In this hilarious and highly original story, six teenagers from a Canadian chamber choir meet an unexpected end in a roller coaster accident. Upon awakening in limbo, they encounter the Amazing Karnak, a mechanical fortune teller who invites them to participate in a high-stakes game of life and death. Much like the different stages of grief, each character in this story is distinct and complex in their own way. However, they are all compelled to unite and collaborate to achieve their ultimate goal. This beloved musical has become a viral sensation, offering a humorous yet poignant exploration of what makes a life well-lived.
Fan art of Ride the Cyclone is like a rollercoaster for the eyes—buckle up for a wild ride through creativity! Bravo, "Cyclonistas" you’ve truly outdone yourself!
"Uh, beg pardon Rarity, but, uh, we don't normally wear clothes." -Applejack, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic “life is painful, life is long, life’s too short, it’s like a song.” Oderous Urungus, GWAR
”Do I love these h**s? Mmm, kinda sorta. I got 'em drinking Sangria like it's f***ing water." - Drake (The only one in this country who can go as hard as me. Wish I coulda gone to Degrassi with you, bro, ‘cause Saint Cassian is wack as (Redacted).
“At the time we were all writing erotica at a dollar a page, I realized that for centuries we had had only one model for this literary genre—the writing of men. I had a feeling that Pandora's box contained the mysteries of woman's sensuality, so different from man's and for which man's language was inadequate.” Anaïs Nin
“Service without humility is selfishness and egotism.” Mahatma Gandhi “I started my life with a single absolute: that the world was mine to shape in the image of my highest values and never to be given up to a lesser standard, no matter how long or hard the struggle.” ― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
“If we turn from battle because there is little hope for victory, where then would valour be? Let it ever be the goal that stirs us, not the odds.” - Silver Surfer: Parable
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