片寄 里菜 / Lina KATAYOSE(selina)
Lina attended Pycon JP in 2016 for the first time. Participated in 2017 and 2018 as a speaker, and as an invited speaker in 2020.
She also attended Pycon overseas, such as in the US, Taiwan, and Thailand.
Loves rabbits, cars, drones, and gadgets such as Raspberry Pi as well. Currently taking special lessons in piano and violin. Always wants to be a scientist, not a programmer or an engineer. An active member of Pyladies Tokyo and a founder of moegi Inc. Lina graduated from Tokai University with a BS and an MS in Aeronautics and Astronautics. She is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Keio Research Institute at SFC (Shonan Fujisawa Campus).
Vice Chair & Supervisor
Vice chair
He started serving as a volunteer staff member in 2020. Since 2022, he's been the vice-chair. And, also part of the PyCon JP Association's Operating Member, as a director of the PyCon JP TV. At TOPGATE, Inc. he pushes for IaC and DevOps with Google Cloud and develops Golang Web APIs. His hobbies include mirrorless cameras, skiing, and classical music.
Vice chair
Akira Inamori
Works for Internet Initiative Japan Inc. as infrastructure engineer. has been involved PyConJP2019 as a NOC team staff member. his involvement with Python is mainly for the purpose of infrastructure development and operational automation and orchestration. Recent deliverables are based on FastAPI.
吉田 俊輔
Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd. (サイバートラスト株式会社). Provides product support for MIRACLE LINUX among other things. Got first introduced to Python when building an internal website with Zope. Co-Authored Debug Hacks (O'Reilly 2009). Volunteers as staff for PyCon JP since 2014, serving as Vice-Chair in 2015 and 2016 and as Chair 2017-2019. Member of OSS communities such as 小江戸らぐ and 東京エリアDebian勉強会. His hobbies are visiting hot sprints and attending conferences such as OSC.