Javascript/html5 tool
The Javascript/HTML5 runs in a web browser (locally) and will read from a file you select on your hard drive.
Features:- Displays the "large" (128x112) photos.
- Also shows deleted photos.
- Customizable color theme (using hex color codes) for the 4 "grey" levels.
- 3 built-in color themes: Black and White, Gameboy and Gameboy player.
- Export to .PNG using the "Save as..." browser features from the right-click on image menu.
Here are examples pictures using the built-in themes:The tool is available here:
gbcamtool.htmlCommand-line tool
The command-line version is more powerful than the Javascript version, however you will need to compile it to use it. (for now)
Features:- Extract "large" photos (128x112) to .PNG
- Extract "small" (thumbnail) photos to PNG
- Extract the "Game Faces" photo to a .PNG
- Recover deleted photos
- Single photo or batch (all photos) extraction
- List photos
Displaying help with -h
-h Display this help text
-i index Source image index (first image is 0). Default: 0
-g Use gameface as source photo
-o output.png Export a single photo to a .png file
-b basename Export all photos to png files, using the specified basename
-d Display selected photo (see -i) to the terminal
-l List photos in save file
-a Also export deleted photos
-s Export/display small photos (32x32) intead of large photos (128x112)
-v Be verbose
Listing photos (shows which one are active and deleted)
./gbcam2png source.sav -l
Exporting a single photo (index 0) to a .png file
./gbcam2png source.sav -i 0 -o output.png
Exporting all active photos
./gbcam2png source.sav -b test
Pour chaque photo active (c'est à dire, qui n'a pas été effacée) un fichier nommé testXX.png (où XX correspondra à l'index de la photo, compté depuis 00) sera créé.
Exporting all photos, including deleted ones
./gbcam2png source.sav -b test -a
Displaying a photo in a terminal (-d)
Since the resolution is quite low, displaying a photo by controling the terminal background color (using ANSI/VT100 codes) is possible. A
very small font must be used however, and the aspect ratio is off...
./gbcam2png source.sav -i 15 -d
My technique to read RAM
The N64 to USB adapter I desgined, combined with its PC-side management software, supports the N64 Transfer Pak. The Transfer Pak makes it possible to
read/write from/to a Game boy cartridge, ROM or RAM, and the management software can do so for several types of Game boy cartridges.
Since version 2.1.14, the management software is also able to read and write the Game Boy Camera RAM.
So to transfer photos to my PC, I use the following:
Here are all the above items in action:
Backing up the cartridge RAM is a simple matter of accessing the
Transfer Pak ->
Read cartridge RAM to file... menu and entering a suitable file name.
Reading the RAM completely takes less than 1 minute. Then you use the tool of your choice to view and extract the photos.
A quick overview of other approaches
There are other ways to retrive pictures from a Game boy camera. Here are a few:
Note: One advantage of using the printer (real or emulated) is that photo frames will be present.