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Von Sachsen Bellony Foundation


Von Sachsen Bellony Foundation has the following goals:

1. Support of nurseries / kindergartens and homes for orphans

2. Schooling and college / university education

3. Student exchange programs

4. Medical assistance

5. Support of nursing homes.

Note: the order of the above mentioned goals does not correspond to the priorities of these goals.

Our Vision:

Promoting and advancing the life of disadvantaged and vulnerable Children through empowering lives and transforming communities with holistic education, spiritual growth and development.

Our Strategies:

Von Sachsen Bellony Foundation has prioritized four strategies in order to achieve these goals:

a) Develop capacity through collaboration with reputable Non-governmental organizations and Government agencies.

b) Take the services to the users, child advocacy and community outreach.

c) Increase the variety of resourceful projects as they will be identified in the due course.

d) Development Training and Research.