
プロポーザルレビューの観点 / Perspectives on Proposal Reviewing


English version is below.


こんにちは、PyCon JP 2024 の Ikeda です。PyCon JP 2024は去る4月19日にCfPを開始しました。

1. PyCon JP Code of Conduct の遵守

PyCon JPでは、すべての参加者にCode of Conduct(行動規範)の遵守が求められます。プロポーザルがこの基準に適合していない場合、たとえどんなに内容が優れていても、採択できません。Code of Conduct違反には特定の個人や団体に対する不適切な言及や誹謗中傷も含まれます。必ずCode of Conductを一読の上応募してください。

PyCon JP Code of Conduct: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iNF7VvDCd_gWDsSn2i5U8FB1IQWkWOM9/view

2. 関連性: Pythonコミュニティとの関連

PyCon JPはPythonとそのエコシステムに特化したカンファレンスです。プロポーザルのテーマはPythonを使用したツール、実践例、またはPythonコミュニティが関心を持つ可能性のある事柄に関連している必要があります。注意いただきたいのは、例えばmojoのようにPython自体を使用しないトピックであっても良いということです。プロポーザルの内容がPythonコミュニティにとって十分に面白いもの、有益なものであれば、関連性が高いと評価されます。

3. 明確性: トークの目的と内容の明瞭さ


4. 専門性: 経験と専門知識に基づいた内容

PyCon JPでは、実体験に基づく洞察や、専門的な知識を共有する発表を求めています。ここでは、インターネットで簡単に得られるような情報の単なる再構成ではなく、深い洞察や独自の視点が期待されます。初心者向けのトピックでも、実体験から得た有益な情報が提供される場合は評価されます。

5. 実用性: 内容の有用性と魅力


以上がレビューを行う際の観点になります。これらの観点は全てPyCon JP 2024をより良いカンファレンスにするために設定しています。皆さん、一緒に良いカンファレンスを作りましょう。プロポーザルの応募お待ちしています!



Hello, this is Ikeda from PyCon JP 2024. We kicked off our Call for Proposals (CfP) on April 19th.

Thank you to everyone who has already submitted their proposals! In this blog post, I'll explain the main criteria we use to review proposals. Please consider these points when writing your proposal. For those who have already submitted, remember that you can make edits during the submission period.

1. Adherence to PyCon JP Code of Conduct

At PyCon JP, all participants are required to adhere to our Code of Conduct (CoC). If a proposal does not comply, it cannot be accepted regardless of the quality of its content. Violations include inappropriate references to specific individuals or organizations and defamation. Please make sure to read the Code of Conduct before applying. Note that your reviews and conduct during the review process are also subject to our Code of Conduct.

PyCon JP Code of Conduct: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iNF7VvDCd_gWDsSn2i5U8FB1IQWkWOM9/view

2. Relevance: Connection to the Python Community

PyCon JP is dedicated to Python and its ecosystem. Your proposal’s theme should be related to Python tools, practices, or topics that could capture the interest of the Python community. It's important to note that even topics not directly related to Python can be accepted if they have a significant impact or relevance to the Python community. For example, presentations about topics like Mojo are also welcome.

3. Clarity: Purpose and Content of the Talk

We prioritize proposals that clearly outline the purpose of the talk and what the audience can expect. Lack of clarity makes it difficult to properly assess other criteria such as expertise and practicality.

4. Expertise: Content Based on Experience and Specialized Knowledge

At PyCon JP, we seek presentations that offer insights based on real-life experiences or specialized knowledge. We expect more than just a rehash of information easily found online; deep insights and unique perspectives are valued. Even beginner-oriented topics can be highly rated if they provide useful information derived from personal experience.

5. Practicality: Usefulness and Interest of the Content

This is a vital criterion. We look for talks that can offer new insights, tools, or techniques to the Python community. The content should not only be interesting but also practically useful in solving specific problems.

These review points are all set with the goal of making PyCon JP 2024 a better conference. Let's build a great conference together. We look forward to your proposals!

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