What Made an Israeli Student Work for Iranian Intelligence?

Iranian operatives are approaching Israelis through social media in an attempt to recruit them. The Shin Bet worry that a growing number of Israelis are willing to cooperate with them

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Yossi Melman
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Yossi Melman

The above picture is of Eden Dabas, a detainee accused of contact with an Iranian intelligence agent. It is disclosed here publicly for the first time, which demonstrates how the media was content with the Justice Ministry's brief announcements and missed the full story and its implications.

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23:49 10.09.2024
"Iran isn't perfect..." This is a joke, yes?
The regime has executed thousands, jailed thousands more, and systematically tortures prisoners (and rapes the females) on spurious charges, and to get forced "confessions."
As for corruption...where to begin. The IRGC is notoriously corrupt, ranging from detaining dog owners and ransoming their dogs. (I'm not making this up) to charging falsely imprisoned people for taking "furloughs" from their appalling jails for a few days for large sums of money. Meanwhile they launder money to the West to buy up expensive properties for their sons, and keep it as an escape route. The treatment (and even execution) of women who refuse to cover their hair is horrendous. Then there's the killing of protesters...I could go on but words are failing. Suggest you read Human Rights Watch reports. If you think that the US, for all its faults, is comparable, move to Iran. But be sure first because you'll never be able to return.

Pete UK

20:31 10.09.2024
Anywhere I can sign up? I'd work for Iran 🇮🇷 anytime over those corrupt unethical Americans! (Politicians not the populace!). Iran is far from perfect but they're not causing a genocide


21:05 09.09.2024
I guess quite a number of persons (in any country) might be willing to earn $12.000 for hanging up weird posters and stubbing a doll, especially when they need cash for drugs. They may not realize that this will probably be a reason for blackmail later when they are asked for more serious "services" (like providing details on military personal or installations they happen to know).


20:45 09.09.2024
This is a sign of growing Israeli societal breakdown.


20:03 09.09.2024
Rule: If anyone offers silly services or goods for a lot of money, in general you can trust the person; but if anyone offers you a lot of money for silly services or goods, you should be highly suspicious.


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