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Transcript of Second Televised Debate Between Clinton and Dole
Following is last night's debate in San Diego between President Clinton and Bob Dole, as transcribed by the Federal Document Clearing House, a private transcription service. The moderator was Jim Lehrer of PBS and questions were asked by San Diego area voters selected by the Gallup polling organization.
MODERATOR The order for this evening was set by coin toss. We begin now with Senator Dole and his opening statement.
Senator Dole.
DOLE Thank you very much, Jim.
Let me first give you a sports update. The Braves 1, Cardinals nothing -- early on.
I want to thank you, and I want to thank everybody here tonight. And I want a special thanks to my wife, Elizabeth, my daughter, Robin, for their love and support, and thank the people who are listening or watching all over America.
In 20 days, you will decide who will lead this country into the next century. It's an awesome responsibility, and you must ask yourself, do you know enough about the candidates? You should know as much as possible about each of us.
Sometimes the views have been distorted, and millions and millions of dollars in negative advertising spent distorting my views. But I hope tonight you'll get a better feel of who Bob Dole is and what he's all about.
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