Thrall Build Guide “The Elements will destroy you!”
Last updated on Mar 31, 2022 at 01:00 by Elitesparkle 33 comments
General Information
Welcome to our guide for Thrall, a Bruiser in Heroes of the Storm. Within these pages, you will find everything required to understand how best to play this hero, in both different map styles and team compositions.
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Thrall's Overview
Thrall is a durable Bruiser with extraordinary burst damage potential in close combat and a kit that provides his team powerful crowd control Abilities.
Thrall's Strengths and Weaknesses
Strong self-sustain due to
Frostwolf Resilience
Solid crowd control
Huge impact in team fights thanks to his Heroic Abilities
Thrall's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Feral Spirit Build
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Thrall's Feral Spirit Build allows him to take down melee Heroes more easily with the help of
Alpha Wolf at Level 16.
Choose this Build when you want to burst down the enemy frontline with the help of percent-based damage.
Chain Lightning Build
Situational Copy build to clipboard Build copied! Talent calculator »
Thrall's Chain Lightning Build allows him to safely deal poke damage to enemy Heroes before the real team fight starts.
Thunderstorm at Level 16 greatly empowers this kind of playstyle.
Choose this Build when the enemy team suffers against poke damage because they do not have a good Healer for that or they completely lack one.
ARAM Build
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Thrall's ARAM Build allows him to constantly deal a considerable amount of poke damage to enemy Heroes when they are grouped in the same area, especially in the late game.
The true power of this Build gets unleashed only after completing
Crash Lightning at Level 1 and after picking and stacking
Thunderstorm at Level 16.
Thrall's Synergies and Counters
Earthquake synergizes really well with other strong area of effect Abilities who benefit from the Slow to connect on enemy Heroes (such as
Ring of Frost by Jaina), to deal bonus damage to them (for example
Purification Salvo by Fenix), or to stop their retreat and engage them with powerful buffs for your team (for example
Bloodlust by Rehgar).
Thrall suffers against Heroes who can kite (such as Lunara) as a consequence of him lacking mobility, even if he can overcome it by using his Heroic Abilities to engage. Well-timed Blind effects (like
Blinding Wind by Li Li) will annoy him for sure, so try to play around them by holding your
Windfury when they are debuffing you. Like most Heroes, he also suffers against crowd control followed by burst damage (for example Kael'thas).
Thrall's Maps
Thrall's stronger maps
Thrall's average maps
Thrall's weaker maps
Thanks to his strong self-sustain, Thrall excels when played as Offlaner on Maps where this Role has more value than usual (for example Braxis Holdout); however, he can also be played in the 4-man using the Crash Lightning Build on Maps where team fights tend to last longer than usual (such as Volskaya Foundry). Due to his low waveclear, he is average on Maps where it is common to double soak (like Towers of Doom) but can compensate for it thanks to his team fight power and he suffers on Maps where he cannot benefit from his team fight power to compensate for that weakness (only Tomb of the Spider Queen).
Thrall's Tips and Tricks
Chain Lightning can be used to dismount enemy Heroes or to poke them, especially valuable while they are channeling an Objective.
Feral Spirit can be cast on Minions to easily trigger the heal from
Frostwolf Resilience.
Windfury can be used as a gap-closer or as an escape mechanism, other than for burst damage. If you want to use it for damage rather than utility, be sure that Thrall does not have any Blind effect on him.
Earthquake synergizes very well with other area of effect Abilities (such as
Apocalypse by Diablo), but also acts as a powerful engage by denying the enemy team's retreat.
Sundering is your only tool to interrupt channeled Heroic Abilities (for example
Jug of 1,000 Cups by Li Li).
Thrall's Role in the Current Meta
Bruisers like Thrall are capable of initiating team fights, which makes them a powerful Hero in many games.
Even if some players like to play him as Offlaner, the best way to play Thrall in the current metagame is not that, but as second Assassin in the 4-man group.
While melee Heroes are in a risky position during team fights, fortunately for Thrall, he can become quite durable as the game goes thanks to strong defensive Talents (such as
Ancestral Wrath at Level 7 and
Frostwolf's Grace at Level 13). If you position properly and do not go too far from your backline, your Healer will help you survive for longer as well.
- 30 Mar. 2022 (talents page): Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 30 Mar. 2022 (abilities page): Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
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