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Let's all join hands and curse the professors who are making us use this.
the biggest fucking meme
if u support either of windows or mac thats all you need
>>102322509 (OP)
>Double click install icon
College hasn't managed to filter you out yet? Why? Are you a nigger or wahmen?
Where did you get the idea I'm unable to install it?
>>102322509 (OP)
Just open it in the background and use vim.
Or install an embedded terminal.
Because you're too fucking lazy and stupid to workout how to use it? So you've decided to go crying about it on the internet.
Fuck off back to predditor faggot.
>codeblocks cockblocks you from coding
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Thank God I attended to a white university. All my professors used Emacs back then.
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>>102322509 (OP)
Use Codelite.
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We're talking about Software to we use to produce software. Vim is just a text editor. By the way, you can literally have the same Vim keybindings inside Emacs with M-x evil-mode, so it doesn't make sense to use Vim alone.
In Emacs we have dap mode, good integration with C, C++, LISP and a bunch of other things that we need to use in order to produce Software.
>>102322509 (OP)
fuck off, zoomer
>>102322509 (OP)
I have an easier time setting up compiler options and libraries in CodeBlocks than VSCode.

I'll join hands around the bonfire of hate against professors forcing Python down my throat, but CodeBlocks hasn't given me too many problems.
>use more than one editor
super retarded. there's nothing any editor can do that vim can't. using any editor with a GUI is bloat, slow, and skill issue. I can move much faster than you and do exactly the same stuff
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>there's nothing any editor can do that vim can't
Is Vim capable of doing this?
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>>102322509 (OP)
I remember telling a professor that I refuse to use any IDE since they just add extra complexity to something that can be simply done with a standard Batch script / command.
He told me that it was standard and I should get use to it.
Idiot didn't know what GCC is.
>>102322509 (OP)
Codeblocks is OK
Code::Blocks is an amazing IDE if you at least tried it. Super configurable, way better then the ElectronJS bloatware that VSCode is and has a Vim plugin if you really want Vim keybinds. Plus wxSmith.

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