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Why Our Video Got Taken Down

Steve Chan
      2 hours ago, Ertio said:

    It is brave of you to make this video. Go, Linus!


    I suspect they will unfortunately take down this one as well.

    With what reasoning? 

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      2 hours ago, starsmine said:

    With what reasoning? 

    To prevent people from finding the original video (ID: GsjHMzGl-VY) elsewhere due to streisand effect, and because the criticism is too much, and because they showed the Bing embed thing again.


    I think they will also put ads on Bing embeds soon now that it was exposed as an ad-free way to watch YouTube.

    Edited by Ertio
    ads on Bing embeds
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      2 hours ago, Ertio said:

    To prevent people from finding the original video (ID: GsjHMzGl-VY) elsewhere due to streisand effect, and because the criticism is too much, and because they showed the Bing embed thing again.

    the bing thing isnt on LTT, that wasnt what took downt he original video in the slightest.
    Youtube doesnt care about the critisism, it wasnt too much, nor do they have any rules about taking down videos critical of them, there is no history of them abusing their rules to do it either
    you cant find the OG video on youtube, the repuloads got taken down. what are the preventing?

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      On 9/9/2024 at 3:48 AM, starsmine said:

    Stop being angry and go learn about how data centers and networks work instead.

    Honestly, YouTube prohibiting videos that show how to download from YouTube is a greater problem than prohibiting videos on blocking ads.


    Ads are tolerable to some extent, but not downloading videos causes a loss of history given the massive amount of content taken down from YouTube.

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      2 hours ago, Ertio said:

    Honestly, YouTube prohibiting videos that show how to download from YouTube is a greater problem than prohibiting videos on blocking ads.


    Ads are tolerable to some extent, but not downloading videos causes a loss of history given the massive amount of content taken down from YouTube.

    calling it a problem at all feels disingenuous.
    As others have said, that information is all over the internet. 

    Videos with step by step by step instructions on how to break youtubes TOS, should clearly and obviously not be allowed on Youtube. It makes absolutly zero sense for them to be there.  

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      2 hours ago, starsmine said:

    Youtube doesnt care about the critisism, it wasnt too much, nor do they have any rules about taking down videos critical of them, there is no history of them abusing their rules to do it either

    Well, they banned TheWheatisHeat96 and Mumkey Jones by giving them three strikes on randomly picked old videos. They both had many videos criticizing YouTube. While YouTube indeed seems to tolerate criticism to a certain degree, there is a limit.


    There is a difference between criticism from a little 100-subscriber channel and criticism from a near-16-million subscriber channel. YouTube doesn't like being criticized infront of a large audience.


    Also keep in mind they got rid of the public dislike counter. To their credit, they didn't immediately turn off the like/dislike count on their Rewind 2018 video.


      2 hours ago, starsmine said:

    you cant find the OG video on youtube, the repuloads got taken down. what are the preventing?

    Not on YouTube but elsewhere.

    Here for example: https://vk.com/video-204003801_456294418


    Actually, here is a copy on YouTube, but it will probably not survive for long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bighjC-MiDA



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      On 9/9/2024 at 1:36 AM, Havok970 said:

    "Community Guidelines" are DELIBERATELY vague. Blatantly deliberate bad faith is a growing issue throughout corporate America, especially in tech.

    TOS: Don't do the thing, it's a violation of policy and will result in termination.

    Users: Can you be more specific and tell us what the thing is?

    TOS: No.

    Users: So how do we know what we can and cannot do?

    TOS: You don't, here enjoy some memes and emoji speak from our social engagement team via a social media platform we don't own.

    Users: But that doesn't help answer....

    TOS: 🤫

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      On 9/8/2024 at 10:38 AM, Luscious said:

    Fuck YouTube!!


    They were able to operate for over a decade without ads - forcing them on users now is nothing but a money-grab. I will continue to run ad blockers on my browsers and not give one cent to their selfish corporate greed.


    And fuck Floatplane as well!!


    I'm not about to start paying for content that for over a decade has been available to watch for free. If you need that $10/month to stay operational then your business model is what is broken - don't demand that I pay to fix it!!




    Well YouTube needs to make money.

    Paying $10 for 1  channel on floatplane, it just stupid.

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      On 9/8/2024 at 1:43 AM, GalaxyStudios said:

    Showing how to install an ad blocker doesn't violate YouTube's TOS

    Yes it does.

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