
Tech Roundup: Brazil’s golden data center opportunity

Brazil enjoys a number of geographical and infrastructure characteristics that make it an ideal destination for setting up data center operations

Tech Roundup: Brazil's golden data center opportunity
Photo: Eduardo Anizelli/Folhapress

Welcome to our Tech Roundup, where we bring you the biggest stories in technology and innovation in Brazil and Latin America. This week: September’s avalanche of news about data center investments in Brazil.

Brazil’s booming data center market

The AI ​​revolution has caused an urgent reorganization of global investments in data center installations. Among the plans — which literally stretch from the bottom of the sea to outer space — September’s avalanche of news about investments in Brazil confirmed the country’s potential to take advantage of this momentum.

Advantages. Brazil has geographical and infrastructure characteristics that can give it the edge as a global data center hub:

  • Brazil has a mostly renewable and relatively cheap and safe electrical matrix;
  • It has geological stability, and earthquakes are extremely rare;
  • It has undersea connections to...

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