Extreme weird warping effect in shooting videos

Nov 15, 2019 05:49
I notice weird warping effect when shooting videos. Especially in a bit more shaky conditions, like walking fast or running. I find it often appears in my videos even with super steady mode, the ground just warps up and down, like some kind of alien is about to be born, kinda freaky.

I think it's a stabilization algorithm bug, but it's kind of a big bug, I'd rather more shaky than this weird warping
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I noticed this on my 6T, i was planning on using it to vlog but its makes the videos look awful. As a one plus fan I decided I would upgrade my phone to vlog and got the new one plus 8 pro.
I am so disappointed that my brad new 8 pro has the exact same issue. Here is my first vid that I've record with it and it showing the exact same issues as the original post. *notice the grey around my head and I'm barley moving* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o0WqG7HyaI

Did anyone come up with a fix for this?
May 25, 2020 05:200 LikeReply
I'm experiencing a possibly related issue.
In many cases background around moving objects/people is heavily blurred/warped/distorted.
Particularly when taking videos of my kids it really ruins the final video.
Taking same videos on my older 3T or iPhone 6S has overall somewhat lower quality, but there are no warping artifacts.
Here are some examples with a moving object closer to the camera, further away and also with brighter lighting. Pay attention to the couch texture and the floor tiles behind the moving bottle:


And here are videos with 3T and iPhone 6S for comparison:


Is this something common to all 7Ts? Is it just a software bug that could be fixed in near future?
Is there something i can activate/deactivate to improve this?

I've tried using a GCam mod instead of the stock camera, but it has the same issue.

In my case I don't think it is stabilization, since there is barely any fast movement. Looks more like some post-processing weakness.

It's definitely very annoying, makes me wanna stick with 3T and hope that the next iteration improves on this.
Dec 04, 2019 07:380 LikeReply
Nov 17, 2019 00:540 LikeReply

Here the link for the video you can see it happening at 2:07
Nov 16, 2019 04:350 LikeReply
You can see the same effect happening in Mrwhosethebossโ€™s video not sure why it happens as none of the other devices were having that issue.
Nov 16, 2019 04:330 LikeReply
@DelightCompass said:
I notice weird warping effect when shooting videos. Especially in a bit more shaky conditions, like walking fast or running. I find it often appears in my videos even with super steady mode, the ground just warps up and down, like some kind of alien is about to be born, kinda freaky.I think it...

If it's a bug you're welcome to report here https://forums.oneplus.com/feedback/
Nov 16, 2019 01:350 LikeReply
@Deactivated User said:
Apologies, this post has been deleted by author.

I agree, a on/off switch makes more sense
Nov 16, 2019 01:120 LikeReply