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Pics and videos must be of girls who have at least one of the following or they will be deleted: As of now, an active social media presence, a celebrity or social media influencer. ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ Rules updated, see here ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️

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Waifuist Thread #2534 QG!LaneyabuJ6 09/16/2024 (Mon) 03:37:34 No. 492806
Monday Funday
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>>493275 Maybe if when I can get things together. Sure
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>>493276 just make sure u up it to anything else other mudblood's awful gofiIe, maybe even ponf lain la if it's under 1gb also >>492925 consider this day2
>>493225 I've seen cp posts last for minutes but a vlada tits video doesn't even last a second
>>493278 >I've seen cp posts last for minutes but a vlada tits video doesn't even last a second I never said I was agree of how thinkgs happen here, I just said it's like that here
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>>493276 My following list for years
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>>493279 I'm not complaining, I was just saying
>>493284 i'm in love. more?
>>493285 its just a flash , less than 1 sec 🤷‍♂️
>>493284 She has wonderful tiddies
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>>493276 I get banned 😆 I forget mention “feminism” This beautiful foto style , short hair leftie revolutionary liberation look like , If this is truth , it proves my Mind that “sadomasochism” of century culture ! Just like my man’s belt Has anchors holes on it , it can Be wearable and beating straps on Human skins where love and commitment orden Come from ! It will tattoo red anchors temporally right behind your legs and you will say thank you sir for post here ! The resolution of conflict ! Love ❤️
>>493285 I missed it
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>>493287 Ahhhhh i didn't see it
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It was literally one nipple and not even a full boob. If that's what yall been obsessing over then I'm sorry for you. Bout time for a new thread anyway
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>>493297 >>493299 Can always count on you for good Pres and Nat content Baker. What do you use to download ig stuff if you don't mind my asking?
keeping feeds,kr sIash bX it alive
>>493297 Even I can hold a hula hoop for longer than this spoiled child Nat.
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>>493302 Lol ok, and who's paying to watch you do it? Also not like it was a talent contest or anything
>>493288 so damn cute !
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>>493306 18yo that looks 13 BASED
>>493297 And for a simple nipple the mods lose their minds
>>493309 Didn't lose their minds, just deleted. That's all.
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Deleting something doesn't = losing minds. There's rules set for this forum, like it or not it isn't fucking hard to understand. Must be slim pickings out there in the world wide web if people keep coming here trying to make this place something it isn't
>>493309 >>493310 its normal they delete it. normies are the ones that would lose their mind. enough innocent sites have been banished to the shadow realm because of vile c'p spammers or just a few nips
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>>493311 >>493312 Exactly. Couldn't say it better myself. Besides even if freer places existed, it's not this active or welcoming to the variety we have.
>>493310 >>493311 >>493313 exactly and well said
>>493314 Vlada is a chan killer She had nothing to do with what happened to catchan
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>>493313 >Besides even if freer places existed, it's not this active or welcoming to the variety we have. Somebody has experience of this hypothetical place
>>493315 you mean that alleged video where vlada shows a nip for one half of a second?
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>>493315 I think comfy or elsivia said that Vlad's slip was the straw that broke kohl /m/'s back
>>493319 I knew it, and that explains it
>>493318 >>493319 All that kvetching over a nip slip. I don't believe it.
>>493321 probably because it's the smoothest perfectest nipple of the creation
>>493321 people posted more vile stuff, sadly idk if a nip caused it, but it probably added to /m/ closing best we can do is report illegal stuff when we see it.
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>>493317 I've been doing this 15 years and have seen waifuist outlive many places. Trust me it's not hypothetical what I've seen in that time
what's sad it's because those spammers, we can't have normal Vladi videos :(
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>>493323 >>493324 can ya confirm or neither that we auto404 stuff that gets enough reports just like pixeldrain does >>493325 starlet's nonolist has no bearing on freeforall /w/ ya moron >>493322 it was a surprisingly nice and round areola
>>493326 >starlet's nonolist has no bearing on freeforall /w/ ya moron just because she doesn't have insta anymore, what makes her diferent han the ones having insta ?
>>493326 We delete things that break rules or harm the site. Not that complicated >>493329 Because the rules state that she should have one
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>>493333 You always talk like you aren't the one making the rules.
>>493337 more of her plz
>>493337 it's a team effort actually
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>>493337 >>493339 Yea, I wish I could be a dictator dammit!
>>493329 good thing that nitaasecretSSt4rs has a active tik then! she even did a tik with Mila, saying 'ss helped her escape a horrible situation'

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