It is currently Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:27 am
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Our current mayor has proven to be a failure and no-one is stepping up; I simply want to pose all of the issues and open them up for countywide comment. I am totally baffled by candidates with only one single item as their POV as it makes me question why they are even running. Those running for public office should have substantial hopes and dreams for the betterment of their community and society as a whole and to run as far and as fast as their energy and time will allow. I certainly have countless ideas and problems that I see that need attention and I am certainly weary of those that wish to only complain and stand in the way of progress as I would rather celebrate those that are willing to put forth great effort to improve lives and move our civilization forward towards the best life that we can have. We cannot let negative people make life more complex than it needs to be; we must push forward with logical leadership that supports the ones that wish to accomplish great things. Within is just a short list of items that I would try to enact if given the opportunity in public office here in Honolulu.
These are just some of the issues and problems that come to mind in one sitting and I am sure that there are thousands of other issues that will come to light and need to be addressed as dialogue opens and continues. This short list is merely offered to give you some insight into how I think and what is important to me and what would guide my decision-making on a daily basis. I think it is of utmost importance for you to understand what a leader will do in every case long before each question arises; there should be no surprises.
Certainly if the majority of people are at odds with my thoughts and ideas then hopefully others will step forward and offer better solutions and ideas towards moving our community forward. I hope that at bare minimum a conversation can be started and if others are more suited to execute some of these ideas, I will gladly return to my chair on the beach and let others do all the work. But I am hoping that I am wrong in thinking that most here are opposed to change and progress and that a greater majority will step forward and celebrate ideas that move our society forward and partner with us towards getting some of these hopes and dreams accomplished. I would think that most of us simply want the best life that we possibly can have and I hope that in whatever capacity or role we find ourselves in that we will do our absolute best to help makes our neighbors lives better any way we can. I am hoping that we can create an open chat room so that we can have an open and constant discussion of how to better perfect these rough ideas and how they might be accomplished. If we all can work together, that would be amazing. Thank you for your time and interest. - 68 Topics
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