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Curriculum Vitae

EHESS-Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Crlao, Faculty Member
Alexander Vovin 1 Curriculum Vitae for Alexander Vovin ADDRESSES home address: work address: 20 Impasse de la Garenne EHESS-CRLAO 77167 Poligny FRANCE 105, bd Raspail 75006 Paris, FRANCE webpages: PERSONAL DATA Born January 27, 1961 in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), Russia Nationalty: USA citizen Family situation: married (spouse: Sambi Ishisaki-Vovin (石崎(ボビン)賛美), two children EDUCATION Leningrad State U. "Kandidat filologicheskikh nauk"(=Ph.D.) 10/29/87 Dissertation: The Language of the Japanese prose of the second half of the XI Century. 189 pp. In Russian. Leningrad State U. "Vysshee Obrazovanie" (=MA) June, 1983 Philological Faculty, Department of Structural and Applied Linguistics. Thesis: The Dictionary Bongo zōmyō (『梵語雑名』) as a Source for the Description of some Peculiarities of the Phonetics of Early 18th Century Japanese. 73 pp. In Russian. EMPLOYMENT 01/01/2014 Directeur d’études, linguistique historique du Japon, de la Corée et de l’Asie present Centrale, EHESS/CRLAO, Paris, France 08/01/2003 - Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Department of 01/10/2014 East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, USA 08/01/1997- Associate Professor of Japanese, Department of 07/31/2003 East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, USA 08/01/1995- Assistant Professor of Japanese, Department of 07/31/1997 East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, USA
Alexander Vovin 2 08/01/1994- Assistant Professor of Japanese, Department of 07/31/1995 German, Russian, and East Asian Languages, Miami University, USA 9/1/1990 - Assistant Professor of Japanese Language & 06/30/1994 Linguistics, Department of Asian Languages & Cultures, University of Michigan, USA 6/1/1990 - Visiting Lecturer in Japanese, Department of Asian Languages 8/31/1990 & Cultures, University of Michigan, USA 3/1/1989 - Junior Scientific Researcher, Far East Sector, May, 1990 Japanese Group, Inst. of Oriental Studies, AN SSSR, Leningrad Branch (LO IV AN), Russia 7/4/1983 - Senior Assistant ("Starshii Laborant"), Far East Sector, Japanese 3/1/1989 Group, LO IV AN, Russia 1984,1989 Lecturer, Leningrad State U., Oriental Department,Korean Section. Taught: Old Korean, and Middle Korean, Russia 1986,1987 Academic Advisor, Leningrad State U., Oriental Faculty, Korean Program, Russia 1983-1989 Private Tutor in Japanese, Classical Chinese and Manchu, Russia ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS 08/01/2009 - Interim Chair, Department of East Asian Languages 07/31/2010 and Literatures, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, USA 10/2008 - Interim Chair, Department of Japanese Language and 07/2009 Literature, University of Bochum, Germany 04/2001 - Coordinator of the Joint Research Committee, International Research 03/2002 Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan Fall 1997 Japanese Linguistics Coordinator at the Dept. of EALL, Spring 2000 University of Hawai’i, USA VISITING PROFESSOR POSITIONS 05/2012 - Visiting Professor, Language Typology Section, National Institute of 08/2012 Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan 10/2008 - Visiting Professor, Department of Japanese Language and 08/2009 Literature, University of Bochum, Germany 01/2008- Visiting Professor, International Research Center for 09/2008 Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan
Alexander Vovin 3 04/2001 - Visiting Associate Professor, International Research Center for 03/2002 Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan INTERNATIONAL SERVICE 01/01/2019 Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics (JEAL), present Brill, the Netherlands 01/04/2004 - Editor-in-chief, series Languages of Asia, Brill, the Netherlands present 01/01/2007 Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Sino-Western present Communications, Fremont, CA, USA 10/01/2008 - Member of the Editorial Board of the Cahiers de Linguistique -- present Asie Orientale (CRLAO, Paris) 02/01/2012 - Member of the Editorial Board of the Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları present (Studies on the Turkic Languages), Istanbul, Turkey. 01/01/2010 - Member of the Editorial Board of the Studia Orientalia Slovaca, present International Journal for East Asian Studies (Bratislava, Slovakia) 01/01/2010 - Member of the editorial board of Sxidnyi Svit (Kyiv, Ukraine) present 02/01/1999 - Member of the International Advisory Board of the Migracijske present Teme International Journal on ethnic migrations (Zagreb, Croatia) 02/01/1994 - Member of the Editorial Board of the Diachronica, 03/02/2017 - International Journal for Historical Linguistics (John Benjamins) TEACHING EXPERIENCE Ph.D. dissertations supervised (completed) (1) Bentley, John R. 1999. A structural analysis of the language of the oldest Norito. U of Hawai’i, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. (2) Miyake, Marc H. 1999. Old Japanese: a new reconstruction based on ancient records. U of Hawai’i, Department of Linguistics. (3) Hino, Sukenari. 2000. Grammaticalization of Japanese pseudonouns and auxiliary verbs: morphosyntactic and semantic approach, U of Hawai’i, Department of Linguistics. (4) Russell, Kerri L. 2006. A reconstruction of proto-Japonic verbal morphology. U of Hawai’i, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. (5) Faehndrich, B. Maria 2007. A description of the Karlong dialect of the Mongghul language in the Qinghai province, U of Hawai’i, Department of Linguistics.
Alexander Vovin 4 (6) Traulsen, Thorsten 2008. Die lexicologischen und phonologischen Grundlagen der inneren Rekonstruktion im Mittelkoreanischen. University of Hamburg, 2008. (7) Kupchik, John 2011. A descriptive grammar of Eastern Old Japanese. U of Hawai’i, Department of Linguistics. (8) Lin, Chihkai 2015. A historical phonology of Old Okinawan. U of Hawai’i, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. Ph.D. dissertations supervised (in progress) (9) Kao, Hsiang-Tai. Une grammaire de la langue Mandchou d’inscriptions impériales. Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales. Expected June 2021. (10) Younès M’Ghari. Welin chenkang ci kwok : linguistic and philological aspects of the 15th c. Middle Korean text. Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales. Expected May 2021. (11) Jesse Gates (co-supervised with Guillaume Jacques, CNRS). The descriptive grammar of the Stau language (Sichuan, China). Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales. Expected January 2021. (12) Etiénne Baudel. The synchronic and diachronic study of the Hachijō language in Japan. Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales. Expected 2023. M.A. theses supervised (completed) (1) Bentley, John B. 1997. MO and PO in Old Japanese. U of Hawai’i, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. (2) Ikier, Steven 2006. On the Attributive and Final Predicate Forms in Eastern Old Japanese. U of Hawai’i, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. (3) Magnuson, Matthew E. 2011. Semantic representation: A study of the usage and development of characteristic Okinawan verb forms and case particles. U of Hawai’i, Department of Asian Studies. (4) Imafuku, Kei 2012. A comparative study of character simplification reforms in China and Japan. U of Hawai’i, Department of Asian Studies. (5) Churchman, Mick 2012. Patterns of Phonosemantics in the Japanese Sound Symbolic System. U of Hawai’i, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. (6) Huynh, Donna. A structural comparison of Old Japanese man’yōgana and Middle Vietnamese chu’ nôm. U of Hawai’i, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. Spring 2013 (7) Scanlon-Canegata, James. A linguistic and textual study of the Saibara uta. U of Hawai’i, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. Spring 2014. (8) Kao, Hsiang-Tai. Grammaire de la langue de Manju yargiyan kooli. Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales. June 2015.
Alexander Vovin 5 (9) M’Ghari, Younès. Les pécualirites de l’écriture coréenne de la Corée du Nord. Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales. June 2017. COURSES TAUGHT JAPANESE Undergraduate courses: language skill courses from beginning to advanced levels post-advanced reading courses (newspapers and magazines, social science readings, readings in humanities and literature) translation courses introductory courses in Japanese linguistics structure of Japanese premodern Japanese literature in translation introductory courses in traditional Japanese culture Classical Japanese various directed reading courses Graduate courses: Japanese phonology and morphology Research methodology in Japanese linguistics History of the Japanese language Western Old Japanese/Le vieux japonais d’Ouest Eastern Old Japanese Old Okinawan Modern Okinawan Kambun (Japanicized Classical Chinese) Reading courses on traditional Japanese texts in original script (sōsho and hentaigana) Seminars and directed readings on various premodern Japanese texts: Man’yōshū, Genji monogatari, Makura no sōshi, etc.