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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

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Internet Archive
The news says they've lost a copyright case, but it doesn't say they're closing down
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skid general
thanks for stopping by
=== /sec/ News:
Weekly roundup:
>Honey Flavored
Nani, desu na?

What kind of monitor defect is this? it's hard to capture on camera, but it looks like a pixelated stain. It's an IPS panel.

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i love modern day aristocracy
we will never leave the middle ages
Taiwanese semiconductor industry is what you get with your typical asiatic clan-driven society and force them into industry. TSMC was founded in this way, govt forced big influential families to massively invest and since they didn't want their investments go poof they had to pull their weight [spoiler]and scam phillips in the process[/spoiler]. Similar story with japanese heavy industries, brits got the tech in, strong merchant yamauchi clan got the deal and rest is history. Dunno about south korea, but its probably similar.
You wish this fake and gay world was half as based as the middle ages
>constant war
>non-existent healthcare
>widespread magical thinking
>domestic violence
yeah fantastic
kill yourself
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Can you give one reason to build a new desktop PC or upgrade your current one?
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My motherboard is MSI.
My laptop is 12 years old and I am not considering a new one.
>>102259894 (OP)
I wish to run VR in 8K and my current rig cant cope
>>102259894 (OP)
>Can you give one reason to build a new desktop PC or upgrade your current one?
none at all
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>>102259894 (OP)
>upgrade your current one
I'm good till DDR6

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Happy Friday!

Tech News & Industry Insights
Ars Technica - https://arstechnica.com/
Hacker News - https://news.ycombinator.com/
TechCrunch - https://techcrunch.com/
The Register - https://www.theregister.com/
The Verge - https://www.theverge.com/tech

Software Development & Programming
GitHub Trending - https://github.com/trending
DevDocs - https://devdocs.io/
JavaScript, CSS, HTML sandbox - https://jsfiddle.net/
MDN Web Docs - https://developer.mozilla.org/
Stack Overflow Blog - https://stackoverflow.blog/

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I could probably just badge in have coffee and leave it's a huge waste of gas though, 80 miles round trip
I survived an enormous layoff, and inherited a shit load of work because they wont be backfilling the people they axed in my org.
Gee whiz anon as your manager I'm SO excited to give you this opportunity to shine!
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>I fucked up and forgot to start something sooner
>That means it's ultra-high priority for everyone else too
>Better harass this guy at 4 PM on a Friday until he does it for me
They actually came at me with that shit, I told them that shit was going to get dropped because it was impossible.

>"well....we'll have to see"
>"no, I'm literally telling you I'm dropping some of this shit because theres not enough time in the day to do all this, if its important hire another person, if not I'll get to it when I get to it"

I don't fucking care anymore.

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Why do the Glow boys want me to use this language so bad?
Because they are too stupid to use Valgrind when writing C++.

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Oldfag grandpas, was life better in general before the internet? Or were you guys bored all the time. Also what was the point of no return? iPhone? Instagram? Snapchat? Tiktok?
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Remote work means no commute. Remote work means I can choose to live where I want, instead of paying inflated real estate prices and having to deal with the HUSTLE and BUSTLE of a VIBRANT urban hellscape.
>is basic socialization in reality too scary for you?
NTA however "socializing" with the 3rd world and bitter insufferable 30+ year old women is not what I consider to be a professional environment.
Large portions of the developed world have fallen into the deepest pits of hell where hideous demonic figures reign over what's left of the civilization they worked tirelessly to destroy.
Having a mix is pretty great, some things are way easier when you're not being distracted with questions and minor problems. Besides everyone has a bunch of communication tools to get together remotely to solve problems.
>>102262797 (OP)
It wasn't that bad at first and Nokia was already pushing many smartphone ideas before Apple did it
I always saw and see Instagram as the lesser evil: ads are not as painfully bad as they are on facebook, you can actually block most of the content you don't want to see and sometimes people actually use it as a social network, just like early years facebook.
That's just a convoluted way to access porn

The four horsemen of the Internet apocalypse are:
Facebook: for implementing the aggresive ways to push ads and gather data
Twitter: for implementing "always show things that the user hates to generate traffic" in the news feed algorithm
mobile gaming and casinos: for inventing all the the abusive ways to monetize 0 and 1s that regular people can't resist
Tiktok: for destroying people's attention span
>>102262797 (OP)
Food tasted better, had bigger portions, and was cheaper. Clothes were of higher quality. Products in general were made better. DMV parking stickers were very sturdy and impossible to rip apart.

Now most food you buy tastes like shit and have smaller portions. Clothes are thinner and are frequently mixed fabrics. DMV parking stickers are sticky aluminum foil that fall apart with the slightest touch.

The point of no return was when they started mass outsourcing. It became a race to the bottom.

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

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General etiquette is to mount disks in /mnt and removable drives in /media. Yeah making a folder in /mnt is fine.
>some kde features don't work in wayland
>some kde features don't work in x11
I hate transitional periods.
Zsh has the same functionality with one of these plugins: plugins=(git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting)
Ble.sh also have this, but ble.sh is slow like ass compared to Zsh
I might check out zsh one of these days then. It's a feature I didn't wanna lose which is why I always ignored zsh.
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I also like "command not found" script for Zsh from Arch wiki, very cool

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>muh AI slop
Why is there so much Anti AI sentiment? Why is the human ego so fragile that it can't accept a superior intelligence will soon exist?

Most boomers I know love ChatGPT. It's only artfags and pretentious bookfags that hate AI.
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>>102259334 (OP)
Because 90% of what people spam the board with looks like garbage or is some debugging code novelty shit. ChatGPT, the way people use it, is more akin to a google search with extra steps than an actual intelligence. This incredible new business opportunity I mean technology that's going to pad our pockets, I mean, change the world seems like a wet fart.
I pose the opposite question: Why is there so much incoherent, sometimes emotional defense of "AI" in general? Seems orchestrated. Either by state actors or people with a pony in the race.
What happened to white people? Man
>>102259334 (OP)
If you want a realtalk answer, it's unironically because of where AI currently is. Current AI models aren't actually that useful or end-to-end in their capabilities, BUT they are way more useful than they used to be.
If you're an artist or a writer, Midjourney, ChatGPT or Claude are already able to do much of the heavy lifting. And yet it's so clearly not competent at tying things together, or loses coherence, or has that very noticeable "AI slop" quality.
Most nonartists won't improve it, and yet they'll continue claiming they're artists unironically.
Imagine you're a chef at an upscale restaurant, or maybe just a chef in training at such a restaurant, and a customer comes in and starts selling McDonalds cheeseburgers in your establishment and arguing furiously that he's a real chef too and deserves to be here, even though the burgers still have the wrappers and receipts on them.
There just isn't enough utility in this current class of AI to convince people. It hallucinates too much for starters, so you can't trust any of the answers it gives you.
Before now, before DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion, AI art looked very dreamlike, and artists loved it because it didn't come close to replicating their craft but instead gave them inspiration and a look into raw concepts.
When it becomes "perfect" (able to replicate hand-drawn imperfections and oddities, as well as advanced compositions and consistency) they'll be too demoralized to fight it directly and instead seek protections for workers.
But right now, it's too weak, too niche, a party trick hyped up by its users.
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>Even the ones that don't have glaring flaws have that same unreal engine plastic sheen to them
You wanna know the saddest part?
It's perfectly feasible to get an AI image gen to make an image that doesn't have that look at all
It took a bit of practice to get it right, but I made this for a friend (he asked me to create a lora for his character), and I've been able to consistently get stuff that completely lacks the "slop" look
I have no idea why AIshartists don't care other than maybe what >>102263439 said
>Most nonartists won't improve it, and yet they'll continue claiming they're artists unironically.
I don't consider myself an artist at all, even though I have a more art-centric background than most using the tech.

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If you were to do a startup that required making a fairly simple crud app with a React frontend and some backend, would you use Java (with Spring Boot) or Go for the backend? I have no experience with either, but I hear those are very often used for this kind of thing

Since I am inexperienced, I value simplicity, good documentation, having plenty of tutorials available for things such as authentication, etc...
Either are OK.
I would go with Java if I was to target enterprise and/or work in the data field.
Maybe Go if I wanted to mingle existing system and a quick prototype.
But overall both are more than enough. That's the kind of decision you take based on the hands you have available. Go with the majority knows.
>>102263337 (OP)
If you don't know either just use Go. You can hack together something in either, it's just Java, especially Spring, is going to assume you're very familiar with OOP design patterns and when you show it off trying to get a job they'll expect you to have a clear grasp of them. Although, if you flip through the Head First book and think "this is genius", go for Java.

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A general dedicated to a corporate DE for Linux.
Post your favorite gitlab quotes of the best gnome developers.

Website: https://www.bassi.io/
Github: https://github.com/ebassi
X: https://twitter.com/ebassi
Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@ebassi

>eBussy Projects
gtk: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk
glib: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib
GNOME Control Center: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center
Mutter: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter
Amberol: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/amberol
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I hate this guy.
No Hate.
It's also unusable on a desktop, because it tries to be usable on a touch screen. So it fails in both cases. Gnome is unusable because they haven't found a use case for it yet.
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>gimp cant draw a circle
>bug opened 22 years ago
Ahahaha who made that edit? Bussi himself?
I use Gnome and I look like this.

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Which programming language should I learn to impress her?
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>>102263133 (OP)
Looksmython, Mewava, Heightmax++
HTML (How to meet ladies)

Follow BharatProgrammerComedy for more funny jokes!
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Who the fucking cares.
literally me when the local hobo joins me in the lift and starts edging and gooning in front of me
That restaurant where they were seated in low wall cubicles was weird.

Regrets edition

What do you regret about your setup?
+176 replies and 47 images omitted. Click here to view.Showing all replies.
I started getting super paranoid about health and ergo early 30's. Eating super healthy but was never fat before that. So I hope this will serve me well
The hell?
>gaay ass orange tipped airsoft gun with the tacticool eotech and front sight hung up like it's a real rifle

A Shitty Simulacrum Edition
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I poked at my huntsman v2 in several ways to make it good for typing since I type all day long. In stock mode it was basically an arthritis speedrunner especially with the brutal metal pinging. Now it's soft and pliable and dare I say excellent. I have zero fatigue typing on it, the only reason I modded it was I got redpilled on keyboards lately and I didn't want to turn my huntsman into ewaste just so I could CONSOOM a fully customized board with creamy marble thocks.
I lubed the razer, replaced the foam pad with a thicker one, added foam between the pcb and metal plate because I wanted to try everything to reduce the metallic ping and painful reverb after each keystroke, and used double washers for mounting it on every screw point. You should see how ridiculous it is but damn if it doesn't feel far better than stock mode.
Why are these keycaps so nice? Is there any cheap alternative?
I think I've had them for 2 months or so, haven't noticed any issue yet. I'm using the 48g V3 model.
They recently released a V4 version that I haven't seen anyone review yet, they might be holding up for longer.
60 + numpad is such a sensible layout. I've got everything I need. Numpad nav just works.

Does anyone know where I can find MX lock switches? Would like one for my numlock.

...are they, though?
>...are they, though?
look those beautiful colors. So much soul...

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>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

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>SSR by default
yes, go eat the Next.js slop
I would love php if the language itself wasn’t such a mudball with the ugly syntax, naming inconsistencies, the incorporation of OOP, etc. The simplicity of the core idea though is great and I wish there was a modern equivalent that learned from its mistakes.
at least you don't have to install infinite packages to print hello world
where the fuck is /dpt/
why is my beloved board dying so fucking rapidly?

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