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Why do the Glow boys want me to use this language so bad?
Because they are too stupid to use Valgrind when writing C++.
>>102262905 (OP)
because the security of commercial products (used products) is important to the security of the nation.
private corporations build the software that operate aircraft, vehicles, trains, air circulation units, digitized door locks, emergency alert systems, communications systems, and many other things that direct and control substantial amounts of value/energy/potential energy.
failures cost substantial amounts of money and brand recognition.
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Oversimplification. GoLang has a niche. It's like C but with more advanced features built in.

Pls. Go is hackable. There are viruses written in Go.

I don't know what's so bad about clean syntax, only two built in (fast) struct types, easily available toolchain with scripting support, a great vast standard library, package control system, web integration, while all combined with C-like low level raw operation. I love Go. Docker is written in Go.

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