Days of Moonlight 2024: Riddles, Reflections, and More

September 10 2024

Life can be hectic, and sometimes what you need is a peaceful evening to take in the beauty of the space around you. A new event arrives soon in Sky for you to do just that: Days of Moonlight!

Deep in the Crescent Oasis, a tranquil retreat awaits. Starting on September 16th, the Moonlight Guide Spirit will help you travel this area, newly decorated for the occasion. A silvery moon shines above the stately tree that calls the oasis home, and nearby paper lanterns are ready to create a magical atmosphere.

Days of Moonlight is for taking moments to exchange riddles with friends. Underneath a starry sky, the lanterns invite you to create a riddle for fellow Sky Children to solve.

Or perhaps you’d rather see what riddles your friends have written—browse among the lanterns to answer whichever ones you’d like! Sure, answering a riddle will reveal event currency, but it may also help you see the world around you in new and surprising ways.

Enjoy the serenity the oasis offers to those who slow down: deep sapphire skies, golden leaves of an ancient tree, the bright silver moon, gentle clouds and rippling waters.

Sky photographers have no shortage of beautiful scenery to take in, and a little bit of exploration might lead the way to breathtaking views of the moon as well.

Perhaps the moon will even be your muse! Countless artists have found their inspiration in moonlight, so bring an instrument or spells for a Player Creation—you too may find yourself inspired to create something for the moment!

If your inspiration is more focused on style, choose from four new items to capture a souvenir of the event. Two can even be unlocked with event currency. Five event currency can be found each day in the Crescent Oasis and by answering the riddles fellow Sky Children write for you. (For those who are curious for details about upcoming items, don’t forget to check our patch notes!)

Days of Moonlight is a chance to slow down, reflect, and take in a peaceful evening with friends. From September 16th through 29th, an oasis of glowing lanterns and glittering stars is open to everyone to enjoy. We’ll see you in the skies!

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