it directly will often give me a red text error like "job failed" or will stay on the loading screen forever.

Also, saving a newer version of a page with older archives will bring me back to the archive before I saved it. Even if there is a black marker on january 2020 it refuses to let me go to that date.

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Poster:gearedsteamDate:Jan 24, 2020 11:31am
Forum:forumsSubject:Me Too!

I've been having this EXACT same problem for 3 weeks.

This pertains to the "Save Page Now" feature in the center right portion of this page ( ) when any URL is added to the empty box next to the "Save Page Now" text and you click the "Save Page" button. The system temporarily notes it is saving the current day's page (noted by the date & time stamp.. etc) it says it IS SAVING FOR you... BUT... what is returned is the most recent archive of the URL which in my case, each time, is 10 years old. It occurs with ANY URL I enter for a site.. not a single unique URL. I have tried this using both the most current versions of Firefox and Chrome Browsers on a Windows 7 and Android Tablet.

I have been a yearly financial contributor to Archive.ORG for 6+ years.
This post was modified by gearedsteam on 2020-01-24 19:27:00
This post was modified by gearedsteam on 2020-01-24 19:28:06
This post was modified by gearedsteam on 2020-01-24 19:29:19
This post was modified by gearedsteam on 2020-01-24 19:31:51

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Poster:NajwalaylahDate:Jan 24, 2020 9:41pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

I am also having this problem:
a) for weeks
b) most of the time, but occasionally it works
c) if it does work, it seems to only work a few times right after the browser has been restarted.
d) I've used both Chrome and Opera for this.
e) I've tried Opera with two different IP addresses.
f) Even just trying once in 24 hours may not work.
g) The list of pages I'd like to archive is growing daily.

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Poster: MarkJGrahamDate:Jan 24, 2020 9:47pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Thank you for this bug report! Please rest assured we hear and appreciate your concerns and are taking action to address them.

Our Save Page Now service is processing more than 60 million URLs a day (in addition the hundreds of millions of other URLs the Wayback Machine is archiving) and our indexing processes are simply not keeping up.

We are working to fix this and, in fact, made some progress today. We have more work to do and it is a high priority for us.

The good news (to the degree there is any) is that all archived URLs WILL be available for playback a few days after they are archived and no data has been lost.

In addition to improving our services to support the load we can also do a better job of communicating to users and setting expectations. As it is right now the message users get is miss-leading and confusing.

It is a bit tricky because from the Wayback Machine's perspective it thinks the archived URLs are not archived because it can not find them via the indexes used to find archived URLs.

Mark Graham, Director, the Wayback Machine

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Poster:spiralofhopeDate:Jan 27, 2020 1:04am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Thanks for the update, I've seen this problem for some time and I've been aggressively hunting it down at my end. (to no success, and now I know why)

For now I'm bookmarking pages I'd like to archive, to return to them when the system is under less stress and displays the "save-successful" results I'm expecting.

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Poster:LSHistorianDate:Feb 2, 2020 3:28pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Oh thank goodness, it is being addressed.

For the past 2~ + months, Save Page Now would seem to not actually save pages at random. Often it would pull up older captures despite the submitted capture seemingly successful, or just not actually load the finished page at all.

I am so glad that the problem has being identified. Will you make a blog post soon to bring this to more archivers' attention?

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Poster:HitsmelloDate:Nov 25, 2020 10:28am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

It seems to be happening again since November 24 (or 23?), but it only happens when I copypaste a URL into the page, and the "Job failed" appears after it has saved 42 (or 84, depending on the network) of the downloaded elements. Every once in a while, though, it'll save properly through that method.
(Also, most of the time, it does save properly if I just do something like without the URL copypaste.)

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Poster:HitsmelloDate:Nov 29, 2020 10:39am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Also, lately, I've noticed that the "Job failed" only seems to happen if I check the "Save outlinks" AND the "Please email me the results" boxes. It WILL save properly if I just check "Save also in my web archive" and "Save outlinks". Gee, I wonder why...

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Poster:James J BrownDate:Nov 26, 2020 4:40pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Hello....I've been getting the same "Job Fail" message on ANY website that I try to save. I can sign out of Archive & perform a simple save page Screenshot without issue. As soon as I sign back in, get JOB FAIL again. I have been experiencing this for several days.

Did you receive a resolution?

Many Kind Thanks

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Poster:KorwinDate:Nov 26, 2020 11:48pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine


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Poster:HitsmelloDate:Dec 3, 2020 6:14am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

As of yesterday, the issue with checking the "Save outlinks" AND the "Please email me the results" boxes seems to have gone away. (I had been checking only the "Save also in my web archive" and "Save outlinks" boxes for a few days by then.) But I think it's fixed now. Yay!

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Poster:adilsayeedDate:Apr 17, 2021 4:16am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Last few days I have had a terrible time trying to save. Tried different alternatives -- e.g., save screenshot; sign out of my account and just save anonymously. Nothing working this morning. Yesterday I thought that the problem might be some sort of security blocking saves on the website I was using. But, today I am trying to save newspaper articles at a site where I have saved many times in the past and getting message "This page is not available on the web", which is not true.
Enormously frustrating. I know it's a free service, but very frustrated.

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Poster:zenwortDate:Mar 6, 2021 5:56am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

For the last week or so frequently pages do not save, again. This happens from various sorces thus unlikely to be a server problem of the site to be archived.

Most recent attempt: resulting in "An unknown error occurred. Try again later." or on second try: "Job failed.
Return to Save Page Now"

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Poster:banknotesDate:Apr 11, 2021 11:59am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine is a free project, so what do you expect? Just be patient and try again.

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Poster:That Space Engine GuyDate:Dec 15, 2022 12:13pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

I expect a free project that has existed now for 26 years to work properly, I also have had the same issue, it might be a chrome issue, or the admins in WBM are letting the servers rot.

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Poster:ShadowMan44Date:Jan 1, 2021 4:21pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Has been fixed now. It has been one whole fucking year since I posted this, the SAME problems are still occurring.
What is so hard about pasting a URL into the save page button, clicking it, and then waiting a few seconds for the page to be archived? It used to work just fine 2 years ago, now it's broken seemingly beyond repair. Did you guys update the website technology and not know how to fix it?

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Poster:Sludge77Date:Feb 21, 2021 8:57am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

I concur that the Wayback Machine's ability to archive has deteriorated compared to a couple years ago. I used to be able to "Save Outlinks" and it would grab most of 'em. Now it barely pulls half most of the time.

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Poster:cuclordeDate:Feb 16, 2021 8:46pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Omg, I've literally been looking stuff on google and asking people on reddit cuz I've had the same issue. I'm pretty new to WBM, and it's so annoying that sometimes it won't work. I would like to ask, have you ever been given a page that's just a wall of javascript as well? I've been trying to get this one link to work, but it either sends me back to that "this is available on the live web" or it let's me get to the site, but instead of the actual content, it gives me a wall of Javascript.

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Poster:lily.alligatorDate:Jul 29, 2021 10:16pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Same here, I can't archive anything these past few days.

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Poster:NetsideDate:Sep 16, 2021 11:19pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Same here. Was really liking this thing and donated twice in two days (and $5 is a lot to me, but I felt it was worth it), but then they changed it. Before that, even YT urls seemed to be saving (like, the actual videos). It didn't always work, but did like 90% of the time.

NOW, however, I can't even save a page that's ALREADY BEEN archived into the "web archive". It says FAIL in red (instead of the green success text message) when I press the save icon on the top right of any already-archived page.

There is NO SOLID REASONS for this, and this is censorship.

Also, certain URLs I tried to save would give me a message saying they've been "excluded" from the archive completely (which means it's literally programmed to NOT save them, since how would it know otherwise?).

Things like this make me hate tech companies and feel like they let us down BIG TIME.

ALL they did was make it so this stuff can track people and collect our information, but we can't even get OUR OWN information saved or organized.

It's crazy.

Here's a link to an image showing a page failing to save to my web archive even though I'm the one who just archived it (notice the "red fail" in top right. I also checked in my web archive and it's definitely not there). We've gotta have better people working at these tech companies. It's getting nuts:

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Poster:ashleedawgDate:Oct 9, 2021 7:01pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

After using wayback for many years, my FIRST forum post is in response to your post(s) [from many of you] because reading them gave me a damn headache!

TL;dr :
Please be nice. The folks at are working hard to save every bit of the internet that they possibly can.

"Full Version":
Would you PLEASE calm the hell down, and STOP YELLING! That's not the correct way to get help, especially from a NON-PROFIT organization who is busy archiving the ENTIRE internet, for generations to come. I'm sure your big ol' $5 is appreciated but it doesn't buy you premium support service for a problem that YOU are having, and practically nobody else is!

You're probably either misunderstanding something you're trying to do or, maybe you weren't aware, any website has the right & ability to block some or all of itself from being archived at any time.

Maybe start with sharing the entire url of the site you're trying to save.

Also you need to earn what censorship means before you go throwing big accusatory words around.
Nobody is censoring you. You can make and distribute a million copies of that website if you want -- nobody cares. That doesn't mean that a non-profit organization has to drop everything for you. I feel your frustration, but, PLEASE, mind your manners!
This post was modified by ashleedawg on 2021-10-10 02:01:59

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Poster:That Space Engine GuyDate:Dec 15, 2022 12:15pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Its nice when i'm the owner of a large and trusted archive to have my internal servers rot while I stare at my praise.

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Poster:ShadowMan44Date:Jul 18, 2020 3:51pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

I can't believe this is STILL going on.

Literally nothing about this has been fixed at all, sure if I click "show all" it will show me that the newest capture is on there. But sometimes it just outright refuses to save the page. What is going on under the hood? This must be a huge problem if it has persisted for 7 months now.

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Poster:Titipi2612Date:Feb 28, 2021 2:18am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Shadowman44, I can't believe I never found this thread when I searched, and yet it's now over a year old. It's indeed been over a year that I CANNOT SAVE ANYTHING on here, and you described the problem to a T.

I'm on Google Chrome. It won't save ANYTHING! It's the endless loop, as you described.

I've given up on this site, and have backed up everything I needed on however, this week, it started acting up too! It's started asking for that stupid reCatpcha that no one can solve (is it a train? Is it a bus? Is it a motor home? I don't know, the stupid pix are an extreme close-up on a door, how am I supposed to guess?!) and so a few pages have already failed to save at

Nevertheless MUCH MUCH more reliable than here, anymore. Lately I mostly save IMDb pages, as there are trolls deleting pages upon pages of trivia that we had painstakingly compiled over the years. I was horrified to see all gone and... GET THIS: the pages that I know i had saved on here CANNOT and WILL NOT B RETRIEVED!!!

Oh yeah! Another glitch: go to retrieve the last IMDb capture I made in 2019, and it's stuck to 2017 or whenever and clicking 2019 as usual wont' do any good, it reverts to the previously saved year! Have you encountered that problem?

Anyway do NOT EVER donate to wiki. Wiki is a huge scam. I always thought Wiki donors should donate here but not anymore. (See my above talk about problems retrieving pages!)This site might still be good for what we can recoup, but it's been happening PRE-covid, so nothing to do with lockdowns and people not working (computers are available at home, so no excuses either way.) But switch to and you can save what you need for now. HTH.

Epilogue: millennials and their pot have taken all over the world and no one gives a crap about anything anymore. It's all over, websites, customer service in USA is a thing of the past. It's gonna get worse, with the evil administration that stole the election! Yes, i said it! (Hey it's not like they give a crap to fix the site, so who's gonna mod this, amirite?!)
This post was modified by Titipi2612 on 2021-02-28 10:18:36

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Poster: MarkJGrahamDate:Feb 28, 2021 5:15pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine


I would love to try to address any issues with the Wayback Machine.

Can you please send some specifics to

Please note there can be a several minute delay between when a URL is archived via and when it can be replayed.

With some specific URLs I can be much more helpful.

- Mark Graham

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Poster:BMW E46/5 Compact FanDate:Sep 25, 2021 2:35pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

i have the same problems..
Some websites(better to say "part of website") don't want to be uploaded properly... its go with endless loop(trying to show saved page and doing it with autorefresh, so something broken on backend i guess, and its just doing it on infinite loop). I will put

I will send you an email with example!

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Poster: MarkJGrahamDate:Sep 25, 2021 2:42pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Examples are great.

The Web is complex and messy. We have more than a billion URLs/day.

Getting them all to play back as desired, esp. in the fact of some JavaScript, can be a challenge.


- Mark

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Poster:ReadforPleasureFicsDate:Dec 1, 2023 5:38am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Here's the thing. Last year, so about 2022, certain blogging sites started changing their code to block _everything_ from archiving them.

As a result, I have a Tumblr blog which cannot be archived. I have to manually back it up.

Ameblo is apparently the same. Here is a post that I saved perfectly. Note this was 2022 August retrieval.
I came back to see if I could pick up the rest of the blog, and the save fails. I can't even get the individual image files. This is an un-updated blog of a very rural part of Japan, and these may be the only photographs and explanations in existence. Heck, some of this kanji may turn obsolete. Gigantic click-baity site. Entire repository cannot be archived.

Again, note when everyone stopped being able to archive pages. That looks like someone's code-push that got around as 'standard'.

The trouble is, I suspect, these web owners have to fight against scraping for AIs and nfts somehow. But it's the same mechanism that we use to archive.

I'd like to ask the site to allow full screenshots with the automatic tag of website URLs and titles. So that they're not only images, but images we can search for. It's more intensive data-wise but you could always put it behind an "are you sure" interface, to make it a last-resort option. Otherwise the very things we need to archive the most are going to vanish.

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Poster:OlddantruckerDate:Mar 18, 2022 12:13am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Finally someone noticed what I've notice. The millenials that have taken over the web DON'T KNOW JACK what they are doing and there is a few out there that have malicious intentions to hide things. This is a very sick game.

Wouldn't it be funny if they are trying to do like they did to Riker in Star Trek by making us look insane while altering history?

Remember the commander Riker episode where he kept going to different versions of the Enterprise and they wounded up all being fake? The ending had a twist to it somehow and he wounded up fooling the bad guy.

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Poster:OlddantruckerDate:Mar 18, 2022 12:13am
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: Pages refusing to save, this is asinine

Finally someone noticed what I've notice. The millenials that have taken over the web DON'T KNOW JACK what they are doing and there is a few out there that have malicious intentions to hide things. This is a very sick game.

Wouldn't it be funny if they are trying to do like they did to Riker in Star Trek by making us look insane while altering history?

Remember the commander Riker episode where he kept going to different versions of the Enterprise and they wounded up all being fake? The ending had a twist to it somehow and he wounded up fooling the bad guy.

Edit: They have also hidden their own forums: You can only go to specific threads outside via Google There is no general areas anymore.

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Poster:reidiensDate:Nov 17, 2022 1:29pm
Forum:forumsSubject:Re: election misinformation

how did we go from talking about how the extension refuses to archive URLs to shitting on millennials and spreading election misinformation? those 2 things have nothing to do with the original issue lol. i bet you were at the capitol on jan 6