Jo Jorgensen

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Jo Jorgensen
President at๐Ÿ—ฝ2020 #Libertarian candidate for #POTUS ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธSocial Scientist. Entrepreneur. Educator. Parent. Whiskey Drinker. Hockey Player ๐Ÿ’
people4liberty.orgJoined September 2019

Jo Jorgensenโ€™s posts

Today I am reflecting on what a whirlwind this campaign has been, 2020 was a year unlike any other. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for joining us at our rallies, volunteering your time, and working so diligently to make this campaign a success. We appreciate you!
I am sometimes asked "who is the worst President in the history of the United States?" It's not Donald Trump. It's not Barack Obama. Neither of them even come close. In fact, it's not any modern President. No, the worst President in the history of America is Woodrow Wilson...
Education should be controlled by parents and teachers in towns across America, not by all-caps Tweets from Washington D.C.. #VoteGold
Donald J. Trump
Some people say, "It's too dangerous to vote for anyone but an R or D this year." I ask, "Isn't this, of all years, the time you don't want to repeat the behavior that has gotten us to this dangerous place?" The Rs & Ds have brought us here, they will not lead us out.
Harris has an abhorrent record as a prosecutor. As a senator, Biden enabled her by passing draconian, racist laws that resulted in the incarceration of millions of minorities. Biden said he wanted someone philosophically aligned with himself for his VP pick, & he got it. #VPPick
I like bourbon, some people like cannabis. Thereโ€™s no reason the government should have the ability to determine which of these an adult can use. Happy 420!
I will pardon the 80,000 people serving federal time for nonviolent drug convictions and send them home to their families. I will dismantle the racist War on Drugs by decriminalizing all substances at the federal level. This #election #Vote Libertarian.
I will not be able to attend the campaign rally tomorrow morning. I will be getting a rabies vaccine as a precaution after having been bitten by a bat near the start of this campaign tour! I have every intention of participating in the FLAME march and I will deliver remarks at...
.has been in office for 47 years. That's 19.26% of the time the United States of America has been a country. Let that sink in if you still think he will suddenly do things differently, that he'll "heal the wounds" that he's inflicted, that "he's not Trump". #Elections
I know itโ€™s awesome being a Libertarian, but please stop pretending youโ€™re one of us when you clearly donโ€™t stand for our ideals. #VoteForHer #Jorgensen2020 #BeBoldVoteGold
Donald J. Trump
Thank you LIBERTARIANS. We are getting it all done, and FAST! VOTE TRUMP!!!โ€ฆ
If a govt run by Democrats and Republicans can use your tax dollars to send money to 3 mil people whoโ€™ve been declared dead for months or years, theyโ€™re not remotely capable of solving socio economic issues like poverty, racism, and healthcare. Time for a fresh take. #VoteGold
Replying toand
I know it's hard since you worked tirelessly to put many of them there, but now release the remaining 500,000 people in the US who were jailed for similar offenses.
What does a "giant Switzerland" look like? ๐Ÿ’›Armed and neutral ๐Ÿ’›A military laser-focused on defending America ๐Ÿ’›Protected by an armed citizenry ๐Ÿ’›No US involvement in foreign wars ๐Ÿ’›No military aid to foreign governments Peace, at last. #DebateMayhem #Debates2020
As President, I will use my Constitutional authority to end federal civil asset forfeiture prior to conviction, and pardon persons convicted of non-violent victimless crimes.
True patriotism is encouraging people to make their own choices responsibly, not twisting a national holiday to fit a political agenda. #4thofJuly #4thofJuly2020
Joe Biden
This Fourth of July, one of the most patriotic things you can do is wear a mask.
We officially exceeded our fundraising goals before the end of the quarter! The campaign has received so many text messages, emails, FB messages, and comments. I wish I could thank all of you individually. I am so overwhelmed and grateful for the support we are receiving.