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Cape physics unit 1 uncertainty lab

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Experiment #: 1 Skill: M/M & A/I Title: Uncertainty Aim: To determine the uncertainty in the calculated density of a coin and a block Apparatus: triple beam balance, vernier calliper, micrometer screw gauge, meter rule, coin, block Theory: 1. What is uncertainty? The uncertainty in a stated measurement is the interval of confidence around the measured value such that the measured value is certain not to lie outside this stated interval. 2. Types of Uncertainty. There are 3 types of uncertainties: Absolute, Fractional and Percentage error. 3. Rules for combining uncertainty. Adding and Subtracting: The absolute uncertainty is found by adding the absolute uncertainties. Multiplication, division, powers and roots: Whenever quantities are multiplied or divided the percentage uncertainty is found by adding the percentage uncertainties of each of the quantities involved. Whenever a quantity is raised to a power, the percentage uncertainty is found by multiplying the power by the percentage uncertainty of the quantity involved. Whenever the ‘n’ root of a quantity is being found, the percentage uncertainty is found by multiplying 1/n by the percentage uncertainty of the quantity involved. Diagram: DIAGRAM SHOWING LABELLED TRIPLE BEAM BALANCE DIAGRAM SHOWING LABELLED VERNIER CALLIPER DIAGRAM SHOWING LABELLED MICROMETER SCREW GAUGE Method: 1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagrams. 2. The triple beam balance was used to measure and record a reading for the mass of ...
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