Note: Planned for a remake. Stay tooned. A huge compilation of the Cartoon Cartoons moniker from 1997, until 2003 to 2005.
From the video description
13 chapters
World Premiere Toons (1995 - 1997) | What a Cartoon Show (1997 - 2000) | Green Era (1997 - 1998) | Blue Era (1998 - 2003) (2005 in LA) | Cartoon Cartoon Fridays (1999 - 2003) (2005 in LA) | Cartoon Cartoon Weekend (1999 - 2002) | Cartoon Cartoons (Latin America & Brazil) (2000 - 2005) | Cartoon Cartoon of the Day (1999 - 2000) | The Cartoon Cartoon Show (2000 - 2003) | Cartoon Cartoons: The Top 5 (2002 - 2004) | Cartoon Cartoon Show (City Era) (2005 - 2008) | Puppets Era (Latin America and Brazil Only) (2005 - 2008) | Credits