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A96 driver clocked speeding at 101mph near Nairn

Police also stopped three drug drivers on Highland roads as they carried out road safety patrols over the weekend.

Police car on country road
Road policing officers carried out high visibility road safety patrols on various Highland roads over the weekend. Image: Road Policing Scotland.

A 25-year-old man has been reported for dangerous driving after being caught speeding at 101mph on the A96 near Nairn.

Road policing officers stopped the motorist as they carried out high visibility road safety patrols on various Highland roads over the weekend.

They also arrested drug drivers on the A82 in Fort William, the A95 at Avielochan and in Inverness city centre.

Meanwhile, a 33-year-old man was arrested in Fort William for vehicle theft and drink driving.

In addition, there were a number of detections for speeding, careless driving, driving while using a mobile phone, construction and use offences, MOT and insurance breaches, as well as drivers hours offences.

Four arrested for drug and drink driving in the Highlands

Inspector Donnie Mackinnon from the Highland and Islands road policing unit said: “These patrols demonstrate our commitment to road safety but disappointingly highlight the road users who continue to make poor choices, take risks and put themselves and others in danger.

“This type of driver’s behaviour increases the risk of being involved in a collision, the consequences of which can be life-changing, so I’m urging road users to think very carefully about the choices they make.

“We have road safety patrols plans in place for the coming months and will continue to take robust enforcement action against those who fail to comply with road traffic legislation.”