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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with: [co­de] and [/co­de]

The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


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Exaggerate your resume. 2 years is good enough. I don't think references ever mattered for me at least, and connections didn't do shit for me.
these faggots are pests
>very unlikely to ever advance beyond entry level
I don't want to, as long as I get to work from home and get a okay salary I'm set, I live far below my means and I will retire in 10 years or less

>t. minimalism maxxer
do not ask your previous employer for references if you weren't beloved by them.

I went though the same shit. And I only got a job by relying on friends at companies to give me references. They were not my managers. I don't get along well with managers unless its in academia because they always give me some gay ass projects to work on and I hate working on gay ass projects

>find these 500 database fields
>work on this presentation and make slides that say X, Y, Z in this order, before A date, etc

I'm sad about this
I only care about the paycheck, I look for meaning outside of work shit

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>An American schoolboy has earned 1.1 million on an AI startup - he created an application that counts calories from photos.

>For work, the boy simply used the ChatGPT API wrapper. The application was downloaded by more than 100 thousand people.

why haven't you made a GPT wrapper yet, anon?
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Rich zoomer pretends to be a genius but relies on his parents connections and lies about everything. Nothing new and this trend has been in full force the last 10 years. See Iman Gadzi, Biaheza, and the tons of other grifters. You have no one to blame but Gari Vaynacuck who started this garbage. Many such cases
Colors are rgb numbers, brown contains some red and some green. Add them up separately, maybe throw in some constant to scale them, then divide to get a ratio between 0 and 1, finally multiply that with a number that looks like the max amount of calories one could take daily. Bam, you have your on-device LLM for calculating calories.
Maybe color balance the pic first or only count the pixels near the center or something.
Also it's AI so add a disclaimer that it might be wrong some times.
"AI" would be handy for segmentation. Only counting things in the bowl or plate would solve a lot of issues.

I couldn't image shipping actual code that gets away with the accuracy of AI results. Saying something is AI is a blank check for crap results.
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>>102319953 (OP)
So he lied to a bunch of people?

Thoughts on BOOTCAMS?
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>Is that where you film yourself shoving a boot up your ass? Faggot

Not OP. If this is an actual thing. I have completely lost faith for humanity.
The laptop is normal sized
>if this is an actual thing
You're 15. Anon wasn't saying it was a thing. You can't read.
So what, Im talking about not having back support, laptop size is irrelevant dumbass

I never assumed that Anon said that dumbass. And you're telling me I can't read? I hope your family abandons you in a nursing home.


>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between September 30th and October 1st (UTC)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.

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That’s the same as just putting it on the master
Generally that’s a pretty bad idea unless you’re doing ambient or vaporwave etc
i'm usually making a couple of fx tracks with small/close reverb, mid reverb and large/far reverb and send other tracks there according to layer
did octamed do anything special or it was just what they had? the aliasing on that intro sounds excessive even for the limitation lol

can't believe it's been 4 years since this came out, christ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDn7ZDcx9w0 [Embed]
That might get it taken down from youtube and bandcamp
Holy some of these guitar tones are ass, I'd be so mad as a guitarist. Pretty interesting vid even though I'm not into metal
https://youtu.be/U_TtJo2_bh8?t=163 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/U_TtJo2_bh8?t=1916[Embed] some of them completely ignoring symphonic sections

Some of these mixes are truly dreadful but opened my eyes at how different some approaches can be, more so learning all the things I really don't like. I wish modern metal production wasn't so into this "hyperreality" shit that sounds awful, kicks are the worst offenders for me ~9:18

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Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases (e.g. 4K editing, high FPS gaming)
State budget and COUNTRY or you will not be helped

Fully seat a 12VHPWR connector in its socket, otherwise the connection can melt.

>Intel Raptor Lake / RPL Refresh
Instability reported with 13th and 14th gen, i5 K SKUs and above (incl non-K). Update BIOS and apply Intel Baseline settings. Avoid purchases.


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>xtxh are undervolting champions
you can not rely on that, even if the chip can handle it some chips won't and you'd have degraded performance on some consoles vs others at certain scenarios or worse system crashes, it's a binning nightmare.
You make no sense at all and sound like a jit. You keep thinking of consumer desktop scale.
you can't. that's not how it's printed. it's a monolithic chip in PS5.
Then you'd have to rebin them all since you're fabbing new chips anyway
Hey retards, when PS4 PRO came out did they change GPU archs? No they didnt. They literally just added bigger same arch GPU.

>have to spend 1000€ now to buy a matte black apple watch
I'm seething so fucking hard bros
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So you ARE a fatty after all lmfao
>>102311842 (OP)
Why is Apple so obsessed with grey and blue? I thought blue, more specifically blue-collar worker blue was associated with Microsoft.
I’m a matte black and red kinda guy. I want a completely red Sport Loop. I might have to get the Plum colour instead this year.
Looks ugly
Yup i ditched my notishication watches for a mechanical one.
>i NEED to have IM beebboops going on my wrist i am not stimmed enough as it is by distractions and screens and LED lights
That’s pretty much why I got it. I disable most of the beepboops but I like my next calendar event to be on the watch face, and the rest of it accessible with a press.
And yes, most importantly the beep boop vibrate when I set the reminder

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I recently watched Luke Smith on bookmarks and I have to ask.
Show me your bookmarks you bookmark obsessed fagots!

What do you even bookmark?
The internet is like 10 websites you visit max in 2024. WTF are you bookmarking?

Luke smith literally did have like 32 bookmarks
30 are all of his web pages
1 is his monero wallet
and only 1 other website he did not own.

What the living fuck are you bookmarking in your browsers?!

I can post my saved URLs (not bookmarks) of interesting web pages however most of it is pirated streams that have a ever changing URL because MPAA. The era of the 100s of web pages is long over.
>>102323191 (OP)
How is a saved URL meaningfully different from a bookmark?

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Let's all join hands and curse the professors who are making us use this.
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>use more than one editor
super retarded. there's nothing any editor can do that vim can't. using any editor with a GUI is bloat, slow, and skill issue. I can move much faster than you and do exactly the same stuff
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>there's nothing any editor can do that vim can't
Is Vim capable of doing this?
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>>102322509 (OP)
I remember telling a professor that I refuse to use any IDE since they just add extra complexity to something that can be simply done with a standard Batch script / command.
He told me that it was standard and I should get use to it.
Idiot didn't know what GCC is.
>>102322509 (OP)
Codeblocks is OK
Code::Blocks is an amazing IDE if you at least tried it. Super configurable, way better then the ElectronJS bloatware that VSCode is and has a Vim plugin if you really want Vim keybinds. Plus wxSmith.

I'm going blind, /g/, what technology for blind people do you recommend, I know some of them use computers quite heavily

It will be years before I fully lose sight and possibly I will always retain some but the jury is out, I need to prepare. I can't just stop writing code.

Where do I go looking for tips on how to set up my computer with screen readers and shit, I am willing to practice with my eyes closed
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We had those decade ago. The companies went under. Not sure what happened to the tech but it SHOULD be way better now if it was adopted by any other companies
>body was also pretty fast to create scar tissue around probes
Never mind the fact that no official Neuralink source has ever stated this (so I'm not sure where you got this from), it's obvious that scar tissue will appear.
But guess what? Even after some of the threads retracted, they modified the software and his control over the device became even better than before.

>but instead of llm it's a custom trained AI for this
Oh yeah, let me just spend a few thousand dollars to rent the computing capability to do this.
Training material? Oh, I'll just pull those out of my ass as well.
>contributing to gtk/qt accessibility stuff is also an option. iirc one of the gtk devs was actually in need of that shit and he was one of the major contributors of accessibility related stuff
Ah yes, an even better idea! Let's spend months working on features that may not even be accepted or do what OP needs them to do!

Seriously man, if this is the best you can do then you might as well not post at all.
>Not sure what happened to the tech

>i have absolutely no idea what i'm talking about, but BE AFRAID
yeah, okay anon
>>102318269 (OP)
Start your music career. You'll have plenty of time to practice once you can't see shit.

DragonSoft speech to text was great. You could do all sort of things with voice commands I tried it like 20 years ago.
>>102318269 (OP)
I'm sorry, OP. It must be shit.

Fortunately, we are getting closer and closer to the maturity of utilities that can mitigate this problem. From AI assistants capable of facilitating tasks or recognising images for you, to implants that replace your eyes and send the signal directly to the brain.

This is probably useless for you, but for those who fear for the health of their eyes: rest your eyes often and look at a very distant point in the distance for several minutes.

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I've never used windows 7

Why is it so beloved? What makes it "the best" windows? I want concrete answers, not buzzwords like "sovl".
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Zoomers never got to experience the golden age of XP
They got their first computer with vista, and after using that pile of garbage no wonder they thought 7 was the shit
>>102321183 (OP)
It worked, didn't overreach, and did its job. Only bad thing is you still had to install your own drivers after boot, and that was a pain.

Makes me wonder if we'll ever get another good corporate OS. Probably not.
>intelligent agencies still run XP and 7
desu they should have their own operating systems, maybe based on the linux kernel. win7 is not for NPCs nor security critical situations, but for power users that know what they are doing.
I wouldn't recommend it to an npc who are scared of cookies
>>102321183 (OP)
why don't you tell us since you're the only person who makes windows 7 threads here?

Imagine being that guy who "peaked in highschool" and makes it their entire persona, except it's one troll/spam thread from 10 years ago on 4chan

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Free healthcare at least in Poland sucks, you'll die while waiting in a 3 year long queue. If you have money or work benefits, you go private anyway.
will get more optimised by the end of the year
>free healthcare
You already pay for this separately with the income taxes.
And if you want any good service, you need an ADDITIONAL private insurance. I got relatives in the USA, and they get far better healthcare for much cheaper.
>b-but if you are a hobo, you get better service in the EU
Yes, but anybody who has a job doesn't. It's yet another way to kill the middle class.
If you want the best service for the buck, you go Neet.
At least the they know their place.

Weren't you all supposed to be the more 'tea drinking upperclassmen'? Yet, all I see are migrant pissing, shitting, masturbating in the streets and being let out with a 'your Majestys pinkie promise' they won't rape the minor again.
>in exchange
That's a transaction. You're literally paying for it, only bums and the brown horde get it for free.

old >>102252181
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screen recording shouldn't be affected by your video card, since it's either done with a hardware video codec, which while it is in your gpu, is done in a part of the gpu specifically for video encoding, not the 3D parts, or it's done on the cpu
if you're getting lower game performance when recording, you're probably using a software codec and starving the game of cpu time
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>>102282867 (me)
Before applying the solutions I've been told, I decided to download FontExpert

Ehh... Thoughts?
maybe try perfect dark
Considering those would be corrupted system files, this might be a case where sfc's scan followed by dism's image repair might actually work.
You could maybe copy them from another install manually too.
write a script that takes your wallpaper, composites said pictures onto it, and sets it as your wallpaper (assuming you want them to change as well, if not, just composite them and set that as your wallpaper)

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots


OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net

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It's because I grew up in the 90s too and have never heard that in my life.
>the entire world is my small community
>getting booty blasted someone thinks his childhood was weird
Anyway, wanna kiss?
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Locustbros we are FEASTING

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Expect the quality of apple products to go further down in the future and the prices to go a bit higher in order to offset the loss.
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>>102320183 (OP)
What Timmy gon do?
every single person I know who is a ""techie"" has an android phone.
some of them ( like me ) flash custom firmware to escape google,
it's not about the money,

please go seek professional help, ASAP
It's always funny when the EU decides to rape some tech giant's wallet and there is nothing they can do about it
>>102320183 (OP)
Based. And people will still pretend that EU is bad. Really makes you think who the posters on /g/ are and where they come from.
>>102320183 (OP)
>13B €
Talk about a slap on the wrist
Actually considering Apple is worth 3.3 trillion as of right now not even a slap on the wrist, it's just nothing
It should have been 130B minimum to be felt
For comparison, let's say some guy has 50k in his bank account, if he were to get a 200 fine it'd be the same proportion as this
The guy barely sees this as a mild inconvenience, it's just nothing

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