Hyperdimensional Geometry and the Nature of Physical Spacetime

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0960-0779(98)00235-5Get rights and content


This note is an attempt to draw attention to the widely opened possibilities which elementary, but non-classical, hyperdimensional geometry could offer to model and explain, in a simple way, the actual reality of the physical world on the subatomic level. Spacetime will not be considered here as a simple, finite dimensional continuum. It is argued that a much better and a far more accurate description of space and time is that they arise from a probabolistic averaging process over all possible spaces with all conceivable dimensions as a finite expectation value of an otherwise infinite dimensional transfinite substratum, which is underpining the directly observable spacetime continuum of classical macrophysics.


The question of what is the real dimension of physical spacetime and whether spacetime is continuous or discrete is one of the most fundamental questions of present days quantum physics and cosmology 1, 2. In some recent publications, this question was addressed from a point of view which may be interpreted as a natural compromise between the discrete and the continuous, namely the transfinite [2]. For numerous theoretical, experimental and, not least, estatical considerations, micro spacetime was found to be best described as a Cantorian transfinite manifold which, although formally infinite dimensional, appears nevertheless as a space with a finite expectation value for its dimension, which happened to be exactly four on all scales of observations and, moreover, obeys the same gamma-distribution function of blackbody radiation [2]. Parallel to these investigations and stimulated by the many contraintuitive results of modern hyperdimensional geometry which are reminiscent of the similarly contraintuitive results of quantum physics, we have looked at various other theoretical models which could combine the properties of classical and nonclassical spacetime geometry [2]. In a recent publication, we have shown, for instance, how simple thoughts about the packing of spheres in n dimensional Euclidean space can lead us to single out certain dimensions such as the nine-dimensional space described in [3]as being critical or nonsimple, topologically speaking. In the present note, we give an extremely elementary ellucidation to the uniqueness of the dimension 4 within a universe of infinite dimensional Euclidean space. It is shown that four-dimensional spheres are the smallest spheres, dimensionally speaking, which could completely fill (tile) a four-dimensional hyperlattice space without leaving gaps. It is further shown that the result could be interpreted as reflecting the fractal nature of spacetime and the importance of a fifth dimension to incorporate spin half statistics [2].

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Filling spacetime with four-dimensional spheres

We have mentioned, in the introduction, our earlier result for E (∞) spaces, namely [2]∼〈dimTE(∞)〉=〈dimHE(∞)〉=1/φ3,where 1/φ3=4+φ3 is the Subtle Mean. In deriving this result, the notion of space filling played an important role in fixing the Kernel S (0) c of E (∞) at dimS(0)c=d(0)c=φ=(5−1)/2[2]. A related result based on sphere packing was also found in [2],dimTS(∞)〉sime;4.To help visualize the notion of space filling and its connection to spacetime dimensionality, and in

References (4)

  • Duff, M. J., Supermembranes. An introduction. In Gauge Theories, Applied supersymmetry and Quantum Gravity II, ed....
  • El Naschie, M. S., COBE satellite measurement, hyperspheres, superstrings and the dimension of spacetime. Chaos,...
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