In a perceptual environment on the Internet
away from the space-time continuum of our real world,
We help individuals and companies monetize
their unique experiences and value
using AI and Virtual Experience.


●VX(Virtual Experience) Management, Design

●Provide XR services

●Consulting on AI utilization

Company name

splume corporation

Remote work

2-19-5 Ishikawa-cho, Ota-ku,
Tokyo 145-0061, Japan

Board of directors

Chief Executive Officer : Chiharu Kajitsuka
Chief Technical Officer : Masuharu Endo
Outside Director : Tamotsu Machida, Takahiko Akiyama
Auditor : Ryoji Suganuma

Date of establishment

October 5, 2005

Amount of capital

100,000,000 yen (capital reserve : 50,000,000 yen)
Major Shareholders CEO, CTO

Related company

KAJ Corporation(wholly owned subsidiary)

Our purpose

We provide a comfortable and creative perceptual environment not only between humans, but also between humans and AI.

Our planet is still full of possibilities. We believe that if people on this planet pursued their own comfort instead of trying to satisfy their excessive desires, our lives become richer and more meaningful. We aim to make our future comfortable, safe and full of diverse possibilities, using VR, AR, CGI and AI, in addition, using traditional UX management methods.



“Sustaining a world where people around the world can treat each other with love and respect and safely deepen their experiences.”


Why did we choose this company name?


The word "splume" is a coined word, derived from the geological term "Super Plume".
A Super Plume is a huge updraft of the Earth's inner mantle. We think of this updraft as symbolizing the primordial flow of energy rises from the essential center of our inner spaces. The Super Plume is one of the largest natural phenomena on earth, and we hope that we will be a company that creates a major stream that opens up the next era.

スプリュームの語源、Super Plume(スーパープルーム)は地質学用語で、地球内部のマントルの巨大な上昇流のこと。地球の中心から吹き上げてくる巨大な上昇流を「わたしたちの本質から噴き上げる根源的なエネルギーの流れ」と見立てました。地球上でもっとも大規模な自然現象のひとつであるSuper Plumeを社名にして、次の時代を切り開く大きな流れを起こす会社でありたいとの願いを込めました.

Your Eyes

"Your Eyes" is a book reading support service for people who have difficulty reading books. We are offering "YourEyes" from the App store for corporations and individuals.


Connectablr Reality

Connectable Reality is a "Spatial link" format replaces hyperlink. New standard for VR Internet and Metaberse!!! Japanese and Chinese patents.
( We offer free license for non-commercial use only. )

※ Connectable Realityサイトは現在リニューアル中です.