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Catherine Déchamp-Le Roux is Professor emeritus, sociology in University of Lille Clersé-UMR CNRS 8019 and she Habilitation at Paris-Descartes University, 2000.
Health sociologist. Her field of research is the technologization of health. She has worked on preventative policies faced with social inequality and the expertise of the layperson, in a comparative perspective of a range of fields, such as chronic illnesses, prenatal screening, cancer, aging, mental health and neurosciences. Social sciences and humanities expert: AERES (French Research and Higher Education Evaluation Agency), ANR (French National Research Agency), INCA (French National Cancer Institute), IReSP (French Institute for Public Health Research), MIRE-DREES-CNSA (Research Mission-Directorate for Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics-National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy), Social Sciences and Humanities Council—Canada.
Founding member of the Association Française de Sociologie (French Association of Sociology) and elected member of the executive committee (2002 − 11) after having sat on the executive and scientific committee of the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology (1994–2002).