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Waifuist Thread #2530 ticktocker!Rowan.11oM 09/07/2024 (Sat) 15:27:50 No. 490989
>>491336 >go on rambling about their weird larping fantasies You know how to stop thatsince everyone who roams these sites is weird. Don't have a text input box in the reply option then
(120.31 KB 1080x1080 happy birthday s[...].jpg)
(131.19 KB 1080x1206 happy birthday s[...].jpg)
>>491338 Then have fun over there. If the regulars here don't have issues with how things are, let me know >>491336 Man this lately. I don't even want to really bother with why I take issue with this. But I tried my darnest to not let my opinions overrun the place. >>491346 We are weird. There's a difference between our weirdness and the weirdos that don't know how to read the room.
Edited last time by QuietGrace on 09/09/2024 (Mon) 03:27:20.
>>491346 Or people could just think before they type, especially if they don't have any media to add...
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>>491347 It's like they try to turn threads into penthouse forums (old people get that reference) then wonder why it's wrong and the thread gets locked or deleted smh
>>491349 the body of a 12 year old the face of a 20 year old Crazy how Kris looked so mature in her face
(3.44 MB 720x1280 amiahkmiller_[...].mp4)
Amiah 🤤
(85.98 KB 912x944 2022-04-30 18.15[...].jpg)
(159.78 KB 1080x1080 2023-04-26 15.26[...].jpg)
(202.36 KB 1440x1800 2022-08-30 18.40[...].jpg)
(250.52 KB 1440x1661 2022-11-08 16.17[...].jpg)
>>491218 Thank you my friend!
>>491350 You have the cock of a 60 year old.
>>491353 Not yet... damit
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>>491350 Always been pretty, also kinda on theme cause "dancing"?
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(8.64 MB 720x1280 2024-09-05 07.57[...].mp4)
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>>491349 Lol this. Or those /hebe/ threads from years back. Which part of the reason /waifuist/ was created was a counter to that
>>491270 face is photoshoped, didn't you notice?
>>491325 Thanks for making me reconsider as I had decided not to dl it.
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Maurer blocks all paths. That is all. >>I luff dis Country!
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>>491349 What's a penthouse form?
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I respectfully admire Ustina's accomplishments in Athletic Competition.
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>>491316 >>491317 Pure perfection <3
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Not sure why the video isn't working but have another video (hopefully this one works)
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>>491368 >>491369 Both videos work for me. Only the thumbnail is troublesome
>>491373 Agreed! Both videos work for me, as well. Oh, my... they certainly DO work for me! :-)
>>491219 Now THAT is magnificent! :-)
(37.94 KB 608x1080 image_display.webp)
>>491060 omg who's this?
can't even share mega folders here smh
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Found a video for theme. (ish) Just wanted to post my fav Jemma though.
God bless the guy who posted that neiked pic just now of that bushy girl, that is all
>>491383 I wish you could be deleted as easily as that pic
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Who s this sweetheart? Im literally on the verge of killing myself because i cant find her.
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(3.60 MB 1080x1920 An-JipUzl_&#[...].mp4)
>>491388 wheww but 🤷‍♀️
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Don't kys over a girl
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>>491393 Uohhhhhhhh
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