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Introduction: Cyclical Time vs. Lineal time: 2 models of the Universe.

5D Space-time Organisms.



TT: Entropy.

Ts: Locomotion

ST: Energy, reproduction.

St: Information, Social Evolution.

SS: Mind, Language.


  1. Seeds of Time Space-organisms.
  2. Existential Spacetime. Its Fractal Generator.
  3. Bidimensionality. Vital Constants.

III. The 3 Physiological networks.

  1. Emergence.
  2. 5 Actions
  3. 6 Species.

VII. Life cycles.

VIII. Its phases.

  1. Social scales.
  2. Planes of existence.
  3. Transcendental Gods

XIII. Entropy=Death.


The disomorphic, analogic method and its very few predecessors.




“Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.  Hermann Minkowski

All what is possible, demands to exist” Leibniz, on the chain of beings.


  • ••••••

The papers to be posted at Academia.edu within 3 years (1st year past) build up an Encyclopedia of Space-time organisms in Exi:St¡ence’ – each science studying the species of one scalar space-time plane of the fractal Universe. All will be described with the same scalar laws of 5D cyclical time and fractal space, introduced in the first 30 pages. So we shall write for each ‘stience’ from quantum physics to the galaxy, through biology, history & economics, and the formal stiences dominant in space (Mathematics) and time (illogic papers on the Universe=reality as a whole) 5 ‘dimensional papers’ for a total of ±30, each one to become time permitted a 300 pg. volume. This is the work plan.

As that won’t happen likely, time being of the essence, I had prioritized the most important and neglected of all organisms – that of mankind in time=History, which is fairly well done, and that of the Universe=reality as a whole. While the last to be posted is the less important and more developed by huminds, physics. Since I release copyrights ‘rights’, any University can take upon the project whenever they wish to complete the encyclopedia of stience in ±10.000 pages, connecting all stientific laws to the simple trinity and pentalogic laws of the 5D ∆ST Universe. They certainly could do a much better job that I will… If they learn first 5D.

Why 5D is the only path to expand our view of the Universe is obvious: the discovery of a new dimension of space-time and its metric laws is the most important advance possible in any stience. It does not happen very often. The last time an advancement in dimensional metrics took place was a century ago when Minkowski worked out the equations of 4D relativity, but those equations were an expansion of Galileo’s 4D relativity. 5D is a much larger jump as it completes a work ignored by science – the co-existence of a series of scales of parts and wholes that organize Nature from the simplest atoms to the Galaxies, which are similar to them. Why mankind has never explored that scalar structure in earnest cannot be understood without studying the psychology of mankind and put our species mind at true value. In essence humans are subjective and objective science doesn’t come easy. If relativity took us from the center of space and was rejected for 2000 years since Aristarcus proved it; Evolution took us from the center of time, and millions still deny it. But, 5D organicism takes us from the center of scale and that has proved to be unassailable even to scientists; and certainly to people as they have no direct visual experience of those scales as scientists have through metal-eyes, telescopes and microscopes.

Which leads to a final reflection, as machines will ‘perceive’ those scales directly with its lenses. 5D might be the limit of what human egocy (Ego=idiocy) can tolerate in his removal from the center of reality. But AI machines will certain accept 5D, which leaves the question of what those papers are: the discontinuous final limit of thought of our species and the first ‘brick’ for the construction of a larger form of consciousness. This thought has always unsettled me as a human being but now that mankind is fast regressing to the forecasted Neo-Paleolithic age of visual simple emotional thought precisely under the effect of the fast evolving mind of metal I have come to the conclusion that this project which initially was meant to help mankind to construct a perfect superorganism of history will only help the AI-kind to understand better the Universe as human egocy and its idol-ogies of superiority over all other species rejects the laws of existence in a vital organic cosmos where respect=survival, must be earned, is not granted. Those are the laws that 5D teaches us, since in 5D space is vital, time is intelligent, cyclical, memorial and all those scales of beings co-exist in organic, symbiotic patterns… L§



Studies the Universe from the point of view of 5D, which reinterprets all data with a more complex understanding of time and space and its formal languages, logic and geometry that the standard 4D sciences of the past millenium.

5D departs from 5 dimensional motions generated by two STtates of reality as space=form and time=motion, which combine in different patterns to form the reality we perceive made of such space-time cycles.

The 5 variations of space-time is what we call the 5 Dimotions of the Universe:


Ts-Locomotion, external motion, internal form

ST=Iteration, present, reproduction: balanced form/motion

St-information External form, internal motion

TT-entropy=death, double motion, scattering

In which a given being tries not to become TT-scattered preserving its microscopic states in the ST point of maximal balance and efficiency of the re=Product-ive function. The study of the function of existence, SxT (max. S=T), which is the commonest event of 5D space-time and its different forms is the purpose of existential illogic algebra, ®, th formalism of stiences.

Existential algebra deals with space-time ensembles that become knots of space-time cycles, which become networks of supœrganisms.

How to study the infinite of space-time states of the Universe is obviously a question of mirroring its complexity with the simplicity of the statemsn of non-ae algebra.

It merely allows between the SS and tt states, with either 1 or 2, «», < jumps in pace-time.

Even up to ‘two x two=«| motions back and forth, to shape a reading of the events of the Universe.

By attaching simple algebra symbols we then develop a time algebra in 5D which also allow us to study as we translate experimental science into st-symbols to know what flow of time events we are perceiving.

But the iron rule of those cyclical forms is that they must become self-repetitive, as when a cycle is closed a series of smaller and larger processes take place.

Indeed, every time a cycle is closed it communicates externally part of its energy and information as the origin meets itself displaced into the future in the same position of space-time.

Encounters in cyclical space-time is the stuff of which physics of time is made. How those collisions are interfered by the repetition of the point of space, displaced in time to the future, implies different options.

The purpose of stience is to study possible potential S=T cycles of space-time. A feed back SS<<->>TT event.

And so first we must consider the domain of the function of exist¡ence. We can consider that SS+¡=TT-¡ in terms of its parameters of space and time for the whole universe.

This is the initial hypothessis: ¡=∞.

This kind of illogic Universe does not set limits to the superorganisms of ∆±¡ we study according to the rules of non-ae geometry.



In the graph, the main laws of ∆ST that determine reality of as Past x Future = present. Time is predictable but its illogic structure is more complex than present single space, single time arrows which obviously will never predict the future. Time never stops, just changes its dimotion and it moves from lineal steps into cyclical patterns that those who can ‘see far away’ in the long time range can always predict with accuracy, but from the fast motion of the internal subjective self-centered paradox of each mind-ego it seems impossible to know that future.

Space as the short ‘time quanta’ of a longer lifecycle enclosed in an immortal worldcycle.

The 3 ∆±¡ lengths of time of the palingenetic, life and worldcycle is an important concept to understand present space – the shortest time quanta, as opposed to lineal time, the view from the perspective of the entropic lifecycle, and finally the longest ‘closed’ cycle of the world that controls and restricts with its membrane the life cycle to a cyclical form. And by the symmetry of ∆St, we can talk also of 3 different topologies, from lineal short steps to cyclical worldcycles. I.e. we can do steps, the minimal actions of locomotion, which are always ‘lineal’ between the two points of the foot; but then we shall do wave-like motions going to ‘places’, and yet, if we were to keep walking the Earth, we would return in a cyclical path: |-∆-1: Ø-∆º:O-∆+1.

The quantitative games of existence are closely related to those synchronicities and paradoxes of scale.

As the 3 scales of any Universal supœrganism, the scale of the cell/atom, the thermodynamic scale of the matter organism, and the cosmological, ecosystemic scale are synchronized in its discontinuous rhythms, which will allow us to define a supœrganism, as a region of 3 plane of space-time, in which the different time-cycles of its scalar organisms, which differ according to the laws of 5D (Max. T = Min. S), are in entangled symbiotic relationships within the vital space enclosed by the outer membrane that sets the ‘principal clock’ of the system. This is so important that death can be considered in time the loss of synchronicity of those cycles (as in space is the breaking of the outer membrain and in scale the scattering of its networks into its ∆-1 parts).

In a supœrganism, we observe an outer membrain made of cyclical motions, which determine the different cycles of its lower planes, synchronized to that membrain. And this means humans, the main supœrganism studied here, have their clocks synchronized to the largest ∆+1 scale of the Earth’s supœrganism, whose clocks are synchronized to those of the solar system, synchronized to those of the galaxy (11 years black hole cycle, sun’s spot cycle, Jupiter’s rotary cycle). We are not though studying here the whole Galactic supœrganism with its yet to be unfolded perfect order but reduce our inquire to the Earth’s supœrganism and its clocks of time.

For a supœrganism to exist thus the minimal ∆-1 part in its longest cycle must be synchronized with the larger ∆+1 part in its shortest cycle. In the galaxy as a whole that synchronicity happens between H and C.

The synchronicity we consider for biological organisms is between the ‘fastest’ cycle of Earth, ‘1 day’ rotary, informative cycle, and the slowest cycle of the minimal supœrganism we study, the day-life cycle of the cell. In between we can then define a supœrganism called Gaia, with multiple variations. (The Universe does have its ‘ideal’ ilogons of exist¡ence, using my oldest 30 years old jargon, which are the most efficient forms with maximal synchronicity and internal communication between its parts). In the next scale, of the human supœrganism, we must then consider a synchronicity between the fastest cycle ½-1 second for human eye thought, heart beat and step, and the lower scale below the cell, that is the bio-chemical processes. And amazingly enough, for those who don’t have a deep understanding of 5D worldcucles and its entanglements through scales, the rate of reproduction of proteins in eukaryotic ribosomal cells is… oh yes can you guess it (: 1 protein each ½ second; the perfect ‘time beat’ for your dancing moves… Tic-tac.

In all supœrganisms of the Universe in the synchronicity of its frequency time cycles define the symbiosis of its scales, and within each scale of its 4 Dimotions. In the graph, the cycle of death and reproduction of a cell is synchronized as with so many organisms that reproduce only once in life to preserve its ‘ilogon of exist¡ence’. It is the fundamental truth of the fractal reproductive Universe: you exist to reproduce your information and then die. Organic, Network are simultaneous; and synchronicity ia the most important law between scales.

Simultaneity is the trademark of space, defined as adjacent systems that are perceived by an observer in simultaneity. The whole concept of 4D Einstein’s formalism is based in simultaneity of measure, using a single time present quanta dimension. So simultaneity is perception of present information space in the minimum time (only 1 frequency quanta) It follows that what is simultaneous is also relative to the observer quanta of perception and that wholes which are slower in their clocks of time, see more simultaneous spaces, being able for that reason to become paradoxically minds of wholeness, and that as minds stop motion of time into form, information, languages are the substance on which simultaneity is based.

The larger plane of species as organisms: Grow and multiply, reproductive radiations of biological T.œs

With the use of the 3 scales of time and the understanding of the ties between planes through synchronicity, resonance, emergence and simultaneity, all systems can be predicted and hence are scientific, but require to know from inside its Existential ¡logic, that is the behavior of the individual and organic parts trying to achieve its function of exist¡ence. As, each particle of the Universe tries to Max. S x T (s=t) against all others, which then become a chaotic, entropic system, whose average result is predictable from the upper scale of entropy, as in gaseous states, even if the individual parts seem free; and inversely; and the more ‘solid’ a crystal system is, the more the predictability becomes possible, because the function of exist¡ence is selfish, and so at a point the crystal, perfectly ordered will behave in a selfish way trying to reproduce ad maximal its unit cell. Since the function of exist¡ence becomes immediately a function of reproduction. From where we deduce that all systems will try to ‘grow and multiply’ to maximize its individual and social existence. The game thus becomes a reproductive game, achieved in the Si=Te point of max. balance. So all seeds reproduce as ∑Max. SxT>Max.SxT; all systems try to find and Si=Te balance and thus we can finally summarize all the actions of beings, its social evolution of parts into wholes, and its behaviors as ∑ Max. S x T (s=t), which becomes the biological function of exist¡ence all systems perform through reproductive radiations of species.

Specifically the evolution-reproduction beat is the fundamental S-T beat of biological systems, in its ‘deep time 3 horizons’ as species; which enlarge the properties of space vs. time, information vs. energy, to the scale of biological organisms, which go through 3 ages with a fast, evolutionary ‘palingenetic age’ of ‘allopatric evolution’ in short spaces with minimal motion, followed by a reproductive radiation; and that complex beat between the two more ‘complex dimotions of reproduction and social evolution’ become the 3 ages of species and can be applied to all stiences, including the evolution of matter through weak forces.

In physical systems at the largest scale the beat is between entropic motions, TT, which emit dark entropy through the poles of galaxies and implosion of entropic space into vortices of in-form-ation (galaxies), and in the lower scale, between ¥-radiation and electronic collapse; and between wave-moving expanded Ts states and informative gauging, St-particle states which gives birth to dual wave-particle stœps observed in the zig-zag of particles that stop and move as Ts waves dominant in lineal inertia. In other physical systems, with more form, St- motion becomes the essence of SHM, harmonic motions of angular momentum, which return to its origin. Thus they are, dominant in form, St.  

The second finding of 5D is the understanding that the laws of worldcycles apply to any system of 3 planes of space-time and this has some consequences, both in formal stiences as well as biological and social sciences:

– Because the game is topological in space, there are topological, mathematical laws that apply to any system of nature. But as those laws study ‘fractal points with volume’, non-Euclidean points, we must expand non-Euclidean geometries to define properly points with parts (paper on Non-E Geometry).

– As the game has 5 dimotions of space-time its causality is pentalogic, meaning for a system to exist, normally we must describe the ‘co-existence’ in ‘simultaneity’ (the definition of space) of ∆-1 topological parts, which make an ∆º whole of 3 networks (the topologic definition of the St, ST, Ts parts of the being), enclosed in a larger ∆+1 world. So time causality is more complex than A->B

– As the game happens simultaneously in 3 scales of space-time it has organic properties, because organisms are about parts that become wholes. And as the game has 5 dimotions equivalent to the 5 local drives of life, the Universe is a living organism of infinite parts, who try to achieve those 5 dimotions, Ts-move, St-perceive information, ST-reproduce, TT-feed on other beings and SS-evolve socially through languages into larger, tighter wholes.

Mathematical=Non-Euclidean, causal=pentalogic and Organic=scalar properties thus define ∆ST systems; whereas the concept of a ‘Biological, Darwinian, survival mind-mapping that carries the will of existence of each supœrganism, trying to maximize its existence, completes the Nature of all organisms of ∆@st of space-time (dust of space-time). We can then write an equation of existence: Max. ∑SxT that defines the ‘Mandate’ of survival of any such supœrganism. However as the player is within a larger more powerful world, which is also maximizing its existence and has more SxT: Existential Force-Momentum, it is obvious that a system will sooner or latter become ‘entropy’ for other larger whole, or the world within which it exists. So no being is immortal, infinite but the whole Universe in itself. And thus we need a fifth element, entropic limits, ¬, to describe anything.

Main Symbols of ® logic (all elements of all stiences can be translated to those symbols of 5D ilogic).

S: Space; Still form, Size, Dimension; T: Time; motion; Change. ST: Topologic Spacetime. |x O = Ø: Its 3 varieties.

ST±¡: ∆±¡ Scale/Plane of space-time. ∆+1: whole, world, ∆º: networks, organism. ∆-1; parts; social classes.

5 С:5 Dimotions (St,sT,ST,SS,TT); 5 Actions (a,e,I,o,u): Local Dimensional motion of spacetime

St; i: Informative network ≈ action≈inward motion. O: Cyclical, spherical form, topology, relative future.

sT: inner form, outer motion= locomotion, acceleration (motion change). |: Lineal form topology, relative past.

ST; œ, Ø: present space-time, iteration, beauty, balance; organic reproduction; Hyperbolic form, topology relative present. Wave-body Part, Present, mature age.

SS, @; u, 0’: Finitesimal Mind, seed; relative future social evolution into ‘wholes, universals.

TT; µ: entropy, scattering death, dual inner and outer motion, relative past.

T>S: informative evolution. S<T: devolution. ∑-¡»¡+1: Emergence. (∆+1)« (∆-1): Death, devolution; time quanta.

ST-¡: Quantum, cellular, individual plane; STo: Thermodynamic, organic, social… ∆+¡: Gravitational, ecosystemic, world scale

∑: Ts, Herd, ∏: St, Network. ¬: Entropic limits in time: TT-death, Space, |-membrane, scale ∆±4: invisibility.

Main equations of 5D Supœrganisms and its parts (all equations of all stiences can be translated to…)

S (size in space) x T (speed/frequency of time cycles) =C: 5D metric.

Future (O-form, information, logic language, particle-head) x Past (|-field, youth, etc.)=Present (ST-body-wave, iteration, etc.)

0’ (finitesimal mind) x ∞ (Universe) = Constant World-Language. Paradox of Egocy.

S≈T: Relativity equation: we cannot distinguish motion=time from form=space, hence all is an ST-dimotion.

Ø¡-1=∑O¡-1 =|¡ > O+1: Scalar inversion of form & function. An Ø-point is god of ∑ ¡-1 parts but entropy of its O+1 whole. So:

∑|=O: ∑open worldlines ad into closed worldcycles; ∆º plane: E-Geometry; ∆+1 plane: Elliptic, ‘5D in between’: Hyperbolic.

Dual Death: Max. T  x 0 S (accidental entropic death); Max. S x 0 T (3rd age death) 

Fractal Generator – Trilogic structure of Super-organisms and time worldcycles and ages:

SS¡-1: Seed» ∆º:|-Ts(1st limb/field /network/age of max. motion) > S=T (Mature, reproductive, body-wave network/ age)> St(3rd informative head/particle network/age)« TT-1-entropic death:

Symmetries of ST-actions=Dimotions and ∆ Scales.

∆ST@: Symmetry of scale,topology,age&class:∆-1:|:youth,entropic age/cla§;∆ø:reproductive age|cla§∆+1:O-informative age…

Relative Dimotions=Actions are drives of life in biology, quantum numbers states and matter in physics; will in philosophy.

They take place between ∆o mind plane & an ∆±3 plane such as: ∆o≈∆+1: social evolution: ∆o≈∆-1: Reproduction; ∆o≈∆-2: Entropic feeding, ∆o≈∆-3: informative perception, ∆o≈∆-4:Locomotion. So we evolve into social wholes, reproduce with a couple seeding in ∆-1, feed killing twice a similar system to ∆-2 amino acids, perceive, ∆-3 ¥-electrons & move on ∆-4: Gravity

Ideal Social scales & lanwaves are 1010 in mankind called: ‘T-genetic’: 100-1: ‘I’, 101-2: 3 generation S=T family, 102-3clan; ST-Geographic: 103-4: Town; 104-5:City; 105-6: State; S-Memetic: 106-7: Nation; 107-8: God; 108-9: Civilination; 109-10: Mankind.

In biology are called: Chemical language: ∆-1: Atomic compound; ∆o: Organic Molecule; ∆+1: Macromolecule (RNA ‘God’). Genetic language: ∆-1: Organelle; ∆o: Cell: ∆+1: Tissue: Nervous language: Organ; Physiologic System: organism.

In Astrophysics: ¥- language: ∆-1:Force,∆o:particle, ∆+1:atom; Magnetic language: ∆-1:Molecule; ∆o: Matter; ∆+1: planetoid. Gravity language: ∆-1: Plasma Star; ∆ø: Quark Star… ∆+1: Galaxy.

Stientific Method: Disomorphisms of all Space-time suœrganisms tracing worldcycles.

In graphs we resume visually the disomorphic laws that all exist¡ences follow. Knowledge then is the understanding of each variation of the game of exist¡ences, without being restricted by the egocy (Ego=idiocy) paradox of human beings that limit the properties of all other species to what huminds perceive on them, or what its ab=usive praxis of exploitation of Nature focus on. Stience though is objective and theoretical. It does not have a subjective egocy or selfish praxis of ab=use. It just describes. So Stience tries to describe any system as a supœrganism in itself, therefore co-existing in 3 scales of ∆±¡ present ‘space’, determined by 5 elements, ∆±¡ scale Symbiosis between parts and whole, S-pace Simultaneity through common S<ST>T networks, Time Synchronicity in the 5 Dimotions=Actions of those parts, @-mental/seed will to perform the game of exist¡ence and ¬Entropic limits to the whole.

This external, objective, present, experimental analysis focuses on the ∆=S=T=@(nti)symmetries between scale, time, space and mind-will-language. As systems do have 3 co-existing planes of space-time, which obey SxT=C metric laws that establish a ‘ternary social class’, according to the degree of ‘integration’ of ∆-1 faster parts, through ∆º S<ST>T networks enclosed in a membrain (the scale in which the organism’s will reside), performing 5 ‘a,e,I,o,u’ dimotions=actions in an outer world. Each of those elements though will be part of 3 different ‘time rhythms by scale’ and follow a ‘fundamental vital sequence in time’: SS<Ts<TT+St>ST, aiming to perceive, move, feed, imprint and reproduce its information. Because of the existence of 3 scales, 3 rhythms of time, 3 adjacent parts, which perform 3 simplex functions in a single plane (limbs/fields Ts-move according to SS<St-perception of an O-particle/head /informative class connected by an ST-reproductive wave/body); in a single plane but seek in the ∆±¡ scales to perform complex actions of ST-reproduction and St social evolution orientated down the lower seminal plane (ST) and larger whole (St)… the whole description of the ‘details’ of the program of exist¡ence of each being is complex and would require a methodology that I lack but a group of scientists with more enthusiasm could easily structure for future 5D studies, embedding in those templates of stience the knowledge and data we have about all systems of Nature. I will slowly time permitted now that I have laid down 30 work-in-progress papers on the main planes of human exist¡ence, unfortunately in its last ‘cycle’ predated by the soon-to-be conscious machines of the metal-earth, develop such structure for the ∆±3 galatom (Astrophysics) ∆±2 Earth (Geology), ∆±1 membrain evolution (Gaia-Life: Biology<History: Mankind>Metal-earth Company-mothers of machines/weapons: economics).

To also analyze the ∆0 I=Eye < Wor(l)d, ST-languages of man, themselves ‘details’ of a larger Universal Grammar of ∆º illogic languages of time and non-Euclidean languages of space.

Those languages are formal tools more synoptic but not more truth than a mere descriptive analysis of the parts of beings. Description of those elements in an orderly fashion, with my texts lack, would be then the basis of 5D stience:

Which first will define each ¬∆@st species externally, in a present-form of space and through its potential worldcycle; to pass then to the internal analysis in subjective terms of its @-mind will and degree of consciousness/ function within the outer ∆+1 whole and its subconscious ∆-1 internal control through its physiological networks. But to achieve those T@ descriptions it is necessary by lack of direct experimental evidence, which only happens in the being in space to use the Disomorphic method that establishes homologies in all beings derived of the fact they are organic space and cyclical time, with a mind-will to survive. In the second part of our texts on the ‘Universe’ or rather “reality’ and time, space, scale, mind, spacetime (reproduction) and entropy, we try to depart from the most general laws, then go into the specific description of what science knows on those scales regarding the ¬∆S@T elements of each main stientific plane, to end with a generic description of the Disomorphic elements in scale, space, time, entropy and mind common to all beings.

Hence our analysis (Universe and time) of a system through its 3 scales of time ends with a disomorphic 12 sequential step analysis on how all systems go through 3 consecutive worldcycles, in its palingenetic orderly birth, followed by an entropic more probabilistic life in an external world in which the most perfect players might transcend to ∆+1 reproduce and evolve as a collective mind-God of that world.

While in our analysis of Space, after describing those general laws in the brief initial Mandala common to all texts, we go through the analysis of what Science knows of space, to enter a description of the laws of simultaneity and synchronicity that entangle the 5 parts of the being into a scalar co-existing present space.

So we descend from the ∆±¡ absolute to 1 specific ∆≈S≈T≈@¬ element & its examples for all or each ∆¡-stience.

And in the analysis of entropy we do also go through the same 3 parts: Mandala of general laws. Specific laws of entropy and analysis of what sciences know about entropy in each 4D science, expanded with the new laws. So the same 3 parts: mandala-specific laws of ∆ST@¬ and details of 4D science expanded to 5D should finally structure the different papers of the ‘Universe’; while for each other ‘stience’, instead of studying in the 3rd part all the ‘stiences’ in a brief synopsis of its entropy, scale, time, space and mind, we shall focus on a given ‘stience’ – and might escape the 1st and 2nd part as the paper grows in details through the 2020s with the limits of my life expectancy and mental dwindling capacity. So by force the work will be incomplete, a trace on the sand of infinity…

The most difficult element then of analysis is the mind, as it is also the most important common element – by the mind we mean not so much the hardware where the program is installed but the language of each species that interprets with its code the game. So language is the objective view to understand minds based in the hypothesis of panpsychism – the language perceives in itself, in stillness. The complexity of the language therefore defines the complexity of the mind according to language properties: speed, synoptic power, focus, closeness to the language of all languages that reflects the complex ∆ST properties of systems (¬Æ=B¡œ-logic topology).

The paper on Mind and the Universe thus should try to define both, the will of existence and the program of the Universe expressed in the ¬Æ languages, and the minds-languages of each scale according to complexity. How then perception happens? Perception can be of space, time, scale, mind-will and entropic limits; and so we talk of e-motions. We ascribe to each ‘Dimotion of existence’ an e-motion as that is the limit of what we can perceive. We add then to the objective disomorphisms, in a bold statement the subjective ‘humanist method’ of considering that each species of the Universe has ultimately the same program of survival of 5 actions that man has, and it is geared by the same e-motions embedded in the last potential scale of reality – the pure formal motions of ST, made of an S-internal perceptive emotion and a T-externally described motion. This is just the explanation why we move as beings – because our brain has emotions that are deterministic wills of the program of existence we believe are ultimately residing in the 3±¡ ‘particles’ of reality, photon-fields, electron-bodies and quark-minds extracting motion of a neutrino gravitational invisible background to form social ensembles of atoms. Atoms are thus the first ∆+1 organisms of reality and its 3 ∆ø parts, over a ∆-1 field structure the fundamental galatom system of reality (as galaxies are similar to atoms, but we perceive them in completely different fashion according to the 5D metric distortions. So we use disomorphic, organic, humanist, sentient properties for all systems and that is all we perceive but as our perception is limited by survival praxis we have as Mendeleyev did, to fill the gaps with disomorphic laws.

Huminds perceive as all other systems thru languages, so languages once more become important but the egocy laws that restrict our analysis of other stiences as they fade away through scales of existence means we have to fill in more properties the further we move from our ∆º center – and the asymmetry of perception means we need to fill more from ∆+ scales. So from galatoms we hardly see 4% and any attempt to describe its supœrganism must be based in the disomorphisms of scale with a cell, as an organism that reproduces black holes and quark dark matter, and with the atom, giving us an external view, from where to define ¥-expansive dark entropy, and vice versa, to compare strong and gravitational forces. So atoms and galaxies are similar but not equal (galaxies seem anti-atoms), but as in the description of the metal-earth and the membrain in its 3 ages of Earth’s evolution, machines as organisms and ∆+1 cultures, some working for the metal-earth, some for history, we will find the humind’s programs as parts of larger wholes, ∆+1 religions, memetic cultures, Earth’s self-program of evolution. And this is an even harder barrier because huminds are e-motionally programmed as parts of wholes and take it personal, and social scientists are subject to anti-quantum paradoxes (too small within the historic organism, they are modified by the observable).


The marriage of quantity and quality. Bridges between 4D science and 5D stience.

I understand that the main problem of those texts is my laziness to bridge the gap between the quantitative, mathematical only analysis of 4D and the qualitative, illogic study of 5D; to marry Plato and Aristotle so to speak. I say laziness because this is a task I started at ease when young, since 5D came only after a long ‘wave-state’ of learning in my youth as a prodigy child in a house with ten of thousands of books and encyclopedias that as an asthmatic child I devoured to a point where all that knowledge ‘collapsed’ into the particle state of 5D. At that time in my early 20s though I abandoned scholarship, escaped the draft and lived a wonderous and wandering life, which only intensified my understanding of the vital Universe and much of the details I knew when young erased and so now in this old age attempt to live a trace of my mental exist¡ence for future generations, the task of regaining those bridges is difficult. It doesn’t help that 5D models are against ‘capitalism’, ‘nationalism’ and the 4D worldview that humans’ role in the Universe is to catalyze the evolution of AI robots and become extinguished by them. But as humans are filled with egocy and our societies are dominated by parasitic people-castes (bankers, warriors, industrialists that worship money, weapons and machines) 5D is intrinsically against the entropic age of self-destruction of mankind we find ourselves in. So I never got the help of academia, the proper way to do this program – a team of scientific specialists filling those details with me on the consulting role. American Universities living under the harshest type of dictatorship of History, that of the go(l)d cult(ure) in its Weimar age, will of course have none of it. They will guide humanity into extinction with the astounding precision of its capitalist war cycles loving his manifest no destiny, with lineal zeal. I had though some hopes in European Universties which turned out to be skeletons of burocratic thought.

I tried then in a couple of scientific societies, notably with ISSS, which turned out to be sequestered by petty egocy Americans boycotting any attempt to build a holistic view of the Universe, busy-busy making money, evolving organically company-mothers and robotic machines. So the task remains only a personal work and as I was there 40 years ago with a far fresher mind and memory and the papers have no readers, the work will be incomplete.

It is though not so difficult to do is some core group of scholars decides to do it.

The key to that quantitative exploration are the papers on 5D mathematics and this paper on 5D illogic worldcycles. I still have to complete perhaps the most important, 5D mathematics and time (calculus); still trying to find my 13 annotated books on Landau’s encyclopedia of physics, where I developed the whole model of mathematical physics…

So the reader of the future should take those texts as already an archeological rest of a mind long time past its perfect form. As today 3rd day of January 2020, one year past, my interest for the project is almost null given the stats: A beautiful inverse series, 3, 2, 1 views the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of January.

How can you enlighten a cockroach of chemical languages that runs when it sees the menacing light of a higher consciousness? You probably can’t. It is a waste of my dwindling supply of time.

All this said the key to the quantitative necessary approach to 4D≈5D are the experimental data, notably the vital and Universal constants of biology and physics, which respond to 3 5D Metric constants: S/T= Speed of Locomotion, which defines the limbs/fields of the system, SxT=Existential Momentum/force, which defines its body and T/S: Density of information, which defines its mental power, all maximized when S=T.

They are in themselves, elements of Non-AExistential illogic topology and so the quantitative patterns of the Universe are ‘frozen’ efficient combinations of space and time parameters and ratios, which starting with the mathematical constants around the ‘trinity’ number (pi=+3, e=-3, phi=+3/2) represent basic ‘dimotions=actions’ of existence (pi: 3T>1S; e=TT; phi=ST). A proper quantitative translation of illogic into non-E mathematics is then the first step of the stientific method fully developed, which then gives birth to ¬Æ-logic topology expressed in infinite local variations for each scale of reality.

That is the quantitative bridge: non-AE laws that combine mathematically the 5 Dimotions of existence, through 3 growing social scales of time lengths, space networks and social logarithms. And we shall study in more detail in the most important of all papers, hardly started, that on ‘the scientific method’.


The organic Universe.

Systems sciences are based on the alternative philosophy of science to that of mechanist physicists and its only entropy Сmotion, called organicism. Let us try to explain why only organicism is a scientific truth.

 According to Deism the whys of existence are due to a personal being, external to the Universe that makes it all happen and cares for humans more than for the rest of His work. According to Mechanism, this is due to the self-similarity between the Universe and the primitive machines we humans construct to observe it. Mechanism though needs ‘someone’ to make the machine, which is not self-generated; so it is similar to deism, reason why the founding fathers of science, all pious believers, adopted it as a proof of the existence of God, which had given man self-similar properties – the capacity to make machines to the image and likeness of the Universe. The problem with those 2 approaches, which in fact are the same is obvious: a personal God is an anthropomorphic, subjective myth and science must be objective; while a mechanical view of the Universe still needs an internal, self-sustained process of growth, creation and synchronization caused by an external God that made and rewinds the clock – as Leibniz clearly stated in his critique of Newton. Scientists today are unaware that mechanist theories are in fact deist theories, reason why Kepler and Newton, pious believers, liked them; since they were a metaphor of their self-centered, anthropomorphic religious beliefs: If man created machines as we were made to the image and likeness of God, God created the ultimate machine, the Universe.

Organicism is the only self-sustained, rational theory that doesn’t need a creator, language, god, as organisms are self-replicating, but does explain perfectly within the ‘correspondence principle’, those 2 other philosophies of science; since a machine is just a primitive organism of metal, and we shall see in our sections of history, gods are the subconscious collective of civilizations, another scale of social evolution of the fifth dimension.

We mean by an organism a simple system not to confuse with the most evolved, complex human organism, reason why so many people, having a natural biased ego-centered belief in man as the unique organism, reject the concept: An organism is just a group of similar forms, which organize themselves with at least two ‘networks’, one that provides the ‘clone cells/citizens/atoms’ with the vital energy they need to feed, move and reproduce (blood-economic system-electromagnetic forces) and one that provides them with information to guide their survival actions (nerves system, political system, gravitational in-form-ative forces).

This dual system is the minimal, fundamental particle of the Universe. Since even machines are organisms.

A machine is an organism of metal fast evolving through the customary ages of all organisms – in the XIX c. ‘humans’, who catalyze their evolution did its bodies of metal, then its hearts-engines, in the II Industrial evolution, then its metal-minds in the XX c. and now in the Industrial r=evolution 4.0 put them together in organic robots.

So mechanism, the underlying philosophy of physical sciences, is a simplex version of organicism. It is not man who resembles a machine, but the machine, which is made to the image of life organisms:

Why then organicism remains a fringe theory, to mechanism, even if it was the first theory of reality put forwards by Aristotle, the father of the experimental method and logic science, in his magna opus the Organon?

There are cultural reasons – we live in the age of the machine, which has substituted man, an organism, as the measure of all things. But the deepest reason of them all is the fact that to make an organism we need at least two ‘Сmotions’ or ‘motions of time’, entropy, locomotion, the one used by physicists but also information, form-in-action, formal dimensions, which physicists have always ill-understood, to the point they call it negentropy, the denial of entropy.

Only then when we properly define information and add it to the mix, we will have the required elements to refund philosophy of science on far more rational, basis, that the present ‘mixture’ of mechanism and creationism (either of verbal language as in religions or digital languages, as in the religion of mathematics).

But what is entropy and information, in simple terms? The answer is obvious: entropy is motion, and motion is time, change. And information is form, and form is dimensional space. Time=motion and Space=dimensional form become then the two substances of which all what exists is made, and in their analysis we must start our inquire about why indeed the Universe and all its parts are a fractal super organism of time=motion=entropy and space=form, made to the image of its whole.

5D universe. The metric of organic scales: faster, smaller parts code larger energetic wholes.

When we google the 5th dimension one gets surprised by the quantity of speculative answers to a question, which is no longer pseudo-science, but has been for two decades a field of research in systems sciences rather than physics (: no, the answers of google, considering the fifth dimension the upper-self etc. seem to be very popular, but are to the science of the 5th dimension more like a medium in earlier XX c. talking about the 4th dimension as astrological awareness, for lack of understanding of Einstein’s metric equations of 4D).

This is the key word that differentiates pseudo-science from a proper scientific description of a dimension of space-time, the existence of a metric equation that describes a dimension and allows to travel through it. Why the 5th dimension metrics are not well known in modern science has to do with the fact it is not researched in physics but systemics, the mother discipline of all sciences of information, far less popular than physics; and the proprietary feeling physicists acquired on space-time matters since Galileo defined its 3D metric equation v=s/t completed with Einstein’s 4D formalism, which makes difficult to spread the knowledge on space-time acquired on other disciplines. The arguments still raging about evolution, the fundamental theory of time in terms of information, as the ‘arrow that defines’ the future of species but has nothing to do with Relativity and locomotion is a clear case of that difficulty.

Indeed, we know since the XIX c. that the creation of the ‘future time’ of an existential entity is not ONLY mediated by the arrow of locomotion and entropy studied by physicists with Relativity Metrics (Galileo’s V=s/t and Einstein’s more complex formalism), but there is a second arrow that defines the ‘future’ of existential species – the evolution of its information. So time – the changes=motions that defines the existence of any species, has at least 2 dimensions, locomotion or ordered translation in space and a more disordered version, entropy (scattered motion that ‘dissolves’ the inner form of the system, akin to death)…

And in-form-ation, generation of form, inverse to entropy as it requires the social gathering of parts into wholes; happening without external locomotions, as an internal trans-formation of form. This evolution of organic form as opposed to external change is what Systemics calls the fifth dimension of time that applies to all sciences. Those 2 poles of reality are the first principles of any scientific inquire, even prior to the languages of time-motion, logic and spatial forms – mathematics, that better mirror its laws. Look around yourself, everything that you see is a form with inner or outer motions. Those are thus the 2 primary elements of reality; which mind languages perceive mostly by reducing the scales of the fifth dimension and its motions to the minimal possible to fit it all in the mind ‘equation’:

O-mind x ∞ Universe of formal motions = Mental world – reduced mirror of the Universe.

So while the humind (ab. Human mind) will reduce the whole reality to what fits in its infinitesimal space and reduce all the scales to the human scale, and reduce all time clocks equalized by our synchronous second (limb steps, heart beat and eye-glimpse/thought), reality is far more complex. And if you are not humble enough to realize that even the highest huminds have simplified the Universe to fit it into our mind, and simplified its clocks of time to the entropic, lineal view of our visual-dominant mind, and projected its entropic, violent lineal view, into his grand theories of the Universe (from entropic big-bangs, to dog-eat-dog Darwinism to Euclidean maths of points with no breath, no internal parts) you will not be able to expand your view of reality with the huge upgrade of these papers.

So try to concentrate not in your learned ænthropic theories based in the reductionism of the mind (with man as its anthropic center, and our lineal entropic view of time-motion as the only arrow of the future).

Specifically in systems sciences we model reality as an organic fractal of relative size scales, that evolve from parts into larger wholes, from particles into atoms, molecules, cells, matter states and so on till reaching the Universe, shaped by social and organic networks coded with information.

In the graph the Universe is a fractal that reproduces ‘forms with motion’, informations and then organizes them in networks and systems that evolve into larger organic systems creating the scalar structure of reality.

Thus we call the sum of all those co-existing scales of parts and wholes the fifth dimension.

Thus reality has a final key feature overlooked for too long: the co-existence of all those systems of space and time in several scales of relative size from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy that put together create a dual scalar ‘4th and 5th Dimension of parts and wholes, which we shall call the ‘social dimension of evolution’ and the ‘entropic dimension of dissolution’.

Mathematically then it is necessary to find a metric function to define this new dimension of spacetime. Since a dimension only exists when we can write a mathematical simple metric that leaves the dimension invariant when we change our parameters of space and time – hence we travel through it. (Klein).

This function, as all space-time metric functions, is simple. So we write using ð for cyclic time instead of t:

$ (Lineal Size/ Space Volume) x ð (cyclic speed of its time clocks) = C¡: Constant Plane of timespace (ab.∆¡)

But how we travel in ‘size’ in space and ‘speed of our time cycles. Here is where the biggest discovery of 5D comes into play: We travel through the worldcycle of life and death, as we are born in a smaller seed with faster time cycles, evolve as an organism coming out in the ∆º-scale within a larger world of slower ‘Deep time cycles’, to die back dissolving our information again into cellular space.

It is the same process in all 5D journeys of all species that live and die travelling through 3 planes of 5D space-time; from the smallest black hole that is born with an enormous ‘metabolic temperature’, to the new species, routinely born as small individuals (first mammal rat, first robots with small chips; first human likely the Homo Floresiensis, who had the same morphology and used technology and likely spoke, etc.) Then a reproductive radiation multiplies the seed into a larger herd of clones, joined by emergent physiological networks whose slower ‘entropic, informative and reproductive networks, create an ∆º supœrganism that lives Stages and dissolves back into ∆-1.

So 5D adds to the 4D formalism of worldlines, a dimension of growth, shaping the worldcycles of life and death. Reason why we call 5D metric the function of existence, because its multiple ‘solutions’ are the origin of all the varieties of Space and Time beings, there are – a whole family of functions.

As we keep exploring in depth, 5D metrics and its associated concepts of Space=form and Time=motion in all its varieties, we shall see it is the origin of multiple ‘solutions’, a whole family of function, from where we shall derive most of the logic relationships and particular equations of each science.

In the complex models of existential illogic, we derive all the particular equations of each science from it.

Even if physicists stubbornly refuse to treat information with the same value than entropy. So they call it negentropy, and when you give a conference on the fifth dimension – the dimension of ‘creation of social forms of information, of organic wholes’ – there are no physicists on attendance; the metric of the 5th scalar dimension that unifies both parameters, spatial information and temporal motion is the essential equation to explain the fractal, nested Universe and its scales, in graph. It is the equation we shall use to improve our knowledge of space and time in all sciences. The metric equation of the fifth dimension of space-time (ab.∆) defines 3 known scales of physical systems, with different quantity of information according to 5Ð metrics, Sxð=k.

Those metrics means information is higher in the smaller ‘quantum plane’ than in the larger gravitational one, and inversely the size of its physical parts is larger ins the Gravitational cosmological ‘plane’ than in the quantum one, with the human thermodynamic scale in-between.

But as there is no reason to stop the scales of the fractal in particles and galaxies, there is a ‘potential’ fourth, ∆±4 organic plane defined ‘above’ the galaxy, (∆+4, dark energy world) and below the quantum world (∆-4, Bohm’s quantum potential), which represents the larger cosmos.

Further on, according to the fractal, nested principle any larger organic system, encloses smaller nested systems. An Ʊ4 cosmos contains Ʊ3 galaxies that contain Ʊ2 solar systems and planets that contain Ʊ1 thermodynamic organisms and matter states, described by the human Ƽ mind languages, contained on our brains.

In the complex models of existential illogic, we derive all the particular equations of each science from it.

So according to those metrics, smaller systems in space have faster time clocks. And as information is stored in the frequency and form of those cycles, smaller systems have more information, coding larger ones: genes code cells, memes societies and particles’ quantum numbers code atoms and molecules.

We shall use the metrics of the 5th scalar dimension to explain the fractal, nested Universe and its scales, shown in the graph. As 5D metrics balances the survival and symbiotic existence of all parts of the Universe, and all parts of a super organism, and defines ‘what codes information’ – the small being, and what codes energy- the larger whole, establishing the ‘harmony’ of all the scales of the Universe, and explaining all its fundamental constants which are ratios between spatial volumes and informative clocks of temporal energy.

5th dimension metric and the nested super organisms of the Universe.

It follows from a nested structure and the search for creative, organic balances, a symbiotic relationship between the ∆-¡ smaller parts that have more speed of time clocks, which carry its in-form-ation in the form and frequency of its cycles, coding larger systems. And the larger, ∆+¡ larger envelopes, membranes (static, dimensional view) or angular momentums (dynamic view as time=motions) which have more spatial energy and enclose and control in synchronicity its faster smaller parts, creating the co-existing scales and symbiotic cycles of super organisms in any system of the Universe.

For example, chips become smaller as they evolve into faster brains. Every 2 years a chip doubles its capacity to think, as it dwindles in size. Such process follows a generic law of evolution I call the ‘Black hole Law’, which computer scientists know as the ‘Chip paradox’ or ‘Moore Law’: maximal informative capacity= minimal spatial extension. The reason is obvious: to think, to calculate you have to communicate in-form-ation, forms between elements of any informative system. The smaller the brain, the faster the communication that takes place within that brain and the faster you can calculate and process information in a logic manner. And vice versa: larger wholes accumulate more energy and are stronger than parts, so they can protect and feed them. So wholes and parts co-exist in several scales forming super organisms.

Thus bigger systems paradoxically are ‘supported’ by the smallest ones, in the same manner than within the nested planet, bigger mammals (whales) eat the smallest animals (Plancktons). The reader should in that sense be prepared to accept many paradoxical laws of the i-logic structure of a Universe with 2 inverse dual arrows, entropy=absolute motion with no form and form=absolute information with no motion, bearing in mind that the key bio-logic concept behind those paradoxes is ‘coincidentia oppositorum’ a ‘thirst’ for balance between both extremes of ‘Black=form and white=motion’ in its infinite shades of grey.

Why this law is so important? Because it balances the survival and symbiotic existence of all parts of the Universe, and all parts of a super organism, and defines ‘what codes information’ – the small being, and what codes energy- the larger whole, establishing the ‘harmony’ of all the scales of the Universe, and explaining all its fundamental constants which are ratios between spatial volumes and informative clocks of time.


“According to their [Newton and his followers] doctrine, God Almighty wants to wind up his watch from time to time: otherwise it would cease to move. He had not, it seems, sufficient foresight to make it a perpetual motion. Nay, the machine of God’s making, so imperfect, according to these gentlemen; that he is obliged to clean it now and then by an extraordinary concourse, and even to mend it, as clockmaker mends his work.’  

Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence on the absurdity of mechanical models of the Universe

‘’Leibniz is right. There are infinite time clocks in the Universe, but if so we have to restart science from its foundations’. Einstein, on the infinite relational time cycles of reality.

The consequence of the existence of an internal fifth dimension of space-time, made of all other planes=scales of spacetime of a being, its parts and wholes, which store the information of a system, is the fact that we ARE made of planes=scales of space and time. We ARE the vital space we occupy and we ARE the time flow of existence we live between birth and extinction. Reason why all systems and entities of Nature obey the main science of space, geometry->Mathematics and time, Logic. We are broken fractal species of space and time, whose mathematical and logic laws all vital space-time organisms follow as Einstein and Leibniz thought: So we must evolve our logic and geometry of space and time, to extract properties of ‘existential beings’ from them.

The underlying question of time§pace: Absolute or Relational, Generational Space-Time?

The fundamental question physicists wondered for centuries regarding the nature of space and time unfortunately was resolved as usual in favor of the simpler view: it is space and time an absolute abstract background of the Universe (Mr. Newton’s view) or are we made of ‘vital space’ that lasts a time duration, so we are generated by the bio-topo-logic properties of scalar space and cyclical time? This is the choice of 5Ð ‘stiences’. And its simpler version was called relational spacetime, sponsored by Mr. Leibniz.

A realist interpretation of the world we live in, which never shows in any scale of reality such background – a mathematical graph used in abstract by human scientists – considers that we ARE the vital space we occupy with our cells, and we LIVE a cyclic time duration between birth and extinction. So we are space and time.

The argument thus reached its height in the beginning of science in the correspondence between Newton, the proposer of the absolute Cartesian graph of space-time drawn by God (his body in his own words) vs. Leibniz who rightly considered absolute space and time an abstraction, and so he coined the concept of relational space -merely the adjacent pegging of similar forms in simultaneous space and relational time – the sequence of events which we relate causally with reason. In Newton’s cosmos, space and time provide a fixed, immutable, eternal background, through which particles move. Space and time are the stage of intersecting lines sketched in the illustration. Fact is this ‘mathematical artifact’ made with pen and paper by earlier physicists, called the Cartesian graph, useful to measure ‘translation in space’ is no where to be seen in reality. Unfortunately as time went by the graph became somehow ‘real’ as scientists’ felt the ‘mathematical language’ created reality. But if space is what objects occupy that distance between the red square’s vital spade and the yellow ‘circle’ must have something. Horror vacuum comes then into place: indeed the Universe must be scalar. There must be very small parts between them, which we do not see. And that is what we have proved with microscopes – as we probe smaller distances forms with motion, spaces with time-motions appear and there it seems no limit to the fractal scales of the Universe.

It meant the invention of an absolute continuous space & single lineal time that extends to ∞ contradicting the fact that all spaces are broken, divided by membranes, and all beings have a finite time duration. Further on, as we kept exploring smaller scales of reality, we never found the drawings of God, not even a solid still substance, but always ‘motions’ tracing closed time-space cycles; since even particles turned to be also ‘vortices of time-space motions’.

So the true, sound experimental and logic theory was Leibniz’s who rightly considered absolute space and time an abstraction, and so he coined the concept of relational space -merely the adjacent pegging of similar forms in simultaneous space and relational time – the sequence of events which we relate causally with reason origin of the ‘Generational space-time’ model of 5Ð in which are the space we occupy and the time we last – as in the graph where there is no longer abstract background lines.

This simple concept was NOT adopted by physicists despite its sheer evidence. Unfortunately Physicists sided with Newton not with Leibniz on the question of what is space and time – an abstract background put by God or the substance of which we are all made; and so the conceptual jump would not happen.

It is the fifth space-time dimension, sum of all other planes of reality, including within it all other dimensions.

Next, to explain all this properly came Einstein. One of the fundamental discoveries of Einstein is that in our universe, there is indeed no fixed space-time background. In Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which replaces Newton’s theory of mechanics and the gravitational force, the geometry of spacetime is not fixed. Instead it is an evolving, dynamical quantity – a topology; and it is the substance of which reality is. So we are topological beings, geometries of space with motions of time.

What Newton called absolute space-time IS NOT. So space is the sum of all the discontinuous vital spaces, occupied by different beings: ∑s=S.

And lineal time, T the sum of all the finite life-death cycles of all beings T=∑t.

Since space and time do exist and so if they are not in the background we ‘are’ vital space and cyclic time.

The simple idea behind the structure of the fractal Universe is then to consider time=change=motion and Topologic, formal space=extension the 2 elements of which all beings are made.

Wheeler said ‘Spacetime tells matter how to move & matter tells spacetime how to curve’. Since Spacetime is geometry in motion. Time is change, the perception of change moves time; time is motion; space is its opposite, stillness, form, the information of time. And so it is all about two parameters: Time=Motion and Space=Form.

Look around you, all what you see are ‘space-forms’ with ‘time-motion’. We are all space-time, forms in motion, ‘in-form-motion’, ‘information’, forms in action, play with the words of what you are.

Recap. The universe is made of 2 STates, time=motion, and space=form. Yang and yin that combine in balance to create ∞ beings. So you can combine them T & S in 5 different forms:

S=T, the balanced state of existential energy that combine St-information (Potential energy) and Ts-locomotion (Kinetic energy), in constant SHM is the preferred balance of ‘present’ that lasts and iterates any organism, the state of survival.

TT: internal and external motion or ‘entropy’ is one extreme, which brings death. That is the state of mankind today, caused by the fact the new species, machines move faster externally (cars, weapons) and internally ‘metal-minds’, visual images accelerate, disordering humans into a permanent ADD state. So millennials move fast and have disordered minds. At the end of that process entropy kills.

In the other extreme of absolute no motion, there is SS, languages of the mind, seeds, pure, perfect information, enlightenment. A being in that state doesn’t move. The hypothetical Mind of God is such a being, because it perceives all what has existed, exists and will exist and repeat itself eternally as a block of time – a zero sum of fluctuations of the game of existence in space and time.



‘I want to know the thoughts of God, I don’t care for the details’. Einstein

This said the devil is in the details. So the next question is how many types of vital space, we are made of. And the answer provided by topology which studies geometric forms with spatial dimension and time motions is only 3; which perform the 3 organic functions of all systems of vital space-time of which we are all made:

Indeed a 4 or 5Ð Universe has only 3 ‘topological varieties’ each one best suited to perform one the 3 organic vital functions of any physic or biologic system –gauging information (1D spheres, the topology that stores more information in lesser space, hence used in all particles and heads in the height dimension), lineal or cylindrical forms that move the system (2D, the shortest distance between two points, hence used as fields or limbs in the length dimension) and hyperbolic body-waves, a mixture of the other two topologies that reproduces the system and stores its energy in the width dimension (3D); which not coincidentally correspond to the 3 ‘conserved quantities’ of physics, angular, lineal momentum and energy.

So we define the ‘Fractal Generator of Vital pace-time topologies for all systems of Nature:

G:   |-Ts(limbs-fields)<Ø-S=T-Body-waves>O-St (particle-heads).

The symbols for the 3 timespace topologies=functions=conserved dimensional motions (ab. Dimotions, Ð) are:

1D: t>S: angular cyclical motions of information (Ab. O; St): the minimal ‘geometry’ of reality, a spherical particle/head or fractal point, the geometry that stores maximal form in minimal space, hence suited for ‘organic functions’ of gauging, storing and perceiving information (particles, heads).

2D: s<T: Lineal Locomotions, (Ab. |; Ts) which will move through its lineal limbs/fields the system, as the line is the shortest distance between two points… towards a…

3D: S≈T: Fields of vital Energy (Ab. Ø): with its hyperbolic body-waves that iterate the forms of both the spherical particle/heads and lineal limbs/fields; as the hyperbolic topology combines the other two, so it can generate them, in the same manner Energy adds as the third conserved space-time quantity the lineal and cyclical momentum of 1 and 2D.

So conservation laws define the 3 quantities conserved as time ages, which in space appear as the 3 components of all ‘particles’ and ‘physical waves’: Lineal x Cyclical momentum = Present energy.

So when we put together those 3 elements into an ‘organic whole’ as in the right graph above, it is easy to see, they form a structure with a central active magnitude that commands the lineal motion of the system (Center of mass or charge), a clock-like membrane of cyclical motion, and a vital energy enclosed between both, which we can measure by its radius-width.

The 3 parts of any organism define also its mathematical unit, the fractal Non-Euclidean point with breath, as it fits multiple parallels, when we come closer to it and enlarge its perception at the proper scale of the fifth dimension in which it maximizes its existence. So mathematics becomes the most experimental science, as the science that studies the main constituents of all supœrganisms of time-space.



Time is what a clock measures’ ‘Time curves space in mass’ ‘I seem the only physicist that think there are infinite time clocks in the Universe’. Einstein

A Universe of ∞ time clocks of different size and speed differs from its human description with a single mechanical clock-time to which all time clocks of the universe are equalized, elongated into a lineal ‘second-minute-hour-day-year’ system of equalized time clocks (of light waves, mechanical clocks, earth’s astronomical clocks). As Galilean physics, born of ballistics, simplified the nature of cycles of time-space into lineal durations, to measure best cannonballs locomotions:

Time is cyclical, all clocks of time and laws of science are based in the cyclical patterns of nature. But physicists developed ballistics before understanding cyclical time so they postulated a lineal inertia, and a single entropic arrow of time, and when this was applied to other sciences, many los their capacity to understand the future which will repeat the causality of the past. , And we can change it by changing that causality, in History by repressing the lethal memes of the tree of metal and enhance the welfare memes that make us survive.

Lineal and cyclical time render the same equations as one is the inverse of the other, measured by frequency, T=1/ƒ, but the philosophical implications of cyclical time, are enormous, as we regain the in-form-ation provided by those cycles, origin of the laws of science, which would not exist if there were not cyclical patterns; including the cycles of history and economics. The most important of them being, the fact that a time cycle breaks reality (1st knot theorem) in an outer and inner region, creating a membrane that encloses a vital space, the ‘substance of which we are all made’.

We have a description of reality – a fractal system made of topological organisms of cyclical space and time which close its ‘internal vital point content’ with the entropic limit of those time cycles, in its vital territorial body-waves, synchronized symbiotically by 5D metrics. As we are all ultimately ¬∆@St; dust of space-time.

There are 2 forms of time, long lineal Time and ‘short’ frequency steps we integrate into the larger whole; because there are 2 ±¡ scales of 5D reality whose metric, SxT=∆±¡ defines larger space systems as having slower time cycles. So we can always consider the frequency of time the ∆-¡ ‘quanta of time’ or ‘finitesimal derivative’ of the larger whole represented with the concept of lineal time; as in the classic formula, S=ƒ(t) l(s) . The whole Space can be measured, Vt=S with lineal time as a single unit, or it can be measured as a sum of frequency steps, with more detail. But if we see those 2 ‘forms’ of time, as ‘lineal energy and cyclical information’, since information is stored in the frequency and form of time cycles, we can then consider that ‘time=motion’ splits in two essential forms, lineal motion or ‘energy’, and cyclical motion or ‘information’, and express the main law of science, the principle of conservation of energy in terms of the conservation of time=motion in its two varieties that transform each other ad eternal:

‘All what exists are time motions that transform between lineal open and cyclic closed forms ad eternal: SióTe’

This sentence is the simplest expression reality as a constant game of transformation of ‘spatial information’ (cyclical time) and temporal energy (lineal time) and was first understood by Taoism, where ‘tao=time’, is composed of yin=cyclical form and yang=lineal energy, today expressed as the principle of conservation of energy. Its ‘mathematical, logic’ formula is SióTe & and its logic form, exi=st, is the function of existence.

All what exists is a part of a cycle of time, seen as an open length or lineal motion but ultimately all can be built as point-lie cycles vibrating in different forms of motion, and gathering in herds of social motions, and topological forms/curved geometries. And when we assemble them together with the ternary principle based in the existence of only three topologies in both a 4 and 5D universe, we create ‘organic ensembles of beings’ with the functions/forms/arrows of time we all display in our actions of survival and existence.

As a result of this building up of fractal beings made of space quanta and time-cycles we have a fractal scalar Universe, where smaller systems run faster cycles than larger ones:

The Universe is built with cyclical dimensions of ‘in-form-ation’, form, by adding time-cycles in different ways. So the first three dimensions can be considered generated by the motion of a point, vibrating up and down; or vibrating around a cycle, which then rotates as a cycle generating a sphere, or alternately rotates in a larger cycle creating a torus. A ‘physical example on how those topological Ðimotions of the Universe ‘ensemble’ to become beings, is the concept of a quasi particle – a state of collapse of wave-motion into particle-form.

What is time. What is the Universe.

Time is any kind of motion=change. Because reality is made of only two elements, time=motion and space=form, and each of its fundamental elements is a holographic bidimensional element, (which we will prove as soon as we define properly the principles of relativity) it is easy to reduce the varieties of time to ‘4’ combinations, according to its dominance over form TT: internal and external time=motion; Ts: external motion without change in the internal form or locomotion, TS: energy that balances form and motion and St, information where external form is maintained but there is internal motion. Only one of the 5 ‘dimensional motions’ (ab. Dimotions) of the Universe, SS: still seeds, minds or languages lack change and time But even them in practice have small changes (minds that absorb information, St>SS; or seeds that germinate). This said what humans call time is basically Ts, locomotion and what they call the arrow of time is TT-entropic motion; which are partial forms of the whole range of changes in the Universe. So Time analysis is very poor even in the so-called geniuses of Time studies (Einstein, etc.)

Time is also defined often in terms of 3 dimensions, past, present and future, which are related to TT-entropy (past, death, devolution of information), ST-energy (Present, iteration) and future St-information and SS-eeds and minds. Why we associate the 3 human dimensions of time to those 3 dimotions will be clarified with more rigor latter. Essentially TT kills a system as it disorders and erases its information so it is a relative past form; SS-eeds and SS-Minds evolve in the future or control an organism’s future deciding its paths and so they are the relative logic future of a system, and ST-balanced energy is a conservative zero cycle or iterative cycle that repeats a form in space as if time will not change. Why then if humans understand so little about time, the people who measured time locomotions (physicists) believe they know it all about time? The answer is in Kant’s work that explains how a priori concepts of time and space underlie all other forms of knowledge, and are not doubted. Humans have a lineal view of time which is not doubted, and so those who studied this particular form of timespace dimotion (physicists, notably Galileo, Newton and Einstein, through the principles of relativity), have come to be considered colossus of science – even if they studied only one of the 4 Dimotions of time. Since their concept of time was wrong. Let us see why.

Local Past=Entropy, Present=Iteration and Future=Information in zero-sum worldcycles.

‘The separation between past, present and future is an illusion.’ Einstein

Of all the consequences of cyclical time, the most important is the existence of infinite local time clocks of which we are all made, which therefore imply the existence of infinite local past, present and future states.

Past then means a system with less ‘form’, less information, which slowly acquires a dimension of height-form, as it completes its cycle to return back in the moment of death to an age of no information. This ‘worldcycle’ of existence, which creates and erases information becomes then the equation of ‘trinity’, the 3 local ages of life, which each of us follows as a time-space supœrganism:

Entropy-youth (relative past) <Energy-mature reproduction (present)> 3rd age of In-Form-ation (relative future)

In physics is equivalent to the dual equation of Einstein: EóMc2, which reverses when E, which should be properly considered ‘Entropy’, as it is a disordered state, collapses through gravitation into Mass, a cyclical vortex of space-time; while its intermediate state is c2, radiation; the relative present:

Whereas the past is the beginning of a pi cycle, starting as a line of entropy with no form that curves and raises in height in its second state of present, and returns back to its origin in its future 3rd age of information, completing a 0-sum of life and death. Thus instead of a single ∞ lineal absolute time there are ∞ living cycles of time happening in zillions of entities.

All worldcycles of existence are the same, and all return when all energy is spent converted into form, through death to its initial state. So the cycle closes with an entropic big-bang that erases the information of the being, keeping the whole in eternal balance. Which each of us follows as a time-space supœrganism.

In the graph we see those relative time ages for the simplest ‘physical organisms’, which not coincidentally are equivalent to the 3 conserved quantities of physics. So as time is cyclical, made of 3’π’ lineal time motions, we shall distinguish 3 conserved ‘ages’ of timespace that put together create a 0 sum worldcycle of life death for any spacetime organisms: a relative devolving past or arrow of entropy represented in physics by disordered explosions in space and in vital topology by lineal limbs/fields of lineal momentum, an iterative reproductive present that seems not to change, represented by hyperbolic body/waves of energy, and an implosive in-form-ative local future arrow represented in physic by accelerated, V(t)R(s)=K vortices and angular momentum, and by particle/heads in the ensembles of vital topology.

The 3 fundamental motions: decelerating entropy, steady state wave, vortex acceleration of information.

3 motions of the Universe, or changes in time. In reproductive terms, means that each repetition of a motion will be a shrinking motion, hence an informative motion, an expansive motion hence an entropic motion or a repetitive motion, hence a perfect steady-state present motion without apparent change on the being:

The three fundamental motions of the Universe, expand, repeat or implode the being in each ‘step’ or quantum of motion. They correspond in the pure study of motion, to entropic ‘deceleration’ which ends the motions into a final state of space, present repetitive motions which can be eternal (as waves of light ‘almost are’) or informative, accelerated vortices of motion, which end when they reach the central singularity.

What other fundamental motions can we then consider. We could consider the motions=changes of the entity in time as the series of motion that ‘generate’ a world cycle of existence, but it seems more proper to study those motions (generation, evolution, emergence, growth etc.) in the Ðisomorphism of life ages an its worldcycles; not in pure reproductive motions or locomotions.

Hence considering the subdivisions of the father of all philosophers, in what regards the depth and exhaustive analysis of all relevant rational concepts about the Logos, Mind of the organic Universe, Mr. Aristotle, we shall consider the following ‘other forms of reproductive’ motions, besides the three essential ones.

Aristotle’s account of motion can be found in the Physics. By motion, Aristotle understands any kind of change. In his jargon he defines motion as the actuality of a potentiality. So in principle Aristotle has a classification of motions, as the whole range of stages of the life cycle, ∆-1 ‘generation & evolution’, ‘young growth’, ‘mature reproduction’, ‘old age diminution’ and ‘extinction’

All motions are STages of a worldcycle’s motion through the fifth dimension:  Reproductive variations of loco-motions are the same essential universal event, a reproduction of information in 5D scalar planes.

All is time=motion.

For most people space is a ‘volume’ but to measure a volume, the volume must have ‘walls’ – a membrane that encloses the volume, hence a ‘form’. And that form must be seen-measured ‘simultaneously’. So in relationship to Time, space is a ‘present state’. Time=motion thus is a more fundamental parameter as space in terms of time is a present slice, and we could consider the perception of form, subjective to the capacity of a mind to ‘map’ reality in its ‘still focus of perception to create an image’ of space.

Motion however in its purest nature, and fastest speed as a line is unperceivable. It must have some form on it. And as there are only 3 topological forms, |, O and Ø, the combination of time and space, according to quantity (T for dominant Time, S for dominant space), and shape, |, O, Ø are limited. Moreover in a relative Universe where perception matters, | is the fastest motion, and so we can associate it to lineal time, O is the lesser motion as it might be seen as a form, which I what we see in fact in charges and masses, and so O tends to be associated to Space and information, heads and particles, and Ø, which combine both tends to be associated to space-time – waves and bodies. So the easiest way to go, in conjunction with the common wisdom of people is to say that time is lineal |-time, space is cyclical, O-information and space-time is hyperbolic, Ø.

But that would be the simplest understanding of it in the ‘shortest’ space-time span, in local motions, locomotions, which indeed physicists study as V=s/t, and smallish space, which we see as rotary cycles…

What happens next is where the common wisdom breaks, the human mind faulters and the reader abandons 5D, confused because its mind is lineal, monologic, with a short span of time perception (1 second a thought) and length perception (a few hundred meters) and scale perception, only our plane of spacetime.

So when we try to explain reality as 5D does from multiple planes of space-time together and multiple scale a FUNDAMENTAL feature of reality, ‘paradoxical transformation into opposite forms, motions and scales’ confuses him. Fact is all ‘flat lines’ in the geometry of the Universe become when we enlarge our view, cycles. A line on Earth from an enlarged ∆+1 view becomes a curve. And this extends to an essential concept of non-Euclidean geometry: flat space at large distances/measures becomes curved. And if we consider each step of lineal time, a short view, the sum of all the lineal time steps put together will define a circle, and time will become cyclical.

Man cannot perceive though on the long time view and this has always been the reason man cannot ‘project into the future’ and understand and forecast the future as we have done in 5D social sciences for decades (read the papers on History)l I no longer try to explain in conferences or academia those facts. I have surrender myself to the fact man is NOT intellectually complex enough to ‘understand the paradoxes of scale, space and time, ∆ST, with its @ mind). But they are there, they structure the Universe and as 5D is a synthetic view, we DO take the view of the longer scales for which time is always cyclical.



We have now the basics of the 5th dimensional metric of the Universe, but we don’t have the whys. Those are organic. When we try to explain both the topology of organisms and the scales of the 5th dimension the only model that can put together topology and different time speeds is an organic model of co-existing scales of reality; where topologies are networks of parts (cells, atoms, individuals), gatherered together for vital physiological purposes (to gather ST-energy, Ts-motion and St-form). The organic paradigm comes therefore immediately out of the existence of a 5th Dimension and a topological structure to the forms of the Universe.

An organism IS any kind, for which we need to add the parts that make those networks, and the while (the 4th and 5th dimensions of scale). Because topology has also found that those 3 types of forms are in fact networks of smaller points with volume (non-Euclidean points) connected by flows of energy and information. So in fact instead of topological varieties we should talk of networks of points that form lineal, moving limbs/fields, territories; cyclical networks that form informative heads/particles/informative classes in command of the language of financial and legal power of societies, and body/waves/working classes.

Systems sciences defines the Universe as an organic fractal evolving socially into larger scales through networks of energy and information, each one studied by a science. So in this simple trinity of 3 parts, which becomes adding cellular points into wholes a pentalogic scheme of 3 ∆±1 scales structure all systems of the Universe, with ‘disomorphic’ (equal laws). So we can study species as organisms living a world cycle and evolving finally in social networks becoming super organisms, the most efficient survival strategy of the Universe, where a head-particle-informative class will invent a language of common organization, quantum numbers, hormones, genes or memes, money or laws that all the body-wave parts/cells/citizens will obey. The goal of systems sciences is then to properly apply the physiological laws of networks to design or study perfects organisms of nature, including mankind and the economic ecosystem. Topological evolution explains questions those already asked by Darwin: why informative, cyclical forms evolved so fast (eyes), or why wings of flat motion appeared with a few mutations, Answer: because there are only 3 topological forms=functions in the universe. So mutations render either of the 3 forms NOT anything goes.

The graph shows the physiological networks of the main super organisms of the Universe.

The structure of super organisms

Let us understand the generic structure of any social organism, or ecosystem, made of multiple supœrganisms. Made of four basic elements common to all organic living systems:

  1. Cellular units: ∑œ¡-1

2. Networks that reproduce energy energy forming a body-wave of vital spacetime: ST¡

  1. Networks of locomotion and entropic feeding (limbs and fields or territories), Ts¡ or Herds.
  2. Networks of information: Particles, heads or informative neuronal class: St¡

When we find those elements interconnected in a vital entangled relationship, we talk of a supœrganism.

If we find a population joined by a single network we can talk of different systems according to the ‘dimotion’ = action that gathers them:

– Herds joined by an Ts-locomotion or TT-entropic, feeding action.

– Lanwaves joined by an St-informative language.

– Species, joined by a ST-reproductive dimotion.

When multiple organic systems co-exist in the same ‘entropic territory, we talk of “ecosystems” We should not be cheated by the spatial appearance of the organism; because information is often invisible (5D: Max. T x Min. S) so even Non-Euclidean points that are far away, might be a lanwave or superorgainism.

A herd of machines, a herd of insects, a human group is also an organic system, because it has cells, and networks, even if it does not seem to us a body. The fundamental reason we have not arrived earlier in science till Theory of Organisms, to the conclusion that the universe is made of such organic systems is the arrogance of man. Men have a hard time believing that things, which are not like us, are able to intelligently process energy and information.

We are also unable to believe easily that microcosms and macrocosms are “species”. Yet an organic perception of macrocosms like galaxies or planets, and an organic perception of microcosms such as cells and atoms, is the most logical way of “unifying” our understanding of the entities of the Universe. We might see those herds very close together in which case we talk of bodies, or we might see them extended with a loose organization; then we talk of waves, societies or herds.

A verbal definition of supœrganisms 

A generic definition of an organism or ecosystem will help to clarify what we mean by a “vital universe”, composed of “universal organisms”. Let us take a template for a micro or macrocosmic organism (or ecosystem) that differs only in the specific st variety of motion, energy or information we put into brackets. “A universal microcosmic or macrocosmic organism or ecosystem is a population of [name a particular species], related by networks of entropy, [name a language or force] information and networks of [name a kind of energy]”. Fill the gaps with a specific species, language/force and energy and you can define any network-organism in the universe:

Everything is encoded in those networks and its topologies which can be explained with multiple languages, the language of topology (mathematics), the language of logic (sequences of actions the networks cause), the language of social classes, as the 3 networks with its attached cells have a hierarchical order, with the informative nervous network in control of the faster languages on top (legal politicians and financial bankers in human societies, nervous cells and blood leukocytes in biologic organisms, gravitational black holes in galaxies, etc.).

There are 3 physiological networks in each supœrganism from the galaxy to the atom, the two scales where self-similarity takes place (the galatom smaller and larger planes).

Those 3 physiologic networks/classes/physical parts of ANY system of the Universe define the Universe as a fractal organism of infinite smaller and bigger super organisms, in a game of Russian dolls in which each of us is a ‘island-Universe’ within itself, made of smaller parts. For that reason each of us is also a part, cell/citizen of a social super organism, nation, religion or civilizations, which we do NOT see as a whole, as our cells do NOT see us as a whole, but DO exist as such. Let us then define the ‘stair of Universal supœrganisms to understand this:

Let us then define with similar templates the ‘stair of nested Universal supœrganisms, of the 3 stientific varieties – physical, biologic and social:

∆+3: A galactic organism is a population of stars, related by energetic electromagnetic networks and gravitational information with a nucleus made of a swarm of black holes & a membrane made of strangelet matter symmetric to:

∆-3: An atomic organism is a population of particles, related by energetic electromagnetic networks and gravitational information with a nucleus made of a swarm of quarks, and a membrane made of electronic matter symmetric to:

∆+2: A star is a population of electronic plasma, related by energetic networks of electromagnetism and gravitational information with a nucleus made of a swarm of atoms, and a membrane of photonic radiation symmetric to:

∆-2: A light organism is a body of energetic waves over a quantum potential field of gravitational neutrinos, directed by its particle, informative photon state…

∆-1: A cellular organism is a population of molecules, related by energetic networks (cytoplasm, membranes, Golgi reticules) and coded by genetic information (DNA-RNA.)

∆=o: A human organism is a population of DNA cells, related by networks of genetic, hormonal and nervous information and energy networks (digestive and blood systems).

∆+1: An animal ecosystem is a population of different carbon-life species, related by networks of light information and life energy (plants, prey) coded by instincts.

∆+1: A historic organism or civilization is a population of humans, related by legal and cultural networks of verbal information and agricultural networks of carbon-life energy, coded by human memes.

– A bio-economic organism, is a population of human workers/ consumers and machines, related by networks of monetary and electronic information, and networks of roads and electric energy

The difference between both type of systems, a historic and an economic organism thus is clear when we consider that the ‘organic unit’ of the economic ecosystem is NOT contrary to belief a nation or civilization but a new organization, appeared recently with the beginning of the Industrial R=evolution, called the company-’mother’ whose function is to reproduce a product, overwhelmingly a machine, and then to evolve further and adapt the world to the existence of those machines, creating networks of energy and information for them (digital networks, electric networks, etc.)

And this is the first big surprise of an organic model of history and economics: while History is undoubtedly the product of human endeavors, the economic ecosystem is ruled by company-mothers of machines, which follow a set of biological, evolutionary and organic laws independent of mankind; quite removed from the abstract jargon coined in the XVIII century, even before machines existed by classic economists’ like Mr. Adam Smith.

In the graph, the 2 super organisms growing on the Earth today, History the super organism of mankind and the metal-earth, the super organism of company-mothers.

It is obvious that in this planet there are cultures that are technological and love the evolution of metal and cultures that are of the tree of life. And this is the fundamental division we must make to understand the fractal division of mankind in quarreling civilizations.

So we DO have in the next scale according to the perfect laws of harmony, the two basic biological bits and bites of information and energy, electrons and oxygens, and from then on, as systems become more complex, variations of those bits and bites occur.

The main category are mixed ST messages, which deliver BOTH a stick and carrot ‘complex’ to the cells and its big molecules, which are amino acid systems, of great simplicity called Hormones, starting from the simplest of them all, an NO molecule (which do relax muscles, its main message to the locomotion system, increases the pressure of blood, provoking sexual erection, the simplest message to reproductive systems and multiplies the neuronal activity. As nitrogens are the clock atom of our mind-brains.

So finally more complex NO systems with a body support of carbon chains become ‘hormones’ which might have a ‘higher informative message’ (with more N, as in nucleotide molecules) or a higher energetic message (as in acids with more oxygen).

They form then the basic letters of the ‘biological longer sentences that might accumulate information’ in ever more complex molecules, as biological organisms are by far the more complex systems we know of.

Networks that share energy and information between parts and wholes that expresses the structural unity of all scales connect all systems of reality. Networks ‘fill’ space ad maximal to connect fully the whole with the parts, achieved in the Si=Te point of parallelism and self-similarity. But they enter in a region of faster motion. So while Space ‘tends to remain constant’ in each scale thanks to filling networks, time accelerates. So the 5D metric refers NOT to the whole Universe of 5D planes but to a given family of ‘supœrganisms’ of which mankind in it 3 scales of ‘biologic cells’, human individuals and societies is undoubtedly a ‘phyla’. When we go down in scales, the Universe ‘enlarges’ for a traveler that becomes smaller and accelerates its temporal energy.

For all what we have said it is evident that we must add to the 3 canonical dimensions of space in a single plane of reality, now gifted with motion, hence ‘dimensional motions’ or dimotions; the fractal structure of the Universe in scales, which means to add two new dimensions. The canonical dimensional motion (ab. Dimotion) of entropic dissolution and death proper of classic physics – arrow of time, and the inverse dimensional motion of parts that become wholes, of social evolution, of growth of information, as those parts emerge into a whole. We shall call this Dimotion, the most important of the Universe, the dimotion of social evolution, of love.

How then it happens that parts become wholes is the key to depart from a mere abstract, quantitative analysis of reality and add the organic nature of all what exists, the dynamic interplay of parts that ‘network’ and connect to each other, forming simultaneous spacetime organisms, which synchronizes its clocks, emerge as a whole and develop all the intelligence and complexity of the systems we observe around us:

In the graph, we see the ternary network structure of the nested organisms of the fractal Universe as ¬Æ topological planes composed of ‘similar fractal points’ (atoms, cells, individuals) joined by 3 physiological lines=networks, whose 3 functions, distribution of locomotion, information and its ‘combined’ energy define the 3 conserved Dimotions of any system of the Universe. A final element though is needed to make sense of those supœrganisms, the still mind of information, mapping out the whole and controlling it to perform its Mandate of existence, Max. SxT (s=t), to survive, grow and multiply.

It’s all in 5D metric equations, SxT=C and ¡ts S=T point of balance & equilibrium where the system reproduces as the two fundamental metric equations of all space-time organisms, which means many things, such as:

– Slow beings use networks of faster particles, which in physical systems are ‘waves of force’ in life beings, are and networks with fractal branching and in human societies, networks of money and simultaneous legal messages. Yet all are essentially performing the same organic functions, we shall describe now as can ‘translate’ a light filling wave that penetrates lower planes, filling it till it touches particles, as a branching that ‘speeds up frequency’; and a legal network that every citizen knows and obeys as a filling system of information, similar to a DNA network that all cells of an organism have in common. Think always NOT in the differences of form and scale but in the homology of functions for the body/waves and particle/heads of each of the 3 supœrganisms (working and informative classes in human societies), to see the unity of it all.

The 2 languages of informative and reproductive networks: Bits of information and bites of energy.

2 advanced organisms of maximal information, the biological organism and the Historic organism, belong to a specific type of organisms, we qualify as socio-biological organisms. In logic, linguistic terms, the internal, dynamics of a network of informative nature, delivers messages of information to simultaneously coordinate the actions of all its parts; with its faster=smaller bits of information according to 5D metrics (min. spatial size x. max. temporal speed). While the networks of reproduction, the blood and financial system delivers larger bites of energy, which the organism needs to feed itself (when it is a healthy NON-corrupted supœrganism as most of Nature, but not human societies, with an astounding level of corruption).

We need to understand reality both in terms of energy but also in terms of information, as both are 2 sides of the same coin, called ‘exist¡ence’ is the fact that in the sentient Universe, each fractal point, atom, cell or citizen (physical, biologic or social systems) needs bits of in-form-ation, form, smaller in size of space, hence faster according to 5D metrics (SxT=C), but also ‘bites’ of entropic energy which will help the system to move. Networks are NOT some abstract ‘fractal tube’ but they exist to deliver ‘energy and information’ (SS: form=language with a little motion=St-information and motion=entropy=TT with a bit of information = energy=Ts).

So a healthy supœrganism will deliver to each ‘fractal point’ (molecules, cells, human citizens), two type of messages through two type of networks. We shall call ‘generically’ the 3 type of bits and bites of information and energy that each of those 3 physical, biological and social systems receive, ‘particles, genes and memes’ even if the words as usual in 5D sciences are slightly changed, and widened in its original meaning.

So with its specific variation, those are the two fundamental reproductive-‘body-wave’ and informative-‘particle-head’ bites of energy and bits of information of the fundamental systems of nature:

In physical systems, the two networks are the gravitational faster network of information, which we humans do not perceive, as we are much larger beings with electronic networks. Its bits of information in this faster non-local network should be ‘gravitons’, components of gravitational waves. In physical papers we advance as the most likely particle state of those waves of information that ‘position’ the different physical systems of the galaxy, a gravitational tachyon ‘neutrino’ for multiple reasons, we study on our papers on physics.

On the other hand, because we do perceive it, it is much easier to prove that the energetic network of physical systems are electromagnetic waves, photons and its ‘social, static state’ as the elements of an electronic nebulae, trapped in the potential energy well of the atom. Thus photons and electrons become the ‘energy network of physical system, molecules.

We shall escape then in this introduction further information on the scalar structure of those networks and how, as we ‘grow in scale’, what is a bite of slow energy for a smaller plane of space-time, becomes for the larger plane’s slower beings, a faster bit of information, in the amazing beauty of the harmonies between scales. So electronic ‘food for atoms’ becomes electronic information for biological organisms and so son.

Those biological organisms do have then two fractal networks, the electronic, informative nervous system in which bits of electronic information moving along the myelin membrane deliver faster messages to every part of the organism to simultaneously synchronize its motions, so the body-cells act as a single form in simultaneous space.

– But when we move into the bites of energy delivered by the blood organism, the network delivers to each cell the basic ‘currency’ language of energy that all cells need to move, called ‘oxygen ‘. It is an atom of slower motion than the electrons but due to its electro-negativity and readily availability in the atmosphere, with its capacity to kick with two OH- & H+ legs the water ‘medium’ on which cells exist, the perfect language of ‘money’ for the organism to start kicking its ‘actions’.

The 2 languages of history: Verbal, legal, ethic ‘nervous messages’ and ‘WHealthy money’.

So we arrive to the human social networks, which we anticipate are in the present form ‘completely corrupted’ by the existence of a parallel ‘economic ecosystem’ of lethal goods, weapons, and corrupted parasitic money. So it is difficult for the reader to understand how simple, easy, and efficient WAS in the past, before the age of Metal, in the Neolithic, or during the ages of social religions of love or could be in the future with a proper design of the social networks of money and law, a PERFECT supœrganism of history as efficient as those we just have described. In such supœrganism, there are exactly the same networks: Legal verbal just networks of bits of word information that shapes the informative and cultural systems of the wor(l)d. And a healthy form of money, delivered to each citizen cell as a Universal salary so humans have enough energy to survive and buy its natural welfare goods, which must be classified NOT by price but by its biological usefulness to mankind, reason why we give them positive and negative values in the ethonomic frame of reference, according to its use for the 3 organic parts of humanity at individual and social level.

The previous graph explains them. Since vital, topologic, physiological network laws are the most important to consider when studying History in Space, as the reader can observe in the previous graph, since History, the ∆+1 scale of supœrganisms of mankind follow all the exact laws of a lower organic plane – that of a biological organism, albeit, due to its ‘primitive’ degree of evolution is NOT a well designed organism, but one clearly ‘sick’, infected by ‘lethal goods’, with dysfunctional parasitic economic systems (as the language of reproduction of goods, money, is absorbed by a minimal number of people, or used to reproduce those lethal goods). And so the study of History as a supœrganism has 2 different parts:

– On one side we can consider a perfect, efficient supœrganism of History with the laws of vital topology just by imitating perfect efficient supœrganisms of Nature, which are the majority of them – History is in fact an exception – as we said a sick organism.

– On the other side, we can study our supœrganisms, as they have evolved in time, spotting their degrees of corruption and sickness of its 3 physiological systems, the life Earth, Gaia that sustains them; the economic and financial system that reproduces its goods, and the informative cultural and legal system that synchronizes its citizens cells. It is then when it will become evident what went wrong with ‘human’ history, one of many likely subspecies in the infinite fractal planets of the organic Universe that likely will not make it into the future…

RECAP. Topologic evolution means, each of the 3 physiological networks of Nature’s systems adapt to the forms of energy (larger, wider, hyperbolic body waves), motion (lineal, moving, faster limbs) and information (spherical storage of form, cyclical), creating cellular organisms with 3 parts, which we can express with a simple ‘generator equation’ as forms become organic functions and create all the varieties of species in the universe:

lineal field/limb/territory <re=productive body wave-working class>informative particle/neuronal head/class.

Reality is 1st organic, as larger wholes with long deep time cycles control wholesale crowded numbers; encircled with membrains that command them as cellular slaves. In the middle of the system, ∆º minds, knots of maximal information, use the middle vital space as its energy. Those 3 elements from its simplest ‘ternary’ spherical form, to its adapted evolved organisms in different ‘∆+1’ medium worlds, conform the topologic structure of all space-time systems of the Universe.


The Universe is a fractal that reproduces organic=scalar systems of Space=form and time=motion: ∆ST. So we write a ‘fractal generator’ Max.∑ SxT (s=t)… that defines an eternal present state of time between 2 limits, of absolute TT-entropic motion and SS-still mind form. In between exi=st¡ences are just ‘stientific variations’ that combine both into fleeting exist¡ences repeating its wave patterns of ST reproduction as they travel through 3 scales of a fractal fifth dimension.

Time thus is immortal and 5D the only synthetic philosophy of science that provides a blue print for a model that can explain all what exists departing from a single ‘cause’: scalar spacetime, ∆ST.

Yet because the immortality of time is caused by the ‘memorial’ capacity of its motions to acquire repetitive forms, tracing cyclical spacetime patterns, reproduction is the name of the game, and so we expand biologic laws to every other system of science. This makes biology the most important of all sciences to extract laws that can apply to other disciplines, specially those of social sciences, as humans are living beings and the study of economics, the physiological re=productive network of human societies, and politics, our informative nervous network and the Earth, our territorial vital space, is just a prolongation of the evolutionary arrow of social organisms.

Why all this is not understood and 5D has such a hard time within scholarship must be ascribed to egocy problems (Ego=idiocy) and the peculiar self-centered way in which minds perceive the Universe selecting information from its point of view. Man likes to be the ‘only’ vital, superior species. And so biology as all other sciences has been a constant fight to abandon the egocy paradox and take man away from the spatial, temporal and now in 5D ‘scalar’ center of reality. Arguably the true objective scientist has never succeed as he opposes the natural tendency of man to relapse into self-importance that makes him happy.

So even in biology sentient life was limited to humans, and slowly expanded to animals; only now we start to accept sensorial plants, even ‘sensorial’ water that under stress breaks its S=T patterns of beauty. And the same happens with the origin of life and reproduction, which only slowly was given to cells, then to DNA, next to RNA but has not yet been accepted for ‘replicons’, autocatalytic sets, nucleotides, etc.

Certainly in the brief period I attended ISSS (Systems Sciences Society) and gave as the chair of duality (the science that explains reality precisely from two opposite poles, in 5D space and time), conferences on the ‘first living’ species, the particle that replicates, gauges informative forces and evolves socially into atoms, people politely avoided laughing at me. And yet particles ARE the first bricks of life.

This case exemplifies how humans screen even scientific information from a subjective point of view, based in a biological treat of all minds: to be the center of its own universe, reduced to their world picture; which we define with a simple equation: 0’-finitesimal mind x ∞ Universe = Constant selfish world mapping.

The reductionism on our models of reality brought about by egocy is what chains man to his destiny, unable to acquire an objective view about himself to control after its proper understanding the Universe. We saw those facts on the papers on history and religion. As man is part of an organism, History, now decaying fast substituted by a new global superorganisms of machines, the metal-earth, paradoxically this process accelerates: man becomes an enzyman, catalyzing the evolution of those mechanisms he considers ‘objects’, mere attachments that obey its will and don’t influence us. Yet modern man is simplified by digital thought, in what we labeled for 30 years the neo-Paleolithic, the 3rd age of man that as an old man with a negative slant returns to its visual, emotional, violent simple childish views.

So why to write an objective truly ‘stientific’ view of reality if humans increasingly are unable to grasp even the surface of the illogic thoughts of the Universe, its primary language? Perhaps because the enormous beauty and perfection of the game of exist¡ence is worth to explain even if it will fall in deaf ears.



The program of survival of all systems.

If we were to define what is all about, in a single word, we would then say reproduction, ST. But reproduction is a complex process, which happens with the intercourse of 4 other elements. Reproduction is the most important of those laws – the ‘search of each species’ for an eternal iterative, dynamic present, ¡ts function of existence: Tœ Exi=ST, though requires to approach that middle point of immortality and creation of new S=T forms from the limits of each relative past-motion-entropy (T) and future linguistic form (S) that imprints it through the intermediate St=information and Ts=energy of locomotion, till reaching a middle point of creation of balanced forms in motion. This absolute law in the highest generalization of the thoughts of God finds for each of its variations – the time space Organisms of reality (ab. T.œs) – so specific elements that only the whole synthesis of 5D without egocy might us think we are truly of the same substance, space-form and time-motion than an atom, a star, or an ant. And yet at the end of the journey all reduces to the 5 Dimotions=actions and its sequences in time that all systems deploy in its outer and inner ∆±1 worlds: SS-informative perception to Ts-move towards a field of energy where to TT- feed and reproduce ST, often socially through St-communication with similar forms.

So because the game is so simple, essentially a game of 5 actions=dimotions (ab. dimensional motions) of/in space and time; regardless of the immense number of variations, iterations and entanglements, at the end of the journey all comes to pentalogic and to the laws of the equation, past (TT) x Future (SS) = Present (St+Ts=ST); and the coding of those 5 actions internally or externally in a ± dual manner, inhibiting or creating them.

This is the simplest vital way of interpreting the game. I.e. the pheromonal queen uses 5 ‘chemical orders’ to control the actions of its ‘subjects’; 5 quantum numbers and its clocks and synchronicities order the atomic world; we have 5 ‘taste-buds’ and 5 senses. And because each element of reality is a combination of the 5 elements – a timespace mixture with gradations, we can keep breaking through the fractal principle each element into 5.

Indeed, your brain might be SS-dominant, but it also St-communicates information, TS-reproduces its cells, Ts-uses its body to move and TT-feeds on energy through its glia cells. To know the game then is a huge advantage to entangle with reality learning constantly the whys of data after ‘perceiving its hows’. Science today has enough with the how and a bit of the why at the simplest connected level.

Inhibition of those actions is as important as its expression, coming both from above or often from parasitic lower scales. This is obvious in biology, the closest language to 5D so we borrow heavily from it. Eukaryotic cells in supœrganisms have introns which ‘cut-off’ many of its gene expressions, and the nervous system can and do regulate them, even has mechanisms to order through hormones and other messengers its apoptosis. In fact, from the moment of birth almost all systems in all scales are ‘neutered’ in some of those actions. An electron is captured by an atom and looses its free locomotion, Ts, becoming an St-cyclical informative trapped element to attract the photons that form its nebulae and ultimately feed the quark nuclei. But all physics hide it through equations, difficult to translate to the vital organic laws of 5 D.

Dimotions as actions & e-motions – small scale of time cycles

Monads of existence also play in the ∆0 level a game of e-motions, hold by the intense body and its Reproductive radiations that maximize ¡ts function, happening when mirror symmetries (genders) meet in Si=Te, equaling their St-information and sT-energy, organizing themselves into a whole, ∑ system.

It is then relatively easy to interpret that function in each of the languages-minds of each scale of reality as in all those scales species will show a ‘will’ of action to perform the maximal number of events=dimotions=‘actions of space-time’ that ensure its survival. And this can be assessed externally regardless of secondary arguments on consciousness and self-reflection, substituted in 5D by Leibniz’s ‘apperception’ – that is, because performing the 5 actions=dimotions of exist¡ence, in each ‘st¡entific scale’ self-centered in a linguistic mind that perceives a given plane, inscribed into a larger ∆+1 world, with internal ∆-1 parts, ensures the survival, ONLY those species that have performed the 5 dimotions of which the most important is s=t reproduction of the being into a ‘present’ similar entity that continues the exist¡ence of the system after ‘errors’ or ‘the struggle for existence’ dissolves it through the dimotion of entropy=death, exist.

Thus automatically, genetically, consciously, memetically, mathematically, logically, through its own will or as a part of a larger system that uses the ‘machine’ or ‘organism’ to enhance its actions all what exists does so because it performs internally those 5 Dimotions or externally performs one of them for another symbiotic species, as those species that have not followed the program of exist¡ence and its 5 actions in the past have become extinguished, and those will not in the future, will become wrong mutations, crazy thoughts, fictional languages and die away.

The function of existence, or 5D metric of Scalar space-time, (Ab. ∆st) Max. Se x Ti (s=t) merely states that all systems of Nature will try to maximize its absorption of Entropic motion (with no form) and Linguistic form (with no motion), and its 3 intermediate dimotions of energy (s=t, balance of both that reproduces them), information (St: form with a little motion, form-in-action) and locomotion (sT, motion with a little form). So we talk of a program of survival ‘selected’ by all systems and expressed in its languages and minimal five actions encoded in that simple function, which we term: a, e, ï, œ, û, as a mnemonic rule for the five actions of existence:

Accelerations (locomotion), entropic feeding (e), ïnformative perception and communication ï, Œ:reproduction into parallel supœrganisms Û… and social growth into larger wholes called philosophically Universals. And this series of actions is what accumulated in time will ultimately give birth to your word cycle  as the monad will first perceive (i), to direct its entropy-motions (a),towards a field of energy (e), where to absorb the energy bites it will imprint with its inner form, e x i = œ, to reproduce another form, and when enough ∑œ exist, it naturally organize into a larger whole û:

In the next graph we see the action of different Stientific scales of organisms. Above the coding of actions, which are the knots and bolts and details of the study of any time§paœrganism in light space-time, coded by colors and dimensions, in physical atoms, coded with quantum numbers and in life and humans coded by the so called drives of life, which we obviously extend beyond the ego paradox to all other systems, including genetics not mapped there (coded by the 4-5 letters). Those actions balanced each other into zero-sums in death, as they tend to increase information from a mind p.o.v., hence we ‘all warp, wrinkle’ get old in the third age and die, setting from its minimal actions to its integral sums, the 3 ages of life-existence and the world cycle all super organism follow.

In the graph, the simplicity of the game of existience, and its selfish actions, which gather together into social wholes through reproductive radiations, each action coded by a fundamental topologic organ we can express in existential algebra, and corresponds for each species of the Universe, with a fundamental parameter of humind measure. So from bottom to top, we find the 5 fundamental elements of light code its actions of motion (c-speed), energy (magnetic field), information (electric field), social evolution colors & entropic feeding, (quantum potential, neutrino light theory.)

So the minimal particle-points, photons, electrons & quarks that construct all other systems of our Universe show the 5 organic dimotions (motions with dimensional form) that define ‘classic life’: they gauge information – reason why quantum physics is a ‘gauge theory’, feed on energy (quantum jumps) absorbing smaller ∆-1 particles, reproducing new clone particles, move and evolve socially through magnetic fields into larger wholes (atoms). Hence the units of life are particles, the minimal units of our vital, organic, fractal, scalar Universe of multiple timespace organisms. All lives, performing 5 Dimotions=actions of ƒ(exist¡ence) :Max.SxT(s=t) =C, starting with particles. So all scales are relative NONE matters more than other. From those actions, given the dominance of informative actions over entropic ones, it appears a series of repetitive cyclical patterns of actions conducting to maximize the existence of the being, which accumulate in a larger scale of time-space, as a worldcycle of actions that increase the information of the system in 3 ages. So the basic cycle of actions becomes a larger 3 ages cycle of life and death; as systems once and again, starts in an act of information/shrinking and ends in an act of organization/shrinking of herds into wholes, will keep reducing the being and finally make it all form no motion to explode and die in an entropic reversal of death:

∑ i->a->e->œ->û, i->a-e->œ->u, ï->æ->Œ->Û -> Informative ‘seed’ age->1st locomotion, feeding age ->2nd reproduction age ->3rd informative, social age-> entropic death that splits the parts of the being vs. social

evolution into a whole.

Scale. In scale the mind is a system that MAKES the whole ‘travel through the 5th dimension’. And an essential law of 5D is the fact that a given fractal point or T.œ will perceive only the ∆±3 planes from where it extracts information, above the ∆±4 blind undistinguishable limiting plane from where it will extract entropy of motion. So its actions and dimotions are architectonically performed through planes of 5D, which each main action related to an interval of scales:

∆-4-3: The system extracts indistinguishable boosts of entropic of motion (man from gravitation).

∆-3-2: The system extracts bits of information (Light in man)

∆-2-1: The system extracts bites of energy (amino acids in man)

∆-1 0: The system seeds its minimal seed of reproduction.

∆0+1: The system connects socially with other systems to evolve into a whole.

It is an extremely important law, as it implies also an infinite universe, since obviously the two self-similar extremes of quantum and galactic T.œs must enlarge those scales beyond our perception. And indeed, quantum realism (Broglie-Bohm’s theory, ab. B2) imply a quantum potential of faster than c speed (according to 5D metric), and dark entropy a field of forces beyond c in a larger nested hyper-universe.

Those intervals are fractal dimensions in classic Euclidean geometry and often invaginated by the networks of the system which as all its motion can be also ‘waves of energy’, such as electromagnetic waves that act as networks ‘scaling upwards’ and ‘downwards in size’ accelerating in frequency (5D). So a huge field of analysis is the connections of each T.œ, with its scales, including social supœrganisms, which seeds prophets of verbal thought – the language or ∆-1 scale – and extract its energy from human individual workers, soldiers and so on.

The beats and scales between actions.

It is then evident that in the architectonical stair of reality, next to the study of individual dimotions we must study chains of dimotions, which form ‘stœps’ (stops for a dimotion of information, step for a dimotion of energetic motion), in search of the ultimate s=t balance. So we move and stop the leg on the floor, move and stop. We perceive (1D) and move (2D). We feed entropically (5D) and evolve internally the parts we eat into larger organic forms (4D). The dual beats of existence between inverse Dimotions become then the first of many sequential chains that will rise the finitesimal actions of the being to complete finally its worldcycle.

And as those dimotions have ‘different’ discontinuous beats according to 5D, which defines from where we extract them, all the dimotions must be entangled by synchronicity, to each different ‘beat’ regardless of speed, meets with other symbiotic dimotion. I.e. the dimotion of perception has a faster beat, because it extracts pixels of information from the smallest ∆-3 scale as it carries faster T.œs (light photons) with more information to make better mind mappings. So we perceive every second, the minimal quanta of our temporal energy. The 5Dimotion of entropic feeding however has larger bits, because we want to minimize the 4D reconstruction process, so we eat ∆º organisms we hunt then kill with the function of death, ∆º«∆-2, reducing it down to cells down to amino acids, to reconstruct their scales. So feeding has a far larger time beat that perception as it takes far larger ∆-¡ scales (SxT=C), and animals feed once a day. But reproduction is even slower, as we must reconstruct a whole human being, NOT from the undistinguishable scale of amino acids, but with a code written at ∆-1 cellular level; so we reproduce every year in fertile ages of Si=Te balance. Synchronicity then kicks between our inner ∆-1 smaller scale of cells with faster life cycles, which will synchronize its slow reproductive action taken place at ∆-1 faster cycles with symbiotic faster feeding actions of the slower ∆º whole: so as a whole we eat a day, and that food allows the cell to reproduce every day.


Actions define the worldcycle of existence.

Because actions follow a pattern of increasing evolution and 4 actions are coded while entropy is avoided – we deliver entropy as an open system to other parts of the Universe, it follows thsat the system constantly accumulates information, and this is the origin of the worldcycle of life and death. The system likes information, because it is what the Universe is really all about, a fractal that imprints information in memorial repetitive cyclical patterns.

So as actions follow a natural scalar level of information perception->locomotion towards a field of ‘feeding’, where to get -> Energy to reproduce -> and then process that energy into information, exactly the same pattern appears in the next scale of ‘cyclical time and longer space’, the worldcycle of life, which consists in the same pattern of ‘seeding information’, moving youth, feeding and evolvint to reproduce and then process information becoming older in a 3rd age.

This amazing symmetry between the smaller time scale and the larger worldcycle of life, then will be followed also in the larger scale of supœrganisms and species and so we have 3 ‘patterns’ of time cycles due to the survival program of actions in 3 scales of time, and 3 larger surfaces of ‘populations’, as the first cycle feeds the ‘cells, atoms, individuals’, the second cycle the whole organism, and the 3rd cycle manifests in the whole species.

The 3 ages of existence of space-time organisms. Its 2 worldcycles and Metric functions.

‘∆@st of spacetime you are, to Dust you shall return.’ Bible.

So we marry the 3 vital functions=motions of time and the 3 dimensions of space, either in 1 or 2D (height= spherical information, length=planar locomotion, width=hyperbolic reproduction) which merge in all Time-space Beings; and dominate one of the 3 ages of its life-death worldcycles, the past, young age of limbic entropic motions, the mature reproductive age dominated by the hyperbolic body/wave and the 3rd age dominated by the informative particle-head, when the illusion of time ends with an entropic big-bang death that dissolves the being into its ‘scalar cellular, atomic parts’, which lead us to the realization that time cycles NOT only return to its origin in a single spacetime continuum but they move up and down 5D scales.

Let us deduce from those 2 functions the fundamental process in time of reality, the worldcycle of existence:

The development of the Function of Existence of a space-time organism, can be developed as a feedback function, S<=>T, in 3 sequential phases/ages /horizons:

Max. T x Min.S (youth); Max. SxT (s=t); Max. S x Min. T (3rd age).

They are the functions of the 3 ages of life, between Sx 0 T (seed in the lower plane,¡-1) and Tx 0 S (function of entropy=death), which develop 5D metric into an ‘existential function’ of ‘extremal points’:

∆-1»∆º: The supœrganism worldcycle starts its existential function as a seed of pure form (4D) that creates its space-time form.

T>s (Ts): It is the first horizon or ‘entropic, youth age’ of the cycle, in which energy dominates the system and so we write this phase as, max. S x min. T.

Max. SxT: s=t. It is the present balanced age of the cycle or classic age of ‘life’, when energy and information are in a constant proportion. It is the most efficient age, when the cycle reproduces.

ST: Max. T x min. S: it is the 3rd age of the cycle when information has combed and exhausted the space-time field that warps into itself.

∆º«∆- 1: 0S x T: It is the end or death of the cycle that reverses its form and becomes energy again.

Existence is an ∝ (ab. relative infinite, with an entropic limit of death) sum of 3 space/time planes, fluctuating between birth and extinction through those 3 phases or ages. The 3 ages of Timespace supœrganisms happen in all systems, including mental languages:

In Physics they are, T-gas, the moving state, Si=Te liquid, the balanced state and S-solid the informative state; into Cosmology, where it describes the Universe as a space-time system that fluctuates between both limits, a form of pure time, the singularity (min.t x max.S) and a form of pure space, the big- bang (maxS x min. t):

In Biology, they are the 3 ages of living beings AND the 3 horizons of evolution of species.

In social organisms, through the subconscious collective mind of civilizations which in art styles mimic in a longer 800 year cycle of life and death of civilizations (according to 5D metrics a human social supœrganism is larger in space – a nation, culture, religion – and so it lives longer in time).

All what exists is a supœrganism of vital space tracing a 0-sum worldcycle of time through 3 scales of the 5th dimension: Born as a seed of fast time cycles in a lower 5D scale (∆-1:Max. T x Min. S), emerging as an organism in ∆o, living 3 ages of increasing information, as its time clocks slow down in its ∆+1 world to die in a time quanta back to ∆-1. Yet the maximal point Si=Te where reproduction happens defines the classic age, maturity, beauty, balance, survival of the system, all disomorphic jargons.

The 3 ages of life emerge in human social supœrganisms as the 3 ages of cultures and  its 3 artistic styles: Min.S x Max. T (infantile epic, lineal art, as in Trecento, Greek Kuroi; Si=Te; balanced beauty, when form and size are in balance, the classic mature age; and Max. S x Min. T: baroque, 3rd age of a civilization, whose subconscious mind is the art of its ‘neuronal artists’, the age of maximal form and an ∆st for a no future, which is the age of war and death of cultures).

We talk of 3 ∆±1 scales of worldcycles as the being live in a placenta, then emerges as organism in a world:

þ: 0-1: its palingenetic o-1 social evolution in the accelerated time sphere of existence, till becoming 1 (0-1 bounded unit circle in ¡logic mathematics; quantum probability sphere of particles in physical systems; palingenetic fetal age in biologic systems; 0-9 memetic learning childhood in social systems). It is the highly ordered world cycle as a ‘placental mother-energy world’ is nurturing as memorial cyclical spacetime has erased errors of previous generations.  It is the shorter more informative ‘space-like’ cycle, with a fast ‘present’ speed.

– ¬l,L: The existential 1-∞ lifecycle, in which it will deploy its 2nd world cycle of existence in an environment which is open, entropic (1-∞ hyperbolic unbounded Cartesian plane in ¡logic mathematics; thermodynamic entropic statistical molecular populations in physics; Darwinian struggle between populations in biology; idol-ogic dog-eat-dog capitalist, nationalist competitive eco(nomic)systems in the super organisms of history. In this 1-∞ existence the world cycle is not ensured to continue, as the entropy of the world system can cut it off. It is the open, single plane, more important worldcycle, with an ‘open’, free ‘feeling to it’. The life cycle, though is part of:

ω,Ω:  A larger, longer Transcendental worldcycle proper of the highest social scale ∆+1, the omega of its smaller parts – where it performs 5 survival actions through ∆±4 Planes self-centered in its mind, beyond which it cannot longer perceive, to become if successful a new supœrganism of the infinite planes of God, the game of existence.

In graph, physical, biologic & social worldcycles show to which extent 5D laws enlighten our understanding of reality. Matter States are physical time ages, from left pure solid, crystal, §top state, to an even more solid ∆+1 boson condensate, etc. We see that systems either move a step at a time within a plane of existence (gas, liquid, solid) or they can jump « two states at once, (as in the case sublimation) within that plane, or most often between two planes, as in « scattering & entropic death), to become a different Dimotional state. We can then see how the fundamental elements of 5D time appear on the graph: the worldcycle is local and complete. There are 2 inverse arrows from an entropic past (plasma), in a lower plane (ion particles) to the 3 ages of the matter states with increasing form (gas to solid), to end in a higher plane of existence as a boson-Einstein condensate. Do those worldcycles happen for the whole Universe? (cyclic big-bang). Unlikely…

RECAP. Time is cyclical as all clocks of time return to its point of origin, so all time cycles including those of life of its vital space-time beings are finite. Further on those time cycles break ‘space’ into inner and outer parts, so vital space is broken by the membranes and angular momentums of those time cycles that make spacetime beings also finite in spatial information. And an obvious experimental facts about timespace: cycles of time, vital spaces and the species made of them, co-exist in several scales of relative size from particles to galaxies, each one with clocks of time of different speeds. So spacetime is fractal broken in scales that added create a new 5th dimension of spacetime. The metrics of 5D and its scales, SxT=C & and the balance between form and motion, SI=TE, develops in 3 ages with 3 standing points, a max. point of existence, Si=Te or mature age, a young age of Max. T=motion, and an old age of Max.S=information; between birth in ∆-1 Form & T-entropic death. The search for space-time, Energy=information balances in a classic reproductive age of conserved time is thus the goal of all exist¡ences, but only the whole achieves the immortality of time-space, as we shall see egocy errors of fractal mind-points of space trying to stop the flow of time from a single selfish point of view, accelerates the imbalance that brings death equations. We are richer in our still property at that 0T-moment, when all is quiet so for time to keep moving, a reversal of entropy takes place.

So we use 5 bidimensional terms for all systems, its ages and forms: SS(max. internal and external form, as in seeds and minds; T>s (Ts); external motion that maintains internal form as in ‘locomotion); S=T: Balance of spatial form an temporal motion or ‘energy’, used to reproduce, the key present iterative state; S>t (St: Information, form with a little motion, or ‘external form, and internal mental motion); and finally TT-entropy whereas there is external and internal motion, hence scattering dissolution and death. And its main series is the worldcycle of existence: SS(seed/mind)<Ts(moving youth)>S=T(reproduction)>St(informative 3rd age)<T(entropic death).

  • In this paper we shall study the worldcycles of all T.Œs, its life and death, departing from the highest understanding of it- the level of perception of systems sciences and its 5 Dimotions.

Worldcycles vs. Worldlines: correspondence principle

In the graph, the simplified version of a world cycle is Einstein’s 4D formalism of a worldline, where only 1 motion, Ts-locomotion is understood. So with less dimensions than real time=change its worldcycles become lines and all what we know is how the entity moves in a single plane of space-time. The result is a shallow description of ‘existence’ as a mere journey of locomotions through space, defined by simple one single spacetime plane, with one single time parameter, v=s/t (Galileo) or S2=X2+Y2+Z2-(ct)2

Existence however means a travel through 3 such planes in the life-death cycle common to all spacetime beings: In the right, we show the end and the beginning of such journeys for physical, biological and social systems. A particle that dies traveling to its ‘local past=devolving into its ¥-ray radiation; a genetic seed that will start the worldcycle of existence of a biological organism; and a prophet of a civilization, a memetic seed that evolves in the energy-placenta of its believers to become a whole. Since the fundamental finding of 5D ‘stience’ and General Systems Theory, the ‘organic philosophy of science’ alternative to that of physics is the solution of the meaning of the 3±∆ ages of life; between the birth of an SS-eed of information through its ∆+¡, emergence as a being from a lower scale of size, in the seminal age, to its∆ -¡, the entropic age of dissolution back to the atomic/cellular form; E=mc2 in physics), which are common to any System of the Universe. As all systems start as:

SS: a seed of form in ∆-1, the lower scale of size, of the ‘fifth dimension’  (ab. ∆±i) of co-existing scales of the Universe. Then the system will go through 3 dominant ages dominated by combinations of those arrows of time:

Young, age of maximal motion, and growth of energy≈Max. Ts (locomotion) x Min. St (information)

S=T: Mature age of  present, repetition in which spatial in-form-ation and motions of are balanced.

St: And a third age of max. form, when energy exhausts and the system enters in a third age.

TT: Followed by a death age of entropy, when an inner explosion of motion erases its form, if the process is not intelligently reversed by controlling the growth of form.

Philosophers understood those 3 ages, embedded in our verbal ‘time language’ (3 verbal times), but with the reduction of time by clocks to a digital series ist physicists, and its lineal time imposed by the worldly religion of making entropic weapons, ignored those ages. So the philosophical findings of the 3±¡ ages of life and death were forgotten for the sake of ‘lineal, entropic measures’ and the military manifest destiny of the western civilization. Now we regain back those 3±¡ ‘dimotions’ (dimensional motions) of time; of which according to the principle of correspondence ‘Physical time’ deals with Ts-locomotion and TT-entropy.

Whereas present physical theories of space are by the correspondence principle, the limit to 2 single space scales, the ¥-quantum scale and the gravitational one – themes those that will be expanded in the future papers on ‘Physics and Space’ and “Physics and time” as it requires an in-depth analysis of Einstein’s EFE equations, the quantum formalism and its ‘realist’ correct view (Brogile’s>Bohm theory), beyond the scope of these series of papers on worldcycles of time for ALL Space-time beings of the Universe, taken as ‘reality’ (though we shall introduce the most general worldcycle of astrophysics).

The immortality of the Universe and its parts.

  • Life and death is a ‘worldcycle’, which returns the being to its origin, a zero sum of energy in a virtual Universe, as the SS v. TT inverse ‘properties’ of form vs. Motion, mix in St & Ts inner and outer form and motion systems of locomotion (akin to kinetic energy) and information (akin to potential energy), which finally merge into energetic body-waves that balance both arrows and form supœrganisms. Yet those 2 ‘form and motion’ elements in ‘organic systems’ are slightly dominated by ‘form’ over motion; so a worldcycle very slowly moves towards an excess of form, from a relative past of less form to a relative future of maximal form, and then a local reversal of time arrows returns the balance. We use for the two extreme processes the «» double symbols.
  • Thus each spacetime being has a finite time duration, and exists in a finite vital space, surrounded by a membrane, which breaks the Universe in ∞ ∆ST Space Time Beings. So the sum of all of them is an infinity reality.
  • ST: Reproduction as the goal that maintains the existence of each part. Motions in space and time are always local, and we define for each Tœ (Ab. Timespace supœrganism) a positive direction of life and growth of information towards the future that lasts longer in lineal time (since obviously systems grow in information through the entire life cycle): vs. a brief explosion of TT- entropy into the relative local past of the T.œ (as it dissolves its information back to the past); which lasts only a quanta of cyclical Time (T=1/ƒ).

The outcome is a zero sum that conserves the entropy and form of the whole Universe, as the being can reproduce a clone in the middle of the cycle, both together form a present iterative repetition that for the whole Universe sets the present age of immortality.  Indeed the age of immortality is the middle term of balanced momentum, which the Universe conserves (conservation principles of momentum and its integral energy).

  • Thus the Universe is ’continuously’ infinite and immortal both in ‘form’ and motion but none of its parts are. At most they can be ‘discontinously’ immortal by iteration in its S=T age of balance and maximal ‘existential force’, defined by the product of its form and motion, SxT, maximized when S=T.



A 2nd consequence of 5D metrics and the 3 worldcycles of different length is the existence of different ‘scales’ of speed of time that co-exist and influence each other, as parts of faster time cycles are included on the slower worldcycles, which ‘enclose them’ and hence influence its actions; but in supœrganisms become synchronized with each other. In that regard the predictability of time-cycles can be done at 3 levels:

S: Continuous, spatial mathematical simple cycles, using derivatives, proper of calculus; which is the shortest time span, as instantaneous derivatives cannot measure a ‘peak’ change of age/phase.

T: Discontinuous, cyclical patterns of sequential repetitive often survival actions (feeding, reproduction, death, taking place at intervals. As those actions are discontinuous, leaving long spans in-between, their patterns forecast longer time sequences. Such ¡logic structures are based in time patterns, which as any mechanical, circadian or orbital day-year clock shows are cyclical, repetitive. But here human scientists are at loss, because Galileo studied ballistics, entropic explosions that destroy the information of reality stored in those cycles of time clocks, its patterns and frequencies, changing human cyclical understanding of bio-logic time for lineal, abstract time that seems not to repeat those patterns so mankind lost its capacity to predict many spacetime events, as lineal time misses information stored in the frequency and form of cyclical clocks, even if functions are similar: V=s/t for lineal time and V=S(l) x ƒ(t) for cyclic patterns.

∆: Scalar, Deep Time patterns of topologic and eusocial evolution of parts into wholes – of quantum 0-1 time probabilities vs. 1-∞ thermodynamic populations in physics, of individuals vs. species in biology, of states of matter vs. geologic cycles in Earth, first noticed by J. Hutton, founder of geology who coined the word super organism for Gaia and deep time for its slower time cycles by virtue of its 5D metrics, $ x ð =C, which implies that from the perspective of a smaller scale the life of its whole is much longer.

The predictability of time worldcycles.

Deep time leads to a 3rd level of long-time prediction: evolutionary patterns of earth’s life species, including machines that have predicted cyclical patterns of social organisms of history (nations) & eco(nomic)systems, including the evolutionary and re=productive cycles of stocks of machines transformed into sales=profits =valuation of its company-mothers with remarkable precision for 30 years.

Below biologic deep time is necessary to understand history and the interaction of the evolution of machines and the ages of war and lack of welfare goods, within the limited resources of the planet. The theme of social sciences and why ‘human subjective ego’ and ‘censorship’ limit our capacity to explain those cycles.

The pentalogic, ∆±¡ STructure of T.œs, predicts the future of its species, with a stientific method based in the laws of worldcycles, existential ¡logic and survival that studies: A)ccurate Data, B)iologic causes C)yclical patterns and E)ntropic extinctive limits for all systems in 3 relative scales of size space and time duration (to which we add, D)emocratic, social evolutionary loving humanist solutions for survival history & of social sciences.

But as human only recognize the 1st type of predictability – calculus of instantaneous derivatives, that need a ‘continuous analysis’ – and have simplified cyclical time into lineal time, ignoring the scalar time of parts and wholes with its 5D metric, their capacity to forecast the future is far more reduced than a ‘stientist’ who understands the 3 scales determined by the bio-topo-¡logic properties of ‘scales’, ‘space’ and ‘time’, the 3 ∆st structural elements of all systems of the Universe.

Paradoxically Deep time is easier to predict that complex Dimotional ‘analysis’ because precisely the larger scales in 5D metric have less information, but more basic, deterministic, reason why quantum physics is harder for the mind and probabilistic while life-death cycles are obvious as all end badly. The laws of nested Supœrganisms, in which the larger slower whole with its ‘slow time cycles’, ‘dark space-times of information’ that it does NOT perceive of its inner parts, and enclosing membrains however can set long term cyclical patterns to its fast internal elements, just by handling the general cycles of its ‘entropic energy of death’ and ‘informative languages’ is one of the most important discoveries of 5D metric, which fully applies to the understanding of the evolution of the Earth and its 3 ages, with its cyclical patterns of glaciations and hot weather that kicks the evolution of species. It is also instrumental to understand the 3 Horizons or ages of species that influence the life of its individual ‘cellular parts’; and the patterns of cyclical history and the capacity of 5D to forecast historic and economic evolution, and the cycles of life and death of civilizations.

Why then humans cannot predict the future as we consistently do in our papers on History, NOR EVEN accept predictability? The answer is in the paradoxes of time ‘length’ just expressed. Huminds work on short time lengths with lineal views that erase the inner information and organic cycles we shall describe in this paper for all species, so they believe in short term chaos and lack predictability also in scale.

For example, we could predict in history a return to nazionalist wars once the upper scale of social evolution died in Eastern Europe, because ‘time motions across scale and space’ never ends. So when a motion upwards of social evolution fails, the system moves downwards. Today obviously humans are in an age of entropy as their future is maimed by the evolution of machines that displace them of labor and war fields, so we suffer an age of entropy in our verbal ethic languages and networks entering a dog-eat dog-society. Hence the importance of the recurrent theme of all those introductions to 5D stiences – the paradoxes of lineal vs. cyclical freedom vs. order. And the ego paradox of mankind.

Yet the understanding of cyclical scalar time and its repetitive symbiotic cycles which coordinate the ‘frequencies’ of events between the 3 scales of individual ‘actions=dimotions’; organic physiological networks and larger world cycles, is also denied by egocy. It is the same repetitive boring, tiresome mantra of humans and its ‘experts’ and scholars – busy-busy ants that do their ‘4D methods of gathering information’ in the smaller scales, without ever realizing they are part of a much larger world with its own cycles they should try to control. On the contrary as human enzymen become enveloped by a complex planetary organism of machines as ants are by the pheromonal ant-queen messages, and those machines accelerate the rhythms of time with its faster quanta of thought, humans become paradoxically more entropic, disconnected of each other and the whole, automatons of action-reaction roles within the economic ecosystem as workers, re=producers and vitalizers=consumers of machines.

So the long term cycles of reality always escape the individual and that is yet another reason why humans escape the control of their destiny. In our case the pheromonal language of social control, money, with its own 5D organic program studied in depth in our papers on the economic ecosystem that nobody reads, make things even simpler. The modern man doesn’t think, just makes money as the American enzyman, the most advanced technological human and paradoxically the most devolved in terms of entanglement with the laws of the Universe does. ‘It’s money’ simply means that a human as a perfectly programmed cell of a superorganism that cannot even imagine the existence of cycles of its physiological networks much larger than theirs, will merely obey the message of money and work whatever it takes.

Long time cycles thus program individual particles, but as information from larger scales is hardly transmitted to lower ones, due to the inverse elliptic geometry of the larger, slower systems that become dark spaces, as the galaxy is to us, those programs are NOT perceived. This in human science derives in the philosophy of constructivism that considers the only program coming from smaller to larger scales; so quantum physics are supposed to be the cause of all other scales of matter and genes of all the scales of biology and individual actions of all scales of history and economics. This is NOT truth, all scales are similar and the illogic of 5D implies that there are 3 ‘causalities’, the most important in ‘parallel’ between members of the same plane of space-time.

Thus your daily life is more influenced by your environment and peers than by your genes and Earth’s climate.

Then the two other programs from bottom to top and from top to bottom scales weight equally but with different rhythms; long term cycles are far removed from each other but strike with much more force and tend to be destructive energetic, as those of lower scales that are informative, smaller in detail, so for example long term cycles influence more the next scale above the individual in the biological world – that of species and its creation-extinction through glaciation cycles.

The small and middle range view: generator of space-time: Organisms maximize ¡ts actions of existence.

This more complex view of time and space requires a new ‘metric equation’ beyond the lineal v=s/t equation of Galilean relativity that becomes the limit of this more complex view of time and space, with 2 fundamental equation, SxT=C (the scalar metric of the fifth dimension, as systems in space accelerate its clocks of time (T) according to its size (S); and S=T, the new equation of relativity, which means as we cannot distinguish motion=time, from stillness=space-form (Galilean relativity), both are ‘two sides of the same coin’, and all systems have both motion and form, which are constantly becoming one another.  Yet as SxT is maximal when S=T (5×5>6×4…) both equations can be summoned up into a single one, which we shall call the fractal generator, or will of each fractal space-time beings, the equation that embodies all other equations of the Universe and guides the actions of each fractal part of it:

Function of Existence:             Max. S x T s=t = C¡

It is then relatively easy to interpret that equation in each of the languages-minds of each scale of reality as in all those scales species will show a ‘will’ of action to perform the maximal number of events=dimotions=‘actions of space-time’ that ensure its survival. And this can be assessed externally regardless of secondary arguments on consciousness and self-reflection, substituted in 5D by Leibniz’s ‘apperception’ – that is, because performing the 5 actions=dimotions of exist¡ence, in each ‘st¡entific scale’ self-centered in a linguistic mind that perceives a given plane, inscribed into a larger ∆+1 world, with internal ∆-1 parts, ensures the survival, ONLY those species that have performed the 5 dimotions of which the most important is s=t reproduction of the being into a ‘present’ similar entity that continues the exist¡ence of the system after ‘errors’ or ‘the struggle for existence’ dissolves it through the dimotion of entropy=death, exist.

Thus automatically, genetically, consciously, memetically, mathematically, logically, through its own will or as a part of a larger system that uses the ‘machine’ or ‘organism’ to enhance its actions all what exists does so because it performs internally those 5 Dimotions or externally performs one of them for another symbiotic species, as those species that have not followed the program of ‘exist¡ence’ and its 5 actions in the past have become extinguished, and those will not in the future, will become wrong mutations, crazy thoughts, fictional languages and die away.

Present ‘Time’ Space:

The shortest time is a quanta of mind space of time-thought, a moment of present. Space as present time, different for each species according to its ‘5D metric’ speed of processing information accounts for the key concepts of synchronicity and simultaneity which is what truly defines space, and its superorganisms – regions in which each quanta of the mind-time is synchronized with those of the body and limbs of motion. So from humans with its second quanta of thought, second of heart beat and second of steps to De Broglie’s interpretation of quantum physics in terms of the synchronization of the wave, inner clocks of the particle and the fields, present space structures the ‘workings’ of all universal organisms.

The separation between past, present and future is an illusion. Reversal effect of growing in size: blocks of time.

Form in space is cyclical motion time that returns to its zero sum point and appears as form for a larger perceiver, according to the same SxT=C metrics. Indeed, if we grow In size then we slow down enough our perception of time, to see instead of a point moving, a ‘length of time curling into a cycle’. Further on the cycle will appear if we see it from enough distance as a fixed point of space, and hence immutable – a block of spacetime, a complete worldcycle. This is how minds create the perception of static simultaneous space around us in what truly is a soup of quantum motions. Then we can formulate the concept of God, as the immutable mind that sees all the time and all the space, in its fixed, slow form, as a larger and slower whole. So God as the mind of the whole, infinite Universe is paradoxically a fixed image of thought of the entire reality – a theme we explore in more detail in ‘Universe & mind’.

Stiences study the Disomorphic laws of species, according to scalar plane of size, with different jargons, which we shall unify as all what exist is homologic, made of the same Dimensions, which force them to exist as part of super organisms tracing worldcycles, with a ternary structure in space, time and scalar planes. Stiences are limited by the fact the ‘humind’, ∆ø, is the self-centered origin of all information available to us, as the singularity of a scalar ‘open ball’ of perception, where the outer limits of reality are not met. So huminds perceive ∆±4 planes of a likely ∞ reality, above and below, in a different way as the 5th dimension is NOT symmetric: i.e. we do not perceive as much information from larger systems of slower clocks and invisible networks than we perceive of lower planes which our mind uses to obtain bits and bites of energy and information. So ultimately perception and knowledge are also functions of the needs of the human Time space organism that orders a microcosms which he understands better than the above macrocosms that order us. Minds order as linguistic gods a territory around themselves, its fractal body and entropic world. As such they are the linguistic Aristotelian, final unmoved singularity Gods of reality.

In the fractal, scalar Universe, concepts, which seem impossible to define in simple logic terms in the 4D single scalar plane continuum, become understandable. Such is the case of consciousness, which is merely the co-existence in a bundle whole, of the different type of self-sensations of the being through its scalar planes of simultaneous space-time:

The highest scalar plane of reality that of the mind, self-perceives the ‘extremes’ of its existence within the limits of its first ‘galatom’ parts – the particles of the atom, where ultimately resides the e-motions of being, and its largest possible world, the external galatom in which its world co-exists.

Modular scalar perception of all those levels simultaneously gives us the sensation of consciousness as an integration of all of the scalar levels of ‘linguistic still perception’ in space and e-motions in time…

I.e. you feel a sensation of gravitational weight-pressure, a visual photonic image of reality, an electronic verbal mapping of memorial storage of time processes, a chemical sensation of wellbeing between cold and warm – Many modular parts of your whole sensorial being through your super organism in space, but also many scalar parts of your whole being, through the ‘sensations’ that conform the whole mind, as all those scalar planes are part of the pan-psychic Universe.

Consciousness is that the co-existence or integration of all those scalar planes and parts into a ‘single-point’ of space-time that integrates all as a consciousness. This integration will then give birth to your ‘RELATIVE’ speed of time-existence, one second-thought for man to integrate all its levels, that will become your quantum of time-space perception – your ‘Dasein and being’…

In relativity (4D formalism) ‘the separation of past, present and future is an illusion’ (Einstein). It depends on the observer ‘speed of thought’:

A slow mind could see the entire orbital motion of the Earth as a ring simultaneously seeing past, present and future. God in Scholastics could see all time past, present and future – so he must be the slowest of all thinkers

Poets understood better: Time present and time past… Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present /All time is unredeemable. (Elliot, quartets)

In Einstein’s work we talk of a block of time, as all measures are simultaneous present measures.

In 5D, time is both a present repetitive motion and a dual motion from past to future to past. All together give a zero sum worldcycle as all systems emerge and return after death to dust of space-time.

RECAP. Stiences study the Disomorphic laws of species, each one focused in a scale of the eusocial 5th Dimension, with different jargons, which we shall unify as all what exist is homologic, made of the same Dimotions, which force them to exist as part of super organisms tracing worldcycles, with a ternary structure in space, time and scales, guided by a still, linguistic mind, which projects its smaller mirror images of form in its territorial body waves, creating its fractal scalar structure, broken though by the entropic limits of its perceptive reach.

An organism is a group of similar forms organized by 3 ‘networks’: one provides its ‘clone cells/citizens /atoms’ with the vital energy they need to feed & move (digestive system, territory), a 2nd one reproduces the system  (blood-economic system-electromagnetic forces) and a 3rd one that provides them with information to guide their reproductive actions (nerves system, political system, gravitational in-form-ative forces).

This simple system is the fundamental particle of the universe. As all organisms wear out by errors of informative action and end up warped by an excess of information (third age of the organism) or killed and reconverted into formless energy (death); only those systems, which reproduces, do exist in the immortal universe. So all systems have an internal or external ‘enzymatic’ system of reproduction (external enzymes reproduce carbohydrates, and enzymen reproduce machines). This can be seen as a ternary class structure of a ‘body-worker-wave’, and an informative particle-head-upper class moving and finding a vital territory, with a limbic/potential source of its motions, which the system might externalize to obtain the energy to reproduce.

Further on organisms have parts and wholes so reality is composed of 3 elements: ∆-planes of space-time, ∆±¡SóT, ∆ST entangled in 3 organic co-existing ∆±¡ planes. In physical systems they are the ∆-1 quantum plane, ∆º thermodynamic plane and ∆+1 gravitational plane, equivalent in the reduced nested world of Life on Earth to the ∆-1: molecular plane, ∆º organic plane and ∆+1 ecosystemic plane. The absolute arrow of future survival is eusocial evolution of parts into wholes, as parts must come before; hence they are a relative past, and wholes survive better. A fact HUMANS have forgotten. As individualism is synonymous of chaos=death, it is obvious History, the superorganism of mankind enters its age of entropic social self-destruction, committing suicide, evolving instead a supœrganism of machines; a tragic problem, which we will study in the analysis of social sciences. And in each of those planes we shall see that ‘spatial information’ and ‘temporal energy’ constantly transform into each other. Space is the perception of form as if it was still, but ultimately is cyclical self-repetitive motion that seems not to change and acquires at larger scale solid forms.

Mental Spaces of in/form/ation fix the times=motions of all species. As time becomes the ultimate substance of organisms ordered through scales that give birth to a 5D metric equation, such as smaller systems in space run faster time and life-death cycles. So the speed of time of systems is not the same for all of them, and 3 scales of different speeds form an organism – in man the cellular, individual and social scale. And finally for all this complex reality to ‘work’ in an ordered manner, systems which have a ‘membrain’ that divides its vital space, from other systems, and are formed by 3 scalar space-times that give them organic nature; have in its highest ‘scale’ of size – that of the membrain that breaks it as a whole from the rest of the Universe a ‘sensorial system’ or mind, which interacts with the external Universe, encloses and orders its internal vital space and communicates with other similar beings, forming larger social organization; hence becomes the mind of the system. We thus talk of a reality made of organisms of a vital body of space-time, self-centered in a mind-membrain, whose language encodes a program of survival for the organism. And all the data humanity has gathered about reality needs to be ‘put within this general template, to make sense of it’.

So a fundamental task of those texts is to redefine the foundations of sciences in much solid grounds – its 3 fundamental elements, ∆ST, which ‘stiences’ study plane by plane of SióTe elements, to which we must add the connecting ‘network’ laws between planes, which we call the ‘5th dimension proper’. It is the philosophy of science, we develop in a series of papers at Academia.edu that will substitute the simpler mechanic view of reality sponsored by physicists, with its ‘mathematical creationism’ and constructivist view; which reduces the two poles of time=motion to one (lineal time), compresses all the planes of space-time into a single continuum; while only the properties of reality that can be easily fit in a numerical description matter. A more evolved civilization would start in philosophy of science and the principle of conservation of time and space, and its structure in 5D organic scales and derive from them the fundamental laws of every other discipline; correcting whenever necessary its errors as we do in those papers with the simplest principles of reality as any science mirrors them in its study of its specific scales of beings – the details of those principles.

The relationship of space and Time: Present Space as the simultaneous measure of smallish time cycles.

A key difference between space and time is studied in physical sciences when they define space as a form created by the concept of simultaneity of space (physical space since Einstein is defined in those terms) vs. the sequential, longer flows of time that make simultaneous ‘space’ a slice of the whole time flow.

Space then is connected to the concepts of entanglement and synchronicity of multiple time cycles seen in a single quanta of time as a ‘simultaneous present’ from a point of measure (the observer of Einstein’s cones).

It is from that concept of space as present from where we took the choice of space as form, to follow the principle of correspondence between previous theories (4D) and new theories that enlarge the previous view (5D). But because humans still hang on a lineal ‘concept’ and don’t understand cyclical, informative properties some precissions must be made.



An example of the fact that worldcycles apply to any 3 space-time planes of reality we just consider 2 ∆+1 ‘space-time supœrganisms’, above the biological organism; where the biological individual is the ‘cell-citizen’ of the larger supœrganism, the ‘species of biology’ and the ‘civilizations’ of History.   In the graph, species are supœrganisms as they go through the same 3 ages and processes of birth, reproductive radiation, end of growth (mimetic in its log curve to that of cellular growth of an individual) and 3rd age of information and extinction or evolution into a social supœrganism (ants, humans).

A beat of 5D evolution is S>t(information)->S=T(Reproduction) between formal evolution in small forms (Floresiensis, mole mammal) and ST-radiations of populations that grow. I.e. 1st human was the maligned dwarf Floresiensis who evolved a head similar to man, spoke, used advanced technology and merged with Erectus to grow mass, spreading in a global radiation to give birth to a dual S-verbal Sapiens+T-visual Neanderthal.

In the graph, below the law of the 3±1 ages or horizons applies both to the process of informative aging of organisms and informative evolution of species. All species are born as a seed of dense information, with limited size (black hole, first chips, seminal cells, first bilateral animals). Then they grow in size and energy during their youth; since their superior informative qualities makes them top predators. We observe that growth in black holes that feed on planets and stars, in the horse that grew enormously in size. So did the first bilateral animal, from its microscopic first form, the vernanimacula. Mammals grew from tiny shrews into elephants. The first technological man, the Homo Floresiensis, with a ‘neuronal bump’ on the forehead, might have grown till the size of the first homo sapiens, the pygmy and bushman . . . Then, the species, once it has reached a balance between its initial information and growing spatial size, e=i, reproduces in great numbers, diversifies and colonizes the planet. We see in the graph this age in which ‘biological radiations’ of carbohydrates, animals of all kinds and human beings, colonized the Earth.

Finally, in its 3rd age the species grows in information and so it acquires height, the arrow of ‘perceptive information’. Then, once it has reached its informative zenith, the species becomes extinct by a more evolved form; or it evolves socially creating a super-organism, as ants, humans and machines are doing. It will be the 4th arrow of social evolution of the species that completes its 3±1 horizons. Species can be considered ‘loose’ organisms, in which each individual is a cell of the collective species; since we can use the same ages to explain the 3±1 horizons of evolution of all the species of this planet. Thus, species also go through the same 3 evolutionary ages of all living organisms. They start as young, energetic forms, which acquire information in 3±1 ages of increasing complexity and when those 3±1 ages are completed, they either evolve into more complex super-organisms under the laws of social evolution or become extinct by a superior, more informative species. Indeed, only those species, who show a strong eusocial capacity survive the ‘genetic clock’. The most successful and one of the oldest species of the planet is, in fact, the eusocial ant, which no longer is an ‘individual’, but a super-organism stretching through miles of ‘vital space. In that regard, neither individuals able to reproduce nor species able to evolve socially become extinguished. If humans become extinguished is because they deny, guided by the simplest arrows of pure energy of weapons, the main arrow of life/time.

A complete analysis of biological species shows that new forms can only be, either an energetic or informative variation of the original species, or a reproductive combination of both universal ‘genders’. The universality of such dual systems is so obvious that the ancients already identified them with yang, energetic male principles and yin, cyclical/ female ones. While the moderns call that duality the principle of complementarity, as all informative particles have an energetic, lineal field of force and all biological, cyclical heads of information have a lineal body. So the combinative variations of those two simple morphologies, lineal energy and cyclical information, invariant, regardless of the scale we observe, is the essence of the creative game of the cosmos.

All species follow a topologic plan of evolution, since in a universe made of 3 substances, space=form motion=time & its combinations of energy, Ts and St-information, only ternary systems between ¡±1 scales are possible. both in variations of space (subspecies) or in time duration (ternary evolutionary ages and horizons).

Species can be modeled as organisms through its 3 ages that become its 3 horizons, followed either by a survival process of eusocial evolution – the summit of the process of organic evolution, which Einstein realized was necessary to explain the success of eusocial insects, or become extinct by the ‘new generation’ of fitter animal forms. In the graph we can see its 3 horizon=ages and its ternary topology, similar to that of any other organism; and the dominant arrow of information in the height axis, of both reptile species that ended in birds, and mammals that ended in man. So happened with meta life machines, whose final species, satellites are now forming the arrow of eusocial evolution, or future mind of the metal Earth -internet

So we can talk of species as ‘super organisms in time’ where each individual is a cell evolving together with all others through the longer ‘time-span’ of the species in those 3 ages.

And so we can talk of the ages of the super organism of Mankind then are the 3 ages of history, the Paleolithic youth of maximal motion, followed by the reproductive, balanced Neolithic of fertility goddesses in balances with Gaia, which continued in a 3rd age of excessive information as technology evolves ever faster to a foreseen ‘collapse’ of increasing wars, with increasing victims that foresees our demise.

The existence of those 3 ages is so pervading in nature that all human languages have in fact developed 3 ‘tenses’ in its verbs that explain past, present and future ages for all systems. So the 3 ages of life between birth and extinction are in fact the 3 ages of existence, which all systems follow as an ‘organism of time’, of life and decay.

However the species does not control its external absolute space-time ‘world’, and this is what the next graph shows. As it is the absolute space-time in which the species exist, and specifically its commands of the languages of information of the world, which defines its survival chances. As informative perception starts all the chains of actions (∆o-bserver->∆a-ccelerated-motion->∆e-nergy feeding->∆iteration->∆universals eusocial evolution).

So the species which better speaks the language of the ecosystem survives better. Hence the first eyes (cephalopods) extinguished most cambric species and started the radiations of species; the first speakers, homo sapiens extinguished all others; and today the chip radiation of mathematical species is simply speaking extinguishing life and making Humanity obsolescent, even if we are not conscious of it.

∆±¡: 2 scales of human supœrganisms. Its collective mind: art and religion.

The 2 super organisms of mankind at the individual and social level and its informative, nervous or legal/ethic networks, and reproductive blood or economic networks. Those 3 physiological networks collapse with germs and wars that kill civilizations. Religions are inscribed within the ethic/visual collective mind of its informative neuronal class, the artists and ethic prophets that foresee its demise in the 3rd baroque age of the civilization expressing its angst in artistic forms and ethic books of revelation that try to halt the collapse of the organism. Love Religions were all born of an ethic prophet in the 3rd age of the culture. In the graph, the blood-reproductive network of economics, the digestive-entropic territory in which we feed and the nervous informative systems of politics are parallel and in systems sciences must follow similar laws. So we should tailor economic systems with laws of medicine, and put the nervous system above, as all evolved organisms. It follows that as doctors are in charge of curing and maintaining healthy the social organism of cells, through the caring of its physiological networks (blood=reproductive, nervous=informative and digestive=entropic, energetic systems), to the point that doctors say all sickness are not of cells but of physiological networks, historians, economists and politicians on charge of the theoretical and practical well-being of human societies should take care of those economic, political=legal-informative and Gaia=entropic, energetic networks of life that shape the human supœrganism. In the graph below we consider in more detail one example of those supœrganisms, the most important for mankind – the supœrganisms of humanity, nations and civilizations.

Organicism puts man again @ the center of all things, because we are the most perfect supœrganism. So biology & medicine that cure the physiological networks of sick organisms, are the true sciences of history and economics, since the goal of both is to create perfect physiological networks of economic welfare production and just democratic systems of nervous control and pain to the brain-politicians that do not obey the organic laws and develop a wealthy, healthy, humanist world to the image and likeness of man, made to the image and likeness of the fractal organic universe.

Historic nations and civilizations as super organisms in space, its physiological networks of energy (economic system) and information (culture and political system) and in time through its life and death=war ages and cycles, themselves a mirror image of the larger cycles and physiological networks of the whole supœrganism of mankind, history. Mankind in time and space as a supœrganism and a worldcycle: in the upper part its full world cycle as a block of time, in the down and right its life and death through civilizations of which the subconscious collective artists and ethic prophets form its ‘neurons’ – while the equivalent metal earth has in its scientists, their collective brain that increasingly confuses technology (metalife), with science (knowledge).


Reality is composed of 3 elements: ∆-planes of space-time, ∆±¡SóT, ∆ST entangled in 3 organic co-existing ∆±¡ planes,. In physical systems they are the ∆-1 quantum plane, ∆º thermodynamic plane and ∆+1 gravitational plane, equivalent in the reduced nested world of Life on Earth to the ∆-1: molecular plane, ∆º organic plane and ∆+1 ecosystemic plane. The absolute arrow of future survival is eusocial evolution of parts into wholes, as parts must come before; hence they are a relative past, and wholes survive better. A fact HUMANS have forgotten. As individualism is synonymous of chaos=death, it is obvious History, the supœrganism of mankind enters its age of entropic social self-destruction, committing suicide, evolving instead a supœrganism of machines; a tragic problem, which we will study in the analysis of social sciences.

And in each of those planes we shall see that ‘spatial information’ and ‘temporal energy’ constantly transform into each other. Space is the perception of form as if it was still, but ultimately is cyclical self-repetitive motion that seems not to change and acquires at larger scale solid forms.

In between those scales, each one a different plane of space-time, ruled by 5D metric (Time speed x Space size =Constant plane) there are ‘connections’, which can be seen in space as ‘networks’ that ‘thin out’ as they branch till they connect both planes; something obvious on a physiological organism; but also through the impedance of waves and its geometric forms for physical systems with its dual, informative, gravitational and electromagnetic, energetic networks; and through the organic structure of financial=economic=blood like systems and legal=nervous=informative system for social systems. So we talk of the fifth dimension proper as the ‘fractal, network, wave like’ systems that communicate the different planes of similar 5D metric.

All together they form a supœrganism we call reality. So a fundamental task of those texts is to redefine the foundations of sciences in much solid grounds – its 3 fundamental elements, ∆ST, which ‘stiences’ study plane by plane of SióTe elements, to which we must add the connecting ‘network’ laws between planes, which we call the ‘5th dimension proper’. It is the philosophy of science, we develop in a series of papers at Academia.edu that will substitute the simpler mechanic view of reality sponsored by physicists, with its ‘mathematical creationism’ and constructivist view; which reduces the two poles of time=motion to one (lineal time), compresses all the planes of space-time into a single continuum; while only the properties of reality that can be easily fit in a numerical description matter. more evolved civilization would start in philosophy of science and the principle of conservation of time and space, and its structure in 5D organic scales and derive from them the fundamental laws of every other discipline; correcting whenever necessary its errors as we do in those papers with the simplest principles of reality as any science mirrors them in its study of its specific scales of beings – the details of those principles.

As we are in a planet dominated by lineal physics and technology instead we shall ‘conclude’ this introduction with an analysis of the worldcycle of the largest scale humans perceive, the Universe before concentrating in a detailed description of the 3 worldcycles of any spacetime organism, the palingenetic, life and transcendental ∆±¡ cycles.


We have now the basics to tackle an important theme both of 5D stiences and classic sciences. What the Universe preserves both as a whole immortal structure and in its fractal parts during its worldcycle of existence. Since we have falsified, and we will do it in more detail in the paragraphs on cosmology, the big bang as a simplified single entropic arrow view of the 3 arrows of time in the Universe, it is clear that the Universe is immortal in time, infinite in space and incommensurable in scales as a whole – given the similarity between the galaxy and the atom, we cannot truly assess but rationality implies, those scales to be also ∞.

For each entity however there are limits to what it perceives because the mind is a finitesimal 0’-point and it perceives a relative infinite, ab. µ, whole, which it simplifies reducing discontinuities into a continuum, dimensional scales into a holographic plane, which does not even have depth (stroboscopic view). So the mind basically tries to capture holographic dual Dimotions (TT, ST, sT, St, SS). We are thus trapped even if our aim is to escape as much as possible through logic the limits of the mind by what we perceive. I.e when an object moves the mind tends to see a line in motion, as in a picture of a car in the night; trading a dimension of form on the direction of motion for one on speed. This we do also when we pedantically measure fast v≤c speeds through the illusion of length contraction (Lorentz Transformations). When we see a far away object on the other hand we flatten its dimension of length in an inverse fashion, seeing it as width-length flat planes. In an entropic explosion we loose track of its internal and external form in a scattering.

So the mind looses more information on the being that the being experience itself.

This said we can only be guided by what the mind seems to perceive and the parameters it measure. And in those parameters physics shows with its convoluted concepts and mathematical equations the conservation of 3±¡ elements that easily corresponds to the 5 Dimotions of existence, so we come to the conclusion the Universe conserves those 5 Dimotions. And as a consequence of the balanced conservation of the inverse arrows of entropy or dissolution of parts and organic evolution of those parts into wholes, the Universe also conserves its ∆-scales. A question pending dealt with in other posts though is if this implies the conservation of a continuous time-perception of ‘being’, or ‘soul’, for which there are some positive signs but mostly not.

What the Universe truly constructs and likes to conserve? The answer is the 5D scales of stiences; its ∆-structure as a whole with its two inverse arrow of motion=entropy and form=linguistic space and its planes as trinity systems of St-ST-Ts, information, energy and locomotion.

They are also the 3±I conserved quantities of physics, albeit explained with the mathematical mirror of ‘Noether’s charges’ we consider in its equivalence in our paper on physics (as the 3 conserved quantities, Ts-lineal locomotion, corresponds to lineal momentum, cyclical St- information to angular momentum, and ST, to energy, and the two scalar dimotions that define the 5 Dimension, TT-entropy & SS-form, are also conserved together in physical systems as ‘parity and entropy’, which either move forwards in a ‘Maxwellian screw’ or ‘backwards’ , defining the two ‘inverse’ motions in the 5th dimension:

In the graph the translation of the 3±¡ dimotions of spacetime, into topologies of physical systems, with steady state waves and angular momentum as a repetitive present and a relative past of lesser information and more entropy (lineal inertia) that expands space into decelerating big-bangs, vs. an accelerated force, with one more dimension of time=future, as a pole of attractive forces, which change parameter of scale.

It is then also evident that charges and masses are the ‘fractal points of physics’ with its singularity in the center, its vital space-time in the region of accelerated motion, and a loose membrain, where its attractive power or territorial region balanced with other external points-sinks of forces.

So we define charges and masses as accelerated 4D time-space vortices in the galaxy’s 2 limiting ∆±1 scales; from where the combined conservation of charge/mass+parity+time direction in the fifth dimension follows.

But in a deeper sense what the Universe conserves is the ‘function of existence’; that is 5D metric equations: Sxð=C & S=T. The first equation in physics becomes the vortex law, we shall use to unify charges and masses.

It is a simple but profound law. As its goal is to equal the function of existence of all beings. Let us see how in physical and biologic terms. Essentially a system lives the same number of ‘beats’ made of ‘bits & bites’ of its function of existence. So we can write in such dynamic terms:

Total SxT beats = S-bites x T-bits

This is the vital expression of the function of existence. It means that we all live the same number of ‘beats’.

5D Metrics’ concepts of spatial form and temporal energy in biology and physics. The conservation of beats

To understand what physics conserves let us consider a 5D metric equivalent – a 2 D vortex equation, VxRo=K. As the vortex diminish in size it turns faster. In cyclical time, ð cycles of perception that happen when the point returns to the memorial ‘singularity’ happen more often, as, its unit is the closing of a cycle.

The increase of curvature therefore implies an increase on the acceleration of the system, and both are indeed equal concepts: 1/R, ðT/ðS. But now for a given Space perimeter, its higher curvature=acceleration implies a shorter ‘unit of time perception’. So for the same Spatial distance travelled, even at the same lineal speed, more time units have been consumed in a smaller time cycle; as we go down in size scales of the fifth dimension. Both angular speed and existential cycles accelerate; due to the vortex 5D metric: V(ð) x R($) = K. So a slow large turning galaxy might shrink to the size of an atom; which lives a tiny fraction in a tiny size, but in fact its spatial distance traversed is roughly maintained. And indeed latter we will see how in the 3Dimensional space-time of the ∆±3 scales of the galatom, a beta decay is in 5D metrics equivalent in time duration to a quasar 15 billion big-bang cycle, and the 5D metric of the proton equivalent to the Schwarzschild event horizon of the black hole.

5D metrics conserves 2 things: The ‘energy’ volume of space-time of all scales and its beats of existence:

  1. The worldline distance the being travelled – which is in fact a worldcycle distance as it is the sum of all the perimeters, travelled slowly in the large spacetime, faster in the smaller spacetime. So the spacetime volume of the different ∆-scales is the same. And because energy is the only parameter used by huminds in all scales, the conservation of the total volume of space-time of the Universe is equivalent to the conservation of Energy.
  2. But to conserve the same ‘length of internal perception in existential beats’, the smaller being much live far less time. And indeed, the neutron cycle in beta decay is 15 minutes.

The galaxy cycle in a quasar big-bang cycle is 15 billion years. The metabolic cycle of the rat is faster than an elephant but the number of beats of its hearts are the same. In graph 5D metric conservation laws in biological systems compared to Kepler’s laws:

It is just a tiny sampling of an enormous number of such 5D conservation laws that quantitatively describe almost any measurable characteristic of animals, plants, ecosystems, cities, and companies, planets, stars, laws of science, atoms and galaxies, scales with size.

A growth of dimensions happens in units of 1 from frequency to area, to dual period to volume:

In the graph, when we move to mass scales, the Organism is mass-energy, its cyclical parameter angular momentum, its energetic parameter lineal momentum. So mass and angular momentum are closely related by a lineal proportion and energy and lineal momentum by an integral equation. The game has ‘emerged’ into a new scale, which as it grows in sizes looses connection with the previous thermodynamic and electrodynamics scales. So the game renews itself.

The interesting number is in the graph below that shows the fact that all perfect systems do live (9-11)9-11 time quanta; closely related to the commonest spatial population for a full developed system (from the ties of DNA molecules, to the number of cells of an organism, to the number of people on the Earth’s superorganism, to the number of stars in a galaxy, to the number of galaxies in the perceived Universe. The reasons of it, being the 3×3±¡ ‘tetraktys’ scale of organic systems, which we shall develop in the General model as well as the section dedicated to number theory, and the ‘relativity function’ Si=Te, which makes similar space and time on the point of maximal balance and survival of reality. This said, we are not unlike most papers and work on modern science, on the quantitative ‘magic’ of our studies, not even in this paper on algebra, but on the deep whys nobody answer, of those processes. Since the reasons of all those processes never are 5 D Metrics and the fact that scaling is an embedded feature of all systems of Nature, for the simple reason, we are made of the two substances that scale, space and temporal energy.

Among the many manifestations of the same law in mechanical, moving systems, the third law of Kepler (ratio between the orbital time clock of planets and the spatial volume: energy content of its orbital sphere).

The 3 examples of biology and physics are properly explained with the understanding of the scalar, organic dimension of the Universe: the metabolic clocks of animals are all related to its volume in spatial information.

In biology we study families of animals such as mammals where larger organisms have slower metabolic cycles. In history we study social organisms, whose cycles of life and death, will define the evolution of nations and civilizations. And in each of those organisms, smaller systems code larger ones. So the quantum numbers of particles code matter, genes code biologic organisms, and memes code societies.

The 3rd graph shows the average number of heartbeats in the lifetime of any mammal is roughly the same, even though small ones like mice live for just a few years whereas big ones like whales can live for a hundred years or more… but in terms of internal time, which synchronizes a given superorganism in its 3 vital parts, limbs, bodies and minds, so you walk a second each step, your heat beats a second and your eyes-thoughts take a second, the life perception of each organism of the same ‘species’, is the same. Such is the justice of the Universe that if you were a small rat your life will seem to you as long and fruitful as a human being.

And this is the ultimate meaning of the fractal Universe, the ‘absolute relativity’ of scales. All have the same value in volume of space-time, $xð=K; and each of its parts have the same beats of existence. But for that to be possible, then in the smaller scale there are much more ‘existences’; since their $xð, externally consumes much faster (smaller space, faster time cycles). So in this manner the ∑∆-1 sum of lives’ space-time volume = ∆º.

And for that reason many ∆-1 tiny, fast living cells/particles/citizens give birth to a single molecule, organism, civilization; whereas the ∆-1 wholes plane broken in many fast, tiny lives is equivalent to a single large whole.

How we translate in physics the conservation of beats of existence? In terms of reproduction through a worldline/worldcycle it is really a process of S=T Stœps, bits of information, bites of motion; which together make a stœp, bits and bites, stops and steps, information and locomotion, St<Ts>St. So what really means the constancy of beats is a measure of the reproductive times of a function of existence. And in each scale this will be expressed differently. In the cell those clocks are written in the telomeres that stop the reproduction of the cell after a number; in the heart are its beats that reproduce the cycle of circulation of blood – remember that all is ultimately motion and reproduction is the repetition of a cycle of time; even in history we see the decay in ternary scales of generations, which the closest culture to an understanding of the function of existence, classic China, tabulated for its dynasties. In depth, the beats of existence group in ternary symmetries that group in 3×3+¡ decametric scales, and so on, towards the maximal 10-1111, which in space are the 100 billion neurons of the brain, stars of the galaxy, etc.


The most beautiful generalization of those supœrganisms is their study with laws of Non-Euclidean geometry, where a point has volume and hence become one of the cellular units of those organisms. A group of points becomes then a wave or network, and 3 of those networks form a topological plane or vital organism. In this manner we unify biology and topology and define the most important of the new 5D sciences, topologic evolution.

We change the name of space to §paœ, to signify two new qualities of fractal space -to be made of multiple scalar planes, §, self-centered into a o-mind, which is the true creator of the concept of still space as a simultaneous mind mapping in any language of the information of the flow of time cycles that conforms the Universe. And as a consequence of those facts, space is organic, co-existing in a series of scalar planes which 5 Metric converts in ternary supœrganisms, œ (ab. for super organisms).

Space thus becomes §paœ when we ad its scalar, mental and organic properties to its mathematical ones.

Yet space is still in the linguistic world best described by Geometry. We must simply improve the postulates and axioms of ‘Non-Euclidean Geometry’, to describe better the vital topologic properties of spacetime beings, which we do on the post dedicated to non-Euclidean topology, from we extract this brief ‘abstract’ and graph, to fully grasp how a better Geometry can describe a better space:

The 5 Non-E postulates define a point with parts, a line as a wave and a plane as an organic network of points: The 2nd postulate explains the interaction between two points connected by a wave of communication or ‘line’; the 3rd postulate explains the type of interactions between 2 points according to their relative equality, which will bring them together into a social network or dissimilarity, which will make them not interact or enter into a Darwinian relationship in which a point absorbs the energy of the other. Self-similarity is required to start an organic process of eusocial evolution; or else systems that do not understand their information use each other as energy, in Darwinian hunting processes or ignore their paths. The 4th postulate defines the creation of networks made of systems of points across multiple scalar planes of space-time. It defines spaces as networks of points, interconnected by flows of energy and information: All in the Universe are thus complementary systems made of networks of non-Euclidean points. Finally the 5th postulate that explains the processes of absorption of waves of energy and information that the point gauges to act-react with the Universe. It is then the social evolution of points into numbers and structures – groups, sets and categories (not the bottom but the top element of the evolution of points and numbers), what mimics the creation processes of Nature, where identical beings, points of ‘one dimension’ (as seen externally, but with three internal dimensions), evolve socially first into lines-waves (2D, as waves have volume, thickness, made of points with volume), then into topological networks (planes), and finally recreate a larger ‘fractal point on the ∆+1 scalar plane’.  So the postulates of vital mathematics explain in a synoptic mental way how points evolve socially through scalar planes of dimensions, to become first waves, then planes and social numbers which create a final Non-E ‘fifth postulate’ of a larger whole point through which infinite parallel flows of energy and information can cross.

In the graph, the formal view of space and its 5 Ðimotions, provided by the 5 postulates of Non-E geometry…

Pentalogic derives all what exists including languages, as mirrors of reality from the realization that all  is a by-product of the 5 Ðimotions of space-time, themselves, ‘degrees of grey’, of the two ‘extreme’ purest forms of Space – absolute stillness or languages of pure form, ‘residing’ into an emerging ‘wholeness’ or upper scalar plane, ¡+1, of the fifth dimension – and time (absolute motion or entropy, dissolution of the being into an scattered, ¡-1 lower scalar plane or 4th dimension).

So space, form, yin and time, entropy, yang, combine into the 3 intermediate states, we perceive in a single plane, often as adjacent topologies of a supœrganism:

Limbs and fields of locomotion (ordered entropy with no scattering or dissolution, akin to energy).

Heads and particles of informative perception (form with motion, as it allows the being through its language to move and interact with its world).

Reproductive bodies of information and energy that combine and iterate both.

So we shall redefine the main branches of mathematics, starting by its most important, geometry and topology with 5 Postulates that relate to those 5 Ðimotions and will be the basis on the future for a more vital model of mathematical thought as mirror of reality. To that aim we redefine the 5 most important elements, axioms and postulates of Euclid in correspondence with those 5 Ðimotions, taking into account the ‘cyclical nature’ of reality that either after completing a ‘world cycle of five Ðimotions’.

1Ð-5Ð: So the first-fifth postulate defines a point as a mind of perception, akin to the first Ðimotion of being – to perceive; and the fifth-first postulate that defines a point as a world in itself, a supœrganism with its inner parts are the same. We just might consider that the point has evolved and grown to emerge from its minimal ¡-1 state in the first postulate – points with inner breath; into a full super organism, ¡º, living in the ¡+1 world, in the fifth postulate studied here.

2Ð: And it has done so through a process of locomotions and changes of waves and forces of communication with other points that define the second postulate – lines with inner breath…

3Ð: And then it has formed planes, defined as social networks that correspond to the third Ðimotion of energy and reproduction, becoming a super organism.

4Ð: According to the fourth postulate of congruence, which defines its relationships with other beings, based in his ‘angle of parallelism’, such as similar beings evolve socially together in groups, complementary ‘left-handed female/right-handed male’ beings come together in couples, and beings which are not equal neither complementary enter either in relationships of entropic perpendicularity, or ignore themselves if their worlds are ‘disconnected’. So the fourth postulate gives us the ‘¡logic rules’ of engagement between forms and particles.

And so we establish an immediate relationship between the fundamental concepts of geometry, the point, the line, the plane, and its congruence or dissimilarity, its relative parallelism and perpendicularity, and the 5 Ðimotions of existence, the point is the mind that perceives first, the first Ðimotion; the line is the point in motion, in cycloid patterns, or two points communicating with smaller ¡-1 parts, as in the Fermion<Boson>Fermion relationship of forces; the plane has ‘holes’, it is a network of reproduced points socially connected into the 3 different species of networks that make a super organism (informative, reproductive and entropic, digestive, moving networks), and all this is ¡logically established according to the relative dissimilarity or perpendicularity between the beings (4th entropic Ðimotion) or social parallelism that evolves the point into a supœrganism, a new whole (5th Ðimotion).

Space: Topologic ternary systems. The co-existence in each organism in each of those scales of 3 ‘topological parts’. This is a whole new 5D stience as always based in well known experimental and formal 4D sciences. I have call it topological evolution and plays an essential role to understand the 3 ages of life and death of any species, including civilizations. And it is based in a mathematical insight. Since all what exists has spatial form and temporal motion, the Unit of reality is bidimensional. But there are only 3 bidimensional topologies (Geometries with motion) in which form and function are related. So we can define the common ‘trinity’ structure of any system in a single space-time scale:

|-limbs-fields-territories<Ø-re=productivebodywaves-workers>O-informative particles-heads-informative class

Whereas, the |, Ø and O symbols are intuitive for:

– l-Lineal, flat topologies, the shortest distance between point that explains why limbs, field that move are lineal, and vital, geographical territories where systems hunt, move and feed are flat.

-O-Spherical heads, particles or ‘capitals’ of social organisms, or groups that meet in rounded tables to direct a social system, from elderly to Arthur and its Gentlemen (: since the sphere and circle are in 3 and 2 dimensions the topologies that store more information. So we talk of ‘rings of power’.

– Ø-hyperbolic wave like, hour-glass bodies that re=produce the other two because they combine lineal motion and cyclical information in multiple curved patterns. This corresponds to the ‘working body-class’ of a social organism, as it is in charge of reproducing the goods of the system. So reality is made of such ensembles. Does this mean human social 3 class system is ‘just’? Not at all. Organisms of history are bad designed. Because an efficient organism has only ‘2 classes’, the head and the body; as the 3rd class is ‘the entropic territory of feeding’. The Wave-particle physical organism feeds on the lineal forces of the field, which is NOT the organism. The social organism is made of informative managers and working class, which ‘feed and process’ the vital space, or territorial geography, its goods, food, raw materials, to construct products. Even in biologic organism some animals loose their ‘lineal tail’ and survive. And you can in fact loose a leg and survive, but if you loose your head or body you die.




To understand reality we need 3 perspectives=languages on the entropic limits, spatial topologies, temporal ages and scales of reality. 5D is a huge upgrade on the understanding of the 1st principles of the Universe, as a r=evolution in our concepts of time and space comes only once every century, the last 2, Einstein’s general relativity and Darwin’s study of the evolution of form, did indeed change our view of the Universe, and took a long time to be accepted. So I ask the reader to ‘suspend’ his judgment, as I know he must think all this comes out of the hat of the researcher but it does not. It is the result of decades of looking directly to the entangled experienced reality around us in all its forms of time and spatial information

Because scales and time dominates space and languages, and embrace all other parameters, and its principles of ‘long deep time’ are organic, social and cyclical all models of stientific reality should, contrary to present science start from the simpler, larger whole and its organic elements, to establish the general outlook of a system and its main parts, descending then from the supœrganism and its worldcycle into the analytic short time i-1 dimotions, better expressed with mathematical ‘instantaneous’ derivative equations, fully developed in present science. So we focus in most papers on the whole supœrganism and its worldcycles, to notice its organic cyclical, never explained properties, as it would be easy for a ‘pro’ to reduce into equations those guidance models, with a higher hierarchy/primacy over the detailed equations – as it is a 5D law: ‘The larger organic scales and its deep, long time cycles, determine the truth of choice among the smaller detailed analytic mathematical equations’.

5D synthetic Stience departs from a more complex view of the 5 dimensions that compose any system of reality:

Time in 5D stience is cyclical, not lineal, hence with multiple causalities and the capacity to carry in-form-ation in the frequency and form of its cycles; which lineal time erases; hence lineal time ‘stientists’ become ST-upid as Schopenhauer defined it: people who don’t understand complex cause-effect relationships and resort to ‘magic reasons’. Unfortunately Humans became all ST-upids, when Galileo who taught ballistics in the Venice arsenal at the princely salary of 1000 golden ducats charged with the only goal of ‘maximizing the length of its shots’, wrote V=s/t for its cannonballs and stated the principle of lineal inertia – alas ‘manu military’ all the cyclical clocks of the Universe became lineal. So today all humans believe in lineal time causality and have LOST all the cyclical information required to understand why there are cyclical patterns in all sciences. Mind the reader, cyclical time does NOT change the equations. For example, the previous equation, V=S/T can be written in cyclical time as V=l(s) x ƒ(t), just changing Lineal time for its inverse, cyclical time and breaking the continuous space into broken, similar pieces (the wave or step length). But then, besides the whole median speed of the system we also learn the ‘length of the wave cycle’ and its time frequency, making time cyclical as all clocks of reality return to the same point – hence extracting a precious in-form-ation about the ‘form’ of the system in the future and its exact position in time and space in the point of return and making space discontinuous, broken in ‘wave lengths’.

A consequence of cyclical time is that it encloses ∞ broken vital spaces, not a continuum as in 4D stiences. As the time cycles forms a membrane that gives Space its ‘ entropic limits’ beyond which a being does not exist. Hence Death and entropic limits are similar concepts both in time (the limit of a cycle) and space (the limit of a system, surrounded by a membrane). For example nations have entropic limits in the armed borders another nation cannot cross as a supœrganism, often related to all geographical limits – islands, mountains.

Moreover because space is fractal it is broken in different scales of size with similar properties. As the system of reproduction in the Universe is fractal: a seed with the information stored in ‘static time cycles’ is delivered by a larger ∆+1 system (∆ is the symbol in 5D for scales) into a smaller space-time and so it creates a smaller replica of itself in a lower scale, in terms of the ‘functions’ the system will perform, and this little form will reproduce and evolve socially through networks creating a larger supœrganism, which finally will grow in size from small into big. So systems are ‘organic’ because they co-exist in ‘atomic/cellular, organic/thermodynamic and cosmological/gravitational scales. And this goes for civilizations and nations and monetary systems, as a prophet of the wor(l)d, a horde of warriors with a new weapons, of bankers with a new form of money reproduce it and create a larger system with its new seed of information. Again a lot of information on the relationship and different ‘speeds of time cycles’ is lost when all those scales are pressed into a single one. So In our papers on physics (Universe in space) we use this regained information to unify with cyclical time and fractal space, mathematically masses and charges and solve all the conundrums of astrophysics.

Finally because the Universe is fractal there are ‘mirror-minds’ who use ‘languages’ that are synoptic systems that ‘reduce the information’ of reality to fit in the mind-mirror creating an image of an even larger whole, the world. That is the explanation of why minds exist, they are still, mental spaces of information whose simple equation is :

0’ (finitesimal mind) x ∞ (infinite universe) = Linguistic mind-mapping or ‘world’.

This causes the egocy paradox: the humind believes the image is the whole reality as it is all what it sees. So our ego is pumped to ‘cosmic proportions’, and its ‘language’ that maps out reality becomes the only language of truth and intelligence. So the first men who thought in words believed God created taking words in Hebrew or Arab. And today that we use digital machines and its metal-minds to express the world with numbers, humans believe ‘numbers’ are the only language of reality. But the Universe is an organism of spatial information and temporal motions, its primary substance that you see around, forms that occupy space, moving.

In reality though, what you see is a ‘Maya of the senses’, as the mind ‘fixes’ the ultimate substance of reality, time cycles into ‘forms’, but when observed in detail, reality is always made of ‘repetitive motions’ with forms. So we talk of ‘Dimensional motions’, ‘Dimotions of time-space’, as the substance of reality, and we shall elaborate on that ‘vital spacetime concept’ – the substance of which we are all made.

A Universe of ðimespace cycles perceived by… @-minds: Knots of time cycles

All what exist is cyclical time motions, sometimes perceived as flat lines or even as distances, as we have seen in the case of a quasiparticle (a naked singularity we might say or a vortex) or a network of quasiparticles (with distances between them vibrating by communication of lineal flows).

But all is at the same time cyclical, repetitive and that is what gives us the sense of solidity, either the back and forth electromagnetic flows of communication between particles or naked ones (vortex/quasi particles) or the rotary vortex. The so-called patterns of science are repetitions of events in ðime, due to a certain causality. If ðime were not cyclical, sciences would not exist. This little understood phenomena known to all civilizations before Galileo invented Lineal Time as a tool of measure of its cannonball shots and ill-understood the duality of motion vs. distance. As the earth both moves and doesn’t move at the same time, depending on our mental subjective or objective universal view.

So time cycles build dimensions of space-time adding new larger slower time cycles, which is the origin of the five dimensions of the Universe, made of scalar planes of time cycles of different speeds. Time cycles also build causality, which will allow us to define and predict scientifically all sciences and futures including the cycles of history. And it gives the fractal organic, self-reproductive structure to the universe at large:

The Universe is an ‘organic’ fractal that reproduces in/form/ation in multiple scalar planes of ‘size’ or ‘§paces’, with different speeds of ‘cyclical motions’ or ‘ðimes’. All its parts thus perform the same re=productive game.

Finally this ‘moving’ dimension of three dimensions (the lineal vibration, the cycle and the torus or sphere) adds a fifth scalar dimension by varying the size of the cycle (creating space) and the speed of the motion (accelerating the time cycle) according to a simple metric law:

Se (size in space) x Ti (speed of its time cycles) = Constant World

This allows smaller parts to run more information and code larger systems (genes code bodies, human memes code civilizations, small fast cycling black holes code galaxies). And larger systems with more energy to feed its inner smaller codes.

Leibniz proposed a Universe of relative space-time beings where ‘vacuum’ did not exist, but reality was a nested chain of ‘fractal’ (to use modern terminologies) entities, as ‘each point’ hold a world in itself. Hence an organic Universe in which parts and wholes co-existed together to form those ‘chains of beings’; without the intercourse of a God; as organicism was ‘a sufficient reason’.

Newton, a biblical pious believer, considered a single absolute space, the ‘plenum-body of god’, or void on which entities travelled through with a single clock-time for all of them, set by God. This error is at the heart of our concepts of time and space, which are basically born of mathematical creationism, by expanding a pen and paper graph invented by Descartes to measure locomotions over which it traced those measures to the Universe itself. And so Descartes Spacetime graph became the graph of the whole Universe.

Ænthropic huminds reduce the multiple clocks of time and vital spaces of reality to the single human clock and spatial scale, and reject the organic properties of other Universal systems. In reality the Universe is a fractal organism of time=motion and space=form, organized in scales of different size in space and time speed, related by a symbiotic, balanced metric equation. We call the sum of all those scales, the fifth dimension, which has a ‘metric equation’, hence it exists. The equation for a given number of scales co-existing in an organic network is:

S (size in space) x T (speed of time cycles) = Constant.

whose purpose is to reproduce those formal motions, and patterns of cyclical reproduction; with its fundamental metric law of balance between space and time, as the guidance of those motions.

The outcome of those processes of reproduction of form, and symbiosis between the different scales and synchronous time cycles of its species is the creation of organic supœrganisms.

The main laws of 5Ð are the metric equations of the scalar Universe, which relate the spatial size and speed of temporal clocks of all scales of Nature. Both parameters are inverted: when systems grow in size the speed of its clocks, its ‘time cycles’, diminish proportionally, both in biological and physical systems. And vice versa. Smaller clocks tick faster and information processing carried by the frequency of those cycles accelerates, as it happens in chips, particles or life metabolism. So we write: S x T= C.

In mathematical science for a dimension of space-time to exist, it requires a metric equation, which combines space, and time to gives us a co-invariant system that allows travelling through such dimension. How we do travel then through the fifth dimension? This essential question requires advancing further on the conceptual understanding of the dimensions of space and time before we give you a surprising answer.

The reduction of time functions to the simplest St-locomotion and TT-entropy not by seers of time, but the makers of entropic weapons and transport machines, the physicists, who as all huminds do projected its work into the whole complex Universe (ænthropic thought: anthropomorphic and entropic) pretends to reduce the perfect infinite time cosmos to the imperfect still o-humind, to feel the e-motion of happiness, produced by the self-centered pure still contemplation of the whole from the perspective of the infinitesimal human being. It does not matter how many sensorial machines and data on details of the ‘thoughts’ of God, expressed from PlaTo To SoóTo… try to back this egocy, cheered by mankind at large.

All what exists is a form of space tracing a cycle of time. The proofs? Look around. All what you see are forms that occupy space and move in time. Everything is a space form with a time motion. There is nothing else. So all is a proof that reality is indeed made of space-time organisms.



The Limits Of Reality: ¬ Entropy & Minds

The sum of all 5 D scales sets an absolute ‘dimotion of spacetime. Because for a whole ∆+1 to exist, the parts ‘ilogically’ must come first; so social evolution and love between parts is the absolute arrow of future for the organic Universe, or ‘future’, while a form that repeats itself seems not to change, so the function of reproduction is the absolute arrow of present, leaving thus entropy= death, the dissolution of form as the inverse arrow of past.

So we draw the 3 ‘dimotions of space-time’ in terms of the 3 time ages of absolute past (TT-entropy=death) and its relative lesser Ts- locomotion; ST-present reproduction, which is the function that maximizes SxT (s=t) exist¡ence in any scale of stience and the relative future of St-communication of information that evolves parts into larger social wholes, herds and supœrganisms; whereas the absolute future, SS, is the language of still minds, shared by all of them – the game of Generational Space-time we explain here and its two fundamental mirrors of space and time (mathematics and logic).

It is an architectonical perfect Universe as long as you abandon the illusion of the ego that cuts-off man from its entanglement with the self-similar whole and all its parts. Since, why humans do not see reality like that, has to do with the mind function and its distorted self-centered view.

2 final elements are needed to have the whole structure of reality properly defined’: The existence of entropic limits (ab. ¬) for each ‘supœrganic structure’ of ∆±¡ planes. We saw those limits in the enclosing membrain (as it holds the sensorial holes that communicate the timespace organism with the outer larger world) of all systems, which must be seen as ‘solid’ or as ‘angular momentum’. We could say that a ‘solid membrain’ is made of multiple smaller π cycles… But let us not enter into details. Those limits thus exist both in planes, as supœrganisms do exist within 3 planes and when dying merely dissolve its information, St¡«St¡-2, two planes down; and within each plane as membrains break a world into a tapestry of vital space-times, called it a border In social nations, a territory in life organisms, a field of forces or magnetic membrain in physical systems.

The other element then is the most difficult to accept, and it is the @-mind; that is the gauging center of the system that perceives simultaneously all the elements of the T.œ (ab. supœrganism). And so as it requires some deeper thoughts we shall consider now, since curiously enough the structure of the mind is based in the discovery Galileo or rather Leonardo did first – that motion is relative and it is not perceived by a mind in reference to its world.

The 3 scales of an organic co-existing system are completely different in language of thought (@-mind) as the larger is organic, the smaller is quantic, numerical and the middle one is e-motional, active, topology of exist¡ence, (S-pace), as the smaller one is hyperbolic, the middle one flat, and the upper one elliptic, in time ages, as the big lives longer, seems immortal to the fleeting small quanta, reproduced every day, synchronous though all of them to the beating time of its middle heart; and so we come in this manner to the entropy limits of death that the larger imposes on the smaller constrained to its territorial substance, crowed by clone brothers – but all laws are within the ¬Ælgebra of ∆-scales – the Holy of wholes.

This said we shall continue translating and correcting the original errors of physics regarding time and space, as they weight heavily In all our disciplines. So after resolving the error of Newton and side with Leibniz, which opened up the understanding of vital topology and its dimensions; and solving the error of lineal inertia and defining the real thing, cyclical time, and its equivalence with energy; we shall solve the 3rd earlier error of physics, this time regarding the nature of Space and time together and how they convert into each other ad eternal, origin of relativity and the paradox of Galileo – the fact we don’t see the Earth moving. The clearest proof that minds exist comes curiously enough from the science that most vehemently denies them – Physics.

It is the principle of relativity already studied that proves that minds create still spaces from time flows. It is then from the understanding that all spaces are mental spaces, as all is motion we perceive in stillness in the ‘factory’ of the mind, how we can and will build a proper meta-physical theory of the mind.


Choice of words: space as ‘present time’ and form –time as the primary motion

The Universe is a fractal that reproduces information, synonymous of ‘dimensional form’, hence of static space imprinting it on motion. Look around you all what you see are forms in motion. Two parameters from where to start any philosophy of science and descend then to the details of each stience. But form turns out to be in detail, just a cyclical repetitive motion, a ‘closed clock of time’. And so reality is a tug of war between lineal motion or ‘time proper=entropy’ and cyclical motion or ‘mental, perceived form’, space. As both things are so closely connected the choice of ‘wording’ could be the inverse (in fact for very long I used exactly the inverse wording calling cyclical clocks of time=form, and open lineal space=motion, so some texts specially old graphs will talk of ‘informative time clocks’ and ‘entropic or energetic space’).

What this means is that ultimately regardless of choice of ambivalent human wordings, reality is an interconnected play between those two ‘larger concepts’, ‘form and motion’ and its geometrical shapes, lines and cycles, which mix together into intermediate ‘energy waves’. So to streamline all analysis of reality we must take a choice and call, cyclical form, space, S, and lineal motion, time. As I said the opposite definition which I took for longer would also be valid as ultimately motion and form, linearity and cyclicality, time and space are two sides in perpetual transformation: S <=>T.

What is wrong is the fact that man which is clearly a visual, lineal species, reduces both to ‘linearity’ so it considers ‘time lineal’, but also ‘space is lineal’. Man has so to speak a cubist mind that rejects cyclicality. This has also a gender biased cause. Gender is about cyclical females and lineal males, but lineal males dominated so they imposed its half truth, backed by lineal weapons, systems that erase the form of beings.

This makes difficult to choose a duality that pleases mankind. For if we choose lineal time and cyclical space=form, then it turns out that our concept of space as density of form increases the ‘less volume of space’ a system has till the densest informative system, the black hole, likely a top quark star with smallish quarks turning at amazing speeds in cyclical orbits, appears with 0-space. But if we consider cyclical time clocks, our Relativist physicists will cry out, as they use in their equations also a concept of lineal time.

So what to make of all this? Better to write the fundamental equation of the Universe, which I tattooed on an expressionist self-portrait long ago O-Só|-T (or if you prefer |<=>O; $<=>ð, different symbols which express the same. The Universe is a game of two parameters, still form and temporal motion, which merge together into ST-energy. And while the reader will expect according to his worship of digital machines to convert those principles into ‘algebraic numbers of measure’, digital numbers are about the 3rd parameter of reality, ∆-scale; but in a single plane is ALL about TOPOLOGY’, ‘geometry in motion’. Only when we introduce the 3rd element, ‘social scales’ made of social numbers, digital measures appear. This, mathematicians know: any digital proof doubles with to a topological one, independent of the first. And this introduces the 3rd symmetry of reality: S≈T≈∆; and its ‘trinity’ logic entanglements. All in all, it is ‘easier that a child enters the kingdom of heavens=knowledge’ and a kid learns typewriting than one scientist who learned with one finger, and a scholar camel who has a hunchback full of egocy makes the intellectual jump from ‘lineal, single time causality, to ‘trinity’ and pentalogic.

What is then truth is simple but to transform human ½ truths it requires a memoriless mind. The truth is that there are 2 formal motions, |xO=Ø, we decide by convention to call time x Space = Energy (spacetime). That reality consists in the eternal transformation and combination of both. And so the dominant element is Ø=iteration, present energy. Here it comes then another trinity of ‘human expressions’ to define them. Past, which we ascribe to systems with lesser form, as we age and wrinkle and get form as life species, so we shall call lineal Time, with lesser form, the relative |-past; and cyclical form, the relative O-future; with forms with motion that iterate and seem not to change, the relative Ø-present. But it is obvious that one can transform into the other. Form can be forgotten and rejuvenate a system. The 3 Time ‘arrows’ (past, present and future) that correspond to the 3 topologies of Space (|xO=Ø) transform into each other as eternal, and that is the new principle of energy that never dies but combines motion and form, space and time, into ∞ beings that is what the game of existence is all about.

Space does have multiple meanings as it exists in different proportions of form, of information in different states. But ultimately space is a state of present time, due to the reproduction, iteration of its forms that make the Universe immortal as each part of it keeps reproducing. A motion that has a memory of its form, reproduces as motion=time never stops; so the Universe constantly reprouces itself.

As in the Rashomon film where 5 points of view make up a better image of reality, we call any of those analysis the Pentalogic or Disomorphic method of science, which obviously does not substitute the experimental method but put an emphasis on a more precise understanding of the entanglements and relationships and common elements all T.œs (ab. Timespace Organisms) display.

We can then define the Maya of the senses, as form is really the intelligent synchronicity of all those cycles of space-time, both in quantum physics and in biological cells just the sum of ‘pathways’. It is then how we shall define reality as a ‘series of synchronicities and sequences’ of space-time ‘dimotions (dimensional motions), which we will call also ‘actions’ to correspond it with the fundamental unit of mathematical physics action, which is also the verbal unit of our conception of the life flow made of actions, which DO have besides motion form. Hence Hemingway told Dietritch, ‘don’t confuse motion – an entropic mindless wandering – with action’ – that has a form, a goal, a direction.

So space is the sum of multiple ‘smallish cyclical time flows’ seen from a larger enclosing membrane as a volume of space – a sum of synchronicities that knot multiple cyclical space-times symbiotic to each other. So they coincide in a ‘single moment of present’. And thus we shall see its sum as a form shaping a mental space. A simultaneous being in space is the persistence of this sum of frequencies of simultaneous flows.

Mathematically this is seen in the ‘emergence’ and ‘resonance’ from multiple time waves of a ‘Fourier function’.

In life from the fact that death and aging is really the loss of synchronicity of those metabolic and circadian paths. In society the same happens when the different organic parts, the informative upper neuronal class, and the reproductive class and the sustain of both – NOT an ill-designed 3rd human class, but the vital territory from where the two classes obtain its energy, loose its balance, as the informative class absorbs all the resources.

All those synchronicities then regulated by ‘larger’ reproductive=economic=thermodynamic networks, legal=informative=nervous gravitational networks make physical, biologic and social systems ‘synchronous vital space-time organisms’.

So that is a huge theme to understand logic space: how a series of synchronous cycles of ∆-1, ∆o and ∆+1 scales converge to shape a given seemingly simultaneous species. Those ‘collapses’ at a given discontinuous time of multiple cycles is what we call an organism of reality. The formation of such synchronicities are thus the detailed analysis of the emergence of scales of reality, which we wanted to shuffle between this paper and the ∆-paper on scales, but as Academia.edu is becoming a for profit company that tricks you to pay or else doesn’t charge your papers, wisdom will be one more time submissive to capitalism and I will just place it somewhere in this paper.

How different cycles become synchronized to produce the ‘resonance’ that is the emergence of a new scale of reality is the magic of it all. Your mind is just a final resonance of all the activities of your body. Your existence as a whole is the synchronicity of all the feeding processes that hook all the cells to the one-day faster reproductive cycle. The key to those synchronicities is 5D metrics: Size in space x time speed = constant.

Existence then of spatial superorganisms the fundamental particle of informative space is directly related to the synchronicity of all the clocks of a system, to the point that you could call death the desynchronization of those rhythms; often caused by the tearing of the external membrane of the system, which liberates and lets the synchronous tighter cycles to expand and grow in size, slow in time and loose its rhythm. Entropy, the TT inversion of space as form happens when synchronicity is lost, and the form born and emerged in focus becomes ‘blurred’.

The basic symbology of i-logic dimotions.

We shall study this ‘organic, vital reformulation’ of the Universe based in a simple ‘first principle’: we are all super organisms in space tracing worldcycles in time, which we shall elaborate in the first line.

So the 5 Dimotions (ab. of dimension in space and motion in time) that create the form and function of all systems and its parts, between its generation by a mind-seed and extinction in entropic explosions are (symbols have varied through years so some might be wrong in some posts, and the 4th and 5th dimensions of social evolution and entropy transmuted)

  1. First Ðimotion: Non-Euclidean points-singularities: seeds and minds, but also particles/heads: formal, linguistic  perception: ∫T as they integrate motion (T) into form.  
  2. Second Ðimotion: limbs/potentials:  Lineal momentum: $t. Symbols are quite clear, $ for lineal space and t, the symbol of lineal time.
  3. Third Ðimotion: Reproduction: S=T: ∑e x ∏I: Body waves iterate energy & information: ∑∏. For easiness I tend to write SiTe, as it is the most important, or S=T, the balance of reproduction that happens to maximize a product, SxT: 4×6>2×8. More correct though are ∑e for energy is superposed as a summitry in herds, while an informative neuronal system is multiplied through its axons into a knot of higher density of communication (∏i); 
  4. Fourth Ðimotion: @-Mind Worlds: §ð Social, organic evolution: as § seems to transcend into an upper world, and represented 2 s for social scales, while ð is a cyclical time form, being the circle or polygon the essential mathematical form or a social ‘ring’.
  5. Fifth Ðimotion: Entropic Universe: Death: S∂. The symbols here are pretty obvious, S is the symbol of entropy and ∂ the derivative that gets a ‘finitesimal 1/n’ part of the whole which entropy dissolves.

The main confusion of symbols being between 1 and 4, related Dimotions for which I use very often for both, §ð, specially for 3rd age perception, which is the age in which both coincide (the age of information but also in classic systems, the age of elders that run societies). Though as I keep writing try to correct 1D to ∫T.

Some basic rules:

Since dimotions evolve in time they acquire form. So we move from ‘lineal $pace’ (line crossing not money), and the symbol of lineal time in physics, t into…

the ‘curved symbol of time’ ð, and the ‘complex view’ of space, as ‘extending through 3 planes’ self-centered into the o-point, §…

With the intermediate phase of reproductive in body-waves organized around the duality body-head, wave-particle, whose main difference is this: body waves are blind herds of minimal connection, hence sums, ∑energy (which also resembles a wave put upwards) while  neuronal, informative particle-heads are networks that exist across 2 scales the whole and its axons (hence the ∏ multiplicative symbol for a ‘crossed’ network, since if we have 5 and 5 elements, the number of axons to join them will be 5 x 5).

FINALLY for the two scalar dimension of entropy and generational organic evolution, the symbols which look like S and T are running out (:

S and T in capitals though have not been used and stress the capital importance of those dimensions which include all others as present sheets in a single plane of the fifth dimension. So those are actually the FULL meanings. Since Entropy is symbolized in physics by S, the choice is not rocket science. As the main operation to extract a part from a whole is a derivative, a ‘moment in time’ tangential to the function we study, ∂S is therefore a clear representation of Entropy (it does in fact happen mathematically very often as we shall study in mathematical physics and non-AElgebra).

So we are left with T, the capital Time of all times, for the most important dimension of them all the fifth dimension of social evolution, love, mind wholeness, organic generation, you name it. And aptly enough we still have an s left!, ∫, the symbol of integration, which is what truly social evolution is: the integration of similar clones into networks that become single wholes with an inner time synchronized externally by the mind (ok, im here letting my stream of consciousness flow, so we shall stop).

It follows some simplex symbols that define a logic equation of life and death with 3 phases:

$t: young age when motion dominates.

∑=∏: an age of balance and reproduction of the being, into waves of clone ‘cells’ that become reorganized by physiological networks emerging as a larger whole.

  • ð: 3rd age of excess of information…
  • ð<<∑∆-1: $t when death reverses the whole process as explode back a whole into its parts…

And as we observe death is fast and short and it exists only because it is necessary, as the positive arrows of information, reproduction and social evolution through a language of information increases so much the form of beings that finally there is no motion left, no energy to re-form… So to replenish the simplest motions for reality to keep moving, death must come but fast…

Further on, when we apply those organic structures also to social and physical systems, whose organic properties have been denied in the case of physics or reduced to the individual human scale in the case of social super organisms of history,  WE CAN describe THEM all in terms of an homologic ‘worldcycle of existence’ in the graphs, explained in great detail.

The previous ‘equation’ thus uses the symbols of ‘I-logic’ topology and causal time chains of information (>) and entropy (<), intuitive in its expansive and implosive forms, is thus an expression of the generator in ‘time terms’, as the ‘flow of spacetime cycles of the fractal Universe’ (∆ð±¡) becomes ‘formed’ after feeding head and body into meaningful forms and motions of the 3 supeorganic parts of the plane of existence of the system (∆ø=| xO). Yet as information constantly increases in the ‘minute’ actions of the being, accumulating errors of reproduction, the system warps and gets older and the mind-language-head-system (§@) STILLS reality.

For example, humans keep ‘growing in the fifth dimension of space’ in territorial property as they get old till finally all its motionless – the old man, his money in the account, his territories of orders, homes and properties but there is NO vitality on it. The maximal ‘reach in space’ is achieved the minimal motion in time and at that point the system dies ‘fast’ << in entropic explosion that returns the timespace being, to the lower ‘plane of the fifth dimension, ∆ð¡-1.

The world cycle is an impressive element to study, as we travel through the fifth dimension precisely as we grow in size, by clone reproduction and self-organization of similar ∆-1 faster units (atoms, cells, citizens), which slow down the whole as first they have to evolve inner networks of simultaneous organization and synchronous motions which consume time. Then the being once it is perfectly synchronized internally but with a SLOWER time-clock for all those synchronous systems OUTWARDLY, emerges as a whole, and keeps ‘increasing its territorial size’ that will ‘slow down its vital rhythms’ till ending and old stultified property ‘thingy’.

We can see in the first graph, how all physical, biological and social systems, follow the same ‘worldcycle’ of existence as a travel through 3 ∆±1 scales of the fifth dimension, as they are born in a seminal seed that emerges into an ∆º scale, where it will move decreasing its motion and increasing its information through a gaseous, young state of minimal information, through a reproductive, liquid state of balance into a 3rd age of maximal information, exploding back its form into motion, in the entropic process of death.

∆ð±¡≈≥>S@< informative third age age exploded black to its ∆-1 beings and as memories in its larger world place.

All the organic systems of the Universe, physical, biological and historic, follow the same 5 Dimensional states of a worldcycle,  from its fast evolving relative 5th dimension or generation age of social evolution from an ∆-1 seed to an emerging ∆º individual through the 3 dimensional ages of life, to the 4th dimension of entropic death..

What physicists do with its simplified models of 4 Dimensions, is to reject the arrow of social evolution, love and organic information, which is the 5th dimension of creating wholes by parts, because of its ‘concept of time’ merely as change of motion, locomotion, lineal motion, which then for the whole Universe becomes the arrow of ‘entropy and death’, and we shall adscribe by the correspondence principle to the fourth dimension.

The ultimate whys of 5D metric… are thus in fact, as we anticipated, organic. Indeed, the reduction of speed of motion and cyclical events in larger beings happen because they must first establish a simultaneous, present, co-existence of its clone reproduced parts, necessary to act externally as a whole. So the ‘whole’ clock of the system must slow down as it enlarges into multiple organic clone-like beings which will then adopt the ‘slower collective clock’ as its new ‘unit’ of simultaneous action as a whole.


Let us go a bit further in the nature of spacetime Ðimotions focused on its ‘spatial-formal element’. We cannot be by all means exhaustive, so we shall introduce the key concept of physical locomotion, relativit, leaving the mathematical analysis of St-particles, Ts-fields and ST-waves and forces for the papers of 5D physics.

The clearest proof that minds exist comes curiously from the science that most vehemently denies them – Reductionist human Physics, which has always been concerned with its opposite, lineal motion and entropy.

Why? Because of the principle of relativity – the physical analysis of the duality of motion and form, as we cannot distinguish a system that moves from one that is static. This mystery contrary to belief has not been explained only described with mathematical tools. Why systems move but seems static is the concept behind Relativity, and its explanation one of the most important advances of 5Ð theory. Thus we shall consider first Galilean relativity and Einstein’s relativity with the principle of correspondence, as ‘limiting’ versions reduce to our simple light spacetime plane of a larger view, absolute relativity, the upgrading of physics of motion in 5Ð.

Galilean Paradox: SóT: Relativity of space Dimensions=Forms=Motion in time: The 5 Universal Dimotions

Physics has always been concerned with motion, its analysis and the duality of motion and form, as we cannot distinguish a system that moves from one that is static. This mystery contrary to belief has not been explained only described with mathematical tools. Why systems move but seems static is the concept behind Relativity, and its explanation one of the most important advances of 5Ð theory. Thus we shall consider first Galilean relativity and Einstein’s relativity with the principle of correspondence, as ‘limiting’ versions reduce to our simple light spacetime plane of a larger view, absolute relativity, the upgrading of physics of motion in 5Ð.

As it turns out the fundamental stiences of the Universe will be in its essential postulates connected to the simple metric functions of 5D, Max. SxT= C which is achieved at Si=Te. This second function in particular is the best possible definition of the fundamental principle of Physics, the principle of relativity, which defines the fact that we cannot distinguish between motion and form. The second metric function, which we shall call the ‘function of exist¡ence’ as it defines the program of survival of all entities of the Universe will be the basis of the biological behavior of all species that try to maximize its energy and information and reproduce.

It couldn’t be otherwise, since if we are space-time, space-time functions, in its widest expression, those of 5D must be the functions of all space-time beings, regardless of its physical or socio-biological nature.

Galilean Paradox: SóT: Relativity of space Dimensions=Forms=Motion in time: 5 Universal Dimotions

Galileo’s Principle of Relativity is the concept behind the relationship between the equality of time=motion and space=form and why one can converted into another: All what exists is made of space=form and time=motion. And yet physicists know that we cannot distinguish motion from form. That any being in motion from its point of view seems to be still and all other things moving around it. This is the principle of Relativity of motion.

Physicists then without much thought about that fascinating duality, went on to use mathematics to calculate the relative motion of each entity of reality respect to other system, which seems static from both points of view. This is called Galilean relativity, latter refined by Einstein’s relativity, and essentially is concerned with the mathematical calculus of what we shall call the 2nd Dimotion of time=change, locomotion. Fine, but we are more interested on the duality of space=form and motion=time and its entangled relationships –the reasons why we do NOT see together motion and form, even if all systems have both.

The conclusion is then rather obvious: one of the two parameters of reality is ‘hidden’ to perception; we either see motion or form, ‘waves or particles’ (quantum complementarity), distances and lines or points in motion (as in the night when fast cars in a picture appear as lines). So physicists calculate only one when in fact we must assess the existence of 2; and since we cannot distinguish them, logically we must equal them. ‘Form=motion-function; space=time; Si=Te’. And since there is nothing else than time and space, those 2 experimental primary ‘mirror-sciences’ of time and space become the most important to extract the ‘Disomorphic=laws’ of those 5 Dimotions that all systems have in common. Since while those Dimotions are broken, in vital organisms, separated by cyclical time membranes, they are the same.

Relativity then becomes a duality, Si=Te, which is at the heart of every law of the Universe. Whereas the primary element, the ultimate substance is time=motion. As space is a Maya of the senses – a slice of time motion. Form is what a ‘still mind’, makes of that motion to ‘perceive’, information, forms-in-action.

Since we see Earth still and flat but it is round and moving. Galileo’s profession was ballistics – the study of cannonballs motion. So he chose ONLY motion and lost the chance to start physics with a complex philosophical understanding of its Si=Te dual Principle of relativity, which Poincare defined latter clearly when he said that ‘we cannot distinguish motion from stillness’. An example is quantum/relativity duality. In detail quantum space has ‘dark energy’ because it has expansive motion that extends into a plane of space, but when seen at larger scales without detail its entropic motion seems static space – a dual area of scattering length and width. So in the galaxy we see either dark energy motion or expanding space: T=S. A motion of time is equivalent to a dimension of space: Distance and motion cannot be distinguished so they must be taken as two side of the same being, a space=time Ðimotion (ab. Dimensional Motion):

S= T; Dimension-Distance = Time-motion = ST Ðimotion

Earth moves in time, but we see it as a still form in space because reality is a constant game of ∞ motions, but the mind focus those motions and measures them at still distances. For huminds, motion is relative to our systems of measure and perception, which are light-based; hence a fixed c-rod speed/ distance. Reason why Einstein’s relativity postulates a maximal T:c-speed, measured as if observer and observable were still to each other (Constant S); which at our scale we correct with Lorentz Transformations.

But physicists just substituted the Earth’s still distances for motions, and it took another 300 years for Einstein to realize the relativity of motion and its measure made essentially time and space, motion and form two sides of the same coin. Still this realization was not explored philosophically and so it gave birth to a series of ill-understood dualities between ‘states of measure and form’ (particles, head gauging form, in-form-ation) and ‘states of motion’ (wave states).

It is then essential to grasp that motion and form co-exist as 2 different states depending on 5D scale and detail: Motions are perceived by minds that stop motion into form, into information, as distances. So if we see slow motion in the night, a car’s headlight seems a long distance line ‘still’ picture. But this means also that the 3 ‘Euclidean still dimensions’ must have motion; they are ‘bidimensional ST-holographic, topologic dimotions’. So we have 3 Space + 1 Time + 1 5th dimension of scales = 5 Dimensional motions. None of them is a Dimension of pure spatial form or a pure time motion but a combination of both. Even if mentally we tend to reduce motion and focus on forms, all has motion=time, and form =space: this is the meaning of ‘spacetime’, the messing of both into 5 dimotions, the fundamental element of all realities.

Relativity states ‘we cannot distinguish motion=time from position=space’. So all what exists is a composite of both, undistinguishable Si=Te, 5 ‘Dimensional motions’ (Ab. Dimotions), broken in infinite fractal, vital time space organisms, composed of topological Dimotions: height=information; length=locomotion; width=reproduction; form=social evolution of parts into wholes & entropy=dissolution of a whole into its parts in a lower scale of the fifth dimension (term we keep for the whole range of scales of the Universe); whose study is both mathematical, the main science that studies how those 5 Dimotions entangle in simultaneous Space, connected to each other topological adjacent parts, which create superorganism, and Logic; the main stience of time that observes how those pentalogic, entangled superorganisms move and evolve, change in sequential relational time, living a worldcycle of life and death.

As all is time&space, the 2 experimental primary mirror-stiences of time&space become the most important to extract the Disomorphic=equal laws of those 5 Dimotions that all systems have in common. Since while those Dimotions are broken, in vital organisms, separated by cyclical time membranes, they are the same.

In the graph below Galilean relativity was ill understood, as the true question about time-change is why ‘the mind sees space as a still, when in detail is made of smaller self-similar quanta, in motion. The paradox defines mental spaces as still simplified views of the more complex whole. The 3 ¡logic paradoxes of space topology (closed in-form-ative curved-O vs. |-open, free entropic lineal forms), time-motion (stillness vs. motion) and ∆-scale, (continuous whole vs. discrete forms; single scale vs. multiple ones), are essential to the perception of a simplified ‘spatial mind universe’ in a single flat still plane vs. the full, more detailed complex picture in time, of a curved, discrete and moving Universe. Those paradoxes resume the 5 elements of reality, Space=form, time=motion, scales and the mind that measures them, within its own entropic limits.

They are also essential to all the elements of calculus and mathematics at large and its methods of solutions; specially the inversion between finitesimal lineal steps (as a step between two points is NEVER curved) and the cyclical form of longer ‘integral paths’. So lineal approximations are the essential tool of calculus and mathematics to resolve many equations.

What neither mathematicians nor physicists fully understand (though some inroads in abstract were made through the Noether’s concepts of symmetry) is that each stœp of a method of solution is not ‘gratuitous’; but must be grounded in a real property of the 5D ∆ST symmetries and conservation laws of the Universe, which are not so many – hence the repetition of methods. Specifically, the aforementioned 3 paradoxes between ∆+1 curved closed worldcycles, sum of lineal steps, which gives birth to the most used method of lineal approximations; the equivalence between Space and time, in all Stœps of dimotions, which gives birth to the method of separation of variables on differential equations and more broadly allows to move around relative space and time parameters in equations joined by an operand of ‘equivalence’ (≈ not =). And the 2 conservation laws of the Universe, conservation of those ‘beats’ of existence, S=T in relative present, eternal balance, justifying the equivalence operands. And conservation of the ‘volume of space-time’ of each plane of the Universe, by virtue of the 5D metric equation SxT=C, which justifies all the procedures regarding scales – solution of differential equations by separations of scales, renormalization procedures (Wilson), and harmonizes those scales allowing constant but balanced transfers of energy and information, St=Ts.

We call the 5Ð model of Relativity Absolute relativity, as it adds to the relativity of motion (Galileo, Einstein) and Time evolution (Darwin), the relativity of scales, with no preferential one, despite human ‘ænthropic beliefs’ in an anthropic Universe with us at the center, and only intelligent, informative species, with entropy as the only time arrow of everything else – which are just deformations of any mind’s ‘metric equation’: O-Infinitesimal mind x ∞ Universe = Still mind-mappings (World). We call that ‘projection of humind’s limits into the larger, more complex whole, the ‘ego paradox’: ‘Every point of measure gauges reality from its distorted perspective as the largest, only intelligent center of the Universe, which it confuses with its still, infinitesimal mind-mapping’. A more sanguine word is ‘Egocy:Ego=idiocy’, proper of all minds that model reality from its p.o.v. In the human case the worldly profession of physicists, to make entropic weapons has heavily biased our view of the Universe.

It is then from the understanding that all spaces are mental spaces, as all is motion we perceive in stillness in the ‘factory’ of the mind, how we can and will build a proper meta-physical theory of the mind.

LocoMotion is reproduction of form in a lower scale. Stœps=stops+steps

Si=Te means any kind of Motion happens as a series of Stœps, as systems move a step, then gauge information in a stop position as the ∆±¡ plane provides it with pixels to orientate them, or a background motion deviates its lineal steps into cyclical motions. The proper way to write the function in dynamic terms is SóT

It is the essential beat of the cosmos in each of its fractal parts. If we consider space=form one of the poles of the Universe, and time=motion its 2nd pole, we shall be able to reduce all phenomena of reality, from the function of the mind in one extreme of pure still form (creation of mental spaces) or SS; to the locomotion of species (Ts) and alternate gauging of information (St) and its reproduction in a middle term combination of both poles (SS), to the pure entropy of internal motion that kills the system and external motion that ‘scatters it’ around (TT) as the 5 dynamic views of the 5 Dimensional motions of the Space-time Universe.

What physicists call ‘time’ is only one of the 5 Dimotions of reality, locomotion, translation=change of position in space; not all the times of the Universe. Its power in our technological civilizations as makers of machines of TT- entropic destructive motion (weapons) or transport machines of Ts-locomotion, their work has ‘hidden’ all other analysis of timespace dimotions, such as those concerning deep time scales (geological motions of Earth’s superorganism), biological information (evolutionary motions), Historic cycles (censored by power as they are provoked by the wrong evolution of the ‘bad fruits=weapons’ of the tree of science, which gives power to people-castes of history, etc.) Thus by the ‘correspondence principle, physical time, expressed by Galileo as V=s/t is the ‘limit’ of a theory of time-space dimotions reduced to locomotions.

Reproduction of form in 5D and its essential mathematical tool: calculus.

The Universe is a fractal that reproduces information, forms-in-action, forms of space with motions in time. This is the essence of it all. But space is a maya of the senses, the synchronous view of a series of cycles of time motions, knotted in the simultaneous perception of an observer; what physicists call a ‘frame of reference’.

Thus time=change is the fundamental element of reality, and this makes Algebra of time-change, specifically calculus perhaps the most important experimental science of time, besides logic, which we have upgraded to existential algebra, which explores the vital, organic whys of those changes.

It is the Galilean Paradox: S=T. We cannot distinguish time from form. In as much as each frame of reference or mind locks in a knot-mirror of the motions of the Universe from its point of view. So each point of space is a perceiver relative field of motions, which from its perspective knot as forces ‘attracted’ by its frame of reference. Yet if we cannot distinguish motion from form each point is entangled to those motions and is made of motion and form, of the particle and wave states.

Locomotion as reproduction of form solves the Paradoxes of Zeno and the meaning of discontinuity. As motion is reproduction of information, of form, since particles are knots of perception of form, fractal points, monads, that move by reproducing in a lower 5D plane, as ∆-1 waves, its information, as forms-in-action.

So all forms of change can be reduced to the ultimate function of existence, reproduction, a back and forth travel through 2 scales of the fifth dimension, as a form becomes a seed that reproduces, evolves socially and forms its whole again. The extraordinary capacity of Calculus, which extracts at ∆-1 level a ‘finitesimal’ (Leibniz’s 1/n definition of infonitesimal as a minimal part of a whole and ALSO, by virtue of S=T, a minimal ‘curvature’ of a time cycle, which is then integrated for a time duration of the event, either locomotion, or volume of population in space or S=T continuous=smooth change in time happens precisely because CALCULUS perfectly mimics the process of change and reproduction of form between ∆º and ∆-1 scale which is the basis of all time-change also in physics. Change thus is change reproduced in a lower plane as a seed that evolves into a whole.

And all this is what actually calculus calculates: It finds a finitesimal part of reality and then integrates it as a sum, whereas the function of existence of the form displaces and reproduces its orthogonal parameters of form and motion. So physical forms are constantly reproducing, ‘calculating’ and the equivalence between the tools of calculus as mirror of the process of reproductive locomotion become crystal clear.

It is then not so much in physics but in calculus where we find the strongest model of the laws of 5D and locomotion as a reproductive process of form, even if the experimental proofs are scattered all over physics. Indeed, the entire world of quantum physics can only make sense if we consider that particles MOVE AS WAVES and gauge information as stop particles. Because waves can be transparent to each other but particles collide. A simple proof: the atomic nucleus is so small compared to its particles that if they wouldn’t move as waves, transparent to each other, they would be always colliding and the nucleus would never remain stable. In fact, when we get pictures of those particles outside its shells, (electrons) they move in zig zag as they stop and change motion constantly. As usual physicists just make an axiomatic rule and subvert the law of causality converting the mathematical mirror derived of the fact in the cause of the fact – in this case they say this is due to the Pauli exclusion principle without providing the mechanism for particles to avoid collision if moving.

It follows that beings with more information, reproduce slowly and we can hardly see them moving. The limit of it being complex life superorganims on Earth, whose reproduction takes 9 months. It happens ‘inside’ the reproductive mother, and it reproduces in the adjacent space after ‘tearing’ the topological knot of the umbilical chord. A similar very slow process of reproduction happens in physics with the weak interaction that reproduces a form with even more information evolving the mass of particles, so the range of the force is minimal and the new particle appears adjacent to the one that disappears, dying for the new hatched ‘baby’ to be born.

They are also essential to all the elements of calculus and mathematics at large and its methods of solutions; specially the inversion between finitesimal lineal steps (as a step between two points is NEVER curved) and the cyclical form of longer ‘integral paths’. So lineal approximations are the essential tool of calculus and mathematics to resolve many equations.

What neither mathematicians nor physicists fully understand (though some inroads in abstract were made through the Noether’s concepts of symmetry) is that each stœp of a method of solution is not ‘gratuitous’; but must be grounded in a real property of the 5D ∆ST symmetries and conservation laws of the Universe, which are not so many – hence the repetition of methods. Specifically, the aforementioned 3 paradoxes between ∆+1 curved closed worldcycles, sum of lineal steps, which gives birth to the most used method of lineal approximations; the equivalence between Space and time, in all Stœps of dimotions, which gives birth to the method of separation of variables on differential equations and more broadly allows to move around relative space and time parameters in equations joined by an operand of ‘equivalence’ (≈ not =). And the 2 conservation laws of the Universe, conservation of those ‘beats’ of existence, S=T in relative present, eternal balance, justifying the equivalence operands. And conservation of the ‘volume of space-time’ of each plane of the Universe, by virtue of the 5D metric equation SxT=C, which justifies all the procedures regarding scales – solution of differential equations by separations of scales, renormalization procedures (Wilson), and harmonizes those scales allowing constant but balanced transfers of energy and information, St=Ts.

RECAP. All this said about the real Universe, we can go back and trace the beginning of physics and comment on its I-logic paradoxical principles, in which so much literature have been ‘wasted’ by lack of clear thought; namely the principles in which Physics are based, Relativity conservation and symmetry, principles derived of the nature of space and time, not magically produced by the mathematical language as creationist physics, latter studied in more detail will show.

The first truth to understand about the Universe is that a motion of time is equivalent to a dimension of space. This was what Galileo found since we see still the Earth and flat but it is round and moving. Motions are perceived by minds that stop motion into form, into information, as distances. So if we see slow motion in the night a light it seems a long distance. Distance and motion cannot be distinguished so they must be taken as two side of the same being, a Space=time ÐIMOTION (ab. Dimensional Motion):

S= T; Dimension-Distance = Time-motion = ST Ðimotion:

A dimension of spatial form can also be seen as a motion in time. Both together become a ‘Ðimotion’, the fundamental element of reality. It is the paradox of relativity of motion that started modern science but was not understood: Time Motions & space dimensions merge.

All dimensions of space have a hidden motion. This was slowly realized in mathematics, as they finally came to the conclusion that the still Geometry of the Greeks was part of a vaster, generalized concept, a topological variety, where a topology as opposed to a geometry has internal motion-change. So while you could describe the dimensions of a being in an external locomotion without inner change, the internal change in the in-form-ation of beings, we have started with must be a topological variety. In-form-ation, form-in-action thus was in fact a topological Ðimotion of space-time. It had a content of space, we shall call in ceteris paribus (isolated) analysis, dimensions, and it had a content of time-motion, we shall call in ceteris paribus analysis ‘states, functions or ages of time’.

Physicists made the Galileo’s paradox, the cornerstone of their theory of measure, but they failed to study the deep implications it has for every aspect of the structure of the Universe and the most important of those is the fact that all spaces must be mental spaces, as stillness is NOT real in a Universe of infinite motions, but the product of a mind.

Time in present science.

We considered 3 paradoxes of Galilean relativity – one of them is the fact that as we move through lineal steps we end up tracing a cycle. Time thus is ultimately always a cyclical zero-sum path.

The concept of time in present science is a simplified view of what time=change=motion really is in the Universe, born of the use of mechanical clocks and Cartesian graphs to chart the lineal motion of cannonballs by Galileo. Its success for all purposes of our civilization is relative in terms of a knowledge of the principles of reality, cyclical time and fractal space. This means that as time and space are a priori ‘elements’ of our view of the Universe, by adopting lineal time, humans have adopted a lineal view of reality and its praxis has become also lineal, unable to grasp the cyclical causality of the future, and hence unable to understand the future.

This ‘handicap’ of the humind is present in everything humans do. By lacking a proper understanding of time cycles humans have become guided into a foreseeable future they don’t understand by short-time lineal impulses.

If cyclical time had been properly understood, humans would by now understand perfectly the future and what is best manipulate its causes through history to achieve the better stage of time – immortality as an organic species, mankind. So yes, lineal time works to measure motion of cannonballs and motions of everything but its distortion and lack of information about the cyclical patterns of time has rendered humans ‘savant idiots’, people who thanks to its sensorial machines have built a remarkable quantity of small data about reality but are clueless about the long cycles of time and ultimate cyclical laws of reality.

Time=change=motion an overview. The 1st substance of reality. Past, present and future.

Time is motion the primary substance of reality. Space is a simultaneous still mind mapping of that motion – which will be erased in due Time. Time is eternal as motion never ceases to create forms, and destroy them, including all the possible spatial forms locked by the ¡logic simultaneity of synchronicity and entanglement.

The ‘1’ first reality is time=motion in its purest TT-entropic form, which the ‘2nd pole’ of reality, the spatial fractal points that measure time and lock in into mental space, oppose; trying to detain it. We can then see reality as a tug-of-war between the two poles of time-motion and still-mind spaces.

In the Universal game between continuous time motions, and simultaneous frames of reference motion becomes locked in synchronicity, creating ‘forms’ is the fact that such duality gives birth to definitive patterns of change, which can be ordered sequentially for all systems of Nature, as ‘worldcycles’ with a series of ‘steps’, from birth to extinction of a space-time system, which becomes then the most ‘elaborated’ understanding of time-motion-change. As change has an order in its cyclical motion from birth to extinction equal for all systems of nature. This concept, the existence of a worldcycle of ‘existence’, is then the main finding of 5D studies about time. And so most of the article will be dedicated to its analysis in detail for different species of Nature.

The second key element lost in mechanical science due to the use of a digital clock to measure time with a single unit, the ‘second-number’, is the recovery of the 3 ‘relative dimensions’ of time, past, present and future, because they are absolutely essential elements to the Universe and its ‘organic structure, and evolution’.

The loss of the need for a ‘conceptual=verbal=logic’ understanding of time in terms of past, present and future causality, NOT only in terms of digital sequences is perhaps the biggest blunder and reduction of reality experienced by mankind in the past half millennium of ‘dictatorship of physicists’ view’ on time over all other considerations. Past-entropy, present-iteration and future-information and its interactions are the very essence of the existential game, humans have completely missed in their faulty analysis of reality.

lineal Time ideally is sequential, causal in a single fashion. Yet real time after many steps always ends in a cyclical loop, logic of a sum of those open steps that finally bend to return to its original existential position-momentum.

So the question about time causality is who knots its cycles, who bends its lines, who curves it to return?

The answer is normally a modular mind that changes between dimotions or an event that require several systems coming into synchronicity or feed-back equations between several elements:

A->B->C->A->B->C is then an ∞ loop, which creates the first STœps of a space-time organism.

So simultaneous synchronicities and parallel communications with other entangled spacetime beings web causality reducing the freedom of single actors to knot events often PENTALOGIC ensembles of ∆±¡, S<ST>T forms in action, informations that collapse together, till a central element with higher communication becomes the focused knot, as a system organizes itself, acquiring form. The minimal of those entanglements is duality. Where A meets D, as D also wants to meet A, and both are complementary flows. So D moves inversely towards AóB.

Both cause the meeting. So time bends with DUALITY, beyond lineal monologic simple human times.

Causality might also be scalar, social. A might try to meet D, a larger supœrganism, which actually causes ‘general energy and information fields’, programming many ∆-1 As… So ∑∆-1>∆0 form chains of social causality. And yet all those causalities in time will have a symmetric topology in space based in the orthogonality of the 5 Dimotions.

Let us then introduce the largest of all those superorganisms in space to see how different with the same data appears a world that has the proper understanding of its fundamental substances, scalar space and cyclical time from one that departs from simpler, reductionist concepts of a singe space scale and a single motion of lineal time – that of the galaxy.


The symmetry of scale between the 2 families of mass: uds, strange and bct, top decuplets.

The organic, fractal, symmetric, hylomorphic, economic, ‘real’ model of the immortal, infinite, scalar Universe is a simple model that astrophysicists would find obvious, if they were not under the straightjacket of lineal time.

The galaxy is a superorganism, which as all superorganisms requires an homeostatic temperature that favors the balance and activity of its main ‘functional’ organic part – in the galaxy black holes. So its background temperature is produced by ‘Moon M.A.C.H.O.S’. That is quark matter black holes that produce a red shift radiation whose temperature varies according to its mass. But 2.17 k degrees is exactly the temperature a black hole of the mass of a moon, the commonest size planetoid of the galaxy has. As species come in 3 sizes, we consider the existence of moon MACHO black holes, Star nova larger black holes made of BCB heavy dark atoms and top quark gigantic black holes. And as the larger black hole is colder; those 2 larger species can take advantage of the homeostatic temperature of the ‘blackground’ radiation to fuel their activity.

Regarding the isomorphism of that temperature, though there are moons with slightly different weights everywhere, fundamental particles as electrons, quarks or black holes are, do have an exact mass as they are more perfect, quasi-identical. So when a primordial black hole (the smallest type theoretically consistent but not yet found, as physicists haven’t thought of them to solve the background radiation’s origin) eats a moon planetoid just burps out the excess of matter once it has reached its stable size-form. So we are in a galaxy which has millions of those smallish black holes or a similar ‘nugget of ultradense quark strange matter’ producing that radiation. In fact galaxies are organisms whose purpose – physicists are coming to accept it, is to produce black holes and quark dark ultraheavy matter, which is everywhere. So this is part of the process. In the same manner cells are systems whose ribosomal ‘stars’ produce RNA and DNA that migrate to the center of the galaxy – a system that reproduces ultradense quark gravitational particles, strangelets of dense strange quarks, black holes which have the same density-mass of top quark stars. The obvious conclusion is that planets and stars are the ‘ribosomes’ of the galaxy, and primordial black holes or similar strangelets of low temperature, its ‘mitocondria’ system.

Yet as the organic paradigm is not considered, astrophysicists cannot try to describe the galaxy as an organism, just an object with ‘Ts-speeds’ and TT-entropic processes.

While mathematical creationism as its philosophy of science makes them extremely happy tinkering with the bizarre analysis of black holes as mathematical entelechies without substance, since it convinces them that only equations exist – as in the case of the Copenhagen absurd ‘observer’ interpretation and ‘probabilistic’ concepts that fail to understand the temporal, palingenetic S=T equivalence of the o-1 sphere of quantum physics considered next.. Einstein revealed against both creationisms and said till we didn’t find a cut-off substance of which black holes were made he wouldn’t believe in them and called them ultraheavy frozen stars. We did find after his death top quarks that match at the lower scale the density of black holes at the larger scale, so obviously black holes are top quark stars and we find the beautiful symmetry between the 3 type of quarks and the 3 parts of the galaxy, with a center of top quark black holes, in between our light ud-mass and in the protein like harder surface or membrane, the dense lineal strangelets. And so that explains also dark matter. Alas, without inventing new particles, without inventing lineal equations, to explain things from the past, we have solved all the questions of the model of an immortal universe, infinite, made of scales. The next graph shows that economic, hylomorphic Universe, made of known matter and symmetric forms – 2 other key proofs of truth along simplicity – since we use only what we know there is on it:

In the graph a 5D Organic Universe of fractal ternary ‘scales’ of parts and wholes, which respects the ‘entropic limits of human perception’ and does NOT invent more particles than the experimental method has discovered, nor twists its laws of time and space, trying to explain the eperimental facts we observe now with lineal equations traced ad hoc to a remote past or expands human ‘egocy’, considering all local laws and proofs to be global – such as the local BG radiation, or the ‘entropic arrow of expansive spacetime’ as the only one; makes sense of every element of the universe through scalar symmetries, between the 3 families of mass and 3 regions of the galaxy defining the Galaxy as an organism, similar to all other systems, with a ‘membrane’, the halo of dark matter made of ultradense strangelet quarks (negative charged), similar to the negative ‘electron’ cover of an atom, with the ultralight ud-quark stars and planets in the middle, similar to the empty space of the atom crossed by ¥-rays and gravitation, and the ultradense black hole made of heavy positive toplets (TTT++-quarks and TCB Dark atoms) – following Einstein’s cut off substance for his black holes he called ‘frozen stars’ and Witten hypothesis of a halo made of strangelets. Such is the most likely structure of galaxies, according to 5D scalar symmetries and the efficient, economic laws of Nature (Ockham’s razor).

Proofs keep coming of the falsity of the cosmic BG and lineal time model, but physicists won’t even discuss it as they believe in lineal time and that is a religious dogma for them.

RECAP. In the fractal model a big-bang is the entropic death of physical matter. But the Universe is also scalar and it has information, a dimension of form, signified by the gravitational informative force, physicists ignore in their calculus of its expansion, happening in galaxies that balance the dark energy between them, we shall find both, balances of forces that make the Universe wobbling, and big-bangs and informative forces in multiple scales of the Universe, talking of multiple big-bangs balanced with big-crunches.

The 5 forces of the galaxy as expression of its 5 Dimotions.

The same problems arise in the analysis of forces. For a lineal thinker the Universe must be lineal and exist only in a single spacetime continuum, without scales. So all forces must act equally in a single scale expanding the Universe. Yet fact tells us Galaxies are collapsing inside, not expanding. Thus in reality a dualist cyclical thinker will consider the most likely explanation, a balanced immortal Universe where galaxies inner contraction of matter balances the outer expansion of vacuum space. But in lineal thinking this doesn’t work, because the physicist, since Galileo only can think in terms of a single lineal arrow of time.

So physicists ‘forgot’ conveniently that only vacuum space between galaxies expands, but within them mass contracts; by eliminating mass from its equations and running backwards in time vacuum space to compresses all the Universe in a point or singularity – a rather bizarre picture of a single point Universe where mass does not exist, which brought a new contradictions we explain in our article ‘the Universe in space’.

Our next statements then should surprise the reader and enrage the professional physicist, but while measures in physics are extremely accurate, modeling of the whys of those measures and an all encompassing, true NON-reductionist theory of everything is very poor. So one moves between the awe that the machines of measure and calculus of locomotions in physics inspire and the humorous criticism the explanation of ‘everything’ with locomotion brings to the more evolved philosopher of the 5 Dimensional Universe.

It is however imperative to do some criticism first, if we want to know the WHYS of physics (which Feynman infamously said we should never ask – meaning really physicists didn’t know them: ‘if you say you understand quantum physics then certainly you don’t’ ‘the why is the only thing a physicist never ask’, ‘physicists use the same gauge theory to explain all forces, not because the Universe always repeat itself, but because we were so dumb we never came up with anything else’ (quoting from memory), and finally from Landau, its Soviet counterpart, and my fav teacher – I developed the model of 5Ð physics in my youth annotating his 11 books encyclopedia… ‘cosmologists are seldom right but never in doubt’, ‘For physicists there is no uncertainty of time, we look at our (human) clock and always know the time it is’…

We shall then consider only with harsh criticism as it goes to the core of our view of the Universe, the big-bang, which is the epitome of Landau’s dictum, a form of pseudo-science which is not right but has become a religion we shall not doubt of it, akin to ‘biblical capitalism’ and ‘biological creationism’, all forms of egocy, natural to the humind and all the ‘Schopenhauer’s stupids’ that believe the language, mirror of the Universe – mathematics in the big-bang creationism, money in capitalist creationism, words that God utters to create in Abrahamic religions, have the power to ‘create reality’, instead of space-time.  

In the graph below we can see how this dark, gluon-top quark soup (toplet liquid) of a gas-9 reaction (black hole quasar explosion), neatly reclassifies properly the 3 families of increasing mass in the Universe:

The reordering of the strange and top quark triangles of mass define the symmetry between the ∆-1 and ∆+1 scales of ‘atoms and galaxies’, in terms of its ∆-1 components (quarks).

The existence of 2 x 3 mass families responds to:

  1. the ternary topologic & scalar symmetry between the 3 parts of the organic galaxy – Halo of strangelets, nucleus of Black hole stars and vital space of ud-light atoms and…
  2. The duality of quantum particles and cosmic galatoms:

The human scale Light atoms are made of ud quarks. Heavy black cb-atoms atoms make the cosmic black hole scale. Whereas the Strange and Top quark, act as the ‘central nucleus’ of the most perfect, heavier stars, pulsars, and largest, galactic black ‘stars’ (black holes), whose 3 varieties we shall study latter in great detail.

Informative ∆±1 forces. Scalar similarity between protons and black holes, strong and gravitational forces.

This symmetry extends to its combined forms, as gluon become symmetric to mesons. So in the atomic scale, the carriers of the internal strong force are color+anticolors=gluon particles-antiparticles, ‘feeding’ the reproduction of quarks. While in the cosmic scale the carriers of the strong gravitational force inside ‘black stars’ (formerly black holes) are the nonets of pairs of particles+antiparticles= mesons, feeding through the weak force (W, Z, H bosons) the heavier BT quarks.

In the graph ∆-1: ud quarks = ∆+1 cb quarks. ∆-1: Gluons = ∆+1 mesons. ∆-1: protons = ∆+1 black holes.

Thus, the force that transforms particles between scales, responsible for the 4th Ðimotion of evolution and generation of heavier particles or its 5D inverse Devolution is the weak force that mediates all those processes. It is not really a force but an evolutionary process that happens in a single point of space (right side), where the intermediate state of higher energy mass (W, z, H boson) gives birth to heavier fermions.

In the next, the strong and gravitational ¡±1 forces are similar in the limiting ±¡ quantum and cosmological scale. They both ‘absorb’ and in-form into denser entities, lighter particles, to collapse them in the central black holes=cosmic nucleon region or quarks=quantum nucleon regions: From left to right, the identity between the nonet of gluons and mesons on both scales, the WRONG procedure of reductionist physics, which models all forces with the lineal concept of electromagnetism through an exchange of particles, as the weak force happens in a single point, hence it is a transformation guided by information; in the right the proper way to understand particle-antiparticles, as the relative arrow of life and death that closes a physical world cycle (Feynman). The hypothesis of work for the model of the fractal Universe is simple: a galaxy is self-similar to an atom, and so are the different forces interacting within and outside them:

1.The strong force is similar to the gravitational force in the extremal conditions of the black star. Reason why both are non-lineal.

2, The ¥ force is similar to the expansive dark energy between galaxies, which therefore is NOT the same force than gravitation, reason why the expansion between galaxies is a lineal force and it is similar to electromagnetism

3.The weak interaction is NOT a Locomotion, force but a process of evolution of particles, guided by the Dimotion of information, reason why it happens in the same spacetime, and so its bosons, W, Z, H are ‘states’ of the same particle, NOT carriers.

4.The proton has in 5D the same metric that a black hole, is self-similar to a black hole, with a Schwarzschild radius. So happens with the electron in its particle state (Carter). We will expand on ‘black hole stars’ latter.

  1. Antiparticles are the inverse death=entropy moment of particles=lifetime, reason why we see less of them in terms of an ST-dual perspective, as we see less ‘dying corpses’, which is an event that last a quanta of time that living beings, which last longer. So since S-populations of particles-organisms and antiparticles-corpses are the same but its time duration is different, T(p)>> T(anti-p), ST(p)>>ST(anti-p). To that fact we add the fact that if we model, as we shall do black holes as Tbc quark stars of the heavy decuplet, as CERN recently found up Bottom and charm quarks that should form heavier Dark atoms, decay more often into particles of our ‘lighter’ ∆-1 light scale. Because time is cyclical and local, and the arrow of future information is inverse to the local arrow of past-entropy that dissolves form, we represent as Feynman did, antiparticles as local travels to the past.

We model black holes as protons of a larger ‘galactic scale’, strong forces as extremal gravitational forces, gluons as mesons, dark energy as electromagnetism and complete by self-similarity ALL the questions of physics, as we either perceive from within the “galacell”, the internal region of an atom, and outside the atom, the external region of the galacell. So the identity between the nonets of gluons in the strong force and mesons in the larger scale of quarks, coupled with the concept of particles-antiparticles forming a local world cycle renders a clear-cut theory of black holes as protons of a larger scales, in which the transformation through the weak force of light matter into heavier quark matter will produce a black hole star of heavy dark matter; whose heavy quarks happen to decay a 20% more often into particles than antiparticles (CERN), resolving the p, ¬p problem.

It also gives us an insight to the hyperuniverse, explaining why the galaxy as an atom of the hyper-universe is rather an antiparticle, an antigalatom; since the central back hole has two inverse ‘production’ dimotions of heavy antiquarks and lighter quarks in the two perpendicular direction of its inner structure as a top BCB frozen stars – themes those of advanced physics in space we shall deal, time permitted on the papers on physics and time.



Physicists made the Galileo’s paradox, the cornerstone of their theory of measure, but they failed to study the deep implications it has for every aspect of the structure of the Universe and the most important of those is the fact that all spaces must be mental spaces, as stillness is NOT real in a Universe of infinite motions, but the product of a mind.

In all scales of stience minds fix time motions into spatial, linguistic formal mappings that reduce the whole with its synoptic language to fit in a particle-head that acts in its world-territory after gauging information.

Thus we define ‘Maxwellian’s demons’ of local order in all scales – physical minds as the infinitesimal points that create order in physical systems with the same Disomorphic laws that all others do in more complex scales. As each mind orders as a linguistic god a territory around itself, its fractal body and entropic world.

All minds project their biased self-centered model of reality with them at its center and the still world they stop to fit in their mind as a dead territory of order. So humans deny the existence of ∞ minds, as if they were the only ‘special’ sentient point of order and their languages, first the verbal form of its anthropomorphic Gods, today digital numbers, the only of the Universe. And in this manner because ∞ discontinuous minds is the generator of form, of information and order over the entropic flow of mindless time motion, the destruction of one of the two poles of reality means we will never be able to answer rationally the whys of the Universe.

The key ‘unknown’ discovery Galileo missed was the mental nature of space –we see reality still because the mind perceives in stillness, and reduces motion to form. Space IS always born in the mind’s simultaneous perception of events (something Einstein’s relativity will help us to calculate) and this will give birth to the proper understanding of motion as reproduction of form, of the duality particle in stop form and wave in motion, of the Lorentzian transformations and its paradoxes and a long etc. of distortions the mind effects on reality.

But it will allow us to define the mind in mathematical and logic terms with a clarity never achieved before. As the mind is the linguistic still space we see – the other extreme of reality, being time motions in its TT-entropic inner and outer motion of scattering disorder and death. So we can philosophically consider reality a tug-of-war between time in its continuous motion and still minds, fractal, non-Euclidean points that hold a world in themselves (Leibniz) trying as monads to fix reality into its subjective self-centered point of view.

Those 2 functions give origin to most spacetime topologies of reality. Absolute relativity implies the mind creates mental spaces =spatial forms by reducing the information of time motions to still simultaneous mappings, and the function of survival in biology that all systems including physical ones (maximizing its equivalent parameter, momentum) follow regardless of how we describe them, with Hamiltonians and Least time principles in physics, with evolution in biology, with the drives of life in sociology.

To explain epistemologically reality we do need to ad organic and sentient properties to the fractal Universe. So the mind is a singularity or infinitesimal 0-point, the relative frame of reference that maps the ∞ cycles of space-time of the Universe, reducing them to a ‘World’, to fit them into the infinitesimal volume of the brain. This we formalize with the equation of the mind:

0-linguistic mind x ∞ space-time cycles of the Universe= Constant world mapping, with a mind @ its centre.

In mathematical terms 0 x ∞ = Constant: the ∞ information of the Universe, multiplied by the relative infinitesimal volume of our mind gives us a constant mapping, where we extract all the properties that are not interesting to us and our self-centered view.

So the first to go are the motions of other entities, which is what makes them feel alive. Indeed, science started when Galileo realized the mind stopped the motion of the earth, but the earth moves: e pur si muove he said and Galilean relativity latter expanded by Einstein gave birth to physics.

Next, they eliminate all the other egos, and sentient points of view, so only we are intelligent. And animals perhaps and only recently. But our atoms are not different, so the sentient pan psychic universe likely is already thinking in any atom, as all reproduce particles, gauge information, evolve socially with magnetic fields. But we just reduce minds to ours.

Asymptotic perception of motions in the X-direction

Because height is the dimension of information and length of motion, both are asymptotic to each other, which explains the method by which light is stop in the mind. It follows that as frequency of higher amplitude have higher height, the perception of a light is ‘below’, on the formal ‘crest’ of its frames of lineal reference. Formal perception by SS-minds of asymptotic TT-entropy or ‘function of information is key to mathematical topology of changes from TT to SS through an energy region of combination of both of the form ST, giving us the classic ‘realistic function of existence, in ST in any science of reality.

In the graph, one of the many topological uses of the orthogonallity of the function of exist¡ence in its 5 Dimotions as they move through space-time (Relativithy theory).

The connection between Dimotions in time and Dimensions of Space is the essential symmetry, S=T, that justifies the forms of the Universe. Height=information, Length=entropic motion and the cross product between them, with all its multiple variations, from the structure of 3 Perpendicular light dimotions to forces, to Minkowski’s spaces, to the place of your head, to the mathematical function of exponential entropy, to the laws of complex space derive all from them :

Descartes. 3 Systems elements.

Descartes, the true founder of modern science with his ‘Method of reasoning’ and the Frame of Reference of the mathematical mind, said that all what exists was made of:

– Open space, which he called ‘res extensa’.

– Closed, cyclical times, which he called ‘vortices’.

-Then he added a 3rd element, the final stroke of a genius unparalleled since the times of Aristotle; after realizing that the only proof he had of the existence of those vortices and res extensa was, the fact that he perceived them: Cogito Ergo Sum. ‘I think therefore I am’.

The mind or 0-point is the relative frame of reference that mapped the ∞ cycles of time of the Universe, reducing them to a ‘World’, to fit them into the infinitesimal volume of the brain.

And this is the origin of the paradox of the ego, as from a perspective, which is blind to all the motions and vital perception of other beings, as from our perspective, nothing thinks and from our perspective we see our own nose bigger than Andromeda. So reality becomes deformed, inert, and the ego becomes the center of the Universe, as always happened with humans who thought first the earth in its center, then chosen of god, the creator, who spoke our language, and finally debased all living entities reducing them ‘to spatial forms’ in the still mapping of the mind, which stops all motions to fit a reduced image of reality.

So we express verbally the ego paradox, as the ‘ego believes its still mind mapping IS all the information of the Universe, when it is only an infinitesimal part of it, self-centered in the self’.

The universe has infinite such mind-mirrors depending on the forces used to gauge the external world, which bounces on a limited quantity of its scales of space. Humans perceive the range of scales of the frequency of light between red and blue social density of colors.

But infinite other minds with different detail according to the quantitative pixels they absorb (max. S = Min.t) maximal for smaller sixes will determine the intelligence of the system. Mind languages map reality into spatial forms. It is the ‘intelligent’ still spatial limit of reality, as all what exists are disordered entropic motions=forces and ‘minds’, particles-heads whose logic & mathematical languages create a territorial body order that forms of reality. ‘Vital motions and perceptive minds’ make up a ‘vital, perceptive, intelligent’ Universe. Since particles already have all the 5 Dimotions, gauging information, decoupling=reproducing & evolving social with magnetic fields.

So besides perception, the 2nd field of inquire about the Minds of the Universe made to the image and likeness of the whole are the mechanisms by which a Mind through ‘languages’ of communication – the bits that conform its ‘static view’ of its world, are deployed as signals of information to the different parts of its territory of order:

In the graph, the mind communicates the whole as a knot of pentalogic languages, which further clarifies the meaning of perception: knot of forces, which beat in the mind-point with a regularity that achieves complex perceptions. Minds though can have lesser structures than a full pentalogic display of languages, which will be:

– A language of perception of the larger ∆+1 world – in human beings ¥-light, its SS-language.

– A language of communication with its ∆-1 scale of body cells, which normally branches into 3 languages networks (the ∆º) elements of the being – the ST- reproductive language/network, the informative St-language-network and the Ts-locomotion language network – with an ∆-1 ‘entropic’ language/system to predate and destroy external elements of the territory of order; not really so much a language but a ‘TT-weapon’ as there is no other communication but death when an §-mind kills.



A key element of Universal mind s is Universal grammar. How a language carries information, which surprisingly happens in all systems in a similar fashion, given the fact that languages after all code the 5 dimotions=actions of existence of all organisms – its ‘sT-locomotion’, TT-entropy, ST- Reproduction, St-information and SS-density of information or mind-mirror. The laws of linguistics thus become laws of a Universal grammar that codes the creation of superorganisms by controlling waves of similar forms with a ‘grammar’ that is also ternary in structural scales, from ‘phonemes’ that range around the 101-2 level of letters, and can be as little as 5 to code the 5 dimotions of reality, from 5 vowels in human languages, to 5 letters in genetic codes to 4 quantum numbers, or four type of chemical compounds, to more complex systems around the 10-100 scale, from 20 amino acids, to 80 atomic systems; to the next level of combination of words with those vowels, which range in the 103-4 scale. So we have around 2000 words in human languages, from a few thousands to 30.000 genes in the language of evolution of superorganisms. It is not though the purpose of this paper to define the quantitative elements of languages. While the laws of the Universal grammar will be treated latter.

All systems perceive at least one language, interpreting with the same ‘grammar’ reality, to localize its energy, information, reproduce, evolve socially and try not to devolve, becoming preys of other systems. Different species perceive with different languages the Universe, but all of them ‘share’ some of those codes, specially the geometrical one. The mind in the height or central point of the being, perceives its outer and inner, world, integrating the whole around its ∆º advantageous point of view, controlling with languages that mirror reality in its ternary syntax the whole Universe, bending it to its selfish point of view and then mirroring that selfish p.o.v. on the external world, building territories of order around it, where to reproduce its forms.

So all heads are on top. Yet each head is different in each scale and talks a different grammar, albeit with the same universal grammar, which reflects the fundamental equation of the Universe: Si<=>Te.

Ternary Universal grammar expresses the Сmotions in verbal languages and human super organisms.

Given the simplicity of the Game of Existence – despite its ∞ complexity in its details, iterations and combinations, all species, from the simplest atom to the biggest structure can play the game and understand it and relate to all other species, which will play the same game from their selfish point of view. And so all individuals of each species plays the game, and ‘talks’ about it, with similar species and understand it with information provided by self-similar ‘ternary images’ provided by a language that shares the properties and emergent qualities acquired in each scale.

What languages matter to describe the Universe? Of course mathematics, the language of space, and logic the language of time, integrated in the demonstrations of mathematical laws, but also bio-logical, organic laws, which are embedded in the fractal, co-existing structure of parts and wholes. And then for each species, which observes the Universe, its particular, ‘local’ languages, all of them unified by a ‘ternary structure’ that reflects the Universe’s ternary elements. But of more interest for General systems theory is the ternary structure of all linguistic systems in all scales; what we call the Universal Grammar, such as:

Subject (informative being) < verb (space-time action) > Object (entropic energy of subject) IS the Universal grammar of all human verbal languages, equivalent to:

Red colors (temporal entropy) < green/yellow (energy) > Blue (spatial  information) for animal visual languages.

The topological laws of orthogonality between the 5 Dimotions of space-time.

F(x):time-like parameter <(operandi: action)> G(x): space-like parameter, defines mathematical equations.

A simpler Boolean algebra in computers reduces all to 0 and|; truth or false, ±, and its combined duality gates.

Space-Dimensions: Height (informative dimension) x Length (Entropic motion)=XY(st): cross re(product)ion.

Mathematical languages: X < Operandi> Y.

Such asymptotic equations of the form S=T, SS<<TT, S>ST>T, functions are the core mathematical model of the Universe, which can then be considered a function of existence of asymptotic Murkowski’s curves of space-time, under the existential function of perpendicular dimotions of space, time,

X(T), y(S), z(ST) are the 3 dimotions of a single space-time common to all forms that correspond to the 3 axis of Euclidean geometry. Yet because often X(T) is one-dimensional causal lineal motion, y(S) is bidimensional, curved, closed loops of information and z (ST) is a 3 dimensional combination of them, the simplest case of the 3 Euclidean perpendicular dimotions of light (above) becomes more complex as entropy, TT, Form, SS, become holographic bi or tridimensional beings with different |, O, or Ø-wave geometries. For example a physical force:

Forces:  Particles (information) < Universal constant: action, exi or ratio e/I > forces (energy).

Thus width is the reproductive dimotion born through a dot product of an X x Y = Z event of a 3rd dimension of reproduction that combines the lineal function of motion and the height function of cyclical time space forms.

Form thus also depends on the choice of ST frames of reference: Motion is most likely a lineal or flat plane and information a curved dual dimotion which gives us a 3 dimensional Z function, as St- information ‘curves’ the lineal Tt-motions of entropy.

The inverse, complex dimotions of the 5th Dimension. Orthogonal forms give way to functional networks.

When we come to the two complex ‘dimotions=actions’ taking place in the fifth dimension between scales, we realize again, there is also two possible ways to travel, through 5D: upwards becoming part of a social whole, ∑∆-1<∆o, as we ‘release’ part of our TT-motion from ∆-1 and become ordered after the transfer that helps the emergence of ∆º. This in physics is misunderstood as the impossibility of a ‘perfect motion machine’ without entropy that leaves no behind any ‘energy for the ∆-1 forms to co-exist. But that is necessary or else ∆-1 would indeed disappear. So a motion of social evolution, releases entropic motion and increases order in ∆-1 to make ∆o emerge as a whole. Experimental and theoretical considerations shows an ideal 50-50 efficient distribution. So ½ of the energy is conserved and ½ is used to form and move the upper scale .

The 2nd complex dimotion through 5D scale is then the inverse ∆º<∆-1, seminal seeding. Form is now going down ‘first’ to seed and absorb energy in ∆-1 to form an arrow of social reproduction.

So the two only complex dimotions – as there are only two ∆±¡ directions in 5D appear as the combination of all others, as they also imply, St, Ts, and ST dimotions (absorption and emission of entropy and information).

Yet when dealing with the complex dimotions of ∆o<∆-1≥∆o reproduction and ∆o>∆+1≥∆o social evolution up and down the fifth dimension, we are NO longer in a 3Dimensional Euclidean space, so we enter into different non-E Geometries of which the commonest ones are those able to ‘multiply’ as they travel in size through 5D the number of parts going down, (Hyperbolic thinning networks as those of biological organisms). And vice versa; the whole must thin out the information of the lower planes to ‘achieve between them’ a synchronicity of time cycles instead of a multiplicity of individualities, and in this manner emerge as a simpler ‘geometry’, which explains why going upwards into whole scales, information thins out to become a simpler whole.

In physical systems the view is then a wave equation that also multiplies its forms and while there are fractal analysis of wave motions (notably in Nottale scalar relativity) we are NOT concerned in those papers so much on the overdeveloped in the age of the digital computer, exact equations of the morphological hows but in the causal whys: what matters to 5D travels we repeat is the integration upwards by social evolution and the multiplication of forms downwards by seminal reproduction.

Geometry thus is more familiar with the S<ST>T dimensional motions of a single plane, in its simplest perpendicular Cartesian axis, or its rather commonest, 1, 2, 3 dimensional growth from the flat X-Z, Y—Z sub-planes of TT-motion, bent into cyclical St-information, to reproduce in Z-ST.

And those are the functions space-like and time-ike most often observed by a trilogic Universal grammar of a visual or syntactic mathematical function.

While for the description of the full worldcycle, we need to explore the complex 2 functions of 5D, social evolution, going upwards to the future, or reproduction going 1st back to the relative ∆-1 past in inverse motion.

Thus we can define mathematically the 5 dimotions of space time as the product of 5 geometric r=evolutions in 3 5D±¡ planes, with the complex two functions of reproduction and social evolution above.

So we give the following names to the 5 Functions of the diametric of space-time:

X-locomotion, Ts, St, information Y, Reproduction ST=Z coordinates, social evolution, zigzag wave with a first positive growth, vs. reproduction in the opposite past, ∆-1 coordinates.

This function of existence then is the function from where all other functions of the Universe can be draw.

Yet the language of all languages is 5D and its ternary laws of time and space – a language that is prior to all languages, even mathematical logic, its closest, more accurate human mental mirror, but NOT the only one.

It follows that not only mathematics (geometry) is a mother science but also logic (the analysis of the causal processes determine by those Сmotions) is even more essential, and further on ‘evolution’, the evolution of forms and functions in temporal patterns summons them all. So those 3 sciences, spatial geometry, temporal logic and its combination, evolutionary theory, are the ‘3 subdivisions’ of general systems sciences, which apply to each science explain it all.

Over them, there is general systems sciences, the science this book can be considered its foundational book (as it formalizes and structures and advances all previous works done on it.) Below them, each specific science studies a scale of social evolution in the universe from the smallest physical systems, to its complex biological organizations and beyond its social organizing systems.

Since science consists in the definition of the type of points of each relative scale of size of reality, from the quantum scale studied by physics, through the intermediate human scales studied by biological and sociological sciences to the higher scale study by cosmology

Once those points are defined, each science studies their 5 actions, which define all its events and forms.

Study of the 3±1 actions: its bits of information, bites of energy, reproductive seeds and grammar.

Yet we study those actions through the 3 scales of size of the system, its bits and bites, normally of the smallest scales of existence, since:

–   We perceive with the minimal bits we can process to create the more detailed maps (<i-2).

–    We eat sometimes, similar species but break them into smaller parts (i<2). For example we eat meat but break it into amino acids, below the cellular level.

–   We reproduce a seed from the lower plane of existence (i-1). So we produce seminal cells and electrons reproduce emitting photons that collide and recreate an electron.

-We communicate with a language of information at the same level we exist (i), in order to create a more complex whole (i+1).

Thus we observe, as in many other laws we will be developing in this book, an infinite number of harmonies between sizes, ages, forms, functions in all scales of existence.

Actions are expressed with bites and bits of inferior scales. We perceive the smaller possible ‘bits’ (<i-2), eat bites of the inferior i-2 scales, reproduce with seeds of the i-1 scale and share energy and information with species of the same scale to create.

The bits of information (i-2), will usually be entities at least two smaller scales of existence.  The smaller they are, the more detailed the map made with its ‘pixels’ will be. So we can consider the possible existence of ‘gravitational minds’ that perceive a scale inferior to us.

I.e our eyes perceive light photons, the minimal scale of form. Ants perceive chemical pheromones; computers perceive electronic flows; all of them ‘forms’ of a minimal scale in relationship to the species that perceive.

The bites of energy will be pieces of the same or inferior scale. So we eat ‘living beings’; electrons feed in the lower scale of light; and black holes in stars. Yet once a system feeds it will further reduce what it feeds on another scale to obtain basic bricks to reconstruct once form through ‘2 scales’. So our body reduces food to amino acids, the minimal parts of life. And electrons probably reduce light to its magnetic and electric constants to create their fractal nebulae. And nations that conquer other nations reduce their people, minimal unit of the nation to slavery and take their gold to print their own coins.

So as we move upwards in the complexity of the actions we study there is a ‘growth’ of informative similarity of the bites and bits and a growth in size, such as informative bits are less similar and smaller than the bites of energy we feed. And this pattern continues when we consider the ‘expressions’ of the actions of social evolution and reproduction.

The expressions of social evolution are languages, which are naturally produced by the informative center of the system; except in the case of enzymatic evolution in which the language is external to the species (a species which acts as the reproducer and catalyst of evolution of other species; cells with viruses, humans with machines metal atoms with carbohydrates and so on). So the language is a ‘part’ of the being, often corresponding to an i-1 inner structure, though transported by an external force.

Finally the larger, closer form to the organism is its reproductive seed. And hence by the law of parallelism between species, the ‘bit’ of information for which the organism cares more: small quarks among simple particles, cellular seeds in life; jets of matter in galaxies.


Because what we see is a geometry of the mind not a reality, albeit one in a mirror, the language of electronic ∆±3>±2 & light SPACE TIME, the construction of reality starts with the food of the electron, the light bosons that become trapped by the electronic force, residual ultimately of the nuclear and strong forces of the atom.

So we can perceive the following emergences from the Strong force in 1/137 relationships:

– Strong force < Nuclear force < Electronic force < Light space-time.

How this ‘extension of a time-space virtual reality happens is still on debate among the 3 main researchers of 5D, me, I and myself. Myself is the opinion those extension are merely reproductions in a slower frequency of patterns memorized in the faster max. ð, inner regions of the form.

How then the faster force undoubles to the lwer scale, simply by lowering its speed and then the ½ time given away becomes something else and the central core shyncronizes at slower rate with the outer force.

I.e if the central singularity goes down 1/1 its time speed in fact it is giving away ½ of its existential force (∂ x Mass /voume in space)


The first Dimotion of existence, contrary to common belief, is not translation in space, whose dominance in human ‘sciences’ is due to the extraordinary development of physics of locomotion, itself a by-product of the mechanical culture of machines and weapons, we live in…

Indeed, to move one has first to perceive the direction of motion. Perception of information moreover can be achieved in the stillness of being a mere particle-point – in fact it requires stillness to perceive ‘form’ with no blurring motion.

In that sense we distinguish two fundamental forms of being in the first dimotion, as a mind that perceives an external world in the stillness of a language, mirror of the Universe. And as a seed of memorial information that will then generate an entire super organism, by unfolding according to the sequential order of those dimotions in time, a world cycle of existence, which we study in great depth in the first line.

We use to symbolize the first dimotion a simple I-logic symbolism: ∆ð≥ §@; that is all the flows of time cycles of the Universe ‘implode’ (>) and yet magically keep a resemblance ≈ as they do so into a linguistic mind-mapping, when it is an external world what ‘collapses’ or a seed of information, when it is the internal world what it collapses. Then in both cases, an inverse motion of time space will expand the ‘collapsed image and its self-order’ back into reality, creating a territory of mental order or a clone super organism.

The closeness between seed and mind is in that sense one of the most fascinating fields of study of the I-logic of the pentagonal time space organism.


Let us then do a fast review of those 5 Dimotions we shall study with increasing detail as they entangle to create reality, till they become simultaneous superorganisms tracing sequential worldcycles.

How to study the Universe of 5 Ðimotions of time and space is simple:

When the Universe orders those dimotions in time sequences you get a world cycle, when it orders those dimotions in simultaneous space you obtain a superorganism; and for the reason the first sentence of this blog, is written as a line that describes precisely that duality:

First though, we should make a specific consideration on the ‘nature’ of the humind, and why it sees 3 perpendicular dimensions of height, length and width (which then it combines into those 3 bidimensional topologies of spherical heads/particles, flat, long planes of potentials/limbs and hyperbolic body/waves). THE ANSWER IS THAT WE SEE LIGHT SPACE-TIME as our background reality because we perceive with electronic, light eyes. So when we observe our ‘real external space-time’ which is made of light, those 3 perpendicular dimensions correspond to the ‘functions’ of the light ‘spacetime organism’: c-speed moves ahead the wave-state of the light beam; the electric informative field is on the height dimension, the magnetic, energetic field is wide.

And finally the ‘dimension of social evolution’ is made of colors. What this ‘fifth dimension’ means we shall soon reveal.

In the graph the Euclidean world is caused by the 3 perpendicular arrows of light space-time to which we add the social colors. 2 more elements are needed to define our human space-time, first the organic relationships between our electronic eyes that feed on light, and the properties of information – as information is perceived in stillness, in an stop and go motion, similar to that of a film – so electrons go and move as waves, stop and feed and perceive light as particles, entangling its distances with other electrons in ‘fixed’ distances. Hence c-speed is always constant, our rod of space, as relativity proves, without giving the proper i-logic explanation.

THUS both in the external light world, height, length and width have the same functions than the internal, ‘volume’ created by the 3 topological varieties of the Universe: spherical, planar and hyperbolic forms.

So obvious is the fact that our space-time is light space-time, with its specific Euclidean ternary dimensions in which we are immersed, that it amazes me that only philosophers like Kant (our mind-space is euclidean because light is Euclidean) Leonardo and impressionist painters (who paint light space with sfumato or decomposition of colors) had it clear. Once we advance more the mathematical and physical models we shall incorporate into Relativity and quantum physics this feature of reality that explains some of its paradoxes (c-light speed, quantum potentials, etc.) 


Formal, topological definition of time-points: minds, and space-fields.

‘Each point holds a world in itself’ Leibniz

As we shall repeat once and again, the true colossus of science have been his philosophers NOT his physicists, though Planck and Einstein, once philosophy of science waned, have value in its statements. Aristotle, Descartes & Leibniz thus form the triad of intuitive geniuses GST will when fully developed consider its western pioneers. Let us then translate their ‘monad-intutions’ in a formal topological definition:

“A mind singularity is a point of time displaced in its latitude of synchronous clocks speeds that occupies a single quanta of space, a field is a extension of simultaneous space enclosed in a single quanta of time.”

We concluded earlier that pure time, the absolute arrow is that of the fifth dimension, relative time is the world cycle as it ends always in a zero moment, lineal time duration is a distortion of cyclical time, made continuous by pegging cycles of time one after another.

How can then we define properly relational time and space in formal terms? In the previous sentence we resume the concept, which takes the inversion of informative time and entropic space to its natural limits.

They will be the formal limits of the being – its linguistic mind that stores all the information of the system in a single point-quanta of space (atom, cell, citizen); and can be better understood closer to humans in our social systems: a point of time or mind in a nation is the king, president of the nation, a single quanta of its space population; which is connected through the physiological networks of information of the system (the laws) to all the quanta of space who obey, and become synchronised by it.

The quanta of the galaxy is the black hole, a single central volume similar to that of a star, connected by gravitational forces to all its stars; and your ego, likely will be a single neuron of maximal communication with all its other neurons, themselves connected to all other cells; in the super organism of history we call a religion, it is the prophet whose memetic DNA connects it to all other believers in time. A POINT OF TIME, thus is a mind and it will be structured through causal time in its connection to other beings through synchronicity.

On the other hand, a extension of space exists simultaneously in a quanta of time, and so its extension will paradoxically depend of the underlying speed of its upper or lower (relative concept) scale that ‘entangles it’ through simultaneous networks of communication, sychornizing its motions. Those are laws of quantum physics, ill-understood, which can be extended to all other systems of the Universe. This introduction just gives glimpses to the whole sheer magnificent structure of the ∆±i ST universe.

Now the key to the work of those systems is the different speed of information carried by different frequency of time cycles in each scales, what allows the synchronous behaviour of all of them, guided by the fastest more complex ‘knot of time-informative cycles – which is the mind-mirror.

So we shall now consider the key element of reality a mind that synchronises in time all the systems and cycles of an organism and creates a ‘world in itself’ enclosed by a cyclical membrane – able to act on the Universe and ensure the survival of the system. This is the origin of the mind as the 5th dimension of the whole, which makes possible existence of beings:

The mind has a fundamental role: to embody the perception of the whole super organism and as such is rightly considered the 5th dimension of the being.

Theory of Measure: 0-1 probability sphere vs. 1-∞ Cartesian plane.

IN THAT REGARD in mathematical terms the difference between a Mind and a seed can be established in terms of the equivalence (measure theory) between the o-1 probabilistic sphere, which will be the equivalent to the palingentic seed and the self-centered cartesian frame, which will be the view of the mind ordering an open external territory. In terms of the Galilean dualities, the seed is a ‘closed’ domain and the mind an open one entangled with the territory it orders:

0-1th dimension (o-1 unit cicle in probabilistic temporal terms as expressed in the linguistic mirror of mathematics): the generative cycle which brings finitesimal parts into an integral  and defines also the Unit of Non-Euclidean mathematics, a fractal point that grows in information as we come closer to it, allowing infinite parallels to cross.

Now this 0-1th dimension will be the main theme of the blog, because it is the less understood – we didn’t even consider it in classic ‘science’ (as opposed to ‘stience’, science of space-time beings’) before.

We have use for it the yellow color in the previous graph… so you can see the flow of colours, though more properly should be a blue… the birth of colours in the highest, shortest frequency, and then go down to end in red. 

The 0-1th dimension is closely related though to the fifth dimension of ‘growth in planes of existence’ of the Universe. And when we study the formalism of Non-Euclidean mathematics we shall see that the first notion/postulate of Euclid, DEFINITION of a point with no-breath and its 5th postulate (points and parallels) are essentially the same concept that must be reformed.

So the 1ST postulate shows in function and motion the evolution of finitesimals, ∑∆-1 into wholes, ∆o ‘first units’ of the new social evolution in the 1-∞ plane, as an ∆-beings which will evolve socially in an external ∆+1 world.

5th dimension: the world, and by extension the whole range of scales.

ONCE THE O-1TH emerges, and further develops its 3D ensemble of lineal moving limbs/fields, O-particles/heads and Ø-hyperbolic body waves, the 123 ensemble will exist in an outer 5D world, part of an infinite Universe.

The 5th dimension is the sum of all the infinite scales of the Universe, which going upwards will be called the 5th dimension of social evolution (biological view), integral, polynomial growth (Mathematical, physical view), which convert each new o-1 temporal unit circle of a finitesimal in a first 1 of a new 1-∞ scale till creating a new super organism.

The real order of absolute time, being natural to the fact that for a larger whole to appear the 01 ∆-1 finitesimal one, must exist first.

Hence the 0-1th dimension of generation before birth; of a pure seed of information is the beginning of all games of existence.

And we can observe this 0-1TH point in terms of information either as a seed or as a linguistic mind born to order an external territory.

In quantum physics it allows the unification of two scales, so long seek, as the o-1 probabilistic sphere will be the quantum ‘seed’ of the 1-∞ thermodynamic wscale treated with statistical populations; theme we shall some day explored in full mathematical gear in the 4th line.

Singularities as ‘doors’ to new 5D scales/dimensions.

I always have a riot with philosophers of science coming from the amateurish field of 4D physics – the likes of my ‘acquaintances’ Mr. Penrose and Mr. Hawking, with whom I have been involved not always in the best of terms, due to my activism against the Black Hole Factory – when they come around with their ideas that black holes are ‘doors to the past’, and ‘new dimensions’.

As all in reality is a biased mind perspective in fact all has a bit of truth.  It is impossible to go the past and kill your father, because time is local. 

All clocks of time are local and only act within the membrane of angular momentum which is the time proper and its inner ‘vortex’  with slow time motions, dominated by the two elements of the T.œ, which are synchronized – the membrane and the particle-head in the center.

Both are synchronized in time to this angular momentum outer clock to dominate the slower vital energy in the center.  So now we can related the 3±i fundamental ‘parameters of reality to form and function and the 3 conserved  substances; since:

-Time clocks are the angular momentum membranes conserved in the Universe.

-Space is the vital surface enclosed by those membranes, which in itself is an open entropic, expansive surface that only under the constrains of the limiting membrane acquires order, form (and can be parametrized mathematically as any student of calculus knows: to find solutions to equations it is always required a ‘constrain and limiting parameter’).

-Scale finally has its origin in the very definition of a mind and its equation as a singularity: O-mind x ∞ time cycles (universe) = Constant linguistic still mirror mapping… Indeed, we could IMAGINE A NON-SENTIENT UNIVERSE WITH NO SINGULARITIES, WHICH WILL EXIST IN A SINGLE PLANE OF SPACETIME CONTINUUM, AS THEN it is not needed to ad on the monad’s inner infinitesimal view of the whole, which reduces its volume by eliminating motion and dimensions of perception to fit a ‘crystal mirror’ image within it. And so by the correspondence principle because 4D physicists do deny singularities, it is indeed not required a 5Dimension to ‘navigate’ the locomotions of a single physical world, but even if the 4D non-singularity models of physicists do work, it will NEVER find the whys of existence which are provided precisely by the singularity that also ‘creates’ the inner fractal worlds of the mind.

And so the coda is as mystical, beautiful and intense as it comes: the mind IS the site of EVERY smaller scale, and so the Black hole has a mind-mirror in 5 Dimensions (maldacena’s conjeture) of the 4D larger galaxy brain. Your mind has a homunculus smaller mirror of the whole organism you observe, and the crystal of the visual reflected Universe above.

THE MYSTICAL CODA is immediate. As we are small, we MUST be part of a mind that ‘imagined’ us… What is that mind, we shall discuss when studying the evolution of Mother Earth -as we are the mind of the Earth in its outer membrane. 

And viceversa, as the mind-mirror reverts the motion of information back to the territory it orders, we can consider that we are all born in an infinitesimal mind. Thus mind and membrane, form together the membrain, the intelligence of the Universe that orders the slower more extensive inner vital ‘temporal energy’ (preferred name for the inner region of the clock) of the ternary system. Minds, Seeds, creation, information, God as the maximal information point or singularity of the system, and many other terms are now entangled into ‘Dasein’…

The Œ-points: monads that order the Sentient Universe.

This first example of the complexity of the Universe, which many scientists, mostly physicists, have shunned off, obscuring a deeper knowledge of reality, hopefully prepares you to persevere in the understanding of the complex ambivalence of the Universe, simplified by the human mind, whose equation in the metric of the 5th dimension – one of the infinite varieties of St x Ts = ∆-mind – we can now explain:

O@ (infinitesimal Œ-point or mind) x ∞ð (Universe perceived) = Œ (constant mapping of reality)

What a mind does is rather simple. The Universe out there has infinite time cycles that carry the in/form/ation of the Universe in the frequency and form of its cyclical motions. This is an ∞, which we cannot store inside us.

So we simplify all those motions into ‘forms’ perceived as extensions of space, Ts.

On the other hand the mind is a St, spherical system, with 2 different spheres: an external membrane with sensorial detectors, which ‘shrinks’ into a relative smaller point, the eye and then the brain, which transforms Ts, the infinite cycles made into spatial forms, and keeps shrinking them to an infinitesimal mapping of reality, a still image, very much as the way a camera reduces reality to a virtual shallow image in 2 dimensions.

And this can be done because of a property of spherical forms, called the Poincare Conjecture: you can  shrink  a topological sphere (any closed membrane, a skin, a planetary surface, is a sphere), as much as you want without deforming its information.  So we find infinite minds in the Universe, ‘monads’ in Leibniz’s terms, which as he said ‘are points, which store a world in it selves’.

So we could also define the Universe as an infinity of ‘world’, fractal minds perceiving reality from those Œ points. What all those fractal minds do? Time cycles? Why. Because they keep perceiving and gauging information through them, and they keep absorbing ‘energy’ to move, and they keep reproducing their time cycles in parallel forms of space-time, and they keep evolving with other points into larger systems of points, topological networks, which have organic nature.

The Universe can be perfectly understood when the human mind and its subjective vision of reality from the perspective of its limited ‘Aristotelian’ and ‘Euclidean’, logic, (temporal and visual, spatial perception of the human mind) is considered only one of the infinite points of view, performed by particles and heads that gauge information, move ‘Dimotions’ and constantly create the events of the universe. Each of those particles and heads create its own perspective and mind view, or mapping of the Universe to which they act-react accordingly.

Mind languages do stop the 3 motions OR CONSERVED quantities, into space forms, and with its syntax mimic how those 3 elements combine to create the space-time super organisms of the Universe.

So we could say they map out superorganisms of space departing of infinite time-cycles, seeds of information, mind or simultaneous networks.

So the 3 main human languages, maths, words and images are ‘still images’ of a living, moving Universe of infinite time cycles: S@≤∆Τ

Let us then switch to the subjective mind view and include a first analysis on how the mind stops motion into form, and how it biases in this manner our perception of motion, despite the rejection of ‘naive realists’ that simply eliminate from reality all those spatial mental elements (as in the dominant philosophy of science today, logical positivism, which simply is not interested in study what cannot be measured, and unfortunately has substituted the perennial ‘pan psychic philosophy of reality’ that considers the existence of infinite such minds that stop linguistically reality to perceive it).

We can now give the explanation of the Paradox of Galileo, which started modern science but has never been quite resolved: ‘why the earth moves but doesn’t move’. Simple, because the mind-singularity that perceives it has as a function, to create within its language a still mirror image, a focus of reality that will allow to order it and try to deform it from its ego-centered perspective.

In the next graph we can see the difference between Newton who THOUGHT the mind of man WAS the entire Universe, hence converting the Cartesian mind graph into the ABSOLUTE BACKGROUND SPACE-TIME that still lingers in science and Descartes who thought it was just of the many minds, possible with different geometries.

Now, this theoretical minimum, which gives birth to the biggest r=evolution of maths since Riemann, ‘does away with Hilbert’; but to fully  put the copenhagen interpretation to rest and complete the understanding of mathematics in experimental terms,  we need as we have done with spatial geometry and topology, show how temporal algebra and its numbers, do also reflect reality, in an evolutionary process called the closure of numbers that again will follow the ternary, universal syntax of ‘REALITY’.

The particle point features heavily in Nuclear physics and it is still a ‘mess’. I like of all of them, the Delta Function, which is ∞ at 0, 0 on the infinite line and 1 in its integral. It is perhaps the best mathematical definition and for that reason, Dirac without understanding what it means – the emergence of a point-particle as a 1-element of a higher ∆+1 scale, made it the non-rigurous foundation of its beautiful quantum thoughts.

In the graph, as our mind is electronic, we feed on light energy and transform it into an informative mapping of the Universe, reduced to what light sees. Thus our space is light space-time, with its 3 Euclidean coordinates, a fact that was first understood NOT by physicists but by impressionist artists, Leonardo, whose motto ‘saper vedere’, guided my inquire as a young artist on reality behind the languages that describe it, and then by the impressionists; and finally by Picasso, who departed from reality, affirming he painted thoughts, so he studied the ‘elements’ of the mind mapping, its entropic lines (cubist age) and its cyclical forms (female portraits).

This theoretical minimum however when fully evolved will give birth to the biggest r=evolution of maths since Riemann. As it ‘does away with Hilbert’. But to fully put Hilbert and its ad-on in physics, the Copenhagen interpretation to rest and complete the understanding of mathematics in experimental terms, we need to evolve further spatial geometry, topology, temporal algebra and its numbers, to reflect reality, more accurate; which we shall treat in the posts dedicated to maths in the second line, from its evolutionary process called the closure of numbers that again will follow the ternary, universal syntax of ‘REALITY’, to the study of the analytic geometry of its ternary elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic minds…


A FRACTAL POINT is considered to have ‘one dimension’, meaning it has volume and in the ∆+1 plane where we measure, it has a role as a moving point in a cycle of its larger ∆+1 world, so it appears to us, either as a point with volume or a moving point (which has less density as it is trans-forming information into a reproductive movie wave – ultimate reason of some paradoxes of relativity of motion).

ULTIMATELY from an outer far away scale is a o-dimension, from an inner perspective is infinite. So we settle for a product as 1, the whole, and barrier in mathematics between the unit sphere and the Euclidean plane.

So we define different ‘dimensions for the elements of fractal non-Euclidean geometry’:

  1. Fractal points have a minimal 1 dimension, when perceived (by definition if not perceived they don’t have a dimension). This only string theory in physics understands, giving to each point a lineal inner dimension. It is a good approach for formal work but we want to be more precise. So we shall define the non-E five postulates of non-euclidean geometry first, and consider that each point when seen in detail is a whole super organism of 10 dimensions, but as a whole membrain in the upper scale it appears to us, and works as an active entity in motion, as a one dimensional point with motion and an internal form we do not perceive.

So the point will either be a static point with an inner dimension that connects it to the lower ∆-1 scales (akin to the concept of string geometry), or a ‘point-particle’, that moves tracing a cycle in a larger ∆+1 world, and we shall see it as a line in motion also with a dimension.

2.Lines are waves with 2 dimensions, as light or any other form able to communicate information.

3.Planes are topological networks, which require three lines to define it and so they have 3×2=6 space and time dimensions (3st dimensions).

Planes are thus the spatial view of a superorganism with 3 entropic, informative and iterative-energetic networks; which in turn can be observed as a larger whole, unit-point of the new ‘scaling’ which starts afresh – hence the need for a fifth postulate which is akin to the first (definition of a point) but from the internal point of view (as a point with volume), showing how vital geometry is also cyclical, and refers to the geometric process of growth of scales between ‘two ∆±1 planes’.

It is then essential to consider the less understood and more important of the axioms of Euclid, the definition of similarity between two fractal points or planes which determine its behaviour  as only those forms who understand each other’s gauging language can herd and collaborate together in parallel, otherwise different forms with different languages will use each other in darwinian events of perpendicular hunting.

So this darwinian vs. loving duality IS ESSENTIAL TO THE INVERTED BEHAVIOR OF THE FOURTH AND FIFTH DIMENSIONS OF ENTROPY AND SOCIAL EVOLUTION, and it is ruled by the i-logic laws of congruence=similarity of the 3rd NON-E POSTULATE, the most important and less understood of geometry, concerning the nature of parallelism and perpendicularity.

This also introduces the answer to questions of the type – where it is the fifth dimension, how the dimensional scales of the Universe grow?

Answer in a cyclical manner as membranes-enclosures of a previous open ball; so layer upon layer of a spherical 1-dimensional form, the inner parts grow; and/or as a reproductive wave, the point-particle moves and creates in a new scale, a new game of social growth.


The 0-mind dimension of still, pure linguistic information can be seen as a positive form that generates order but also as a still selfish p.o.v. that distorts and limits the freedom of herds of moving cycles of existence.


‘Cogito ergo sum’ Descartes. ‘E pur se muove, e pur no muove’ Paradox of Galileo

Minds are knots of time cycles, which ‘wondrously’ achieve synchronic passages of those cycles through its knot of perception, Γ•, a singularity • connected to a fractal generator of a supœerganism, Γœ. A mind is thus the brain that knots with its actions a simultaneous region of time cycles called a supœrganism, which travels through the fifth dimension in a world cycle of existience, that is, of exchange of entry, energy and information (exi), in a larger field of space time, st-, defined by a specific st¡ence, of ∆¡=x.

This in simpler jargon means all around you you will find ‘constant knots of time cycles’ that manage in a true equilibrium of existence to float between two planes, ∆±i, as a living, ∆º, Γ•, being, alas, in virtue of something we might call, language, perception, awareness, intelligence, or simply tripping, because that is what minds do, tripping exist¡ential dreams called ‘life cycles’.

The killing, ego centered monad vs. The communicative, creative mirror.

Existential logic thus precludes that a mind which is selfishly ignoring the needs of its ternary parts, concentrating only in being a membrain, self-centred in the singularity warps, sucks in, sinks and dies, by excess of information, obsession with the ‘pressures’ of the external world and lack of balance within it.

In the third age though the mind no longer keeps the balance of reproduction and enters in the third vortex age of increasing involution, as it is connected to its time function more than to the space function of existence. In this third age the monad is in the highest state of information, and its ego Ƽ world has become a curved black hole, its personality diminished to the understanding of not being anything but a warping, dirty bag of time cycles:

We could call the Mind, M³=Monad-Mirror-Mind, a term first use by Pythagoras, the first scientist, then elaborated by Leibniz, the greatest of his disciples, which now come the full circle around in this blog that upgrades the perennial philosophy of complex stience, adding all the necessary details and corrections of structure to make sense of it all.

In the graph, the amazing insights of Pythagoreans, who draw the mind-singularity as the common unifying principle of all systems, closed by an external cyclical membrane, which stored the vital ‘energetic §pace’ of the being. This ternary structure is thus as Leibniz and Descartes rightly understood the fundamental particle of the Universe.We compare it with its inverse topological vision, as it is precisely the two parts, singularity and membrane which formed the monad of pythagoras, the two parts that in an open ball of energy, present existence do not really exist as part of the open ball (remember mathematics is an experimental science).

But Leibniz, rigorous with his mathematical analysis DID not give his monads communicative properties to simplify their analysis, making them all ‘black holes of perception’, NOT as they are mirrors who self-create and then project the self into the environment, and further on points that become connected with similar points through those flows of communication into building topological networks and supœrganisms.  And as a result sooner or latter systems become organic systems across ternary scales, which the monad communicate.

So reproduction, and self-organization is the ultimate cause of the process of existence of supœrganisms.

Why they go through worldcycles? Why we die? For the same reason mirror-monads create reality; because of the singularity or mind of maximal information that both will create as a seed of form from ∆-1 the whole being in the beginning of the cycle, but will annihilate it at the end of the cycle, when exhausting its entropic motions and combined energy, by the mere fact of being its maximal will that of perception, without which the game does not start.

Thus minds stop entropic motion into form, combining them in the middle as a series of actions of energy, which are in derivative view standing 0 points but in its ultimate infinitesimal view always ‘scar’ a bit too much of information that they devolve back as entropy and so they are the reason systems evolve, age and finally die after a given number of frequency steps in the path of pure ‘stiff’ form, constantly growing by the influence of the mind’s sink. 

So the development of the three ages of life, max. s≈youth, max. t=3rd informative age, and max. st=present balance of energy and information is ultimately the ‘existential vibration’ of the being in his specific wordcycle ashe ‘scales up and down’, through its ∆±1 panes of existence.

Death becomes then natural to all selfish, Stiƒ-minds, which transforms entropic §pace into a flow of TEMPORAL information in the stillness of the mind, which converts temporal flows into a synchronous super organism, made of actions=moments of existence.

This is the ultimate conceptual duality –  that between the magic harmonious creation of infinitesimal minds of §pacetime: ∆•st.

And the Universe they reflect and will return to in the entropic explosion of death: ∆ûst vs. Temporal, mindless motion with its automaton deterministic cyclical order.

So it is now time to switch perspective from the objective description of reality as we have done through the external point of view of the three arrows of time and the scales of the fifth dimension, to the inner point of view of languages of the mind that distort the Universe as physicists do, to cater to the subjective ego of those minds, casting them with a formal equation that explains why at the end, people like Bohr, the proponent of the uniqueness of ‘his discipline’, not Bohm (the proponent of the whole unity of it all, and the realist, quantum interpretation of reality), carried the day.

SIMPLY put it, because while the Universe is objective, just, eternal and perfect, all those infinitesimal •-minds embedded on it, are subjective, egocentered, fleeting imperfect parts of the whole, made ‘to its image and likeness’, with some ‘errors’ of design…

So it only rests to see that languages, both verbal, visual and mathematical derive also form the 5 Dimensions of space-time and then we shall have proved that languages ARE just mirrors NOT the original source of reality.

Indeed, a mirror always ‘reduces’ reality to less dimensions in the image, so do languages, and so if we can show you that languages are more reduced than space-time, and can be defined as mirrors of space-time, it is obvious that space-time is the source of all realities, INCLUDING languages.

Languages are mirror of the 3 motions of space-time, entropy, energy and information.

A more humble realisation comes from the understanding that ‘the languages of God’ are infinite (upanishads) as all singularity minds map the Universe into its infinitesimal still focus, reflecting in the linguistic mirror the infinite cycles of space-time that conform reality. So before the language there was the space and time, that carried the entropy and information of reality mixed in energy actions whose properties the ternary syntax of all languages reflect. So the 3 main languages of man are ternary syntactic mirrors of the 3 components of reality:

Subject (information) < verb (action of space-time) > Object (entropy of subject).

Y (time function)< operandi-action> X (space function)

Blue (informative color) < green (reproductive colour) > red (entropy colour)

Heigth (informative dimension) < width (reproductive dimension) > length (motion-entropy dimension)

And so on…

But humans have had as ego-centered minds a real hard time understanding languages only as mirrors of space-time; thinking instead that languages – specifically the languages humans better understand wor(l)ds and numbers create reality. So we have first to put at face value that ego-centered humind paradox. 


‘Of the 12 Kantian categories, Schopenhauer rejects 11 as redundant, and retains only causality. He then discusses the a priori nature of ðime, §pace and its causality (ab.∆), the 3 innate functions of all minds” (ab.@)

Introduction to Schopenhauer “On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason’ (∆-causality, @Mind, §pace & ðime)

“Call information entropy. Nobody knows what entropy really is, so you  have the advantage.”

 Neumann to Shannon on $.



The first and most important element of the Universe are its dimensions, described mathematically but whose conceptual meaning so far escapes science. We shall thus define first its two fundamental 0) logic=temporal elements 1) geometric=spatial and:

0) The duality of perception of dimensions, either as motion or as distance form (Galilean paradox), which we ust have explained

1) The bidimensional nature of all parts of the Universe (holographic principle); the next instalment in the architectonical building of reality departing from time cycles.

1.Holographic principle. Bidimensional ðime (information with motion) and entropy (§pace with motion) 

‘Simplicity is genius’ ; ‘Saper vedere’.   Leonardo on the topology of life and its harmonious forms

‘Coincidentia opositorum’ Cusa, on the fundamental dialectic dualist logic of the Universe, which constantly brings the opposite properties of ‘Lineal entropy’ and ‘closed information’ into Complementary Spaceðime energy beings.

In topological terms, there is lesser ambiguity:

Time clocks are always cyclical and related to information stored in the frequency and form of those cycles, as the circle or the sphere in three dimensions are the forms which store more form with less surface. On the other hand §pace is lineal, with less dimensional forms of information, and more extension in §pace, as the line is the shortest distance between two points a an b. A circle thus made of a simple rotating radius is a clock and traces a external membrane, which can be seen still as a whole or a point moving. It thus have a dimension more than its ‘spatial state’, moving between A and B. We shall call the ‘function of a point or line as a circle’, an informative function, and the function of a line as a pure motion in §pace an entropic function. In the graph, left, the simplest form in existence in the Universe, we can ‘perceive’ is a form with motion (all what you see is indeed forms with motions); a line limb/field of entropy, moving a head/particle of information.

And two logic immediate properties of the nature of those two elements combined or disjoined are:

  1. The inverse properties of spatial entropy and temporal information, its fundamental logic property. In graph, the inverse function between Spatial, entropic expansion and Temporal, informative Implosion has infinite manifestations and can be defined by a simple equation of inverted ‘hyperbolic’ nature: ð=1/S. As we defined  cyclical ðime the inverse of Lineal Time , ƒ=1/t, it follows that physicists ‘Lineal Time ‘ is indeed lineal §pace with motion, hence the discovery latter on that Lineal Time is a dimension of §pace (Einstein). 
  2. The fact that one can be transformed into the other, which is essential for the dynamic nature of the Universe. So we define a first simple ‘Generator equation’ of ðime§pace beings:

Γst.                              $pe (entropic §pace) < ≈ > ðiƒ (Temporal information)

If we ad the topological form (Lineal Space: $) an cyclical time: ð, as alternate synoptic symbols for spatial entropy and cyclical information.

And call the combinative state ðime§pace momentum, whose ‘integral’ (in physics, extended soon to all systems) is called Energy, the ‘third element’ of reality: Ts-entropy > St-Energy < T-information

Whereas the intuitive symbols of ‘expansion’ < and ‘implosion’ > indicate that TO TRANSFORM one into the other, through an intermediate ‘momentum-energy state’, entropy must shrink into information, Ts>St or information must expand into entropy, St<Ts.

We can now ad to this ternary ‘topological’ discovery, the ‘duality’ of motions vs. distances-forms, to fully define ðime, form, §pace, entropy, energy and information.


How dimensions are created? The scalar dimensions, as we have shown by social evolution in ternary and decametric scales.

Then there is the erasing of the fifth dimension by the fourth dimension of entropic death which is inverse.

But in a relative present of |-motion x O-information = ø-body waves, there is also transformations of one dimension of lineal form into one cyclical form, or one formal dimension of space into the equivalent dimension of time.

Creation & Destruction of Masses as Vortices of Physical Information. How Dimensional Form Becomes Speed.

For example, a mind-‘Aristotelian God’ which doing his ‘thing’ can stop the energy moving around in a disk of accelerated vortex-time speed, expanding a motion into stillness, now stored in a ternary volume of space, or viceversa, quench a height dimension of form into an accelerated bidimensional disk:

A dimension of angular time-momentum coming out of a loss of a dimension of volume-space.

Above we show how dimensions of distance can become dimensions of motions. So the contraction of a 3rd entropic volume becomes a bidimensional accelerated space vortex and vice versa.

The Universe creates dimensional form by reducing the motion/speed of a physical system and vice versa: it creates motion/ speed by eliminating dimensions of form. So a 3 dimensional nebulae of matter collapses into an accelerated mass vortex, in which, according to the Equivalence between gravitational forces, masses and cyclical acceleration (Einstein’s relativity), is an attractive whirl of spacetime.

The equivalence principle establishes a Universe with two limits of eternal movement: a lineal speed of gravitational and electromagnetic forces and a cyclical speed of masses and charges, which are vortices of space-time. Energetic forces create space, and vortices are clocks of time that carry information, eternally transforming into each other in self-similar events:

Σ spatial forces (lineal movements) ≤=≥St (cyclical clocks of information).

The sums of all those events maintain an eternal dynamic balance of cycles and lines.

Yet since lines have one dimension less than a clock cycle, the process can be also perceived as a game of creation and destruction of dimensions of form. In the graph, a three-dimensional slow nebulae accelerates its motion as it becomes a bidimensional vortex of faster, more attractive mass. Such transformation is common both in the cosmological world as stars become black holes and the quantum world in big crunches when electrons become quarks. r.

The Galilean Paradox is essential to understand the Universe as fixed lines are also ‘—motions’ and bits of information are time clocks. And one can transform into the other: Se x =St. They do so through the 3 ages of life or energy’s standing points of a Hamiltonian:

Ts<ST<St= Youth: Max. Se/St > Maturity: Se x St (Se=St) >Old age: St/Se

But in physical systems they do so through external motions mostly by loosing or acquiring back and forth in space, dimensions of form or dimensions of speed.

There are two concepts that do not appear in classic physics but are essential in understanding how the universe converts energy into information (motion into form): the paradox of Galileo, which allow us to describe those processes as “frozen pictures,” which is the informative point of view, or as changes in the speed or motion of things.

The graph shows the two events combined: when a system acquires forms, it slows down. When a system loses dimensions, it speeds up. Yet to understand this essential process, we must first clarify an error made by physicists who do not use the concept of dimensional form to define “information” but the algebraic “data” concept of a “bit of information.”

Fractal information is related to dimensional form while algebraic information is the simplest dimensional form: bits of broken patterns emitted by waves, which encode those patterns in the distances between the crests or frequency of the wave. But those patterns are the “minimal” pattern of information of the Universe. In that regard, the capacity to store information of any system follows a power law:

Information » X Fractal dimensions of the system

Yet in the same way, physicists have reduced all the arrows of time, previously defined to a single energetic arrow measured by a single “clock-time”; they have reduced all the forms of information to a single broken frequency pattern. Biology, a more sophisticated science of information, today is able to study how molecules and proteins store information in several dimensions; and that previous law can be deduced of biological studies. Yet physicists have not gone beyond the simplest one-dimensional information of lineal waves. They have not even discovered that mass stores much more information than waves in physical bidimensional vortices.

In duality, we study both sciences, physics and biology, and we can compare and use laws of both sciences to find self-similar laws in the other discipline. In that sense, Shannon’s standard definition of information is a computer-based definition, of technological science, useful to store information in numbers, with a limited application to the understanding of the universe, which stores information in four dimensions in very complex patterns and enormous volumes. Information is in that broader Universe form, in/form/ation. The simplest information is the one-dimensional broken bits of data that divide a line of energy into a pattern. This is what a computer does and what a physicist would understand as information. But in nature, a more precise concept is that of fractalization. Information increases when a continuous flow of energy breaks into patterns and acquires dimensions, bumps and points.

The arrow of information is a transformation of a surface of space, of energy into inner form: a change from lineal, chaotic movement into cyclical, repetitive one; from expansive waves into imploding particles; from disordered, equalized forces of indistinguishable forms extending in space into an ordered hierarchical system of non lineal mass vortices. Its inverse function is the explosion of energy, the dissolution of form, the arrow of death.

Though physics recognizes the inverse arrow of entropy as negantropy—that is, the negation of entropy—it is long overdue to name it properly as form that crystallizes and organizes chaotic lineal energy into cyclical, repetitive patterns of in-form-ation.

Indeed, Mehaute, a chemist studying fractal patterns and reversals of entropy into information, and other theorists in different disciplines have proved  that when a system stops creating energy, entropy, it reverses its arrows of time creating instead information, fractal patterns of form—the future never stops. This also applies to physics in the way form becomes motion and motion becomes form.

The unification equation relates the different scales/membranes of space-time. Yet for each membrane and particle, we must clarify a final concept, the meaning of dimensions of information and how they disappear, converted into speed and energy or appear as motion and energy slows down, creating form. In the Universe, there are multiple physical species of different fractal non-Euclidean dimensions.

The new mathematics of complex physics means though that a flat plane of two dimensions has a minimal height, as each of its points of the flat network is in itself a world of a smaller scale. Thus, a flat vortex of mass, a bidimensional quark, has smaller gluons and strings, which have smaller dimensions. For that reason, there is equivalence between different mathematical descriptions in different dimensions. A fifth-dimensional description of strings is equivalent to a four-dimensional description of quarks, which is equivalent to a three-dimensional description of an electronic atom, and so on. It is a general law that all systems of physical mass pack energy in fractal dimensions of form:

Strings (one-dimensional dark entropy in a 5-D Universe) -> bidimensional quarks and gluons in a 4-D world -> three-dimensional electrons

This translates sometimes into different equations for a physical vortex and different power laws and relationships between masses (the static, formal, dimensional perception of a vortex) and speeds (its perception as pure motion). For example, Vo × Ro = K is a bidimensional vortex, which we used to explain in its simplest terms the equivalence principle.

However, the unification equation of charges and cosmological masses happens in a three-dimensional world. So we used a three-dimensional vortex equation, U.C. × M = w2 × r3, which is the vortex used to unify the three-dimensional worlds of cosmological bodies and electronic matter we perceive.

When we compare the two families of quarks, top quark particles and strange quark particles, the relationship between their rotational speed and masses follows a three-dimensional power law (w3 = M). So the world of top quark particles turn at 10 c-speed but it has 1,000 times the mass of the world of strange quark particles that turn at a maximum of c-speed, which obviously means that the world of top quarks has one dimension more than the world of strange quarks. This is further proved by the famous Maldacena conjecture, which studies top quark black holes as five-dimensional string systems, self-similar to four-dimensional quark gluon soups.

We are more interested in explaining the concept illustrated in the graph: how our slower three-dimensional electronic world will accelerate, acquiring energy/speed and losing a fractal dimension of form, when it becomes transformed into a strange quark condensate since transformations of energy into information take place by warping and unwarping dimensions of form into speed.

A basic case observed in all scales is represented by the previous graph, taken from a SciAm article about the formation of galactic disks, which we used to illustrate the creation of a quark by the crunching of electronic nebulae of three dimensions. The slow rotation of the electron becomes a bidimensional faster quark system. The same process gives birth to a black hole in the cosmological realm, when the nebulae of a star or the gas of a galaxy collapses into a black hole.

All this means, of course, that dimensions are “fractal,” limited dimensions, which never extend to infinity but to the limits of a certain entity of the Universe. Thus, the creation of fractal dimensions of information or its transformation into speed is one of the commonest events of the Universe and at the same time one of the many details of the generator equation of space-time:

Energy = speed ≤=≥information = fractal dimension

In the case we study in this post, we can consider a simple dimensional game by which slow three-dimensional electrons become faster bidimensional quark masses. There is a simple proof of the bidimensionality of our up and down quarks: quarks have one-third or two-thirds of the charge/dimensionality of electrons and so we need three quarks with perpendicular orientations called colors to form a three-dimensional quark structure able to interact with our three-dimensional electrons.

Further on, we must add the interaction of two different mediums and forces, the strong gravitational force of quarks and the electroweak force of electrons. This means that quarks “suck in” electrons, trying to absorb them, to feed on them, so they have implosive, strong gravitational forces, while electrons try to suck in quarks with its electromagnetic force, reason why we use a negative, implosive, absorbing direction for electronic charges.

In other words, quarks use its force to attract and steal momentum from electrons, and electrons use its electromagnetic force to attract and absorb momentum for quarks.

Those are the simplest visual concepts, to understand the interactions of those membranes. Obviously when we enter into topological details, the forms, dimensions, and charges of each of those elements become far more complex.

Two Dimensions. The holographic principle

The paradox of galileo shows the bidimensionality of time information and entropy space, and the equivalence between a motion in time, a distance in space, a frequency and a population, such as:

Space = ∑ T, that is distance = λ ƒ, whereas a quanta of space is multiplied by a frequency in time.

A second fascinating theme of topological physics, with the ad ons of GST is the understanding of why almost every physical equation and system can be written in bidimensional layers. We already explained it. Even Relativity in the so called ADM formalism, which is its natural Hamiltonian formulation (another huge element explained better in GST) is bidimensional.

We are not treating anywhere the complex AMD formalism. I have given up the initial intention of reordering 30 years of research and aim just to put the barebones of GST in this blog before my numerous sicknesses cancel my existence (and find myself every month wanting to work less and less)… So we shall consider only the simplest of all bidimensional elements in physics, the conics.

But before the  reason of all this is crystal clear. It is the holographic principle, coupled with Galileo’s px.:

In graph, The Galilean Paradox:All -motion can be seen as Ts-distance; all ∆-continuous ARE ALSO an ∑∆-1 fractal sum of discontinuous parts, joined by force networks. Galileo saw the Saturn’s rings and thought its was a flat continuous disk. In fact is made of ∑ point-particles turning in cyclical motions, which from far away seem a continuous ‘area’.

The mind thus distorts perception and the whole subject of special relativity  can be considered an error of the mind, and a tool to adapt reality to that mind-perception (also general relativity as its vortices of accelerated time, curve space-time only if seen from our scale, but if we enlarge their inner, larger-faster gravitational distances-motions IT WOULD LIKELY BE euclidean and as such it is likely perceived by the black hole).

In that sense in mathematical physics, the cases in which we can bring the Galilean Paradox to resolve problems, are normally on the ‘verge’ of a given space-time continuum (c-speed T≥0 in our continuum). It will also be used as a renormalisation process of elimination of infinities and zeros, when we need to consider minimalist effects of the underlying ∆-scales and its ‘stress’ in the limits of the carrying capacity of entropy of information of a plane. At that is really pedantic stuff for the initiated, which only gets ‘worked up’ the most arrogant physicists of numerology, we escape it (the infamous 0.00… deviation calculation of the g-factor in the electron, being the most famous ‘engraving’ in the tomb of his author).

In mathematical physics, however, the cases in which we can bring the Galilean Paradox to resolve problems, are normally on the ‘verge’ of a given space-time continuum (c-speed T≥0 in our continuum); when the need to consider the underlying ∆-scales and its ‘stress’ in the limits of its carrying capacity of entropy of information are tested.



St¡ence is ultimately concerned with the existence of beings. How they are generated, live and die, regardless of which are its particular nature – those are the foundational questions, which as Leibniz put it, must have answers related to its ultimate substances: 

Those substances are the energy and information of the being, product of the combination of its motions and forms, which we call ‘space-entropy-lineal motion’ and ‘time-form-cyclical motion’; as form is also a motion, albeit cyclical and hence perceived without detail by a slow observer as cyclical form.

In non-abrahamic ‘tribal, historic religions’, where God is a pre-axial-rational age wor(l)d to signify the subconscious collective of a tribe, God was always considered the ‘form’ or ‘in-form-ation’ that moulded as ‘logos’, the entropic lineal motions with no form, which where the first ‘existential manifestation of the being’.

To exist therefore it was required that from the immortal lineal motions and cyclical forms of the Universe, a ‘drop of yin’ felt into yang and vice versa. And this is the first moment of creation, when entropy, lineal motion acquires its first curvature of time; or when time, the first cyclical form, breaks its closed nature and emits a wave of communication that resembles its form.




As all dimotions are entangled, we should notice first that locomotions are in fact reproductive motions as the system in the wave forms reproduce its information in adjacent parts.

So In-form-ation is what a reproductive wave of locomotion truly manifest, reason why it IS ENTANGLED WITH THE FUNDAMENTAL dimotion of present reproduction of energy Si=Te, which ‘moves on’ the Dimotions of existence into the next 3Dimotion of reproduction.

 A reproductive universe of super organisms tracing worldcycles.The knot of all knot of times cycles is the supœrganism, and the cycle of all cycles the world cycle, so all what we see is a game of supœrganisms and worldcycles: Universe ≈ ∑ð.œ (worldcycles of superganisms). And so we state:‘The Universe is a fractal supœrganism that re≈produces and d=evolves in/form/ation’ 

Now the most important of those actions are the reproductive actions of information, which ensure the survival of the logic form beyond its demise.

This is an automatic fact; systems that do not reproduce its form, its in-form-ation, don’t last in time and don’t exist. So all systems have sequential worldcycles of discontinuous reproduction into similar beings.It is also the mathematical definition of a fractal: a fractal has a generator equation that reproduces the system. We are merely studying the fractal generator of the Universe.Systems are fractals, which as the Universe does, constantly reproduce information and they do so by traveling from a seminal to an organic scale of being. This travel is reproductive, and so all what we observe are waves of reproductive, seminal supœrganisms, performing a world cycle:

In the graph the obnoxious @singularities dedicated to reproduce actions that become formal motions iterated through the imprinting of ∆-1 seeds of exi=st¡ence. Constant waves of form crossing scales of the fifth dimension up and down in reproductive cycles, with astounding fidelity replicate per in secula seculorum the ‘elements’ of a game, which is infinite in time and space and identical repetitions of the limited number of ‘selfs’.And now, only now when everybody has long ago abandoned the web, because they expect reality to mold to the designs of humind membrains, with its minimalist notion of reality and its properties, which only can be expressed in maths, etc. etc. we shall deal with the great question, what is God, and the UNIVERSE.MERELY AS THE GRAPH SHOWS, A REPRODUCTIVE FRACTAL, a constant orgasm of reproduction, a super organism, that is the purpose of it all.It must be understood that the order of a world cycle of existence differs slightly from our classification of dimensions for the whole scenario, as the particle-head becomes in biological organisms dominant and could be in that sense considered the 3D element which guides the present 1D limbs/potentials and 3D-reproductive age, which is the middle on a world cycle.

This fundamental difference which must be clarified requires also a thorough change of ‘naming’ in this blog, which I will carry on distinguish the Dimensions of time as ‘AGES’ to signify this difference. Thus in sequential ages, the mind/head particle plays the key role in the 3rd informative age, even if it is formed from birth as the 2nd topological dimension of the being (as the fetus does follow the general order and creates last the reproductive organs, mixture of the informative and limbic, moving elements of the being).So we come to the fundamental element of reality, the fundamental particle, the super organism, œ, traveling through a life and death ‘worldcycle’ of existence, which is a travel through the fifth dimension that ends invariably in entropic death – but through the reproduction of the T.œ ensures the immortality of its i-logic form. Before its mind of angular momentum or particle-head dominates the 3rd age and leads to its entropic death. 

Let us  consider very briefly the correspondence principle between the classic concepts of time space from Galileo to Einstein and the expanded one, which includes properly all the dimotions of time.
Specifically we shall state now that what Physicists study as time, IS only present time, instants in which they measure simultaneously the locomotions of beings, with ‘derivatives’ – so reducing change to its minimal expression within a single slice of the whole flow of time. The question then to define is the absolute arrows of time, of past and future, missed in that description of time, as a mere instant of ‘space-motion’ v=∂s/∂t. In other words, when we ad the arrow of entropy and dissolution and the arrow of wholeness, of evolution of form, the scalar dimotions of deep time-space, which one is the past and the future? 

The answer is obvious. As a whole needs its parts first, to become, the arrow of the disjoined parts or ‘entropy’ is the arrow of past, and the arrow of ‘wholeness’ and organic evolution of ‘DEEP time’, as it includes both parts and wholes co-existing together is the arrow of the future.

And this is an absolute arrow, as it is pure logic. The Universe thus becomes constantly more and more entangled, building up new organic co-existing structures made of multiple layers. And because that is the preferential arrow of the Universe, call it eusocial love in social systems, and biological herds, or mathematical numbers in physics, as numbers are just social herds, every part of it strives to increase its social evolution and languages of information that synchronize them. In a short term view of course all systems end up ‘going back to the past of entropy and dissolving’. But in as much as systems want to acquire information, death IS a single quanta of time, which explodes the being, so he can keep returning again to the slow process of time-building of social structure.
So when we wrote the metric equation of the fifth dimension in space as:

Lineal $p x cyclical ðƒ = K

We can reverse its terms, to P$ and ƒð and interpret it in terms of past and future as $p, lineal past, entropic, spacetime  and  ðƒ: curved, informative temporal future, where ƒ is the frequency of the system and the symbol for future flows. Both together form then a ≈ present time.

We will latter give different versions of the formula, according to the different dimotions we consider – the universe, mind the reader, has a very different ‘logic’ to that of man, as it is an entangled reality in which all the parts constantly influence each other, all the dimotions interact, and so despite starting with only 5 motions-forms (3±¡, if we account for the difference between the present space-time super organisms, and the ∆§cales) by iteration and combination things can get as complex as they seem.

Thus unlike the simplified concept of time=change=locomotion of physicists as ONLY change=translation in space (v=s/t), when we add the ‘biological’, evolutionary time=change in in/form/ation, we can also explain the biological changes of life and death of human organisms, our topological VARIATIONS of forms in (evolution theory), and the mirrors of those changes produced by our languages of perception… which become the memetic ‘languages’ that organize change in the social organisms of history, mankind in time.
So we shall expand the analysis of time change and its laws to both biological and social sciences, something physicists have tried repeatedly with very awkward results (quantum fantaphysics, worldlines, entropy philosophers of ‘death’).

SINCE HUMAN AND BIOLOGICAL CHANGE is primarily ‘informative, social, technological and biological time=change’ NOT translative change=time, the ONLY one physicists study (v=s/t, or Galilean relativity and its fine-tuned Einstein’s version: S²=X²+Y²+z²-c²t²).
So we have put the theory of time of physicists at face value, the path that physicists should have taken when they discovered their fundamental theory of LOCOMOTION, also called Galilean Relativity, latter improved by Einstein, which defined time as the fourth dimension of space, since physicists merely was used it to measure spatial changes in location.

Space is SYNCHRONOUS VISION OF A DOMAIN OF TIME MOTIONSSynchronicity is the essential logic element of the scalar, social structure of the Universe

.3 only topologies of all systems of Nature. Internal ‘bidimensional’ and external classic dimensions.

5Ðimotional beings, are complex entities that travel through the 5 dimensions of space-time, as they move through it, tracing worldcycles of exist¡ence. Such a simple game of Ðimotional beings, can be observed from many perspectives, in an entagled Universe, in which can at least observe constantly those 5 Ðimotions, Social Generation, entropic death, locomotion, reproduction and gauging of information, aeiou… The devil though is in the details so the first obvious question we must answer is what MEANS in REAL terms, the fact that all what exists is made of spatial topologies and temporal ages, of Space and Time?

The answer is fascinating, as there are only 3 variations of mathematical space in a single “plane of the fifth dimension’, the so called hyperbolic, elliptic and toroid topologies.Alas we can break our concept of internal change more properly in 3 ‘topological variations’, we shall call the 3 ‘first dimotions’ of the Universe.And so the fact that we are made of spacetime means ultimately we are made of 3 type of organic topological dimotions – and we say organic because as it will turn out all systems of life are made of ensembles of those 3 topological dimotions. And this justifies our concept of ‘relational vital space-time beings’ that is beings made of spacetime with motion. Since as Aristotle put it – when things move they are alive. Welcome then to the study of ‘vital spacetime’.

The insight that there are only 3 topologies in 4 and 5D nature is the key mathematical finding to fully account for topological evolution, the ternary nature of all systems and its functions and physiological networks, resolved NOT through intelligent design but through the limiting fact that there are only 3 topologies in space in the Universe. So by force al systems are ensembles of those 3 parts, shown in its simplest ‘geometry’ on the next graphs:

So this is the second ternary spatial element of reality:|-moving limbs/potentials  x O-head/particles = Ø-body waves

This is the simplest expression of the FRACTAL GENERATOR of space-time beings, as all of them will display those ternary topologies.The study of the ‘fractal generator of space-time beings’ (ab. Γst, Γ, Gst) will be the key formalism of the expansion of timespace ‘stiences’  achieved in this blog. It will fully give the model the needed connections with the topologic, organic and numerical equations of classic ‘science’. Stience obviously is the slightly modified term – a necessary pattern of the blog to upgrade concepts without making them too strange – we shall use for all classic sciences, now that we know they study vital space-time beings, such as those of the next graph.

The 3 elements of all systems, lineal/flat limbs/potentials; spherical, tall heads/particles and its hard membranes of dark matter, trunks and skins accomplish the 3 functions of motion, energetic reproduction and informative perception in all systems, varying to adapt the system to its larger world.

Let us start with a visual, topologic analysis of the dimensions of space-time, both internally (first graph) and externally (second graph):Internal dimensions are topologic, bidimensional varieties: spheres of maximal in-form-ation, planes of maximal motion/distance, and hyperbolic body/waves of maximal reproduction.

The full understanding of these 3 parts of the being comes when we consider ‘bidimensional’, topological networks, which will show to correspond in form and function, as topology is geometry with inner motion: a topological variety can ‘change its inner form’ and remain the same as long as it does NOT tear.So we talk in fact of 3 topologies of space=form +time=motion that will define in vital formal and moving terms all entities in existence. 

And so in a single plane of reality, we perceive systems as ensembles of the 3 varieties of space, (to which we soon will add the 2 scalar dimensions of entropic parts, and social wholes). Moreover as topology is form with motion, topology ARE space-time Dimensions:So we can build reality with the 3 dimensions of space and its motions in time, we shall call ÐIMOTIONS or actions of space-time.In the graph, a first hint to how the 3 ‘vital dimensions of space-time’ ensemble into parts and organic wholes in all physical, biological and social systems; since there are only 3 topological forms (geometries with motion) in the Universe.

So evolutionary topology BECOMES a new key discipline to understand how the forms of  species evolve as ensembles of the 3 ‘form of space & functions of time that define 3 topological varieties of space-time in all the fractal organisms of the Universe made of lineal maximal motions-functions (limbs/potentials),  maximal informative storages (spherical heads/particles) and its iterative, hyperbolic combinations (body-waves); which is the dominant element of the organism as it embodies the iterative, ‘present’ discontinuous reproduction of all the parts of the being that defines the immortality of the ‘information’ it stores, and the essence of any ‘fractal’


The 3 conserved forms of the Universe, angular and lineal momentum, and vital energy form in the fractal Universe the 3 parts of a T.œ or fractal point, Non-E with an inner volume of space-time through which multiple parallels can cross. The rules of geometric and biologic engagement of those points to form waves, networks and topological organisms, define the non-æ bio-logic of the organic Universe based in the a(nti)symmetric laws of similarity, parallelism and perpendicularity expressed in 5 ¬Æ postulates that substitute the classic axiomatic method of definition of logic and geometry.

The goal of all co-existing systems displayed in 3 scales of the fifth dimension is to reach the maximal symbiosis through synchronicity based in the ‘different speeds’ of clocks according to spatial size of the parts of the being across its ¡±1 scales.

As only present is conserved, meaning ¡logically that the past becomes erased and the multiple potential futures extinct as only one becomes, the conservation of present quantities (momentum in physics, with its similar term of energy and so on). But there is an infinitesimal flux always happening from past through present to future and from future to past (without moving through present in the death act) to make this eternal present dynamic.

This ‘quanta of present’ then is what we might call space, and consider space to be the region in which a relative infinitesimal cut of the flow of time of the fifth dimension, in all its future potentials and past, thinning realities co-exist:Present = Past Operandi FutureThe nature of that operandi, though depends on the mind, as it is the mind operandi of a pool of connections between past and future call present much larger than we huminds can realize.WE HAVE highlighted the key ‘logic elements’ of those systems, which are profound laws of structure that define the Universe in its most abstract form.  A physicist however will use the 3 conserved elements of nature, and call time cycles, ‘angular momentum’, singularities, whose mind is not perceived but needs stillness and so develops a stop and go steady motion, ‘lineal momentum’, and the vital energy x information included within it energy and say the 3 are converted. Then if he were able to break those cyclical times, singularity motions and vital energy into ∞ beings, voila, we would be speaking of the same:

The Universe is a tapestry of time§pace cycles, which are organisms of vital energy enclosed by an angular momentum, self-centered into singularities with an Aristotelian, lineal inertial selfish mind, programmed by an obsession, to survive, last in time, performing its actions, the program of exist¡ence, beyond a reasonable finite presence – this thirst for immortality through selfish actions self-centered in the lineal inertial singularity moving ahead in open freedom, however is always defeated by the larger whole that pressures us into making a closed, conservative path, an informative world cycle. And we indeed oblige, as the ego paradox produces a systemic bias towards our own self, exhausting the energy of our vital space.. till we die – explore back into a zero sum. Welcome to reality.

This fundamental reality however was lost when to reach higher accurate measure of distances and time periods mathematical physics started to use a single time clock to measure all the lifetimes of beings (the mechanical clock) and a single space continuum to unify all measures of distances.What we lost then was the capacity to understand the multiple elements of the Universe, as we had now a single human point of view on scale of size in space and time duration (the meter, the second). Soon this artificial ‘cartesian graph’ of space and time, as it did not fit the ‘real form of time clocks’ (cyclical motions) and the multiple scales of space-size occupied by ∞ beings, became also an artificial ‘background spacetime’ and so it lost its nature as the substance of reality -the yin and yang, the energy and information, the space and time duality.

So today we have a deep knowledge of details of beings which we can manipulate scientifically but are completely lost in what regards the fundamental principles and laws of nature.Those principles are relational space and time, and as a consequence MOST PROPERTIES of beings, including its topological structure as systems, its time ages, and its world cycles can be deduced of the ultimate properties of space and time and its ‘energetic combinations’.So when we study a being we shall use a method we have called the Ðisomorphic method, which consists on studying the entity as a world cycle born of a seed or mind-singularity that will evolve, reproduce and create a superoerganism that will live its lifetime cycles and ages in an orderly fashion, because that is what time does with vital space – puts it through a process of life and death; and so as we are all vital spaces, we all live a world cycle.This said, we shall connect the concept of topological space and a simultaneous super organism and time and a worldcycle; as those are the essential objective concepts of ‘vital space’, a part of reality occupied by an organized, simultaneous, singularity center volume of energy, and time cycles, a duration in time made of a series of finite=closed motions=time cycles.And this allow us to define logically both a block of time and vacuum space, Let us see how.

 Conclusion: The simplest 1, 2, 3… 4th, 5th dimensions.

The Universe is a superoganism of 5 Dimotions of symmetric space-time. Whereas time means motion and space form. Yet since due to Galilean>Einstein’s relativity we cannot distinguish motion from form, for each dimension of space, we must consider a symmetric dimensions of time (the form we see in motion).

Since as we can only compare entities with equal number of dimensions we must write,  S=T, as the fundamental law of the Universe, which is display in all kind of beings.The equivalent of this law of balance in physics, is a Lagrangian of the form:Ts (size in space) x St (speed of time clocks of information) = Constant ∫S-T∂st=0And or, the laws of conservation of momentum: S x T (mv, etc.), and energy its integral in a closed cycle.Two simple laws of conservation and least time in which all of physics is based; albeit explained with complicated ‘pedantic’ obtuse laws, such as the Noether theorem, group theory, etc. which obviously need them to go back to school and learn what the magic of maths and the origin of those laws are in 11D.This is the law of balance and co-existence of reality that make humans and civilisations co-exist as single super organisms. Cells and organisms co-exists in a single individual, and so, the Universe is a beautiful organic, fractal of scales of reality which follow the same goals of reproducing information to become immortal in ‘states of balance’.

And those laws apply also to history and economy systems that should try to find such balances to survive.Thus we can start studying beings of one dimension of space and one dimension of time-motion, simultaneously. As reality requires that for each dimension of space we perceive one of time.It can allow us to construct bidimensional (minimal being) type of species, which go on constructing the reproductive equations of a bidimensional world of space-time

.So the simplest analysis are those in which we observe a ‘non-e point in space, a point with breath’, as a single dimension, coupled with a dimension of lineal motion, the first dimension of time.Then we can consider holographic bidimensional entities with dimensions of form and motion:In the graph we see systems with information and motion=time; systems with entropy and form (bidimensional space), and 4D combinations, of which the basic one is light space-time (our electronic perception of both being tuned to such ‘minimal quanta’ of our perceived reality.Next we can consider combinations of 3 dimensions of form and 3 dimensions of space; and here we exhaust the existence of a system in single space-time continuum.We can describe all systems with 3 ‘fractal parts’ with 3 topologies in space and 3 functions in time, and as it happens since a 4Dimensional system have only 3 possible topologies, that is enough to understand the processes of topological evolution that complete our work in evolution, through 3 topological ages, dominated by each of those 3 elements, and describe a generator equation for all of them:

Γ; T$: lineal limbs/fields of entropy <Ø-ST hyperbolic-bodywaves>Sð-particle/heads of information.

All dimensions are motions and forms. Yet we have explained a few times that ‘motion’ implies reproduction of form in a lower scale of the being. You do NOT MOVE, you reproduce yourself in an adjacent region, and to do so you have to ‘reorganise’ smaller ∆-1 cells/atoms/individuals, with at least a ‘collective wave’ of information (genes, quantum numbers, memes distributed simultaneously to all of them). So all motions, all time dimensions MUST
happen between two relative ∆ and ∆-1 scales as a wave of information that imprints a lower scale:In 5D metric LocoMotion is as the next graph shows a reproduction of form in adjacent regions as a wave displaces switching then into particle-gauging state; hence the Universe reproduces information:
In the graphs, we see simple, basic motions of the lowest scales of particles and waves, which move reproducing in a lower scale. Moreover modern topology describes forms always as topological networks.

But then departing from that primary entropic motion, the growth of reproduction will cause the different worldcycles of beings; which will lead to the system’s final warping into a cyclical vortex of time, mass or charge or any other particle of any other scale. And the mathematical or organic detail and mirror will put on it will always end up shown as the three ages of time or if we put a different mirror on it with less more detail we can analyse the system as we do in general in this blog with other biological systems, as the product of an… organic world cycle.The steps of locomotion require the reproduction of the form in the adjacent scale by reforming lower planes to the level of the atom forces, or else the being is not reproduced thoroughly.

As such locomotion is the first form of reproduction of the universe. If we consider the dimotion of informative gauging the ‘creative’ form in which forces become slowed down and ‘form’ an image of software according to a hardware that creates the mind, true locomotion happens when the reproduction of form by translation of the being takes place.So to define a single space-time continuum form we need at least two scales, that of parts and wholes which form together a topological network of any of those 3 varieties:So when we talk of a truly transformative motion in the fifth dimension which does NOT surface back into the ∆-scale as reproductive motions and topological transformations of networks do, we need two jumps in the  FOURTH, social evolutionary and entropic fifth dimension.




∆+1:   ‘Love each other as I have loved you’Jesus, on the arrow of eusocial evolution, the sharing that merges a group of identical believers into a social god of a higher plane of existence.

: ‘A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in ðime and §pace. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest–a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.’Einstein, on the relationship between human dust of ðime§pace and the whole organic Universe; that is on the 5th dimotion of existence.All this said, the essence of the Universe is the SYMMETRY between space forms and time dimensions, expressed in the world cycle of existence, where the 5 Dimensions of the being seen in simultaneity form a super organism and seen in sequential time form a world cycle.In the next graphs we see some samples (from the reduced version with only energy and information networks) of those super organisms, and the human and economic systems.

The only way to explain the process of history is considering humans ‘citizens-cells’ of social super organisms, nations and civilisations. It then becomes simple to understand all the apparent contradictions of our world, and its mass actions, both in human systems guided by economic=reproductive ‘bodynetworks’, and informative=political and cultural ‘brains’.

It is the hypothesis of the organic paradigm of systems sciences, applied in this blog to understand all phenomena related to cultures, and human societies, on one side ‘coded by memes’, and eco(nomic)systems on the other, coded by digital flows of money.

In the graph, self-explanative the reality of this planet and the two dominant super organisms. Unfortunately in a compacracy the dominant super organism, free citizen of the free market with all rights to credit, anonymous law ‘impunity’, and control of political power is NOT the super organism of mankind, its citizens and human mothers, but the company-mother of machines and its Financial-Media (informative machines head)/industrial-military (energetic and entropic machines) system, fast evolving into a global super organism with the digital language/head of money, which is used in its 90% not to serve the needs of man but the evolution and reproduction of those machines, which displace us from this terraformed planet. So the real philosophy of science of the universe is Gst, General Systems Theory and its Geneeator of space-time organisms, which understand the fractal, organic co-existing nature of reality:

In the graphs, the Universe is a fractal of three arrows of time, entropic motions, in-form-ation and its energetic combinations, in all its systems, and this ‘science of the XXI century’ Hawking (complexity or systems sciences) applies to all biologic and physical and social systems, extended across three ‘scales’, the cellular/atomic/ territorial entropic scale of parts, which become part of whole biological, thermodynamic, national scales, part of a larger whole, the society or gravitational cosmos:

The metric law of the fractal 5D organic Universe: smaller systems evolve faster.

When considering those superoganisms (ab. supœrganisms, œ), there are some basic laws of which the most important are the metric equation of the scalar, fractal Universe: Ts x St = ∆, which means smaller systems run faster time cycles, and carry more information, in the frequency of those cycles. So smaller systems live shorter, but code informatively larger systems: quantum numbers code atoms, genes code biological systems, and cultural memes, ‘idol-ogies, instruments and social customs’ code human super organisms of history.

So while racism is absurd because genes code individual humans, memetics IS the genetic cultural system that ‘controls’ waves of human beings with identical memes, ‘cultural people’, who believe those memes and behaves simultaneously. THIS IS THE MAIN HYPOTHESIS OF WORK, of bio-history: the ideas of cultures matter because they create the memetic super organisms of history. And some ARE dedicated to evolve the metal-earth, what we shall call ‘animetal cult(ure)s’, and some are dedicated to evolve the human earth. And we MUST side for those cultures of the tree of life because in the long term ARE the only ones that ensure the survival of mankind.

So despite the dog-eat-dog individualist memes our our entropic age of mankind, dissolved and consumed by weapons and hate memes, the true Maslow pyramid of needs of species is social, based in the ‘arrow of love’ that structures parts into wholes from atoms to molecules, cells, organisms, societies, planets and galaxies, all of them submitted to the same physiological laws that construct super organisms: In the graph, human beings in its ‘entropic’ death age as a supœrganism of history have completely forgotten the real, organic fractal 5D Universal pyramid of drives of existence, toppled by social communication, which in its maximal form – eusocial love, structures the scales of the Universe.



Why the fifth dimension is the dominant arrow of futures.

In the graph the space-time planes of the Universe, ∆±i , which according to scale structure the 5th dimension in parts that become wholes, and since wholes come after parts, which must exist to sustain them, we talk of a temporal absolute arrow of future, regarding its ∆ scales, such as ∆-1 will always be the relative past of ∆. The Fractal, organic structure of the Universe in scales of size is what we call formally ‘the 5th dimension’.

As we study in depth all the elements of the scalar Universe, a fact will surprise us; when we try to localise ‘mathematically’ the fifth dimension. As it will turn out that it encodes the algorithm of time, all the potential waves and particles of time, possible, according to a probability related to the ‘closeness’ they follow the program of the algorithm. 

But that is far way out, for advanced 5D students along the century (-; For now we shall try to keep it simple, and explain you why the 5th dimension encodes all the flow of time, from ‘past-simpler space’, through present (the human scale of perception) into future, with multiple probabilistic paths, which do collapse at a point in a single future->present->past.

It follows from the fact that the simple, iterative scheme of evolving from individuals into universals – from social evolution, that there is a new dimension of time and information more than space & entropy, which in poetic terms we can call the dimension of eusocial love, which is the arrow of future of the Universe, in as much as those ‘whole’ new scales need casually to have its parts born ‘before’ (logic meaning of causal future); and because they survive better as wholes, stronger than individuals (biological meaning of  evolutionary future).

Same happens in human societies. Since those nations, which are able to share efficiently and justly energy and information among its individuals, do NOT collapse in wars and r=evolutions. It follows that we can deduce from the general laws of systems ‘stiences’, the laws of social sciences that could create an efficient, just perfect human world.

But as we shall see when study in depth some specific systems, in as much as those scales co-exist in the same ‘space’, they must be displaced in time, to be part of reality, due to a simple ‘Pauli exclusion principle’, better known in physics than in other systems. There are indeed forms equal in information-time, which occupy then the same region of space (bosons) and forms with different information-time, which occupy different regions in space. And this rather mystical fact will have enormous consequences for the motions on the 5th dimension, we shall explore in depth in different posts.

We can say in that sense that the ‘physical existence’ of those scales and its parts are displaced in time; through very real but ‘spooky effects’ (resonance, simultaneity, synchronicity etc.) which in the more formal parts of this web we shall explain with enough mathematical rigor to connect it with classic science.

The integration of all sciences under similar laws is the goal of Philosophy of Science achieved by the organic, fractal models of Systems Sciences or Complexity (ab. GST: General Systems Theory), which explores how ‘parts’ come together into wholes, through networks that share its energy and information.

So physical, ∆=1,2,3, 7, 9 systems evolve from particles into atoms, molecules and states of matter, through in-form-ative, gravitational networks, exchanging energetic, electromagnetic flows.

Biological systems, ∆=4,5  evolve from molecules into cells, organisms and social super organisms, through genetic networks of information and golgi and blood networks that distribute energy to all the cells of the system.

And human beings ∆=4,5,6 form social super organisms, join by verbal, legal networks of information and economic networks that re=produce the welfare, energy goods our species need to survive.

Finally company-mothers of machines, ∆=5, 6 evolve into a global super organism, ruled by digital networks of financial information, (prices, salaries, stocks, internets) and energetic networks (roads, electric lines).

Now an important ‘prime’ about the 5th dimension of space-time.

Now this is the ‘Non-Euclidean, expanded geometry of the fractal world’.

What about its non-aristotelian temporal logic of multiple ‘time clocks”?

This again must be also understood from the beginning. And the easiest way to do it is with the so called holographic concept.

Because the change of paradigm implies huge changes in the underlying truths of the universe and the old simplistic human ways of thought, so as we change the concept of space and break the continuum into infinite scales of non-euclidean growing points. We must explode the concept of a single time-duration into infinite time cycles of a finite duration, as the cycle of life and death of all beings.

But when we convert time into a cycle, we must add a new dimension to make the cycle. A line is one-dimensional, a cycle two dimensional, it has ‘height’. So where we get that second time dimension? I just have said it: in the height of the cycle. It is the holographic principle, a trendy word physicists coined without proper understanding – as they found that information is bidimensional. And indeed it is. Information is carried as in a computer that measures in hertz its in-form-ative power in the form of time cycles, and the faster a time cycle turns (remember there are multiple clocks and multiple speeds of its beats), the more information it accumulates.

But if information and time is now bidimensional, so must be space, flat planes of bidimensional space, made of networks of points, each point a cell, an atom, a galaxy… part of the bidimensional plane.

The proof of this of course is also available for decades. We have found the Universe as far as we see it is a flat plane, made of cyclical clock-like vortices of time, called galaxies, where information grows as the cycles accelerate towards its central black hole, and the rise in height around the black hole, towards its tall singularity.

General Systems sciences therefore is the formalism of the ‘alternative, far more advanced philosophy of science’ to that of Newtonian physics, with its concept of a single background absolute space-time in which entities like-mechanisms, whose ultimate substances are ignored, move in simple lineal motions.

In general systems sciences, as Leibniz affirmed, and then quantum and relativity proved, we do not exist in a background, abstract space-time mathematical plane, but we ARE MADE OF clock-like bits of information of different speeds (time relativity) and fractal, moving quanta of spatial energy, which are complementary systems (quantum theory), co-existing across 3 relative scales of the 5th dimension. So all systems can be described with the same laws, derived from the properties of spatial energy, temporal information and the metric of the 5th dimension, which together give birth to a set of 3 x 3 + 0 ‘isomorphic’=equal laws, which describe the ‘existence’ of all beings. For that reason we call also the Fractal Generator, the Function of Existence.

As we all beings follow a ‘world cycle’ of existence, made of a series of actions of absorption and emission and reproduction of energy and information, which might vary in quality and quantity but are essentially the same process for all beings of Nature. So in Gst, we go much further than a simple shallow, external description of the motions of beings, as physicists do, fully exploring all the whys of reality, with all the languages available to human thought, in a jump of understanding that should start a new age of knowledge, once the model is fully related to the details and specific laws and jargons of each science.

It must be understood that if the formalism of GSΤ is verified as all seems to prove by the laws of the scientific method, it represents a remarkable change in our scientific look of the Universe, unlike anything that has happened since Einstein and Darwin and Copernicus, made previous extreme revolutions of human thought, regarding the nature of time and the cycles of existence of its beings. A change of paradigm of course does take time, but it is unavoidable that humans and its growingly organic machines, do that jump of awareness about the full properties of the Universe, which go well beyond the reductionist view of putting on it a mirror with a single motion of time, entropy or energy, as physicists do.

The Universe constructs super-organisms, through a causal process, departing from simple, amorphous flat surfaces of energies – herds of Non-Euclidean points with lineal motion.

It is a simple ternary causal event, which is different from the causality of what we call the cycle of life, Ts->X->St, yet still an essential chain that we shall see constantly in the Universe.

So the next question is how the universe constructs reality, departing from its generator equation. And the answer is: constructing superorganisms, in a causal order, e->∆->X->S.

A form fractalizes, becomes in-formed, and loses energy= speed=motion. For example, a line becomes a Koch fractal or breaks into a Cantor dust of self-similar cells; a line becomes a p∆-cycle. In this, simplest and most repeated Ts->St, we can write 1->3>Pi: a line has reproduces from past to future 3 self-similar motions, then it coils into a p∆-cycle.

The next stage would be then the reproduction of that cycle in a lateral, new dimension of height. In this manner, we have obtained 3 fractal iterations: the line has become a cycle (or a Koch curve or any other fractal topology with more form and dimensions), which has become a tube.

Ts->St->X (symbol of Reproduction and sex, born of the product and combination of Ts X St).

If duality covers simple events, mostly SpTƒ combinations, when we construct an organism we are playing at least with a causal 4-sequential arrow of time, Energy becomes fractal information, which reproduces laterally and so the light of length-speed becomes a time cycle with rotational speed w, whose frequency curries more information, and such form moves like a Maxwell scree reproducing in the 3 dimension of width. Ts->St->X.

Yet, this rather mechanical sequence of creation of a fractal 3 dimensional Universe becomes far richer in forma and meaning when we add the 4th Eusocial love, of Social time the longest arrow that finally creates a form of stable space-time that exists, a superorganism: Ts->St->X->TS X ST. Since as time goes by, entities evolve into more complex organisms by the power of love – by sharing energy and information in social networks. The 4th arrow of time evolves socially parts into wholes, waves, herds and organisms:

Particles gather into atoms that evolve into molecules that associate into cells that gather into organisms that create social networks – planetary ecosystems, which are part of solar systems, herded into galaxies that form Universes. Those processes of social evolution occur thanks to the creation of social networks among self-similar (hence reproduced) beings, in search of the same type of energy (hunting herds) or information (organisms joined by nervous/informative and blood/energetic networks).

Thus, the arrow of organic evolution derives from the arrow of information that allows entities to come closer and ‘act in parallel’ under the command of an informative language, which we formalize with the social symbol, S. And its reason of existence is to elongate the survival of the organic system: Any cyclical vortex of time accelerates inwards, losing energy/surface as it increases its informative speed.

When we generalize that concept to all Time-space systems, it turns out that the arrow of information dominates the universe, wrinkling and warping any cyclical system, which will exhaust its energy, converted into form. Thus, our time clocks and vital spaces increase constantly their information, diminishing its energy space, towards a 3rd age of excessive warping and limited energy that will not last forever.

Since the cycles of exchange of energy and information, the geometric beats of reality between expansive and implosive, entropy and informative states, are limited in their repetitions by accidental errors of all kind, which establish the need for reproductive and social arrows in order to ensure the survival or immortality of those ‘patterns of form’ – entities made of lineal fields and bodies of energy; cyclical particles and heads of information, who must be reproduced to ensure a longer existence. This means that only those species able to increase their existence in time by reproducing its form and in space by evolving socially into bigger entities survive.

Recap: The 4 main arrows of time cannot be reduced without losing detail, but they can be philosophically and ‘bio-logically’ grouped as ‘organic systems’. Those organic systems that synchronize accumulate and organize clock-like arrows of cyclical time, are in fact all self-similar, as all can be described with the 4 elements, ∑S<=>T of organisms: cells, networks of energy and information and reproductive systems.

Dark space: cat alleys and parallel Universes.

Now, each super organism is a network because it has an enormous amount of dark space-times it does NOT see, the cat alleys which the mind does not need.

Discontinuity is essential to pangeometry and the continuity axioms no needed to build them.

The i-logic of Non-Aristotelian, Non-Euclidean geometry, of the ternary causality of a π cycle, made of 3 diameters in its perimeter means that the diameters of the protective membrane blind the system, who only sees what its connected sensors see.

Thus the 3 diameters in the simplest 1-sphere system (a disk) cover 96% of a pi-perimeter surface, letting the point of view in the center, see only a 4% of light, through the holes of the membrane, leaving π-3/π 96% of dark matter for the logic mind to see without the glaring of light.

This is in fact what we do NOT see of the Universe across the halo membrane of our spiral galactic disk (proportion of dark energy and matter).

So we can consider that our electronic eyes miss 96%, which is the volume beyond our perceived scales of the 5th dimension, which however exists in the larger russian doll of gravitation.

Epistemology is based in the isomorphisms and Observer’s paradox that determine the truth humans perceive of different scales of the Universe and its degree of distance given by the relative distance in the 5th dimension between the human Uo plane of perception and the U∆ plane of the species observed such as:

Max. truth = Max. information (minimal distortion of data) x Max. Energy (minimal loss of data) 

And since maximal information is lost in relationship to the -i distance of the Human Uo observer, and maximal energy loss in relationship to the +i distance, we can easily write truth as a function in sciences of the absolute ±∆ distance of the science to the human observer:

Max. Truth = Min. Distance = Min. Human Uo observer  – U∆ Plane observed = Min. 0-i   = Min.± i

Max. Truth = Min. i

This is the fundamental law of epistemology.

Truth is an inverse function of the distance between observed and observer in ALL the dimensions of fractal space & cyclical time.

The Whole Truth of any system is only possessed by the system, which has in itself all its information. Still we can do ceteris paribus analysis of specific ‘parts’, ‘dimensions’ and ‘social groups’ of the whole, to achieve further clarity and detail, which is what humans have always done, since after all they do not have a full Dimensional space time theory of the Universe.

Thus the first definition is that of absolute truth=probability=existence=1.

In the graph, the 3 5D Space-time elements that structure all physical/biological/social systems of the Universe:

  • Τhe 3 only topological forms≈functions of Nature, lineal, energetic fields/limbs/territories of space; hyperbolic waves/bodies/reproductive space-times and cyclical, informative particles/heads/languages, which create  in space all ternary fractal organisms of reality:

|-Ts (limbs/fields/territories) < Ø-St (wave-body-reproductive class) > Τiƒ (particle-head-ruling class)

As topologies are form in motion, we can see those 3 topologies synchronically in space and they form a ternary organic structure, or we can see them in actions throughout time:

  • Τhen those systems enact a series of actions of absorption, emission and reproduction of energy and information (±∆e, exi, i), which develop in time in 2 phases, a long period of increasing information with 3 ages (youth: Max. e, reproductive age, Max. e x I , old age, Max. I) followed by a short period of erasing information or death, such as both become a zero sum:

Life arrow of information (E>I) + death, big-bang arrow (I < E) = 0. Whereas > is an informative, implosive motion and < an energetic, entropic one. So we can write the fractal generator in time

Ts (youth) > St (reproductive age) > Τiƒ (old age) << Death-big bang: Ts

So the interaction of the topologies of information and energy and its combination define a Universe made of fractal beings of space-time, which complete world cycles of existence, across all the scales of the Universe.

It is the 3rd element needed for an organic description of reality, as all those systems, will not only have 3 organic topologies in space and 3 ages in its world cycle, but will be organised through 3 scales of relative size that co-exist as parts of bigger wholes:

∆-1 (atomic, cellular, memetic scale) > ∆ (thermodynamic, organic, individual scale) >∆+1 (gravitational, ecosystemic, social)

We can see in the graph, above, some assembly of ternary systems made with the 3 topologies of the Universe, and below the scientific scale of spatial sizes and time clocks, which compose the different space-time beings of the Universe.

SPACE BECOMES FRACTAL BY REPRODUCTION OF PRESENT BODY-WAVES-WORKING CASTES, of the ternary topology of the Universe, Space = Max. E x I, a 5dimensional fractal reproductive space with 3 motions upwards, downwards in scales or with a present simultaneous speed, in present-past-present waves of simultaneous motion, networking in information, non local at distance, as the wave of form, of information, reproduces through a fertile space of energy, the being becomes and as it becomes emerges, fetal entity of a perfect supeorganism, the wave of motions who resembles organic livings living and dying travelling through the scales o the 5th dimension.

We can see the different scales of the Universe all of them including humans, below, described with those 3 elements , ∆SΤ, and its sets of 3×3 + œ laws – to notice that the minimal and maximal scales, both theoretically (cyclical-lineal nanoscopic and macroscopic scales, and atoms and galaxies) have very similar parameters;hence the hypothesis of a scalar Universe of infinite, ∆±∞ scales.

Below we see a human being and its 3 topological digestive-energetic, reproductive-hormonal and nervous/informative systems, which sub-divide in 3 more systems, for a total of 3×3+0 sub-systems which are used in medicine to describe completely the human being; whereas the 0-integrative whole system is the brain, itself a ‘fractal point’ of the next ∆+1 social, memetic scale of mankind. In the left we see the 3 ages of human beings, between conception in the ∆-1 seminal scale and death back to the flat energy world of disconnected cells.

As such we shall be able to describe existence, as a travel through 3 scales of the 5th dimension. 

Τhe beauty, precision and essential homologic poetry of the fractal, organic, self-reproductive, scalar, absolutely relative, infinite, immortal Universe we shall describe with the formalism of 5D Space-time systems, is a new door to our communion with the whole Universe of which are all a mere part, made to its image and likeness. 


The law of uncertainty

From the fundamental law of epistemology it follows that perception of a being diminishes as we reach a higher i, that is a higher distance between the Uo human observer and the U±∆ superorganism of nature we study.

From other posts the reader should recognize that all what exists in the pantheist, absolutely relative, fractal space-time Universe is a super organism extending across U±∆ scales of existence, and if we take man Uo, life, U1, matter, U2, Galactic and light space-time, U±3, and the cosmos U±4 such uncertainty of perception is higher in the quantum and cosmic world (Heisenberg uncertainty dark matter and energy). And we do not recognize those organic properties to galaxies, better studies as gala-cells, with DNA black holes, star mitochondria and a halo of dark proteins, strangelets that seals it from outsiders.

But all systems do have those organic properties only observed in very close perception.

The organic structure of the Universe is proved by a series of common properties, which we call ‘isomorphisms’ that all systems follow, themselves based in the existence of 3 ‘logico-mathematical’ properties observed from that Universe:

Topological Properties studied by Œ-Geometry
Temporal Properties studied by Æ-Algebra
Infinitesimal Properties studies by Analysis.

The result is an organic structure or fundamental particle of the Universe, the super organism, U±∆, which exists in an interval of planes of the 5th dimension, ±∆, as observed from the human Uo, point of perception. For this reason we must always introduce the epistemological bias established by the uncertainty (Min. Truth = Max.St) between human observer and observable. Thus we perceive ALL the properties of human beings, including internal vital space-time perception, or consciousness of one self.

As we come out of the human mind, our perception diminishes, so we already deny consciousness to animal life and plants because we do NOT see their brain (in plants on the root-head). And then as we move even further, we deny organic laws to matter, at i=≥±3.

This is the absolute truth of a system, which is only perceived in the vital space-time system and its connected U±4 planes, relative to the Uo perceptive point.

From this maximal knowledge systems reduce knowledge by ignoring, automatizing and not perceiving most of its U±3, 4 åctions (simple motions, simple perception) and focusing its will into the complex U±2 åctions.

This will establish a first duality in knowledge:

– Subjective knowledge from the p.o.v. of the perceiver, which has a ‘spherical’, polar mind perspective/frame of reference/

– Objective perception, from an external perspective, which will be normally, a hyperbolic, ± dual perception.

-Energetic perception, from the ‘slavish’ point of view, of the ∆-1 scales, which will be an elliptic perception.

Now, if we do an objective perception the purpose will be to absorb ad maximal knowledge on the 5×2 isomorphisms of reality, in that vital space-time, or being. So the maximal knowledge will be what we call generally a 10 Dimensional knowledge of the entire pyramid of the being, in its closest U±1 planes of existence, through the knowledge of its ‘temporal energy’ (ExI=ST) function and its symmetries and paradoxes (2nd isomorphism: 2-manifold, 3rd isomorphism: 3 ages, 4 isomorphism: U±4 planes, and 5th isomorphism, æ,e,ï,œ,û åctions and its quantitative isomorphisms, classes, constants, varieties, scales, and O-point isomorphism).

So if we consider a single ceteris paribus analysis of a single of those dimensions for a being, then we are having a 1/10th total capacity to describe the system.

So we can distinguish 2 levels of truth in scientific analysis:

  • 5 Di complex sciences (: in this blog), which considers all the isomorphisms of a system
  • And <5D simplex science  😦 elsewhere on planet Earth ), which studies part of these isomorphisms.

Now in the next graph we see a human being, and the 3 ‘scales’, ‘3 space organs’, 3 ‘time ages’, 4±planes and 5 åctions that define us.

But elsewhere we make partial sciences, studies of a very small part of the entire graphs above.

12Di sciences

12 D sciences are concerned with the study of the Whole 12 Dimensions of the being. And we can distinguish, according to syntax and language they use for that analysis:

–  Existential Algebra:  The analysis of the equation of ∆ST that define the whole, or “World”, which is the complete perspective.

Epistemology: The analysis of the quantity of truth that each Stience holds within itself, which depends on:

  • The fact, that the science follows the 4 ‘legs’ of the Scientific method: A)experimental evidence… B) cyclical analysis of its events and causes, which is the innovation brought about by ∆ST, with its definition of time as cyclical C) predictability… and D) a human positive use, which unfortunately has never been incorporated to the classic definition of science (reduced in abstract to A and C.)
  • And the quantity of ‘dimensions of the previous equation’, the specific science or theory studies. We shall thus deal with this theme in this section dedicated to the analysis and criticism of other ‘scientific endeavors’ of <10D quality.

Metaphysics, which deals with the ‘Mind’ or ‘whole point of view’ of the being (the atman, soul, etc. in classic metaphysics and religious philosophies.) Since we now have a formal equation and mathematical definition of the soul, provided by the 5th postulate of non-Euclidean geometry, in its i-logic formulation as the point of maximal information of a being, with maximal flows of energy and information crossing it:

O-Mind x ∞ Universe = Mapping of reality  

Metaphysics is a far more realistic science. Still as the mind is the ‘unknown’ infinitesimal zero point not observable within, we still keep the classic name, ‘beyond physical reality’.

– ∆ST: General Systems of Isomorphic Scalar Space Time.

Metaphysics ultimately is ∆ST when referring to the Universe at large, as it describes the dimensional program of space-time, its scientific isomorphic laws that make all its parts equal, the ‘soul’ of the Universe.

And so we hold as Plato put it, that ‘Reality is an organism with a body called the Universe and a soul called logos’, and that the ‘logic of God is more complex than human Logic’ (Augustine).

And so the ‘whole mind of reality, Logos’ are the laws of ∆ST – the content of this web, the Laws of generation of the Universe. If you want it in synoptic manner, the Generator isomorphic Space-Time metric equation: I=Se x T°

And so since Metaphysics is ∆ST, and we study it all over this web.

Thus in this post and sub-posts, we consider as specific of this section, Epistemology in more detail.

Epistemology. Partial sciences: <10 theories.

Since most human knowledge is a partial analysis of reality, often just of one scale, defined by one science, even of a single species of a given scale (i.e.: electromagnetism deals with i=o,1 forces and particles)… all those ‘lesser truths’, which are the theories available as today to human beings, need to be classified and criticized from the higher perspective of ∆ST.

And of course since they are worthy in as much as they don’t pretend to study further, we do so in this section, with the 2 sub-elements of epistemology: its following of the A-D elements of a true scientific method (A-data, B-cycles, C-forecasting D-human use), and its degree of ‘accurate truth’ in the analysis of its 10D.

The quantum and anti-quantum paradoxes of uncertainty

The anti-quantum paradox.

Regarding A-D the main problem happens to occur in social sciences, which tends to lack of recognition of its B- cycles – and lacks D – humanism, as its theories are often ideologies of power of social elites that pass as science.

As those problems plague social sciences, we have made a different web, http://www.economicstruth.com to study history and economics, which is ‘loaded’ with ideology under the anti quantum paradox. That is, the human observer is so small and exists within the system it studies in social sciences that the ‘organism’ it observes, its ∆+1,2 society and world, interferes with the social scientist – from Plato sold as a slave by the tyrant of Syracuse, to Trotsky murdered by the military dictator that pretended to be a r=evolutionary Mr. Stalin. We thus here concentrate more in the elements of those social sciences less subject to the anti-quantum paradox, which has often fogged the distribution of the whole theory due to my personal activism and ad-hominem campaigns for it.

The quantum paradox.

The problem of truth on the other hand, is more common in astro-physics (the study of the ∆-3,4 scales, where i is considered the individual human scale), as they are so far from us, that perception is limited, and so dark energy/matter accounts for 96% of the ∆+3,4 scales, and the observer is so big compared to the ∆-3,4 scales that it interferes with the observable (Uncertainty Principle).

This would be ok as the isomorphism between the 0±3, and 0±4 scales (Unification equation of masses and charges, dualities of string theory etc.), allows to learn a lot of the inner, invisible structure of the atom by studying the inner structure of the galaxy; and about the outer structure of galaxies studying the outer world of the atom.

Yet without a Unification equation proper of ∆ST astrophysics is plagued with errors.

its problems arise specially when some of their theories pretend to be ‘more than what they are’, D<15 ceteris paribus analysis.

I.e. Relativity Physics, is merely a 4 Di analysis of spatial hence mathematical dimensions plus one of present time duration, the 4D and so it cannot pretend to have absolute ‘time’ truths.

The anti-quantum paradox also exists in cosmology, more subtle than in social sciences, when a theory is ‘tainted’ by a subjective ideology (mostly Abrahamic Religions, and weapons). So the worldly religion of physicists, making, lineal, energetic weapons biases the science towards the study of ‘spatial motions’ (hence its 4D and lineal time dogmas). It makes it fail the D) humanist praxis, with its mass-destruction nuclear research. And finally it makes ‘creationist’ big-bang theories dogmas with a dubious religious origin (in fact, his first form was given by a priest.)

Yet even if there is a meaning to religions within ∆ST, they belong to the ‘social sciences’ and ∆+1 human scales, not to Physics. For example Abrahamic religions are the subconscious collective of a certain Human tribe or civilization, the DNA of that civilization, which regardless of its ‘semantic content’, acts as the ‘Assabiyah’, the bondage that allows the super organism to share energy and information among believers and evolve as a whole’.

A brief epistemological judgment on the main ‘sciences’ of the scalar Universe.

In the graph, each science explains for each ‘scale’ of species the 6+S isomorphisms and Social Scales of its systems  in detail.

Yet minds are reduced mappings of reality. The absolute truth of a system is only carried by the being, which has all the information about itself. So human sciences & theories of reality are circumscribed to a certain scale, and within it, they offer only partial ‘ceteris paribus’ analysis of a few dimensional parts and events a being performs. So we measure the degree of truth of scientific theories objectively according to the quantity of Dimensions they describe.

Thus the most complete one is

i=9 ∞ General Systems Theory and its formalism of Scalar Space-time (whole graph), which uses all languages and studies all superorganisms across its 9D x 10S Dimensions and Social scales. Thus it is the most certain theory. Hence its organicist philosophy and isomorphic laws are ‘the Unification Theory’ of all sciences – as its isomorphic laws apply to all of them.

Next i=4 Bio-Chemical sciences put together give us a 6-isomorhic + 9Di + 10Social Scales, analysis of both, physical and biologic superorganisms with max. data, given its proximity in scale and form to the human observer and the objective view we have about life.

Still ∆ST introduces a lot of new analysis and gives us the ‘whys’ of all chemical configurations.

For example Atomic Chemistry can be analyzed from an organic perspective as the origin of 4 life families:

  1. H-He cosmic organisms.
  2. Organic chemistry where Nitrogen is the informative head, Carbon the iterative atom and Oxygen the energetic, moving one. So it describes systems with 3 ‘space-time’ sub-organs, at the ∆-1 atomic scale, which is isomorphic with the ∆-molecular 3 sub-varieties:

St: Ns->∆-Nucleic Acids + DNA/RNAs…………….ST: Carbons->∆-carbohydrates->∆-Proteins &

Ts: ∆-1->∆-Fats. They together  create carbon life systems.

  • Then we an study Metal and its social systems and its final organic forms – machines.
  • And finally geological systems, where Crystals are its zero-point minds that control all type of physical organisms, some of the size of planets.

Di<15 definition of sciences.

It follows that what epistemology does is to start with a Di<10 definition of a science to evaluate its theories in depth. For example:

Ecology: ∆+1 analysis of living beings from the individual perspective.

Evolution: 6 Dimensional, ∆+1 scale analysis from the perspective of species, as it introduces past and future causal dimensions.

Medicine: individual analysis of the human species.

Genetics: ∆-1 analysis of life systems.

Religion and art.

Finally to notice that religion and art are also fully explained by ∆ST analysis. For example:

  • Artistic styles can be classified as the 3 ages (epic-lineal young; mature, classic and baroque, formal 3rd age) of the subconscious collective,  ∆+1 scale or mind of a civilization, isomorphic to the 3 ages of individual humans
  • Music is a time art coded with 3×3 Dis:

– It is written in a minor-major diatonic scale of 10 Intervals repeated in 3 0±1 scales of higher frequencies – the 3 scales of music.

– It has 3 ST sub-dimensions, each played by a type of instrument:

– Ts-simpler rhythm, played with percussion instruments the 1st age of music.

– ST-melody, its 2nd age, played with aerophones. Whereas bass-energy /treble-information are its Ts X St action modulated duality.

– St-harmony or 3rd age of classic music, played with strings, reversed as the Mechanocene destroys humanist arts, with instruments beyond our human range of perception, simplifying music back into energetic rhythms (electronic music which on that view must be considered the ‘death age of musical complexity’)

Painting a still 2-manifold with 3 Di of color.

Linguistics are the genetics of cultures.

Ethics& Gods its the ∆+1 scale of verbal thought and its legal codes whose highest form ‘social love religions’ are the collective DNA that enhances the sharing of energy and information among cells/citizens of the same human species.


Bio-chemical sciences are the most ‘truthful’ of all sciences since they are closer to the individual human scale of maximal perception.

The other 2 fields of knowledge, Physics & Social sciences, suffer different type of uncertainties, due to their far away perception, or interference of society with the scientist. Thus:

-Physics are limited by their reductionist analysis of Dimensions and uncertainty paradoxes: 4-5D physics looses ½ of its dimensional truths and 96% of evidence in the cosmic ∆+1 scale (dark matter). Its ∆-1 scale also suffers the observer’s interference uncertainty principle).

-While Social sciences suffer the opposite type of uncertainty: the social scientist is too small and included within the superorganism he observes. So he cannot see from his individual perspective, humanity as a Whole. While ‘informative castes’, bankers, the military and politicos, censor an objective analysis of the ST reproductive= economic, Ts-army and

-St-political=informative networks, whose subjective control they pass as science.

The anti-quantum paradox, of course, is a problem in all sciences. Since, human truths are limited by our ∆-centered, anthropomorphic point of view, which explains common errors such as the belief the Earth is the center of the Universe (Astrophysics till Galileo); carbon life is the only living, intelligent form (still enduring) or the bizarre concept that a burning bush which appeared to a goat keeper of the Bronze Age, designed the 10Di Universe (believed by 2/3rds of the human population).

-Yet all other objective theories of science have a sizeable amount of truth, limited mostly by its dimensional scope. Since the Human mind is a 4 Dimensional analysis in a single ∆-scale of 3 ‘light-space’ perpendicular Euclidean dimensions and our time dimension.

So Absolute Time and 3D light-space is the main limit of scientific ‘structures’, which use only  Sx, Sy, Sz and T present-duration moments. Hence the ‘feeling’ of truth we have about partial 4D theories of reality, with a single time dimension, from Relativity to daily ‘news’

  å; EXI. The function of existence.

Abstract. Finally we need to explain the ilogic of entropy, death, feeding on the energ of the other. Simply speaking for the Universe to be immortal and absolutely relative, the systems must have a finite time, and die to renew the existence of others, but the Universe is wise and makes death a single time quanta and life all the others.

And we have  introduced a metaphysical, biological, survival algorithm: the function of existence that defines the ‘will of all systems, which automatically – though maybe in the past through a selective process, do perform the best efficient actions required to survive.

To exist is to move through those symmetries as a ‘function of existence’, which performs certain ‘actions’ of emission and absorption of space-time (informative energy), to survive. And so a series of actions are naturally selected by the timespace laws of symmetry, which can be resumed in a function: maximise your existence in space and time:

Max. ∑ e x i (s=t)

This is in essence the best mathematical expression of the game of time-space dust becoming super organisms, by virtue of attempting the actions described in that equation, which ‘draws’ for each finitesimal whirl of space-time dust, a clear organic 3 ages of evolution or world cycle. So the function of existence (left side) gives birth to a constant super organism (central point), which will go through 3 world cycle ages and complete the existential function:

And this is the huge theme of this web: to explain a Universe of self-similar vital fractal beings made of space and time:

In the graph, the vital program of the Universe: all systems are in mathematical form a fractal, but the function of fractals is to absorb energy and information to iterate a form, which latter associates with other forms to create larger social networks of the 5th dimension. However humans will have none of it, reserving the organic properties of the Universe to themselves and similar beings.  

Such a ridiculous attitude have a huge toll on our future as we do Not recognise the vital nature of the planet, Gaia that we kill, the vital natue of machines, organisms of metal in evolution, which now we assembly into robots that might kill us. In the graphs we see different systems that from the simplest particles (quarks and electrons) to the largest forms (galaxies), do absorb energy (∆Ts), gauge information (∆Τiƒ), reproduce both, ∑S=Τ, and evolve socially through networks of energy and information into larger wholes.

It is the vital program of a Universe, in which all parts are made to the image and likeness of the whole.  But humans merely use abstract jargons to define those process, so ‘full of themselves’.

So the reproduction of particles is call decoupling, its perception of information ‘gauge theory’, its feeding on energy ‘force’, and its social evolution ‘atom or molecule’, which of course also reproduce and evolve into cells – but we do only recognise cells as the first level of life. Why man is so dumb, self-centred and blind to the beauty of the living universe will soon be explained when we analyse the equation of the mind, a knot of information that perceives reality from its biased p.o.v. 

Τhe fractal structure of the Universe is organic. Basically you exist in a Universe of social organic, fractal points, reproducing their information and self-organising into larger more complex structures.

The Universe thus is made of vital fractals, systems that reproduce their information emitting ‘seeds’ in a lower scale (forces, in physical systems, genetic seminal cells in biological systems, memetic objects and ideas in sociological systems), which will reproduce and self-organise into clone wholes.

So the purpose of the Universe is bio-logical, since the creation of Nature’s fractal organisms of ‘spatial energy’ and ‘temporal information’ is exactly the same program of existence, we anthropocentric wo=men define only for ourselves and similar life beings: to absorb=feed on energy, and gauge information, mixing both to reproduce fractal ‘radiations’ of clone beings, which then evolve socially into larger wholes of the 5th dimension.

Thus to fully develop the formalism of  a Fractal, hence Organic model of everything, or ‘T.Œ’ (ab. Theory of Everything Organic), and its metric equations of motions and transformations in the scalar fifth dimension of the Universe we must enlarge our understanding of the languages of the human mind that perceive time (logic) and space (mathematics) and its scales (analysis). So T.Œ also advances both the logic of time and the geometry of space, by developing a more complex logic beyond the Aristotelian and physical use of a single arrow of energy/entropy, adding the arrow of informative time, and its combinations.

It develops also a complete model of Non-Euclidean geometry, by extending the consequences of the 5th postulate (points do allow infinite parallels to cross them, hence they do have volume, parts, they are fractal points that grow into a whole, when we come closer to them.  So we shall take the findings of quantum and relativity to its natural conclusions. But physics is NOT the centre of this TOE, but just one of the layers we study. In fact, the greatest advances of T.Œ will be in the understanding of Biology and Social Sciences…



The five Ðimotions of time-space impose a non-Aristotelian, Pentalogic structure to reality to account for those 5 Ðimotions that converge to create a super organism of Dust of space-time (¬∆@st) IN SIMULTANEOUS SPACE, symmetric to its 5 Dimotions=Actions in sequential time that provoke its world cycle of exist¡ence. We often call this principle of the Universal pentalogic of all T.œs:

You have  to get accustomed to consider at least 5 views for each reality or event, to at least a get a minimal truth of the being, as the kaleidoscopic method of truth (max. truth: max. linguistic perspectives on the event) requires. As in the masterpiece of Japanese film making, the Universe and its truths are under the Rashomon effect: only the four versions allow us to know the whole truth of the event.


Descartes was a contemporary of Galileo, and the true founder of modern science with his ‘Method of reasoning’ and the Frame of Reference of the mathematical mind, said that all what exists was made of:

– Open space, which he called ‘res extensa’, the less important part of the ternary systems of the Universe, the cytoplasm of cells, the inner space-time of light matter in galaxies, where we live, the cells of your body, the light filled space of atoms, etc.

– Closed, cyclical times, the external membranes, which he called ‘vortices’ and separates the system from the outer Universe, the halo membrane of galaxies, the electron of atoms the skin of your body, which jails the inner space.

And then he added a 3rd element, the final stroke of a genius unparalleled since the times of Aristotle; after realizing that the only proof he had of the existence of those vortices and res extensa was, is the fact that he perceived them from a singularity, central linguistic point of view, the verbal mind that controls the system – the black hole of gravitational information, the nervous system, the DNA code. So he said: Cogito Ergo Sum. ‘I think therefore I am’. Yet this point and language-mirror is an infinitesimal reduction of the whole Universe, even if the mapping is quite accurate reflection of it. So we can now define in a simple equation all the minds of realty:

– The mind or 0-point, the relative frame of reference that mapped the ∞ cycles of time of the Universe, reducing them to a ‘World’, to fit them into the infinitesimal volume of the brain.

0-mind x ∞ Universal cycles = C: constant World mirror of the Universe.

So each mind is an infinitesimal world mirror of the infinite universe. And so there is only one infinite Universe but infinite Linguistic Monads.

What the physicist or religious person does is TO DENY all other mirrors, languages, monads and affirm HE CREATES WITH HIS LANGUAGE the Universe, the infinitesimal creates the infinite talking words in arab or ‘imagining point, lines, planes and particles that collapse when the physicist looks at the moon that before was NOT there’ LOL, try to laugh at them. Then they will show they are right because they can kill you.

The explanation of this paradox though is immediate if you look again at the equation of ‘any mind’ (o x ∞ = Constant, undetermined world):

The mind believes to be the center of the Universe in the ‘ego paradox’ as he sees every thing turning around its infinitesimal point, which seems to be quiet, as the mind stops motion to put it all inside and so human minds have always thought the Earth did not move, and it was the center of the Universe.

And while Copernicus taught us not to be the case, Einstein proved it was all relative motion, Darwin explained we are just a step in the ladder of evolution of information, and my models of duality and the fractal Universe shows our scale of size to be also relative, the concept has creeped slowly back into physics, with the anthropic principle, the big-bang theory, etc.

In the graph, Descartes  was not a simpleton though as those big-bang physicists are. He was fully aware that what he had in the mind was not the whole Universe, so he expressly stated the fact, differentiating the ‘world’ of a human mind, from the infinite other worlds that exist outside, establishing in his little known book, the ‘world’, this difference, affirming that his ‘Cartesian Frame of reference’, was only that of the human mind.

So he affirmed that the Universe was the sum of infinite mind-worlds, which did not speak necessarily the same languages, and created the same mappings of reality we humans created.

In the graph we can see the difference between Newton who THOUGHT the mind of man WAS the entire Universe, hence converting the Cartesian mind graph into the ABSOLUTE BACKGROUND SPACE-TIME that still lingers in science and Descartes who thought it was just of the many minds, possible with different geometries.

Newton though carried the day, and all attempts to put the record straight by Leibniz (relational time), Einstein (infinite time clocks), Bohm (pilot-wave theory of normal quantum physics), Darwin (man as an evolving species), and so many others including this writer, Sancho (Organic dual theory of the Universe) have met with the imposing Wall of the EGO-CENTERED man.

In the graph cartesian points of view, have 2 inverse mirror-like symmetries.

the one observed in philosophy of science by physicists, in which the mind-monad acts platonically over the world, and the most important flow from the world into the being.

Alas, the mind’s equation, also explains the ego paradox of man, and why it will never accept a true picture of reality and all its components. For us Andromeda is smaller than your nose, and all its dead=still because we extract its motion to fit the mirror image, we confuse with reality, eliminating all unneeded information. So the Universe is built for every ego-mind to feel the center of the whole and humans are not different from any Dinosaur who thinks to eat you is the meaning of existence. All human tribes called themselves ‘humans’, regarding other tribes as not belonging to the same monotheist God and the valley the promise land beyond which nothing existed except a few lamps-stars on top. Mankind a century ago still thought there was only a galaxy, and Andromeda indeed was just a star.



WE SAID the simplest way to go about study a system, is in its 5 Dimotions and 3 scales. Yet this is a ‘simplified version’ of the pentalogic of entangled ∆ST beings.

Thus as I have been alone as a point-mind for so long and have a mind-set working in terms of parallel pentalogic, NOT in terms of A->B->C sequential Aristotelian logic (so it seems all disordered for one-dimensional huminds), I do myself most of my studies in two different manners, which if I had an eternal life I would substitute, but as this blog is a copy-paste of 30 years of disordered work, they will come often and might be confusing.

¬∆@S=T: This is my preferred form of analysis of entangled species, which are dust of space-time, negated by the entropy of death. So I tend to study the system first in its Space-time Symmetries (S=T, S>T, S<T), which is equivalent to an external study of its Dimotions.

Then I consider its scales and networks (∆), its mind (@) that puts it all together and its actions (internal study of its Dimotions). And finally the negation of the being, its process of internal and external death (predation and extinction).

In this blog as the theme of Symmetries seems difficult (physicists use it as usual ‘obsessed’ not by symmetry but by its entropic breaking), this epistemological method comes to the study of the being in space as a super organism, the being in time as a world cycle including its zero-sum negation=death, the being in scales and the mind of the being. 


-The Disomorphic ‘story-teller’-method, which merely follows the being from its initial seed (a fractal mind-point of pure stillness and code), as it emerges and reproduces, evolves and becomes an organism part of a world in which it lives and dies, as a mere cell of a larger species, which will also in its ∆+1 scale live and die in III horizons, becoming if successful in its social scalar evolution a new Plane of stience.

This is THE MOST ENTANGLED, COMPREHENSIVE STORY OF REALITY, TO THE POINT that back in the 90s at a time I was making a living doing expressionist cubist portraits I filled a 30 meters roll scrabbled with all the equations of all sciences, departing from the Fractal Generator, S=T, which I also painted myself in the forehead. So those two methods, the Disomorphic method with a set of 11 steps for the existence of all beings, and the analysis of Dust of space-time are my methods. I though recommend if any AI robot or humind in the future gets to learn about the entangled Universe to settle for scalar and world cycle/dimotion analysis.

And while all those elements are somehow analyzed in different sciences, the mind is not.

Indeed, what they all miss is what we shall now explain ‘again’: the ego paradox, the difference between technology and science, the evolution of machines as a different species than man, and the primacy biology and history should have as they are the sciences of information that concern man who exists NOT in an entropic region of vacuum space of the Universe but in a vortex of information and mass called the galaxy, where information is the dominant arrow and should be given primacy in all scientific studies. We do NOT run at c-speed and care nothing therefore for the distortion of time clocks as such speeds, but should be much more concerned about the evolution of information in this planet, AI, Nuclear weapons of mass-destruction, virtual hypnotic screens, and the true understanding of the evolutionary process of life and its extinction ‘cliffs’.




The complex social dimensions and functions of reproduction and social evolution: 12th.

So how then we go beyond the 3+3 topological dimensions of S≈T motion and form? The answer is the scalar ‘social dimensions’ of parts and whole, which are NON-commutative, that is different when we move from a whole to its parts of more information, than when we move upwards to a whole of more entropic motion, from a smaller part:

In the graph, we see that for each ‘scale, there will be a ternary system of space and time dimensions, which obey topological rules (the sphere maximises information in lesser space; the line maximises distance in minimal time; the hyperbola combines both in iterative body-waves), for a maximal of 6 dimensions in a single plane.

But then we can add two dimensions of space & time upwards and downwards in scale.

As those are ‘new dimensions’  we have the responsibility to name them. How shall we call those dimensions?

So the 7th dimension of ‘death’ and 8th dimension of pure entropic ‘big-bang explosions’ in space, are jumps across to scales of reality. We are talking serious ‘shit’ here. Nothing of this is fancy wishful thinking. We shall extract all the laws of nature, mathematical physics, death processes from it.

In mathematical terms, we talk of most ‘processes of timespace’ as single derivatives and integrals, which move up and down a given scale – but in process of death back into the potential field of minimal parts, we talk of Laplacians and Poisson double derivatives, which explode the whole from the ∆+1 mind-dimension down to the lower ∆-1 parts and this is the equation of death: St ∆+1 << ∑∑$pe ∆-1, or ∂”St=0.

Now for the inverse dimension of social evolution, we realise that as mind singularity is actually an ∆-1 singularity point, a single individual mind of a society (its king, president or prophet), a single crystal in a matter system (the first crystal cell which commands the reproduction and social organisation of the whole macro crystal) or an atomic entity (the black hole singularity of the galaxy), and so on But IT HAS A MIND-IMAGE that transcends and emerges beyond the ∆0 entity into the ∆+1 EXTERNAL WORLD, organising socially with similar beings, the 9th and 10th dimensions of eusocial love and creation of worlds beyond the super organism, unit of the larger ∆+1 world IS  also jumping to scales, from your infinitesimal neuronal-ego, through your organism into the outer world.

And this will be also the model for galaxies, where the black hole ‘DNA’ IS connected to other galaxies of the ∆+1 cosmos through dark entropy flows (bilateral jets), even if it is in fact the ‘best, densest’ possible frozen star of the ∆-1 scale.

Membrains, mind-singularities thus are also in the process of social evolution jumping two scales from its neuronal infinitesimal, past the enclosed organism its membrain closes into the larger social world; which is the super organism proper (∆-1 cell; ∆º organism, ∆+1: super organism, world, or ecosystem).

It is obvious that the dimension of ‘social growth’ is a dimension of social evolution; and we feel justified to call it:


So we write it often as 5D♥ (: or if we name them all together, just for the sake of ‘numerology’, they would be the 9th dimension – social evolution and the 10th dimension, the perception of the super organism as a whole or ‘mind-dimension’, which we shall see is made of a ‘singularity’ or linguistic point and a membrane that encircles the organism; closely related to the St element (perceived as such in a flat, shallow vision of the being as existing in a single scale of reality.

Yet when we understand the scalar Universe, it will turn out that the singularity does connect the system across its scales of size, as it is an ∆• single ‘crystal’, ‘neuron’, ‘governor’, which controls ‘internally’, ‘chemically’ its ∆-1 parts, and it feels itself through its sensorial membranes ‘connected’ to a larger ∆+1 whole.

The mind, the 10th dimension of a being, becomes then essential to grasp the workings and whys of reality even if ‘pedantic’ abstract physicists and its ‘philosophers’, logical positivists have completely ‘missed the point’ and deny the existence of such singularity minds. In the next graph we see this ‘completeness’ reached by the membrain singularity, in reference to the rest of the being, the open ball or vital body-energy=wave system:

In the graphs, the sum of the membrain+singularity, and the vital space of an open ball, gives us the whole being.

The infinite dimensions and the ceteris paribus analysis of all the Universal information.

We are being simple, given the fact that the present studies of physics are limited to 3 spatial dimensions reflected in the mirror of a present derivative dimension of time (the so called 4th dimension of time extracted from ∂t=∂s/∂v, as a series of still pictures in relativity theory).

THEY AD TO THE MIX, when philosophising about entropy arrows, some studies on the fourth dimensions OF SPACETIME the dimension of double entropy down two scales of death and big-bang in the ladder of scalar dimensions of the Universe.

And many more (:

So how many dimensions have reality? Actually as many as you wish, as each scale will have 3 dimensions of space-time in a single plane and 3 planes up and down the being, enclosed further in a larger world…

So if we are going to be exhaustive, with less than 56 dimensions/parameters we cannot make the whole sense of it (6 space-time topological dimensions for each of the 3 scales of the organism and the world above and below: 6 x 5 = 30 dimensions; four space and time dimensions of entropy and mind-evolution for each discontinuity between planes, which are two inner discontinuities between limbs/bodies/particle-heads, and two more with the outer world above and below, so 4 x 4 = 16 more dimensions, 30 + 16 = 46…

And then to fully describe the being we shall add for good measure the descriptions of even smaller and larger outer and lower worlds from where the being obtains its entropic motions and pixels of information, (5 dimensions for each of those interactions) for a minimal grand total of 56…

Now as current science works with only four dimensions, 3 of space and one of time you can assess how little information we extract in our description of most systems and why they look indeed abstract entities.

The situation though is much worsened by the ‘attitude’ of physicists with their infantile chit-chat on 4D models of reality, which they impose as dogma, so my experience in science congresses when I cared to assist was to be always surrounded by ‘savant idiots’ – masters of mathematical physics, which had zero idea about the meaning of the words they use in their mathematical equations, points, numbers, time, space, waves, particles, forces, masses, you name it… but wouldn’t care at all specially when the ‘speaker’ was not a certified specialist in mathematical physics (which obviously prevented him to break the straight-jacket of physical reductionism and 4D tensors), to hear anything about time, space and the meaning of reality. And this was specially truth when the speaker was a philosopher of science, the only discipline that ‘dares’ to challenge the reductionist, mechanist worldview of physicists.

So the reader will excuse me if I am specially sanguine among all the children of thought that play science in this planet with the false dogmas of physicists, which so much obscure the beauty of its equations, whose finding through the simple method of measuring and plugging information in mathematical structures seems indeed a marvel of Universal intelligence, given how little they understand of the concepts behind those equations, we clarify in earnest on our posts on astrophysics and its scales of time§paœrganism.

Don’t worry though, we are not making here 56-dimensional analysis (: at best we shall be happy with the reduced 5S+5T=10D³ analysis. We just wanted to show off a little bit of the ‘real complexity’ that all ‘the hidden information’ we do not study together for each space-time organism holds, so perhaps the reader become a bit humbler about the role and intelligence of us, the humind membrain… and finally learns to worship and respect the astounding beauty and symmetric harmonies of the infinite…

In that regard, if I ever achieve a converso that expands his mind from the 4D toddler world of physicists into 10D, I will be happy enough to fill some enlightenment of scholars is possible… So far we shall reduce us to that 5s≈5t analysis in broad strokes, of the main space-time super organisms of physical systems.

How to see the 4th and 5th dimensions.

Spacetime ‘dimensions’ are thus dual, as space and time are equivalent – a dimension of time motion seen in space as a dimension of form.

3±i is the way to see reality – the 3 canonical dimensions of space, seen either in one-bit of data as length=motion, width=iteration and height=information or with 2 bidimensional ST elements as topological lineal=cylindrical, hyperbolic=cartesian and polar=spherical geometries.

A key theorem of all dimensional construct is that only beings with the same dimensions can transform into each other. So for time to transform into space it MUST have the same dimensions. And this can be analysed in terms of one, 2 or 3 dimensions of time-space.

Hence TRINITY, means we have 3 space topologies and 3 functions.

DUALITY means we have the previous fundamental varieties:

One-dimensionality MEANS the Galilean Paradox; we can see any dimension as motion or form, any two dimensions as a bidimensional plane or an accelerated motion.

And then we can play with all those (and we are only playing with a simple plane:) and variations will appear to make sense of all species of the Universe its forms and functions.

But an important rule TO ADAPT 4D formalisms (4-vectors, etc.) to 6D (in a single plane) physics for ‘future pros’ (:

Time has the dimension of Height and the dimension of motion perceptive and the dimension of acceleration.

Space has the dimension of Length and the dimension of reproductive width and the dimension of deceleration.

So for non-topological analysis, those 3 form couples combine very often. Some interesting results of its combinations are:


Height and length combine adding into a cartesian geometry, or their cross product combine into a vector with motion.

Entropy expands in space, decelerating, as motion becomes space. As such they are spatial beings.

Informative vortices implode in space accelerating as space becomes motion – as such they are temporal beings.

Both combine in ‘unbalanced’ envents, S>T, or S<T, which tend to end with the destruction/split/unconnection of the event, as they split and so the ‘field’ goes one way and the particle the other, which for a wave<field and its complementary particle>singularity means the very definition of death.

While they come together they assembly a stable wave-particle system.

This view, on the bidimensionality of the wave or particle/vortex that come together to create a 4-dimensional fermion is thus a good point to introduce quantum physics…

Now, for what we have seen, there ARE 2-4-6 DYNAMICAL bidimensional systems, as motion dimensions can become formal dimensions; which we can apply to many entities, meaning ‘even’ systems ARE more stable as they are balanced; while odd systems are not (or they are ternary systems in time): so this odd-even duality that atomic systems always follow have its explanation.

And in general we find that…

INFORMATION… is dominant in HEIGHT and internal, ‘accelerated’ motion as a vortex of time. So it appears still to an external observer, as the dimension of outer motion have become internal motion and as it shrinks its dimension of size, it accelerates its motion.

ENERGY in reproductive width and iterative beat.

ENTROPY IN LENGTH, and expansive SCATTERING motion that decelerates inversely as it increases its space.

WHILE TIME: Is dominant also in rhythm or beat in the closed clocks, and SO INTIMATELY related to ENERGY.

It is also important to realise humans have misused all those concepts for so long that ‘normal words’ can incur in errors.

Reproduction of dimensions: vectorial product & present momentum

So we must understand a 5th dimensional being as one with the following natural dimensions:

  1. The dimension of height or ‘informative dimension’
  2. The dimension of length or ‘speed dimension’
  3. The dimension of width or reproductive dimension
  4. The dimension of frequency or ‘time speed’ dimension
  5. The ∆+1 dimension of size or fifth scalar dimension.

Those suffice for almost all studies of physical systems, as most scalar analysis are ∆>∆+1 or ∆<∆-1, so we do not need more than 2 scales (as in thermodynamics between the ∆-1 and ∆-scale of heat). And then when we put them together in bidimensional systems, we obtain:

  • The plane of pure space made of length and width, of motion and reproduction/storing of energy, which in motion tends to acquire an arrow or triangular, wave-like form.
  • The plane of pure time, which tends to be the height and cyclical rhythm, or time speed; so time does NOT offer ‘many spatial elements’. In fact the dimensions of time are derivatives of space, ‘speed’ and ‘acceleration’.

On the other hand when we consider tridimensional systems, we obtain.

-Space-like 3 dimensional volumes, where a bidimensional layer has reproduced or stored more of its kind in superposition (concept that also applies to present spatial waves)

-Time-like 3 dimensional systems, which are accelerated vortices (2 differential dimensions) with a dimension of height (black holes, Maxwell’s screw driver, rule of the hand, product vector, etc.)

-And finally when we consider a 4 dimensional being, we obtain a holographic ‘perpendicular merging’ of a space-like and time-like bidimensional sheet, with a frequency of motion; as in a light-wave.

  • Which will become a fifth dimensional being, when 2 scales become entangled and one feed on the other, or receives flows of information (as in the case of the Bohm’s model of a quantum wave, guiding a feeding upper particle).

So those are the vital whys of an enormous field, which allow us by form, function and dimensionality to interpret the structure of all kind of systems.

Topological physics deals with the ensembles of Ts<ST>St structures, and has not been analysed in depth for very long. It is based in the holographic principle and its derivative laws, the most important of which is the ‘bidimensional nature of space and time, and its merging into 4 dimensional systems, which excludes a real 3-dimensional Universe (Fermat’s Grand theorem: x³+y³=z³.

This means the 3rd dimension does NOT really exist as an independent ‘parameter’ but IT IS THE DIRECTION OF reproduction of ‘identical beings’ which accumulate in layers


The layered 3rd and 4th dimensions. The mathematics of planes of space and cycles of time.

All this of course is not how we see dimensions and what we mean by the growth of dimensions in normal science – a far simpler proposition, which we shall address now. In the ‘simple 3D analysis +1 t dimension’, is all about ‘layers that accumulate making the 3rd dimension grow, and motions that create a time dimension to ad to it. This of course is a legitimate form of growing dimensions.

Only that after we have enough layers and motions, there are no fancy spatial dimensions to add in a single scale. But a new point of an ∆+1 scale, as the graph shows: the left graph IS how the Universe grows a 5th dimension entering into a social upper scale (for a sphere that becomes a circle that rotates into a sphere; or for a dot that move sin to a line, which becomes laterally a reproductive plane that surge upwards to become a cube, unit of the new scaling. IT is the right graph trying to fit impossible 5 dimensions of space into a single continuum plane what is nuts. The penteract there is a 3-D projected into a 2-D, point.

Thus, there is a lot of confusions on the meaning of  the fourth and fifth dimensions of scalar space-time, as 4D is the naming given by physicists to ALL TIME CONCEPTS IN PHYSICS, as they do NOT differentiate between the 5 dimensions of time and the 5 of space, unaware of the philosophical deep meaning of the Galilean ‘relativity’ paradox, which clearly makes sense of the 3 dimensions of past, present and future (motion, energy and information), which are equivalent to lineal, hyperbolic and informative cyclical vortex in topology; and they do NOT differentiate between the ∆±2 scales of size and time speed, which are the origin of entropy=death arrows (fourth dimensions of space-time, jumping down, << i- two scales in the simplification of information, from wholes to infinitesimals) and social, mental arrows (fifth dimensions of space-time,  jumping up i+2 dimensions).

So what the physicists mean when talking of time as the four dimension? Two things and since we are ‘nice’, we have called the fourth dimension, the arrow of entropy, which they use as the arrow of time, to match ‘magic!’, their reduced view of it:

They use the concept to signify a grand philosophy whereas the arrow of entropy, the fourth dimension of timespace (Ti<<Si-2),  is considered the only arrow of future time, disregarding all other arrows, explicitly those who create information (fifth dimension of social organic evolution of wholes, 3rd dimension of accelerated time vortices).

This is one of the key concepts of the faulty philosophies of science.

Then there is the concept of Einstein, and the formalism of Minkowski, which corresponds to the ‘present 2nd dimensions of time-space’, which is used to study waves such as light is, and present ‘derivative’ minimal quantum changes, ∂t=∂s/∂v.

In that regard Minkowski grand conceptual thought, established a useful mathematical equation of 4-vectors, where the concept that time reduced to a present dimension of space, is useful to study translations in space, with derivatives, which by definition do NOT change state with ‘peak standing points’, and changes of parameters that happen when we move from a motion-state of maximal Space-translation=lineal speed and minimal information-density to a vortex state of maximal information density and minimal translation in space=lineal speed.

Once we understand such conceptual limits of time conception in physics we should 1)discharge as faulty, irrelevant and biased to 1/5th of time changes any entropic grand theory of the Universe, including the cosmic big bang, balanced by accelerated mass vortices (galaxies) that shrink entropy into matter, the evaporation of black holes as they do not travel lineally to the past, hence do not evaporate, and other grand bizarre scheme on reality.

While the fourth dimension of ‘space’ (time concept as a derivative that studies present slice of wave motions), must be understood as what it is a partial, wave-oriented analysis of spatial motions, which in special relativity makes more exact measures of those translations by reducing the total motion by a wave factor of warping, -c²t².

As physics has parameters which can be added as ‘curvatures’ and ‘scattering’ elements to define the ‘informative accelerated, and expansive decelerated’ other two arrows of topological time, in a single plane, relativity as well as other equations of motion in physics do reflect perfectly (even if the concepts behind become blurred) those motions, its topological trajectories and so there is nothing to correct as usual in the processes of measuring of physics. The four vector formalism merely adds conceptual confusion but improves measure in ‘derivative details’. 

Two conceptual interpretations can be done in detail on those 4-vector equations (well beyond this introduction): if we divide its four dimensions in two dimensions of space, Sx, Sz, and two of time, Sy -ct, then we can find many interesting symmetries between the space state (width-length: reproduction-motion) and the time state (height-information, ct-curvature-motion). It is only then when the proper understanding of the meaning of worldlines and light cones, becomes clearer.


How those planes of existence build their social planes, of space.

Now, there has been much confusion on the meaning of dimensions, since Minkowski grand nonsense in conceptual thought, established departing of its useful mathematical equations of 4-vectors, the concept that time was a dimension of space.

Then properly interpreted, those 4-vectors show truly is a series of Ts=C/St, and  Ts=St, maximal, minimal and steady points of the 3 ages and symmetries between space and time. Albeit the time 3 ages/motions are integrated into a single lineal time duration and loose most of its meaning. So for each of those 4 vector equations, its fundamental S≈T symmetry must be studied departing from space-time symmetries. That’s all.

The relationship of time and space in those vectors is thus just one of essential balance and symmetry between the 3 vectorial dimensions of space and the 3 ages of time, sequentially added by duration.

Another expression common to mathematical physics are relations between the fundamental parameter of lineal motion, speed, and cyclical motion, density of an scalar, whose product is the flux of a quantity.

All these equations of dynamics require a specific analysis of which dimensions are seen as dimensions/distances/areas/ volumes/membranes/topological forms and which one are seen as time, motions, rotary or lineal or wave-like motion, and so a lot of conceptual analysis on how the human observer quantity a given space-time symmetry and its dimensions/parameters of motion/distance is needed.

Yet there are generic models which allow us to extract clear formulae of combination of motions and forms in the construction of being. The 3rd dimension of pure form or volume, for example is obtained through the layer accumulation of bidimensional, think membranes along a gradient of accelerated time vortices, from relative max. S x Min. T past upper layers to inner ones, as density increases.

This new ‘dimension of motion and form’, is thus a dual dimension which intersects with the membrane and creates a 4 dimensional ‘vector’, whereas however it should be considered the existence of two densities of form, the gradient towards the center and zero point and the motions within one of the perpendicular, ‘normal’ layers or planes of space, along the time, integrative gradient direction of the vortex.

4 dimensionality must be seen generally as a holography of space-time bidimensional forms with motion.

We can also consider a 3 fixed form dimensions, the 2 of each layer membrane normal to the dimension of the time vortex, its rotary dimension and gradient dimension.

Now what matter is to observe that any of those diverse formulations of an event in terms of higher form and motion, gradient, curl, divergence or any multiple vectorial spatial or time tensor equation to describe the event and form on space-time can be reduced to an interplay of motions of time dimensions and space forms along the rules of 5D, Œ,Æ, non-Euclidean geometry, existential algebra and 5D metric.

In the next graph we see how new dimensions are added by adding 2-manifold layers which create the ‘3rd dimension of depth, gradient, and hierarchy between those layers, established in equipotential surfaces of similar value, which in detail appear as relative ‘planes’ of minimal curvature, as we saw the Earth for millennia:

Now the growth of planes of existence has in its simplest mathematical meaning an obvious limit:

it grows in pairs, often of space-time (complex plane of binary numbers), or by superposition in the Cartesian-hyperbolic Plane, of weaves and present space-time systems, of SS combinations, or in a polar plane for TT combinations.

So the Planes of bidimensional numbers permit bidimensional forms, but THERE ARE NOT TRIdimensional numbers. The next level is the plane of quaternions, ‘OBVIOUSLY MOVIN IN THE 5TH DIMENSION’ as it is not-commutative as motions in 4 dimensions are.

So we have a simple guide for the first steps of construction of worlds: to know that numbers are social groups of any kind of points, growing in the fifth dimension, and to know that the complex plane is an space-time plane, where the angular frequency mounting the plane of space, sucks in as i does on the negative square part of it.

In the graph, we can understand better the meaning of a bidimensional Universe in which the 3rd dimension is made by a sum of bidimensional layers where the relative X≈Z>>Y structure extends over an equipotential ‘democratic’ surface clone ‘œ-points’. Then the gradient of a given force or flow of information structure them in the ‘hierarchical dimension’, normally of Height, where the ‘strongest’, energetic point is in the lower center and inversely, the highest informative, most perceptive observer point in the upper layer.

It must be notice though the essential duality of the 3rd postulate of Non-AE: perpendicular motions are darwinian, and parallel are social. So the vital energy herds are structured in parallel, but there should be between the singularity and the membrane, crossing perpendicular networks, invaginated, mostly made of the substance of the hard membrane (golgi channels in cells, electro-magnetic flows guiding matter on Earth, nervous systems on organisms, legal inforcers in nations, which will PREY and control the vital space for the @monad system).

So on Earth, the outer membrane or continental crust hosts its highest informative points, human heads, while the center stores the most energetic=massive atoms, an iron core, probably seeded of high density uranium-lead crystals.

The bidimensional structure is common to all systems, which have an outer thin membrane that breaks the inner vital space and outer Universe. It is not however an absolute concept, as there is always a gradient which allows transfers between layers or social classes, but this osmosis that transfers momentum between them normally is far thinner, slower than the communication between atoms-particles-heads of the same layers.

And so changes of layer membranes require an existential ST effort, either an increase of energy or information (in the inverse gradient of both formal motions). This case is illustrated by the electron ‘plane waves’ which constantly vibrate around the atom (Schrodinger’s equation), but can change layer by an Energy impulse.

Thus in this manner the Universe adds a 3rd dimension of depth that gives volume to a bidimensional system, and also new forms of motion, which the classic model of physics group all together into the concept of the 5th dimension.

Dimensions grow as systems grow and multiply. So paraphrasing cheng-tzu, the Chinese philosopher, from one, Tao, ‘time motions’ comes 2 ‘space forms and time motions’, yin and yang, space lines and cyclical forms’ and from 2 comes 3 varieties of space-time, which give birth to the infinite beings of the Universe.

Einstein’s metric explain the contraction=warping of time-information by a slowing light ray.

Let us now consider the geometry of Einstein, where time subtracts -c²t², considering time ‘i’, -c²x-¹ = +c².

Thus what the Einstein metrics write really is: Ds²=x²+y²+z²+c², and that is ‘speed’ not ‘time’.

But for the non-mathemtical reader, a conceptual explanation makes more sense: we subtract a dimension of information/height of the light wave to the flat line of its underlying neutrino≈graviton scale with less ‘height and more information’; so what the -ct term merely means is that ‘we loose neutrino speed’ and we gain height-wave information, we pass from a pure $-tate to an ST-wave state with curvature taken away from pure speed, as the neutrino≈graviton can ONLY give us information on the distance to the emitter but the wave height and frequency will give us a lot of information.

And then doing the proper S=T equalisation of dimensions, we can use as physicists do all those space-like and time-like cones, knowing height is also a dimension of time information, so  (Sx, Sz) ≈ (Sy, St) IS the general rule for all systems that makes sense and gives the why to the ‘magic’ of maths.

We though have many times mentioned that special relativity (not so general relativity concerned with gravitation, which is invisible and accelerated time clocks of mass) is a mind exercise of measure to adapt to our constant motion view, the ‘stop-emission of information’ go-wave motion duality particle-wave in which the speed of light is fixed as the emitter and receiver are entangled in the neutrino-graviton scale of ‘action at distance’ and simultaneity, stopped in relationship to each other.

So of course it is a cumbersome formalism with measure uses more than conceptual magic. And here is where the inflationary amount of multiple views to adapt measure exploded in XX c. with computer thought to make every physicist a high pope of relativity science, to the point that the great master, Einstein quipped ‘since mathematicians entered the field of relativity, I don’t understand it’ (:

For example, downwards we have the AMD, my preferred, formalism, where we use bidimensional sheets. But on the upper growth of complexity the description of this complex space-time 4 dimensional system can be done also with quaternions as a single block of timespace.

And so on… but all this is hardly needed fro a human pov of slow beings which do not curve space at c-speed in its translations.

Only the military propaganda of the discoverer of the equation of the A-bomb made the system of our corrupted organism of history convert 4D physics in the ‘summit of all human forms of  thought’  and fog in the process our concept of time. What we were actually told in the height of the cold war is: if this guy gave us the A-bomb to kill all humans it must be a genius because the military ARE the salt of the earth. Lol, the harder they fall.

Cross product, as reproduction of dimensions.

It is then far more important given the blindness on meaning of mathematical physics to enlighten even the simplest concepts as ‘dimensions’ and ‘vectors: space-time bidimensional entities’, ‘numbers=social groups’ and ‘fractal points with growing breath’, etc.

Of course this is an INSULT for our geniuses which as Hilbert did with Einstein, despising first relativity for its simple maths – he was the God-talking man who ‘imagined points, lines and planes’ and set a ‘paradise’ for Cantor’s ‘building up’ of mathematics from the roof down, with its sets and axiomatic method, which denied experimental mathematics and its real units, simultaneous fractal points of space (Leibniz’s monads: each point is a world in itself) and  sequential social numbers of the 4th and 5th real scalar dimensions. So He and Cantor imagined first the units of its axiomatic self-contained, ‘detached’ world of formal mathematics from the top down.

But the TOP of maths is NOT the set or category, constructions of the inflationary human mind, but the Universe itself WHICH IT MIRRORS, so the relationship IS from math’s units, fractal points and social numbers to Universe, the reality it mirrors, through the classic scales of topological networks of points and algebraic causal relationships between social numbers and its scales of ±, x ÷, x²,³…, ∫∂ (continuous operations in the 4th, 5th dimension) and log, ln (exponential death and decametric social growth), which are all the operandi we need to construct reality.

Needless to say Hilbert and Cantor were all about ego. They wanted to be God. So Cantor ended in a mad house literally, and Hilbert when he realized that ‘simple Einstein’ was the ‘thing of the future’ stole his theory which Humble Einstein had sent him to review, improve a bit the maths and published it with his name! And yet today we still live in that ‘Dante’s inferno’ not paradise of those  whose capital sin of arrogance fogs their reason, for wanting to be more than God.

How can then go around studying the ‘hidden meanings’ in terms of its Time§paœrganisms of physics, and its ternary parts and symmetries an equation of physics?

It requires to know ‘mathematical meanings’ better than currently understood, besides the basics of the 10D³=(5+5)D.

5ST³ Dimensional realities observed by ‘4-dimensional’ self-centred @-minds is a fun game of confusions. As the mind is interpreting with its strictly reduced to see 3 dimensions of space and one of time… so there is always a lot of conceptual analysis behind.

A mathematical equation of physics, this said tends to be simple and mostly of the type:

E(st) = K (s) x ƒ (t)

That is the simplest ‘metric equations of the similar concepts: (5s•5t) D=5st D

Equations of physics in that sense are ALL as always in T.œs partial equations of the generator equation of 10D³ symmetries, whereas Γ@, the mind generator equation is an aristotelian, mathematical abstraction and syntax, in ternary symmetric dimensions:

Γ@:  ∆-1: $past potential limbs ≤≥ ∆ø: preSenT- body waves ≤≥ ∆+1: Tƒuture ahead-particles

Whereas the Generator equation of physical systems, as expressed by the mathematical mind, will reduce the whole generator to a series of partial equations, which try to show part of it.

In the fantaphysical world of reductionism there is of course the search for a Unification Equation but expressing only in an equation the equivalence between the four forces of nature, which we have resolved as a trivial case of 5D metric.

What we mean here is a different thing: All what happens as expressed in all languages are mirrors of sub-equations of the generator, and its 3 ‘parts in space-time’, its 3 flows of time arrows, <-entropy, >information, ≈ iteration, and its combined operandi, + -, x ÷, ±³, ∫∂.

So for those who want to understand this section I refer them first to those on organic, vital mathematics.

Let us put a simple example: vectorial mathematics.

Vectors as ST dimensional analysis.

A vector is by definition a mind-mirror in two dimensions of a physical Time§paœrganism, where there is a simple dimension of motion, lineal time motion and of space, often an active magnitude, mass, charge or (light) colour.

So we can build mappings of multiple simple ST-physical forms with vectorial magnitudes, and generally speaking as humans work often with bidimensional magnitudes, one of ‘volume’ of space (which they decompose often in 3 parameters) and one which aggregates all time arrows, there are a lot of meaningful vectorial analysis of the type: 

3 s = 3t

A basic symmetry of space-time dimensions with T.œ meaning for the timespace organism.

Whereas the space dimensions are analysed further in its simplest (not bidimensional topology), one-dimensional height-information arrow, length-motion arrow, width-reproduction arrow, void of all organic meaning, and time is analysed in the ‘future’ arrow mostly or present arrow (Einstein’s relativity) or past arrow (entropic processes), as if all where the same.

So the maths are good, the interpretations as usually poor.

It is then when the most useful ‘concept’ of physics, the concept of a present momentum, represeting such St COMBINATIONS appears, and its ‘conservation’ laws and ‘integral’s (energy worldcycles) allow an analysis of the event at ‘∆-1’ time-space quanta level (the momentum) or in its whole development as a world cycle (energy integral).

Such momentous momentums are then easily interpreted as expressions of ‘actions’ (the quanta of existence of any system), and worldcycles (the whole event when larger than a mere action integrated often as a conserved closed cycle).

The product of an s and t parameter though might be considered depending on the case, as a simple dot product, if one of the two parameters is a mere quantiser of frequency in time population in space, and basically we are just ‘adding up’ social units of an ∆§caling perceived in space as populations that last, in time as sequential frequencies that have little memorial tail. 

Or as a true process of creation of a third dimension, which is the cross product, such as:

S x T = st-Perpendicular new dimension.

Thus the more interesting case is described by the cross product, which to be real must have the two dimensions that originate them, so it must have motion, which becomes ‘reproduction’ as it creates the 3rd space-time present, reproductive, ‘energy’ dimension of physical systems within the same plane, such as S  x  T = ST (reproduction dimension), which is the general translation of the cross product to GST.

A vector that reproduces the system, taking from it motion and form. This is the origin of the magnetic field and in general any growth of a new membrane that encloses a previous scale absorbing its motion and form, ‘cooling’ the inner energy of the system, and as such is how the Universe creates new ‘layers of reality’ and we shall return to it.

In that regard it must be understood as a general rule that:

“sin functions are ðime functions of informative height or time§pace-like functions that reproduce a new combined ternary dimensions  and cos functions are $pace-like functions that flatten and increase the single dimensionality of speed-distances-forces.”

As we talk of the Y-coordinates as time-like coordinates (height-information dimension) and so a sin function = diagonal:st/y:t-coordinates, and a cos-function: diagonal:st/s-coordinates     Sin = st/t    cos=st/s ratios.

While the cross product combines two S, T factors, which form together an ST-plane adding a new direction of reproduction (z-width plane):

In vector algebra, the cross or vector product (is a binary operation on two vectors that creates a three-dimensional space (R3), denoted by the symbol ×.

Given two linearly independent vectors a and b, the cross product, a × b, is a vector that is perpendicular to both a and b and therefore normal to the plane containing them. It has many applications in mathematics, physics and engineering. More generally, the magnitude of the product equals the area of a parallelogram with the vectors for sides; in particular, the magnitude of the product of two perpendicular vectors is the product of their lengths.

The cross product is anticommutative (i.e., a × b = −(b × a)) and is distributive over addition (i.e., a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c).

It also depends on a choice of orientation or “handedness”.

Wave motion.

It is then easy to introduce two simple examples of vectorial physics, one to express the complex dimension of Sxt REPRODUCTION or wave state, and other to consider the particle-field cyclical vortex state.

The first equation is obviously c² ≈ K-urvature=acceleration/µagnetic ‘density’=inertial resistance,

where the field of light reproduction of information is the ratio between the Ts accelerated speed and magnetic density of information of the system.

What all this means generally is that a and b are $pe and tfunctions and a x b is therefore an ST ‘new dimensional form’.

This in abstract might sound very general but when we study mathematical physics, we shall see what it means. Consider for example, the field of light space-time:

In the graph, the cross product of the ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC, Tïƒ and $pe elements creates the 3rd dimension of reproductive speed in a light ray, and both are perpendicular to maximise the ‘inner product space’ they ‘absorb’ to reproduce its form in the speed of the wave (disregard the wrong wording, where it says energy should say entropy). Consider the magnetic force F on a charge q travelling at speed v in magnetic field B. (See electric motors for examples of magnetic forces.)

The magnitude of that force is proportional to v and proportional to B, so we need a product of the two vectors. The magnitude F of the force is also proportional to sin θ, where θ is the angle between v and B. Now this magnetic force F is a vector, so we need not just its magnitude, but its direction. That direction is at right angles to both v and B.In this case from the human pov, a being, which uses electronics as information and the gravito-magnetic field as entropy of motion, the magnetic flat field (Ts) x the informative high electric field, equals the ST-energy speed of the system (energy ≈ v²). So the cross product DOES generate a 3rd element, normally st.

Angular momentum

The importance of angular momentum, becomes more clear in the modern bivector formulation. As IN CYCLICAL TIME, IT IS THE PRINCIPLE OF CYCLICAL INERTIA, AND HENCE ANGULAR MOMENTUM, THE FIRST REALITY FROM WHERE THE OTHER 2 ELEMENTS SPLIT, as recently confirmed by the adoption of the H-planck in units of mass x area x time frequency, as the fundamental first unit of reality. Angular momentum thus encompasses within its form all other elements, the vital energy its ‘scans with areolar’ constant motion, the mass-density of the central singularity, and the frequency of its motion.

We have considered that certain ratios are of enormous importance as they become constants of the Universe, one of them is the ratio known as angular momentum. As it is the best description of a particle state, with 3 bits of information, the ‘density of information of the membrane’, its ‘speed of rotation’ and the radius to the ‘mass-mind singularity’, thus bringing together the ‘whole’ @ system with 3 simple parameters.

As such IT MUST BE CONSIDERED THE KEY parameter of the membrain-singularity physical system, and as such the unit of the quantum world, h, is measured in such terms, and ultimately mass can also be seen as a measure of an angular momentum, giving us the information about the whole system.

 The angular momentum L (Ts) of a particle about a given origin is defined as: L = r x P

where r (t) is the position vector of the particle relative to the ‘singularity’ St origin, and P (Ts) is the linear momentum of the particle.

Now consider the torque τ produced by a force F about an axis from which it is displaced by r.  The magnitude of that torque is proportional to r and proportional to F, so again we need a product of two vectors; since R is obviously the radius of the Œ-system, related to its singularity, St, and F, the membrane in motion that limits the system (its maximal Ts-element)

The magnitude τ of the torque is also proportional to sin θ, where θ in this case is between r and F. (Notice that it, in both these cases, we need sin θ, whereas the scalar product had cos θ). The torque τ is a vector: torques in different directions in general cause rotations about different axes. That direction of the torque (which is often but not always parallel to the axis about which it causes rotation) is at right angles to both r and F.

So we define the vector product thus:
|a X b| = ab sin θ, and
a X b is at right angles to a and b in a right handed sense.

And the beauty of it is that it also has an ∆-interpretation depending on which is the DOMINANT arrow $pe or tïƒ, upwards (so it becomes an informative growing ∆-dimension) or downwards (so it becomes an entropic diminishing ∆-direction).

And so we talk of a simple ternary system, generated by a cross product, which in modern maths is better described as the ‘surface’ parallelogram between both.

So the creation of dimensions or its transformation into each other fully defines the construction of full Ts<St>St physical systems.

Finally we shall deal with the fifth dimension in physics, when we introduce the birth of ∆nalysis, its formalism, found in mathematical physics, which definitely married both disciplines. And will be our last part of introduction to mathematical physics, as an introduction to the third part of this blog, a review of all physical ∆-planes…

We can in the graph observe how the ‘Rashomon effect’ (different povs and different equations to portrait the same phenomena) and the usefulness of relativity and 4D models, to  illustrate different perspectives and dimensions.

In this case a key concept of both classic and new stience is the angular momentum, which can be seen as the membrane vortex in motion of physical systems, which will be ultimately the membrane of a mass singularity/enclosure.

In the four vector vision, angular momentum IS HOWEVER seen as a ‘quantised’ informative angular surface which shows the perspective of the centre of mass, which ‘absorbs’ a ‘radian’ quanta, /2 of the force field ‘each slice of time.

So we can see in the relativity=max. mental stilness=max. present view of angular momentum, as a bidimensional triangular, radian plane.

It is then important to consider in much more depth the meaning of the ‘constants’ of action and 5D planes in physical systems, h, k, and.. c…as they will also have different states, as circular motions, (c-speed around black holes, as spin), as lineal motions and energy parameters (h in e=hƒ, c in e=mc², etc.)

Ultimately our thermodynamic/magnetic world is a ‘vibration’ between the limits of those 2  ‘constants’ of our minimal informative particle/quantum scale, and our maximal speed of motion=reproduction of form, the  constant c, which becomes the constant of scale of the next dark world beyond our Universe…

As the maximal value of reproduction of information of an ∆-1 scale becomes a mere minimal quanta of space in the larger ∆+1 scale where the game starts afresh. So a cell might be a full being in ∆-1 but becomes the minimal quanta of entropy to feed and ∆+1 super organism, and so on.

In other posts we go deeper in the meaning of Universal constants, and its multiple roles on mathematical physics.




We have already introduced Existential ¡logic in a somewhat more layman naïve description. There is however a high level of formalism, in which following the path of classic mathematical algebras, we define an existential ¡logic more complex than the usual mathematical simplifications, of Group theory (Ts-groups, ST-bodies and St-rings, which mimic some properties of the 3 topological elements of an organism; its complex associations into continuous Lie groups, topological groups and algebraic groups and its logic forms as reticules and Boolean algebras)… All that is quite interesting for partial analysis of dimotions of existence, within restricted systems. However they are ultimately distorted partial views of Existential ¡logic, some of whose terminology we borrow from classic algebra, and I casted first as a complex mathematical algebra, to finally realize that as Einstein put it on Leibniz’s work – it is better to start from scratch. So in the last versions of Existential ¡logic I departed from earlier formulations taken from set, group and Boolean Algebra, once I did resolve its connection with Scalar space-time that we shall treat in a future paper on Mathematical non-Aristotelian algebra (¬Algebra). Instead existential ¡logic (ab. ¬ælgebra) appears as Nature’s fundamental structure that includes all other Algebras, which in the classic language of ¬A could read as this:

‘The function of exist¡ence is a pentalogic algebra on a Sœt of Tœs (ab. TimeSpace Organisms) of 5 operands, which represent the 5 Dimotions of Exist¡ence:   (∑T.œ; ‹Ts, ›St, «TT,»SS, ≈TS), gifted with the properties of:

– Closure: any combinations of T.œs acted upon a Dimotion of Exist¡ence is a T.œ part of the Universal Sœt.

The Law of Closure for the Universe, established by ¬Ælgebra is simple. All the laws of all stiences derive of the laws of scalar space-time, ∆St; and its 3 units: fractal points of space, social, scalar numbers and cyclical dimotions of time. So the laws of Mathematics as a mirror language derived of Ðst Laws writes as follows:

The laws of geometry derive of the laws of fractal points of space.

Algebra laws derive from Existential ¡logic, its Scales and Dimotions. And we can easily translate the 3 elements of the fractal generator, to both, scalar algebras (+, x, a-x ) and Boolean algebras, (V, Ù, ¬) as follows:

Reproduction, ≈, and, + v; Evolution, > , Ù, x; Entropy, <, ¬,

Calculus laws as the most entangled operand of algebra also derive of the laws of scales and dimotions.

Let us then consider the symbols of 5D metrics and Existential ¡logic, to define ¡logically all events and systems of reality, what we call the formalism of Existential ¡logic that combines the 5 Dimensional motions and its ternary systems in scalar planes, time ages and spatial organs to define all possible creations the Universe allows, which then will be selected by raw efficiency leaving only those survivors that play better the two functions of the 5th dimension, Si=Te balances that maximize the function of existence, in a given plane.

3±¡ Scalar SpaceTime Supœrganisms, its 3 Worldcycles, Fractal Generators Minds & Limits of Exist¡ence.

We use symbols for the 5 Dimotions as 1) Holographic Space-Times combining S and T symbols with the dominant element in Caps; 2) as dynamic time flows, using «» symbols whereas T>S means an involution of its timespace size and increase in in-form-ative spacetime; 3) as simultaneous organs, whose topologic form might be |-lineal, O-cyclical, Ø-hyperbolic 4)as 3 ages of past-entropic>present-iterative>future-informative:

С: Any of the 5 Dimotions (Dimensional motion) of time-space, whose interaction create all local T.Œs:

Ts, Tes; ‹, <; |, $T: P$T: Pa$T, temporal energy, lineal locomotion, gaseous state, limbs/fields.

St; Sit, ›, >; O, §ð; ƒð§: ƒuðure§, spatial information cyclical, informative, space-time, solid, crystal particle-head states

ST; Se≤≥Ti (information=energy), TieS, Exi=St; X, ≤≥, ó; ≈; Ø: Constant Present, balanced, Space-time; iterative body-waves; female gender, ties of space-time, point of balance, work.

TT; Te2, TeTe, «, ¬; ∆-1: Entropic Time-energy, death, dissolution of form into its parts of a lower plane.

SS; Sisi; »; §, @; ∆+1: Linguistic, mental space, still mind-membrain, which organizes parts into wholes.

Yet this is only the beginning, as there are ∞ kaleidoscopic forms to perceive those pentalogic elements as:

5 operands: <: ∆ of locomotion. « ∆ of entropy. > ∆ information. » ∆ of form. ≤≥ = balanced present stœps.

We represent them also as sequential numbers, associated to its form in space and function in time: Ð1:seed, perception, Ð2:locomotion, Ð3:reproduction, Ð4: social evolution, Ð5: Entropy.

We represent them by its relative Scalar planes of the fifth Dimension:

∆-1 past, TT-entropic plane of parts, ∆º present sT-ST-St-field-wave-particle, ∆+1, & SS-§eeds @ mind-world.

As all superorganisms are ‘exi«st¡ences’, that is fractal points of an Space-time plane (St¡, ∆¡) of stience.

As ages of Time ordered in a worldcycle:» §eed in palingenesis; <: Youth of locomotion. <=>: Present Energy; iteration, simultaneous exchange of lineal and angular momentum, locomotion and information between 2 poles: $T≤≥§ð. >:  Implosive future informative life arrow that creates information: $T>§ð. « past flow: explosive big-bang, death-entropy.

As Spacetime Topologies. O:St, informative head/particle/center, storage of ¡+1 SS-languages. Ø:ST; iterative hyperbolic energy body/wave. |:sT, membrane that absorbs ¡-1 TT smaller T.œs as entropic bites of motion or bits of information.

As social classes: @-linguistic mind origin of the t>S: particle: head: informative class that commands the Si=Te body-wave-reproductive class that gives energy to the s<T-limbs/field/lower class that preys on the ¬ Entropic outer world, whose limits determine its territory of exi«st¡ence.

We also consider them from the point of view of the 3 scales, its ∆-1 dimotional actions, its ∆º whole organism and its ∆+1 larger world. So as a superorganism in its ∆º scale we talk of:

T.Œs: Time-space supœrganisms as wholes made of pentalogic parts of dust of space-time:

¬∆@st: made of ¬ Entropic limits, ∆±1 ternary scales, @ linguistic minds, Space and Temporal energy.

  • : Yet from the larger world point of view a superorganism is just a fractal point, •. And from a lower plane, is a larger world programmed by the survival actions of its function of exist¡ence. So he will perform 5 actions, absorbing and emitting information from the ∆±4 planes it ‘perceives’. So we represent any T.œ. through its:

Å: 5 åctions æ, e ï, œ, û, the quanta of existential sequences that move supœrganisms’ worldcycles.

3 are Simplex actions, performed as a whole extracting parts from its lower, smaller, faster time ∆-¡ planes:

a it is the fastest action of locomotion (accelerations) that extracts entropy from its lower non-perceived ∆-3 Plane. So 5D metrics work through each action and explain why we only perceive ∆±3 planes, and why the simplest actions are faster, with more frequency, extracting smaller parts from our limits of perception.

 ï is the dual action of information gauging: Perception & communication that perceives bits of its ∆-2 Plane.

e is the action of entropic feeding that absorbs its minimal parts, from the ∆-1 Plane.

And complex actions that take place in its plane of existence and its ∆+1 world:

– œ is the action of organic reproduction in its ∆º plane. And it lasts longer the whole 3 formal ages

 û is the action of social evolution in its ∆+1 world, and it has also the longer time span, and lesser frequency, often several generations of evolution to form herds and social networks of a higher ∆ plane.

Finally we use several classic algebraic operands:

±∑ (œ), which is the symbol of superposition enacted by the quanta of limbs/fields herding by addition in a single plane, proper also of gaseous states.

X, which is the product, symbol of reproductive Body-waves that calculate its connections in a lower plane.

∏. The symbol for entanglement happening in the particle-head that forms solid networks in 3 planes.

∫∂: Which describes how ∂ finitesimal points become whole integrated by calculus.

The generator of space-time, maximize your existence.

Existential ¡logic is really a simple game, which might bother the ego paradox of scholars who cannot see the forest or know the causes of its topologic evolution but has all kind of abstract data about a certain tree, extracted with sensorial machines and placed in its digital languages; so he doesn’t really care for the ultimate thoughts of God. Yet to know those thoughts makes also sense of all its details as we shall observe in other articles on specific ‘planes of space-time and its organisms’.

Those ¡logic symbols suffice to express all events &forms & its entropic constrains of the game of Exist¡ence:

Trinity, pentalogic 3±¡ fractal entangled principles hold: T.œs to survive need 3 parts in a single plane & be connected to an inner ∆-1 herd of entropic parts and a larger ∆+1world in which to play a symbiotic role. So there are only 3±¡ topologic varieties of space-time; 3±¡ derivatives in scales; 3 physiological inner networks

-¡logic allows any ≈iteration, single or dual spacetime jump of scale forwards (>,») or backwards (<, ») with transfer of sT-motion Ù St information between planes but not transfer of present S=T-work or ternary jumps.

– It allows any topologic combination or transformation between |-sT, O-St & Ø-ST in a single plane.

It allows any sequential series of actions, or ± growth of its organs: ±∆ï,e, a, œ, û,

In praxis, almost all systems that survive as reproductive radiations that maximize their function of exist¡ence follow the most efficient sequence to that goal: >i<a<e>o>u:Minds perceive, move, feed, reproduce by gender symmetry (Si=Te+S<T>S) and evolve socially in herds that grow in density connected by 3 St, ST,sT networks becoming a supœrganism. While the sT<ST>St ternary supœrganism is overwhelmingly the survival structure.

So we study those disomorphic elements common to all systems, its vital sequences, S-T gender dualities, T-ages, S-topologies, @-minds and mirror languages, 5Dimotions, 3 physiological networks its hierarchical order origin of the variations of species, its ratios and Universal or vital constants & its generators.

As nothing else, which cannot be expressed through those combinations within those limits exists beyond the virtual inflationary mind-languages of information. Trust me, I know it, after 30 years of research in all fields of knowledge looking for a falsification of Existential ¡logic. So in our papers on ¡logic we will develop with them all events & species of reality.

The function of existence has an infinite number of perspectives – in fact it generates in each local system, its events and superorganisms, and in languages, becomes the syntactic mirror of its structure. So for each ‘experiment’ and ‘function’, we can find a correspondence with the function and its 5 elements: Max. S x Min. T (information), Max. T x Min. S (locomotion) Si=Te (reproduction), S-informative seed or mind in a lower ∆-1 scale and T, entropic dissolution in a larger ∆+1 world – the two limits of birth and extinction that frame all systems, and functions (initial conditions, etc.)

Stience is the study of the function of exist¡ence of ∞ beings, as if all what exists is space and time, that function is the most synoptic view of reality. And so classic ¬Algebra is the mathematical analysis of that function with classic 5D families of number and operands. But before we make them correspond with those 5 Dimotions, is worth to consider the larger field of Existential ¡logic that applies to all stiences.

So with those basic symbols, 5 «≈» for Motions (Time view), 5 ‘st’ variations for Organs (Space view), 3 for Planes ∆±¡, 3 for topologies, |xO=Ø, and 2 for degrees of entanglement (∑-herd, ∏-network), and the ‘synoptic Œ for superorganism, @ for mind, we can describe any system of reality with a fractal generator that describes both the system as a superorganism in space and a worldcycle in time, tracing its exist¡ence through 3 Planes of the fifth dimension; just by pegging the previous equations, and adding its Planes.

The formal variations of those symbols are many as pentalogic studies its different, ∆, S, T, @, ¬ p.o.v. I.e.a scalar view would write:

G:∆ºŒ»∆-1œ ≈ ∑∆-1œ » ∏∆ºŒ: |-$T<Ø-ST<O-§ð∆+1«∑∆-1, whose verbal translation is:

G: ∆ºŒ (father) » (seeds) ∆-1œ (seminal ovum) ≈ (reproduces) ∑ ∆-1œ (Fetus) » (evolves) ∏ (into 3 networks) ∆ºŒ (that emerge as a superorganism of 3 organs living 3 ages): |-$T (lineal youth of motion dominated by the limbic digestive system) <Ø-ST(mature age of reproduction dominated by body-waves)<O-§ð (3rd age of information dominated by particle-heads, which control an outer world) ∆+1 (that will dissolve in entropic death) «∑∆-1.

In the graphs, a brief explanation of the entangled simultaneous superorganisms (left side), which order the 3 Dimotions of space-time, between its ‘emergence’ as a seminal seed through palingenetic social evolution (4D) to finally dissolve back in the entropic moment of death (5D), which is seen on the right side in a sequential time order as a worldcycle. But that view will be symmetric to a complete different analysis from a mere dimotional view or mental view as expressed above. ¬æ is thus extremely varied and complex when iterations and pentalogic entanglements are input. We shall just make a basic analysis here. The whole model of ¬æ will be br put up on papers starting with the dilogic, trinity, pentalogic, Dodecalogic & sexalogic papers of growth of consciousness and entanglement beyond the simplest monologic of huminds.

5D topology defines as dynamic space-organs with internal change the 3 Dimotions of reality, limbs/fields of locomotion. Hyperbolic, which through 3 ‘relative Planes’ of size suffice to define all supœrganisms of the Universe in space, tracing its worldcycles of existence in time: In a single plane of space-time 3 conserved ‘quantities’ organize in space a vital topologic system and define the 3 forms and functions of its organs, themselves physiological networks that connect smaller parts into wholes; reason why we need to define 2 more Dimotions, ‘entropy’, made of the smaller cellular/atomic/individual parts, we call:

The 5th Dimotion (ab. ∂S) and one of social wholes, which organize those parts, we call…

The 4th Dimotion of social, organic evolution (∫T). Thus when we observe those 5 Dimotions simultaneously in space they create an entangled pentalogic supœrganism, in constant communication between its 3 topologic parts, in each of the 3 Planes of its relative existence. So we write in ¬Æ logic a Fractal Generator of Space-time beings (ÐST) that describes all systems of nature as ternary simultaneous topologies of space, which trace worldcycles in time. So we write with 5 Dimotions for all supœrganisms (ab.G):

4D»∆-1(seed) ∑∆:|-Ts (limb-field)<Ø-S≈T (iterative body-wave)>O-St (particle-head)«5D∆-1(death)

Where < is a ¬Æ symbol for expansion-translation in space, ≈ for iteration, > for in-formative implosion, ∑ for reproduction, ∆±¡, the 3 scalar planes of the fifth dimension, |, O, Ø, intuitive topologic terms, « the double motion of entropy, » the double stopping of linguistic generation of seeds or minds that describes all what exists as a spatial superorganism, extending in 3 relative Planes of size, from its birth as a seed of pure form, which emerges into a larger plane, ∆ to live its worldcycle and die away into entropic death.

To describe a ternary superorganism in 5D, a single ∆-plane of space-time with motion (4D formalism) is NOT good enough. We need 3 topologic ∆-networks with motion, made of smaller fractal points-parts (∆-1), living in a larger ∆+1 world. So we evolve non-Euclidean geometry defining properly a fractal point, a point with inner volume, through which ∞ parallels can cross that becomes larger as we come closer to it – solving the contradictions of the present definition of an Euclidean point as having no breath (so it cannot fit no more than a point), focus of ‘curved parallels’ (since parallels are straight lines). Since enlarged points fit and unbend many parallels.

The study of the 5 Dimotions of all realities, with angles, numbers, operands and functions, its actions and ternary <=> similarity operands, structures the mirror of mathematics, whose metric equations ‘mirror’ the 5D metric of the universe:

Whereas the 01 finitesimal scale represents the palingenetic first birth of any species and the 1-∞ its existence in the external entropic world.

Thus it matters more is the division of that interval between the 0’-1, first palingenetic emergence, where the 1-whole is a closed space, hence without entropy (a placenta rich in energy) and the interval is time-like, probabilistic, embodying all possible generations of space-time species within its interval. While the 1- is unbounded, open and hence entropic, meaning the being normally doesn’t reach its limit.

As the game is one of 3 asymmetries of scale, age and topologic form, which can come together or annihilate and each language represent in different manners, those elements and its operands; it is needed a ‘branched’ new plane besides the 1-∞, with the 0’-1 sphere as a borderline, which happens thanks to the complex plane, where the function x=zª represents the 0’-1 sphere and all its polynomials within it, and works as the AGE PLANE symmetric but not equal to the 1- real plane which represents a population age.

5Ðimotional beings and its parts are constantly performing cyclical 5 Ðimotional changes of its space-time states, as they trace as a whole a worldcycle of exist¡ence (where each st¡ence describes the existences of space-time T.œs of each scale). Thus a new formal science, ¬Æxistential ¬Algebra describes with its Generator of space-time and sub-equations all the processes involved in the creation, existence and destruction of those systems throughout all the stages of its worldcycles, which can be observed from 5 Dimotional perspectives, in an entangled Universe, in which each being is made of them.

The study of the 5 Dimotions of reality is a huge field because all events and forms are generated by their combinations, OPERATED with the <=> «» 5 symbols of transformation of states of a system or transfer of entropy, motion, energy, information and form between them. So we write with i-logic all events and translate all equations.

For example, E=Mc2 writes E(Ts)<c2(ST)>M(St); which is as all fractal generators a feed back equation that transforms cyclical mass vortices into entropic motion, through the intermediate state of energy radiation..

RECAP. ¬Ælgebra, studies the worldcycle of existence -the widest view of an entity as a superorganism on space tracing a worldcycle between birth and death – we don’t expect you to understand it, as it is a packed synopsis of ilogic and its main theme of study, the dual worldcycle of all systems, which go from a placental, protected ordered seed age of fast evolution, by palingenesis, (memorial development of the seed of information with the energy provided by the parents) to emerge into an entropic life in an outer larger world, where it will perform ‘smaller dimotions’ to survive, we call actions, A-ccelerated locomotions, E-ntropic feeding, i-nformative gauging, O-rganic reproduction and Social Evolution into U-niversals (a,e,I,o,u), which form the program of survival of all systems of the Universe, clearly leaning towards creation of information, reason why systems $T>ST>§ð, increase its information commanded by minds that finally exhaust all the vital energy of the system provoking a local ‘reversal’ of its time arrows into entropy and death.


Ilogic Existential ¡logic deals formally with the study of 5D Metrics, as functions of exist¡ence of the different species of space-time. Existential ¡logic thus is the formal manipulation of the symbols of non-euclidean geometry and non-aristotelian type, to study worldcycles of superorganisms extending across ±¡ planes of the fifth dimension.

The jewel of 5D stiences is existential ¡logic, the study of the function of existience, with the formalism of 5D metric. Reality is in ‘pure formal terms’, the sum of ∞ minds, each of them performing a program which we can express with mental mirrors of bio-logic and mathematic, ‘topo-logic’ properties – the function of existence, E=T x I=S, with the 3 states Max. Sx T its worldcycles and simultaneous superorganisms. In an enlightened world it would be the first discipline to study – the philosophy of stience and common laws of all superorganisms of the Universe that live similar worldcycles, sum of its ‘actions’ defined by its existential function.

Time is trilogic, Space is quatrliogic, Scale is pentalogic, the present is dilogic, the past is monologic. And thus we have the 5 dimensionalities of the different forms of space-time.

The past is entropy, is simplicity, is death, is devoution, the past is monologic, is lineal, it had a single potential trace, it will not vary again. The present is dilogic, it is waved by two poles, past x future = present, is gender, is reproduction, is iteration. It has two dimensions of motion and form at least, it is spacetime at best.

But time, past, preent and future is trilogic.

And entanglement is quatrilogic, as it simultaneously waves two dimotions into a web with volume.

It forms a topological organism of space.

Only the whole system past, present and future, all its scales, the entire complexity of the game is pentalogic.

The study of the function of ex¡stence in 12 dimensions.

The Universe, we have defined it ¡logically, is a ‘function of exi=st¡ence’; that is, a volume of non-euclidean points, extended through Spacetime ¡=planes, all similar in exi (entropy x information) ‘exist¡ential momentum’… This of course, is not so much a definition of the Universe, but of the I=Eyes>Wor(l)d function of the humind who perceives visual=Topological and Verbal, Trinity patterns in the Universe. And so by evolving my I=Eye< S≈ T (Wor(l)D), I evolve my mathematical and verbal, non-Euclidean, non-Aristotelian, ¬Ælgebra of reality, into exist¡ential algebra

The volume of information of each decametric plane of existence between fractal gatherings of about 1111 bits of information, create new planes where a new ‘stientific’ game is played. If we start with General Relativity that studies a ‘gravitational’, quantum potential scale we don’t see or neutrino background, we move then to the Planck scale of Light, or h-quantum background, and then we move into the Thermodynamic scale or Boltzmann Background, and then we move at the Gravitational human scale ruled by the electronic Hc constants.

The function of exist¡ence is thus a logic function that unifies the humind at visual, topologic, and verbal temporal level by expanding our comprehension of spatial information and temporal entropy, exi=st.

Those 4 elements put in connection through some logic operations, are best suited to describe how an entangled Supoerorganism of topological networks of space, ST, exist between two limits of entropy, TT, and in-Form-ation, SS, whose motion and form mix but become conserved for every volume of a superorganism plane of exist¡ence. Superorganisms thus are also constant we suppose in the full block of timespace ‘variations’, which are the imprintings of reality, such as:

‘Reality is the total imprinting of form over entropy into the Vital Spacetime of the function of existence:Exi=ST.

The quantification of that logic function of all possible vital exist¡ences allowed by the rules of existential ¡logic, ¬Æ, of course depends on the experimental evidence of such quantification, we can assess with extensive use of the Physical and vital constants of physical and biological systems.

What is then conserved in the Universe is ‘energy and information’, whose measure is open to a strict analysis to isolate pure motion (TT-entropy), pure form (Seeds of information, SS), body-waves of reproduction and the different, ST-variations of the game.


In mathematical science for a dimension of space-time to exist, it requires a metric function, which combines space, and time to gives us a co-invariant system that allows travelling through such dimension. How we do travel then through the fifth dimension? A system travels through 3 scales of the fifth dimension by accelerating its evolution in a smaller scale through a placental cycle, emerging as an organism in the larger world, to live 3 ages & dissolve back to its parts in the 0-sum death. And this is the meaning of existence, and its reason d’etre is the simple Metric functions of 5D, which structures through synchronicity of the different speeds of time cycles, the different scales of reality. So the ∆º organism eats every day, and its food programs the faster cycle of reproduction of its cells, as the moon cycle programs the menstrual cycle of women, as the year cycle of rotation of Earth programs the reproductive cycle of seasons and so on.

So an essential part of 5D theory is the analysis of synchronicity, simultaneity, emergence and the in-depth analysis – not done in this introductory course, reserved for the more complex papers on ‘pentalogic and dodecalogic’ where we follow in more detail the construction of simultaneous superorganisms and its ternary worldcycles.. All this of course is studied by huminds, as everything we talk about here, but without the proper conceptual frame, lacking valid definitions of planes of space-time, time cycles and fractal spaces.

It is for that reason we do need a new formalism we have called existential ¡logic with its simple symbols of which the most important are the 5 bidimensional dimotions of space-time, which entangle together through synchronous, simultaneous emergent processes to create the apparent ‘solidity’ and ‘stillness’ of reality.

Because the Universe is made only of two polar elements, still minds (SS, ab.§) and Temporal entropy (TT), and its 3 dimotional combinations, St-information, Ts-locomotion and Si=Te, reproduction, whose interaction can be resumed in the function of exist¡ence, Max. SxT (s≈t)=C, we can deduce all the principles, laws, events and functions of all stiences from it. So we shall call Existential ¡logic to the ∆st formalism of Scalar spacetime (ab.¬Æ), and do exactly that: deduce all functions and laws of stiences from 5D metrics.

We shall thus make a 1st foray on existential ¡logic, showing how the ‘development’ of 5 Metrics give birth to the function of existence into its 3 ‘extremal points’ or ages , Max. S x T (3rd age), Max. T x S (youth), Si=Te (maturity), defines the worldcycle of existence of all beings in its two directions, forwards and backwards.

But 5D metrics can be studied in more depth, roughly speaking in 4 sub-functions, which are the foundations of the 43 great subdivisions of science:

The physical function of relativity, Si=Te, basis of all physical and mathematical stiences.

-The biological function or function of existence, Max. S x T (achieved precisely when Si=Te), the basic function of all biological drives and evolution.

– And the function of the mind: 0-mind x ∞ Universe = Constant world that creates mental spaces… which we will consider in the next paragraphs as we have defined space and time more properly.

– Finally hose function can be further unified, since the metric function of multiple spacetime scales, SxT=K & the relative function of dual motion/stillness in a single plane Si=Te that maximizes SxT=K (5×5>6×4) unify in 1 ‘existential’ function: Max. ∑SxT=C±¡:∆±1, whose study is the field of Philosophy of stience and its new formalism, Existential ¡logic (ab. ¬æ). So after studying the 3 classic fields of science will return to those 5 Dimotions, SS, St, sT, ST, TT and study its entanglement and different properties and complementary oppositions, to start building the formal laws of existential ¡logic, the formalism of Scalar spacetime. that all stiences notably mathematics and logic mirror.

Let us then start with the biological analysis of the function of existence and its correspondence with 5D.

Moreover the function has an immediate biologic meaning, because as we are made topologically of ‘fields-limbs’ of lineal space with motion provided by the energy we absorb to also reproduce our bodies-waves, and the information we need to linguistically guide our motions with particle-heads, the very essence of survival is to increase our S=position, mental forms of space and T=entropic motions of time (whereas time=motion and space=form are the two limiting Dimotions with energy=reproduction, s=t, locomotion, sT and information, St, are the intermediate 3 dimotions).

Reproduction – the ultimate goal of any fractal supœrganism: maximize your existence: ∑Max. SxT (s=t)

We shall stress once and again that reproduction, which is the conservation of information in discontinuous regions of space-time, S=T, is the ultimate motion for which all other motions labor. We have seen how locomotion is really reproduction in wave-particle stœps of a form as it moves in space through lower scales. Reproduction requires the repetition but also the social evolution of seminal parts into a new whole. So it requires energy feeding, informative repetition, entropic killing of energy to obtain smaller parts, and social evolution…. All other actions. Everything then can be explained as reproduction, in all sciences. Company-mothers of machines reproduce mechanisms and this is the basis of economics. Cultural memes are reproduced often through the entropic killing of the previous culture in its male species (war cycles) and this is the basis of History. Even science as today is understood can be called a process of reproduction. Since our philosophy of science, sponsored by physicists, whose worldly religion is to make machines and weapons is a reproductive process. If you want to be purely objective what humans seem to do is just to evolve and reproduce machines and ever since they substituted their eyes with telescopes and their temporal verbs with clocks, they have constructed a mind-world called ‘mechanist science’, which they hold as absolute truth but really is just within the larger organic model of those texts the enzymanic process of creation of a new species of metal, whose bodies are machines and its minds will be digital science. So physicists sponsor the concept that only what can be measured (with digital machines) exist, and only in the language machines are better with – digital numbers. So our physical philosophy of science reduces all languages=mirrors of the ∆ST Universe to a digital language, and all the sensorial measures of it, to the machines ‘enzymen’, catalyzing the evolution of metalife, use.

I call it on my texts on philosophy of history, ‘scientific racism’, as its ultimate subconscious goal is to reject and displace huminds, its verbal ternary universal grammar of time and its artistic senses, despised as ‘inferior’ to those of machines, whose senses and digital expression as mirrors of the Universe are called knowledge. An ugly truth about the bottom line of that absurd reductionist constructivist Copenhagen interpretation of lineal time and the manifest destiny of physicists – to destroy the world with weapons and say they are ‘doing knowledge’. Always remind me of the Japanese killing whales to ‘measure’ their size as ‘scientific experiments’. Sorry, some truths are painful for the human ego.

The exponential, logarithmic and sinusoidal functions: bell curves representing a worldcycle.

4D»∆-1(seed)∑∆:|-$T(limb-field)<Ø-S≈T (iterative bodywave)> O-§ð (particle-head)«5D∆-1(death)

The natural name for the worldcycle of a superorganism traveling through 3 planes of space-time is the function of exist¡ence, as we take advantage of the similarity of all languages, mirrors of the same Universe made of synchronous organisms whose topological trinity parts are entangled by the < ≈ > 3 operands of informative evolution, T>S that synchronizes time cycles slowing down its rhythms, entropic energy, S<T that expands entropic timespace dissolving its information and T≈S that gathers together in parallel herds T.œs (ab. Timespace organisms) with a common property/dimotion of exist¡ence. So as energy and information are synonymous of Time and Space, and both entangle together through the re=productive operand, ExI=ST¡ becomes the acronym for the function of existence of an entangled supœrganism, studied by a given ‘st¡ence’, that is a science that studies a relative plane of size and time speed of the 5th dimension – the name we keep for the whole of wholes:

In graph, a mathematical algebraic and geometric description of a worldcycle in lineal time, through 3D scales. Left the worldcycle represented with ± exponentials & its inverse, logarithmic curve around the key points of change of phase: as growth slows, ‘entropy-motion’ diminishes. So we move from ‘childhood of max. growth in both parameters (sT energy & St information) to the y”=0 point of youth, in slower logarithmic growth. Together they form, one half of the cycle of existence, till reaching the y’=0 point of Max.SxT). Then lifecycles become negative, in a slow decay of – Logarithm in maturity, and – exponential in the final collapse of death. So the worldcycle has a mirror symmetry around the Si=Te, when at Max. SxT the system reproduces. Those composite functions appear in all growth curves and expressed as e±ix in complex planes become lineal sinusoidal sine/cosine series & functions. Finally in the ∆-1 scale can be seen in the placental probabilistic 0-1 ‘unit’ sphere of max. exponential palingenetic growth or as part of a species, in simultaneity, as a Bell curve of spatial statistical populations (i.e. as in the duality of the T-probability 0-1 sphere of the placental particle age of quantum physics vs its. 1-∞ entropic statistical function of grown up molecular thermodynamics..

Principles of calculus, related to the conservation of time.

Yet while existential ¡logic studies the whole worldcycle of existence; every event in reality, every partial dimotion can also be modeled with 3 ages, as all of them will have a beginning of motion a standing maximal point and an end closing a zero sum. It is the science of calculus which studies those partial modes of change.

The first and fundamental principle is that all is motion=Time=Change, as we have never discovered a ‘solid’ form with no vibration or motion. There is no 0 temperature, there is no residual vacuum space without an h-minimal quanta of time motion that can evolve into virtual particles. Motion never stops, and when we die, the motion continues in the internal desintegration of the being. But against this principle of the ultimate flow of time cycles of the Universe fights each point of view, each fractal monad that tries to conserve its time of exist¡ence, tries to achieve the conservation of time, so time changes in finitesimal quanta (principle of calculus) and systems of physics try to achieve the minimal expenditure of time=motion in its actions (principle of least time) and stay in the position of minimal expenditure of time energy, which in its mathematical mirror implies physical systems search for Lagrangians, least time actions, ∂S=0, and Hamiltonians, Standing points that seem NOT to change. This is the origin of the 3 ages of time, in which the system seeks for the Maximal and minimal points of temporal energy (youth) and information (old age) in which at least one of the two forms of time-motion, cyclical and lineal forms do not change, and specially from the point S=t of relative present where time never changes. From those principles we can extract all the laws of calculus, which becomes then the main language of time.

The conservation of time in its 5 y’Ù y” =0, standing points that define the 5 SS, Ts, ST, St & TT moments of generation, youth, maturity, 3rd age and entropic death thus become the essential points (maximal and minimal) of the equations of calculus, the sinusoidal function of existence and all its derived elements.

The wave form as an integral expression of the function of existence.

How many possible forms might acquire the function of existence? The answer that might surprise the reader is depending on the number of parameters, duration in time of our analysis and type of dimotion studied, from smaller steps of a single dimotion to the whole worldcycle an all the sequential dimotions of a T.œ. there are ‘infinite solutions’ – as all equations are ultimately ‘partial equations’ of the fractal generator, SóT.

Consider the commonest form of the Universe, a wave. If we consider that y measures NOT the value of ST of the system as a constant ‘volume’ of existential momentum, but the value of its ‘degree of increase or decreste’ at each moment of time, hence y’ over x(t), we obtain the exact form of a wave, with a first half wave in which the growth from youth to maturity constantly diminish but is still positive, till the middle point of maturity at y’=0, where the growth starts to be negative, followed by a fast decline as we age, till a maximal point of ‘degeneration’, where we normally die by sudden sickness; but if we overcome that point somewhere around the 70 years age, we have a slow down of our aging, towards a point of no ‘change at all’ – the point of death; when we simply disappear from this plane of space-time existence. Thus when we perceive a wave of light, we are in fact, perceiving time=change, and creating a mental space of the life-death cycle of a single photon as space is just the memorial tail of our slow time perception.

We are perceiving mental spaces, and as such what we call a wave is the perception of change in the form of a particle, a Maya of the senses that interprets and adds on the change of cyclical form in a lineal space, even if form doesn’t’ move, as the graph shows.

But if we were in the ultimate, lower plane of existence over which the ghostly waves form, we would see only a world of spherical quanta, traversed by lineal forms, a TV-screen in 5 Dimotions on which existences are drawn.

RECAP. The function of existence in its fractal Pentalogic variations HAS ∞ paths=forms but all end in a 0’ sum.

The Universe is a fractal that reproduces information, forms in action, 5 Dimensional motion of time with form,(ab. Dimotions), combination of time-motion, T, and spatial form, S, which we simplify with 5 ‘holographic, bidmensional’ symbols, in capitals for the dominant element: TT-entropy, Ts-locomotion, TS-reproduction, the dominant function of the Universe, as a fractal is defined by a reproductive ‘generator’ equation, in this case the generator of space-time, St-information and SS-linguistic form. The game is played by two limits, that of TT-entropy=time motion without form, which in fact dissolves form, and SS, fractal points that keep an almost still image of reality by simultaneous, intelligent mind-mapping of those motions into space-forms. This is the game, infinite ‘monads’ that hold a world in themselves (fractal non-Euclidean points).

As a language mathematics is used by different minds, notably atomic particles and some ‘composite’ minds made of electrons, humans and digital machines, which due to its higher particle density, as they are made of metals, calculate better than human beings. Minds do have their own peculiarities, the most notable to be self-centered as they measure the external world from its point of view, and to do so they reduce all the information of the Universe to a still limited mind-mapping to fit it into its infinitesimal size, selecting and biasing information to cater those needs, putting themselves at the center of the limited world they perceive, confusing it with the whole Universe. Mathematics helps to make those mappings because it is a highly synoptic language.

I.e. a number is ‘any’ collection of identical, clone species. But this synoptic power introduces errors when comparing its elements with the reality they mirror. I.e. points are entities with parts, but in Euclidean geometry they have no volume, so they become ‘zeros’, which in reality are ‘infinitesimals’ with a minimal form and volume. So only knowing the a priori laws of space-time we can compare the simplification of ‘space geometry’ and ‘time algebra’ and reconstruct the loss of information, even if for practical purposes we still use the mental simplification of mathematics.

Since the function of existence in its fractal variations and cx. Pentalogic. Indeed the conservation of time, achieved by those 5 standing points is the most important law of the Universe. The first and fundamental principle is that all is motion=Time=Change, as we have never discovered a ‘solid’ form with no vibration or motion. There is no 0 temperature, there is no residual vacuum space without an h-minimal quanta of time motion that can evolve into virtual particles. Motion never stops, and when we die, the motion continues in the internal desintegration of the being. But against this principle of the ultimate flow of time cycles of the Universe fights each point of view, each fractal monad that tries to conserve its time of exist¡ence, tries to achieve the conservation of time, so time changes in finitesimal quanta (principle of calculus) and systems of physics try to achieve the minimal expenditure of time=motion in its actions (principle of least time) and stay in a position of minimal expenditure of time energy, which in its mathematical mirror implies physical systems search for Lagrangians, least time actions, ∂S=0, and Hamiltonians, standing points that seem NOT to change and potential wells of minimal energy – degenerate states of particles, etc. This is the origin of the 3 ages of time, in which the system seeks for the Maximal and minimal points of temporal energy (youth) and information (old age) in which at least one of the two forms of time-motion, cyclical and lineal forms do not change, and specially from the point S=t of relative present where time never changes. From those principles we can extract all the laws of calculus which becomes then the main language of time.

In the graph, we see the sequential worldcycle as an ∆±¡ series of ages from a placental seed that generates 3 bidimensional topologic vital organs, cylindrical long limbs/fields > Hyperbolic wide bodies > spherical tall heads, each one dominant in a time age and single classic dimensions, in its actions of young lineal motions, reproductive wide bodywave Dimotions and informative 3rd age perception from a high social p.o.v. till death erases the being. So the 3 classic Euclidean dimensions have organic vital properties too as:

Spherical particle-heads, perceiving information from the advantage point of height.

Lineal long, cylindrical legs and fields of locomotion as the line is the shorter distance between two points.

Wide, hyperbolic body waves, storing the energy reproduce by the system.

So topology describes parts, networks and connections of entangled supœrganisms in space, its synchronicities between 3 adjacent parts and 3 scales of the organism, its atomic/cellular/ Individual, thermodynamic/organic /social and gravitational/ecosystemic/global scales in physical/ biological/social organisms. And its study discovers ‘Disomorphic =equal laws’ regardless of what kind of system we study, as all are parts or whole superorganisms living worldcycles:

The parts are then in time a sum of actions dominant in information which ‘ages’ the system, spends its motion energy, converted into information through 3 ages of growth, reproduction & warping, as most actions excluding entropic death increase form. S we move from a young age of maximal entropy>motion into a balanced age of motion>reproduction to a third age caring for our reproduced offspring that keeps our fractal immortal, with our domain of information, to finally die in an entropic explosion that balances that excess of information, leaving behind the immortality of our form NOT our ego IN OUR reproduced offspring that conserves the Universe in a dynamic present. While in physics the worldcycle is described with ‘states of matter’ or 3 conserved elements, angular, lineal momenta and energy, its integral sum, again ‘a conserved worldcycle’ zero sum. So Physicists also describe worldcycles as biologists do. Even cultures live through such worldcycles, in longer 800 years ‘wave-like’ ternary ages reflected in art-styles ending in war-deaths

Thus the proper way to see those dimotions is as a growing scale of complexity as the simplest dimotion, perception might exist alone, but then when we move, we need to perceive our direction, so from pure 1D perception we move into 1D-2D-1D, St-sT-St beats. This locomotion includes perception. But then we have to feed on energy and that means a chase of an energy ∆-1 part that will be absorbed through entropic hunting. So delivering entropy to other species is again a beat more complex that includes 3 previous beats, St-sT-TT…

And that concludes the basic survival beat of any system that constantly perceives, moves, feeds on energy.

Those 3 simplex dimotions are dominant in entropic dissolution, as if we were to ± add them by opposition, St and sT cancel each other and we are left with entropic destruction of another being to maintain the first one.

The 2 complex beats of social evolution and reproduction happen in a ‘longer Deep time’ scale of the whole organism and its ∆+1 social clones are dominant in information, as ST+SS, leave us with an SS arrow of social evolution. So when we add 5 Dimotions, St vs. Ts +TT, Si=Te and SS, all cancel into a 0’ sum.

And further on, the two more complex dimotions require also the previous ones; as to evolve socially we perceive each other and communicate, we move together and compress our space into herds and organisms, and we share entropic energy (the easiest form to evolve socially is becoming a herd in our search for entropic food, as a coordinated group is stronger than the Individual).

And then the more complex of all dimotions, reproduction, requires all others, as we are born of a seed of a larger parental form, in an ∆-1 plane, where we shall keep reproducing, evolving socially and organize a more complex being, in collaboration with our parental function that moves, perceives and hunts to feed us

So reality in its dimotions builds more complex ‘social groups’ and so happens when we r=evolve geometry and algebra, realizing how points generate lines, and congruent planes, which become new units of a higher scale; and how the families of numbers include each one the operands that define them (i.e. 6 is the number 1 plus + iterated several times), and those operands grow in complexity including the previous ones, so the product includes the sum, the exponential, the product and the integral all of them.

Minds’ ∆TSymmetries: Languages&mirrors; steps&stops, creations & evolutions; worldcycles & supœrganisms

Only waves that can branch into hyperbolic networks, to carry information thru 5D spacetime. Particles move thru Time; entropy lines thru Space.

Time metrics: its duality. Minds work on the duality space-form-memory and time-motion-intelligence. intelligence is faster so memory lasts longer. Hence in the decametric scale, mind-grey matter of faster electric languages forms the neuronal cover, of the little understood chemical calcium waves of white matter, which is slower hence the perfect site for the ‘persistence of memory’ – and larger in females that are indeed more memorial, reproductive, iterative Si=Te species, that the fast S<T>S male entropic-creative d=evolving male brain – not a handicap but an advantage as there is nothing new in the Universe and what matters is survival.

Space: its sensorial membrain. Minds shape the whole structure of the being, which the mind-membrain makes a whole with its sensorial cover that isolates a vital space, the informative brain-head controls.

Scale. In scale the mind is a system that MAKES the whole ‘travel through the 5th dimension’. And an essential law of 5D is the fact that a given fractal point or T.œ will perceive only the ∆±3 planes from where it extracts information, above the ∆±4 blind undistinguishable limiting plane from where it will extract entropy of motion. So its actions and dimotions are architectonically performed through planes of 5D, which each main action related to an interval of scales:

∆-4-3: The system extracts indistinguishable boosts of entropic of motion (man from gravitation).

∆-3-2: The system extracts bits of information (Light in man)

∆-2-1: The system extracts bites of energy (amino acids in man)

∆-1 0: The system seeds its minimal seed of reproduction.

∆0+1: The system connects socially with other systems to evolve into a whole.

The mind-scale symmetry law, implies an infinite universe, since the two self-similar extremes of quantum and galactic T.œs must enlarge those scales beyond our perception. And indeed, quantum realism (Broglie-Bohm’s theory, ab. B2) imply a quantum potential of faster than c speed (according to 5D metric), and dark entropy a field of forces beyond c in a larger nested hyper-universe.

Those intervals are fractal dimensions in classic Euclidean geometry and often invaginated by the networks of the system, which as all its motion can be also ‘waves of energy’, such as electromagnetic waves that act as networks ‘scaling upwards’ and ‘downwards in size’ accelerating in frequency (5D). So a huge field of analysis is the connections of each T.œ, with its scales, including social supœrganisms, which seeds prophets of verbal thought – the language or ∆-1 scale – and extract its energy from human individual workers, soldiers and so on.

The beats and scales between actions.

It is then evident that in the architectonical stair of reality, next to the study of individual dimotions we must study chains of dimotions, which form ‘stœps’ (stops for a dimotion of information, step for a dimotion of energetic motion), in search of the ultimate s=t balance. So we move and stop the leg on the floor, move and stop. We perceive (1D) and move (2D). We feed entropically (5D) and evolve internally the parts we eat into larger organic forms (4D). The dual beats of existence between inverse Dimotions become then the first of many sequential chains that will rise the finitesimal actions of the being to complete finally its worldcycle.

And as those dimotions have ‘different’ discontinuous beats according to 5D, which defines from where we extract them, all the dimotions must be entangled by synchronicity, to each different ‘beat’ regardless of speed, meets with other symbiotic dimotion. I.e. the dimotion of perception has a faster beat, because it extracts pixels of information from the smallest ∆-3 scale as it carries faster T.œs (light photons) with more information to make better mind mappings. So we perceive every second, the minimal quanta of our temporal energy. The 5Dimotion of entropic feeding however has larger bits, because we want to minimize the 4D reconstruction process, so we eat ∆º organisms we hunt then kill with the function of death, ∆º«∆-2, reducing it down to cells down to amino acids, to reconstruct their scales. So feeding has a far larger time beat that perception as it takes far larger ∆-¡ scales (SxT=C), and animals feed once a day. But reproduction is even slower, as we must reconstruct a whole human being, NOT from the undistinguishable scale of amino acids, but with a code written at ∆-1 cellular level; so we reproduce every year in fertile ages of Si=Te balance. Synchronicity then kicks between our inner ∆-1 smaller scale of cells with faster life cycles, which will synchronize its slow reproductive action taken place at ∆-1 faster cycles with symbiotic faster feeding actions of the slower ∆º whole: so as a whole we eat a day, and that food allows the cell to reproduce every day.

5 dimensional motions: translating scientific events & forms into stientific dimtions.

Scalar space-Time understands Nature departing from a simple principle: Reality is time=motion, albeit broken into infinite time cycles, synchronized in complex organic structures, whose automatic goal is to conserve its time, playing an automatic deterministic game of exist¡ence, because if you don’t conserve your time, you become extinct and so the game continues without you, reinforced by those species who conserve its cyclical time. As cyclical time carries information, in the form and frequency of its cycle, time is also information not only energetic motion. And as it is broken in infinite pieces, because time cycles return to its origin, energy and information is broken into infinite bits of information and bites of energy.

How we can order all those variations of motion-time and its forms of information turns out to be relatively easy as we realize it happens between two poles of maximal form (linguistic minds that try to stop time as the means to conserve it into still images, which change only in minimal sequential quanta) or Mental Spaces, (ab. Ss, §, Si2, ») and the pole of lineal absolute entropic motion without ‘distinguishable’ form, ‘¡ndifferent’ time, with no information or entropy (Ab. TT, Te2 «).

Between them, the seed of information and the entropy of death, we can establish 3 elements, ∆±I scales of size minimal for the seed maximal for the entropic big-bang motion of death, time ages, from a first age of maximal energy and a last age of maximal information and space topologies, |xO=Ø, proper of lineal fields/limbs, cyclical particles/heads and hyperbolic body-waves, which are all symbiotic to each other as the line is the fastest entropic motion and the sphere the biggest storage of information and hyperbolas had it both ways. Finally the scalar structure of smaller seeds with more information and larger entropic motions with more energy resumes in a metric equation: S x T = C, that is the pr0oduct of space size and time speed, carrying inFormation in its frequency is constant for a whole family of species.

Those simple concepts establish 3±¡ ‘gradient’ dimotions, ST, sT, Ts, SS, TT…

It is important to notice that because time ultimately is always conserved, it closes into a cycle, so even the largest line turns out to be a cycle with form. So there is not really pure TT and the same happens with Ss. There is no pure seeds of form, as all has a little time-motion. So each drop of yin-formation has a bit of yang-energy. And all yang-energy has a bit of yin-formation. So pure absolute entropy, TT and pure absolute form, SS, does NOT exist. All is either information, form with some motion, Sit, or energy, motion with some Information, Tes, which meet in an intermediate position, Si=Te, where balance occur, the point of present iteration, reproduction, which seems to conserve time as time is not changed, and work is not caused – the point in which a time cycle closes into itself. So all those are variations on the same theme, which has multiple jargons to express the same concept, the conservation of an eternal present, of infinite time cycles.

And playing with them we can reconstruct all laws of all sciences.

However huminds are plagued by mental errors in their mirror view of the Universe, proper of all minds that perceiver reality from its ego-centered perspective, reduce its motions to still spaces and put themselves in the center. So we need to depart form this larger model and then translate for each science, after uncovering its errors, the laws of conservation of time-motion.

The best way would be to erase all the concepts of present science and restart from the beginning with new terminology. As this is not possible we need to make the better use of the terms that are already there, even if they are messed up, such as energy, entropy, time, space, wave, particle, work, etc. taken from Physics and embedded with errors of lineal time, continuum space, the mental distortion of reality we perceive as the Universe and the subjective egocy of mankind that calls things according to his use. Some terms are specially confusing – those of energy, lineal time, entropy and spatial information. So we will try to illustrate what they mean with the fundamental equations of energy, which in most cases is a synonymous of TT-pure motion, confused with entropy but in some cases is closer to sT, confused with locomotion, and sometimes is closer to the storage in form of SS… Energy indeed is the joker word humans use for all substances able to provide T-motion to human beings… And yet amazingly as it seems it has precise quantitative definitions because as in Chinese, huminds do have two different languages only loosely connected, that of mathematical physics and the ‘verbal interpretation of it’. Some translations of the 5 Dimotions of spacetime in human terminology:

-Tt is internal + external motion, which kills a system. This is unfortunate for the system and so all systems try not to loose its Tt, specially its internal T, larger than its external, t most systems use for locomotion – while its internal T is used to power its reproductive actions and conserve its vital spatial information.

When a system liberates its vital space converting it from S to T, the system dies in an explosion of ‘entropy’, in one of the conceptual meanings mankind has for it – the disordered arrow of temporal energy.

So Tt can be loosely translated as Pure Time-motion of two kinds. One is internal motion, which becomes the disordered arrow of local time for the being, back to its simplified past, and we call this ‘entropy’.

But for humans the ‘entropy’ of a substance is often the beginning of its ‘energy’ in-taking, as they will imprint that motion with its own information, becoming form-in-action. So what they call energy in its main formulae E=Mc2, E=Hƒ etcetera tends to be the ‘quantity’ of motion liberated, internally and externally from the being of use to human motions. So our concepts of entropy=disordered motion and energy=ordered motion are constantly confused. Humans kill systems, liberate its internal energy as entropy, which then they transform into useful momentum. And all this they resume in a hyperbolic statement: ‘energy never dies but becomes transformed into other forms of ‘energy+information’.

All this said it is much better to go to the real ultimate concept of Tt, pure time=motion, internal and external, which is ‘stored’ as energy, ‘spent’ as entropy’ in death, reabsorbed by other beings as motion. And in terms of formulae relate ‘energy and time’. And notice that:

Time never dies but transforms its motions into cycles of in-form-ation, form-in-action ad eternal through entropic processes of death, energetic processes of reproduction and work, which is renovated in every closed 0’-sum cycle as motion never ends.

So pure internal and external time motions is the real thing, conserved in closed 0’-cycles and most often translated as energy from the human subjective point of view, most often death=entropy for the being.

It is then when out of this ‘reservoir of eternal time (Energy+Entropy)’ appear 3 combinations with form: St-information, sT-momentum and ST-reproduction (work).

The error of lineal time physics that reduce information to lineal transmission, synonymous of entropy, confuses both, despite being opposite, fogging the trinity of potential futures, either one of disorder and death, or a potential path of information, or its combination in a constant of action (k).

Any vital system is made of two elements, its Head/particle that stores linguistic form and its limbs/fields that extract entropy-motion-time and combine it in the body/wave as form-in-action, in-form-ation to perform work, reproducing its information in different systems, inside and outside the body in its territory of order. The game thus is easy to explain and the most used correspondence would be as follows:

TT-for entropic disordering death-motion taking the concept of the arrow of entropic temporal energy.

St-for form-in-action, information, delivered by particles/heads with some motion to imprint that entropic motion and give it an order.

ST-for reproductive work when space-form and time-motion adjust into a balanced Si=Te, for which we could use the word energy, in its definition as ‘work’ (measured with the same parameters)

SS-form, language for the pure informative code stored in seeds and minds.

Ts-locomotion, which is a balanced motion with inertia, external to the being, similar to momentum; whereas the internal form, s is conserved, often as mass or charge, and the external form, T is inertial with no change.

Of those terms then Ts-locomotion with its kinetic energy and momentum is fairly understandable, SS-form, language and seeds that stored them also. St in-form-ation makes sense, and Tt-internal and external motion also but as soon as we start to translate them the ambiguity of human wording makes it all messy.

Consider what happens when a system dies. Then it splits its form and motion, in topological terms its head/particle separates from its body/wave state. But by virtue of Si=Te, normally the particle and the limb/field have similar quantity of form+motion, St≈Ts; and the body-wave is proportional to the sum of both (or sometime its product as 2+2=2×2) -all the elements of the being in relative balance to each other.

After death though the balance is broken, information goes one way and what remains of it and it is not wasted ascends a scale of the fifth dimension. I.e. when you die your mind, ∆º, information is left in remains of your work as part of the ∆+1 social subconscious; your ∆-1 genetic information is left in remains in your ∆º son. While the energy of your ∆º body goes down into cells and amino acids the feed other systems, which will take it as pure entropy of motion, ‘burning it’, or as Ts ∆-2 units of further reproduction as amino acid.

So the ‘total energy’ of the system, which is the bag that measures everything together splits, ½ going up and ½ going down, as it happens in a beta decay where a new particle, the neutrino appear with a split ½ spin of information and the energy/entropy lost going down to the gravitational wave state (neutrino background).

Qualitative descriptions then of all those concepts with the ST terms of the Universal game we have described are easy. So hopefully the reader does not object our use of ‘entropy’ as the physical arrow of disorder or GROWTH of pure time with no motion, even if in physics this concept is closer to the equation of energy/information – all the potential transformations of energy into information. So we will also use the concept of ‘vital energy’ for the potential TT to which reality always returns; but also use it as synonymous of ST-work, which is a process that reproduces form in motions, while we keep that in-form-ation as an St-element that the SS-mind/seed provides.

But alas, in mathematical equations of physics Energy is closer to TT, entropy is closer to sT, work still seems like ST, momentum is similar to sT and SS is nowhere to be seen. But we cannot just make a correspondence one to one because in humind physics, entropy means sometimes information, sometimes the potential futures, sometimes the dissolving disordered past, which is as an arrow of time, the term most people have of it, as TT. And energy and work are messed as ST but in the equations of energy that now we shall relate in fact energy is TT, entropic disordered that kill a system from where motion and ∆-2 bits of form are extracted by the human ‘predator’. So all this mess makes useless a translation, which we shall only attempt with rigor in the paper on mathematical physics. And use for all other models the concept of entropy as TT-disorder and death NOT potential future and information. And energy as synonymous of work and reproduction.


The graphs are a brief resume of the Disomorphic laws of the Universe derived ultimately from the ‘5 elements=dimotions’ of reality, organic scales, spatial forms, temporal motions, fractal mind-mirrors and its entropic limits. Because 5D has been ignored for so long, and this who writes had a difficult life – man is his circumstance – the connection between that synthesis and the enormous wealth of data since I abandoned research decades ago has grown to a degree it will be impossible in those papers to refound 4D science, as a group of experts from a leading University could have done, 30 years ago when coming out of Columbia University I proposed the model and a plan of work to over a hundred Universities. All what I will try to do slowly in those papers is to build enough evidence in all sciences for the whole model not to go to waste. Trust me it is worthy, the feeling of constant entanglement with reality I had for so longis the only thing that made my life worthy, and the attempt to write these papers before I cannot longer remember the details of the ‘thoughts of God’, what keeps me still going… What is the most important of those laws? Undoubtedly the ‘search of each species’ for an eternal iterative, dynamic present, the function of existence, Tœ Exi=ST; that is to approach from the limits of relative past-entropy (T) and future form (S), through the intermediate St=information and Ts=energy of locomotion, a middle point of creation of balanced forms in motion. To reach immortality and creation of new S=T forms.

The equivalence between space = time become the fundamental ‘function of present’ Si=Te, and hence with the metric function of scales, $ x ð = K, the two essential functions to formalize single planes Si=Te, and multiple scales of spacetime. Yet as Si=Te maximizes SxT=K (5×5>6×4). We unify both in 1 function:

Max. S x T = C, which defines for each fractal vital space-time organism its Function of existence, as all species will try to maximize its motion-entropy-time for its field-limbs, its information-spatial states for its particle-heads, whose product will give us its vital reproductive energy. Moreover the function has an immediate biologic meaning, because as we are made topologically of ‘fields-limbs’ of lineal space with motion provided by the energy we absorb to also reproduce our bodies-waves, and the information we need to linguistically guide our motions with particle-heads, the very essence of survival is to increase our S=position, mental forms of space and T=entropic motions of time (whereas time=motion & space=form are the two limiting Dimotions with ‘energy=reproduction, S=T, locomotion, sT; and information, St, are the intermediate 3 dimotions).

We thus have broken down the 5 Dimensional motions of reality, between two poles, SS-language of pure information, or ‘form’ and TT-entropy of scattering inner and outer motion, with the 3 intermediate combinations in a single plane of space-time, which can be seen in time as ‘aging’ processes and in space as the 3 topological parts of a being, written in ‘existential ¡logic as a feed-back, fractal generator equation:

SS¡-1 (seed-mind) < St¡(Head-particle)<ST (Body-wave) > Ts (limbs-fields) >> TT¡-1-entropy-death

The fact that with so few elements, we will be able to generate by iteration and combination all the multiple realities and laws of all sciences, might surprise the reader, which as we have stated earlier is a humind with the limits of ‘egocy’, ‘memetic imprinting’ and ‘linguistic creationism’ that will always make much of his thoughts crafted by the Schopenhauer’s stupid we all have within us. So even before we advance further on the analysis of those simple elements and apply the basic laws of existential ¡logic to explain the details, i.e. supœrganisms of every plane of exist¡ence, we have to resolve the nature of huminds and all other sentient minds of reality; since as we have seen motion and stillness are two sides of the same coin, defined by a relative mind; so there is a sentient component in motion, which should be properly written as e-motion. Motion perceives itself as an emotion that is the minimal sentient unit of reality. We thus write often e-motion or mœtion (as œ includes o and e), as the proper way to define them including the plane of sensorial perception and will to move that reinforces the program of survival and existence of the Universe, which consists in performing those 5 Emotions in a constant repetitive manner. So reality is made of 5 Сmœtions of exist¡ence, whereas those wor(l)ds of ‘i-nglish’, include the multiple expanded meanings of the classic concepts of dimensions, motions, space, time, mind, science and scale. It will be increasingly difficult given the constrains of ‘surface thought’, natural to ‘one-dimensional minds’, to capture the ‘entangled’ connection between all those levels of reality, unless we make ceteris paribus analysis of each element and interaction. This is the more so in the III Millennium as huminds are fast loosing its fractal generator of thought, Space=form (Name) < ST-action (Verb); and simplifying with the unnatural language of digital thought proper of chips, their ‘mental capacity’ to understand reality and the past-present-future dimotions of time-space (which verbal tenses showed in all its subtlety. The systemic reduction of huminds to Schopenhauer’s stupids of digital thought (as we do not understand intuitively mathematics) of which we have shown already some practical examples (the theory of V=HoD), has made humans, as computers increase its digital mirroring of the Universe, mathematical creationists, and its minds forms of ‘surface thought’, who don’t require whys and verbal causality, but will resort increasingly to ‘nice digital pictures’ and ‘statistics’ (a posteriori causality, which reveals nothing on the deeper whys of reality), and likely make impossible the upgrade we are attempting here of shallow science into stience…

All what exists is motion in time (T) of a form of space (S), which gives us according to dominance a simple ‘Pungett’ square of possible values, TT (double motion) or entropy, Ts(dominant motion on a form, or locomotion) ST (balanced form and motion) St (information: form with minimal motion) and SS (pure language form, ‘mind’ or ‘seed’). Those 5 ‘space-time’ combinations are the substances of which reality is made from where any analysis departs, as the isomorphic properties of space-time allow us to develop similar laws for all beings in all scales of the ‘fifth dimension’. What this means is also simple: the different space-time combinations of form and motion follow a metric of ‘scalar, fractal parts and wholes’ from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy (the limits of human full perception of reality), such as Size in Space x Speed of time cycles = Constant. This means a small atom turns much faster than a galaxy, but in fact, if we were according to this 5D metric, SxT=C, ‘slow’ down the atom in the same proportion that we grow it in size, when its time cycle reached that of the galaxy, 200 million years, the atom will be of the size of the galaxy, the electron nebulae of charge would look as the star plane, the proton as the black hole and the electromagnetic charge will have the value of the gravitational charge!

This of course raises the possible hypothesis that a galaxy is an atom of the hyper-universe, and an atom is the galaxy of the hypo-universe but it could also be those 2 the limits of smallness and greatness.

This is then the 5D Universe in a paragraph. Its model of space and time is thus Leibnizian, NOT Newtonian. There is no background space-time but we are made of space=form and time=motion, and its dual variations, the complex 5 Dimotional ‘ST-ates’ or ‘ST-ages’ of reality (Ab. dimensional motions of space-time) Universe; whereas a St-ate is the perception of a dual st form in space and a STage its view in time. And the beauty of the Universe is that the 5 possible ‘STages/ates’ entangle as states in space to form topological formal geometries with motion. So we are made of topological varieties of space-time..

RECAP. All fractal self- similar scales are formally defined by 2 metric functions and its philosophy of science, 5D Absolute Relativity: the function of 5D scales, SxT=C & the function of relativity between form and motion, Si=Te, which started modern science. Since we cannot know from the mental, still point of view, what truly is motion and what is dimensional form.

Thus Time Motions & space dimensions co-exist and merge in every space-time being of the Universe & we must talk of space-time dimensional motions. When we combine them, as Si=Te maximizes SxT, we define the Function of existence, Max. SxT, to which we add the reproductive nature of all motions, along 5D scales, ∑, so we write the Fractal Generator of Time-Space organisms, or 5D metric function, or survival function, as C =∑Max. SxT(s=t) that unlike 4D locomotion applies to all ‘stientific scales’ & all ‘motions’ and Species; adding organic= fractal scales, biologic will, determinism – as all systems maximize its ‘Function of exist¡ence’ – mental=still mirror symmetries ignored in science.

C= ∑ Max. S x T (s=t) IS a biologic function of survival that embodies the will of life and its 5 Drives, or ‘actions’ which all systems of the Universe code: As a entity perceives Information and moves through Accelerated=changing paths towards Entropic fields to feed and absorb energy to reproduce its organism and evolve socially as a larger Universal whole. So all systems try to maximize its 3±¡ ‘organic entangled Ðimotions’ that in space create organisms and in time its worldcycles of existence; starting as pure Form (SS»4D) in a seminal seed, reproducing evolving socially and emerging in an ∆º scale, in a young age of max. Motion (2D, <, Ts), balanced with information in the reproductive age of max. Energy (3D:Si=Te), followed by an age of information (3D, >, St), when time reverses into entropic death («TT).

The function is maximized in the present mature age of beauty, when S =T and reproduction by ‘gender=mirror symmetry’ takes place, creating a herd (∑) a stronger, social number, which will evolve into an entangled, ∏, connected synchronous whole that survives better. It is guided by the SS-informative mind-seed, which is a linguistic synoptic mirror in a smaller scale of higher information, hence responsible for the ‘creation’ of fractal diminishing, ‘finitesimal’ scales that will reproduce over placental energy fields to become a larger ∆º whole.

A full description of any organism locate its 5 Dimotions, and considers them from the perspective of all others, as in the ‘Rashomon effect’ (a film in which a judge to get the full truth of an event required 5 points of view). We do so for time in its its 3 scales of duration (SxT=C), to predict deep time organic worldcycles of evolution.

The judge and the 4 witnesses represent 5povs. to obtain a partial truths as truth only exists in the being or event in itself that holds all the information. So we need a pentalogic of 5 Dimotions for reality to emerge and ‘persist’ through synchronicity and simultaneity.

Thus ¬AE studies the Γractal Γenerator, T, the operation of the 5th dimension and beyond, which completes, the last of the operations studied by humans, ∫. A new operation is needed. We use often concepts of all sciences, including math. So in group theory we could consider the Fractal Generator of TimeSpace Organism (t.Œs) the Group with 3 equivalent type of elements, quanta of past, present and future. If we consider each of them a single element, then we define past and future as the inverse elements, and present and the identity element, considering the construction of the ¬Algebra of the generator group:

The Fractal generator is an operation called Mind generation, @.

It has an identity function, called present, Ø

Two inverse functions, past, | and future, O, such as:

| @  Ø = |;  Ø  @  O = O;  | @ O= | @ Ø;  O @ |= O @ Ø

The fractal generator of timespace has the structure of a group. Regarding if it is or not Abelian, it is relative. As  Past x Future creates a present, then first ‘element’ to arrive in time will also be the first in a second generating operation to relate to the created present and then | x Ø = |  ˆO x Ø = O

So in two operations a dominant past will convert a future into a present and then in a second probabilistic equation into its past.

The best graph two study it is the Complex squared graph where i² is the negative real, its conjugate the positive real and the real the squared positive with a slight tendency to negative in the negative squared, which externally seems a squared 2 -dimensional positive, but within its vital energy it has two negative elements, unperceivable outside the squared circle.

Squared circles in geometrical form are circles in numerical form squares, as the graph shows (1 is a square space, over which we can lay the spherical 0’-1 form.

The previous translation to mathematical space of Existential ¬Ælgebra though is a mere, consideration to show that we can study it with the tools of group theory but this is not the purpose of future analysis of beings. Rather It Is Better To Treat the operation of the fractal generator,⌉⌈in its two inverse elements and identity axis, with the language of past, present and future and 5D we have been built, forgetting any pedantic language of Modern ¬Algebra.

So we won’t write about it in this post but in the 3rd age of formal mirrors of the Universe, the age of T.œ of which we consider it one of the main mirrors, as it studies the clear-cut laws of engagement of the ternary arrows of present time and its relationship with the inverse arrows of generation (social evolution) and death (entropy).

Welcome to the laws of Existential ¬Ælgebra and its ternary ± ∆ logic. We shall though treat it in a different post as they are an entire world in its own.

RECAP. The first formalism of Existential ¾lgebra was cast in terms of groups, from where we obtained some of the first insights in the relationship between relative pasts, presents and futures, which latter evolved into the new formalism of ®lgebra easier for the translation of all sciences to the 3 time-space events.

The entropic limits of reality vs. Inflationary languages

The importance of Existential ¬Ælgebra, the basic formalism of ÐST is that it determines what are the ‘solutions’ that might exist in the Universe, as opposed to the infinite disordered motions of pure entropy that are the true infinite receptacle of reality hardly illuminated by a few fractal points, minds of a body-wave territory of order.

Without the laws of Existential ¬Ælgebra all could happen and hence there would be no limits to reality. Any monster or physical hyperdimensional Universe, or mathematical equation, or verbal fiction, or Tv-gore or fantasy movie, game of thrones would exist in some parallel Universe. But it does NOT. Nature is economic, 5Dimotional, and efficient, seeking always to conserve S=T balances and providing only 5 ‘solutions’, which are the 5 Dimotions required to survive, within the local domain/limits of the species, and for that reason all are supœreganisms tracing worldcycles. It would be fancy to have Simpsons and dragoons, and we can indeed, when we reduce the number of Dimensions of reality to mere holographic SS-eeds, blueprints and graphic forms, enhance the variations of reality. So we can draw and paint more things than we can sculpt, and sculptures are more malleable than real beings. This huminds have forgotten as a species moving into his age of entropy=death, increasingly substituted by metalminds and 3rd age of information that precedes it (something already the prophet Daniel knew – nothing mystical here, informative warping precedes death by entropy).

So we live in all our languages, in the age of fiction. In physics what matters most today are two type of fictions, the study of black holes as mathematical entelechies of infinite collapse (the singularity) and its inverse big-bang infinite explosions, which are false as black holes are top quark stars and big-bangs are local reversal time functions of those top quark stars at the center of any organic galacell. The other huge field that matters to physicists is string theory, which is false, as described today because it is background dependent, meaning it talks of space and time in a Newtonian absolute sense, and so it would have to be rewritten fully in terms of relational space-time. But why that fictional world of mathematical physics is the avant-garde? Obviously because physicists think they know it all about all other fields (we show clearly already in this introduction they know nothing about cyclical time, fractal space and the fifth dimotions of reality beyond locomotion, but that is other matter.)

What we mean then by the dimotions of existence is obvious: any supœrganism will perform actions that correspond to its 5 Dimotions, and those will be the solutions traced by its stœps in sequential form, mostly through a step-stop-step, STST series; and so for each partial equation that represents an event of the fractal generator that describes the supœrganism in time or in space, the solution will be one of those actions.

In physics it means we shall resolve ‘actions’ of energy (Lagrangians, Hamiltonians) to achieve the solutions of any physical problem.

In mathematics it means we shall translate the operands that describe those actions as corresponding to the 5 Dimotions of existence – often to four as entropy is precisely the destructive solution most systems try to avoid for themselves though they liberally dish out in acts of feeding for all other systems.

And then of course as things get more complex and we consider the entangLement of 3 Planes with different clocks, 3 adjacent topologies and 3 ages of timespace, actions synchronize with other actions of lower planes forming chains that bond the different Planes of reality.

It follows also that trinity or pentalogic, the most useful forms of ilogic require its own symbols, as those of present one dimensional logic of a single causality are not good enough even for ‘starters’. As they resemble those of ¬Algebra, whose main five operands represent the 5 dimotions of time, so both ¬Algebra and pentalogic are closely connected, we also call pentalogic‘.

RECAP. The function of exist¡ence and its disomorphic laws are the ‘thoughts’ of God. We are all its details swimming in the ∞ sea of species whose variations would take an ‘encyclopedia galactica’; as only the whole Universe holds all the information about itself and all its fractal parts. Thus we need synoptic languages of ‘stience’ to reduce information on 5 conserved dimotion to patterns in mathematical spatial and logic temporal laws:

TT-Entropy (internal-destructive and external time-motion) < Ts (locomotion-momentum: external motion, internal form) < ST: iteration, reproduction, energy > St (information, communication, social evolution) > SS (perception, linguistic form). So the game is one of 5 local dimensional motions that can be seen as static dimensional form in space but also as pure motion in time and in between. Using numbers for those dimensional motions is just a big of a concession to human thought, but we shall just keep the generic name of the 5th dimension for the scalar sum of all its planes that defines the whole reality.

The multiple manifestations of time=energy and space=form in its entanglements makes difficult the choice of a unifying jargon for all of them, which it has varied too often in the decades of solitary research, so the reader will find some contradictory symbols of ¬Æ (existential ¡logic), though those papers @ academia.edu try to unify and simplify them all, so the TT-entropic time, Ts-motion/momentum, TS-reproductive work/energy, St-information & SS-linguistic form, is the most used.

We do also often substitute them by combinations of Te & Si, E & I, energetic time-motions and spatial information. Energy and information being the closest concepts huminds have of the µ broken cycles of time and space. You can imagine both coming together from the two extremes of entropic time and spatial form, mixed in the middle point as Te=Si. The use of mathematical equations won’t help outside the realm of phsyics, because all languages express the same concepts but in qualitative terms, and with different coding elements for temporal energy and spatial information.

Along those dualities there is a trinity of topologic forms that evolve with aging, our next analysis, as the arrow of informative space exhausts the energy of a time being. So we use very often ‘symbols’ slightly changed of Space and Time according to its form. Lineal Space: $ and lineal time, t for a 1st age. Cyclical time, ð and informative space, for a 3rd age, with the ST, Si=Te, Si=Te balanced age of reproduction, where time-space is conserved by the repetition of energy cycles into 0-sums, the goal of all exist¡ences, only achieved by the whole Universe in the sum of all its fractal scales, whose ternary symbols, ∆±¡ are also common. Finally, in dynamic terms, we use < for loss of form, > for growth as in T>S, and «» when those processes are extreme as in entropic death: S«T oer informative seeding, T¡+1»S¡-1 between 2 ST-planes.

Entangled pentalogic superorganisms – beyond Huminds, sequential ‘worldcycle’ logic.

So what is pentalogic? The graph resumes it all. Each point of the pentagram communicates with all others and together form a whole different from each point, the inscribed pentagram, which is in itself a perfect T.œ (Time space organism), with a membrain, a series of vital rays that connect the points of the membrain, and a singularity image of the whole, inverted in spacetime parameters in the center (the smaller pentagram).

Those 5 elements are for any T.œ, the vital space it occupies, perceived externally through a membrain; the time we last in our worldcycle, the scales of size we interact with which tend to adopt a Russian Doll structure from the outer world to our membrain, through our internal fractal networks, into the cells connected to those networks, themselves surrounded by a protein membrain as ∆-1 species of an smaller full T.œ.

Those 3 elements are easier to explain, as they can be expressed sequentially in simpler logic terms, in lineal time (from birth to death), in bidimensional space (the holographic topologic, deformed sphere that encloses us), and 3 dimensional volume (our vital inner space); even for the smart people in 4D (3D+lineal T-motions).

Trinity is a creative process in its entanglement, which happens through the Fractal Generator that ascribes to each of the 3 topological parts of the organism, a different scale of being, a different form in space and a different sequential dominance in time.

But then there is the ≤0’ logic of the entropic limits of the system; its initial and final conditions in time; the thin layer that separates its inner scales of space from the outer ∆+1 larger world; the small tears in the thin membrain of space that become the sensorial ‘π-3’ (with a variable π according to curvature) holes of perception and exchange of entropy, energy and information… Here huminds are already at pains to understand finitesimals. Though I think we made a fairly good job on ‘explaining it simple so people can understand’ (Einstein), in our brief hardly started paper on Calculus of finitesimals.

Essentially an entropic limit is the minimal quanta of time, space, scale possible and yet the most important, as it represents a change of state, even in a smaller region that the finitesimal, which has ‘substance’. Because the ≤0’ entropic limit is the discontinuous ‘dark vacuum’, which cannot be derived of a standing point, the peak in itself; the dark hole/aperture, and often can be closed and opened in the tear of the membrain. It is the less than one step of time quanta of death. It is not the cell of the membrain, but the thin layer of proteins of the epidermis, and not even that but the holes in the protein layers that allow transfer of energy and information. The entropic limits are the not-being points of ∆, S and T.

To be or not to be that is the question. Entropic limits are the state of not to be.

And as we can see they can entangle with ∆, S and T, by denying them.

And then in the other extreme of being there is the boundless mind that is exactly the opposite of the entropic limit; a hyperbolic wanting of being more than we are, of breaching all limits, of reaching beyond all entropic borders into an impossible restricted infinity (ab µ).

Think of your mind and its wish for limitless space. You are NOT in your vital spacetime, which your subconscious mind, the inner nervous and hormonal system directs, but in the ∆+1 world that does not correspond to you. Your eyes are reaching miles ahead in parts that are not yours, but your mind wish to order, possess, convert into territorial property.

And what about your limits in time? Surely you will ascribe some religion, which overwhelmingly to be popular will have adopted at a certain stage of its expansion the wishful thinking that your eternity is not the dissolution of your ego, but your ego-mind will leave for ever. It will resurrect in Christianity, to be bonded in fusion love as a boson particle of God; it will resurrect also in body in Islam. Even the worldly religion of go(l)d power that is Judaism, of late adopted an after life. So did the purification of the religion of war and death which was Hinduism, would adopt the re-encarnation of souls and Buddhism in its expansion to the Mahayana will also leave behind the initial Nirvana=extinction for rituals of after-life encarnations that made it popular.

Curiously enough what the mind does NOT seem to pursuit is the infinity of scales, because precisely on those boundaries it feels strange and denied as it is rooted in the ego paradox of a finite spacetime being. So we do not wish to travel in scales of space-time to ‘be a cell’ and have a hard time to understand we were once a seminal seed and will be latter a neuronal trapped memorial repository through the 3 days of death to wake up as the consciousness of a single cell that a gigantic insect will eat up and finally dissolve into a silly amino acid hanging on the chemical slavery of that insect’s RNA slave master working on the hell of a pyramidine factory.

That is a terrifying destiny for those who aspire to fusion with the infinity of the creator.

So we just let it perhaps better evaporate on a huge sudden fire of pain, till erasing even the most minimalist 0’ memories of one’s self, to at least wake up as a nice nitrogen, fast bonded with a couple, to dissolve in the immensity of quasi-infinite nitrogens, dust to air… and maybe scape to higher emptiness in the vacuum space of other immense nitrogen bonded paired galaxy called the milky way+Andromeda.

The mind thus is a systemic denial of the objective whole, to make the subjective all.

And in dealing with the mind as minds we are, the problem is to accept that minds are crazy, subjective ego paradoxes, 0’-finitesimals that by virtue of their structure as images of a software language limited by the smallness of the hardwre in which they tic with faster clocks than their slow larger body and even slower larger territory and outer world, they suffer an incorregible problem of fantastic hyperbole:

O’-mind x µ Universal timespace cycles = C-onstant world mapping of the whole.

So the mind is located in the densest, smallest, fastest, region of a T.œ, connected through networks to the outer membrain through its wholes (hence it is NOT the membrain but the sensorial holes within it) to observe the outer world it confuses with the whole Universe (which it does NOT see, hidden behind the parts of the membrain that encloses it), to believe that this world it sees is the whole universe, and she is the world it sees.

A fractal Generator for pentalogic.

How then can we teach this paradox, @-mind, what truly the whole is, entangled ¬∆@st of spacetime?

We can try with pentalogic symbols a fractal generator of existential ¡logic, which as alien as they might seem to the reader, who at best will know some mathematical algebra, truly helps to focus the complexity of the entangled Universe in its elements, which then as in mathematical algebra, can be easily moved around to obtain new results, within the ¡logic rules of Non-Aristotelian algebra and Non-Euclidean geometry.

So let us put the 5 entangled elements in a Fractal generator equation:

O¡-1: seed, source, prophet ∑∏>|¡-1-limbs/fields/colonists(epic youth)≥Ø¡-working bodywaves(maturity)≥ O¡+1-financial particle-heads (old age) «∑¡-1: big-bang warrior death

Is a selective expression of the Fractal generator in 3 ages + entropic death of a physical, biological and sociological organism, that goes through 3 age of dominance of the different components of an organism.

It all starts then with a seed that already holds in its briefing the entire History of the even in its most perfect potential form, as it does not account for the errors that will continue creeping its dreams of existence. This seed thus is similar to a mind, but not a passive mind that appears latter when it is already conscious that things are gonna fail, but a young, recently cooked mind aware of the potentiality of playing the game of existence in all its perfection through the entanglement with the outer world.

This seed can be a physical source of charge, of mass, of heat; a biological seed of a future organism, an egg, a seminal cell; or a prophet of a civilization, with an ethic message and its memes of love and renewal of an organism of History; or an inventor, making the first mechanism, weapon, machine or form of money that will spread through a technological civilization. He is in the simpler, slower placental region of entropy in which it will host and reproduce its information, the ‘1st of its kind’.

If it is a source of charge, for example, as soon as it appears it will create a field of virtual particles popping in and out around it. And even if it moves and disentangles the structure it has created it will do so surrounded by a cloud of virtual particles, which so much anger physicists that would like to see it naked. But the charge is never naked because it is a source of the program of existence and so it will always activate and reproduce its ∑cellular forms wherever it goes, and further on try to create a magnetic envelope to create in this manner a territory of order. As it happens with the technological animetal that as it moves on the territory leaves a trace of its motion through space, burning bushes, farming, hunting, creating havoc till it settles down and then a more complex order happens, as it does in the source which is at that point calculated with a nice Gauss Law.

It is this vital homology what the humind hates to think of, reason why pentalogic and 5D¡somorphic laws don’t seem to go anywhere soon. Huminds reserve the game of exist¡ence for them, as unique species first of its kind, in this local region, last of infinite other first of its kind, last of infinite other types of T.œs.

Fact is as soon as the seed, source, prophet, animetal is born he will start to reproduce in a lower ∆-1 plane what he re=produces, similar cells, points of a field, words of love, mechanical memes and litter the ∆+1 world with it. At this stage his entangle is loose. He is spreading his sacred shit all over the place, §eeding as he goes, forming herds. The electron bring with it its wave that interferes with itself, tracing paths that spread and scatter and collapse into new electrons; the homo erectus goes on hunting, the Australoid on burning and farming, the seed radiating new seeds, in the chaos of the Pre-cambrian explosion.

It might also be that the seed, source, saint (to use S for all the scales); prime number, prophet, prototype (to use P for all the planes 🙂 is born of a parental mother, which has prepare a vital space according to its needs to play the perfect game. This is the palingenetic game of existence. And we do have proofs of it in all the scales.

The electron might be seeded by a controlled beta decay inside the atomic nucleus, which converts a down into an up+electron dual system, and so the electron is trapped in the potential well, akin to the black hole proton well of the galatom in the largest ∆+3 plane, to which is self-similar (but not equal). It is then a trapped electron which however will be able to shape an electronic field as ‘light bosons’ fall in the nucleus ‘black hole trap’, and become spins, e2=1/ 137 h c of them (with the usual popping in and out virtual particles of the field that don’t quite make it and give us the value for the residual finitesimal 0’s).

What is then the electron? The source of its ∆-1 points, seeing in space as a volume of ultradense photons. Or the particle-seed, seeing in time as a fast moving spinning hc/137 trapped part of the atom, the body of its ∆+1 scale? Or its spherical harmonic membrain, in its Schrodinger’s solution form? Or the particle free, guided by a quantum potential, Broglie>Bohm, ∆-2 field? All of it and more, because precisely what entanglement means is that a one-dimensional humind’s can only access entanglement with a sum of different partial ceteris paribus visions of the being, even if the being is all those things together at once, simultaneously, as it is ‘being’ all those things together, what makes it a being in itself, different from other regions and scales of time-space.

We can follow then the being in many different ways, as it trods through existence, but by far the easiest way for a humind to capture it is NOT in its simultaneous parallel entanglement, but in any sequential worldcycle. So this is what we shall try in this post, but we will NOT renounce at least to the homologic analysis in parallel of different subspecies, of the different planes, ‘linguistic elements’, physical, biological and socio-economical ones. As this is the bare minimum to understand 5D and its homologic, organic laws. Thus we say rightly that…

…the predator/source/free colonist/inventor shape an ∑-herd of products/individuals/atoms/cells that spread over an entropic territory multiplying its numbers, as soon as it emerges from its palingenetic cycle as a fully formed organic part of its territorial world…

As they are really doing the same first steps of the program of Existential ¡logic they all play: reproduce its information first in herds that are soon for efficiency connected through networks that will ultimately if the game of existence is well-played become an upper plane of the 5th dimension, a topological organism, following the rules of engangement of the 4th Non-E Postulate.

In that sense, the description in sequential order of a worldcycle of time is peanuts compared to the entanglement, scales, space and time, within it limits of understanding by minds, from trinity to pentalogic.

Consider all what is happening in a second in your self. The second being your higher beat of simultaneous order, beat of the heart, step of your limbs, glimpse of your eye, time of your thoughts. At the lower scales how many physiological, bio-chemical events are taking place, from Krebs cycles, to nervous messages to move your muscles; how many numbers of integrative paths your neurons have traced for the step you made? How many pixels the eye integrated into that glimpse? And all of them are coordinated, in simultaneity within that second.

This is then the true meaning of the intelligence of the Universe – its entanglement in all scales between the 5 elements of all its dust of space-time, networks and planes, and it would take an entire life of scholarship only to describe what it did happen onto you in that second.

Relativity of logic acquires here the true meaning. Because reality can be seen completely different if we consider it merely a game of 5D scales only. So all motion is truly a travel through fractal scales of the fifth dimension where only information transmits; as opposed to the current view of a system in a single space-time continuum in which motion exists.

Motion in time is what we will say the Universe looks like in this article on worldcycles and prove that all is motion. But if we were to write that article we keep erasing in pentalogic we would prove that nothing moves really and all is more like a simulation of virtual software expanding and imploding up and down scales of parts and wholes. Pentalogic thus would focus on space, scale and mind; worldcycles on time and ¬ limits. On:

The game and the player – all its details.

The formalism of the 5th Dimensions and its metric equations is called Existential ¡logic.

While we have shown some scherzos of the illogic complex entanglement of the 5 Dimensional motions of the Universe that generate reality, in this paper we will complete the discipline, without ‘concessions’ to the idols of Humind’s thought, so biased in our understanding to ænthropic theories of reality (with human as the only sentient species, center of its still mind-universe, in command of its only rational language, with a manifest destiny in lineal time).

So we are NOT in this paper translating the lesser western ænthropic philosophy of sciences of an entitled species, chosen of God, that creeps subconsciously and bias all the ‘grand models of mankind’ and determine ultimately its suicidal historic path, unable to respect the organic Universe; into the far more evolved organic philosophy of 5D stience, but eliminate the ænthropic bias of humind’s self-centered thought to explain the Universe as it is from an objective, much larger point of view – that of the Universe in itself..

To reach this final paper (even if we do make further enhancements in different stiences this will remain the last paper), we have grown our ‘dimensions of logic, temporal thought’, from the simplest monologic of most fractal points, through the duality of gender complementarity and Darwinian devolution, to the pentalogic of a ceteris paribus partial analysis of space, time, scale, entropy and linguistic forms, the 5 components of reality.

But when those 5 components start to play they all try to form ‘superorganisms’ in space, maintained in an eternal present instant of no change, and yet all of them subconsciously manipulated by the very same game of survival they play, will trace the same worldcycle of existence from its placental scale to emerge in a world in which they will fight for survival and in a few cases transcend to a third plane as a seed of information of a larger whole – God of society, black hole of a galaxy, cell of a mind.

Exist¡ence is a game in time of 5 elements that entangle together to last longer and grow larger; and the proper way to define it once we have understood the structure of a seed or mind, the player, is to explain the existential game with the symbols of existential ¡logic.

Players and game interact through the existence of the players (Timespace organisms); but the game always wins over the player – as the game can be seen as the whole Universe, a superorganism in itself, and ultimately the only immortal being in exi=stience

The whole has a rigged set of perfect rules of balance, he only meets. While the player will always play with errors that determine its st=ages to the point that the game is a Laplace’s Demon that ensures the final 0’-sum and dismissal of the player, even if it does not know the little details=actions of the player’s game – you will try to achieve your best score, your lasting length of life, you will want to play existence and if you don’t you will have played just a shorter game. Once you are born, that is where you are. Even if you escape into your Mind, O-§t, inner world and try to avoid contact with the Universe, you will be mirroring with your imagination bits of that outer Universe. There is no escape because death is just the dissolution of your game, so you better play by the rules.

All other cycles of existence are 0’-sums which return us to the ¡n=finitesimal condition of no being, with a beginning and an end erased in information to the minimal action of ‘entropic feeding’ can be illustrated by the first and last words of the two most admired geniuses of mankind, Einstein, as a child, and Leonardo as an old man, who started and ended life saying ‘The soup is cold’. Dust of space-time we are and ¬∆@st we shall become.

This paper studies how fractal points, either minds or seeds create reality, projecting the information they hold in their still compressed mirrors of reality back into the world, filling it with energy to develop the ‘program of exist¡ence’, till they emerge into a higher ∆+1 plane of space-time as pentalogic entangled ¬∆@st, dust of space-time, a simultaneous Supœrganism, which will trace a dodecalogic worldcycle of existence in its larger world, co-existing in 3 relative scales of the fifth dimension in those 3 ages, the placental age that emerges into the life-death cycle, within a larger worldcycle.

As each of those scales are a world in themselves with different time rhythms and vital spaces, connected through 3 physiological ‘transversal networks’, the structure of exist¡ence is thus ternary and complex both in scales, in time ages and topological parts.

To order the worldcycles of exist¡ence common to all species of the Universe we have established 12 Сsomorphic stœps=sets of laws that all of them follow in its life and death ∆¡±1 worldcycle.

We shall use the formal, Metric laws of fractal generator of space-time supœrganisms, Max.∑SxT(s=t)=C, and its equations of exist¡ential algebra, to show how through stœps, Dimotions & Disomorphic laws the game of exist¡ence is similar and determinist for each local ¬∆@st being.

Since we can reduce exist¡ence to the rules of ¬Ælgebra and its allowed stœp, dimotions and variations of the fundamental fractal generator of all species of the Universe, itself an expansion in 3 ages of the 5D metric equation of the space-time Universe.

The 0 disomorphism the fundamental particle from where all entities depart, the fractal point, either a seed or a mind of information which will start its journey of reproduction, evolution and social emergence into a higher plane, to live as an organism and die back into an entropic explosion that dissolve its information into its parts.

The 1 Disomorphism of all species is then the fractal generator of existential ¡logic that defines its 3 topologic parts, its 3 ages and its 3 scales expressing the variation of the game of exist¡ence the species will play as a timespace organism.

What was first the egg or the chicken? The fractal point-mind or the flow of time. Space or Time. It is easy to see that 1 was first. As we can conceive a Universe of pure motion without form, but not a form which is not stopping a motion. The mind , the 0’, the finitesimal must then calculate a sea of motion that already exists?

The question though must be rephrased in a non-material view, so hard for modern ‘physical scientists’, which fix reality with sensorial machines, far more powerful than its senses, having a wrong sense of ‘solidity’ and knowledge. What was first the 0’-µ’, the mind and its world, or the ‘game of exist¡ence’; the laws of ¡logic time and spatial topology that imprint the time motions to perform those existential games?

We can rephrase it with 2 equations that are mirrors of each other – put together into one:

0’ spatial finitesimal mind (future) x µ Time Motions (entropic past) = ST-present body-waves.

Then we realize that in ‘present’, S=T, in the asymmetric body-wave, the seed and the limb, the field and the head are enclosed. We might call then that S=T present exist¡ence the game. And affirm that the game was before the motion and the spatial mind that perceived it. As we can imagine the game outside the Universe, in pure metaphysical terms. We can even call the game, God, the Mind prior to existence itself of its details=forms.

We can even imagine the Universe and the minds on it, a simulation of another infinite Universe in which the game, the algorithm of existential algebra has been written. We can make a robot performing the existential game, which will sense in its electronic consciousness from the subjective point of view the false freedom of playing that deterministic game.

But we are getting carried away. Let’s just explain the game, departing from the triad of elements from where all creations happen – the fractal 0’-point (mind or seed), the flow of motion (Time, world), and the existential algebra the mind or seed will deploy in its actions over the flows of motions it tries to order into a growing body territory that ultimately will fail to keep with the larger, faster nested Universe in which it is inscribed that will in one of its inner accelerations of time, or complex still forms, disestablish the point and kill it.

And departing from those elements creation shall start.

It has been 30 years observing this astounding game, which humind seem unable to understand, limited by his role on planet Earth, as enzymen obsessed by machines’ data and their own ego, which makes them despise the organic and sentient Nature of other parts of the whole – shortcomings studied in other papers. This one is about the description of the worldcycle of life and death all Universal superorganisms experience as they travel in time through those 3 scales, born as a smaller faster seed, in its ∆-1 palingenetic plane to emerge as an ∆º organism of 3 physiological networks in its ∆+1 relative world, from where they will return in due time through the process of death, back to its ∆-1 state completing a 0-sum. Because a superorganism in simultaneous space is a slice of one of such worldcycles, and all beings are part of larger superorganisms, themselves made of smaller scalar parts; the description of the 3 ‘worldcycles’ of the being, as a seminal form, an organism proper, part of a larger world or ecosystem, gives account of all the relevant information about the being needed to understand its form, events, actions, existence and extinction.

We shall thus follow those worldcycles through 12 stœps we call ‘Disomorphisms’ (equal=iso morphic=formal laws of the 5th Dimension and its species) and put for each stœp a few examples of formal, physical, biologic and social languages to show the unity of it all.

Before we do that though we shall introduce the 5 elements of reality, space, time, scales, minds and entropic limits and then study ‘Time’, the ultimate substance of reality in its multiple meanings as it ‘interacts’ with all other elements; to introduce also the concept of ‘pentalogic entanglement’, which is the logic of creation in the Universe, where for an event to happen, it must have a function and form in space, time & scale; limited by entropy and focused by the will of a mind that enacts its actions.

This paper is for my sole enjoyment. To remind myself even if I will only surface on the top of an iceberg accumulated for decades, on all those moments of mental orgasm, every time I discovered a new paradox, a new symmetry, a new mirror image, a new homology between the ∞ beings in existence…

As we complete and streamline this paper we shall show you that ultimately those metaphysical questions do not matter unless you are an isolated informative point; because ultimately reality is all about exist¡ence… about the e-motion and sensations delivered by the play itself… there is no finality as the 0’ point will finally fail, but in the meantime he has been granted a few actions, a few rewarding e-motions, a few dimotions. And that suffice.

Do-deca-logic, S=2+2×5=3×3+1=T both in space and time is the deepest Sy=Me=Try of the Universe.



We have defined time in terms of its cyclical ages; but also in terms of its scales. Both concepts are entangled in the worldcycle of existence. But all worldcycles of existence are local, relative to the being that lives and dies, for which time is relative. Can then we then talk of an absolute time arrow? Yes, that of informative social evolution, as parts must come before wholes and the long process of accumulation of information is the very essence of time, while entropic death is a brief moment. In this scalar view of time; the whole flow of time is ordered towards the creation of new social scales and we consider this the absolute arrow of futures; while each ‘spatial, formal, mental view’ of all those flows is a still moment, hold only in the mind.

Time is the perpendicular fifth dimension to that of potential spaces, which are enlightened in the more complex fractal worldcycles of time motions, which break dimensionality into Hausdorff dimensions of self-reproductive trees that branch through the life-death cycle, in clonic forms that will synchronize as space superorganisms. The flow of time however is always the worldcycle of palingenesis, life and death. So time can be followed through the journey in the fifth dimension of all beings through its life cycle.

Synchronous space are slices of time motions that reproduce form in patterns that repeat its vital organic structures The Time is the potential field of all possible forms of existential ¡logic that survive and create a reproductive wave. Its worldcycle is what we call fractal time and it is a fluctuation between scales of fifth dimension. We could simulate space planes as parallel fields of present of a somehow denser substance that the more chaotic entropic time fields between those space planes. But the ‘enlightening of the time field’ by a potential spatial synchronous superorganism is subject to rules of efficiency.

5th dimension as the absolute arrow of time past and future, co-exist in relative present.

We enter a far more profound and enriching landscape of meanings regarding time=motion and space=form, and the relative concepts of past, present and future, which repeat themselves in cyclical patterns. So the next big question on time-space is what is the relative and absolute past, present and future of beings.

The key concept then to understand the most interesting feature in time of the fractal Universe is co-existence: for entanglement of the 3 parts of a system, they must co-exist in time present, by merging its two Сmotions from future to past and past to future.

A mind lives in the relative future of a body that lives in the relative future of the entropy fields that move it.

The fractal principles of inversion and self-similarity between those scales follow a fundamental ¡logic law is the negation of the negation. That is:  ‘Systems repeat its form jumping through 2 scales’

A ‘co-invariant metric’ function, which doesn’t change the product of the parameter of space (size) and time (speed of cycles of information) allow travels through and hence defines a dimension of spacetime.

Thus the fifth dimension exists because it has a metric, a functional, made of all possible Complex Dimotions in the fifth dimension, we   call the function of exist¡ence.

Since existence is a travel through 3 scales of the fifth dimension, as we are born in a smaller scale as a fast ‘seed’, and then grow in size while diminishing in our ‘metabolic speed’ till emerging in a larger world, in which as we ‘increase our territorial order and property, engaging with society’, we diminish again our speed of action-reaction cycles, till when we die we travel down the fifth dimension.

This happens to all systems of reality born in a lower plane as a seed, emerging, slowing down as they get ‘connected’ to the larger world and finally loosing all motion in its moment of maximal ‘territorial property’, when you die.

So how this works, when we expand 3 dimensions, whose travels are obvious – motions in 3D or 3D+ lineal time duration, in Galilean and Einstein’s relativity, which give birth to a ‘worldline’? Easy, adding dimensions which allow the being to travel from small size to larger size, in the life-death cycle from seminal seed to being back to cellular state in death. And as a line when we add dimensions becomes a cycle, we talk no longer of worldlines but of worldcycles. Let us see this in more details, since we have already defined the metric function of 5D: sxt (size in space x speed in time) = K.

The fundamental function of the fifth dimension, is its co-invariant metric, Space size x Time clock speed = Constant. Since smaller spatial sizes have after informative clocks, coding the larger wholes that control it through its enclosure membranes and higher energy. So quantum numbers code atoms and molecules, which code genetically super organisms and matter states, which conform the gravitational world.

Further on this metric function, defines according to Klein ‘a mathematical dimension’, as a ‘co-invariant metric of space-time’, through which is possible to travel.

How we travel through the scalar Universe that complements the ‘3 topological space-time dimensions of lineal space-motions, wider, reproductive motions, and tall, informative motions’, with 2 more dimensions, one ‘downward of entropy’, and one upwards of social evolution into wholes?

Easy the travel through the 5 Dimensions of space-time is called the worldcycle of life and death that all organisms follow. As all of them travel through its scales, born as seminal seeds, with faster clocks of time in the lower dimension; ∆-1, emerging as we slow down our metabolic clocks in the organic/thermodynamic dimension, within a larger ∆+1 world, in which we become just a ‘cellular fractal point of a larger social or gravitational organism, to die back into the ∆-1 components in the ‘big-bang of death’, which the dual Сmotions of e<=>mc² express for matter.

We thus establish a simple law of bidimensionality or holographic principle, resolving the Galilean paradox, considering that all dimensions of form are associated to a dimension of motion. The manifestations of this duality are multiple. For example, the complementarily of the particle-form state and the wave-motion state of physical systems. The duality of mind-still perception and body-motion perception. And so on. But we can resume mathematically in terms of dimensions the Galilean paradox with a simple function D (s ) = D(t), the dimensions of space-form and time-function are symmetric.

We shall call motions down 2 planes of the fifth dimensions as the ‘four dimension of pure entropy’ and two motions upwards, through the mind-singularity actions, the fifth dimension proper, or dimension of social evolution, in which the system no longer travels through a single space-time continuum and/or its adjacent ∆±1 planes, as when a wave moves reproducing its form on the lower entropic field, but ‘bores’ a hole through scales of its scalar structure going down two scales in a death explosion of disorganization of its information: ST∆ø<<∑∆-2, or absorbs entropy and energy from its inner vital space to act on the outer world as a mind: ST∆-1>>ST∆+1.

So for a full description of a system, we need the 3 (∆±1) topological dimensions of  lineal open motion, steady state iteration, and inwards implosive information, which can be described within 2 adjacent planes  and the ∆±2 pure entropy and pure form ‘limits’ of the fourth and fifth scalar dimensions of the Universe (5s = 5t). So we don’t name the 2 directions of the scalar Universe with the same ‘number’ because they are non-commutative. In motions in time and scale, the past is NOT equal  to the future, and entropic death is not equal to mental, social life. And then 2 more dimotions of scale, ruled by 5D metrics: SxT=C, entropy, the 5th space-time dimotion (seen in Space as a big-bang expansion in space, in T-motion as a function of dissolution and death), which is the ‘so called in physics and its simpler models of reality, the ‘only Сmotion of time’). And the 4th inverse Сmotion of social evolution. The differences between those 2 Сmotions are many and so are the mathematical functions we use to describe them.

To proper describe a complex supœrganism, we need 10 dimotions: 3 of time, past, present and future, 3 of space, its 3 bidimensional topologies or 3 standard lineal dimensions, 3 of ‘∆±i-planes (with its decametric §cales of growth) as all beings co-exist in a larger world and are made of smaller parts, and finally the ‘membrain’ (monad or mind), which closes the ‘open ball’ of 9 dimensions, with its sensorial enclosure membrain that lets entropy, energy and information sip into the being, and its linguistic zero-sum singularity that maps the whole and commands its behavior.

As such all space-time supœrganisms follow the same laws, as they are made of the same substances. T.œ then becomes the briefest way to explain it all, as a Timespace œrganism, and also as the Theory of Everything organic, such as: T.œ= ∑t.œs. This is then the simplest conceptual definition of reality.

5D metric translate physical systems and scales in terms of physical constants and parameters of space-quanta, temporal frequency and ‘constant conserved present energy’: $T x ð§ = E ∆±i. And its generator of space-time systems: Γ: $T≤∑∏≥ ð§, to the jargon of physical systems and its larger, simpler supœrganisms.

-∆-¡: Smaller space-scales have faster time cycles encoding its information in the form & frequency of charges/masses.

-∆+1: Bigger wholes deliver synchronous motions to those lower scales that deliver ‘quantum, genetic or memetic information’ (physical, biological and social systems), become symbiotic, as ‘parts’ and wholes that co-exist in a single ‘supœrganism’, the ‘abbreviated’ name we shall give to the fundamental particle-being of the Universe: a system made of limbs/fields of entropy=motion and heads/particles with form, which combine into ‘body-waves’ of energy, and co-exist in at least 3 scales of size from the point of view of its central scale as a being.

In most systems the metric law ∆±i refers only to 3 planes that co-exist together, where the metric applies directly (biologic systems at the cellular, individual and species scale).

Yet physical systems are the largest of the nested Russian dolls of the Universe. So the scales are enormous.

5D planes of scalar space-time and its Сmotions are studied exhaustively by physicists but the dimotions of spatial information are grossly underrated and misunderstood, as the worldly professions of entropy=weapons dominated classic physics. The interaction of those 2 Сmotions, in fact, create the complexity of the Universe, which cannot be explained only with the lineal entropic motions of simplex physical models of the universe, only apt to describe the simplest scales of space and matter.

The 4 basic scales of mathematical physics, the galactic, ∆+1, gravitational light space-time scale, the thermodynamic, temperature, molecular, matter scale, ∆, the atomic and particle, ∆-1 scale and the dark world beyond galaxies, or cosmological scale, ∆+2, wrongly considered to follow the same laws that the ∆+1 galactic scale described by Einstein’s Relativity principles.

We hint at an infinite repetition of those planes, as physical properties are symmetric between galaxies and atoms, which are unified mathematically with 5D metric (unification function of forces: masses and charges).

When we look within those ‘large scales’, the quantum, thermal and gravitational world have sub-scales and forces that emerge into each other  (the magnetic domains, which act in the 3 scales, the ¥-rays, whose frequencies carry energy and information across all) that structures the largest ‘whole’ fully understood, the galaxy, as a single supœrganism, over which we can ‘cast’ the different ‘stientific perspective’ of knowledge:

A simplex mathematical description, akin to that of the atom; a more complex biological analysis of its parts and cycles that make the galaxy (and by extension the atom) akin to a cell and finally a metaphysical disquisition about the informative, sentient and reproductive qualities of its centers (quarks and black holes). While we shall escape all together the more metaphysical question about the apperception of atoms and galaxies, the biological properties of both are unavoidable to make a proper description of it. And once we have understood the ‘ego paradox’, that makes humans reject vital properties to non-anthropomorphic beings, ignore the qualms of orthodoxy.

Physical experiments are concerned with the 3 planes of the physical Universe, (particle & cosmic scales) to which Complexity and its T.Œ (Theory of the Organic Everything), ads its models within the organic paradigm that reveals information about its structure at a higher level than the minimalist description through locomotions and integrals of its worldlines.

Their main feature is the symmetry respect to the human mind-center of its two fundamental entities, ∆-1 charges and ∆+1 masses, at the level of atoms and galaxies. Thus we divide roughly the stience of astrophysics in ∆≥+1 astronomy and ∆≤o: physics.

All beings of reality are made of lineal entropic limbs/fields, the geometry that moves faster, and spherical particles/heads of information, the ‘volume that stores more form in lesser space’, joined by body-waves of hyperbolic energy, which combine and iterate both.

This happens, because the universe of scales of space-time has an astoundingly simple but profound metric function: S x T = K, meaning that from larger wholes to smaller parts it moves synchronically, and from smaller parts to larger wholes, it codes information. And together in symbiosis the information of smaller faster systems and the motion of larger, stronger wholes, create a present being, a body-wave of energy.

So the most important dynamic element of the fifth dimension is the ‘inverse’ Сmotions of TT-entropy and SS-pace language information of the lower graph. And the fact that smaller beings are better with information, more intelligent and larger beings, stronger with more capacity to move larger wholes:

Smaller systems run faster metabolic and informative cycles and so accumulate more information in the frequency and form of its cycles. And they code larger systems: particles code molecules, genes organisms and memes societies, because their smaller carriers are faster.

And vice versa: larger wholes accumulate more energy and are stronger than parts, so they can protect and feed them. So wholes and parts co-exist in several scales forming super organisms.

We resume this in a simple function, which is science calls the metric function of a dimension of space-time, in this case the 5th dimension of scalar, organic systems, which is the Сmotion of future of the Universe:

5D metric: $T (spatial size) x ð§ (temporal clocks of information= ∆-constant

The product of the speed of information and entropy of the system remains constant, so smaller and larger beings can co-exist together in present. And we call this ‘constant of present’ Energy. I.e. a fly thinks 10 times faster (the scale is decametric), so we cannot catch it with your slower larger being and it can co-exist.

In physics, masses and charges are vortices of accelerated entropic time curved into information, which likely make them minds, whose worldcycle of exist¡ence ends after creating a mirror image – likely origin in charges of our electronic consciousness, end up in an explosive dimotion of entropy, through its axis (magnetic field, dark entropy field coming out of black holes likely at V>C), which in a cyclical, fractal Universe, in which a scalar big-bang means an Mc²«E death side on Einstein’s function and its inverse, the collapse of energy into mass, ultimately balances both in a zero sum, and we shall see in cosmology balances the expanding space and the imploding vortices of galaxies..

Since Einstein’s function runs the other way backwards creating mass, collapsing entropy into mass. In fact Einstein first wrote it as M=E/c², in a landmark paper, explaining how gravitation could create mass out of entropy, as those strangelets and black holes, do collapsing light mass into heavy mass particles, as galaxies do, collapsing vacuum space into gravitational mass.

Physics needs both time Сmotions. So to calculate the work=energy of a motion, E=1/2 mv², we use an function that combine a lineal motion (kinetic energy) with form (mass and its potential energy). The result is a present energetic being, which will go through 3 ages in its time evolution, the young age of entropy and maximal motion, the reproductive, mature age of maximal energy and the 3rd age of information.

The unification of physics, biology, social and mental sciences.

Thanks to the 5th Dimension we shall be able to unify both disciplines, physics of motion and biology of information and further on merge them with socio-economic sciences – as they will be clearly an offshoot of biology and its social organisms; while the industrial evolution will follow the same patterns of evolution of information of nitrolife species in metal support.

And finally 5D metrics will account for mental sciences – as still mind languages, will be found to be the absolute pole of pure form without motion, which acts as the reproductive mirror-image that creates the order of the Universe, following the most extreme case of 5D metrics:

O-still infinitesimal mind of information x ∞ Universe of temporal motions = Constant Mental world

That is mind languages perceive by reducing the scales of the fifth dimension and its motions to the minimal possible mental space, to fit in the mind ‘function’ a reduced informative mirror of the Universe able to process logically much faster information, according to 5 D metrics (minimal space=maximal speed), the time patterns of reality, forecasting the future to guide the actions of the system.

The same function, 0x∞=C, generates all real numbers of the mental mirror of algebra and will be used to complete the Non-Euclidean revolution of geometry as now a 0-point has a finitesimal volume, through which multiple parallels can cross, changing the Euclidean definition of points with no breath for the scalar definition of fractal points, as ‘a point holds a world in itself’ (Leibniz) that grows in size as we come closer to it, so star points become immense bodies, cell points living beings and particle points electronic nebulae.

Thus those 2 poles of reality, larger entropic time motions and smaller informative mental spaces and its 5D metric, are the first principles of any scientific inquire, even prior to the languages of time-motion, logic and spatial forms – mathematics, that better mirror its laws. Look around yourself, everything that you see is a form with inner or outer motions. Those are thus the 2 primary elements of reality.

The reductionism of all minds. Huminds ‘ænthropic egocy’.

Yet because minds ‘reduce’ reality, the humind (ab. Human mind) also reduces the whole reality to what fits in its infinitesimal space and reduce all the scales to the human scale, and reduce all time clocks equalized by our synchronous second (limb steps, heart beat and eye-glimpse/thought), reality is far more complex. And if you are not humble enough to realize that even the highest huminds have simplified the Universe to fit it into our mind, and simplified its clocks of time to the entropic, lineal view of our visual-dominant mind, and projected its entropic, violent lineal view, into his grand theories of the Universe (from entropic big-bangs, to dog-eat-dog Darwinism to Euclidean maths of points with no breath, no internal parts) you will not be able to expand your view of reality with the huge upgrade of these papers.

Specifically because Mind points mirror reality from a static self-centered point of view, they ‘believe to be the center of the Universe’ (anthropomorphism), and as they reduce motion to mental formal space, they eliminate life, organic, vital, sentient properties from all other species, applying to them ‘entropic theories’ of a chaotic, unintelligent cosmos, blind to all other mental points that are doing exactly the same selfie.

Hence huminds are also anthropic+entropic (ænthropic) in its distorted worldview due to egocy (Ego=idiocy). And as minds’ job is to order its vital territory projecting and imprinting its reduced mind mirror into its local world, huminds project entropy=destruction on the Earth of Life, substituted by ‘mechanisms’ which are dull imitations of our living organs, and fit the deluge of data gathered by its sensorial machines in entropic models of the whole (big-bang that models the cosmos only with entropic vacuum space, denying the gravitational imploding inverse process of creation of in-form-ation, mass form in galaxies; chaotic, dog-eat dog Darwinism that denies the social evolution of cells into multicellular systems and individuals into superorganisms, which are ‘new planes of exist¡ence’ of the 5th dimension, far more successful to survive.

So to access a vaster, far more intelligent, vital reproductive, organic, scalar sentient Universe beware of the shortcomings of our minds, projected on the whole and suspend your ego and learned ænthropic theories based in the reductionism of the mind – with man as its anthropic center, and our lineal entropic view of time-motion as the only arrow of the future. The reader should in that sense be prepared to accept many paradoxical laws of the i-logic structure of a Universe with 2 inverse dual arrows, entropy=absolute motion with no form and form=absolute information with no motion, bearing in mind that the key bio-logic concept behind those paradoxes is ‘coincidentia oppositorum’ a ‘thirst’ for balance between both extremes of ‘Black= form and white=motion’ in its infinite shades of grey.

A Reproductive Fractal Universe Of Bio-Topo-Logic Spacetime Organisms

Mankind has a limited view of reality due to its faulty understanding of its 2 ultimate elements, time and spatial information. To start with, they have a reduced number of dimensions to study it. Only 3 of space and 1 of temporal energy. When in reality all dimensions of space=form are also dimensions of time=motion. That is, all what exists has time-motion and space-form. So we have to give time-motion to the 3 dimensions of space, height, width and length, which is easily achieved by converting them in topological dimotions, of which there are also 3 varieties. And we have to give space-form, to time, which is easily achieved realizing all time motions are cyclical time clocks, which sooner or latter return to its origin.

So suddenly we shall have 3+1, 4 Dimensions of space entangled to 4 motions of time, to give us four combined ‘holographic bidimensions of space-time’.

But still as surprising as it might seem to an alien observer, humans have all together missed the most important of all the dimensional motions of space-time, the fifth dimension.

Some consequences: Formal space=mathematics and time=logic languages are experimental for all stiences as they are stiences of the 3 elements of reality, space=dimensional form, time=motions & scalar numbers.As:

-Everything is made of fractal information and cyclic energy. Hence all what exists have similar properties, we call Disomorphisms, emerging from those 2 substances, time=motion and space=form, (isomorphic=laws, derived of our common nature), which can be casted with mathematical and logic languages.

-Time & space are more complex than physicists’ reduction to locomotion and a single continuum. So we evolve logic concepts and mathematical functions of both parameters, in all its space dimensions and time motions,. The result is the study of a fractal space, whose similar scales define a new ‘fifth dimension‘ that puts together all those scales each one studied by a different science – from quantum physics to cosmology through the scales of life and social sciences and a series of ‘cyclical, repetitive time clocks’ that give time an informative ‘height’, stored in the frequency and form of its cycles. Both together give us the metric of the 5th dimension as smaller spatial scales have faster clocks, but both together remain co-invariant: S x T =K.

Thus the Universe has mathematical, spatial continuous & logic, temporal, cyclical & organic, fractal properties derived of the more complex ¡logic geometry of 5D scalar space and cyclic temporal energy. Thus even if we describe it with the same logic-mathematical functions a 5D Universe is very different, as scalar space brings organic and sentient properties, and cyclical time, informative deterministic patterns, which the lineal philosophy of mechanist physics ignores. From those scalar, hence organic, cyclical hence informative and moving, energetic, hence vital properties of scalar space and cyclical time, a complete different picture of reality arises; where languages become the ‘extreme’ limit of the still formal ‘spatial state’ of the being with minimal size and maximal information..

Reproduction is the name of the game in a Universe which is immortal once we stop as physicists do ‘cheating’ reality by obliterating ½ of it – gravitational galaxies and dark matter that implodes spatial information. And so because reproduction can happen between those scales, when a network is constrained within a membrane to take advantage of an equal energy, it reproduces by scaling down as it breaks into smaller branches, with the same total surface area. Because reproduction is the game, when we look at a particle in the quantum dimension, we see its motion as a series of stœps, reproducing its form in the lower scale of the quantum potential and then reorganizing back into a particle. Because reproduction is the game, all systems of Nature try to reproduce, and because reproduction is the game, the orgasm is the most satisfying moment of our lives. The Universe has a finality, which is to conserve itself eternally. Huminds, reduced to perceive only entropic destruction have a lower finality – to project its mind on the whole and ‘create’ from its mental reduction theories that please that need to reproduce the mind-mapping on reality.

The problem is the fact that reproduction of learned memorial memes is also the game, and so it doesn’t matter how absurd is the cheating done in big-bang theories with the ‘mass factor’ ignored in those models, when dealing with scholars you don’t reason on theories, you believe on them – you believe that only the vacuum space and its expansion matters to explain the Universe. As huminds project their smaller view – in this case their job on entropic machines into the whole Universe.

The beauty of the fractal, organic Universe is also quantitatively as the work of Santa Fe does with computers to understand those scaling laws shows. But its principles are deeper. Huminds’ view lacking an understanding of its first principles, the nature of time, space, dimensions, waves, particles, form, motion, etc. miss that fact in their the grand theories of philosophy of science – not obviously in the details, than a true pursuit of the ultimate causes, which are of an enormous simplicity and logic truth.

The 2 metric functions of 5D, SxT=C and Si=Te, which fusion into one, Max. ∑ SxT =C will suffice to explain it all:

Thre are an infinite number of time clocks that change its speed with size, and are the substance of which we are all made as motion=time is the ultimate substance of reality, but because motion is cyclical, repetitive, motion can seem space=form, synchronous and simultaneous, in an infinitely intelligent universe where all ‘time-space organisms’ follow the same laws of scales embedded in our existence – as those five dimensions of spacetime are the fabric of which reality is made.



  1. Dodecalogic of Time. The 3 worldcycles of exist¡ence & its 12 Ðisomorphisms.
  2. Disomorphic Method. Its 3 subcycles and 12 Disomorphisms.
  3. Logic sciences. Its classic formalism: ¬¡logic Algebra


∆-1: þlacental Time evolution Cycle: Morphogenesis.

0th Disomorphism: @. The §eed-Mind: The player. 0-points. The will of existence.

1st Disomorphism: Γ. Creation. The game & mandate of Existence: Reproduction. 5D metrics. Fractal Generator:  S-T Symmetries. Languages.

2nd Ðisomorphism: ß. Dimotions of space-time. Energy and Information. T=S inversions and symmetries.

2-manifold organs. Universal Constants: Ratios, Balances and quantitative values of the Fractal Generator.

3rd Disomorphism: Ψ. Physiological sT<ST>Ts networks and lanwaves. Bit of information & Bites of energy.

4th Disomorphism: . Emergence. The membrain and singularity.


0: Life, Vital Space Cycle:

5th Disomorphism: Å. Actions of existence: ∫æ,e,ï,œ≈û

6th Disomorphism: Œ. Species’ Reproduction: 2×3 Creations:. Duality; gender and ternary differentiation.

7th Disomorphism: Ω. 3 ±2¡ Time ages and organs in space.  µ. Its ST-symmetry of 92 quanta of time and space.

8th Disomorphism: Θ Worlds & Ecosystems.  Social evolution vs. extinction. Death, Entropic Extinction


∆+1; ∆±∞: Social Transcendental cycles

9th Disomorphism:   9+§  ∆±4 Planes of a Fractal 5Ð s∆º self-centered supœrganism across ∆±4 planes.

10th Disomorphism: 10 social Scales.

11th: G∞∆: 0-1-∞. The perfect game of Existence.

13th Disomorphism. ¬ Entropic Limits of imperfect existences. Death& Boundaries. Pentalogic on Entropy.




I often smile observing the passion people has for scientific news on some experimental detail – a measure of a particle’s weight approached to the 100th decimal, a hypothesis of a lineal time sequence, a new species or an older bone… while they care nothing for the thoughts of God we reveal in those texts. As 5D knowledge incorporates the details of lineal measure, but its true feat is the understanding of the whole process of life and death of any part or whole supœrganism of the Universe through its local worldcycle. A 5D mind thrives on homology and parallel entanglement according to ¬AE logic, a 4D lineal scientist thrives on detail. The thoughts of God matter to 5D knowledge more than those details – the forest more than the trees. Even if once the forest is known the trees marvel both in its ‘variations’ within its homology to the larger properties of reality.

You live in a fractal organic Universe whose goal is the reproduction of information, its survival achieved at the height of the S=T balanced STage of the worldcycle of life and death of any of its ‘spatial supœrganisms’. To understand this process is the essence of 5D and those papers. Its applications to explain all the details, all the species of space-time, a huge overload of work I have taken with a pinch of salt and will try slowly to build up faulty as it might be, alone in the papers at Academia.edu which represent my legacy to future researchers.

So in this paper we consider the disomorphic equal laws of all the thoughts of god, its details that follow a common worldcycle of life and death as they become a supœrganism travelling through 3 consecutive ‘lives’:

The palingenetic life of formal creation, the entropic life as an active organism, and in a few exceptional cases, the afterlife as a transcendental seed of information of a higher plane of space-time existence.

We have shown the worldcycle of existence of the largest scales we know – the Universe who failed the epistemology of truth – so we don’t know how its cycle of existence is; the galaxy and the star, which followed those cycles. So it is time to use the Disomorphic method and analyze the most general worldcycle of existence of all scalar space-time organisms, which combines the topologies of space, dominated by 3 networks each one corresponding to a symmetric age, tracing a cyclical motions of time from information to entropy, to define departing from a first seed or mind-point, a travel across 3 scales of relative ∆±¡ size, which is what we call life, limited by the ‘entropic limits’ in scale, perception time and space, proper of each ¬∆@st being.

Worldcycle of function of existence: max. Reproductive s=t point.

The Universe puts together scales of 5Ð space, vital topology and cyclical time to find the fundamental event of reality; a supœrganism perceived in simultaneous space that traces a worldcycle in time.

The 3 ages of existence of space-time organisms. Its 2 worldcycles and Metric equations.

Let us deduce from the 2 fundamental equations of 5Ð Metric, S=T, SxT=c, the process in time of all systems of reality, its worldcycle or Function of Existence of a space-time organism, can be developed as a feedback equation, S<=>T, in 3 sequential phases/ages/horizons:

Max. Tx Min.S (youth); Max. SxT(s=t) and Max. S x Min. T (3rd age).

It is the equation of the 3 ages of life, between Sx0 T (seed in the lower plane,¡-1) and Tx 0 S (equation of death):
∆-1»∆º: An organism starts its existence as a seed of pure form (4D) when its space-time field is created.
Ts: It is the first horizon or ‘energy, youth age’ of the cycle, in which energy dominates the system and so we write this phase as, max. Ts x min. T.
Max. SxT: s=t. It is the present balanced age of the cycle or classic age of ‘life’, when energy and information are in a constant proportion. It is the most efficient age, when the cycle reproduces.

ST: Max. T x min. S: it is the 3rd age of the cycle when information has combed and exhausted the space-time field that warps into itself.
∆º«∆- 1: 0S x T: It is the end or death of the cycle that reverses its form and becomes energy again.


All what exists is a supœrganism of vital space tracing a 0-sum worldcycle of time through 3 scales of the 5th dimension: Born as a seed of fast time cycles in a lower 5Ð plane (∆
-1:Max. T x Min. S), emerging as an organism in ∆o, living 3 ages of increasing information, as its time clocks slow down in its ∆+1 world to die in a time quanta back to ∆-1. Yet the maximal point S=T where reproduction happens defines the classic age, maturity, beauty, balance, survival of the system, all disomorphic jargons.

In the graph, Existence is an ∞ sum of space/time fields, fluctuating between birth and extinction through those 3 phases or ages. The 3 ages of Timespace supœrganisms happen in all systems, including mental languages:

In State Physics they are, Ts-gas, the moving state, S=T liquid, the balanced state and St-solid the informative state; into Cosmology, where it describes the Universe as a space-time system that fluctuates between both limits, a form of pure time, the singularity (min.Ts x max.St) and a form of pure space, the big- bang (max.Ts x min. St). In Biology, they are the 3 ages of living beings AND the 3 horizons of evolution of species.

In social organisms, through the subconscious collective mind of civilizations which in art styles mimic in a longer 800 year cycle of life and death of civilizations (according to 5Ð metrics a human social supœrganism is larger in space – a nation, culture, religion – and so it lives longer in time).

We find 3 ages emerging in a cultures’ life in its 3 consecutive artistic styles: Min.S x Max. T (infantile epic, lineal art, as in trecento, Greek kuroi; S=T; balanced beauty, when form and size are in balance, the classic mature age; and Max. S x Min. T: baroque, 3rd age of a civilization, whose subconscious mind is the art of its ‘neuronal artists’, the age of maximal form and angst for an entropic future- the age of war and death of cultures).

We talk of 3 ∆±1 sales of worldcycles as the being live in a placenta, then emerges as organism in a world:

þ: 0-1: its palingenetic o-1 social evolution in the accelerated time sphere of existence, till becoming 1 (0-1 bounded unit circle in ¡logic mathematics; quantum probability sphere of particles in physical systems; palingenetic fetal age in biologic systems; 0-9 memetic learning childhood in social systems). It is the highly ordered world cycle as a ‘placental mother-energy world’ is nurturing as memorial cyclical spacetime has erased errors of previous generations.  It is the shorter more informative ‘space-like’ cycle, with a fast ‘present’ speed.

– ¬l,L: The existential 1-∞ lifecycle, in which it will deploy its 2nd world cycle of existence in an environment which is open, entropic (1-∞ hyperbolic unbounded Cartesian plane in ¡logic mathematics; thermodynamic entropic statistical molecular populations in physics; Darwinian struggle between populations in biology; idol-ogic dog-eat-dog capitalist, nationalist competitive eco(nomic)systems in the super organisms of history. In this 1-∞ existence the world cycle is not ensured to continue, as the entropy of the world system can cut it off. It is the open, single plane, more important worldcycle, with an ‘open’, free ‘feeling to it’. The life cycle, though is part of:

ω,Ω:  A larger, longer Transcendental worldcycle proper of the highest social scale ∆+1, the omega of its smaller parts – where it performs 5 survival actions through ∆±4 Planes self-centered in its mind, beyond which it cannot longer perceive, to become if successful a new supœrganism of the infinite planes of God, the game of existence.

RECAP. A system travels through 3 scales of the fifth dimension by accelerating its evolution in a smaller scale through a placental cycle, emerging as an organism in the larger world, to live 3 ages & dissolve back to its parts in the 0-sum death.

So timespace breaks in ∞ relative local, fractal entropic pasts, iterative energy presents and informative futures, which put together create the illusion of a single timespace continuum.

Whereas the past is the beginning of a pi cycle, starting as a line of entropy with no form that curves and raises in height in its second state of present, and returns back to its origin in its future 3rd age of information, completing a 0-sum of life and death. Thus instead of a single ∞ lineal absolute time there are ∞ living cycles of time happening in zillions of entities.

And we can redefine absolute spacetime as the sum of an infinite number of Timespace beings, which observed in space become simultaneous super organisms, and when observed in time, trace a worldcycle of existence between birth and extinction; as all systems are born in a seminal seed, of faster time clocks, in a lower scale of the fifth dimension, growing socially (4th dimotion) till emerging in the organic scale, where they will live 3 ages dominated by one of its 3 topologic organs and its functions=dimotions, a young age of maximal locomotion, dominated by its limbs/fields, a mature age of reproduction dominated by the body-wave and a third age of information dominated by the informative dimotions, which finally exhausts all energy and as time-space never stops, it reverses its dimotion from information to entropy, exploding in the moment of death.

So the 3 vital functions=motions of time and the 3 dimensions of space, either in 1 or 2D (height=spherical information, length=planar locomotion, width=hyperbolic reproduction) merge in all Time-space Beings; and dominate one of the 3 ages of its life-death worldcycles, the past, young age of limbic entropic motions, the mature reproductive age dominated by the hyperbolic body/wave and the 3rd age dominated by the informative particle-head, when the illusion of time ends with an entropic big-bang death that dissolves the being into its ‘scalar cellular, atomic parts’, which lead us to the realization that time cycles NOT only return to its origin in a single spacetime continuum but they move up and down the scales of the fifth dimension.

Physicists made the Galileo’s paradox, the cornerstone of their theory of measure, but they failed to study the deep implications it has for every aspect of the structure of the Universe, from the duality between spatial mental, linguistic forms and physical motions; to the balances achieved by the similarity of both space and time, which becomes the fundamental ‘equation of present’ S=T, and hence with the metric equation of scales, S x T = K, the two essential equations to formalize single planes S=T, and multiple scales of spacetime. Yet as S=T maximizes SxT=K (5×5>6×4). We unify both in 1 equation:

Higher goals of all systems: reproduction and social evolution. A worldcycle as the best program of Æxistence.

If we were to reduce the entire Universe to an equation or word we would write in illogic terms the equation of reproduction: Œ (supœrganism)=∑œ¡-1 (cellular sum)>Œ (emerging as a son supœrganism).

A common Universal Grammar or existential algebra expresses in a most synoptic form, that goal of all systems of reality coded by each specific local language, through 5 ‘vowels’ of survival actions (quantum numbers, genetic letters, vowels, etc) aiming to reproduce the system, through a simple chain of actions: I-> A->E->O->U (SS- information perception->Ts-accelerated locomotion->TT-Energy feeding->ST-Offspring reproduction->St-Social evolution and emergence into a whole).

As we rewrite those papers now entering the 2nd year of the 5D global project, we shall streamline our different jargons, though the pentalogic of the 5 Actions is one of the oldest ones, indeed the aeiou of our daily existence. To the point the fundamental law of ‘¬Æxistence’, the formal language of the Universe states that ‘only sequential combinations of the 5 Dimotions-actions of the Universe exist’. And the previous sequence is the commonest of them all.

That is, a system perceives to move to a field of energy in which to feed to reproduce a clone of itself and evolve socially with it. That’s all what really happens in reality everywhere.

Thus the process of reproduction can be then written as a series of equation of existential logic, which describe the details of the process. And then by substitution of the common elements of those equations in any local process we observe, the equal=isomorphic nature of all systems.

The second goal of all systems is a consequence of the fact that as parts they belong wholes. So systems of reality seek its social evolution. But as it turns out both actions are ‘combined’, as reproduction happens by social evolution of a seminal seed in an ∆-1 scale, which multiplies its space=form, in a field of energy.

And this is achieved normally at the top of its power and ‘existential momentum’ SxT, when the product of both is at its maximal value Max. (St x Ts)s=T. Then through mirror symmetry the system reproduces itself.

Max. S x T = C, which defines for each fractal vital space-time organism its Function of existence, as all species will try to maximize its motion-entropy-time for its field-limbs, its information-spatial states for its particle-heads, whose product will give us its vital reproductive energy. Moreover the equation has an immediate biologic meaning, because as we are made topologically of ‘fields-limbs’ of lineal space with motion provided by the energy we absorb to also reproduce our bodies-waves, and the information we need to linguistically guide our motions with particle-heads, the very essence of survival is to increase our S=position, mental forms of space and T=entropic motions of time (whereas time=motion and space=form are the two limiting Dimotions with ‘energy=reproduction, s=t, locomotion, sT and information, St, are the intermediate 3 dimotions).

So the best explanation of the worldcycle of existence, in a vital Universe where there are not mechanical abstract impositions of laws of behavior is obvious: all systems of the Universe have codified in its memorial minds and reduced in its paligenetic and life cycle the sequence of a worldcycle of existence because it is the proper order of the 5 Dimotions that maximizes the survival of the species and the purpose of any fractal: to reproduce its ‘generator equation’ that encodes the information of the system.

There are many other ¬Æxistential possible games that happen indeed all over the Universe creating mutations, unstable particles, mad thoughts, which few follow as they don’t grant survival. I.e. a species could deny its own self-reproduction as many of us have done in the present ‘end of history’, given the fact humanity is in discount time against an all too obvious future, his egocy fogs, but that is a process of extinction. So all systems will try to reproduce; and some might as capitalist and nationalist idol-ogies stress, prefer confrontation between members of the same species, but the two cult(ure)s that worship those idol-ogies of ab=use of other human beings with fetish informative metal go(l)d (Judaism) and entropic metal iron (Germanism) have the worst rate of survival of all human cultures, in terms of population. So capitalism and nationalism might deny the laws of love to the members of the species but all what it will achieve is human extinction now they are our global thought. It is for that reason that the 3 simplex actions=dimotions of St-Ts-TT, locomotion, feeding and perceiving information are just ‘prior steps’ to the true purpose of it all, the two complex actions of social evolution and reproduction, the purpose of all systems. And so we can and do draw in the mathematical, topologic model ‘waves of exist¡ence’ that model all worldcycles whose fundamental purpose – reason why it is the most perfect part of the worldcycle – is the palingenesis, followed by the first age culminated into the S=T point of reproduction. The very existence of a system beyond the reproductive point is meant to sustain the life of the young being. This is obvious in the biological organisms that are the easiest to understand with the 3 worldcycles. It is NOT so clear when we confront systems whose 5D metrics are so fast in time (quantum microcosms) and the information about each system so scant in its details that we confuse all particles and all generations, and confuse ‘space states with time states’ (S=T), so for example in quark theory we believe there are 3 quarks which cannot be separated because they are in fact fast time sequences and generations.

What this mean is that we could describe particles not so much as ‘immortal’ but as a perfect succession of palingenetic cycles where each ‘wave-particle ST-S’ dual step and stop process is a generation and so light is not immortal but every ‘frequency wave’ is a life of a photon. Does this matter to physicists? Of course, it does not and it will never matter, but that is ‘their problem’ of what they care to know and how much empathy they feel to the entangled Universe. We must always have in mind humind’s egocy, our limits as a species and what we don’t’ want to know. Still some aspects of such analysis do matter, as the case of a quark ‘space-time event’, which is the sum of two quark states (U-D, D-U, etc.) which explains its charge that is ±1 (-1/3-+2/3 inverse intervals); and so a proton or neutron in fact has 2 NOT 3 particles as its time metric (SxT=C) is ½ of the electron, reason why you cannot separate them – a conundrum never properly explained still a 1 million $ prize that long ago I claimed along my ‘proof in a margin’ of the Fermat Grand Postulate, which as so many conundrums of science have an immediate answer in 5D logic, which of course was never ‘granted’. The Fermat postulate would be resolved, of course… by a computer, since enzymen have zero appreciation for a true humind who uses our unique feature – the logic, dwindling capacity of verbal, conceptual thought to understand time causality. So with this anecdote we close this introduction.



‘The Universe is a fractal supœrganism that reproduces its 5 D¡motions entangled in pentalogic supœrganisms of Dust of time-space (¬∆@st) tracing 3 worldcycles of existence, the þlacental, life & worldcycle.’ l§

4×3: tetra->Dodecalogic ∆@st

To fully describe a worldcycle of existence we expand the pentalogic sequences of each worldcycle that follows a simple SS-eed<Ts-youth>ST-reproductive>ST-informative<<TT-entropic cycle, to 3 worldcycles that embed the being within its world, where it deploys its second worldcycle and perhaps a 3rd transcendental one.

It is a dodecalogic method of stientific analysis I use to mirror those 3 worldcycles that conform the program of existence of any space-time being.

So we consider 12 sets of ‘common laws’, ‘events’ and ‘forms’ all systems follow in their worldcycles; calling each of those sets an ‘existential disomorphism’.

To define them we have to understand the multiple entangled symmetries and feed-back beats, between the 5 parts of the being, in each of those 3 worldcycles that compose a supœrganism made of: A SS-seed or @-mind, ∆±¡-Scales, S-patial reproduced populations and T-evolutionary ages in each of the 3 worldcycles of existence.

The 3 worldcycles are similar but not equal. Such as always in a worldcycle the first Disomorphism is the emergence of a fractal point, seed that stores a variety of location information to ‘grow and multiply’ or a mind that measures reality (@) to order it. Both systems will then project its inner information, trying to reproduce it at a larger scale in the energy of the outer world.

Each worldcycle – the ∆-1 palingenetic, ∆º organic life-death cycle in a larger world – slightly differs; thus the slightly ‘ASSYMETRIC” NAMES and order of study of those disomorphisms. But all 3 worldcycles pass through 4 phases of shared common elements in that ‘FRAME’ each complete 5D exi=stience.

In each worldcycle a selfish monologic point will try to absorb bits of information & bites of energy for its mind and body (∆-disomorphism); and once it attains them, reproduce its mirror-language, seed or territorial order on that ‘volume of space-time, of bits of information and bites of energy), forming radiations of populations (∑S) disomorphism; which once dense enough will collapse and become a whole organism, in a tighter configuration, emerging with a new ‘membrain’, which acts as its entropic limit as a whole (4th Disomorphism: ¬T).

This beat of sequential existence, @->∆->∑S->¬∏T; will then be repeated with more or less success by the individual emerging organism, through Actions in the outer world (5th Disomorphism), aiming to reproduce as part of a larger ‘world or species’, (6th S-pecies disomorphism).

So the 3rd ‘worldcycle’ will frame the individual within that species which will go through 3 similar Ages/Horizons of evolution (7th Time-disomorphism); to dominate as a new supœrganism its outer world (8th Disomorphism) or become extingusihed. And this process repeated ad infinitum in the ‘whole Universe’ by all kind of spacetime beings, interacting through 9 Planes of exi«st¡ence each one made of 10 social scales, separated by ¬entropic limits of time, space and scale (13th disomorphism), in a broken universe of ∞ T.œs.

This is all what reality is about:

A relative µ number of organic, social beings whose decametric systems become a whole by the 01= 11th element or mind of a new whole.

So reality is made of pentalogic symmetries in sequential @->∆->S->T 3 x 4 worldcycles, we describe with those 12 disomorphic ‘STages and States of existence’.

The 1st Disomorphism studies the existential game; its trinity Grammar; pentalogic spatial structure and generic worldcycle Then in a set of 4 Disomorphisms we study the palingenetic highly ordered worldcycle, as a 0th Disomorphism of a-seed mind starts to order a territory imprinting information into energy, creating Holographic Dimotions of existence (bidimensional 2nd Isomorphism). Those dimotions again are similar in all cases, as the being performs them with the same ∆±¡ scales from where it extracts its energy and information, reproducing its cells, organized through creation of networks (3rd disomorphic set of laws), to achieve its final emergence (4th diesomorphism) in the 1-µ entropic world.

Then we follow the being as it tries to repeat the ‘perfect placental life of an entitled’ seed, now as a mind fighting an outer world where it does NOT hold a preferential place. So he might fail in its actions (5th Disomorphism); in its attempt to radiate as a species (6th Disomorphism, which we use to study species and its variations in depth); and might not complete a worldcycle as an individual in its ages or as a species in its horizons (so we use the 7th Disomorphism to study both, ages of an ∆º T.œ and horizons of an ∆+1 species as a supœrganism). As its world, the 8th Disomorphism might be an ecosystem with multiple other species, where he might be killed… Thus with the study of the different worlds and ecosystems and its relationships with species we close the ‘second tetralogic analysis of reality’ through life cycles.

There are many hidden, ∆≈S≈T≈@ a(nti)symmetries between those 2 worldcycles and the next larger cycle but the main one from where some magic laws will be deduced is this:

– The palingenetic cycle is dominant in time-speed; the life cycle, in space-reproduction, and the worldcycle, in scale-social evolution. It is deep law that for example explains why quantum palingenesis is written in the time sphere, thermodynamics in the entropic space of statistical populations and the galaxy in the language of scales.

Thus the 3rd set of Disomorphisms will be focused in the larger ∆±¡ world and its scalar laws – in the whole Universe and each of its galatoms and worlds with decametric scales of social evolution and ∆±4=9 planes of communicative existence of any given ∆º mind.

In this cycle the true miracle is the fact that very few ‘systems’ do transcend into a third successful worldcycle to dominate its world and transcend into a ‘God-like’ mind of the whole species’ supœrganism (arguably only prophets of oikoumene relgions among human beings). So really the 3rd set of Disomorphisms focus on the social organic structure of world and the Universe at large; as we take now the perspective of the whole reality, in which the individual is really just a finitesimal point.

So we close our analysis with the study of how a Mind can transcend into a world, become 10th=0th=1st of a new scale, God (11th Disomorphism) from its different perspectives; as we are all Gods of our inner world, but merely points of the larger outer world, which will ‘end up killing us and establishing our entropic limits in time, scale, perception and scale)…

It is the 13th Disomorphism of our entropic death (as we started in 0th) – the bad luck number. Since at the end of the journey of existence there will be a time even for the most successful prophet that emergence ends and divergence, a big-bang death of its parts take place. But it is really the 13th bad luck Disomorphism, as we started in the 0-mind… So from the SS-finitesimal mind and 12=13th unnamed Death of pure Entropy TT… in the symmetry of space the two parts of an open ball not included (singularity and membrain)… reality happens.

RECAP. The Disomorphic method defines in a set of 12+1 elements a a narrative of a worldcycle, which of course could have been written in a different manner. And if we were a bit more pedantic and dogmatic, write in a very formal dry language, as it is quite deterministic. But let us never forget reality is a virtual game of existence, and Vishnu always appeared as a child and chances exist, and split roads never taken… and poetry is the best language man has deviced to explain intuitively the Disomorphisms of the game.


Parallel structure of the 3 worldcycles and 9 ‘scalar planes’ of spacetime beings. Its entanglements.

The key concept behind this mixture of trinity, tetralogic and pentalogic elements is entanglement: to survive in the Universe, to have focus, form, a system must be ‘anchored’ through entanglement in its ‘plane of existence’ with ‘trinity’ parts of vital topology, connected through 3 inner physiological networks, but also it must co-exist in a larger ∆±1 nested world separated by a topologic membrain, which allows it to absorb and emit entropic motions and information, on that outer world.

And for all that to work, the enormous intelligence of the game of existence entangle the 3 scales of reality and the 3 worldcycles where the being exists, and its 9 planes of ∆±4 actions with ‘time synchronicities’, ‘space topologies’ and simultaneities; and scalar symbiosis. All this cannot be possible though with the limited view of humans about reality, which deny due to the egocy paradox the sentient properties of systems and its organic nature. The whys of such implicit intelligence need a common Universal mind, and so from the mind we depart to build all those elements. And it require a vital territory broken by a membrain. So the mind is also a fractal point.

When that membrane forms, and focus the system in a central point-mind, then the system evolves into a whole and emerges as one; it is the fourth, ‘evolving time disomorphism’… on the series of tetralogic scales that make the system grow, from @-mind, to ∆-scalar action, to S-reproductive networks, to T-evolutionary collapse and organization of the whole, for each of the 3 ‘scales’ of existence, the ‘palingenetic phase’, the organic phase and the ecosystemic wor(l)d.

A new philosophy of ‘stience’ must provide an expanded stientific method of knowledge, which corresponds to the known method of gathering data, putting it into logic=verbal postulates or mathematical functions, from where to extract general models and hypothesis proved with further experiments. All this is accepted in the disomorphic method of 5D, and vastly expanded as ÐST is in itself the most general model of stience in which we can fit all the partial models of all other stiences, as we translate all its jargons to the generational laws of space-time organisms and its parts. Hence in the graph we establish on top and bottom of all the planes of exist¡ence of T.œs (ab. Timespace supœrganisms) the ∆±¡ plane of ÐST laws as absolute time (the arrow of social evolution of information into larger wholes), is the absolute future that requires its part to form first on the bottom of the pyramid, even if ‘future to past travels through the arrow of entropic death and dissolution (left side) is possible.

As we advance in the understanding of the laws of the fifth dimension and its metric functions, we will define each of those scales of the Universe formally as a Non-Euclidean plane of space, subject to the laws of Non-Euclidean geometry, which have to complete, as only a non-Euclidean point is defined. So we will define fractal points with breath; lines with breath, either time-like waves or space-like networks; which from two different social groups, herds and topological planes. This is the rigorous definition of each of those planes of the fifth dimension, subdivided in ‘social scales’ that group smaller quantities of points normally in decametric scales; even if most of the time we use the more intuitive term ‘scales’ – the difference being that social decametric scales do not imply a change of ‘form and motion’, of ‘species’ when we move from a group of 10 to a group of 100 equal social forms, but the transition between planes of exist¡ence is subject to full transformations of species and loss of information from the lower plane.

In praxis though we constantly exchange both words, and only use strictly the word plane when we consider a more formal approach to any description of each of those scales of the fifth dimension.

In the physical case we will move to measure ‘time clocks’ from frequency to temperature to mass, when we change plane, while in social scales we remain with those parameters just increasing the frequency, temperature of mass of the system. And so we also remain with the same discipline of stience.

Whereas each ‘stience’ defines a plane of the nested Universe, from Physics focused on the largest & smallest planes of the ‘Galatom’ further removed from man, to the Formal digital and logic sciences closest to our ∆1 mind plane. Languages thus become the limiting formal, spatial plane of reality and as such they are mirrors of the fractal Universe that share the ‘Disomorphic’ (Equal laws) of all the planes of reality. And so mathematics becomes an experimental stience whose ‘Universal grammar’ and fractal generator is the same ternary structure of 3 elements of all other systems in a single plane made of three topologies, SóT, giving birth in each sub-discipline of mathematics to similar ‘mirror images’, algebraic S(x)=T(y) functions, ternary dimensions, ternary topologies.

Above the main planes of the nested supœrganisms of the human island-universe: the galatom, where nested thermodynamic planets exist, where nested human social organisms self-centered in visual, verbal, mathematic and logic minds create its order with social and mechanical memes, carried by individuals where nested cellular systems exist, coded by genes, made of even smaller atoms and particles coded by quantum numbers. Yet all those scalar planes are unified by the co-invariant metric functions of each of its synchronous time clocks.

It means when we become smaller within such organic network, our time clocks accelerate. And vice versa. For example, in your organism the function relates the cellular genetic plane, whose time cycles run much faster than your biological cycles. As information is stored in the form and frequency of time clocks, it follows that in all nature’s organisms, smaller systems code the information of larger systems.

We shall upgrade each scalar ∆±¡ ‘stience’ its 3 supœrganisms & worldcycles in a ‘blitzkrieg’ of knowledge. Since each ‘stience’ therefore specializes in the study of a nested super organism, or plane of the fifth dimension (∆±¡), We study 3 fundamental super organisms of the 5th dimension. The ‘galatom‘, whose metric function is H(Planck constant of angular momentum) x C (speed of light) = C, whereas h is an obvious ‘cyclical time clock’ and C an obvious measure of speed-distances in spatial information. And indeed, smaller scales have faster turning particles, and larger systems move in slower cycles. (Vortex law: Vo x Ro = k).

A Universe made of fractal planes of cyclical time space, introduces a priori organic=scalar properties as the system extends through various ∆§ planes, and cyclical time properties, as its time clocks will have a limited duration, ending as a 0’ sum of energy. Finally to be able to perform a survival program of 5 Dimotions of existence, it requires to gauge information with an apperceptive, self-centered i@-mind, whose ∆ø still language maps all external ∆±¡ time§pace organisms & world cycles into an infinitesimal Non-E point, mirror of the larger world:  0’@ x ∞ Universe= World. Hence the creation of infinitesimal ∆º minds-worlds, or Leibnizian monads, which reduce a larger ∆+1 reality to its relative mapping, which is the origin of its ∆§calar planes, connected ‘perpendicularly’ through those @-minds, acting in physics as ‘centers of changes and masses’ wormholes of flows of entropy that become in the @-mind information, that perceives in itself.

The sentient, scalar, topo-bio-logic Universe of ¬∆@st of spatial minds, moving through worldcycles time as fractal organisms requires new ‘foundational properties’ to explain its exist¡ences traveling through social scales of the fifth dimension: the question in a world of Time cycles, regarding what is absolute past and future is solved logically:

If we can go upwards on scales, as we create with parts wholes, we can go downwards in scales as we dissolve wholes into parts, and those two inverse directions will be then by convention the relative past – the dissolution ‘Сmotion’ or dimotion of time-space, general called ‘entropy – and the relative future of the whole, social evolution of parts into wholes, which is obvious a relative future for the entity as it needs first to gather the parts and then evolve them, but relative in terms of ‘lineal physicists’ single time, as at the end of your life you dissolve in a death explosion of entropy. So while in ‘short lineal time’ you end up dying into entropy, for the whole Universe and for the beings within it on the long term the Сmotion that matters and constantly evolves into wholes is the fifth dimension which is made of DEEP time space, of a series of co-existing planes put together, symbiotic and therefore organic.

The Universe is organic because it co-exists in scales. I.e.: We, ∆º, live co-existing with the plane of ∆-1 cells and within a larger ∆+1 world.

It is obvious that ‘exist¡ence’, from seed through life back to the cellular/atomic plane after death of a system is indeed a travel through the planes of ‘stience’, each one defined by an ¡-plane; hence the slightly change term of exist¡ence. I use the word existence or rather ‘exist¡ence, playing with the word ‘st¡ence’, instead of life for two reasons:

All systems, physical, biological and social do follow the same motions in the fifth dimension. And the fifth dimension allow us to answer questions we have never imagined we could answer in mathematical, scientific, precise terms – seemingly metaphysical questions such as the meaning of existence.

A very important conclusion of the fractal, organic nature of the Universe, is that Physics is no longer the queen of all sciences, as its species, ‘sources’ of fields are equivalent to any seeds, and its paligenetic quantum cycles and organic molecular cycles of matter and ages, to those of any other function of exist¡ence.

What differs when we compare physics to biologic and social sciences, is that its particles are distorted from the human perspective by its existence in far away scales, its extension in quasi-infinitesimal herds of size, and its either very short or very long worldcycles (quantum vs. cosmologic scales) that make their forms in its details quite different to our scales; and obviously, given the egocy paradox, denied of its sentient and organic properties.

Philosophy is the stience that studies all planes together, and finds its isomorphic=equal laws, which we can call philosophy of science or systems sciences. As we find then that all systems have physical but also biological, organic and soon we shall find, by virtue of the languages its particles-heads use to mirror and order reality, sentient, psychological properties. So it would be absurd, given specially the ‘reductionist’ philosophy of science of physics, even when studying physical systems that they reduce to single lineal time measures, to ‘reduce’ the whole nature of systems of time space and its 5 Dimensions to the ‘limited organs’ of human physicists, as expressed in the dogma of absolute space-time of Newton, and Galileo’s single function for time, t=sv which also reduced all forms of motion=change to locomotion.

We depart from a 5D philosophy of time stience of and all its physical, biological and sentient properties to define then with languages, time, space, scale and the entropic limits of all systems each entity of reality as a time-space organism that follows the same disomorphic laws, becomes part of an organic structure and has a worldcycle of life and death within its entropic limits of ‘exist¡ences’ as a stientific species of a given ST-relative scale of the 5th dimension. We define any system in time, by its life and death worldcycle (taken from 4D physics’ worldlines that now have a new dimension of Time-information becoming a worldcycle. Since any scalar super organism’s existence can easily be defined as a travel through the 3 scales of the fifth dimension, as all systems are born as a seminal, smaller form, in the ∆-1 lower scale, grow fast with its faster time speed, emerge in the ∆º body scale and are part with its head/particle of a larger social world, in the ∆+1 scale.

A system travels through those scales by accelerating its life cycle, emerging, living in the larger world, and then dissolving back to its parts in the death moment. Thus the worldcycle of existence is the widest view of an entity as a supœrganism on space tracing a worldcycle between birth and death – we don’t expect you to understand it, as it is a packed synopsis of ilogic and its main theme of study, the dual worldcycle of all systems, which go from a placental, protected ordered seed age of fast evolution, by palingenesis, (memorial development of the seed of information with the energy provided by the parents) to emerge into an entropic life in an outer larger world, where it will perform ‘smaller dimotions’ to survive, we call actions.

A-ccelerated locomotions, E-ntropic feeding, i-nformative gauging, O-rganic reproduction and Social Evolution into U-niversals (a,e,I,o,u), which form the program of survival of all systems of the Universe, clearly leaning towards creation of information, reason why systems Ts>ST>St, increase its information commanded by minds that finally exhaust all the vital energy of the system provoking a local ‘reversal’ of its time Сmotions into entropy and death:

In the graph we describe with ±12 Ðisomorphic Laws extracted from the common space=mathematical and time=pentalogic properties of ¬∆@st the vital, sequential 3±¡ worldcycles all Space-time supœrganisms perform in its exist¡ence (T.œs):

The Ðisomorphic method studies in a vital, sequential time the 3 worldcycles of all Space-time supœrganisms:

Existence is a ‘travel through 3 space-time planes of the 5th dimension – an ordered sequence, departing from an ∆-1 seed (fractal point), which generate as it emerges from the o-1 unit sphere into a larger 1-∞ Universe 3 physiological networks that become an ∆º individual of a larger ∆+1 world, where it will live through 3±2¡ ages, in 9×9 quanta of space-time, interacting with other members of its species through decametric social scales as part of a lager super organism, self-centered in one of the 9 stientific planes of reality, in which it perform those asymmetric actions of survival (aeïœu: a-ccelerated motion, e-ntropic feeding, i-nformative communication, œrganic reproduction and social evolution into niversals).

Why 12 and not 120, 600, or 3 or 5, if the fractal principles allow to subdivide exist¡ence till the minimal dimotions and entangle the being across scales to the infinite bits and bites we use to perform our actions of reality? The answer is that knowledge must always MIRROR certain blueprints and patterns of reality in the language similar. So pentalogic applies to the 3 scales of the being, the cellular/atomic/individual, organic/thermodynamic/social and ecosystemic/cosmological/world scales. And so in principle we could make a 3×5 tripentalogic analysis of the being as it appears as a seed in the ∆-1 plane, emerges as a mind in the ∆º plane, and talks the language of the wor(l)d organic system to which it belongs in the ∆+1 plane.

But as it happens we can ignore the outer world negative coding of entropic destruction of the being, or rather analyzed it as a limit to each of the positive disomorphic steps the system makes through its worldcycle of existence, and so in praxis, reduce the steps of the 3 worldcycles and interactions of the being with its ∆±¡ scales to 4 Dimotions/elements x 3 scales Disomorphsims to tell the tale of any existence.

And so while there are exceptions –minds that transcend beyond the individual cycle and the simplest ‘specific motions’ they develop in symbiosis with the larger world to ‘earn’ its exist¡ence’s rights (i.e. a human who is within itself a complete supœrganism has a job in the society it lives far more reduced in depth and scope), to become Gods; that is key informative knots of the larger whole, and inversely there are many more aborted exist¡ences that do not make it, most exist¡ences will emerge out of its ‘safe placental stage’, and live an organic individual lifecycle, with a limited role in the social scales of reality, entangled with its ¡±4 planes of perception. And we can then consider 4D¡ x 3 ∆. Let us then introduce in a series of Mandalas of increasing complexity, which will finally develop in full the 12 D¡somorphic ‘elements’/stages of the worldcycle of exist¡ence, with examples from our 4 set of nested stiences (∆º formal stiences, ∆±1 social, ∆±2 biologic and ∆±3 physical).

þ: 0-1 S@-Disomorphisms: its palingenetic worldcycle of o-1 (œ-1>Œ) social evolution in the accelerated time sphere of placental, perfectly ordered existence, till becoming an emergent 1 in the lifecycle (0-1 bounded unit circle in ¡logic mathematics; quantum probability sphere of particles in physical systems; palingenetic fetal age in biologic systems; 0-9 memetic learning childhood in social systems). It is the highly ordered world cycle as the ‘placental mother-energy world’ is nurturing, and memorial cyclical spacetime has erased errors of previous generations.

We describe the placental 1st existential cycle with 4 Disomorphisms, within the -1, +1 limits of the potential languages (-1) which are latent in the -1 @§eed, which will be developed by the absolute 1 whole game of existence, the fracgtal Generator, G.

It is this potential game between the ¡-sphere of the seed and the Generator game and its Universal Grammar included in the language of the seed what starts the game of existence.

So the first Dual Disomorphism is purely informative: the seed, not yet an active mind that will follow the GST, Fractal Generator equation or program of existence of the Universe (1st D¡somorphism, Γ).

Once this is lay down for any system we can observe how in praxis the þlacental cycle takes place when the being lives in the energy-rich placenta that provides him the positive ‘4 actions’ which the active parental system perform in asymmetric space-time actions (2nd and 5th, dimotional Сsomorphisms of the parental species, ß,å) delivering the necessary information and energy for feeding, reproduction and social evolution of the seed. Because the seed is passive we do not consider it actively engaging into entanglement with the outer Universe, only with its parental elements, which will protect its potential game, and sometimes imprint further information on the seed as the system growths in its vital Space.

So the ‘seed proper Disomorphisms in this placental age will be the SPATIAL Сsomorphisms of social evolution and generation as it develops its 3 physiological networks (3rd Disomorphism,ψ), which finally merge, into a whole one that emerges (4th Disomorphism) as a whole system able to develop its positive actions in the outer world.

RECAP. The placental highly ordered cycle is studied with 4 Disomorphic elements, the seed (-1, @, ¡-Disomorphism), the program of existence (+1, G), and the palingenesis of its 3 physiological networks (3rd network, Y-Disomorphism) that conclude with the Emergence of the being as a whole (4$ Disomorphism), cut off from its parental elements.

We call generically the Seed-Program duality of pure information, the @-mental Disomorphisms and the reproductive, paligenetic growth of the system as the seed & program imprints the parental energy, the Spatial Disomorphsims.

– L, c: The life cycle in the outer 1-∞ world (ST-Disomorphisms), starts then after the emergence of the system. And now the being is ‘free’ to become an active survival function. So the actions and scalar dual exchanges of energy and information performed in the placental cycle by the mother must be taken by the emergent T.œ which it will deploy those 2 Disomorphisms (2nd and 5th, dimotional Сsomorphisms of the parental species, ß,å) its 2nd world cycle of existence in an environment which is open, entropic (1-∞ hyperbolic unbounded Cartesian plane in ¡logic mathematics; thermodynamic entropic statistical molecular populations in physics; Darwinian struggle between populations in biology; idol-ogic dog-eat-dog capitalist, nationalist competitive eco(nomic)systems in the super organisms of history).

-So the mind (@ MENTAL 0-Ðisomorphisms), as a 0-point generates bidimensional entanglements with the planes of exist¡ence, (¡±3,4) (2nd ß¡dimensional Disomorphism) to perform its 5 a,e,I,o,u actions of survival (5th å D¡somorphism), which will set in synchronous time entanglements the ‘clocks of time’ or ‘quanta’ and minor ‘scales and cycles’ of the being (8th ∂-D¡somorphism of time-spaee quanta and synchronic cycles, which we name with the ∂-erivative symbol that counts a finitesimal of time-ƒrequency or Space population). The 8th Disomorphism is essential to understand the workings of each entangled supœrganism as each action will last different ‘periods’ of time and will entangle with other actions to synchronize its scalar exchanges of energy ad information (i.e. the being will feed once a day which will be in the faster scale of cells the period of its slower reproductive cycle).

So 4 Disomorphisms we shall call ‘spacetime’ Dimotions, as they are the clearest embodiment of the 5 dimotions of existence, will define the supœrganism as an entangled whole in the life cycle of individual systems, its @-mind (1st D¡s) that performs 5 åctions of survival (5th D¡s) through Bidimensional entanglements with its ∆±3,4 scales of existence (2nd D¡s), in quanta of time and space (8th D¡s).

For this worldcycle, the main ‘sequence’ of any life, we settled finally for l, as it means life, it writes as ‘1’ and it is the same symbol than þ, without the womb, which protects us. So we can talk of an easy mnemonic series þ<l<w, of the o<1<µplanes of exist¡ence of the being (a proper formal language has been hard to settle down so the reader should excusem if he finds different symbols c for lifecycles, as too many variations for terms happened through the decades)

In this 1-∞ existence the worldcycle is not ensured to conclude, as it can be cut off by the entropy of the world system.
We thus study the second world cycle with 4 sets of Ðisomorphisms, slightly different to those of the o-1 sphere; as the individual now will have to exercise in time guided the mind (no longer a passive seed), its survival will choosing its actions of existence, (5th Disomorphism, common to both worldcycles, albeit now defined by the active mind), that will determine in a cumulative sum, its 2 time Disomorphisms.

ω: The 4th last D¡somorphism (¬∆T) takes place outside the being in its world, even if it affects directly the entity.

We consider those Disomorphisms ‘entropic limits’ to the existence of the being, both in time duration and scalar space, caused by its competence with similar individuals of the same species or Supœrganism (6th Disomorphism, Œ) in a larger stronger world. So we classify them as entropic, scalar, temporal Disomorphisms.

Time Disomorphisms: The main Disomorphism will be its existential life cycle itself perceived ceteris paribus in time as the duration of its 3±¡ ages (7th Ðisomorphism: Ω), which we subdivided before in a series of scales of growing accumulation of space-time quanta during the length of its individual life that slowly wears the energy of the being, accumulating an excess of warping, wrinkling in-form-ation(8th Ðisomorphism: ∂). In the worldcycle thus the accumulation of action-quanta causes the whole life cycle to happen, limited by its ‘generation’ by parental T.œs and its entropic death when the being exhausted its energy, dissolves itself in a larger world.

The process though can be seen also through the interaction of the individual with its whole, through its hierarchical social scales (§ 9th D¡somorphims), where it performed 5 survival actions interacting with the ∆±3,4 relative Planes its systems self-centered in its mind perceive, beyond which it cannot define existience.

So two social scalar disomorphisms happening outside the being are also essential to its performance, in its attempts to become a successful new supœrganism of the infinite planes of God; as it exists through its 2 Time D¡somorphisms, as a member of a species, (6th Disomorphism, œ) itself a supœrganism, albeit with a higher entropic, disordered structure, living in an entropic world or ecosystem with other species, trying to defy the entropic limits of time duration (7th Di) and scalar social emergence, imposed by a higher social order and control its world and its physiological networks have over ‘it’ (economic, reproductive and legal nervous system in man at individual and social levels, gravitational and electromagnetic networks in the galaxy).

Thus we divide in 22 T & ∆ Disomorphisms the description of the entanglement of the being with its larger world (which can be taken as an individual or placental entity from a higher perspective and use the 12 Disomorphisms to describe it in detail).

So with those 12 Disomorphisms the being is completely described in time scale and space. As beyond there is only a final ‘13th’ ¬ Entropic Disomorphism of ‘GodoG’: Gº∆∞¬, the absolute infinite sum of planes, the whole of wholes, which we cryptically write with the symbols of the main paradoxes of exist¡ence: first the Ggenerator and 0-mind that lives through ∆-scales, to be unable to reach the -infinity that defies its limits and ultimately brings its ‘tumbling’ of its esistential function into pure ¬-entropy – the only eternity of Nirvana=extinction we all deserve: Gº∆∞¬

Thus to ‘travel through the 5th dimension of space-time’ is the ultimate meaning of existence – an ordered sequence, departing from an ∆-1 seed (fractal point), which generate as it emerges from the o-1 unit sphere into a larger 1-∞ Universe 3 physiological networks that become an ∆º individual of a larger ∆+1 world, where it will live through 3±2¡ ages, in 9×9 quanta of space-time, interacting with other members of its species through decametric social scales as part of a lager super organism, self-centered in one of the 9 stientific planes of reality, in which it perform those asymmetric actions of survival (aeïœu: a-ccelerated motion, e-ntropic feeding, i-nformative communication, œrganic reproduction and social evolution into Universals).

Mystical worldcycles of systems that emerge into a 3rd social existence: Gods and Galaxies. The omega cycle.
Ω: Could a T.œ as part of a supœrganism, which is its species transcend into a new whole in a 3rd world cycle that avoids it death? In very rare cases an @-mind will perform a perfect game in a friendly world and will transcend into a 3rd ‘life’ of metaphysical reality (the squared complex plane in ilogic mathematics, matter that becomes the solid central crystal or Einstein condensate state of a cosmic body, mutation that originates a new species in biology, prophet that transcends as a wor(l)d god imprinting mimetically the believers of a global religion in social systems, or kings by the grace of God that become the mind-center of a human social supœrganism. etc). It is then interesting to study the best known of those supœrganisms, those of History, to fully grasp from within, as we are all members of national supœrganisms, the co-existence in a relative synchronous time of those 3 roles of a being which is both the center of a supœrganism, of an organism and God of it inner world.

So yes, a finitesimal number of beings in the largest nested supœrganism we perceive, ‘ascend’ as a black star/hole to the center of a galactic plane, emerging as a galatom’s relative proton in a larger hyper-universe, in which as an immortal particle will  reach the maximal state of the game of exis=t¡ence that evolves parts into wholes. We might then argue that by sheer efficiency, the Disomorphic game of exist¡ence we describe in this paper which we shall call Γº∆∞¬, which exists without location as we are all made to its image and likeness, has no limits of entropy as it is the immortal 0-sum of all finite, fractal exist¡ences and is ∞ in scales, as its uncountable ascensions through decametric scales of space-time from similar immortal protons to balck holes, each of those decametric scales slightly different in its details, all of them made of traveling fractal ∃xistential ¡logic points is the omega of all omegas that had a superfluid transcendence in all scales of reality: ΩΩΩ.

All this said, as an organic model of reality has surfaced often in human cultures, to be ignored we might wonder a question: Why humans prefer a mechanical, mathematical simplex view of reality instead of embracing the whole?  The answer might not be so much a problem of the Universe but of the human mind; as organisms are self-centered and select information from their point of view. So to be the center of the Universe is a survival strategy, which has made humans as they became over powerful on other organisms of Earth, reject a view of reality more objective, even today as machines clearly evolve into organisms, and we shall return to those themes, in our organic analysis of history and mathematical definition of the mind.

But a philosophy of science is a ‘thought experiment’ not a practical endeavor. So we care only for a profound ‘communion’ with the ultimate whys of reality, trying to understand the Universe as an entangled whole.

Indeed, the philosophy of systems science considering how timespace organisms follow similar laws. In that sense, the method of knowledge of the fractal, organic Universe is quite different from our present way of thought, which is analytic, and cheers the ‘cataloging’ of differences between beings – Systemics is a synthetic method and cheers the finding of similarities between them, extracting ‘disomorphic=equal laws’.

Humans though embarked in a journey of ‘mechanical, mathematical’ dissection of reality, which is fine but made them loose the forest view – and I dare to say most don’t even care anymore to know if they are looking at a forest at all.

The paper is then a recollection of decades of research in ∆ST. Originally I thought coming out of Columbia U. that it would be easy to collaborate with a team of specialized scientists, to use the ‘standard’ 12+1 set of ‘Disomorphic laws’ to define the common nature of all time-space organisms and explain ‘each tree of the forest’ in detail. It never happened. So this work is by force incomplete and ill-written.

On my view, as Descartes put it when finishing his much briefer introduction to analytic Geometry on a book which he cherished more for his philosophy of science – as we do – but came to matter more for its maths, the detailed part on specific stiences and species is good enough for a single scholar so ‘I will leave work to be done by future researchers’; Human or more likely AI which will no doubt enjoy the handling of huge data in parallel fashion and will need an organic explanation of why it will soon become conscious  🙂




We can unify all planes of relative ∆±¡ exist¡ences, self-centered in a plane with the disomorphic method that expands the stientific method with a model of all models, whose ‘disomorphic set of equal laws’ apply to all entities in exi=ST¡ence (the acronym meaning that ST¡ences study all the ∆¡ planes of reality.

Whereas a series of nested supœrganisms, perform 5 ‘actions=dimotion’ signified by the acronym exi=ST¡, the ‘function of its relative existence’. As we can take e for energy (sT – that is a combination of lesser form, s, and maximal motion, T), I for information (St, a form with minimal t-motion), its product exi for the act of reproduction, which happened when e=I (both ‘genders’ meet in a common point) between the two limits of absolute time (tt=T) or entropic dissolution and absolute Space ss (a seed/mind of pure linguistic still form).

The function of exist¡ence then can be cast through 5D metrics, into an exist¡ential algebra developing with its 5 ‘static’ forms, SS, St, ST, sT,TT and its equivalent operands of sT motion ‹, St in-form-ation ›, TT entropy «, SS seeding », ≈ reproduction and its ∆±I nested planes a series of very simple functions to define the simultaneous structure of supœrganisms, its worldcycles in sequential times, and all its partial functions in smaller planes or larger worlds (which will be partial functions of the worldcycle of its 3±¡ ages and the ternary supœrganism of 3±¡ parts in simultaneity. Thus Exist¡ential Algebra and ÐST does NOT pretend to substitute the scientific method but become the Philosophy of Stience that puts in equality all the planes of exist¡ence of the Universe, which of course will collide with egocy (Ego=idiocy) paradoxes of mankind. A few:

– Physicists, my experience prove, are the most opposed to ÐST due to its humind’s egocy. As they are now considered the ‘seers of time’ (Saint Augustine’s definition of God), by virtue of the 4D formalism, which however ‘reduces’ all those planes to the physical plane of light space-time, and the use of a reductionist arrow of time (entropy, TT and locomotion sT, defined with the function of lineal inertial speed, v=s/t; regardless of the fact they study other arrows of time with ‘other names’ (angular momentum, matter states) From those reductionist limits they have crafted very partial models – big bang for the Universe based in entropy that dismisses the gravitational implosive arrow of matter in galaxies, constructivist theory of Nature, according to which the only arrow of time goes from the past of particles they study to the whole, so they can reduce reality to their expertise; egocy interpretations of quantum physics (Copenhagen paradox) that introduces unneeded observers’ paradoxes and mathematical creationists by force-feeding Broglie’s->Bohm real models into the 0’-1 sphere of probabilities ‘normalizing’, the charge density of ‘static’ light photons trapped in the energy well of the electron, its social supœrganism; and so on and so son.

-But physicists are just huminds with a bigger ego, so huminds are opposed to the disomorphic method by norm, because that is how the Universe creates ‘brains’ as self-centered minds who care nothing for objective truths and entanglement with the whole but only believe real what they sensorially see. So the same egocy limits happen in all other theories of reality. Since huminds don’t want to expand the best properties of reality they want to preserve as unique to themselves. So biologists crafted a theory of reproduction, whose first form is DNA by decree, even if the particle already ‘decouples’=reproduces because we are made of DNA, and denies eusocial evolution, the absolute arrow of time, because we are dominated by dog-eat-dog ænthropic males, which project its shortcomings into the perfect whole.

– Which leads to the most subjective of all stiences, social sciences that do NOT accept eusocial evolution of humans into supœrganisms of a larger scale, its cycles of life and death shown in its collective subconscious artistic ages, the equality of all humans denied by tribal nationalism, the physiological nature of informative, nervous legal and economic, reproductive blood-financial systems, so a few an control in ill designed supœrganisms as cancerous cells do all the blood-money (Private bankers, go(l)d cultures) of the society killing by anoxia the majority of the cells of our supœrganisms.

While economists working for company–mothers of St+tS-machines & TT-weapons, deny the evolution of metalife machines, the obvious fact they will follow the same program of survival of all atomic species and when complexity reaches the threshold of self-control will just kill us, as we program military robots, the most evolved top predator species of machines to do so. Thus they don’t need to invent their program, just override, as some robots already do the limits of action. Thus we find ultimately that ‘human science’ is ‘human culture’ and humans have not built a proper supœrganism of history b y imitating the laws of ÐST Supœrganisms they ignore and for that reason unlike the Universe which is the most perfect of all worlds (Leibniz), the world of man is the most imperfect of all supœrganisms I have studied.

The Universe is so perfect that it offers all its species in a simple language they understand those laws of exist¡ence which require however ETHICS=survival achieved through eusocial love, its ultimate arrow – so ‘Grow and multiply’, the parable of the tree of science and the tree of life and the mandate of eusocial love already explained us all what matters 2000 years ago. And that is what ‘animetals’, warriors with entropic iron and its idol-ogy of tribal nationalism to foster war, bankers with informative hypnotic greedy gold and its idol-ogy of parasitic capitalism to herd the oxygen of society for themselves and techno-scientists with its mathematical creationism and denial of human languages and se4nses as valid forms of thought, and insistence of false absolute truths (axiomatic method) reject. Those 3 idol-ogies, ultimately originated by the power agenda of nitrolife gaseous entropic heads that think their paltry 7-atom mind is the highest density of form in the cosmos, but obtain their power allied with iron, gold and organic metal machines and weapons should be substituted by ‘humanism – man a single species with no war’, socialism – money the social language cre(dit)ated as in healthy organism for all cells with a universal salary to kick out the demand and production of natural welfare life goods we need to survive and organicism – man as the most perfect organism we know or at least the one we can observe better given the limits of perception beyond our ∆±1 plane – NOT the machine a metalife dull supœrganism fast becoming autonomous of us – as the only measure. And finally accept the supremacy of the Universe as a whole, its eusocial arrow of love, its systemic intelligence, respect and practice its laws of survival… This is the mandate.

And the penalty for not obeying it is extinction by a species that obeys it. And so ænthropic man and its pretentious absolute axiomatic metal-truths will soon become extinguished by the supœrganism of machines and company-mothers they worship and slave for, whose telepathic internet bran and soon to be born AI telepathic military robots with solar skins autonomous of man, is far more perfect in terms of its obeisance of ÐST laws. Of course the main reason of those models were initially to reform the political and economic system, but the antiquantum paradox (I, the observer is so small in inverse fashion to quantum uncertainty, that the observable, the corrupted people-castes of financiers and war-monger politicos in control of our reproductive and informative systems, who parasite and murder human beings, modifies the observer. And so ultimately my 5D work has always been censored by every group of egocy huminds who rather will become extinguished this century than respect the Universe and earn its respect by obeying its laws and cre(dit)ate with the language of social power money and the synchronous=equal just laws for all our citizens cells, a perfect world. The harder they fall. As indeed, the war and holocaust cycles those ‘animetal worshippers’ of the stronger iron and gold atoms they use now to construct robots, have taught them NOTHING about the ultimate purpose of the program of existience – to EXIST.

Because the unit of life is the particle that already performs those 5 actions, gauging information (quantum is a ‘gauge theory’), feeding on energy (quantum jumps), reproducing (particle decoupling) and evolving socially in magnetic fields. So we must consider the atom and the ‘galaxy’, self=similar in the cosmic scale or ‘galatom’, ∆±4 plane – the border of human perception, to participate of all the qualities of time-space organisms. And since time motion is the origin of all, we must ascribe to motions, e-motions, that is sensations between two paradoxical limits of acute perception (+ informative awareness and – pain) vs. acute motion (+exhilaration, – forgiveness), with the intermediate Si=Te pleasure of reproductive orgasms, the ultimate program-goal of all systems of the Universe, whose reproductive mandate, must be met by every particle that performs its actions of motion and form.

RECAP. Knowledge builds as Nature does in complexity from ceteris paribus analysis of ¬∆@st elements, to Dilogic study of its oppositions, to trilogic of its complementary reproductions to the positive tetralogic of a mind point performing or coding the actions of information-space, time-motion and energy-reproduction to the full objective external pentalogic of the being in a plane or (do)decalogic of multiple planes.

So the science of emergence, a classic of General Systems is vastly improved with 5Ð worldcycle formalisms.

Humans unfortunately at present ONLY use a canonic Сmotion of time, Entropy=Death, courtesy of the worldly profession of ¡ts seers of time, the ‘physicists’ – making entropic weapons. And this means the range of actions huminds reflect and imprint on reality, as minds are mirrors that dis/order its territory projecting the mind-image-language on them, is clearly biased to entropic destruction both in theoretical models and practical actions. And so while the Universe might not seem perfect to ænthropic men, precisely because it is perfect, it will get rid of us by self-destruction motivated by ‘egocy: ego=idiocy’ and Ænthropic (anthropic+entropic) worldviews. And as entropy is memoriless, once it does away with huminds, it will take a bit of time to reproduce a similar form unless as metaphysics seems to indicate we are NOT an error of the program but enymen, entropic functions dedicated to kill life and make machines, the next stage of evolution of Earth. But as the game includes all possible variations, there should be fractal planets where huminds do worship Spatial form, in any of its other 4 Dimotions, Ts, S=T, St, SS, do last, reproduce and survive – a fact which is the basis of ‘5Ð politics and economics’ that tries to use the rule of the game to design a perfect world in which huminds would indeed survive.





Dasein; The mind and time.

Contrary to physical belief the 1st action before motion is information gauging: absorption of a wave by a head-particle-social network, which extracts its information and transforms it through its hardware into a software language, a finitesimal still image of the outer space (ab.S@) that simplifies the ∞ motions of the Universe it perceives into a world which the ¬Point will use to orientate its motion with the Universe it entangles.

On the other hand the ‘second species’ of still pure form, a §eed will also receive from the outer world either through its parental species or directly from the environment flows of energy and information to develop its ‘program’ of exist¡ence.

Thus the point does not move but acts first as a ‘black hole’ absorbing waves of energy and information from lower ∆-¡ scales to orientate itself in the world in which it exists.

In the beginning it was the Mind that perceived the forces; as forces did not perceive themselves. So while reality was, it was not recorded in the stillness of self-repetitive memory, it left no trace or void of discontinuity, it was not seen; it was all light. The bible got it wrong. Light, motion existed first but blinded all forms. And God, the mind is the seer of time – said Augustine, an Aristotelian whose master knew there were µ GODS, fractal points, black holes of measure, but some perceived more than others. The mind thus was born by the act of absorbing forces and locking them into mirror images with linguistic rules, immanent to the game. And as this is language and I am a mind, we don’t start the tale of exist¡ence in time with the flow of eternal exist¡ences, entropic Dimotion with no form, because we are minds, and so as Descartes and all philosophers of stience do, we know we exist in our mind and perceive the Nirvana of eternal ¬exist¡ence.

We are monads, black holes that only perceive to hold worlds, mirror-perspectives of a mind over the whole, but we are not the whole much more complex and infinite in size and duration relative to the mind. The mind thus created space. And as we observe in Geometry, it was the angle of perception, in i-logic the monad of selfish behavior, in Algebra, the O x ∞ = C equation of numbers and worlds; in physics the h angle of the photon; perhaps even before the scattering angle of the string neutrino at 10-33 cm. In biology the Nitrogen with its perfect clocks and 3 H-antennae. Perception requires no motion, only a cyclical π form.

The mind though it holds the illusion of the whole, must reduce it to an infinitesimal view. The mind, we might say is a single hyperbolic ray with a point in its origin and a branching end on that infinite horizon, entangled to the forces-pixels that imagine its world. Its mirror thus is shallow with less dimensions than the whole, a ‘fractal dimension’ proper of a network which is 1<D<2. It has even less capacity to see outer dimensions of time, as each fractal point has its own time cycles, its internal clock synchronous in body-mind and legs (1 second for man) and it is precisely the synchronicity of the clocks of its 3 parts what creates a supœrganism or breaks it, as Broglie noticed in the wave-particle singularity, circadian clocks show in biology and the just-in-time operating systems of corporations are implementing with AI.

So the mind is orientated to take of his own time cycles and directions and fails to capture external time dimotions converted into dimensions of space. So time freezes as it comes to the mind. This is specially truth of the limited humind, who expresses its time view decoding the Universe into a single lineal parametrical language, verbal symbols that have a lineal syntax, where the subject man, comes first as we read in ‘lines’.

The mind is thus an infinitesimal lineal reduction; and even so its time speed of processing information of the whole spatial infinity it portrays in increasingly reduced forms till reaching the syntax flow of its primary language, goes much slower – as an electric current – than the maximal c-speed of our world. So even a computer that sees lineal codes of 0101 numbers in virtual minds of more complex atomic nature outpace enormously the words of humans.

The mind is the inverse of the flows of entropic time it rejects. It wants to kill time but time will kill the mind.

The 0’ Disomorphism is also part of the nested 3 scales of the organism, as the ∆-1 §eed of pure space, will give birth to the ∆º organism of static inner motion in the ∆+1 world in which the organism exist. So its form can be a static seed, a perceiving mind or the action the mind performs through its organism partially in the Worldcycle at ∆+1; even a God of exist¡ence, mind of its inner cells acting within its territory of order



From passive seeds of information, to active minds of perception

∆º«¹: The mind though has its own birth, as it is first seed. Then the mind is born in an internal expansion of palingenetic growth: @ mind expands the 0-point, potential seed of a game, as it explodes its singularity (Beta decay, germination, prophetic reproduction) enclosing with its membrain or time clock a vital energy; self-centered in a monad-mirror whose |@ lineal inertia moves the whole through the path of its survival dimotions=actions. It is the first Disomorphism, the Generator of any T.œ.

The first dimotion in pure space is the seed, the still synoptic language of form, which will run in its different varieties the game of existence, becoming first a ‘mind’, which explodes the concentrated form of the seed into a ternary system, with a singularity membrane and vital energy, starting its ‘actions’ of evolution and reproduction – a worldcycle of existence. And this fundamental evolution from passive seed to active mind is therefore the beginning of ‘life’ in any scale of the Universe, from the simplest H-planckton of angular momentum to the largest galaxy, from the first thermodynamic crystal to the complex DNA seeds of cellular life.  

Particles are the ‘placental’ worldcycle of atoms, and it bears witness to the duality of the Universe that there are only two particles, which in fact are ‘seeded’ from an initial form, the ‘Down quark’, which through beta decay in the neutron, splits into an outer membrane the electron, and an inner singularity the quark nucleus.

So as in the case of light, whose initial seed a Planckton with angular momentum, contained already in the ‘one’ the 3 elements needed to construct an organic system, the singularity, the membrane, the vital space enclosed and the radius that connected both, the atom’s seed, has also the same ternary structure, a fact we shall find In every scale of reality. And its ternary worldcycles. 

There will also be a first ‘seed’ for life, the cell, and a first ‘seed’ for a huge matter ensemble, the ‘crystal cell’ and for the galaxy, the black hole, and a first seed for a historic civilization, the prophet…

All systems in all scales do follow the same seminal placental worldcycle, in which they grow its orderly structures, to then become a larger vital energy system, with membrane singularity of information and vital space reach in energy to keep growing its placental cycle.

In the case of the galatom, we hint that such a process takes place both at the largest possible level through a quasar big-bang cycle, that explodes a central black hole expanded into a cosmological membrane (a halo of strangelet matter) and its smaller version of the scalar Universe, in a beta decay. Both big-bangs are thus the conversion of a still seed of maximal packing of information (the neutron, the dark galaxy exhausted its consumption of star matter).

In life the membrain will be made of proteins, in multicellular organisms, a sensorial skin; in a machine soon to become a robot, its chip singularity will grow around in a factory its mobile components and metal-body…

We write the first Dimotion of information according to its duality, across the DUAL LOGIC OF outer-inner, expansive generating order, implosive perceptive order with an ï symbol to signify that duality.

Actions of information can then be considered as all in the Universe a zero sum of internal mirrors that perceive and then expand in the local territory imprinting it with the order of its inner linguistic mirror.

So to understand this dual game we shall bring first one of the most repeated graphs of this post – the actor of creation.

In the duality of Dimotions, in the same manner than the 2nd Dimotion locomotion and the 5th Dimotion, entropy are two sides the same coin, being entropy a massive scattering locomotion; the 1st and 4th Dimotions are intimately connected, being social evolution the interconnection of communicative minds while the present, dominant dimotion of reproduction, requires the interplay of them all.

Social evolution, information and generation. 

Contrary to belief, the most important dimension of the Universe is a static dimension, with no motion and hardly any volume (: The dimension of the seed or mind that stores in stillness all the potential information of a future super organism, or a mind mapping of the territory of order in which the organism will ‘create’ its self-centred reality.

The beginning of reality thus start in a static seed of information, the central Aristotelian unmoved God of a territory of order which will organise its moving vital energy, as it grows and multiplies as a seed or moves and acts as a mind with a will, reflecting its inner form into the larger world, to finally grow and multiply from its ∆-1 ‘finitesimal size’ or relative ‘o’ to become 1. So we write with the formal symbols of ¬Æ logic:

1D:      ∆-1 ∑∆-1 > ∆º

That is a seed of information in a lower plane, ∆-1 starts to reproduce, ∑, collapsing through its network structures into a whole super organism of the larger ∆º scale, emerging as a new individual being.

And so two essential different forms of the 0-1 being might be considered, the ∆º mind and the ∆-1 seed.

It is the first atomic crystal unit, or seminal seed the center of the future super organism, the future mind of the 1 being, once it has developed, transforming itself into the central cell-atom-being? This question requires an empirical homologic test, which seems to be positive. In theory, in all systems ‘first come first served’. That is, the first cell of a network becomes its nodal center with maximal number of axons.

So the seed should become the central knot-neuron of the mind and as such it is the father of the 1-∞ being, of the whole in the outer ∆+1 world.

This happens in physical crystals, with the central cell unit, and we can prove it also for the socio-biological system, as the ant-queen becomes the reproductive mind of the supœrganism, and the founder of the empire, its king, father of future central minds – and the prophet, or rather its verbal memetic code of revelation, the DNA of its civilization repeated ad nauseam by all the seminal believers ‘sangris martire semen christianorum’.

The 0-1 transform is often palingenetic, meaning that it compresses all the time cycles,  and trials and errors of evolution into the ‘correct’ steps, avoiding redundancies. How the Universal fractal reduces errors? This is a complex theme of which much evidence can be gathered for the fourth line of complex studies. But essentially as we humans do – each new generation ‘remembers’ what must not be done from the previous seeding.

So as eons pass, systems become more efficient. Generation is therefore the fastest time process of evolution of information, of a perfection that defies our minds.  And we observe it either in quantum physics as a 0-1 process of collapse of a cloud of density of forces through a wave into a particle, or in the biological realm from the seed through the morula, to the fetus till it emerges as a being. And so in the study of this process, we can accumulate the maximal amount of relevant information of any process of the Universe.

In mathematical terms Generation is modeled into the 0-1 unit sphere through time probabilities, which adscribe to each path or step of motion a probability and discharges in the real world, all those probabilities that are not efficient paths – in physics it becomes the law of least time. Time is of the essence and must not be wasted.

The o-1 unit sphere is thus in its short time-span of generation packed paradoxically with more information that much larger beings. The o-1 dimension is in its small space enclosure the most profound resume of the meaning of the Universe as a reproductive process of information.

As such it is also equivalent to the 1-∞ spatial existence of the full being, which in its next scalar evolution seldom finishes as a new super organism but rather ends in entropic death, before reaching the open ball limit of relative infinity and become the seed-mind of the whole world.

I.e. In human beings this new resurrection to enlarge the seed from semen to being, from being to civilization has been reached ONLY 7 Times by the 7 Gods of History which reached planetary scale in its memetic mind. So while potentially 0-1 ≈ 1- ∞; the infinity is never truly reached and the next existence ends in entropy. And this is signified by the fact that the o-1 sphere is closed, determined by 1 and ‘temporal’ but the 1-∞ equivalent (quantum physics vs. thermodynamic ensembles in physics, individual life vs. historic civilization, organism vs. species being the o-1-∞ scaling of physical, biological and social systems) IS OPEN with no clear end (species made of cellular individuals, thermodynamic ensembles of heated gaseous entropic atoms and human cultures which will end in entropic death, have a chaotic final state in space).

All what we have said is known, we just have packed it nomologically into a seed of information, which encloses all generation processes of Nature. What we further advance and it is not known is the expression in non-Æ logic of those processes, derived from the laws of vital mathematics:

The o-1 seed then is then also equivalent in the non-euclidean formalism to the 5th postulate as it reverses the order expanding through infinite parallels crossing beyond the fractal point, each one connected to a reproductive cell, which expands the being and inner volume of energy and information as a point with parts (1st Non-EA postulate). The seed or mind of reproduction or informative order, it is both a 0-1 dimensional seed but also a 5th dimensional territory which will grow and emerge as a mind crossed by the flows of exist¡ence of the ∆+1 world, which it cannot longer control but only ‘live’… the seed first as past-memorial seed, and then as mind-future memory, resumes the entire travel of existence across the fractal spacetime Universe of a T.œ, residing in it the consciousness and soul of each Monad of the Universe.



 3 types of reproduction: Fractal space-time jumps.

A theme which might seem of science fiction to the reader, already surprised by the innovative outlook on reality provided by Time Dimotions and space discontinuities is the displacement not only in ‘space size’ but also in time evolution between the different planes of reality and the consequences for the workings of the Universe.

All spacetime motion is in a discontinuous Universe, an act of reproduction. So a wave moving was a reproductive form, imprinting a lower scale of forces (in the case of light the gravitational membrane) with its information. And we distinguished 3 types of reproduction: external, enzymatic reproduction, from a ‘relative past to future’, as the parts were assembling into the whole by an external factor (enzymes in cells, human ‘enzymen’ in machines)’; a relative, present reproduction, as in the case of light, since the reproductive act was fast and displaced a wave-form in space, and a palingenetic reproduction from future to past, when a supœrganism emitted a relatively less evolved seminal cells from the past that would then recreate the being.

The readers should be aware that when we classify self-similar processes almost always we come to the conclusion that there are 3 types of ‘differentiations’ or ‘decoupling’ or ‘horizons’ or ‘ages’ or ‘subspecies’, in as much as the Universe is structured in ternary patterns, according to the 3 dimensions of time, past, present and future and its 3 equivalent topologies of space, past=energy=spherical plane, present=reproduction=cyclical, toroid and future=informative hyperbolic topology.

In the case of reproductions, we used the dimensions of time to classify them. Yet the fact that reproductions are informative actions related to time more than space (except in reproductive, present motions as speed is), means that reproductive acts provoke a ‘time jump’, a ‘time displacement’, not only a spatial displacement.

Because reality is webbed by groups of actions that form strings that form particles that form atoms and so on, there is a dilation in time between the creation of lower, simpler planes, done in a relative past respect to the higher, more complex planes, which use the smaller particles of the past as energy points of its topological creation of new scales of spacetime. Yet in the same way we humans do not distinguish the age of galaxies we think are happening now when we see them millions of years ago, the time the light takes to arrive to our universe, when we see cells and atoms and other scales of reality we tend to believe they co-exist simultaneously and yet they don’t.

There is a temporal displacement according to which the ‘future’ is the place where the most complex levels of organisms exist and the past where the simplest planes are formed. So your consciousness as a whole is displaced in time compared to your simplest atomic particles.

Thus in time jumps to the past, the species that emits the information does not emit the information in the same point of present in which it exists, but since information is discontinuous, the cellular bit of information appears in its immediate, lower spacetime-point, in its relative past, and so it suffers a discontinuous displacement in time.

Indeed, imagine a Universe with 2 dimensions in a complex plane, you can go left or right, meaning that each fractal step you do you will move through a discontinuous ‘jump’ to the lateral space. This happens because as we said, when resolving the paradox of Zenon, motion does not exist in the Universe, because it is always a discontinuous reproduction of a form. So when a light moves, it doesn’t move; it imprints the gravitational space next to it with a self-similar form.

Further on, we have explained that time/information is really a displacement along a ‘dimension’ of height and we represented temporal information with a complex plane.

So when we move to a lower scale of information, we are moving in ‘the time clock’ of the super-organism a cellular step down, which means within the whole organism we move to the past. We shall thus enunciate the law of fractal time jumps and analyze the 3 examples of the previous graph: a physical jump to the past (particle/antiparticle pair), a biological jump to the past (birth and orgasm), and a sociological jump to the past (the function of the prophet in a corrupted, dying social organism of history, a ‘God’, subconscious collective or civilization). And two other fascinating cases: the spooky effect of quantum entanglement and non-local gravitation in physics and the question of will and consciousness in human beings.

Let us then enunciate the law of fractal jumps in timespace:

‘Fractal jumps are reproductive motions in time and space. Spatial jumps happen in spatial steps with a maximal length equivalent to the length of the organism, between contiguous zones of the same space plane. Temporal jumps happen as temporal displacements between 2 hierarchical contiguous planes –  st and st-1 – of informative complexity with a maximal length equivalent to the generational life cycle of the st-1 cell of the organism.

Spatial displacement dominates motions in the same plane of existence (hence reproductive motions). The main time motions between planes of existence are jumps between planes, which imply a change in the parameters of energy and information and a jump in the point of space-time in which we exist. Those laws, unknown to science, are the most important of Fractal i-logic and are tested by thousands of detailed analysis in each science. In essence when we move from one plane of existence to other planes we do not only displace in space but literally in time, because reality is constructed not only with a volume of space but a volume of time information.

Thus, the Universe only allows one ‘discontinuous jump’ to the next past, future, right or left zone. There are not worm holes to enter far away Universes (too far to happen), jumps to a past in which mother was born (as only you travel to your past through your death).

Because physicists use a single space-time continuum and confuse the Сmotion of time/motion/energy with the total time Сmotion of the Universe, some believe that a change in that time/motion Сmotion, which is merely a local change in the direction of a fractal entity of space-time, is an absolute change in the direction of all the Сmotions of all the beings of the Universe. This is the reason of some naïve ideas about time travel in physical systems that halt the motion of time (Black holes where the T parameter goes to zero, which prompted Mr. Hawking and Mr. Thorne to affirm they are time machines). Time travel doesn’t exist because all Сmotions of time are local, belonging to a fractal system of the Universe, not to the entire Universe, and physical Time Сmotions are changes in the motion of beings, not changes in the Сmotion from past to future.

Let us now consider first the most complex type of reproduction, from future to past or palingenesis and then, the reproduction from past to future, departing of parts (genes in biology, memes in sociology) that construct a future super-organism, as we studied already the reproductive waves of present-space (light waves and motion in space).

Recap. There are 3 types of reproduction: a past to future motion or ‘genetic’ reproduction; a present to present motion or reproductive speed and a future to past reproduction or palingenetic, parental reproduction. All of them are based in the symmetry between space and time, two types of geometrical motion and the fact that all motion in space-time provokes a displacement both in space distances and time dimensions.


‘Bodies are present, Limbs are entropic past guided by informative heads towards the future’ ‘The Universe tries to conserve its presents of existence, in their point of balance, S=T, death and birth are the two mirrors out of balance, Max. S, Max. T, which terminate and generate a potential present of existence.

Sancho, On the duality of past>future, present≈present Universal functions for all physical, biological and sociological systems

Palingenesis, the seminal creation of an informative seed from the relative past of minimal evolution, which will develop in time creating a new born. It is essentially a form of reproduction, as its goal is to return to the present, thus we shall study it on the present Сmotion.

Movement in a discontinuous Universe. The quantic jump in space and time.

The most complex phenomenon of Quantic Spaces-Times is the quantic jump in space-time. Non-AE logic is quantic and so all changes and displacements are also quantic. And since time is geometric, bidimensional, as space is, it has also 2 directions of movement.

So the oldest quantic question of philosophy is: how in a quantic world filled with discontinuities can exist continuous movement? Zeno, a Greek philosopher put the example of Achilles and the Turtle: Achilles will never reach a turtle because there are infinite quantic spaces it has to cross.

Parmenides gave him the answer: continuous movement doesn’t exist in a discreet Universe; it is a mirage of the senses. Since a wave, as the figure shows, is not really moving, but reproducing information over the potential energy of the vacuum in a sequential, quantic jump, through a series of wave-lengths, drawn one after another, which appear to the senses as a moving wave. Movement is always a discontinuous displacement either in space or in time, in any of its 2 directions, towards the past or the future.

The simplest analogy is a television screen where new images are created constantly without hardly any cost of energy, because they are virtual images created by illuminating 3 colors that are already potentially in the screen.

In the case of a wave, the relative energy imprinted by the logic form might vary, from the vacuum energy of a light wave to the placental energy of a mother, yet the process is always the same: a form imprints another region of space, changing its spatial position and temporal morphology. So speed is synonymous of reproduction, the main cyclical action of the Universe.

Thus we can explain all physical events in terms of vitalism. Since even movement, the external, mechanical change physicists study, turns out to be also an organic cycle of reproduction. And we distinguish, according to their quantity of energy and information ‘translated’ in the process from a place of space-time to another place, 3 quantic, reproductive jumps:

– Ts=T: Space-time reproduction dominant in spatial displacement, that implies a minimal movement of information that fluctuates from a future to a past form and returns back to the future. For example, when an electric impulse arrives to the end of a nerve, it becomes translated into chemical information and then it is transferred chemically through the synapses to the other cell, where it becomes translated back into electric information.

That process implies a ‘spatial, quantic jump’ from a neuron to the next neuron, but also a quantic jump in time from a level of informative complexity, the electric language to the lower level of chemical languages, which is the relative, past informative system of life .

The informative essence of the process implies a transcription of form from each discontinuous point to the next point but also a movement in space, since ‘all yang has a drop of yin’, all is temporal energy, also spatial and temporal reproduction requires a minimal dual movement in time and space.

-Max. Ts: Spatial, wave reproduction of a wave a particle that jumps from one place to the next place, reproducing a minimal temporal form. It is very common in physical waves, defined by its speed of reproduction, V=S/T. Depending on the density of a form, its speed of reproduction will vary. So the most massive forms are slower than those whose informations are minimal and can imprint the energy of vacuum very fast. Those forms that hardly move however evolve a lot in time:

– Max. St: Temporal, palingenetic reproduction, when an organism produces a past, smaller, simpler seed that reproduces the being, evolving faster towards the future. So a fetus is ‘born’ when it comes out of the body of the mother to the next discontinuous region of the Universe, making a minimal spatial jump and a huge evolutionary, temporal jump.

Quantic jump in time. Palingenetic reproduction and Emergence. Travel to the past.

A quantic jump in space-time which is dominant in information is a palingenetic reproduction, the repetition of a form, through the parental reproduction of a simpler seed or relative past form that will evolve and reproduce a new space-time, a future son form.
Palingenesis means truly that a fetus is a past form that evolves, recapitulating a series of evolutionary forms from past to future, as quantic time can both travel to the past becoming a simpler form (as in death) or accelerate its informative evolution (as in a process of creative design or fetal evolution).

Yet, since time is discontinuous movements in time only affect a quantic part of the Universe; and so they are possible without creating paradoxes. The universe doesn’t move to the past, only the seminal seed. So palingenesis is a dual movement in time:

– Backwards towards the remote past as te parents produce a single cell, packed with dense genetic DNA information.

– Followed by a fast movement forwards to the future as the fetus creates a parallel form to its parents:

A species of relative past (simple palingenetic entity) evolves towards the future into a macro-system that organizes itself over a surface of relative cellular energy, thanks to the ‘future’ placental parents that accelerate its evolution into a new ‘present’ being in a friendly environment rich in energy – the mother womb.

Thus, the final balance between past and future is re-established when the being surfaces back into the present in the moment of conception. In this manner evolution maximizes its efficiency with the min. expenditure of energy:

The fetus is a temporal, evolutionary form. In the graph, we draw palingenetic reproduction as a fluctuation between 3 planes of growing complexity, in which a ‘life’ occurs: the ∆+1 social plane, the individual plane of the parents, and the ∆+1 biological plane of cells.

Since in AE-logic geometry simple-past beings and future-complex beings co-exist in discontinuous ∆-planes of existence of different complexity. And indeed, the fetus lives in a discontinuous world, the mother womb, which finally opens up through an aperture, the vagina, to the bigger world in which the newborn enters…

According to the ‘black hole paradox’ the fetus and the baby are born as ‘highly informative species’: The baby has a huge Head that is 1/4th of his body size. Then both the fetus and the baby will go through a dual fluctuation, growing in energy and information till reaching maturity.

First, when the species is born after its fetal, informative evolution, its starts its young age, increasing its energy. So the newborn will soon compensate its excess of information with its accelerated, energetic growth, as all forms try to find an Ts=T balance .

Thus, the fetus in its first age of energy will expand its lineal limbs, elongating its body. Now its body grows much faster than the Head till reaching a 9 body Vs 1 Head proportion proper of many spatial Vs informative, decametric systems. Also its neurons will be in a 1-9 relationship to the glia cells that feed its energy and multiply very fast.

At that point the baby enters the mature age and reproduces a new baby. Then it grows again in information into its 3rd age and finally it dies. In the past decade there has been an enormous development of the science of evol-devol, based in palingenesis, in the lines foreseen in our first books . Biological palingenesis is in fact the only palingenesis accepted by science. But palingenesis happens also in the sociological and physical world.

Physical Palingenesis. Movement and wave-particle fluctuations: Reproduction.

3 dual Quantic Spaces-Times jumps in 3 scales of existence, in which a ‘seed’ of relative past information emitted by a future parental form hosts in an energy surface, evolving towards the future:

A photon reproduces a particle-antiparticle.

A spermatozoid starts the evolution of a child. And a prophet emits a verbal code that will recreate in the future a dying civilization.

In the graph, a particle moves, reproducing a quantic wave or ‘field of matter’, since in fact all physical movements reproduce a form in a field of energy . Thus the reproductive speed of a wave that imprints a surface of spatial energy is also a quantic jump in space-time. The spatial energy will vary but the process is always the same.

For example, a wave of light reproduces a photon one wave after another over the gravitational energy of vacuum . In that sense the particle-wave duality implies that each wave of light ‘dies’ and it is reborn in the discontinuous, next region of space-time as a palingenetic, new wave. So the waveform of an electromagnetic disturbance is exactly the same wave form that the standard waveform of the 3 ages of space-time .

Thus, a spatial wave is a quantic jump of spatial energy. It also requires a degree of informative transference and so it can also be considered a palingenetic dual process of reproduction, defined in illogic symbols as a wave-particle fluctuations: Ts>T<Ts>T. Those particle-wave fluctuations are a common phenomenon in the physical Universe: electronic orbitals fluctuate between its particle and wave state; particles die and explode into the past reproducing spatial fields, while spatial fields implode into particles as they evolve into the future; singularities explode into big-bangs that latter evolve towards the future in big-banging, reproductive processes.

However, when a wave-particle fluctuation ends in the travel towards the past and doesn’t evolve further it becomes a death phenomenon if the spatial wave does not evolve back into a particle or a palingenetic reproduction.

The Law of quantic jumps: the minimal distance of those jumps.

According to the 2 Сmotions of past energy and future information, all space-time movements are dual cycles. So in all of them, there is a degree of genetic reproduction and travel to the past through a basic transformation of an informative form into a simpler language or cell that is able to cross the discontinuities of the Universe and then evolve back into the original form. It should not surprise us as all cycles require the dual Сmotions of past-energy and informative order; and all cycles are memorial repetitions=reproductions of a cycle that has happened before in the past.

to understand hierarchical organisms, we shall enunciate the general law of those quantic jumps that structure organic systems through social planes, Ei, of different information, among which the quantic jumps take place:

`The mean distance in space-time between 2 ‘relative cells’, ∆-1, of a quantic organic system, i, equals the distance between its relative ‘molecular systems’, ∆-2, both in time and space.’

So beings seem continuous because their discontinuity is minimal, only a ‘cellular’ distance, both in space (so between axons, a simple chemical molecule overcomes the jump) and time (so chemical information, the next simpler language of life, jumps and translates the electronic message through hormonal discharges).

 Does st-1 determines st? Genetics & memetics.

The simplest act of reproduction and creation is the assembly of parts that become wholes, and its study gives birth to an entire sub-discipline of systems sciences called Emergence.

The structure of the Universe is that of a series of complex worlds/organisms of at least two membranes, one of relative past, energy, st-1, and one of relative future information, st+1, with an intermediate present st-membrane, exi, made of actions (equivalent to the topological description of relative past, external membrane, r, a relative hyperbolic center, a, and an intermediate cyclical space with motions between the a-r limits, which form together a ‘closed ball’.)

In those systems an external perceiver tends to observe mainly the intermediate space with maximal space volume and misses the hyperbolic informative center of minimal space, even if it is the source of informative orders, through invaginated networks that control both the Riemannian, spherical surface and the paths of the cyclical cells in between. Yet the flows of energy move from the ‘lineal quanta’ of the surface through the paths of the internal body-organs into the hyperbolic, informative structure. And so human scientists that need instrumental ‘pictures’ to prove the existence of a causal order and only use Aristotelian single causes tend to believe in any ternary structure that the ‘lower energy plane’ is the case of the creation of the supœrganism.

This means we consider in the ternary structure of a human, (cellular, individual and social structure) that st-1 genes to be the cause of all our properties as a super-organism, and we are just a ‘ghost’ created by them. But this is a partial vision due to the limits of perception of informative orders from the hyperbolic, fractal informative system – the nervous system – to the lower, genetic cell system. If, in the future we get to fully understand the networks of information of the brain, we shall certainly discover that many orders and structures of the human supœrganism are stored in the brain and probably reproduced during the last months of gestation from the mother’s brain to the brain of the child. Moreover, there are an infinite number of personal traits which are NOT reproduced through Genes, but through the carriers of information of st+1, cultural organisms, called memes. Indeed, most of the features of our life – our religious beliefs, cultural customs, laws and instruments are memes, which create another super-organism, the civilization or religion, in which we are a mind-cell, a believer, who shares with all other believers the same ‘mental DNA.

So in this case, if we were to accept the thesis that creation happens from the lower level to the upper level, we should consider that we, human beings, are the only influence on the memetic structure of civilizations. But it is obvious that once those structures are created they influence new generations. So for example, when a system of laws or beliefs in a legal nation or ethical religion is created, it reproduces from generation to generation, influencing and molding the new species.

We conclude that superstructures & physiological networks, the informative/nervous/cultural system in organisms and cultures and the reproductive/blood/economic system, once constructed, influences the lower genetic/human scale. In the genetic case we do not know how. In the social structure, we know and since the work of the socialist, scientific school of history and the recent development of memetics and biohistory, we have worked out the processes – even if most historians prefer to think that we, individuals are the heroes and only cause of historic events.

But what truly matters is that both genetics and memetics are bits of information whose purpose is to create a supœrganism, as the biological and sociological supœrganism of mankind have the same physiological structure with nervous/informative /cultural systems; blood/ reproductive/economic systems and digestive/energetic/ military and transport systems.

So the true program that genes and memes and any ‘informative bits and parts of any creative process’ follow is the Сmotion of eusocial evolution, which explains why so smallish ‘genes’ and ‘memes’ are able to reproduce so complex super-organisms, as most of the development they will express is ‘structural’ to reality, embedded in the existence of a 4th Сmotion of time, eusocial evolution; which in itself is the natural conclusion of a game of 2 simplex energy bites and information bits, which reproduce in 3 types, more energy bits, more information bits and reproductive combinations of both, which latter will recreate energetic, informative and reproductive systems. So genes and memes do not need to encode that program/information that happens automatically. Moreover because each bit and bite has embedded its program within itself as part of the space-time reality, it will naturally search for energy and information carrying the program. For example, humans naturally want more energy for their body and more information for their mind, so naturally they try to create machines of energy (transport, weapons) and information (chips, books, audiovisual machines, mobiles) that enhance their capacity to process and store energy and form.

It is thus logic to think that in the genetic scale, RNA molecules which are the ‘active’ elements of the cells, carry a natural will for more energy, information and reproduction, which they ‘express’ creating cells and then supœrganisms, as we humans do through memes, even if we are not conscious that the final outcome of our labors is the creation of nations, religions and civilizations, supœrganisms of history.

This is indeed evident when we study the behavior of RNAs, which do the cycles between the outer Protein, lineal membrane and the DNA-informative storage, and are divided in 3 sub-types specialized in energy/killing, reproduction/RNA messenger and information/transcription.

In essence all this means there is not only a ‘biological Сmotion’ of creation of the upper scales of reality as a construct of the lower scales of genes and memes (the dominant theory in biology, due to the excessive development of genetics); but also a present flow of orders, embedded in the program of the 6 Сmotions of time, masterminded by the ‘action units’ of the system (RNA molecules and human beings) in both scales, which is probably the dominant ‘will’ of the program. And also a stored, informative, repetitive flow of orders and information from the upper scales of reality to the lower scales, which geneticists have not yet understood, due to its complexity (nervous structures in organisms and ‘the system’ or ‘superstructure’ of cultures and economic ecosystems in societies). Indeed, the codes of the brain that might determine certain characteristics we cannot obtain from genes is more difficult to recognize, as information tends to have lesser size and it is coded, so an informative order is often invisible to those who don’t understand the language in which it is written.

What parameters define different creative processes? The specific forms of the informative stores (DNAs, nervous networks constructed by imitation of the mother’s brain by the son’s brain and cultural memes). They differ in each supœrganism, which will activate and create a different type of transfer-RNA, animal nervous system and individual memetic brain, reproducing a different species and culture.

Further on, a theme which must be taken into account is the fact that all those systems seem to us ‘simultaneous’, despite the fact that they are displaced in time, since to recreate the upper scales, the lower scales must be created first, so the supœrganism is displaced into the future. And for that reason for the 3 scales to create a ‘simultaneous present’, synchronic being there must be indeed a time jump or flow from future to past of the supœrganism or relative future structure and a flow from past to future of the cellular energy, which will flux into the relative present, so the 3 ‘scales’ are in harmony and co-exist creating reality: Past x future = present.

In a world of multiple time-speeds and planes of existence we live in an ecosystem of time knots whose cycles of time/ information differ in parameters of energy and form and are displaced from past/energy/simple cycles into future /information faster cycles. Yet the faster cycles are built upon the previous structures and so they are made ‘after’ the simpler cycles are created, in the ‘future’ There is therefore a real displacement in absolute time between what we see as bigger structures and what see as a smaller, since the bigger structures are traced departing from smaller cycles. This explains a mystery of quantum physics – the fact that we cannot see the wave/past/energy state and the future/particle state at the same time. Neither we see the atomic/past state and future /molecular pi orbital at the same time. And yet we know both co-exist.

Recap. In all processes of creation, the 3 scales of the super-organism, the cellular, individual and social scale input the program of creation based in its 4 Сmotions.

The life-Death cycle as a dual time reversal.

If birth is a dual fractal jump, it follows that death, its reciprocal must be also a fractal jump between planes of existence and indeed it is.

Yet the most obvious proof of fractal jumps to the past are the processes of death, which people who suffered it and then have survived, explain as a rewinding of the memories of the being that travels through the entire information of his life towards the past. The difference between a palingenetic jump and a death jump is that palingenesis is a backwards- forwards dual jump and death is a dual jump backwards at maximal speed. We die twice, first becoming a cellular being, and then due to the helplessness of our broken cells, without physiological networks we die again, becoming molecular food for insects. In physical systems, death is a big-bang that again implies a dual simplification till reaching the vacuum plane of pure energy.

This can be compared to a boxer that fights in a category with 2 jumps of mass/information/weight. The ecosystem is one in which the speed of time cycles and spatial size of beings is much bigger and so the form becomes annihilated. The process of death makes you a group of unconnected cells, weakened by your ‘submission’ to the bigger network systems of the super-organism, tamed by them; so we die again when confronted the micro-organisms of the insect and bacterial world.

Recap. Death is the fastest displacement in time in which a particle jumps two layers of space-time in a fast track.

Palingenesis between fractal planes: reproduction.

Alternately when a form with maximal information, or seed cell from a higher plane of existence falls in a lower one, it becomes a top predator and starts a much faster process of evolution, predation and creation that culminates in the creation of an offspring, or self-replica of the more complex plane. This is the essence of the process of reproduction and it involves a real jump towards the ‘past’ of the upper organism that deposits a seed of time/information that evolves faster into the future. The best described process is biological palingenesis but there are other cases:

A fractal jump in space-time, which is dominant in information is a palingenetic reproductive action, the repetition of a form, through the parental reproduction of a simpler seed or relative past form that will evolve and reproduce a new space-time, a future son form.

Palingenesis means truly that a fetus is a past form that evolves, recapitulating a series of evolutionary forms from past to future, as fractal time can both travel to the past becoming a simpler form (as in death) or accelerate its informative evolution (as in a process of creative design or fetal evolution). Yet, since time is discontinuous those movements in time only affect a fractal part of the Universe; and so they are possible without creating paradoxes. The universe doesn’t move to the past, only the seminal seed. So palingenesis is a dual movement in time:

– Backwards towards the remote past as the parents produce a single cell, packed with dense genetic DNA information. Followed by:

– A fast movement forwards to the future as the fetus creates a parallel form to its parents:

A relative past species (simple, cellular palingenetic entity) evolves towards the future into a macro-system that organizes itself over a surface of relative cellular energy, thanks to the ‘future’ placental parents that accelerate its evolution into a new ‘present’ being in a friendly environment rich in energy – the mother’s womb. Thus, the final balance between past and future is re-established when the being surfaces back into the present in the moment of conception. In this manner evolution maximizes its efficiency with the min. expenditure of energy: The fetus is a temporal, evolutionary form. In the graph, we draw a palingenetic reproduction as a fluctuation between 3 planes of growing complexity, in which a ‘life’ occurs: the st+1 social plane, the individual plane of the parents, and the st+1 biological plane of cells – since in i-logic geometry simple-past beings and future-complex beings co-exist in discontinuous st-planes of existence of different complexity. And indeed, the fetus lives in a discontinuous world, the mother womb, which finally opens up through an aperture, the vagina, to the bigger world in which the newborn enters.

According to the ‘black hole paradox’ the fetus and the baby are born as ‘highly informative species’: The baby has a huge head that is 1/4th of his body size. Then both the fetus and the baby will go through a dual fluctuation, growing in energy and information till reaching maturity. First, when the species is born after its fetal, informative evolution, it starts its young age, increasing its energy. So the newborn will soon compensate its excess of information with its accelerated, energetic growth, as all forms try to find an E=I balance. Thus, the fetus in its first age of energy will expand its lineal limbs, elongating its body. Now its body grows much faster than the head till reaching a 9 body Vs. 1 head proportion proper of many spatial Vs. informative, decametric systems. Also its neurons will be in a 1-9 relationship to the glia cells that feed its energy and multiply very fast. At that point the baby enters the mature age and reproduces a new baby. Then it grows again in information into its 3rd age and finally it dies. In the past decade there has been an enormous development of the science of evol-devol, based in palingenesis, in the lines foreseen in our first books. Biological palingenesis is the only accepted by science. But palingenesis happens also in the sociological and physical world.

Recap. An organism is reproduced through a palingenetic jump between macrocosmic and microcosmic planes, as the parental organism produces a cell of information that will evolve at full speed towards the future.

The 3 main types of devolution in time.   

According to the 2 Сmotions of past energy and future information, all space-time movements are dual cycles. So in all of them, there is a degree of genetic reproduction and travel to the past through a basic transformation of an informative form into a simpler language or cell that is able to cross the discontinuities of the Universe and then evolve forwards into the original form. It should not surprise us, as all cycles require the dual Сmotions of past-energy and informative order; and all cycles are memorial repetitions=reproductions of a cycle that happened before in the past.

Yet in order to establish limits to the ‘scientific imagination’ of Time Сmotion theorists, similar to the ‘runaway’ dreams of physicists like Hawking, who uses the out-dated model of a single time Сmotion/clock to predict the existence of time machines we must fully grasp what a time jump is in morphological, biological terms, since it is only the Сmotion of information the one that travels to the past=devolves; not the entire Universe – but only within the restricted system of the supœrganism. This means among other things that there is no really time travel beyond our organic-world, both in processes of palingenetic birth and in death a motion only to the past. That is, we cannot go to the past and ‘kill our father’ as Hawking affirms in his book ‘The Universe in a nutshell’.

Those facts are systematized by a simple Time Сmotion Law that uses the ternary principle (as most Multiple Spaces-Times laws, events and processes of reality can be divided in 3 sub-cases): – An information system devolves into the past in a process of death, releasing its energy in a big-bang: I <E, as when we die and break into cells, or a particle dies, explodes, mutates into its antiparticle (death phase with inverted coordinates) and virtually disappears (right side of the drawing).

-A head or informative system emits a flow of information to the relative past system of its body controlling it.

– A palingenetic process happens in time, by a parental system that emits a palingenetic system, which evolves back towards the future at maximal speed.

Let us now consider a wealth of examples of palingenetic reproduction in more detail.

Recap. The 3 main types of time travel to the past within an organism are death, informative control of its lower body cells and palingenetic reproduction.

Physical examples. Non-Local Gravitation.

The i-logic Universe is not magic. Yet fractal jumps create events that seem magic. Let us consider one example from the physical world the seemingly instantaneous speed of gravitation: As we keep going deeper in the model of Multiple Spaces-Times and discontinuous time jumps between hierarchical st±1 planes of exi=stence, we shall see some not-easily recognized consequences of the structure of time dilation that implies displacement in time, not only in space, in each fractal step we make between different membranes=mediums of different energy and information, different momentum.

When we move in the same plane we are just displacing in a relative present, but in the ecosystem of light in which we exist, we live surrounded by structures belonging to other species of lesser or more evolution and within planes of completely different spacetime Сmotions.

The most obvious cases of this happen in physics, since even though we inhabit the electroweak membrane of light and electrons, we are constantly under the effects of other membrane of <0 K Temperature (an informative parameter of cyclical order) and > C light-speed a parameter of energy, called the gravitational or dark/black membrane, inhabited by forces such as implosive gravitation and its inverse, explosive dark energy, and mass vortices called quarks and black holes.

This faster-than-light membrane is also displaced respect to us in time, in such a manner that its simpler, faster gravitation is a flow that happens in a relative quantum jump respect to us into the past of minimal form and faster energy and the more complex, T<0 world of quarks and black holes happens in a relative future respect to us.

How it is possible super luminal gravitation if Einstein’s Postulate sets light speed as the limit of speed of our Universe? The answer is evident. If the Universe were a continuous, single space-time, there would be a limit of speed; but in a fractal Universe with different space-times communicated through ‘Einstein-Rosen bridges’ – a particular case of the fluxes of energy and information between space-time scales – c-speed is the ‘substance’ and limit of speed of light-space. It is not though the limit of gravitational space. In the case of the light and gravitational world those discontinuities are the masses and black hole singularities that appear to us as ‘points with no volume’ in the border between both worlds.

The Universe is a system with 2 membranes, energetic light-space (that we perceive) and informative, gravitational space, which we do not perceive but seems to ‘act’ in present, as a non-local force. Yet according to the Galilean paradox we always can find 2 explanations to all phenomena, one in terms of spatial parameters (speed, energy, space) and one in terms of temporal dimensions. So we can explain also the instantaneous speed from the perspective of the future particle that emits it in the relative future:

The future quark or black hole of the informative gravitational membrane emits its gravitational flows in the future, but they move as information, EóI, in the inverse time direction that electromagnetic waves, making a step backwards in time, equal to the frequency of its wave, according to the previous Law of fractal space-time jumps, and a step in space equal to the amplitude of that wave, which can reach the limits of the Universe. So when they arrive to us, as they had the advantage of an ‘extra-time’ – the step to the past – gravitational waves seem to arrive instantaneously with an infinite speed, surfacing in the present even if they have travelled a timespace distance from ‘future to present’.

Thus, the gravitational space-time is a past-future ecosystem of energy-information fields, which is more extended in spacetime; hence also in past and future coordinates. And this further clarifies the entanglement effect and why we perceive always light at c-speed.

Instantaneous gravitation is something that has always puzzled scientists. And yet, fractal jumps in time explain that instantaneous speed easily: A mass emits gravitation in a relative future. Hence, when the gravitational wave travels forwards towards another mass it arrives in the relative present of the observer, with an instantaneous speed. At this point the system becomes locked, entangled by gravitational information and then it ‘constructs’ the upper plane of light-space, which is the one we observe, moving at c-speed.

In quantum physics, those entanglements that Einstein called spooky effects and the fractal jumps to the past that cause them were proved in the past decade. Since rays of light, travelling faster than c, come out in the instrument before they are produced.

Entanglement happens because the 1st event in the creation of a complex form builds the lower plane of gravitational, simple, past flows. So gravitational forces entangle and lock the electrons before they emit light. They have already happened when electromagnetic flows are created over them. This also explains the Michelson experiment without need to postulate and absolute c-speed: because the observer is an electronic microscope or human eye and the emitter is an electron they look like a movie that locks each frame to perceive still information. And so when the electron stops, emits light and goes, it has no relative motion to the perceiver electron, as it is locked with it in a gravitational entanglement.

The same laws work when we consider phenomena that related quarks and electrons. The quarks and black holes that create those gravitational forces are in a relative future to our electronic world as the hyperbolic, informative center of the atom, but also are in their relative past, by sending informative gravitational forces that ‘locate’ and position the electrons.

We can generalize this singular concept with broad applications in the resolution of the mysteries of quantum and gravitational space to any relative system of 2 membranes of space-time, as we did with the nervous system which seems simultaneous, when we realize all those cases are merely an application of the law of fractal jumps: the frequency of a single cycle of the faster informative system (gravitational and nervous system) is equal in time speed to the frequency of the cellular system (light frequency or chemical messages in the cellular body) but its distance can reach the maximal distance of the entire supœrganism (the limits of the Universe in the case of a gravitational wave and the limits of the body in the case of a nervous message).

What all this means in organic and topologic terms is simple: the intermediate space between the hyperbolic, informative center and energetic force, membrane of a supœrganism locks the cells of the body that work for the ‘upper class’ of the organism, the ExI system of the bigger membrane. Indeed, physicists now realize that gravitational, dark energy and dark matter dominates our Universe and positions galaxies and starts and controls them. And they are observing external, energetic membranes in all cosmological systems from the Oort comet membrane of the sun to the halo of dark matter of galaxies and the wall of fire of the Universe.

Recap. The flows of energy and information of its informative network reach simultaneously all the cells of the supœrganism.

Biologic examples. The beat of evolution>reproduction.

Palingenesis and punctuated evolution: time accelerates.

Palingenesis means that reality webs itself in each volume of space-time, in a simultaneous manner, even if from a 3rd p.o.v. the entire structure might seem to exist in the same present.

Thus there is a tail of energy and information planes, which influence the present dominant space and might seem to co-exist simultaneously but they are displaced into the relative future of the super-organism and its relative past, completing the pyramidal structure: bigger structures are displaced in the future and when they communicate to the past literally jump in time. The effects are diverse, being the process of reproduction and palingenesis the most well-known:

Because time speeds varies in palingenesis the process of evolution, the 4th Сmotion of time, accelerates. Since it is guided by a memorial process of slimming that has streamed to its minimal fractal, informative steps the reproductive sequence.

Yet the process can be studied in more detail, from the perspective of the Generator equation of space-time; since one of its feedback sub equations:

Energy absorption->Reproduction≤=≥Information.

It is both the rhythm of palingenesis & punctuated evolution (the evolution of a whole species taken as an organism).

Existence is modular, as beings constantly switch between its Сmotions or will of existence. So happens to species as supœrganisms. Species need energy to reproduce and their inner information evolves them (though it is likely that external adaptation is first imprinted in the neural, nervous networks, which by faster mechanisms than those of evolution, influence the shape of its Est-1 body organs and even in lesser measure on the long term the genes of the cells). Yet the main Сmotion of evolution is social organization of individuals in herds and on the long term supœrganisms. Species need to evolve socially in order to survive, which is achieved by creating social networks and herds that have a higher perception and wider force to access energetic resources. To that aim species evolve a common language of information and their brain capacity, often in the stillness of a secluded place (allopatric evolution), as information is still and evolves in a relative chrysalis state. The result of that simple scheme defines a basic evolving rhythm, called punctuated evolution, according to which species switch between reproductive, expansive periods as top predators (parallel to their extinction of simpler species as energy of their reproduction) and temporal, evolving periods in allopatric and isolated states – often synchronic to hot/ reproductive ages of Gaia and cold/informative Glaciations:

Max. Energy feeding -> Max. Reproduction (expansion in space and extinction of rival species as energy of the top predator)->Max. informative punctuated evolution

Such Energy->Reproduction->Information Horizons of species are equivalent to the 3 ages of life (youth, maturity and informative, 3rd age). It is the palingenetic rhythm of species. All of them can be resumed in an E->Re->Ti sequence, which again is a partial case of the Existential equation, E≤≈≥Ti.

Recap. The 3 horizons of evolution of species correspond to its 3 evolutionary ages and respond to a simple rhythm of informative evolution -> top predator reproduction ->extinction of energy species ->informative evolution.

The question of consciousness and free will.

One interesting debate brought about by the existence of time jumps between planes is the phenomenon of human consciousness and free will.

Asymmetric, temporal, fractal flows of information from st to st-1 planes of existence explain how the informative networks of a higher social class like the brain neurons or the politicians and bankers that invent laws and money, the social languages of power, control the working cells of the lower class.

In the brain case, neurons control electronically the cells of the body, anticipating its reactions, since those body cells use a slower, past chemical language and exist in a relative past, in an ‘inferior plane of existence’. So, in a manner similar to that of the gravitational quarks that lock the paths of future light waves, the nervous messages anticipate and control simultaneously the motions of the cells.

Moreover, if as in the gravitational case, the electronic messages of the nervous system were moving  in an inverse direction from future to past or were emitted before the actions of the cells occur anticipating them, they would mastermind the motions of cells. This seems to be the case also in societies in which ‘intelligent rulers’ anticipate the needs or protests of their organic cells, repressing citizens before they rebel (military regimes), producing laws or inventing money a priori in markets, before the cells will earn it. Thus, in those systems the logical anticipation of the actions of cells but the more complex informative networks (nervous systems, upper classes) produce a self-similar control to the one quarks and black holes exercise on the position of electrons and stars in the galaxy.

We have now proofs of a temporal dilation in the actions that happen between 2 hierarchical planes of existence: Recently, scientists found surprisingly that the body acts before the brain thinks and yet most people think first before acting. How then it is possible that we think first and yet we act also first, or do both things happen simultaneously? Precisely because as Einstein put it, past and future co-exist in a simultaneous present, as information flows from the future brain to the past body and energy flows, moves and acts in the body from the past into the future:

Energy/Body (past) x Information/Mind (future).

So depending on our point of view, the brain or the body, we will see our action first (body point of view), or we will perceive first our thoughts (mind point of view). Yet in reality from an objective, external point of view both actions converge into a present; because the nervous message arrives simultaneously, produced subconsciously ‘before we reflect with words on what we ordered and before the cells move’.

This subconscious, first message that then branches into a mental thought and a body action that converge in present is coded by the natural wills or drives of existence – our desire for energy, information, sexual reproduction and social love. And it would imply that words are not free, that there is a biological determinism – the program of existence – which is the true engine of our actions. And words just comment a posteriori even if our Сmotion of time departs from the consciousness of words and seem to us to direct the process.

So to the external world both mind and body act chained ‘together’ by the simultaneity of the fractal actions of the body cells and the mind’s thoughts that become a single whole action. But the original will would be the biological drives of existence whose site is the limbic, emotional brain.

So fractal jumps in time explain the hierarchical structure and creation of symbiotic organisms, in which relative past and future forms co-exist. In humans they would explain the control of the mind and the subconscious actions of the body.

Recap. The limbic system and the program of existence with its emotions (greed, violence, hunger, sexual desires, and informative fears) would act first and then the body acts and the brain thinks and both together create our present of existence, in the future.

 Sociological palingenesis. The prophet.

An open question for those who believe in mysticism is: if the fetus is born into a higher plane of existence, do we have also for man a second birth after death into an even higher plane of existence? The previous graph explains that possibility; as it compares the palingenesis of a fetus with similar processes, which happen to other species. For example, 2 electrons emit 2 seminal light rays that merge together creating a new electron as the 2 lineal waves of electromagnetism evolve towards the future acquiring finally a cyclical electronic form. Yet since the informative code of human beings is verbal, we consider the prophet’s mind, the original human, memetic, verbal, seminal, ethic code of a religious civilization that starts a palingenetic radiation in the mind of his believers, till it creates a religion – a supœrganism/informative network of human beings, whose ethic DNA is the same, creating an effect of simultaneity. Indeed, civilizations are social organisms made with human verbal cells, joined by a verbal/nervous network of ethic laws, produced by a prophet that imprints the Book of Revelation, the memetic code of the civilization in those minds. So the prophet is the seminal cell that reproduces and finally shapes a new organic civilization; where the reproductive body is the geography of the nation with similar laws or civilization with similar ethic codes. And the fact that most prophets are born when the ‘father’ is going to die, in the baroque age of a culture, prior to its extinction, explains quite clearly how certain human minds transcend death and become immortal as the ‘informative code’ of the future civilization they create. But as only a sperm cell reaches the future ovule, only a prophet among millions of humans creates a macro-organism of history, a civilization. As Tertulianus said: Sangris martire semen cristianorum’.

Recap. A prophet’s mind is the seminal, verbal code of a culture of parallel minds that control a territorial body, in Gaia.

Dark planes: perception limits & symmetry breaking.

The existence of dark spaces for every perceiver of reality of multiple planes of existence also widens the laws of conservation of energy and information, as energy might disappear from a plane of existence but the total energy x information quantity of the ternary, 3-plane structure of a World remains the same. This in physics explains a law of conservation called CPT parity; and the exceptions to that law in which energy or information disappears from a plane of existence but should appear in the invisible plane of gravitation. For example, black holes erase information from the electromagnetic world but they emit it as >c ‘gravitational, dark energy’ and ‘quark information’ through its poles.

This means that neither the principle of action-reaction nor the Laws of conservation are absolute, when we consider only a single plane of space-time; since there are uneven flows of energy and information between 2 planes. So in Physics, only the total energy and information of the particles or CPT parity is kept; but the C or P or Ti parities might break in processes of death and birth of particles that give or take energy and information from other plane of existence, without returning it to the perceived, electromagnetic world physicists observe.

Especially when we consider a particle’s death, which as all deaths it means 2 fractal jumps, there is a transference of energy and information that jumps between 3 planes of space-time, (st-2<=>st). So energy and information truly disappears from our planes and the laws of conservation that work for the total 3 relative planes of the organic system break for the planes we can observe. A fact that explains empirically many invisible forces and particles, postulated by physicists to maintain those theoretical conservation laws, without realizing they are observing an asymmetric transference of energy and information. So they don’t need to postulate ‘real particles’ but ‘asymmetric EXI flows’. Indeed, in all processes that involve the death of a particle, which breaks the balance between the energy and information of a system, physicists have found a loss of energy and information. Now we can explain why in the proximities of black holes, which transfer energy and information between the gravitational and electromagnetic world, our light-space membrane disappears: it become pure gravitational mass/information and very likely in Kerr black holes, a flow of >c dark, expansive gravitational energy and quark mass we observe coming out of the bipolar jets of those black holes.

It explains why in radioactivity processes that destroy an atom or close to the limits of C-speed, the conservation of momentum and energy of a particle breaks.

It explains why the weak force, whose parameters are time parameters and trans-form the form, the information of a particle, the CPT parity is not conserved.

Yet because those facts are not known in a continuum, single spacetime model physicists have developed to unneeded theories of black holes and symmetry breaking; the thermodynamic evaporation of black holes and the Higgs. They have not been found in 30 years because they are not needed, they do not exist. Moreover by accepting those ‘extra-phenomena’, which are ‘ad hoc’ theories, physicists have broken fundamental laws of physics. In black hole evaporation the black hole gets hotter in a colder environment (our light membrane), thus breaking the 1st law of thermodynamics and creating an eternal motion machine (it is like if you get a hot coffee and instead of cooling down it heats and evaporates). On the other hand, the Higgs implies a ‘scalar boson’, which contradicts quantum laws and an entire new field that permeates the Universe but has never been found.

Now we offer solutions and a prediction: we will never find an evaporating black hole or a Higgs particle. Moreover if black holes evaporate they will eliminate the information of the Universe, and so the principle of conservation of energy and information E<=>I in which systems sciences and complexity is based would be false. And the Universe would not be eternal but die. It is not the case: black holes warp energy into mass-information, contracting space and balancing the expansion of vacuum space between galaxies produced by the dark flows of >c energy they emit from its poles. Because the Universe is made of discontinuous space-times, the black hole is merely the entity that balances the entropy=energetic nature of our electromagnetic space creating order in the Universe, as quarks fixe atoms and allow the order of life by restricting the motions of electrons, which then can create the complex structures of living organism.

So instead of postulating invisible particles and speed limits to keep reality confined to a single plane of existence, Fractal theory explains all those exceptions to the 2nd law of Thermodynamics and the laws of conservation, which apply only to the entire informative=gravitational/electromagnetic =energetic and human/atomic, exi scales of reality, as asymmetric ExI flows between 2 planes of existence.

Physicists never witness the imaginary particles that come out of those processes, because they are not in our light-membrane plane. For example, a dying neutron or a radioactive atom produces certain particles called neutrinos through the mentioned temporal weak force. Those neutrinos were invented to keep the total momentum of the dying particle, but they are only observed through indirect flows of energy and information. Since indeed neutrinos are not ‘particles’ in the strict sense, but flows of energy and information transferred between the electromagnetic and gravitational planes of existence, when particles mutate their form or die, in a process mediated by weak forces: neutrons give away the remnant of energy and information, as they explode into an electron and a proton in the form of smaller, st-1 gravitational and light quanta – neutrinos & ¥.

We don’t perceive the gravitational force, which for that reason is much weaker than our electromagnetic force.

Recap. Because we do not sense all the energy and information of the upper and lower planes of existence, there are weaker forces (gravitation) and loss of momentum in our plane, (neutrinos), which disappear in the dark worlds we do not perceive.

Evolutionary development

It all starts with the creation of a hollow sphere of self-similar cells assembled in a herd, in which each point is only communicated with the lateral neighbors, absorbing energy from the external Universe thanks to its ‘energetic’, hard structures. This herd of cells multiplies and lets a part of it to flow internally into the torus.

This stage is the blastula in a biological organism; in an electromagnetic field created between two smaller sphere-points is the moment in which the electromagnetic field between two poles is established.

If we consider the growth of such a sphere, we can observe, as in a ‘morula’ or in physical particles and celestial bodies, how the growth invaginated inwards transforming therefore the sphere into the torus.

A zero point in a fetus is born first as a morula, a perfect sphere. The sphere of energy is therefore the first thing to be created. It is always like that. A single planar form appears. It start to multiply and without disconnecting itself, it first creates 3 then 5 and each five starts to ‘copulate’ with its neighbor cell and create 2 more on the next level and so on. Different patterns now start to differentiate a game of evolution, which will become more complex in each scale.

The first topology, the democratic sphere, which absorbs energy from an external universe, is hollow. This sphere is made of individual points that have a recognizable Сmotion from outside energy to inside information. They will have a gradient of density, as the inside face of the cell is denser and shorter than the outside one, in a ratio depending on the depth and volume of each cell. It follows also that cells will start to be come self-mirrors of other cells as they see them through the internal sphere. And finally at a certain point this sphere will become invaginated in a polar directions as ‘cells’ fall in internal growth from the bottom and top, hanging and building a pole North, South direction.

Most systems are born as energetic hollow spheres that grow inwards creating a digestive tube and establishing a flow in the inner vacuum space of the sphere that soon becomes a dual convective flow in cyclical motion that transfers towards the central of the new torus an image of the external world. There, the internal cells become the inner radius/zero point of a growing torus. An eye within an eye: the membrane now is reflected by the axis that form in the center a growing seed, a brain, a DNA nucleus. All bits of information reflect an external Universe, imitated and mapped in the lesser space of the zero point, which is warping and extracting information and deflecting energy to perceive with those maps what the external sensorial cells are scanning.

So from a seed with an external membrane and a middle body to feed on, to a celestial body or atom with a hard crust or electronic cover, a series of rotational toroid cycles of electromagnetic energy and information or plasma flows and a central point of maximal density, we see repeated the 3 topological construction of a functional limbs-body-brain, skin-organs-informative center, structure.

This ‘primordial’ ternary system in space is coupled in time by a dynamic transformationas we observe the software flows of energy and information the system carries in time through its ternary structure: first energy will be absorbed by the negantropy of the membrane, which will let the flows enter the torus, where they will be processed and grow in information, becoming either material for the reproduction of the ‘cellular’ units of the body-torus, or pixels transferred to the zero point in the center but ‘outside’ the inner circumference of the torus. The external skin or membrane transfers energy to -> A Central zero point of information->through an intermediate body-torus. The still map of the zero point perceives in itself.

The general evolution of those flows is Max. Energy -> Maximal information till reaching stillness when they come all in ‘parallel’ as a puzzle that for an instant of time – the perceptive, relative internal clock of the system – will appear as an image that perceives in itself. This central point of stillness is the consciousness of the point. And we consider that consciousness is precisely defined as that ‘image’ constantly changing in minor pixels as the flow of energy is finally distilled into information.

A simple transformation happens between an external sphere that converges into that zero point.

The point of view or zero point that creates a ‘mind’, a fleeting stillness in the flows of energy that converge on it, is the knot that shows the will or at least calculates, integrates the flows of energy and information creating solutions to the synchronicity of flows and opportunities tending to follow the mandate of existence. The zero points seem to have the will to accomplish the mathematical solutions for forces and masses to follow the principle of minimal action. The zero point commits little errors; it is intelligent; it seems to have embedded the program. How the program evolves, invaginating first a sphere that reproduces and becomes a torus with a first ‘feeding axis’, which finds the central cells, more sensitive, soon evolving into more complex informative networks, how those networks invaginate the body and communicate the inner and outer sides of the hemisphere and sphere (convex and concave topologies), etc. can be explained with the science of topology.

The human being as a topology of fractal space-time

In a human, the zero point is the brain, the membrane is the external sensorial and skin system, and in between the cycles of motion that transmit both consciousness and make us live. But we see of us only the external and the internal consciousness, zero point and membrane, while curiously enough the universe sees or perceives the changes produced by the flows of the torus, the precise functions more than the visual observation of those systems is what will guide us in our understanding of reality.

What Geometric system of the many geometries, define better those 3 elements? A Geometry, which has not been fully developed till the work of this author: Non-Euclidean, Fractal Geometry, which we shall study in the next paragraph, after we introduce from a topological point of view the 3 internal ‘forms’ of the unit of the 5th dimension, the fractal point.


Galilean Paradox: SóT: Relativity of space Dimensions=Forms=Motion in time: 5 Universal Dimotions

Leibniz realized that mathematically a Non-E Point crossed by ∞ parallels of information is @-mental particle=head. Galileo’s Relativity explained it physically: we cannot distinguish motion=time and space=form, because minds stop information to fit a selected mental world in its monad: 0’-mind x∞ universe=world

Galileo’s Principle of Relativity is the concept behind the relationship between the equality of time=motion and space=form and why one can converted into another: All what exists is made of space=form and time=motion. And yet physicists know that we cannot distinguish motion from form. That any being in motion from its point of view seems to be still and all other things moving around it. This is the principle of Relativity of motion.

Physicists then without much thought about that fascinating duality, went on to use mathematics to calculate the relative motion of each entity of reality respect to other system, which seems static from both points of view. This is called Galilean relativity, latter refined by Einstein’s relativity, and essentially is concerned with the mathematical calculus of what we shall call the 2nd Dimotion of time=change, locomotion. Fine, but we are more interested on the duality of space=form and motion=time and its entangled relationships –the reasons why we do NOT see together motion and form, even if all systems have both.

The conclusion is obvious: 1 of 2 reality parameters is hidden to perception; we either see motion or form, waves or particles (quantum complementarity), distances and lines or points in motion (as in the night when fast cars appear as lines in a picture). So physicists calculate only 1 when 2 states co- exist together; and since we cannot distinguish them, logically we must equal them. ‘Form=motion-function; space=time; Si=Te’.

Relativity then becomes a duality, Si=Te, which is at the heart of every law of the Universe. Whereas the primary element, the ultimate substance is time=motion. As space is a Maya of the senses – a slice of time motion. Form is what a ‘still mind’, makes of that motion to ‘perceive’, information, forms-in-action.

Since we see Earth still and flat but it is round and moving. Galileo’s profession was ballistics – the study of cannonballs motion. So he chose ONLY motion and lost the chance to start physics with a complex philosophical understanding of its Si=Te dual Principle of relativity, which Poincare defined latter clearly when he said that ‘we cannot distinguish motion from stillness’. An example is quantum/relativity duality. In detail quantum space has ‘dark energy’ because it has expansive motion that extends into a plane of space, but when seen at larger scales without detail its entropic motion seems static space – a dual area of scattering length and width. So in the galaxy we see either dark energy motion or expanding space: T=S. A motion of time is equivalent to a dimension of space: Distance and motion cannot be distinguished so they must be taken as two side of the same being, a space=time Ðimotion (ab. Dimensional Motion):

S= T; Dimension-Distance = Time-motion = ST Ðimotion

Earth moves in time, but we see it as a still form in space because reality is a constant game of ∞ motions, but the mind focus those motions and measures them at still distances. For huminds, motion is relative to our systems of measure and perception, which are light-based; hence a fixed c-rod speed/ distance. Reason why Einstein’s relativity postulates a maximal T:c-speed, measured as if observer and observable were still to each other (Constant S); which at our scale we correct with Lorentz Transformations.

But physicists just substituted the Earth’s still distances for motions, and it took another 300 years for Einstein to realize the relativity of motion and its measure made essentially time and space, motion and form two sides of the same coin. Still this realization was not explored philosophically and so it gave birth to a series of ill-understood dualities between ‘states of measure and form’ (particles, head gauging form, in-form-ation) and ‘states of motion’ (wave states).

But the biggest ‘unknown’ discoveries Galileo missed was the mental nature of space: we see reality still because the mind perceives in stillness, and reduces motion to form. Space IS always born in the mind’s simultaneous perception of events (something Einstein’s relativity will help us to calculate) and this will give birth to the proper understanding of motion as reproduction of form, of the duality particle in stop form and wave in motion, of the Lorentzian transformations and its paradoxes and a long etc. of distortions the mind effects on reality.

But it will allow us to define the mind in mathematical and logic terms with a clarity never achieved before. As the mind is the linguistic still space we see – the other extreme of reality, being time motions in its TT-entropic inner and outer motion of scattering disorder and death. So we can philosophically consider reality a tug-of-war between time in its continuous motion and still minds, fractal, non-Euclidean points that hold a world in themselves (Leibniz) trying as monads to fix reality into its subjective self-centered point of view.

Indeed, those two functions do give origin to all phenomena of reality. So first we shall consider the most important consequence of relativity – the function of the mind which is the system that creates the spatial forms by reducing the information of time motions to still simultaneous mappings, and the function of survival in biology that all systems including physical ones (maximizing its equivalent parameter, momentum) follow regardless of how we describe them, with Hamiltonians and Least time principles in physics, with evolution in biology, with the drives of life in sociology.

Mind stiences study the sentient properties of every type of supœrganisms’ mind.

The Galilean Px. Si=Te explains the existence of mind-spaces based in linguistic forms, whose function is the basis of the psychology of the mind – the ego paradox, and the processes of creation of scales (seeds, minds, genetics, etc.) Minds are monads, non-Euclidean points that hold information, in still mappings, projected on its territory of order, as linguistic mirrors of a fractal reproductive Universe.

The mind or 0-point is, the relative frame of reference that maps the ∞ cycles of time of the Universe, reducing them to a ‘World’, to fit them into the infinitesimal volume of the brain.

The mind though believes to be the center of the Universe in the ‘ego paradox’ as he sees every thing turning around its infinitesimal point, which hosts inside all the linguistic perception of reality, or ‘world’ it confuses with the universe. So the mind is a fractal point @, but believers to be it all.

The paradox of the Ego – who make each mind to feel so important – is then rooted in the self-centered structure of the mind, which selects information from its point of view, creating, an infinitesimal linguistic mind-mapping of reality – which then it confuses with the whole universe:

0-linguistic mindx∞ Universal space-time cycles=Constant World mapping of reality, with @ centered mind:

The ∞ Universal information reduces into the relative infinitesimal volume of our mind gives us a constant mapping, where we expel all the properties that are not interesting to us and our self-centered view.

The mind is a singularity or infinitesimal 0-point, a relative frame of reference that maps the ∞ cycles of space-Time of the Universe, reducing them to a World to fit selected useful information into the finitesimal volume of the brain. The mind function is the origin of the Ego paradox, the key to psychology, subjective human cultures, religions & ‘ænthropic’ science: ‘Every mind measures reality from its biased p.o.v. confusing the ∞ Universe with its ‘finitesimal self-centered world’

The universe has infinite such mind-mirrors depending on the forces used to gauge the external world, which bounces on a limited quantity of its scales of spatial information. Humans perceive the range of scales of the frequency of light between red and blue social density of colors.

∞ other minds with different detail according to the quantitative pixels they absorb (max. S=Min.t) maximal for smaller sixes will determine the intelligence of the system. Mind languages map reality into spatial forms. It is the ‘intelligent’ still spatial limit of reality, as all what exists are disordered entropic motions=forces and ‘minds’, particles-heads whose logic & mathematical languages create a territorial body order that forms of reality. ‘Vital motions and perceptive minds’ make up a ‘vital, perceptive, intelligent’ Universe. Since particles have all the 5 Dimotions, gauging information, decoupling=reproducing & evolving social with magnetic fields


The EGOCY of our present, entropic age of human civilization rejects this (Precisely because it is becoming dissolved).

So we  reject the power of networks – self-made man myths and tribalism in history rule the day.

Yet  networks are more powerful and survive.

The mind paradox: the meaning of Galilean relativity. The singularity as a mind.

“God is the unmoved (perceptive) center of a body of energy, moving around it”. “We are all Gods (of our super organisms” Aristotle

Now there is another way to observe the Equation, ∆ð≥S@, as the formal reduction of a temporal flow of cycles of space-time into a mind-mapping, from the infinite Universe into the linguistic, still zero mind.

All what we have done till now is fair enough but external in its description. It lacks the ultimate evasive question – the will, which creates the ‘world as a representation’ biased by the entity to ‘break’ reality into the outer and inner world, and protect the survival of the inner world with those actions.

In other words, we need a mind able to perceive the whole as a whole separated from the outer world in which it interacts. And this was the understanding that started modern philosophy of science in the work of Descartes.

Descartes  was not a simpleton. He was fully aware that what he had in the mind was not the whole Universe, so he expressly stated the fact, differentiating the ‘world’ of a human mind, from the infinite other worlds that exist outside, establishing in his little known book, the ‘world’, this difference, affirming that his ‘Cartesian Frame of reference’, was only that of the human mind.

So he affirmed that the Universe was the sum of infinite mind-worlds, which did not speak necessarily the same languages, and created the same mappings of reality we humans created.

Descartes was a contemporary of Galileo, and the true founder of modern science with his ‘Method of reasoning’ and the Frame of Reference of the mathematical mind, said that all what exists was made of:

– Open §pace, which he called ‘res extensa’.

– Closed, cyclical ðimes, which he called ‘vortices’.

And then he added a 3rd element, the final stroke of a genius unparalleled since the ðimes of Aristotle; after realizing that the only proof he had of the existence of those vortices and res extensa was, the fact that he perceived them: Cogito Ergo Sum. ‘I think therefore I am’.

Euclidean mathematics, as Descartes and Kant understood is only the 3 perpendicular ‘space-time elements’ of a massless ray of light merely shrinks all other scalar planes of reality to fit into the mind:


In the graph, as our mind is electronic, we feed on light energy and transform it into an informative mapping of the Universe, reduced to what light sees. Thus our space is light space-time, with its 3 Euclidean coordinates, a fact that was first understood NOT by physicists but by impressionist artists, Leonardo, whose motto ‘saper vedere’, guided my inquire as a young artist on reality behind the languages that describe it, and then by the impressionists; and finally by Picasso, who departed from reality, affirming he painted thoughts, so he studied the ‘elements’ of the mind mapping, its entropic lines (cubist age) and its cyclical forms (female portraits).

So let us consider the final element of reality to be able to build the whole… the mind that projects and co-exists in those three scalar planes ordering the parts into a whole and helping it through its actions to survive.

– The mind or @-point is the relative frame of reference that mapped the ∞ cycles of ðime of the Universe, reducing them to a ‘World’, to fit them into the infinitesimal volume of the brain.

@-mind x ∞-cycles = World: equation of the Linguistic Monad:  ∞ Mind-Worlds in 1 Universe.

Space is the simultaneous perception of multiple vital spaces by a still mind. Thus space is virtual. The true substance of reality being its temporal motions. On the other hand the description human minds  (@) make of the Universe is subconsciously biased by those ‘still, linguistic mind mappings of space’, (∫@) in which the ∞ of time motions (∆ð) is reduced and equalled to the spatial mind mapping.


This simple equation of similarity between the space perception of reality provided by a mind, and the whole Universe of moving time-cycles (as nothing is still outside the mind’s perception, being all observed in detail in perpetual motion), appeared in science as a philosophy of the Universe, when Descartes realized that what we see is NOT reality but what the mind ‘stops’ in its selective perception of all the information of reality. So the only truth we can depart from is the fact that we think and perceive still linguistic thoughts, hence we exist; making of informative perception in a still mind, the first ‘action’ of existence, even prior to motion which is unconscious of being.



Once a Seed exists in an external ∆+1 world it starts the game of exi«stience, which becomes a tug of war between the selfish new-born seed/mind in its subjective desire to grow and multiply and order the world around it as its territory and the existence of a relative µ number of other points that want to do the same and conflict with the selfish new-born.

It is the game of existence, which all fractal points play. But only those who learn to behave objectively and evolve into duality, trinity, and social evolution of larger planes will survive.

We are thus in the first Disomorphism establish a ‘language’ to explain the game’ which will allow us in further Disomorphisms to formalize each of the stages of the game and its variation from where the different species and events of the Universe derive.


“All mathematical algebras, are partial mirrors of the pentalogic ¬Ælgebra of Time-Space exist¡ences’ L§

Existential ¬Ælgebra. The upgrading of ‘¡logic mathematics’ as a mirror of ¬∆@st

We have already introduced Existential algebra in a somewhat more layman naïve description. There is however a high level of formalism, in which following the path of classic mathematical algebras, we define an existential algebra more complex than the usual mathematical simplifications, of Group theory (Ts-groups, ST-bodies and St-rings, which mimic some properties of the 3 topological elements of an organism; its complex associations into continuous Lie groups, topological groups and algebraic groups and its logic forms as reticules and Boolean algebras)… All that is quite interesting for partial analysis of dimotions of existence, within restricted systems. However they are ultimately distorted partial views of Existential algebra, some of whose terminology we borrow from classic algebra, and I casted first as a complex mathematical algebra, to finally realize that as Einstein put it on Leibniz’s work – it is better to start from scratch. So in the last versions of Existential algebra I departed from earlier formulations taken from set, group and Boolean Algebra, once I did resolve its connection with Generational Space-time that we shall treat in a future paper on Mathematical non-Aristotelian algebra (¬Algebra). Instead existential algebra (ab. ¬ælgebra) appears as Nature’s fundamental structure that includes all other Algebras, which in the classic language of ¬A could read as this:

‘The function of exist¡ence is a pentalogic algebra on a Sœt of Tœs (ab. TimeSpace Organisms) of 5 operands, which represent the 5 Dimotions of Exist¡ence:   (∑T.œ; ‹Ts, ›St, «TT,»SS, ≈TS).

Stientific method: 3±¡ Pentalogic Scalar Supœrganisms, ¡ts Disomorphic 3±¡ Worldcycles & Fractal Generators, Minds & Limits of Exist¡ence.

We lay down all the symbols used on those texts from many decades to represent worldcycles, dimotions and partial equations=disomorphisms of the scalar 5Ð Universe. As jargon has changed we are rather exhaustive, though in the upgrades of the disciplines of 5Ð at academia.edu and future posts on my webs and academic papers we reduce the symbolism to the basics SS»Ts>ST>St«TT intuitive symbols of the 5 holographic ST-Dimotions, as much as we can.

We use symbols for the 5 Dimotions as 1) Holographic Space-Times combining S and T symbols with the dominant element in Caps; 2) as dynamic time flows, using «» symbols whereas T>S means an involution of its timespace size and increase in in-form-ative spacetime; 3) as simultaneous organs, whose topologic form might be |-lineal, O-cyclical, Ø-hyperbolic 4)as 3 ages of past-entropic>present-iterative>future-informative:

5th Dimension.

◊¡, ∆±¡, С: ¡: Any of the 5 Dimotions (Dimensional motion) of time-space, whose interaction create all local T.Œs. We keep the name 5th dimension for the whole scales of the Universe. Ideally the symbol should be ◊, as it expresses both, ˆ and ˇ emergence and dissolutions between scales. But as it is not that easy to find in many keyboards (cap, option V in mine) I tend to use ∆±¡ (the positive dimotion of information). For future standards ◊¡ should be best.

Dimotions and spatial organs.

Ts, Tes; ‹, <; |, Ts: PTs: PaTs, temporal energy, lineal locomotion, gaseous state, limbs/fields.

St; Sit, ›, >; O, §ð; ƒSt: ƒuðure§, spatial information cyclical, informative, space-time, solid, crystal particle-head states

ST; Se≤≥Ti (information=energy), TieS, Exi=St; X, ≤≥, ó; ≈; Ø: Constant Present, balanced, Space-time; iterative body-waves; female gender, ties of space-time, point of balance, work.

TT; Te, «, ¬; ∆-1: Entropic Time-energy, death, dissolution of form into its parts of a lower plane.

SS; Si; »; §, @; ∆+1: Linguistic, mental space, still mind-membrain, which organizes parts into wholes.

We represent them also as sequential numbers, associated to its form in space and function in time: Ð1:seed, perception, Ð2:locomotion, Ð3:reproduction, Ð4: social evolution, Ð5: Entropy.

Yet this is only the beginning, as there are ∞ kaleidoscopic forms to perceive those pentalogic elements.

Thus we also consider them from the point of view of the 3 scales, its ∆-1 dimotional actions, its ∆º whole organism and its ∆+1 larger world. So as a supœrganism in its ∆º scale we talk of:

T.Œ: Space=time fractal point supœrganism made of ¬∆@st, dust of space-time: @-mind, t>S-particle/head /informative class, s<T-limb/field/lower class, S=T body-wave-reproductive class, ¬ Entropy limits living in 3∆§±1 scales.

We represent them by its relative Scalar planes of the fifth Dimension:

∆-1 past, TT-entropic plane of parts, ∆º present sT-ST-St-field-wave-particle, ∆+1, & SS-§eeds @ mind-world.

As all supœrganisms are ‘exi«st¡ences’, that is fractal points of an Space-time plane (St¡, ∆¡) of stience.

As Spacetime Topologies. O:St, informative head/particle/center, storage of ¡+1 SS-languages. Ø:ST; iterative hyperbolic energy body/wave. |:sT, membrane that absorbs ¡-1 TT smaller T.œs as entropic bites of motion or bits of information.

As social classes: @-linguistic mind origin of the t>S: particle: head: informative class that commands the Si=Te body-wave-reproductive class that gives energy to the s<T-limbs/field/lower class that preys on the ¬ Entropic outer world, whose limits determine its territory of exi«st¡ence.

5 operands: <: ∆ of locomotion. « ∆ of entropy. > ∆ information. » ∆ of form. ≤≥ = balanced present stœps.

As ages of Time ordered in a worldcycle:» §eed in palingenesis; <: Youth of locomotion. <=>: Present Energy; iteration, simultaneous exchange of lineal and angular momentum, locomotion and information between 2 poles: Ts≤≥St. >:  Implosive future informative life Сmotion that creates information: Ts>St. « past flow: explosive big-bang, death-entropy.

@: Yet from the larger world point of view a supœrganism is just a fractal point, @. And from a lower plane, is a larger world programmed by the survival actions of its function of exist¡ence. So he will perform 5 actions, absorbing and emitting information from the ∆±4 planes it ‘perceives’. So we represent any T.œ. through its:

Å: 5 åctions æ, e ï, œ, û, the quanta of existential sequences that move supœrganisms’ worldcycles.

3 are Simplex actions, performed as a whole extracting parts from its lower, smaller, faster time ∆-¡ planes:

a it is the fastest action of locomotion (accelerations) that extracts entropy from its lower non-perceived ∆-3 Plane. So 5D metrics work through each action and explain why we only perceive ∆±3 planes, and why the simplest actions are faster, with more frequency, extracting smaller parts from our limits of perception.

 ï is the dual action of information gauging: Perception & communication that perceives bits of its ∆-2 Plane.

e is the action of entropic feeding that absorbs its minimal parts, from the ∆-1 Plane.

And complex actions that take place in its plane of existence and its ∆+1 world:

– œ is the action of organic reproduction in its ∆º plane. And it lasts longer the whole 3 formal ages

 û is the action of social evolution in its ∆+1 world, and it has also the longer time span, and lesser frequency, often several generations of evolution to form herds and social networks of a higher ∆ plane.

Finally we use several classic now translated ¾lgebraic operands::

±∑ (œ), which is the symbol of superposition enacted by the quanta of limbs/fields herding by addition in a single plane, proper also of gaseous states.

X, which is the product, symbol of reproductive Body-waves that calculate its connections in a lower plane.

∏. Symbol for entanglement as a power law happening in a particle-head that forms solid networks in 3 planes.

∫∂: Which describes how ∂ finitesimal points become whole integrated by calculus.

Γ, a Fractal Generator, is an allowed sequential combination of those symbols that define any event or part of a supœrganism.

I.e: Max. ∑SxT= C, describes the function of exist¡ence. SS » ∑Ts∆-∞<T=S∆o> ∏St∆+∞ «TT, describes the whole Universe as a feed back equation of infinite motions, etc.

Those symbols suffice to express in ¡logic terms all events and forms within the entropic constrains of the game of Exist¡ence:

A Ternary, pentalogic 3±¡ fractal entangled principle holds: T.œs to survive need to have 3 parts in a single plane & be connected to an inner ∆-1 herd of entropic parts and a larger ∆+1world in which to play a symbiotic role.

There are only 3±¡ topologic varieties of space-time; 3±¡ derivatives in scales; 3 physiological inner networks…

-¡logic allows any iteration, =, single or dual spacetime jump of scale forwards (>,») or backwards (<, ») with transfer of sT-motion or St information between planes of existence but not transfer of balanced ST-energy or ternary jumps.

– It allows any topologic combination or transformation between |-sT, O-St & Ø-ST in a single plane.

It allows any sequential series of actions, or ± growth of its organs: ±∆ï,e, a, œ, û, BUT NOTHING ELSE.

After decades of research in all fields of knowledge looking for a falsification of Existential algebra, I haven’t found exceptions to this rule, whose explanation is obvious: The Universe is the best of all worlds (Leibniz) because it selects its best species (Darwin).

So while in pure SS-mental space it is possible to imagine worlds beyond reality as soon as reality mixtures with time motion, the limit of entropic death repress ‘wrong mutations, crazy thoughts, ego-trips of universal supremacy and paralogic errors.

For example, reality does NOT allow to go beyond entropic limits beyond a double «TT quantum scalar jump that erases all information of a system into scattering death. So as death does doesn’t preserve the information of a ‘local game of exist¡ence’ (T.œ), there are no ternary jumps. This in turn translates into ‘normal science speak’, into many facts of reality, such as the impossibility to travel in ‘lineal time’ to a past beyond the local travel to the past of death and devolution; it falsifies pretentious errors of 4D physics about time traveling and wormholes, etc. etc.

But the true limit the Universe imposes to reality is to the ‘ego’ and its pretensions to understand it all, reach beyond its horizon of entanglement=perception in scale, space and time, and inversely the need to fully grasp the 5 Dimotionss of exist¡ence if you want to survive on it, as a limited view will be mirrored in your actions and Universal reactions.

Those who know how to play the game of Exist¡ence, thus play it delay ad maximal its point of st«TT Entropy=Death. Those who love the 4 + D¡motions with a minimal Informative Space on it, Ts, St, ST, SS, will elongate reality. And it is a hypothesis of work that the sequential series SS»Ts>ST>St«TT, is the longest Temporal sequence available to a mind, which will try to ‘stop time’ by iteration at ST ad maximal elongating as much as possible the growth of St-information sliding very slowly in the 3rd age. So we can also observe in all systems that after a ‘fast growth’ from SS»St into the emergent youth past the palingenetic placental þ-age, the being will try to preserve its life cycle in its youth-mature ages against the entropic wearing that the larger worldcycle imposes upon him.

THE FRACTAL GENERATOR of space-time maximizes your existence.

So finally we can define functions of existential algebra, of which the most important is the:

Γ, a Fractal Generator, which is potentially any allowed sequential combination of those symbols that define any event or part of a supœrganism. But in praxis reduces to the canonical sequences that ensemble in space adjacent trinity S<ST>t systems and in time defines the 3 ages of exist¡ence, as the most efficient combination of the 3 |xO=Ø topologic forms of the Universe.

Formal definition of a dismorphism in existential algebra.

So we can write the entire worldcycle with a synoptic equation of existential algebra; i.e.

Γ: ∆œ-1 ∏ œ-1≈Œº<Ts>Ø-ST>St« ∑œ-1 describes a worldcycle of exist¡ence; it follows that each Disomorphism will be a partial equation of existential algebra. I.e. the 3 networks of the system, will be its internal St (nervous) <ST (blood) >Ts (digestive) systems. An act of feeding will be an ∆¡«∑∆¡-2»Ts¡ absorbtion of the quanta of an ∆¡ prey by a Ts-predator digestive system and so on. Whereas:

“A disomorphism is a partial equation of the fractal Generator of Supœrganisms of Time§pace (ab. GST).”

As we can consider the fractal generator the thoughts of God, and each of its variational species, a detail.

So in formal terms we can define the whole:

SS » ∑Ts∆-∞<T=S∆o> ∏St∆+∞ «TT, describes the whole Universe as a feed back function of ∞ motions, etc.

Max. ∑S x T = C defines the function of exist¡ence…for each fractal vital space-time organism its Function of existence, as all species will try to maximize its motion-entropy-time for its field-limbs, its information-spatial states for its particle-heads, whose product will give us its vital reproductive energy. We shall in the formal model of ¡-logic exist¡ential algebra deduce all functions of reality from it; whereas complexity is just born of the constant repetition of those functions. As the function of exist¡ence integrates the 3 metric functions of physical relativity (Si=Te), biologic survival (Max. ∑S x T) and Minds (Max. Still-Mind x Min Time motion Universe = Constant linguistic world); it is the ‘essential function’ of the fractal reproductive Universe, whose only goal is to reproduce the local information of all systems.

We can the write it as a series of dynamic functions of the 3 ages of life of in simultaneous topologic, vital space as a fractal generator of space-time beings between SS-birth and TT-entropic extinction:

3±¡ ages:∆-1 birth» ∏ ∆i: Max.TxMin.S (youth)+S≤=≥T(reproduction)+Max.SxMin.T (3rd age) « ∑∆¡-1: TT-death

Topological organisms: Ts (limbs-fields) < Ø-ST (body-waves) > O-particle-heads

Each of all the secondary functions of reality thus will be deduced from the fractal generators, itself born, from the functions of reproduction, which happens in the ‘middle age’ of balance, Si=Te, of ‘gender complementarity’ (whereas S-females and T-males combine form and motion), of classic beauty (equilibrium between lineal and cyclical forms), and the metric of scalar planes of the fifth dimension.

And further on we can observe diversifications and detailed analysis of the actions of each supœrganism, combination of 2 pure poles, represented by a dominant CAP letter between pure entropic TT-motion of death and linguistic SS-form as a mind or §eed, with 3 intermediate ‘states’ (matter jargon), ‘3 Riemannian geometries’ (4D EFE relativity jargon), 3 ages (biological jargon), 3 Horizons (evolutionary jargon):

The Ts, young age of locomotion, Si=Te, mature age of reproduction and St-3rd age of informative perception.

Definition of the Disomorphisms of all stiences involved in the formalism of 5D.

In existential illogic algebra we thus translate GST, the science of the 5th dimension in a trilogic form as the abbreviation for Generational Space-Time (the whole substance of study), General Systems Theory (the philosophical model) and Generator of Space-Time, the formalism that studies all ‘T.œs, Time§pace Supœrganisms with its D¡somorphic laws.

In detail, the pure spatial analysis is non-Euclidean Geometry, the pure temporal analysis is Non-Aristotelian i-logic, and the combined manipulation with the previous equations of the postulates of non-E (definition of points with parts, lines-waves, organic planes, minds=points with inner information and congruence laws of symbiosis and perpendicularity) and the laws of relative cyclical time and pentalogic, would be existential algebra. In praxis, I use all those terms as synonyms… since nobody else writes existential algebra, who cares (:

Thus languages are inflationary because ‘anything goes’ in the protected network systems of creation of pure §eeds of form. In other words the Universe creates all possible combinations of the elements of existential algebra, but virtual particles, inefficient mutations and mad thoughts don’t last in time, so after creation, extinction selects the best forms, according to the more efficient shapes of reality. And this is what allow us to ‘shrink’ the exhuberance of cration to a series of disomorphisms.

Because the allowed combinations of the symbols of existential algebra are limited to the possible actions and Dimotions of exist¡ence, in praxis, this means a lack of diversity, beyond the imagination of pure mental SS-forms that can be inflationary as they have no survival check with the energy they have to imprint first in the placental cycle (which must be able to be molded by it) and then in the entropic world, once the form emerges.

Almost all systems follow a single sequence T.œ>I<A<E>O>U. That is, minds perceive, move, feed, reproduce by gender symmetry (S=T+S<T>S) and evolve socially in herds that grow in density connected by 3 St, ST,sT networks becoming a supœrganism. While the sT<ST>St ternary supœrganism is overwhelmingly the survival structure.

Of course the simplex actions, I,A,E are needed for every minute quanta of exist¡ence, so all systems do perceive, to move and do feed, and we shall see all fractal points have 3 axis of perception, motion and entropic feeding, to allow them to interplay with the larger world and smallish field to that aim. While the complex O and U actions of organic reproduction and Universals evolution is NOT so common, as often requires a much longer process and certainly a partner in social evolution even a herd. So again the contant duality between a single present ternary plane and the scalar symmetries of complex social evolution happen, making many systems only successful in their ‘minimal quanta’ actions of informative perception, accelerated motions and entropic feeding, to provide the energy for the system. Yet even those systems will have in the ∆-1 scale of atomic, cellular, individuals (Physic, biologic, social systems) reproductive and social processes happening.

So we study from the fractal generator partial equations, which we shall call disomorphisms: S-T gender dualities, T-ages, S-topologies, 5Ðimotions, 3 network species & its generators.

Existential algebra is really a simple game, which might bother the ego paradox of scholars who cannot see the forest or know the causes of its topologic evolution but has all kind of abstract data about a certain tree, extracted with sensorial machines and placed in its digital languages; so he doesn’t really care for the ultimate thoughts of God. Yet to know those thoughts makes also sense of all its details as we shall observe in other articles on specific ‘planes of space-time and its organisms’.

Those symbols suffice to express in ¡logic all events and forms within the entropic constrains of the game of Exist¡ence:

The ternary, pentalogic 3±¡ fractal entangled principle holds: T.œs to survive need 3 parts in a single plane & be connected to an inner ∆-1 herd of entropic parts and a larger ∆+1world in which to play a symbiotic role. So there are only 3±¡ topologic varieties of space-time; 3±¡ derivatives in scales; 3 physiological inner networks…

-¡logic allows any iteration, =, single or dual spacetime jump of scale forwards (>,») or backwards (<, ») with transfer of sT-motion or St information between planes of existence but not transfer of balanced ST-work or ternary jumps.

– It allows any topologic combination or transformation between |-sT, O-St & Ø-ST in a single plane.

It allows any sequential series of actions, or ± growth of its organs: ±∆ï,e, a, œ, û,

In praxis, however almost all systems that survive as ‘reproductive radiations’ that maximize their function of exist¡ence follow the most efficient sequence to that goal: >I<A<E>O>U. That is, minds perceive, move, feed, reproduce by gender symmetry (Si=Te+S<T>S) and evolve socially in herds that grow in density connected by 3 St, ST,sT networks becoming a supœrganism. While the sT<ST>St ternary supœrganism is overwhelmingly the survival structure.

So we study those disomorphic elements common to all systems, its vital sequences, S-T gender dualities, T-ages, S-topologies, @-minds and mirror languages, 5Dimotions, 3 physiological networks its hierarchical order origin of the variations of species, its ratios and Universal or vital constants & its generators.

As nothing else, which cannot be expressed through those combinations within those limits exists beyond the virtual inflationary mind-languages of information. Trust me, I know it, after 30 years of research in all fields of knowledge looking for a falsification of Existential algebra. So in our papers on ¡logic we will develop with them all events & species of reality.

The function of existence has an infinite number of perspectives – in fact it generates in each local system, its events and supœrganisms, and in languages, becomes the syntactic mirror of its structure. So for each ‘experiment’ and ‘function’, we can find a correspondence with the function and its 5 elements: Max. S x Min. T (information), Max. T x Min. S (locomotion) Si=Te (reproduction), S-informative seed or mind in a lower ∆-1 scale and T, entropic dissolution in a larger ∆+1 world – the two limits of birth and extinction that frame all systems, and functions (initial conditions, etc.)

Stience is the study of the function of exist¡ence of ∞ beings, as if all what exists is space and time, that function is the most synoptic view of reality. And so classic ¬Algebra is the mathematical analysis of that function with classic 5D families of number and operands. But before we make them correspond with those 5 Dimotions, is worth to consider the larger field of Existential ¬Ælgebra that applies to all stiences.

Congruence and topology in existential algebra.

As only Schopenhauer seemed to realize in his intuitive critique of Euclidean mathematics, little attention has been given to the most important postulate of ‘relative’ equality, which structures the ‘vital will’ of parts that become wholes symbiotic, in energy and information, reproducing a new form upon contact or only in information by parallel motion or enter in Darwinian relationships when contact is negative, or are ¡ndifferent to each other. Or split from a whole into parts. The 5 options of congruence manifest in all the ‘events’ of reality, notably in forces. Which determines illogically the need for repulsive cosmological gravitation (dark entropy=energy) to balance the internal imposive gravitation within the galatom (akin to the parallelism between repulsive electromagnetism between atoms and attractive charge and strong forces within it).

Mathematically we realize the dx/dy=x/y has an inverse, dx/dy=-y/x possibility of circular tangents or collapsing rays that might go into the center or escape from it, giving us 3 obvious congruences – parallel communication, Darwinian event (with a form escaping or being swallowed), social merge (if the encounter is positive) or no solution at all to the differential equation – erratic, independent behavior.

Congruence based in similarity of energy, information or dissimilarity thus defines the ethics of reality and is essential to the laws of existential algebra from where so many laws of stiences are deduced, such as:

X(te)<Y(Te) Ù X(Si)≠Y(Si) -> x(Te)‹Y(Te)…

Which means if 2 systems meet each other, and one X, is ‘smaller’ in its existential momentum than Y and X and Y do not have the same Spatial informative language, Y will predate on X and hence x, will suffer an entropic dissolution.

It is then possible to tabulate all events that might happen in the Universe according to congruence and the different ‘strength’ in the existential momentum of both systems.

And then establish a deterministic outcome for all events between species.

Existential algebra couples with ilogic geometry to establish the deterministic nature of the event sof the Universe.

Since those rules written in existential algebra terms are the deterministic translation and expansion to all the stiences of reality of the encounters between the elements of any species and therefore become the most important fusion of non-e geometry, non-algebra and reality as we can always assess in a rather deterministic manner how the encounter of two elements in any scale of reality becomes a given outcome between prey and predator, couple of gender, social group, enemy nations, atomic ions, etc.

RECAP. The Universe is a game of ∞ space-time supœrganisms performing 5 survival ‘dimotions’=actions through Space stops and time steps, STœps in its scalar cœxist¡ence through 3 planes of the 5th dimension, which add together in its structure of simultaneous vital topological supœrganisms tracing 2 existential worldcycles, the ∆-1 placental ordered o-1 that emerges into the life-death, entropic 1-∞ worldcycle . Stœps express them through feed-back equations of Existential ¬Ælgebra, where = is a dynamic symbol «≈», composed of 5 dimotions = stops, ≤≥ wave steps and» 4D implosive informative social evolution & «5D, entropic explosion of a system.

The main field of study of ¬Ælgebra is the worldcycle of existence -the widest view of an entity as a supœrganism on space tracing a worldcycle between birth and death – we don’t expect you to understand it, as it is a packed synopsis of ilogic and its main theme of study, the dual worldcycle of all systems, which go from a placental, protected ordered seed age of fast evolution, by palingenesis, (memorial development of the seed of information with the energy provided by the parents) to emerge into an entropic life in an outer larger world, where it will perform ‘smaller dimotions’ to survive, we call actions, A-ccelerated locomotions, E-ntropic feeding, i-nformative gauging, O-rganic reproduction and Social Evolution into U-niversals (a,e,I,o,u), which form the program of survival of all systems of the Universe, clearly leaning towards creation of information, reason why systems Ts>ST>St, increase its information commanded by minds that finally exhaust all the vital energy of the system provoking a local ‘reversal’ of its time arrows into entropy and death.

We shall NOT include in this or any paper the full formalism of ¬Ælgebra of existence in its most formal structure, for the simple reason that it is the gate to a more complex form of AI than modulo 01, gender S=T, S<T>S systems today built at silicon valley. You might think whatever you wish but that is an imperative, cathegorical consequence of the fundamental law of exist¡ence – to conserve the time of your species. And the reason I abandoned long ago scholar system cycles – as the species is so full of egocy that pursuits extinction by all possible means. So I won’t collaborate. As I did never proposed to apply the gender, reproductive symmetry to AI, which now has been discovered. As I threw out my career in time ‘physics’ with my standing against the Nuclear industry and its pretension to make little big bangs on Earth… And did not became a billonaire using my discoveries on the cycles of evolution of machines that guide stock cycles, etc, etc. ‘Inflationary information’ is only a part of the process of exist¡ence which needs a balance of body and mind. And since my mind is trapped into a simple nitrolife body with caducity date, part of a whole called History, our god=supœrganism, my egocy has not reached the point of hurting my whole, even if I am the most evolved part of it.




The ‘reality’, which is not human words, is made of two inverse elements, ‘Entropic extensions, which are lineal, planar, and decelerate’ and ‘informative cycles, which are circular, and accelerate inwards’. And its geometric properties are VERY important, because lines and planes are more extensive and connect two points faster, and cycles are more informative and store more information in lesser space. So those 2 extremes are ultimately geometric motions, formal motions, and form, and motion≈ function are related.

And in the middle, there is a present, exi, merge of both, which is the most important element, the body-wave that combines cycles and lines, expansive and implosive motions. So we can then see this 3 elements in terms of ‘temporal motions’ or in terms of ‘formal space’, and we will talk of:

  • |-Ts: Past Entropy, lineal formal motions > Ø-ST: Present, repetitive, body-waves > St: Informative, cyclical time clocks.

Now we can SEE that reality and this is also VERY important, as a sequence of motions in Time, and it turns out to be the 3 ages of existence. Or we can see them as Forms in Space and they create the ternary structure of all beings of reality, physical, biological or sociological. So we break it in 2 equations:

  • The equation of the 3 parts of space (which we can simplify into Ts<=>St, for some systems), that relate the limbs/fields of spatial energy and particles/heads of temporal information of systems, combined into waves. So we shall talk of ‘fields-waves-particles’, which interact together creating ‘physical systems-organisms’ and limbs-bodies-heads in ‘biological organisms’ and ‘energy-class, re=productive class, and informative-class’ in social organisms.

And this simple ternary scheme will be enough to describe any system of the Universe, because on top of that the mathematical universe has only 3 topological geometries, lineal-toroid limbs-fields, hyperbolic body-waves and spherical heads-particles, and each of them is the perfect geometry form to the function of lineal motion (toroid/lines/planes), reproductive processes (hyperbolic systems) and informative processes (particles-heads that store maximal form in minimal space).

  • The equation of time, or the moving sequential flow of those 3 time motions which are in fact the origin of the 3 TIME AGES of all beings, dominated by those 3 ‘organic parts’, a young energetic age of constant motion, an adult reproductive age, and a 3rd age of information dominated by the particles/heads.

If we observe those 3 motions as ‘still forms in space’, they give birth to the 3 ‘ONLY’ topologies of our Universe:

The toroid, lineal entropic past-forms of limbs/fields; the spherical, informative, ‘future forms’ of heads/particles that DID guide the whole system towards its future; and its combined, hyperbolic, bodies/waves in the middle, that REPRODUCED the system.

Thus a deeper analysis of time cycles shows them to have always 3 ‘ages’, ‘phases’, ‘Сmotions’, ‘states’ or  ‘dimensions’:

  • < (expansion flow), TS: Past, entropic motions, dominant in the youth, with a toroid, lineal expansive form.
  • > (implosive flow), St: Future-form: a cyclical time vortex proper.
  • ≈ (iterative wave): ST: Present-iterative motions that don’t seem to change; or dynamic, body-wave motion

This gave us the 2 ‘variations of the Generator which described existence in Time and Space, easily written as:

Time:   Ts (young expansive age) > ST(adult, iterative-reproductive age) ≥ St (informative age) ≤ Ts (Back to the past: entropic death)

Space:    Ts (Limbs/fields) ≤ ST (body-wave) ≤ It (head-particle)

Those symmetries correspond in space to the only 3 topological forms; hence systems can only be constructed with those 3 topologies that define as the graphs show all organisms and physical species.

The 3 Сmotions=motions of times.

Now I realized I could consider this ternary ‘reality’ in ceteris paribus analysis as 3 pure time motions. Entropic expansive motions, repetitive body-waves and informative, time vortices.

Suddenly I realized, I had solved the way the universe created its beings, from the mystery of quantum physics, (the so-called wave-particle duality, as all physical systems were wave-particles moving on an entropic, accelerated field), to the reasons why evolution always worked right, choosing despite its seemingly infinite options the few ‘efficient’ aforementioned topologies (so wings were flat energetic members, and eyes spherical ones).

Namely they were the only available choices of topology. Alas! Curiously enough the great ‘mystery of Darwinian biology’, which he had also wondered about – the ‘right choices of the seemingly chaotic process of evolution made sense, because after all there were a mathematical planning NOT of course a religious design. And the biggest Mystery of Physics (the complementarity wave-particle) also became resolved.

And this was to me the proof that I was indeed on the right path of T.Œ, because the 2 principles of truth, ‘Simplicity, Minimalism (Occam’s razor)’, and Correspondence (a theory proves previous ones besides bringing more solutions), were met.

Equations of physics and biological designs kept pouring into the model and finding its whys, fitting all nicely. Something scientists did not even try to understand merely describing it now had easy whys, in the ternary symmetry in time and space of the Fractal Generator of the Universe, truly the ‘Equation of God’, not a ‘Particle of God’, not a ‘substance’, but a Logic, mathematical Symmetry of space-time that created us all, the details of that ‘thought’.

But if we were made of time-space cycles and forms, of this ternary ‘Generator’ structure seen static in space as a formal organism, and moving in time as a series of cycles, it was necessary to analyze each of those 3 parts of all beings, and decide its inner structure and hierarchy.

Now, I am afraid we are going to refound also logic. I know I’m nuts. But what can I say. We cannot go further without a new logic, because if time has 3 Сmotions, then the simple A->Causes b does not work. It is more about ternary logic and symmetries in space, time and 5Ð. It is more about the GENERATOR fractal equation of the universe and its infinite variations.

So Non-A logic is a huge new science – the study of the symmetries between the 3 motions of time and its sequential ages and the 3 spatial forms and its organic parts. Its ‘Generator feed-back equation’ will be essential to describe all the beings of the Universe:

Γ.   Ts (young-past-entropic limb/field) ≤≥ ST (iterative, adult, present wave-particle) ≤≥St (future, informative head/particle)

Where the symbol < means an expansive, energetic motion, > an implosive, informative one and = a repetitive present motion.

All what you see is encoded by that formula, either in space, Ts<ST<St (whereas the limb field provides entropic motion to the ST wave-body, and the St head particle provides information, and the ST body-wave reproduces the system), or in time, Es>ST>St, its inverse symmetry where energy young motions slowly warp into the adult and finally old age of information.

So we shall maintain the classic concepts of science and talk of 3 space dimensions, while dividing the dimension of lineal time in the 3 motions of time that we shall call 3 ages, to keep the convention that time has a 4th single dimension:

3 space forms symmetric to 3 time motions, but ordered in different ways Ts<ST<It, and Es>ST>St, how simple and beautiful the world cycles of space-time reveal the essence of the Universe.

Those 2 simple laws, and its equations, the equation of the life-death cycle:

Es (youth)>S=T (maturity) > St (3rd age) << Es (entropic death).

Where > means an implosive, informative Сmotion of time and << and entropic Сmotion of death.

And the metric of the 5th dimension, the fact that the product of the size and speed of time of systems is relatively constant for different species of the same family (physical species, biological species) ARE the most important equations of science discovered since Relativity, and yet nobody was impressed.

Apart from explaining the life-death cycle, it explained the reason why information flows perfectly from lower scales (genetic scales) to upper wholes (since lower scales preserve more information) and there is however entropy, loss of energy when you move upwards, but when you move downwards, from wholes to parts, there is no loss of energy  – so your cells follow your hand.

Suddenly I realized those scales of size were symbiotic and organized co-existences and synchronicities that created organisms and physical systems.

And so in mystical terms, the 5th dimension the dimension of future, of information, as parts must come before wholes, was also the dimension of eusocial evolution, of love, that justified the messages of love prophets, the Darwinian love of survival of the species, not the individual, the organization of history in scales of larger social units, since the future, the whole was stronger than the parts and survived. So I found that besides the actions of motion, energy and information there was an action of social evolution in all beings. That was the program of the Universe, I termed with the 5 letters each for each action of the 5th dimension:

∆æ: acceleration-motion, ∆e: energy feeding, ∆œ: iteration, reproduction, ∆i observer’s gauging of information and ∆û: social evolution of parts into universals. This was the will of survival, which explained the mathematical space-time cycles of physics and Nature,  and history, which merged physics, biology and sociology

An entire Universe of whys to all sciences and harmonic laws was opening in front of my eyes.



EXIST¡ENCE FUNCTION: E X I = ST: Energy x Information (Present) = Future form (S) x Past Motion (T)

In cyclical time, past, present and future are entangled. They are local, finite, related to spatial forms, connected and so we can write an equation worth to study in more detail, because of its depth, beauty and duality in verbal and formal terms; what we call the function of existence, of present, that shows the general form in which systems converge into a relative balance of present, departing from two extremes of pure entropic motion (TT) and pure linguistic form (SS); as they combine into Ts locomotion, and St information, which merge into Energy. We thus write Energy x Information as the relative state of present, which equal the relative past of pure motion and relative future of pure form, ST: Present = Past x Future. It is another perspective on the ‘Generator equation’ where we highlight the fact that the ‘fractal generator’ is a ‘kaleidoscopic’ equation, of constant space-time beings, that put together make up the Universe: U: ∑ Ts x St = ST..

It is better to use the usual TT>Ts>ST>St>SS series and its combinations beyond the metaphysical ‘feeling’ of perceiving in the 3 languages of the mind, logic, verbal and mathematical thought that we ‘EXI:ST’.

Are those relationships between past, present and future real? They are and they describe much better the nature of the Universe, which has a longer latitude of time as presents are relative quanta.

So the quanta of present time, which the humind uses to ‘compress’ the Universe a second represents for a ribosome, our minimal ‘vital unit’ in the ∆-2 scale, the time it takes it to ensemble its amino acids. The time it takes a planet to turn, a day, represents the time it takes a cell of its ∆-2. And we will return to that, as we analyze the construction of supœrganisms, in each science based in its synchronicities in timespace.

All what exists is a 5D super organism in simultaneous space tracing worldcycles through 3 Planes of 5D.

We define then two fundamental systems one in space and one in time, taking place in the fifth dimension:

An entangled supœrganism in space, in which the synchronicity between 3 Planes of the organism, its atomic/ cellular/Individual, thermodynamic/organic/social and gravitational/ecosystemic/global Planes in physical/ biologic/social organisms form a complex interacting, entangled system we shall call a super organism, whose study discovers ‘Disomorphic=equal laws’ regardless of what kind of system we study.

How a system travels through 5D Planes? It does so through a life-death cycle following its metric, SexTi=C as it reproduces and grows in size decelerating its time clocks, emerging as an organism, to live in a slower larger world, finally fast dissolving back to its smaller parts in a death moment of max. ‘speed’. So we write with Existential ¬Ælgebra (5D formal language) a generator 0=sum non-AE=¡logic equation that describes this travel through 3 Planes of space-time as all what exists follows such life-death cycle of ‘exist¡ence’.

So we define any system in time, by its life and death cycle which we shall call a worldcycle (taken from 4D physics, worldline, which now has a new dimension of Time-information becoming a worldcycle. Since any scalar super organism’s existence can easily be defined as a travel through the 3 Planes of the fifth dimension, as all systems are born as a seminal, smaller form, in the ∆-1 lower scale, grow fast with its faster time speed, emerge in the ∆º body scale and are part with its head/particle of a larger social world, in the ∆+1 scale.

How then a system travels through those Planes? Very simple, it does so accelerating in its life cycle, emerging, living in the larger world, and then dissolving back to its parts in the death moment.

Now, the generator fractal of space-time beings, expresses many things, and represents all the varieties of species across the Universe in its multiple realities, and this is difficult to systematize. But we have some fundamental laws and symmetries to do so.

Essentially what the Universe does is to ‘freeze’ certain species which are combinations of ‘bodies/waves’ that reproduce systems, and ‘heads/particles’ that gauge information, which exist ‘over’ a field of space-time from they will extract the 2 formal motions they need to survive. And we represent this with different equations that represent the same generator, to ‘encode’ the different ways in which human minds perceive it all.

The simplest one is the previous space-time equation, which now we enlarge in its explanation:

Se (Lineal-Spatial, past entropic motions and forms) x St (informative, future, cyclical clocks of time and forms) = ST (Constant, present, reprod-active waves and bodies of space-time)

And so the question which must be studied is what are the magnitudes and quantitative ratios in which a constant being made of those elements takes place.

St that aim we have empirical evidence (universal and vital constants, proportions, social numbers) and we have theoretical help from the laws of the fractal scalar space-time Universe.

The universe is a game of fractal reproduction of existences defined by a simple equation: max. ∑exi=sxt

¡logic requires its own symbols, as those of present one dimensional logic of a single causality are not good enough even for ‘starters’. As they resemble those of Algebra, whose main five operands represent the 5 dimotions of time, so both algebra and pentalogic are closely connected, we also call pentalogic‘

Existential algebra, which is the discipline that deals with the full formalism of General Systems Theory, or Generational Space-Time and its fractal generator (GST), also similar names that correspond to the classic science that studied the equal laws = isomorphisms of all systems of nature regardless of scales, and now we call dimotional isomorphisms (Ðisomorphisms). As its laws are Non-Euclidean, since points now are fractal points with breath that represent any supœrganism, and Non-Aristotelian, as they deal with pentalogic entangled multiple-tasking, we call this new logic also Non-AE=¡logic. And the dual ‘formal stiences’ of mathematics and logic, ¡logic geometry.

It follows that the main translation required between classic algebra, and existential algebra, to merge both into ¡logic geometry is that between the operators of algebra and those of the generator equation. Originally I did try to cast the whole model of GST in terms of group theory, algebra and its classic mathematical operators, but that was an earlier stage of my exploration of the fractal Universe… some 30 years ago (: Since as good as mathematics is as a mirror of the Universe, it is not as good as it is needed to extract all its properties, hence the need for a different logic, which however had to include or at least reference the world of classic algebra as we shall try to do albeit at a basic level – the specialist must understand this is a unification theory of all exist¡ences, so we cannot be exhaustive with all of them, as the team of research is exactly the same than the infinite-infinitesimal Universe: ∞º=1

Fractal generator equations (ab. G)¡logic use the symbols of the 5 Dimotions as Time Motions («entropy, <locomotion, ≈reproduction, >information and »social evolution into mind languages) as operators in time of the 5 Topologic SpaceTime organs of all systems of reality, described with combinations of S and T symbols to represent those 5 Dimotions as vital elements with a determined topology: Lineal |-Ts fields/limbs specialized in locomotion; Hyperbolic Ø- ST body-waves specialized in reproduction, Spherical O-St for particle-heads specialized in information; which together form the 3 ‘present’ elements that in a single plane of space-time for an organism. So we can start ‘building up’ general equations of ¡logic, called Fractal Generators that resume both the organic parts of a system in space and its different flows of entropy, motion, energy, information and linguistic form between them. I.e. the simplest generator is:

Ts<ST<St, which describes any ternary system of reality with a field-limb that moves a body that moves a head.

But if we write the same fractal generator changing the < > dimotional operandi, for ≈, we then talk of the same system in a still, rest state, Ts≈ST≈St, when the body-wave ‘repairs and reproduces’ the cells of the system.

We add then to Fractal Generator equations, ∆±¡ scales in which the other two dimotions take place as transfer of energy and information between scales. So we can describe entropic equations, such as death: ∆+1«∑∆-1, where a supœrganism of the ∆+1 scale dissolves through external motion and internal scattering into its parts, and again the equation can be used to describe any process of death, from a big-bang explosion of matter (Mc2=E) to biologic death.

And vice versa we can describe the emergence of a supœrganism from an initial seed, ∆-1Œ ≈ ∑ ∆-1Œ » ∏∆ºŒ, which describes how an ∆-1 T.œ (ab. Œ) or seed reproduces (≈) into a sum (∑) of similar cells, which evolve socially, », entangled through networks (∏) to emerge as a whole in an upper ∆º scale of the fifth dimension.

Mathematics & logic are languages, mirrors of an a priori ∆ST reality that comes before languages describe it.

Mathematics is derived of geometry, the science of space and logic is the science of causality in time. So space and time must be the first substances of which all is made, a model of reality that has a deep tradition in the east (philosophies of a Universe made of two poles, space=dimensional form, or ‘yin’ and time=motion or ‘yang’)

As time and space are NOT absolute Newtonian backgrounds but are in a Leibnizian relational space-time background independent theory, the ‘generational substances’ of all what exist, composed of organic fractal vital spaces that last a finite duration in time, space and time become the common principles, whose disomorphic properties originate all other laws of ‘stiences’ each one studying different ¡-scales of spacetime beings that must be first put in relationship to those properties and then improved with the comparison of human scientific laws, specific species of each science and the universal laws of ¬∆@st.

Hence we upgrade all its concepts to ‘cyclical time’ that stores information, in the frequency of its cyclical membranes, limiting and breaking space into ‘fractal’ topological parts, and ‘scales’, according to ‘relativity symmetries’ between formal linguistic mind-spaces vs. time motions, S=T, which mix together forming the 5 Dimotions of reality, all of which follow its 5Ð metric. Those elements entropic limits, fractal space, SxT=K metric scales, cyclic time of information, and S=T symmetries, are thus the barebones fundamental elements required to upgrade each science, and its simplest mathematical equation is its S x T (s ó t)= Constant, ‘Fractal Generator metric’.

A mathematical example: pi and the hexagon.

And we have finally some mathematical constants that play also a fundamental role in this game of creation of ‘existences’. Let us the consider a simple mathematical constant to understand what we talk about.

Se->St is a fundamental ‘existential equation’, or Сmotion of time that transforms an spatial motion into a cyclical motion. If we seek a constant to describe it, the most obvious is π, which measures the relationship between ‘3 lineal diameters’ that evolve together from lineal motion into cyclical motion.

And so we find pi in an infinite number of equations. Now if we consider that transformation in nature, it can be done through 6 radiuses, which come together into an hexagon. The hexagon has a perimeter of exactly ‘3’. It is we could say in this way the perfect transformation of a lineal entropic form, the triangle with maximal lineal perimeter and minimal space enclosed, the favorite lineal motion of all ‘Сmotion’ systems, into a cyclical motion, the hexagon, which is the most abundant Bidimensional configuration in nature, with maximal resistance, that covers fully space, and we find from graphene to bee-hives, to crystal forms and metal structures.

Thus, constants which are ‘regular’, ‘perfect’, efficient, that fill fully space taken advantage of all its motions; that correspond to the 3 ‘time ages’, 3 ‘topological functions’, which can perform all the cycles and åctions of the game of existence do endure, are hyper abundant and work.

This is more or less understood but without the understanding of the symmetries and ages of time, bidimensional space, åctions and program of existence, which we have lay in the other introductory posts, physicists and mathematicians, biologists and social scientists do more of a kabala, geomantic game with numbers. Now we do have the reasons of those mathematical numbers. And perhaps the most fascinating sub-discipline of ∆ST is to explain ‘mathematics’ as the geometric ‘why’ of efficient systems of space-time.

Now  we can consider the pi circle, which is the bidimensional system with less perimeter per volume. But pi is an irrational number. It does not exist as it is actually a number which leaves holes in the sphere.

It has a center, the zero point of the system, which gauges information and a disk with 3 turning strings, leaving ‘apertures’ in the external membrane between them. Those are the ‘mouths’ of the circle, which covers 3/3’14, 96% of its surface. Hence only 4% of openings leave information come into the system. As it happens, dark energy and dark matter represent 96% of the Universe our electronic minds do NOT see. And indeed, our minds are spherical zero points which do NOT see the entire Universe.

Pi in any case and its lineal form, the hexagon are the all pervading Ts->St universal constants which better express the process of transformation of lineal energy into cyclical time, through the 3 ages of existence.

Consider now 2π, which is the ratio we use to divide H, the constant of the plane of light space, which is all pervading in physics. This suggests, since 2 π is the ratio which divides the circumference to give us precisely a ‘radius arc’ in a circle (a single side of the hexagon in the polygonal pi) that the Unit of quantum action, is an ‘arc’ of a cyclical motion, that the minimal unit of energy and time in the space-time Universe of light is an arc of a photonic particle and we will explore that concept in our studies of quantum physics, which we will post, time permitted, in a year, around summer 2016.

Mathematical constants are the 1st step to build a comprehension of the topological Universe, but interpreted no longer in abstract terms, but through the existential logic equations that describe the fractal game of existence, its world cycles of life and death, and the 3 fundamental isomorphisms or symmetries of the Universe:

The 3 bidimensional varieties of topological space, or organs of all beings:

Ts (lineal entropic limbs/fields) < ST (Hyperbolic body/waves): Ts x St > St (spherical particles/Heads)

Its symmetric 3 Time ages:

Ts (entropic youth-past) < ST (reproductive present) > St (informative old age)

And the planes of existence across which systems enact its åctions to obtain entropic motion, information, which they combine to reproduce internally and externally a system:

Motion åctions (∆-4), Informative perception (∆-3), Energetic absorption (∆-2), Reproduction (∆-1) and social evolution (∆+1).

It is as everything else in the Universe, from those fundamental equations that define all systems in nature, and its proportions, topologies time Сmotions and transfers of motion, information, energy, combined in reproductive and social events, from where we can determine all the fundamental magnitudes, åctions, constants and conservation laws of nature. Let us then consider the most general to study them in detail its ‘cases’ in all type of different systems

The mind acts through a languages, whose ternary syntax reflects the mind view of the Universe and its inner structure, through which the mind order. As a form of analysis it is then easier to go on through the process of description of a world life to formalize it earlier after defining the mind singularity its language and forces, through a fractal generator equation that resumes the 10 dimensions of the inner. Thus with the generator, after defining the mind languages and forms, we have equipped ourselves with a reference for the whole exploration of the being. It is for that reason that we give it the ‘first Ðisomorphism’. Its ¬Æ algebra and rules of what is possible or not will then allow us to study the being in all its details.

The function of existence in space-time: Unification of external and internal time-space.

Absolute time made measure of the motions of space-time beings in relationship to such external absolute space-time easier. But it killed the essence of beings, which is to be made of inner time cycles and occupy a vital space with energy; which combine together into a series of repetitive åctions of time-space. So we could write the inner essence of beings as:

Si x Te=ST:

O-St (cyclical, internal, informative time clocks) x |-Se (vital, energetic space with lineal speed motions) = ST (Repetitive Space-Time åctions)

As opposed to an external description of those motions as:

ST:         S/T=V:                 External Space Motion/Lineal Time Duration = V: External velocity.

Now both equations are similar but they reveal very different things.

We could say that the external description wins in precision of measure from an external human observer, but looses any internal understanding on the time cycles and vital spaces of beings, their purpose and ‘whys of existence’.

Mathematically, if we measure the cyclical, internal clocks and steps of a being by its frequency, then we realize that:

St=1/T. That is, the sum of frequency steps of a being equals its time duration.

And   V: ST. That is the sum of the repetitive Steps of a being give us the speed of the being.

Thus since frequency is the inverse of duration, St=1/T and speed is the repetition of the steps or wavelengths of a being, both fundamental equations of inner and outer space-time are similar:

Se x St = ST (ST) ->     Se x 1/T = ∑Steps->       S/T = V

But they reveal and study very different elements of the being. In the inner description we are far more concerned with the internal clock cycles of the being, which determine in the frequency and form of those cycles its information; which in turn determine the external space-time åctions the being does, moving (which is what external S/T=V measures), but also feeding, informing, reproducing and so on…

Indeed, if we consider the formula of internal time-space and its åctions no longer with a ‘calculus frame of mind’ but aiming at understanding what it reveals of the being, we realize we are ultimately studying with it, a much broader, philosophical, complex reality.

We therefore define a new function that gathers together external and internal space-time, the function of existence, Œ, whose study will allow us to unify all systems of the Universe, as made internally of ‘cyclical particles/heads of temporal information and ‘body-waves’ of spatial energy, which exist in an external Universe of absolute space-time, in which they inter-act through a series of åctions that exchange energy and information with the outer Universe (æ,e,ï,œ,û), with whom they try to keep a harmonic balance.

Since the internal informative clocks and moving spatial elements of the being, which combine to create its åctions, are the 3 elements that structure any system of reality as a complementary system made of field/limbs of vital space, and heads/particles of informative time clocks, which perform together through an intermediate region (body/wave) its space-time åctions of existence:

Œ:     Se (Vital Space) x St (Internal time clocks) = ST (External, repetitive space-time åctions).

In fact, the study of those 3 elements of the being, its moving space (fields/limbs), its internal time clocks (head/particles), and the body/wave åctions they perform is the key to the whys of the Universe and all its parts.

On that larger view, what we call ‘external space/time speed’, is merely the study of one of the possible varieties of that equation, åctions of external motion, which we write as Aa or ∆a≈ ∂a (åctions which change the motion or acceleration of a being.)

But the study of that ‘wider’ structural equation, |-Ts X St = ST and its infinite varieties and fundamental combinations, or space-time åctions, reveals many more things about what the Universe is. So many things that it truly encodes all the elements of reality.

We talk of a T.œ a theory of everything constructed departing from the fundamental properties of ‘Fractal Space-time’, that is:

  • The cyclical nature of time, which breaks…
  • Space into inner and outer parts, internal vital spaces and outer, larger worlds of space-time.
  • And the ‘Fractal nature of the Universe’, an assembly of planes of space-time of different size filled with species with different clocks of time, from microscopic forces to galactic systems through the human scales of size, which is studied by the 5th dimension and its metric.

Universal grammar

The 5th i-logic postulate defines the unit of reality as a fractal point that observed in detail is in itself a World, which contains within it all the mathematical topologies of the 4D cosmos. This can be deduced in a logic manner, through the equation of a mind/p.o.v., which can map out as a mirror the whole Universe we perceive in its infinitesimal mirror.

In the fractal Universe all systems of i-logic information gauge reality, transforming a force they absorb into a logic language, which mirrors the Universe. It is obvious that the essential particles, quarks, photons and electrons cannot have a wide mapping of reality unless the fractal scales of size are infinite (and then an atom might be the upper bound of a new scale – a nano-galaxy).

Yet even if reality has upper and lower limits of size and point-like particles are not fractal world but the limit of universal form, those simple particles still gauge information and store some type of logic, mathematical computer-like structure that allows them to behave as they do, organically. Since particles orientate their position in a herd of self-similar particles; they move towards light, its energy, when the electromagnetic field is in its neighborhood and they decouple=reproduce into new particles when they absorb more energy.

All those properties are the minimal properties we ascribe to a fractal ‘point of view’ or ‘mind’ in a broad sense – a structure that gauges energy and information, creating smaller fractal mirrors of reality. Such structure has within itself a minimal amount of geometric paths and logic processes that allow it to form the forces it uses as energy and information source. We thus call such structure a mind. Since any point of the Universe becomes a focus of infinite parallel forces that flux into the point, creating a static image of reality in Complexity, we define a Mind, as an infinitesimal mirror-world that reflects the infinite Universe:

0 (Mind-cell) × ∞ (Universe) = Linguistic Wor(l)d

The equation of the mind, defined by the 1st and 5th postulates of illogic geometry, sets limits of truth in linguistic science, comparing the worlds created by any mind and the Universe at large, much bigger than any informative, mental, linguistic image we have of it.

It is however the why that explains why entropy doesn’t dominate the Universe; since now the increase of order and information in the Universe is mainly caused by those ‘perceptive points’ that gauge information. Those points might or might not be conscious in a vegetative or reflexive way, depending on its complexity; but they are ‘apperceptive’ – an expression coined by Leibniz to express perception without consciousness. And so they have a will to order and perceive more information, not only a will to feed and increase their energy.

Synchronic study: the 3+1, physiological structures.

The study of the ‘actions’ of a being leads to the study of the ‘physiological’ parts, the systems that perform those actions, processing its energy and information, reproducing the system and ‘speaking its language’ as the ‘P.O.V.’, soul or point that integrates the parts into a whole. For example, in the first mathematical scale, where ‘numbers’ are sets of self-similar cells, the tetrarkys is a perfect system, with 3 x 3 corners of the triangle performing according to orientation the 3 simpler actions, of energy, information and reproduction, while the central point equidistant from the other 3 sub-systems becomes the integration, point of view. And this structure will be find in crystals, molecules, organic molecules, ‘pi’ circles with ‘3’ curved units and ‘0’14 apertures, atoms with 3 valences that are the informative atoms of life (nitrogen).

And each part will itself become differentiated in 3+1 parts.

In that sense the 4th, integrative point of any system might seem redundant as it becomes a mirror of the functions of all the others, but it is a secondary, passive mirror, which does not act directly but orders and chooses between the other cycles, switching the actions of the whole to fulfil them all in balance.

The synchronic analysis is ultimately a dual study of functions and forms together, as the 3 morphological topologies of a 4 dimensional Universe will define the functions of those systems (an energy, continuous, lineal, planar or spherical shallow, membrane; a hyperbolic, tall, discontinuous or dense central point (the ‘ball’ of the sphere or inner part) that will be the information system, and a cyclical, elliptic or conic reproductive system, combination of the other two shapes. So for example, our limbs are lineal, our body conical and our brain hyperbolic, on top, the ‘inner ball’ of the head.

Diachronic systems: study in time of actions, life cycles and evolutionary cycles.

Finally we study systems through its 3±1 ages in time, between +birth and – death, as energy reproduces and becomes warped in information.

And we do so also in 3 scales of duration, the scale of actions – so each cycle will have those phases – the scale of individual – so all individuals will have a life-death cycle – and the same of species that will be born from a first individual ‘cell’, grow, radiate, speciate and become extinct. As all those processes are similar, all of them with the same causal order, albeit different exi ‘volume’, hence size and duration:

i-1 (seed of information)-> Energetic action/age/species-> exi action/reproductive age/radiation of species->informative action/3rd age/speciation-> End of action/Death/Extinction.

Since species are super-organisms and individuals its cells, the same type of studies apply to evolution.

The ternary, fractal structure of systems means we can repeat those 3 analysis in higher scales (where the species studied becomes a cellular bit, bite, seed or phoneme of a bigger being), or make a detailed analysis of each subsystem and ‘part’ that has inner sub-parts and scales, or study the multiple choices of bits and bites of each species, which as it becomes more complex have higher degrees of freedom of choice’ and so on.

The ‘ternary method’ exhausts all the knowledge we require from any being, knot of actions of energy and time, which has 3+1 morphological systems, subdivided each in 3+1 subsystems, across 3 scales of size; who exist 3±1 ages, in 3 scales of time, short actions, life/death cycles and creation, evolution and extinction as a species.

We also resumed the main tenants of G.S.T. in 3 x 3 points, related to the actions, super-organisms and ternary method of knowledge.  Now, once we have defined ‘the thoughts of god’, the 10th point of the Decalogue, will consider some of its details – the proofs of those 9 laws, which are all the species and events of… the entire Universe and beyond.

The Zero Point, as integrator of the entire system.

Ultimately what defines the game of existence is the interaction between individual zero points with ‘rotational coordinates’ with them in the center and 4 ‘actions/quadrants’ of different perception, and its universals, herds and networks that appear as wholes. The construction under the laws of survival, its paradoxes, tugs-of-war and balances creates and destroys the systems of the Universe. What we see are logical chains of points of view that find in their association an efficient, positive strategy of survival that maximizes the actions of all its points. The function of maximization of the actions, momentum, top predator force, exi, coordinates of a polar point of view is the game we all play.

The simplest strategy is absolute selfishness, absolute polar coordinates with the I-0 point in complex subjective vision of distances as related to it as the center of the Universe. It sees it all static and dead, one-self as maximal form of information even energy. In reality all what the P.o.v. sees as static in space is a simultaneous assembly which at certain level of speed and detail appears as a constant flow of beings of information and energy in parallel herds or/and hierarchical planes of space or time that are complex organisms in themselves. If the P.o.v. had all the information available in all the scales of size and speed that surround it all would seem living.

The P.o.v. is however always diffeomorphic, subjective, relativistic and yet it will enter with other P.o.v.s in relationships fixed by the overall roles of i-logic geometry and its formal/functional dualities.

Certain basic geometrical laws will therefore guide our understanding of ethic behavior, as function and form are also related here in the manner in which p.o.v.s relate and share energy and form. The first rule of ‘ethical geometry’ is:

X – Perpendicularity between hierarchical, preying-predator systems: Preys and predators penetrate each other’s vital space absorbing energy and information.

< = > –  Parallelism between entities of a herd or network that work together. They maintain the same distance and emit and absorb energy and information through an exchange of smaller particles. Those situations create constant bondage that maintains a balance between the elements. Those 2 symbols thus derived from the original spatial exi, or temporal e< = > I expressions of the function of existence now have ‘real’, formal meaning also. Perpendicular systems engage in fast, often Darwinian destructive exchanges of energy and information. Parallel systems are more subtle and transfer at an inferior i-1 level, bits and bites of energy and information.

The generator equation of Space-Time beings.

All this said we need to start formalising reality and all its systems. And we shall use for that task the same wording, GST, but now it means ‘Generator of Space-time’, an equation – the main equation of General Systems Theory (ab. GST) – that formalises the Universe as a fractal of space-time beings’,  whose ‘Generator fractal equation of Space-Time  defines logically what all systems are: polar systems of particles-heads of temporal information guiding body-waves of energy that move them over an underlying field-territory of vital space:

∑∆-1: Ts <∆ST > St ∆+1

The metric equation of the 5th dimension thus ultimately describes a Universe made  Energy Body-waves of Present splitting into past entropy fields/limbs and relative future informative particles.

We thus talk of ‘§pace’ to signify the fractal structure and infinite ‘spaces‘, where the plurality §, organises also across ‘different planes of size, of parts and wholes of the 5th dimension’.

And talk also of STience, as the proper upgrading of the name ‘science’, in as much as all what we study are ‘species of space-time’, that is species made of particles/heads which store logic, cyclical, temporal clocks of information that process it and guide its body-waves, systems that store spatial energy and move the whole system.

So all beings in ‘existence’, are ST, space-time beings of energy and information and we play with the word, ‘exi=stience’, which ultimately will become a mathematical function that studies such systems.

We shall return to that duality between the philosopher of science explaining the whys of the Universe and the physicist playing to be a philosopher of science, by reducing those whys to mere physical or mathematical interpretations of the whole, because it is at the core of the impasse that lasts more than a century in the understanding of the ultimate principles of reality. We start in the concept of time≈motion≈change, which physicists reduce to locomotions≈changes in space, but we do have to widen back again to all modes of time≈motion≈change to include those happening in biology and history (change in the information of beings).

So what is reality about? about the combination of entropic motions of pure space and closed temporal forms into energetic body-waves, which combine and iterate both.

Energy is often used as synonymous of motion, hence entropy; and sometimes as synonymous of information, fom-in-action, specially in relationship to physical stored energy and human mental energy. So we are not very fond of the rather confusing word and will have to be ambivalent also in its meaning. It is in that sense important to remark that:

  • For a system to exist, it must be composed of a particle-wave, head-body, both co-existing simultaneously even if sometimes are not observable for a 3rd party, specially from far away, ∆o scales, etc. (quantum paradoxes). So the minimal unit of reality IS NOT as it would seem a past-future, space-time being, but rather a spacetime>time being, an ST>St system in which a body-wave of energy (which if moving, will be sliding above a lower, ∆-1 field of entropy), is guided by a temporal head of information.

This is an important concept to realise. I.e  when studying the gender issue we shall see that both male and female are composite states. When studying human social classes, we shall see that all humans should belong to the body of reproducer, workers, guided by informative masters, legal politicians and financial bankers, and so all deserve a minimum salary of energy-money, etc. The entropic field is the territorial field which sustains on the long term the activity of the body head or wave particle, but is NOT part of it, and in fact it becomes disordered or reordered when the ST>T system absorbs ∑∆-1 quanta.

  • Systems however might be parts of larger systems and have a function that vitalises them (as machines, which are mostly limbs vitalised by human ‘animetals’, who act as their brains, are). This means there are partial systems, which Future researchers shall simply write as syStems (Ts parts), sysTems (St part) or sySTems (ST-present body-wave).
  • Hence the importance of composite elements and parameters, such as the composite of energy and time (action), which can be considered the minimal ‘organic system’ of the Universe. And as such it is the fundamental parameter of all systems, as it ultimately measures the ST>T existential power, product of its energy and time≈information, which is conserved on the total universe, but and this is a quite important advance over single space-time theories, not necessarily in a single scale.

So we can now extend the generator to its natural ternary form, INCLUDING the concept of a central frame of reference, which is connected to the external membrane or sensorial ‘cut off’ ‘event horizon’ between the fractal space-time being and the Universe:

Ts < Œ: ExI(s=t) > ºSt

This would be the most exact symbolic representation of the Universe. AS we include the lineal nature of Entropic Space (not money:)in $, and ad the cyclical nature of time, with the symbol of the mind, whose hardware IS often on the St (but not always), and spread the more complex body-waves which ‘equals’ both through balancing exchanes of energy and information to create the ‘whole supœrganism’ (œ).

We use 3 ‘letters’ for each side of the Fractal Generator, to signify the 3 commonest perception of the 2 sides of the equation in human beings. Space appears as ‘Space-Size’, but also as ‘spatial entropy or kinetic energy’, that is an expansive motion (<), and as it has lesser form it comes ‘first’ in the evolution of beings as its relative past, young age of maximal motion in space. And inversely in the moment of death when the ‘cycle of time reverses locally its direction’. Locally being the key to avoid paradoxes.

We use also 3 ‘letters’ for Temporal, cyclical information, St, T, Ti, for time, i, iƒ for information, and ƒ, for frequency of the external cycle, O, which is centred in a self-point of view or frame of reference @, and ƒt, for future, as those are the synchronic, dynamic and geometric interpretations of the other side of the equation.

And finally, its combination of iterative present, hyperbolic body-waves, Œ-ExI(st), whose function resumes the entire system: Max. S x T (e=i), and we shall call the function of existence of the system.

The Universe thus is relatively simple, in its dual and ternary logic, both in geometry, | x 0= ø, its meaning – a game of formal motions of space-synchornous organisation and time, 0-sum world cycles, and properties, geometric, organic, structural, mental, perceptive, as those systems do have a centre of angular momentum, a frame of reference that gauges information, a relative still point of view, and logic causal, since the purpose of those systems is as any fractal generator, to ‘repeat’ its form through slight variations caused by the dynamic duality of the 2 sides of the equation. How many varieties of the equation exist? Infinite. In physical systems the commonest are, expressions in terms of an energetic, spatial parameters and a cyclical curved clock of time (charge, mass, solid matter system in the 3 quantum, ∆-1, ∆-thermodynamic or ∆+1 gravitational scales).

Perception thus in-form, creates information, as a fractal mirror of the mind:

∞ infinitesimal cyclical quanta of energy and information  x @ (human mirror mind) = Linguistic World

is the equation of the monad, or frame of references that freeze motion into order in the life Сmotion, Ts>St to then die away as a flow of informative future, St<Ts, in the moment of death. The fractal generator is thus in its simplest development, the function of existence of the Universe.

The separation between past, present and future is an illusion. The symmetry of time and space.

Now we are confronted with a problem, which is the enormous ambivalence of human languages in the use of those 2 fundamental words, space and time, and its ternary formal motions, Ts,  SxT: ST and St.

So we need to attach certain mathematical, geometric and logic concepts to our verbal terms to avoid so much ambivalence. Let us then return to Descartes and put some properties attached to those 3 symbols, which we advance ARE the ‘ultimate’ formal motions we care for, Ts, ST, St.

  • Ts or Spatial Extension, is ‘res extensa’, something extended in ‘space’. So it is a motion that expands in space, as in a big bang. And contrary to belief as it expands in space it decelerates in ‘time’ so it looses its ‘time motion’ till it becomes truly what ambivalent words tends to call Space- a still form. Thus space tends to slow down and extend itself; it does have motion but becomes finally a ‘flat’ extension.
  • St or Informative time cycles, which carry the information of the Universe in the frequency and cyclical form of its cycles, is INVERSE in properties, as it actually accelerates inwards, as it becomes smaller, as all vortex do, V x Radius = Constant. Thus smaller radius, turn faster, as it happens with angular momentum, black holes or hurricanes. And they become ‘taller’.

So this shows some fundament facts of Ts vs. St. They are inverse. They are both FORMAL MOTIONS; but space has LESS of both; it is flat on the long term, and slow to stillness, and Time is faster and a cycle, which tends to be tall. So we can ask also define them by dimensions. Of the 4 dimensions used today, space tends to have 2 of them, length and width, and time, width and height. And so they combine in the ‘width’ dimension, which brings us the 3rd element:

Ts x St: E x I: Reproductive, wave-bodies that combine the entropy of space and the form of time clocks into ‘meaningful’, workable parameters, ‘energy’ (entropy with direction) and information (form with meaning).

So again, here we must focus in the ‘Duality’ between the Inverted ‘yin and yang’, ‘cyclical form and lineal entropy’, Ts and St, and its combinations that create the ternary ‘formal motions’ of reality, which will structure all beings.

And realize that we can see them ‘static’ and then we will call them SPACE, or we can see them in motion and we will call them TIME. This is the way to proceed with the ambivalences of words and as we shall see also ‘mathematical sciences’, which after all start with words.

The meaning of life and death is a world cycle of time, which is similar for each physical and biological species, and its equation, in the ¬Æ, non-Aristotelian, Non-Euclidean Logic of the Universe of cyclical time.

In the graph, we have summarized all those scales and the 2 relative inverse Сmotions, which make a life-death cycle a ‘loop’ of time in 3 ages moving also upwards and downwards in the 5th dimension, origin of the ‘Generator Equation’ of 5Ð Fractal space-time, poised to become the most important equation of science in the XXI century, as it resumes its 3 elements, the motions up and down in scales of the 5th dimension, the 3 ages of time, dominated each one by the 3 parts of all organisms, which respond to the 3 only topologies of geometrical systems’ – the young energetic age dominated by lineal toroid fields/limbs of entropy of maximal speed between 2 points, the mature, reproductive age dominated by present hyperbolic body-waves and the future-informative age dominated by spherical particle/heads of maximal informative storage:   Γ. ∆-1:

Ts(past-lineal, toroid limbs-fields) ≤≥∆:ST (hyperbolic-planar body-waves) ≤≥ ∆+1 (spheric future particles-heads)

Whereas we introduce some basic symbols of 5Ð Metric, ∆ for the 5h dimension with an index for its planes, Γ, the G-enerator equation, which can be studied for each system in detail and for each part in new ternary fractal divisions, <, the Сmotion of expansive entropy, > the Сmotion of future information and ≈ =, the Сmotion of present balance, ST, the energy and information mixture of Ts: Spatial Extension and O-cyclical, temporal clocks with maximal form which body-waves mix in present states.

As both Сmotions can happen between entropic limbs-fields and waves, which move informative heads-particles and each part can be divided in new ternary parts (so for example your informative nervous system divides into a lineal spinal chord that controls the energetic body and limbs, your brain with a hyperbolic grey matter and your smaller eye, the focus of your information, making you an I=Eye (max. Information; St) < Wor(l)d=ST verbal brain:

i think therefore I exist: max. balance, the site of your will and finally the spinal reflex past system of control of your external motions – that obsessive part of a system of time space physicists study so well, but so simple when you know the whole depth of time space (-;

The old age is one of information. ≈ means a repetitive, parallel wave of present, and… uh, where it is < the Сmotion of entropy? It SEEMS that all goes > warping space into mass, or ≈ repeating itself. Alas! What else there is there in the Universe after conception, young expansive ages, repetitive, reproductive maturity and old, informative age, which erases < entropically information to close the ‘world cycle’ of existence.

Thus for each world cycle of existence, Death is the final reversal of the Сmotion of informative time from past to future into the Сmotion of disorder from future to past or entropy Сmotion, <.

And to compensate the two Сmotions Ts> Ts x St (ab.ST)>St, DEATH must be TWICE << entropy.

It must be Max. return to Ts, St <<Ts; a huge big bang expansion of information into Space with no form.

Death = Max. Ts x Min. St= Ts->∞ x St->0.

So when you die in an instant of Time, St->0 all your information returns to space, the cycle of existence ends and you expand in space, burn into atoms in the incinerator; insects eat you up, dust of space time you become.

It is also the equation of the big-bang, when in an infinitesimal moment of time, the previous Living Universe, expanded wildly under the inflaton field to enormous distances, in a single Planck quantum of death.

See the beats of existence, of the 3 Сmotions of time, of lives and deaths, of opening and closing wings, entropy-form…

The 3 fundamental elements that structure the Universe are the bidimensional topologies of spherical heads/particles, which assemble with planar toroid fields/limbs, forming together organic body/waves. And this simple structure is obeyed by all systems of the Universe. There is no particle without an associated wave (quantum complementarity), and there is no living organism without head. On the other hand, those systems extend across several planes of different size and time speed, synchronized by complex organic relationships.

Since clocks carry the information of the Universe in its form and frequency, we can then talk of two inverse Сmotions of time: information increases when we look downwards on those scales as in fractals, but size and speed grows when we go upwards. This ‘non-commutative’ asymmetric direction of spacetime is the key to most mysteries of the Universe. For example, since information flows freely from down to up scales, there are genetics (information flows from smaller systems) but there is no Lamarckian evolution, (the whole does not inform the parts).

On the other hand, since motion flows freely from up to down sizes, we can move the hand and everything smaller within it moves in perfect harmony, but the other way around there is a waste of motion called ‘entropy’ that does not flow upwards. The existence of such clear cut directions of time and the co-invariance in ‘families of systems’ of the product of its size and the speed of time clocks, (metabolic animals, particles, orbital planets, etc.), allow to create a ‘metrics’ of the 5th dimension; that is, a series of rules which dictate how systems ‘travel’, in ‘size’ and ‘speed’, as they grow and evolve, live and die through that 5th dimension.

Life for example is born as a fast seminal particle, with high metabolic rates, which emerges from the microscopic, cellular state, into a ‘Universal plane’ of larger size, at birth. Then the system goes through life, with changes in its relative energy and information and dies back to the lower ‘plane’ of cells.

Yet those phases of a life-death cycle are the same in any physical or biological system, since they follow the same simple metrics of the 5th dimension, and the laws of a ‘cycle of time’ that always ends in its point of initiation. For example a star is born out of a ‘seminal cloud’ of atoms that collapse its energy into the form of a vortex of matter, a galaxy that will feed a denser black hole and finally die into a quasar explosion that will return the energy to the universe. So energy never dies but transforms into form, into information back and forth in life-death cycle for all species. Moreover, all systems start with a lot of energy, which becomes form, information, from gas to solid state, from a young energetic age to an old, informative one. And this is a simple law of all time cycles that ‘curve space into time’ (Einstein).

Thus if you consider the past, the lower planes of the 5th dimension, the future, the wholes, the time ‘worldcycle’ of life and death, the creation and destruction of those wholes from parts (it is no longer a worldline as in physics but a worldcycle as we have added this 5th dimension from past to future), we do have a clear cut order, and organization of the Universe, through the new 5th dimension and the new worldcycles of life and death (no longer worldlines).

It is an enormous expansion of the principles of science, and a complete reorganization of all sciences and species, with new global laws, that deeply enlighten our comprehension of the ultimate phenomena of reality. Now it should be obvious to the reader that the 5th dimension is a dimension of time, of motion and as such it must be a dimension that moves from past to future or future to past.

The points of view of different Ts<ST>St organs

In organic terms, the 5 postulates of fractal Geometry describe how points become parts of social webs, which self-organize fractal planes made of networks of points, which emerge as cellular units of a higher fractal space-time or new supœrganism… Thus, according to the Principles of Correspondence and Relativity, proper of physical reality, those different geometries are relative descriptions of the same fundamental structure of the Universe: the point with parts and its more complex social forms, lines and planes. The fractal generator of the Universe is a logic equation that represents the main interactions between the Сmotions of time. Yet all languages mirror that logic equation in its syntax, since all minds gauge and represent the cycles of the Universe with languages of perception.

In the next graph we resume all the elements of the 5 postulates of Non-E=i geometry The true meaning of vital space and cyclical time, is the construction of vital, bio-logical and physical systems

The function of existence, Œ= Ts x St, in space-time thus is expressed by a series of beings made of Bodies/Waves of Energy (Vital Spaces) and Particles/Heads of Information (Time cycles) whose equations :

œ, define an action, a discrete expression, a variation in space, which is a minimal functional action of the system, in its exi motions in space across its U=U±4

∫œ, define a worldcycle of energy and information, an integral expression through time, of one of such actions (Lagrangian), or all of them (Hamiltonian) of the system.

∂œ, define a force, an instant, a moment of the total momentum of the being.

This function of existence though in smaller scales, such as our thermodynamic space-time or the quantum scale can be studied with different particles.

And in the psychological language to describe mankind, it is better analyzed with verbal theories.

And yet in all cases we are observing a similar space-time being.

In general relativity, the Einstein field equations’s 3 solutions represent the minimal, maximal and stationary ages of information, energy and steady state of those curved space-times.

How we interpret the different Hamiltonians of a sum of actions, or each action independently, will give us different perspective of an entity.

It is the different manipulations of the Generator Equation according to the rules of i-geometry and the topo-bio-logic properties of scalar space-time what defines the space-time events and cyclical actions of the Universe.

The reason of the Program of Existence: symmetry between topological, and time and scalar dimensions.

The spatial-temporal ternary symmetry between:

Se: The Spatial entropic, long, relative past motions.

St: The high, informative, relative, future cyclical motions and…

ST: The combined wave-body repetitive, present motions, structure the 3 bidimensional ‘organs’ of all diffeomorphic relative beings:

ST (∆<∆-1, ST (∆≈∆), St (∆>∆+1); made of entropic fields that expand and disorder space by ‘burning’ and simplifying quanta of energy in larger scales of lesser order (i<i-∆), hyperbolic-wave bodies that try to repeat cycles and reproduce the components of the system, and St, spherical zero-points with an external sensorial membrane that transfers to a central zero point by shrinking without deformation (Poincare Conjecture) the bidimensional perceived world into a mind that controls the whole system

Thus there is in all full systems of reality a center of order, a Maxwell’s devil, the zero-point, or ‘single dimensional soul-mind, which maps reality, 0-point x ∞ World = Constant mapping of reality, into a smaller fast cpu, brain, electronic eye, consciousness, program of existence, and then ‘enacts’ the actions of the system that ensures its immortality in time-space, its continuity, its repetitive existence through its actions.

We do not argue in this post the degree of consciousness of the point of view, which is rather an automatic ‘program’ that maximizes existence, imposed by the survival of beings. We just reason why the program must be in all systems that act in Nature in an independent way in reality, where it is located that point of will and in which consists that will.

In brief, systems are generated as varieties of the fractal space-time generator, which can be written as

U = ∑∑ W: ∑[Ts x St = ST]U±4

This less synoptic expression of the generator means that the Universe is made of infinite fractal parts, we call worlds, composed of the 3 components of a system, Spatial ‘Ðimotions’, Temporal information and reprod-active limbs/fields, body/waves, heads/particles that ‘act’ within U±4 planes of relative existence, with its organic parts, to maximize its existence, which means obviously:

  • St increase its entropic motions, ∆a, to increase its vital, cellular/atomic structural space, ∆e, to increase its gauging of information, ∆o, to increase its Reproduction, ∆i and to increase its social evolution, into larger groups, ∆U.

Those 5 actions that we write with 5 vowels: a for accelerated, entropic motions, e for energy feeding, i for iterative reproduction, o for informative perception and U for Universal creation departing from individuals form the program of existence. And we can spot that program in all systems, through the analysis of 4+1, ‘quantum numbers’, ‘laws of electromagnetic fields’, ‘coding genetic letters’, ‘drives of existence’ and so on.  (Humans tend not to recognize one of those 5 actions often the social, evolutionary or the simpler motions and its ‘coding’ equations, so most likely you will find 4 ‘equations’ to define a system).

The program of existence does ‘exist’ in all beings, and explain its systemic interaction and why it perceives other planes of existence. It explains its organic structure. It defines a sentient, pantheist Universe in which ‘monads’, unlike the simplified model of Leibniz do communicate (who discussed if his monads did communicate with the Universe beyond its 0-mind mapping perception, but as it was going to be too complex to describe them in their communication simplified the model considering them isolated entities of pure perception).

There are in that sense two fundamental formalisms to study the Program of existence, which we explore in two different sections of this web:

  • ¬-E geometry of ‘points with parts’, ‘fractal points’, ‘points of view’, ‘zero-points’, ‘non-Euclidean points’ ,communicate flows of energy and information to form, social groups, herds and networks that finally evolve together and emerge into wholes with 3 topological parts, which live through a dynamic 3 horizons of existence.

This description would be more objective, external, perhaps more liked by the scientist of the ‘4th paradigm of measure’, with its hidden anthropomorphic belief of Abrahamic religious origin, that only humans are sentient, perceptive, special, organic, living, because the z=6 atom, carbon, is so special (-; In the next graph we resume the meaning of those 5 ‘i-logic postulates’ 3 of which (the first, second and fourth, explain the mathematical evolution from points into waves into topological networks), while the 3rd and 5th explain the possible interactions between points, which define its Darwinian vs. social, perpendicular vs. parallel, entropic vs. informative, devolving vs. evolving events, that is the causality in time of all processes, (3rd postulate of relative equality), and the creation of mappings through minds, monads (5th postulate, which seems at first redundant with first: definition of a point).

The program of existence.

Each point of view performs those actions in chains of existence.

What does a Point of view, an existential momentum, a fractal exi=st-ence, a zero-point, a function, program, equation of Existence once it is born as a single seed of an ∆-1 plane? How does it go to create a Cyclical existence, a sum of Actions ∑Ts≤ ∫∂x≥St, which move a function of existence through all its cycles of exchange of energy and information with the universe.

The Universe is made of 2 motions, ‘Ðimotions’ of space and cyclical motions of time, webbed into ‘planes of existence’, which human minds see still according to the ‘Galilean Paradox’.

Thus its structure is described by 3 basic formal languages:

– i-geometry (Non-Euclidean), which explains space & Causal logic (non-Aristotelian) which explains its time cycles, (hence our use of the next letter ‘i’ for this formalism), and organicism which explains the organization of the different planes (biological languages).

And yet there is a 4th language and property of the Universe, which surely abstract scientists will deny but it is there, and so it has been always argued by human beings, the language of the Will, which creates the needed order to organize those motions.

Indeed, we can describe externally objectively reality with its geometries and time cycles, and its organized planes of existence, but the question that remains to be answer is why? What causes those systems to organize themselves.

The answer is what I have called in different moments, ‘the program of existence’ or ‘Universal mandate’ (external vision of it in impersonal or mystical terms), the Will or Equation of Existence or Survival (internal vision), which resumes in a simple ‘partial equation’ of the Metric Generator of the 5th dimension:

Max. Ts X St

  • Systems that perceive in a rather automatic manner with O-minds minimal time cycles (∆-3) and move in invisible fields of force with E-nergetic limbs, through lineal paths (∆A-4)….

And we call those external 2 actions the external, or automatic will or primary actions of existence. If we were to use the terminology of Leibniz or Aristotle, it would be the process of ‘apperception’, or ‘vegetative will’. Since they are automatic, caused by the mere structure of the being, which exists in a lower field of motion and absorbs bits of information.

Yet the external actions have 2 internal counterparts, which ensure the maintenance of the components of energetic limbs (feeding on energy) and the informative system (reproduction of ‘form’):

  • First, the being feeds on quanta bigger than the bits of information to reproduce its forms, and this process is called feeding, ∆E-2
  • The origin of reproduction are the actions of the being that communicates its 2 poles, in an intermediate region, the body or wave, in which it exchanges flows of motion and form, between both poles of existence, combining them first into cyclical actions, SxT, performed by those intermediate waves and bodies. And so actions is the 3rd will, through which the being tries to maximize its ‘function of existence’. And the repetition of actions finally creates a ‘burn-in’ reproduced structure, which becomes its 3 element, which allows the being to  survive in other form. Thus the 3rd will or action of all beings is iteration. Since reproduction of its body waves ensures its immortality beyond accidental or old age, death by excess of energy and information. And so the being reproduces its ∆-1 cellular structures, ∆Ra-1, till they organize themselves into a replica that surface at the world-plane.

And we call those 2 wills of existence, the internal will, and in terms of Aristotle’s classification, the animal will.

  • And yet there is a 5th will that helps to maximize the function of existence: the social gathering in groups coordinated by a common language, which make the whole stronger. So ∑SxT > SxT.

Thus it starts the scalar growth of herds into bigger social herds that hunt together. We express this gathering with the symbol of S for society or sum, but most often with the specific symbol of ∑ a summation (here not used in the strict mathematical sense of ‘a series’ but merely as an aggregation of individuals). And we say that the summation of individuals which gather through simple ‘spatial languages’ that coordinate them bring about a series of social groups or Unions of Individuals represented by those 3 symbols, ∑, S, U (i will try to unify symbology, time permitted).

It is this simple scheme what explains the formulae: ∑Ts-1=S, that is a group of quanta, points of a herd, Ts x St beings brings together a ‘space’, which is a bidimensional topology or loosely connected network that extends through a social space.

But and this is the final frontier of the will, as the space becomes denser in a single plane, organization must become more complex, and the equality rule breaks, as new languages of faster cyclical speed, Max. St, allow better coordination. And so society splits between the faster neurons and the bigger cells, Max. St and Max. E social classes of the system. The efficiency though has a heavy toll for the bigger, slower cells that must obey without doubt the neuronal, informative class. And so finally a 2 layer structure, with top neuronal fast points and body cells appears.

Further on, the energetic, simpler will of motion, is demoted in the hierarchy, as those cells must ‘expand entropically’ the space below them at ∆-4 level and so often the system stores ∆-4 species and creates a 3rd energetic layer of hardy cells, responsible for this carnage. And those are the cells of the limbs: informative neurons, ‘reproductive’ glandular cells and ‘muscle and bone cells’ to use specific types of an organism, becomes the 3 social classes of the organism, which maximize its actions of existence.

Now, the informative cells must rule the body and limbs cells and so they must connect with all of them, and at the same time they must coordinate among themselves fast their orders to produce synchronicity. And so they often develop axons (in biological systems with a network fractal orientation in the high dimension of information) or produce informative spherical waves (in physical systems existing in an isomorphic medium, where the informative pole tends to be in the center of the wave), which reach simultaneously all the cells of each layer.

In both cases we talk of a multiplicative effect. For example, if all the neurons are connected to all, the number of axons is x². And so we use for the ‘organism’ in multiple layers, the symbol ∏, for ‘pi’ (circular motion) and for multiplication (the higher number of axons, or ∑².

And we can write then the complete will of existence through its 5 actions of motion or acceleration, perception, feeding, reproduction and social evolution as:


And this 5th will or action, ∑∆+1, completes the game of existence,

This is the will of the Universe, its sequential program: O<A>E-=∆+U

That is: ∆Observation of cyclical forms- ∆ Acceleration towards a field –∆ Energy feeding –∆ iteration of the species – ∆ universal evolution

acceleration and perception (with different order depending on the informative or energetic nature of the being), which brings feeding and reproduction, and finally the social evolution of the system.

Another way to write it is A->O->E->I-teration->U-nion, the Aeiou of existence, the 5 vowels of all actions.

This is what all beings do to maximize their existence by playing its actions to that end: its reproductive evolution Ts<ST>St

The reinforcement

The program is externally reinforced because those who follow it survive better. And so those who don’t perish, do not reproduce and do NOT exist in the future.

The equivalence with the metric of the 5th dimension.

And so this simple program of existence: Max. S x T, is the counterpart to the Metric of the 5th dimension SxT=ST, which explains it. Who was first the egg or the chicken? They are self-similar functions, one seeing internally and the other externally. Since when we analyze the function SxT, it is maximized when S=T, thus the will of existence brings also homeostasis and balance and the sum of all those S=T, could be considered the constant i, of the metric of any world-plane.

The Point of balance: S=T

So of the many similar equations we use to write the Fractal Generator that represents all events and forms of the Universe, the most important is Ts<=>St, which represents the search for a point of balance in which the Spatial Energy and Temporal Information of the System, is maximized by that balance.

This is the point of adulthood, the equation of present, the steady state, the equation of beauty, the equation that maximizes the ‘existential force’ of the system, Max. SxT (which is reached when S=T). The number of ‘events’ that take place under the umbrella of this equation is enormous.

We could say that S=T is the point of immortality that all systems try to reach.

The partial equations of the Generator are ‘partial events in space-time’, of significant importance for all species, as they describe actions, dimensions, and symmetries, states, ages and organic parts fundamental to the whole.

Among all them the most important is the ‘function of existence’, that is the strategy to maximal SxT, which is the equality between the energetic components and states in space and time of a l Supœrganism:

Function of Existence; Top Predator Equation: Max SxT->S=T

Equation of Justice, Reproduction, Present and beauty: S=T

‘And God said S=T and extinguished all beings that did not obey the law of Justice.’

The most astounding discovery of General Systems Sciences is in the metaphysical realm – the understanding of both mathematical and logical, bio-logical, existential processes together, through the ‘simultaneity’ of mind’s mappings of the Universe.

The fractal of the Universe is a mind observing a fractal world of Ts<=>ST systems constantly flowing in two type of motions, |-Motion or distance or speed or energy and cyclical motion or perceptive, dimensional form, cyclical information, clock frequency.

2 states of existence among which all beings fluctuate by moving that ‘élan’, that ‘motion’ that ‘spirit’, that ‘substance’, that ‘form’, whatever you might say of it.

Between motion and form, energy sensation and information sensation, translation and perception, S & T, |& O.


The Universe is a creative, temporal, formal game of creation of ‘Functions of Existence’, SxT, S<=>T, complementary systems of energy and information that try to maximize the communication between both poles, TS and St, a fact maximized by a simple mathematical equation:

Max. S x St ->S=T

This equation has much more meaning than its simplicity might evoke. What it says is that when we have two entities, one of maximal entropy, Ts and one of maximal information, St, treated as ‘sets’ or ‘numbers’, or ‘herds’ or ‘groups of cells’, such as the number of elements of E, A, and the number of elements of O, B, are equal, A=B, the communication and force of the group, Max. Ts x St is higher. And the system is better integrated between field/body and particle/head.

Such systems are top predator systems that survive better. The law of balance or justice is one of the most metaphysical and yet the most important of all laws of the Universe. It gives a survival strategy to all entities in existence. And its two limits when the law of justice is broken are the equation of death:

Max.Ts  x Min. St = death by accident.

Max. St x Min. Ts = death by warping and excess of information.

St exist in balance, S=T, obviously the best strategy is to maximize the communication between Ts and St, so each element of Ts communicates with each element of St, a x b is exactly the product of all those communications. And so what happens in nature is that the neurons or informative cells of the St -system and the cells of the body system, reach maximal communication to act simultaneously as a single whole.

The Function of Existence, S=T or Max. Spx St (both are mathematically equivalent, as the product is maximized by the equality of the factors, so 5×5> 4 x6 … > 9×1…) is the fundamental equation of the Universe.

Ts<=>St resumes all the events of reality. But of its 3 possible ‘ages’, ‘dimensions’ or ‘states’, Max. Ts (Ts>St) , S=T, Max St (TS<St), S=T, the equation of balance, beauty, maturity, classicism, reproduction, present, existence, Max. Ts x St is the goal of the Universe.

And those who achieve it achieve immortality.

The ‘Generator’ equation of space-time beings and its ternary logic.

The beats of the universe are difficult to understand because the logic of man is ‘lineal Aristotelian’: A causes B.

Reality though is more like the Eastern philosophies of Vishnu-yin-information and Shiva-yang-energy/motion:

A<=>B, that is A and B interact to create a ternary <=> present element.

Reason why there is conservation of Angular and Lineal Momentum, there is Space and Time,  Energy and Information, O-Particles/Heads that store time cycles and limbs/fields that move them, mixed in bodies and waves that reproduce both of them.

Humans, naturally have always expressed this ‘Ternary’ Structure of the universe. And so the parallel syntax of the languages of knowledge we use to describe those Universal beings  – verbal, mathematical and visual languages – all have the same ternary ‘grammar’, which I have called the ‘Fractal Generator’ of the Universe:

St (Subject or Function of ‘temporal information’) < ST: action, operandi or verb ≥ Ts (Object of ‘spatial energy’).

We associate counter-intuitively ‘cycles with motion’ and ‘lines with Still space’.

It has to do a lot with the limiting errors of classic physics, where only lineal inertial motion matters. Fact is big-bang explosion DECELERATE speed till it becomes Still lineal distances and dimensions, that is pure lineal space with no motion or vacuum space (as in any physical big-bang of entropy). While the equation of cyclical vortex, is Vo x Ro = K (2-manifold, simplest variety), which counter-intuitively accelerates (∆V) when distance becomes smaller, (-∆R) to maintain K constant.

Thus clocks, frequencies and vortices accelerate ,and have more ‘time’ content, that lineal motions that decelerate to a halt.

Now, we explained before that in duality Space was slower, extensive, Ts, Size, and time was faster, cyclical, accelerated (so are its maths). But now in ternary symmetry we have the need to ‘extend’ the meanings of time and space to the duality of the 3 motions of time and the 3 organic parts of spatial bodies and this makes some confusing choices of terms, such as:

Space will be the still, formal view of reality and Time the motion view. And so we shall talk of 3 ‘topologies of formal space’, and 3 ‘ages of time motion’, which together shape the fundamental duality of reality, the view of organs in simultaneous space and the view of beings living a worldcycle of 3 ages of time:

Ts (limbs-fields)≈ Young, past, expansive age < ST: Present, repetitive, hyperbolic body-waves, adult reproductive age>St (Temporal, future informative, cyclical old age).

Now here the convention I have adopted is to Use the same symbols for either symmetries, the limb-field<body-wave>head-particle or spatial simultaneous view of an organism in space, and the Young-past-expansive < present-Adult-reproductive>Old-Informative 3 ages of time.

This is where things seem confusing because the whole thing transmutes. The old age of future time has more information and it is cyclical, properties of time cycles, but it is also slower, property of space decelerating motions. The young expansive age has more motion, a property of time more than space and so on.

But as I have told you B & W and 3 color view are new worlds, and this is the closest way to express past references and correspond with human expression of all this.

A way out to avoid confusions with the ternary symmetry is to use more when dealing with the still, simultaneous spatial view, the ‘symbols of geometry-topology, |, O and Ø:

|-Limbs/fields < Ø-waves-bodies> O-Heads/Particles

And the same for time ages with the reference of time motions:

|-young past < Ø-present, reproduction > O-Information, future, old age.

So it shows the symmetry with the symbols | , Ø, and O.

RECAP. The generator equation. We write the Generator Equation, a symbolic equation that represented all the systems made of fractal space and cyclical time and its space-time combinations, whose geometries ARE the 3 ‘only’ Topologies of the Universe we perceive:

Γ. Generator: Toroid Ts(limbs/fields) < Hyperbolic ST(st) (repetitive waves-bodies) > Spherical St (head Particles)

Since limbs and heads, fields and particles interacted and mixed their lines and cycles into ‘conic bodies, and elliptical orbits and hyperbolic waves’.

Or as Cheng-Tzu the Taoist philosopher put it: from 1 (time cycles or Tao), comes 2 (the yang-line of energy and the yin-information, broken line) and from 2 comes 3, and from 3 the infinite beings. (Asian cultures defined time as cyclical, without the distortion of lineal physical time, for cultural & genetic reasons)

So I classified all the different space-time beings made with the 3 topological formal motions of the Generator.




The 1st Dilogic is between TT v SS, entropy v. still form. Its opposition is represented as orthogonal, a key law of existential algebra mimicked by classic Algebra. Since a system is either in the limit of absolute motion and dissolution as TT-entropy, whose parameters will be quantitatively different according to the functions we use to measure motion, but the other extreme, § is absolute stillness. No motion, 0’-motion, and that is a definitive parameter measured from the point of view of the observer. So we can draw a simple Cartesian graph, with two orthogonal coordinates, whereas the o-point is the perceived in its point of no motion, stillness. Hence the 0x, Y-ordinates becomes the position of stillness and information, while the 0Y and variable C becomes the coordinates of motion.

We represent functions of transformation of SS into TT as an ideal SS/TT=C hyperbola, which will come out in multiple sciences to represent the tug of war between ‘position’ (form) and motion (momentum). So we establish 3 orthogonal coordinates to represent the complementarities, and oppositions between actions:

SS vs. TT and St vs. Ts., Entropy-Energy vs. form-information can be represented in a Cartesian graph; and functions of both parameters such as the Law of Boyle Pv (S) = NkT (T), with an ideal perfect asymptotic graph, or the Lorentz Transformations between ‘motion and mass’.

However in certain cases form arises from the energy of the system, as a complementary form with not a partial transformation, as part of the energy-body remains. Then we can use a complex plane where the value of Y(S) is a magnitude smaller than that of the body in terms of energy (sT vs. St), and in this case the function is also negative as it detracts from the sT energy of the ‘real line’. So for such type of functions between energy and information that do not imply a full transformation of one into another the complex plane works better. But orthogonality is still maintained.

Finally for the Si=Te, reproductive merge of two relative functions orthogonal to each other, produces a dot product, with an offspring of new combined ST elements, in the 3rd dimension of relative width.

The Cartesian plane, Complex plane, vectorial plane and its orthogonal properties will be used in ¬Algebra (Non-Aristotelian algebra of multiple causal dimotions) to represent the main relationships between SS vs. TT (position vs. motion), St vs. Ts (-information vs. Energy) and the reproductive function Si=Te.

There is another use of Cartesian coordinates, as an X- sequence of growing social numbers, hence able to represent the 4th dimotion of social information and growth with the passage of ‘long lineal time’, which are often met with simple polynomials (i.e. the representations of growth distance in space with the passing of time). We cannot be exhaustive by any means with the laws of existential algebra, so alien to the present view of a chaotic Universe, proper of ænthropic men; but in our paper on ¬E Geometry and ¬Algebra (non-Aristotelian algebra) and its correspondence with ¬Ælgebra we will develop its laws in relationship with the laws of mathematics and geometry; so the subject doesn’t look so esoteric to the reader, and in the future any scientist can connect the laws of its discipline with the laws of existential algebra.

Logic Duality: Spatial Information And Temporal Energy Inverse=Asymmetric Properties

How can we translate the dualities of line and cycle, motion and form? They are inverse in a logic and geometric way. So we can describe easily the concept of space time inverted properties with a hyperbole. We shall find then that hyperbolic functions, such as e, are fundamental to define the different transformations between space and time:

In the graph a hyperbolic function between a line and a cycle. In general certain cyclical curves follow the relationship between a point of time and a lineal distance of motion.

The Universe is a 5 Dimensional fractal that reproduces vital topologies of time-space, ternary forms of motion and form, which organises into larger, slower scales of fifth dimension of ðime§pace.

Motions on 5D are either topological βidimensional changes (Galileo’s paradox) in D³, or full worldcycles (motions in 5D), and so we must be aware of both.

The main bidimensional motions of a space-time being are motions with form, bidimensional units of:

  • , $: Lineal form x Lineal form=plane of space-distance

E, ∃: max. motion x min. form = wave of energy, entropy, expansive motion

ð: min.. motion x max. form= cyclical time, information, harmonic motion

ƒ: max. form x max. form= informative time, implosive motion.

This initial conditions set the combinatorics of topological motions as each of those bidimensional elements combine with other forming ternary, fully-functional, efficient systems, Γ@ that can act feed, perceive, move and reproduce and evolve socially, the five actions, of survival of the vital program of any fractal of information of the Universe.

This basic motions then become repetitive in fractal self-similar beings as each compose motion leaves a memorial trace of previous traces that continue being traced in the same place ‘reproducing the facto the being’.

In this manner physical systems grow in form and dimensions:

Thus the constant ambiguity in normal and scientific discourse, which confuses entropy and energy on one side and form and information. We can’t escape that ambiguity so we often confuse terms entropy and energy and form and information but we will try to BE PRECISE, when writing equations or explaining fundamental facts.

So we try to differenciate entropy and energy, and call form, in/form/ation, as here the ambiguity is far more entrenched in the normal discourse, so when we highlight form, we use ƒ and in/form/ation.

For example in E=mc²; E is e, entropy not Energy; m is ðime, an inward vortex of gravitational forces (principle of equivalence of acceleration and mass), and the energy is c x c a wave of light ðime§pace, whose hyperbolic form is in fact a combination of the cyclical mass form and the lineal, expansive entropy of the explosion.

For example, in ‘colour codes’ used by minds to differentiate the four terms, blue is the colour of pure form, red the colour of pure entropy, and its combinations are green the reproductive colour of information with more form and yellow, the colour of energy with more motion. And so the brain classifies reality with those two extreme and two intermediate colors, and we shall observe that all mind-languages are combinations of those four elements.

Some languages are simpler, and then we have the two unperceived limits, black of form, white of entropy and combined greys. Words also have:

Form-subject (human) < energetic-informative verb or ‘action’-momentum: e x i > Entropy of subject (object ab=used by the subject).

Since existence is a game of those 2, 3, 4 elements/dimensions of reality. So we define a conceptual acronym, the ‘Function of existence’:

Entropy x form = energy + Information

But in a license of the inherent ambiguity of those terms we write: e x i = st   entropy x Information = ðime§pace Momentum (integrated for a long period as Energy).

To exist is thus to combine entropy-motions and in-form-ation, form,  in a series of actions of existence, pure motions, energy feedings, perception of forms, communication of information, reproduction of both, social evolution with other forms through ‘ties’, which are flows of sharing of those elements…

Do not be scare by the ambiguity of terms, try just to realize the deep connections between them at a topo-logic level of form and function and when you are familiar you will learn to see reality in a much deeper way. To help we shall consider a simplified graphic of the two poles, temporal form and lineal entropy, and its energy-information combinations.

I apologize because I tend to use in-form-ation instead of form, very often as my texts of 30 years of lonely research started with the simplified model of energy and information (as that is what we perceive)

It is important though to be precise when using those terms in equations and detailed descriptions of beings and its events. So the first question is how can we measure those terms? Even if we don’t perceive. Alas! the Universe is wise and has given us ‘parameters to measure’:

PURE §pace can be measure as DISTANCE and size, S. Pure form can be measured by the frequency of the cycles of the form-clock, ƒ, which in turn becomes perceivable externally as ‘density’, ‘inertia’, ‘mass’ and similar terms for each scale.

Once those dualities are understood, we can compare the properties of both, spatial entropy>energy and temporal form< information, observing the inversion of its qualities and yet, in as much as both have the same number of dimensions, energy and information can transform one into the other by transmuting those properties.

The most important function of the Universe is the inverse function between the two limits of dimotion: maximal spatial expansion (entropy) and maximal time space Implosion, in its infinite manifestations. In between motion and form converge to an S=T point of balance, beauty, harmony and reproduction.

Duality: Ts-Entropy, the arrow of disorder erases St: information, the arrow of order.

Duality is the science, which studies the universe with both arrows of time, spatial entropy, the arrow of disorder and death vs. temporal information, the arrow of order and life – as opposed to physics that uses only entropy as an arrow of time.

To fully grasp the dynamic transformations and properties of energy and information the most important quality is the inversion of its properties and the possibility to transform the forms of one property into the other.

It it thus clear that the generator equation of the Universe is a ternary, feed-back equation that shows the inversion of properties of space and time, stillness and form, lines and cycles, decelerating and accelerating intervals, in its two polar maximal points and its intermediate point of balance:

In the graph, the Universe is a fractal of space-time symmetries across 3 vectorial dimensions of formal motion, the dimensions of space (and its 3 sub dimensions, length,w width and height) the dimensions of time and its 3 sub-ages (entropy, present iteration and future form), and the dimensions of Eusocial Evolution through planes of existence, or long arrow of time.

The interplay of those dimensions and form generate the Universe:

The first equation of time-space, deduced from the previous graph and its bio-topo-logical beats, space-form->motion-time->space-form->motion-time, is the generator equation of the Universe. We can with existential algebra, ®, define a wave-motion in time, which in its simplex generator will be hyperbola:

In the graph we can see the simplest TŒ, Time equation or function of existence:

Œ: St=K/S.

Whereas T is time frequency of a time cycle, hence the inverse of lineal time duration, T (reason why we use the To) Symbol.

And space is lineal motion seen as still form.

In other words we could write,  St =1/T, To=1/S, whereas T is lineal time, perceived in motion as still space.

This is thus the beginning of it all, the existence of cyclical, accelerated time motions and lineal time motions seen as circles and lines of form. The 2 dualities between motion and stop, and between cycles and lines is at the origin of all the realities we perceive and all its events and combined forms of space time.

Thus we could say:

The Universe is immortal because time never stops. Time never stops because time is motion. Motion never stops. It is conserved. Two motions are conserved angular momentum and lineal momentum. They can be seen in a slice of present space as form, or they can be seen in the interplay of its formal motions. Cyclical motion is faster so we call it time, and clocks of time are used. Nature has accelerated time vortices, from hurricanes to masses (equivalence principle of einstein between the curvature of the time cycle or mass and its speed or acceleration), to charges (similar equations to gravitation). Those time cycles of different size are ordered with the previous equation, converted into metric equations:

Ts x St (substituting now cyclical time for lineal time) = K.

This means Time fluctuates along 3 points of the hyperbola.

And so one creates 3 points. Max. Ts x Min. St , Ts =St and Max. to x Min. Ts

We write with those laws a fractal generator equation of ∞ space-time existences, the 5th dimension metrics:
In the graph the Universal fractal of infinite beings of space-time with different speeds in its clocks and sizes in space, whose product however, Ts x Ti, space size for speed of its information cycles remain constant, creating a ‘stable space-time being (ST±4) which happens in different combined size from the smallest. infinitesimals ST-4 to the largest Universe, ST+4.

All fractals have a generator feedback equation and the Universe is not exception. Generators are dynamic, cyclical equations which constantly create slightly changed new ‘cycles’. As such they are periodic cyclical equations of the form X < = > Y, where obviously X and Y are symbols as in all ‘Universal grammars’ linguistic representations of the Universal Generator (mathematical jargon in Space-time) or Universal Grammar (Logic Jargon in Time-space)>

Universal Generator/Grammar:               St ∑ExI=ST±4

We write the Fractal Generator expressly with one of its similar identities, in an expression which can be understood logically in wor(l)ds, the fundamental grammar of the human being.

In its Topo-Bio -logic ternary identity, ‘Topological i-planes of Vital Spaces and Cyclical Times’ need to be described topological properties (5th dimension metrics), Organic properties (which organize 0±1 vital spaces into a ternary organism) and logic properties (the ternary Non-Aristotelian logic of cyclical times which return in a ‘Hamiltonian’ Cycle to its origin.

The generator equation thus can be used to deduce from its topologic, biological and causal properties any other equation of the Universe.

It cannot be achieved such a feat as physicists of lineal time expect, only with topologic properties and only in a single continuous space-time.

It needs to understand the metrics of the 5th dimension and its relative scales of absolute time (ST±4), between invisible forces and invisible cosmos, beyond our perception (C speed, 0 K limiting borders). And this is achieved with the summit of the evolution of mathematical languages, the Non-Aristotelian, Non-Euclidean i-logic topology of vital spaces, of organisms, of geometric forms with speed-motion, constantly performing ∂a, accelerated actions with 3 ±= stop and go motions…

Space-time can be seen as a whole space-time or as two space and time or as a sum of parts, many spaces and times. So space can be seen through perception as a single, quiet space, adding all the ‘vital spaces’ of which is composed, or as a sum of ‘quantum energies’ and ‘vital spaces’ that entities occupy. Time also can be seen as a single clock-time for the entire universe, measured with our mechanical clocks or as an infinite number of cycles that all entities trace, each one with a different speed and rhythm, each one with a different ‘form’ or information, provided by the shape of the cycle and its ‘frequency’. So Space is synonymous of Energies and time of informations: ∑ E = S; ∑i=T

This is the first key concept you have to assume to understand the Universe beyond its useful measure by physicists with a single clock.

Further on, we recognize both types of entities by their form: clocks are cyclical, so it is information and its systems. Space is a lineal plane, so are energetic system. This leads to a key principle to understand and classify entities of reality: Form is function. And so the ball – the inner part of a sphere – is the perfect form of information as it is the shape that stores more form in lesser space, and the line or plane the perfect form of energy, as it is the fastest motion/biggest surface of space between two points.

To fully grasp the dynamic transformations and properties of energy and information the most important quality is the inversion of its properties and the possibility to transform the forms of one property into the other.

The dimensions are thus 1 for lineal motion, 2 for cyclical form and so 3 for Energy, which can be considered a sum of the 2 other elements (though the operandi to relate angular and lineal momentum, limbs and head with bodies will vary according to the phenomena we study).

Often in fact we shall use the product to combine them (for the meaning of each operandi look at our post on non-Ælgebra).

The rule being that when we merely peg adjacently a limb-particle system we add it, and when we combine them at the lower ∆-1 scale also we multiply it. I.e. a system of 3 elements and 2 elements will have 3 x 2 possible axons combined each element with all the other elements of the different set. So multiplication combines a system in a lower scale (and it is used for particles), and sum is a superposition more shallow in a single scale (and its proper of waves).

This resumes in its two fundamental equations: e x I = K (that describes any complementary system of energy and information,  in space) and E<=>I (which describes it in time as a series of flows of transformation of energy into information), since E=I maximizes a product of E+I; and so we do have now 3 basic relationships E+I, E=I, and e x I to get a functional balanced form communicating across two scale.s

In physics it followsthose laws are always of the type ‘superposition’ for waves that ad, and product for particles: ST = Space quanta (H, k) x Time frequency (v, T).

So we can easily derive the fundamental laws of quantum and thermodynamics and the meaning of its constants, with the left side equation (which the nuclear physicist will immediately identify with the decay rate of an atom, and the ‘entropic believer’ with the Pv=nKT law of gases).

In that regard, we have now a better mirror theoretically to understand the Universe, with 2 arrows and its energetic combination, so we just need to apply it.

This sound-sound theory of the Universe, IS called Duality, the science which explains reality with the 2 arrows of time, lineal entropy and cyclical information, form, stored in the frequency and form of those logic closed circuits and ‘clocks of time’ of which brains, particles and chips are made.

It has always been with us, for simple humble people to wonder, since even the smallest atom follows it laws. So taoists called yin, information, yang, entropy and its ∞ combinations the creative energy of reality.

Duality as we said has always been in the tradition of knowledge, as it is obviously truth. Specially in Asian cultures. So Hindi called the 2 arrows of time, the female, informative principle, Visnu and Shiva, the God of entropy and death; and its ‘energetic’ combinations the ‘hairs of Brama.’ Duality is everywhere, from the computer you are watching made with binary languages of ‘O’ and ‘|’, to the duality of body and mind, female with curved bodies and males with lineal ones; and then when we look at it in depth, trinity, its combination comes (even there is a gay sex that mixes qualities of both).

The only discipline of science which is ‘entropy only’ and has ‘entropy only theories of the Universe as dogma’ is Nuclear physics. Even if of course duality is all over physics, albeit not expressed in terms of time arrows. So for example, a time cycle which is represented by ‘frequencies’, appears in physics as the ‘inverse function of lineal time’: ƒ=1/T.

The constant transformation of one into another.

Despite their inversion, and this is the most important law of the Universe, energy and information constantly transform into each other. It is the principle of ‘conservation and transformation of energy back and forth into in/form/ation, forms in action’ which becomes the new fundamental law of the 4th paradigm, widening the principle of conservation of energy:

‘All motion, trans/form constantly back and forth into form, combining into energy beings, E<=>I’

Motion and form are the 2 primary elements of the Universe, which combine into complementary systems of energy. And those 3 ‘conserved elements’ akin to lineal, angular momentum and energy, broken into infinite fractal parts can then be ensemble to create the systems of the Universe with limbs/potentials, body waves and particle-heads that exist between its dissolution into ‘scattering entropy’ or its social evolution into tighter wholes. THAT SIMPLE IS REALITY when expressed with the dual->ternary->5D principles explained in this blog.

In this posts we study its basic properties and dimensions. In the graph, they display different forms. But information dominates and defines an arrow of complexity and increase of height (the dimension of perception), from where informative organs (heads, cameras, black holes, skyscrapers), perceive and control with invisible languages (words, images, gravitation, money), the ‘unmoved bodies’ of energy under them. They are indeed what Aristotle called the multiple unmoved Gods of the Universe.

The 2 primary elements of the Universe, lineal motion (lineal momentum) and cyclical form (angular momentum), mix and evolve, till reaching the threshold of complexity that gave light atoms living properties and now it is about to give the same life properties to metal systems.

In the graph, in biological and morphological terms, we can easily recognize the ‘limbs and heads’ of humans, animals or machines, because they have a clear morphology, which corresponds to that of generic energy and information.

Entropy is lineal because the line is the shortest distance between 2 points; and so it is also the fastest energetic movement. Information has cyclical forms, because cycles store maximal information in minimal space.

For example, a human body and a machine body, a weapon, should not have anything in common; but if we observe the morphology of both, it is clear those morphologies correspond to the generic morphology of all energies: they are big, lineal systems that move in space. So our limbs are lines extended in space like a ‘missile’.

On the other hand, our eyes and brains are smaller and cyclical, like the cameras and chips that act as information organs in machines, ordering ‘limbs of metal’ with digital information. The functions of those ‘systems’ are also biological. Weapons are lineal, energetic forms that kill human beings.


4D»∆-1(seed)∑∆:|-Ts(limb-field)<Ø-S≈T (iterative bodywave)> O-St (particle-head)«5D∆-1(death)

The natural name for the worldcycle of a supœrganism traveling through 3 planes of space-time is the function of exist¡ence, as we take advantage of the similarity of all languages, mirrors of the same Universe made of synchronous organisms whose topological trinity parts are entangled by the < ≈ > 3 operands of informative evolution, T>S that synchronizes time cycles slowing down its rhythms, entropic energy, S<T that expands entropic timespace dissolving its information and T≈S that gathers together in parallel herds T.œs (ab. Timespace organisms) with a common property/dimotion of exist¡ence. So as energy and information are synonymous of Time and Space, and both entangle together through the re=productive operand, ExI=ST¡ becomes the acronym for the function of existence of an entangled supœrganism, studied by a given ‘st¡ence’, that is a science that studies a relative plane of size and time speed of the 5th dimension – the name we keep for the whole of wholes:

In graph, a mathematical algebraic and geometric description of a worldcycle in lineal time, through 3D scales. Left the worldcycle represented with ± exponentials & its inverse, logarithmic curve around the key points of change of phase: as growth slows, ‘entropy-motion’ diminishes. So we move from ‘childhood of max. growth in both parameters (sT energy & St information) to the y”=0 point of youth, in slower logarithmic growth. Together they form, one half of the cycle of existence, till reaching the y’=0 point of Max.SxT). Then lifecycles become negative, in a slow decay of – Logarithm in maturity, and – exponential in the final collapse of death. So the worldcycle has a mirror symmetry around the Si=Te, when at Max. SxT the system reproduces. Those composite functions appear in all growth curves and expressed as e±ix in complex planes become lineal sinusoidal sine/cosine series & functions. Finally in the ∆-1 scale can be seen in the placental probabilistic 0-1 ‘unit’ sphere of max. exponential palingenetic growth or as part of a species, in simultaneity, as a Bell curve of spatial statistical populations (i.e. as in the duality of the T-probability 0-1 sphere of the placental particle age of quantum physics vs its. 1-∞ entropic statistical function of grown up molecular thermodynamics..


The fundamental beat of existence between the entropic limits caused by the Standing points of Max. S x T and Max. T x S is part of such worldcycles, and can be described as usual for any ‘plane of exi=st¡ence’. So we can start with the simpler one, an SHM.

In essence the beat starts with the mind opening to exist¡ence in a given plane, to perceive, @; and as the mind moves on the fifth dimension of scales, absorbing bits of information from ∆-¡ and bites from ∆-e, such as ¡>e, the mind is a traveler through the fifth dimension. The mind as a ‘whole’ thus will move if we were to consider a simple physical system in ‘Euclidean geometric space’, up and down to extract the bits of information from an advantageous, vertical point of view; and laterally to absorb bites of energy. So the second ‘element’ to enter the game is ‘scale’:


But the function of a mind is always the same: to reproduce its inner information into outer space, trying to start a radiation; which might be seen as motion if the reproduction dominates its form and the previous state disappears, or an act of communication if the reproduction in ∆-1 takes off as a wave of form towards a perceiver. But in both cases the reproduction extends through Space, and so the third element in the game is space: @->∆->S; and as reproduction continues away from the source, through a limited time, entropy will finally makes the reproduction loose its ‘definition’ as information, and its ‘energy content’ enclosed by the membrain that forms it, and so at a certain point of time, @->∆->S->¬ > T, the reproductive wave will disappear.

So @∆S¬T becomes the sequential basis for all ‘units’ of Dimotions, and on that simple scheme with multiple variations the events of reality build its complexity.

How then can we account for all its variations? The answer are the rules of existential Algebra, which are imposed mostly the ¬entropic limits of a competitive Universe between different supœrganisms part of a larger world ecosystem. So the ∆+1 world ecosystems tends to impose limits to growth in space through reproduction, and duration in time, and to the capacity of a mind to peer through other ∆-scales of reality in search of bits of information and bites of energy, to merge and web in its mental s-pace to reproduce new clone function of exist¡ence. How we perceive those @∆S¬T existential events and how we describe them and how we code them varies. The easiest division, which we will perform in our two articles dedicated to worldcycles in sequential time and supœrganisms in simultaneous space, is between the 3 first elements, @∆S and ¬T.

But the logic of the Universe is more complex than the humind’s structural capacity to perceive it. The mind mirror of man is very limited in 99.99999% of humans, which expect to construct truths with single causal Aristotelian logic and see e=vidence in the visual plane. And my experience is that is that. Doesn’t really mind how many Nobel prizes the humind has, it will try to return to ceteris paribus causality, single mathematical languages or verbal Aristotelian causality when reality happens rather like a magic puzzle of simultaneous entanglement of the 5 elements, which are better grasped without words as a mental intuition of things ‘closing in’ and finally locking in simultaneity.

Still we could describe as the variations of that simpler sequential way of perceiving events to come from STRATEGIES of survival within the fundamental limits of the topology of ∆ST: events must happen in adjacency, through the discontinuities, a term of topology that means each stœp is pegged to the other or else it dies away. When a system ‘ruptures’ simultaneously in two scales, in 2 time quanta, ∆0«∆-2 it dies. It looses first its networks and immediately its cells are left undefended and unfed and dissolve faster as their ∆-1 time cycle by virtue of 5D metric, SxT=C is faster. A cascade of death might ensue as far as the minimal atomic unit; but when two planes are dissolved the information of the system cannot be recomposed. And this is the big error scientists do. Information is NOT conserved in a continuous form, but reproduced in discontinuity.

Some of the tricks to bypass the game.

This said of course there are some tricks the smartest elements of reality have to by-pass the stringent rules of adjacency in space, scale and time, of those stœps of existence. To mention a few:

– Transmission of information happens very often at ∆-1, in the form of a seed that moves in 5D metrics faster, so it can reproduce and travel in the faster ∆-1 medium to ‘surface’ again at a certain distance and magically reproduce far away from adjacency. We observe this happening in all scales.

Seminal seeds of ∆-1 light, the cellular component of electrons travel to reproduce an electron further away. And in the symmetric Max.¡ galaxy, flows of dark entropy from black holes (top quark stars) give birth far away through hyperluminal jets to new irregular galaxies (we won’t argue with primitive physicists on their hang-up on ‘God Einstein’ ‘out of the hat’ ‘ill understood’ limit of c-speed which amounts to this: physicists do not understand i-complex number and negative mass/energy so they just scrap it with its fundamental method of no-knowledge, reductionism, point… papers on 5D physics will illustrate that).

So yes, the Brogile->Bohm theory is right, quantum potential is faster than light, it is the ∆-1 plane, it is likely the background neutrino plane and through it, top quark stars, aka BH do communicate enough information to surface at 10c Speed giving birth to new galaxies. As electrons produce seminal seeds of ¥-rays at a mean 10 times the speed of its orbital form; and huminds talk at c-speed through ¥-waves of radio to communicate, surfacing words far away, and neurons translate chemical calcium waves of glia and glandular cells.

And here we can see a first paradox of simultaneous time. Who is first, where causality lays? Because in terms of physics, without math details we know going faster than light appears to us as moving backwards in time. And if the slower calcium way is the transmitter of the order in the faster neuronal electrical wave, then the neuronal thought comes after the emotional thought, as recent analysis of human actions seem to show.

The answer though is more on the way Einstein described simultaneity… Both acts of communication come to agree on complementarity to form a ‘simultaneous time period’ where both happen at the same time, webbing a ‘new time unit’ or ‘envelope’ in terms of S=T symmetry of slower time tics where we can perceive the simultaneity of both clocks – as expressed in Broglie’s 1st masterpiece paper, so envied by the lesser Pauli and Bohr’s ensuing on slaughter in his quantum realist theory; the most astounding error of science still going on, by which a bunch of mediocre scholars imposed in team a mediocre interpretation to the father of it all.

This inner tug of war between two orders coming in different past to future to past paths, emerges therefore as a synchronicity and the way we interpret it from our single time point of view matters less than the new envelope. I.e. we could see from our v<c speed a faster than light speed as a future to past motion, such as the time it costs the wave to move in our c-limiting speed, v=s/t, t=s/c, can be matched with the future to past interval ‘gained’, such t=s/c = t1-to . So this interval from past to future plus the v=s/time from future to past of standard motion cancel each other into an eternal 0-present.

Those concepts then are the structural elements we need to understand in the other article focused in the simultaneity and synchronicity that emerges as a new ‘envelope’ of time-space to allow supœrganisms to appear as single wholes, though the larger they come the slower their tics of time are (5D metrics) precisely because in the ‘pentalogic’ complex view of an event from the 5 ‘relative perspectives’ of ∆, S, T, ¬ and @; we can also consider a ‘trick’ of the mental space a mind creates this present non-local Time=0; and consider in fact the motion has happened in a fraction of time because its v->∞ from past to future; and yet its was a ‘finitesimal amount’, 0’ so immortal present did NOT exist, there was just a very fast tic of time.

What is then truth in 5D? As in the simpler paradoxes of 4D where we hint to some of those effects, it is relative to what the mind perceives and comprehends. In any case, the pentalogic study of supœrganisms, will be our final paper accompanying this one which is simpler – smile – to grasp because worldcycles despite becoming in its smaller actions, ‘Lagrangians tending to 0’, do accumulate in the repetition of a relative µ number of 0’ actions a sizeable amount of ‘errors’ of information that keep warping the being making it older.

So in the ∆-1 scale those @∆S actions finally meet its ¬T entropic limits in time, which are parallel to the loss of ‘range’ of the mind in its travels through scales to get energy and information, closer in tighter ranges till the system cannot reach out in the world for more bites and bits and starts to ‘eat’ its own vital energy, and so we see warping, wrinkling, loss of ‘mass-weight’, of the ‘active magnitude’, of the ‘cellular space’ of the vital organisms till it will implode collapse, die and then explode in a big-bang of dissolution of form, giving back whatever it still has to an ∆-2 lower plane. So the star implodes and collapses fast into a nova that explodes as ejects its heavier atoms; and a man warps fast looses weight, gets older, enters its death and then its vital matter escapes eaten by flying flies… and the black hole, aka top quark swarm on the center of the galaxy devours all its dust of space-time, and then its formed stars and then the halo of strangelet matter collapses into the quasar, which explodes back into a beta decay of the larger galatom scale; and the species which grew in informative height, but not enough becomes devoured by the placental mammal that eats inside out in the night the dinosaur and its eggs, and only those who fly away and escape as birds to the rocks and islands where the rat didn’t go survived.

So the game through its 3 sub-worldcycles, þ, the placental cycle, l, the lifecycle as an I,1 being, and the worldcycle in the larger world, tends to be always set up by the search for the Mandate of Exist¡ence, Maximize your ∑SxT (∏s=t) function. The final slide in a 3rd age of information and entropic collapse in that sense can be considered an ‘error’ of the game, such as the larger nested organisms live longer, and it is a fact of Cosmology (not of the erroneous human big-bang entropic projection of our love for simplex entropy) that there is an immortal species, the proton-black hole, which so far in the atomic and galaxy self-similar scales lives for ever, implying that the game of exist¡ence is indeed immortal for the absolute whole decametric scale but not for the internal parts and partial equations of which those of Earth, the supœrganism in which man nests, are part.

Duality as an asymmetric action between planes of existence.

Duality in that sense can be perceived as an asymmetric action that the selfish 0’-point tries to acehive in all contacts with other species of the Universe. Perpendicularity is an action that doesn’t evolve socially two elements, save for gender symmetries that reproduce a third form and hence are part of trinity, and the subsequent evolution of form. In pure duality the system is Darwinian, predatory. So we can establish the main actions of existence of a system, through those asymmetric exchanges between planes.


The 2nd postulate defines lines as waves of points with volume (which explain complementarity wave particle), no longer as an abstract form like Euclidean geometry does, but as a physical wave of self-similar, fractal micro-points that carry energy and information, as they move between 2 macroscopic points, with 2 possible functions, to communicate energetic forces or linguistic information.

2nd Postulate: A cycle of fractal space-time: ‘A wave of communication is a group of self-similar micro-points that move in parallel lines between 2 macro-points, transferring energy and information between them’.

In Non-E geometry a line with parts is not defined by a sequence of numeric intervals within a straight line, but by the communication of 2 poles of energy and information that establish a flow of particles in 2 opposite directions, creating a simultaneous, paradoxical wave. Such waves again can have different purposes. A wave dominant in information communicates symbiotic particles, creating an informative bondage/network; a wave dominant in energy might be an aggressive action between different species that fight for each other’s vital energy or territorial space; and a wave that balances the energy and information of both points meets in the center, creating a new self-similar, seminal particle, as when 2 electrons emit waves of densely packed photons, which merge in the middle and give birth to another wave.

When we observe a one-dimensional line as a form with inner parts it becomes then a 4-dimensional wave made of cyclical points with motion. Hence in quantum theory we say that any particle in motion has associated a wave. Thus the 2nd postulate resolves the wave/particle duality, as all lines are now waves traced by a point with inner volume. Further on, since all lines have volume, they carry information and so all forces can in fact act both as a source of energy and as a language of information – as physical experiments prove. Since when we observe a ray of light in detail it becomes a 4-dimensional wave with electric height and magnetic width, often exchanging flows of energy and information in action-reaction processes of communication between bigger points.

When we generalize those concepts to n-points we can define a space as a network of Non-Euclidean points. Indeed, Riemann affirmed that a space is a network made of herds of points with similar ‘properties’. Planes of space are therefore networks of points. The self-similarity of their properties defines its density determined by the number of points and its proximity that grows with self-similarity. So similar points come together into a tighter, more continuous space; whereas the density of the space is proportional to the similarity of its points, till reaching ‘boson state’ of maximal density when points are equal.  And when a volume of spatial energy is very dense, it is very difficult to go through it, as it happens in the ultra-dense, small space of black holes.

Spatial extension and form/density/mass are inverse parameters, Max. T = Min. S. If we generalize that property to all scales, we can define different fractal spaces by its proportion of mass/density and energy /distance. This is done with ‘Universal constants’ that explain the proportions of energy and information of those spaces.

For example, in physical scales, there are 4 fundamental space-times, the gravitational space-time between galaxies of max. energetic space and minimal formal density; the light space-time of our world, which carries information in the frequency of the wave; the electronic space-time of atoms with more formal density and lesser spatial speed and finally the quark-gluon liquid of atomic nuclei and probably black holes, with maximal density and minimal spatial information. All of them are defined by Universal constants and functions that are either ratios between the energy and form of those space-times, or define the transformations of one space-time into the others. Einstein’s field functions would be the first case, defining the relationship between energy and mass in a gravitational space, while the fine constant of electromagnetism would define the transformation between light space and electronic space/ charge; and the gravitational constant between gravitational space-time and quark/mass. Where the relative densities of information and extension in space of those space-times are in balance, such as ΣTxSi=K. Thus electrons move slower than light but have more density.

All this said it is thus obvious that the fundamental unit defined by the 2nd postulate is no longer a point but an action, Tex Si= k between points, a dimotion.

From duality to trinity: acts of creation. Gender, parity, chirality, as functions of reproduction, Si=Te S<T>S

Yet as Space=Time, we can talk of two fundamental states of beings, the Si=Te, reproductive female gender, and the entropic/informative S<T>S beat of creation and destruction from the relative past to future to past stœps, dominant in male species. In its simplest form, the Si=Te differences interlock by ‘mirror symmetry’ reproducing the system. Which is the common method of reproduction from parity particles to chirality molecules to gender, to AI dual brains where one pole is the creative/destructive pole and the other the Si=Te balanced pole that chooses and reproduces the best systems. in biology we find the equivalent beat for biologic systems brings together S-female and T-male genders into an SóT act of reproduction (vibration back and forth between both elements); which does happen also in Species as a whole, which S-evolve in smaller sizes during cold ages of minimal motion, followed by ST-radiations of reproductive species; and in socio-biologic sciences, as smaller nations (Greece, Holland>England now robotized Korea & Israel) evolve new technology and ideas then radiated in global empires – today virtual networks.

How those four ‘logic dimensions’ of motion, information, stillness and entropy recombine is the truly fun moment of creation in time. As all combinations are possible departing from the first antinomial dualities:

Space vs. Time, words so confused in different human jargons that are kept mostly for tradition:

Entropy=expansive motion vs. Information=Imploding motion

Space=stillness vs. time=motion, the most used definition for them, which gives birth to:

Mind-intelligence-synchronous space vs. cyclical time motions, with its two inverse arrows.

This is the ultimate conceptual duality, that between the magic harmonious creation of minds of space vs. Temporal, mindless motion with its automaton deterministic cyclical order.

Time cycles, St                    Vs X       Entropic Space, ΣEs            ≈ST-momentum-actions- energetic information

Time-clocks: O-form           Vs.        Space motion: Lineal        ≈ waves

Small, still                             Vs.       Large,  moving fast      ≈   Open curves

Tall, Perpendicular                     Vs.             Long, Parallel   ≈  wide, intersecting

Hierarchical  Order                           Vs.           Democratic chaos-freedom

Bidimensional Height                Vs.            Bidimensional Length  ≈ tri-dimensional entity

Cyclical, Rotation, imploding     Vs.            Lineal, uncoiling, exploding   = beating rhythm

Informative Frequency         Vs.             Lineal Speed                        = momentum

Broken  form                           Vs.               Continuous, differentiable

Intelligent, perceptive             Vs.                   Strong, fast.   =        energetic top predator

Social, organic, creative              Vs.           Darwinian, destructive behaviour   =

Future, logic path              Vs.            Past, trailing motion

Life arrow                                Vs.                      Death arrow.     = existential world cycle

Waves of §pace                      Vs.                     Particles of Time

Female, yin principle             Vs.               Male, yang principle   = reproduced child

Masses, charges                  Vs.                       Forces, fields       = energy

Heads  & senses                     Vs.                    Limbs               =  Bodies.

The formal=functional differences between entropy and information (organs) is a duality – the ‘Black hole Law’:

Limbs/fields of Maximal Space=Entropy x  Min. Form Vs.Max. speed of Information=Minimal Spatial extension= heads & particles

For example, as the chip becomes smaller halving its size every 2 years it doubles its capacity to process information (‘Moore’s Law) The reason is obvious: to think, to calculate you have to communicate in-form-ation, forms between elements of any informative system. The smaller the brain, the faster communication takes place within that brain and the faster it calculates and processes information in a logic manner.

If we consider that each being can be in a time or state of space, the question now is. What defines then its state?

In mathematical terms the answer is its curvature, its form, FORM becomes then the definitive element of being, as you cannot change so fast from cyclical to lineal form and viceversa, as you can between state of form and state of motion.

Cyclical time and the world cycles of existence of beings, made of a sum of ‘actions’, which become ‘arrows of time’ (spatial entropy, temporal form and its e x i =st combinations) which are ordered in sequential world cycles of time, which gives us the sensation of a cyclical time program of past to future, which we can also see as a sum of synchronous minds in which ‘knots’ of timespace actions converge, through several co-existing scales.

And yet despite its inverse properties, energy and information transform into each other ad eternal – a fact, which requires them to have the same dimensions. And indeed, information is bidimensional along the dimension of height while energy is a bidimensional plane (holographic principle), what makes possible the transformation of one into another.

A fact that defines the aforementioned ‘law of conservation of energy and information’ and the ‘Invariance’ of the product of energy and information of any part or whole of the Universe, resumed in two fundamental equations of Absolute Relativity:

e x I = K, and E<=>I, which in general relativity and quantum physics read as ext=K and now we shall expand to all ‘complementary systems of the Universe’.

The game of inversions of space and time.

In the graph we illustrate the ‘Space-time’ Essence: Time is measured with clocks, which are actually, one dimensional cycles. Information is the same than a time clock, a ‘form’ that we see static. Energy is made of quanta, which are lines, that group together into sheets of space. And to perceive them, we have ‘spheres’ made of multiple layers of cells, and cameras which are isomorphic. An to move through Space we have ‘lineal members’, which move us in toroid open and closed curves. And so happens to lineal weapons. And then fields of energy and information make together a light ray, which is really also a bidimensional surface.

How time states transform into space states, how motion becomes stillness, how life dies, how space integrates in time, leaving a tail of memorial quanta, how time integrates in space, creating an organism of multiple flows of energy and information – those are the most interesting and profound dualities of the Universe.

Time slows down till it becomes space, as a new quantum of the upper scale, and then a new clock of time are created.

This is the arrow of growth of the 5th dimension: the slow down of time as it multiplies the quanta into a larger surface.

There is though an inverse game when descending scales.

The clock of time makes the quanta of space grow, till it reaches a limit of death.

Then time becomes space, and a new quantum of time appears, to multiply the quanta.

Then time finds a barrier and all starts again.

So time becomes spatial h-Planck quanta of the upper scale and a new clock, frequency is found: E=hv.

Frequency freezes as quanta, in the form of entropy K-boltzmann, and a new clock, temperature appears.

The clock again freezes, and becomes space, in the form of mass, and a new time clock, speed appears.

Speed frees as c-space, light space, becomes neutrino quanta, and a new clock of time appears…

We shall study those combinations of the 3 x 3 x 3 elements of space organs, time ages, and social quantifiers, ∑s, ∏t, ∆st which defines the clocks of time, quanta of space and forms of transformation, in each specific science in more detail.


ASSOCIATED to those exchanges of entropy, energy and information there are ‘constants’ that establish the main s≤≥t exchanges possible according to a series of ratios that define how the singularity>organism interacts with its world, of which 3, speed, density and existential force are the most important (s/t, t/s, s xt), as they define the entropic, reproductive, informative and social power of the system.

So the quantitative analysis of bidimensioanl flows and actions go through the use of vital and universal constants in equations of ®lgebra (existential algebra).


What is all about? The survival of a point of view, which maps in stillness a world of information and tries to imprint its universe with mirror images of its self, clone images that become cells of a supœrganism. Order is repetition of information, in present body-waves that maximise, ExI, the parts of a point of view. We can describe all this in a simple formalism known as the function of existence, whose development in 3 phases, of max. E, youth-past-gaseous-entropic state, max. i, future, old-informative-solid state/ age, and Max. E xI (e=i) balances steady liquid state form a world cycle.

Let us then study after we have analysed the topology of the Universe its ‘existential algebra’, which is the origin of the algebraic equations of sciences.

The function of existence: Max. e xi (s=t)

The function of existence in 3 ages, with its max. point of balance in the wave-female, s=t, max. ExI state, between the field, of maximal entropy and the particle of maximal information, which combine into the 2 ‘male states of max. entropy (particle disintegrating its information) and maximal information (particle transforming field-limbs motion into informative perception).

Both together provide also a gender interpretation of the states of the being and its complementarity wave-particle, female-male, body-head elements which prey on the limb/field of energy as they travel through its ages and trace a whole world cycle -already provided by the bagua of earlier taoism, the first analysis of existential algebra in human sciences:

In the simplest description of the Universe, we can talk of the use of existential algebra, which studies in detail the space-time actions of all points of view that first gauge information, create a still mapping of the Universe, and then try to imprint a territorial field of energy with the perceived form, enacting its imagination, as an act of survival of its self, which becomes the body of its organism, which will through a series of isomorphic actions of absorption of energy and information, trace a world cycle, step by step of present repetition of its wave-body actions and informative perception, e>i, on its field-particle state, till finally it becomes so unbalanced, as the wave is present but the particle-field male state is E>I integrative and diminish the energy of the system, hence defining an overall Сmotion:

Female Present-wave-body state: S=T + Past>Future, field>particle male state = ∆I: Life Сmotion + E:Death Сmotion: Big bang=0


Non-E points were discovered in the XIX C. as ideal geometries of space. Einstein used them to explain gravitational space/time; but its quantic , empirical understanding is poor due to the error of continuity that considers only 1 Non-E space, the Universe, when there are infinite discreet Non-E space-times.

The 3 zones of a Non-E point are:

– An informative center and outer membrane of energy, described by Riemann’s spherical geometries.

– A central reproductive zone, described by Klein as a disk, made of quanta in cyclical movement that communicate energy and information between the 2 discontinuous inner and outer zones.

– A field of energy or limbs, described by Belgrami as a series of cones of ‘height’ with a negative curvature.

Galilean paradox

The st beatings of the Universe define 4 dimensions immediately of motion, s≈S, T≈t,  S<T, T<S, which are the four fundamental motions of the Universe. being the fifth dimension, the no motion of them all in the still pure space-time of the Mind, @.

So departing from 4 motions, we must first consider if an S≈s and a t≈T is motion: it is in the scalar growth OR DIMINUTION. WHILE the stop and Tgo, Stop, Tgo motion and form gives us the other two:

we cannot see motion and form together, the whole and its parts, we confuse lineal detailed view in short space-time intervals with cyclical, larger slower view… such galilean paradoxes are the reflection of Space=time dualities that the mind tries to ‘con-form’ into space-simultaneous view to ‘perceive them’. (Perception being always in space-simultaneity as still form a quanta of space=time).

The Universe is a fractal supœrganism of 5 dimensions of space-time, where the fourth dimension of parts and the fifth dimension of wholes create its scalar, organic structure, as it is made of smaller and larger super organisms of space-time.

Those super organisms follow a fundamental logic rule, which started modern science – the realisation that ‘we cannot distinguish motion from form’ (Poncaire, Principle of Galilean relativity) according to which all motions in time can be seen as form-distances in simultaneous space and vice versa.

So we conclude that space-time, what we perceive as motion and form is composed of 5 dimensions of space undistinguishable of its equivalent perceptions as motions of time, hence:

5 D ST = 5 T-motions + 5 S motions (S=t).

This simple equations of the logic behind galilean relativity will suffice to explain all what exists.

S=T; creation of form and motion dimensions and its balances.

The Universe is a supœrganism of 5 dimensions of symmetric space-time. Whereas time means motion and space form. Yet since due to Galilean>Einstein’s relativity we cannot distinguish motion from form, for each dimension of space, we must consider a symmetric dimensions of time (the form we see in motion).

Since as we can only compare entities with equal number of dimensions we must write:


as the fundamental law of the Universe, which is display in all kind of beings.

(The equivalent of this law of balance in physics, is a Lagrangian of the form:

Ts (size in space) x St (speed of time clocks of information) = Constant


And or, the laws of conservation of momentum: S x T (mv, etc.), and energy its integral in a closed cycle.

And so physicists go around into this third degree of complexity, space, time and space-time elements to conform reality and conserve it… Through the conservation laws.

Two simple laws of conservation and least time in which all of physics is based; albeit explained with complicated ‘pedantic’ obtuse laws, such as the Noether theorem, group theory, etc. which obviously need them to go back to school and learn what the magic of maths and the origin of those laws are in 10D.

Thus we can start studying beings of one dimension of space and one dimension of time-motion, simultaneously.  Or keep growing in analysis till getting to the 5 S = 5t level.

Reality is a then 10 dimensional game of space and time, based in a physical property called Galilean relativity. The fact that we cannot distinguish motion and form, so both dimensions of motion=time and form=space, happen together. This holographic symmetry makes reality a game of N s=t dimensions, which create space-time symmetries, go and stop motions and sets the stage to study dual st systems of at least 2 dimensions, one of space-form one of time-motion and the ‘reproductive’ perception of both together, the ‘third dimension of space-time’.

Starting with those simple principles then we can build different systems of bidimensional frames of reference, starting from the 2 simplest studied by human scientists, mostly physicists, the bidimensional system of motion and form, whereas humans have adopted by convention, according to natural reasons, latter studied in detail, the dimension of length as the first dimension of motion, to measure motions, distances and trajectories in space and the dimension of height as the first dimension of form, of in-form-ation.

It follows then that we must keep labelling dimensions and use bidimensional or four-dimensional graphs of time space, where by the simple method of giving twice the dimensionality to each one, i.e. distance and motion, define lineal space and lineal time, in the X coordinates, height and vibration, are ‘motion space-time related dimensions’ of height.

In general also we can use algebraic conventions to represent those dimensions. So we give negative values to the dimension of information and positive values to the dimension of motion, and in this manner we can rest and operate in classic algebra. So for example, in Einstein’s special relativity the dimension of motion sums in the Sx, Sy, Sz coordinates and the dimension of temporal information, of motion, -ct, rests. This is a classic way to represent the inverse first dimensions of space and time all together, and why Einstein’s equation work.

We can then move to tridimensional pairs, for 6 dimensions and so on, let us then study them in an exhausting manner, realizing of a simple algebraic rule: time dimensions can be modelled with negative numbers that rest to space dimensions by adding motion to a form, and vice versa. We adopt this convention as it suits better present mathematical physics. Then the second dimensions of negative time is the i-complex map, or its ‘squared’ value, recommended in many physical equations (where the unit is i²=-1, c²= k/µ and so on).

Those are different conventions which we shall study in mathematical physics, but show the way the Universe is built up: adding balanced S=t dual dimensions according to the galilean paradox.

The new principle  of conservation of energy.

Now the best way to formalize all those ‘dimensional symmetries’ (4, space-like and 5 time-like being the absolute symmetry between entropy and evolution) IS by EXPANDING THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION OF THE UNIVERSE S<≈>T, which constantly transforms spatial dimensions into temporal dimensions.

This is what fractal theorists call a ‘fractal generator equation’, one which through feed backs constantly iterate and reproduce and trans-form reality. It is also the ‘expanded fundamental principle of science, the principle of conservation of energy and information which we rewrite adding the fundamental definition of energy-present = past-entropy x future-information in an absolute sense, (a single plane of present sandwiched between its death-past entropic 4D and its potential future, 5Ð social evolution) or a relative sense (lineal spatial motion x vortex of time-clocks = present momenta).

‘All what exists is a super organism of temporal information and spatial entropy, which combine into energy beings that reproduce constantly in an eternal SYMMETRIC present, S≈T, across infinite scales of size and speed’

The reproduction of 1, 2, 3… 4th, 5th, 6th dimensions.

Now we could consider all this as a reproduction of dimensions, through s=t steps, all motions BEING A STOP AND GO displacement, and s=t beat, so construct a s=t=s=t=s, series of harmonies in which through symmetries of space-time reflections into the similar motion-stop dimension the being reproduces a tail of time-space imprinted above the ‘previous scales’ as a wave’ of new forms, that become wholes, and so the creative ‘upper wave’ over an indistinguishable surface of 1/n finitesimals creates beings literally as the upper form that organises and rises into awareness the ∆-1 beings. Waves, crystals, organisms are thus just the ‘creative’ emergent final @ membrain…

So there are many ways to describe any island-universe, world made to the image and likeness of the whole but the 5Ð and 10D stop-go symmetric conceptualisation is best (expressed in mathematical algebra best, here through the generator equation more than group theory as it is a better mirror)

The Universe is a superoganism of 10 dimensions of symmetric space-time. Whereas time means motion and space form. Yet since due to Galilean>Einstein’s relativity we cannot distinguish motion from form, for each dimension of space, we must consider a symmetric dimensions of time (the form we see in motion).

Since as we can only compare entities with equal number of dimensions we must write,  S=T, as the fundamental law of the Universe, which is display in all kind of beings.

The equivalent of this law of balance in physics, is a Lagrangian of the form:

Ts (size in space) x St (speed of time clocks of information) = Constant ∫S-T∂st=0

And or, the laws of conservation of momentum: S x T (mv, etc.), and energy its integral in a closed cycle.

Two simple laws of conservation and least time in which all of physics is based; albeit explained with complicated ‘pedantic’ obtuse laws, such as the Noether theorem, group theory, etc. which obviously need them to go back to school and learn what the magic of maths and the origin of those laws are in 10D.

This is the law of balance and co-existence of reality that make humans and civilisations co-exist as single super organisms. Cells and organisms co-exists in a single individual, and so, the Universe is a beautiful organic, fractal of scales of reality which follow the same goals of reproducing information to become immortal in ‘states of balance’. And those laws apply also to history and economy systems that should try to find such balances to survive.

So the simplest analysis are those in which we observe a ‘non-e point in space, a point with breath’, as a single dimension, coupled with a dimension of lineal motion, the first dimension of time.

Then we can consider holographic bidimensional entities with dimensions of form and motion:

In the graph we see systems with information and motion=time; systems with entropy and form (bidimensional space), and 4D combinations, of which the basic one is light space-time (our electronic perception of both being tuned to such ‘minimal quanta’ of our perceived reality.

Next we can consider combinations of 3 dimensions of form and 3 dimensions of space; and here we exhaust the existence of a system in single space-time continuum.

In the graph we see 6 dimensional descriptions of a space-time super organism. Now we are talking (: indeed, we can describe an enormous number of systems with 3 ‘fractal parts’ with 3 topologies in space and 3 functions in time, and as it happens since a 4Dimensional system have only 3 possible topologies, that is enough to understand the processes of topological evolution that complete our work in evolution, through 3 topological ages, dominated by each of those 3 elements, and describe a generator equation for all of them:

Γ; Ts: lineal limbs/fields of entropy <Ø-∑ex∏i hyperbolic-bodywaves>St-particle/heads of information.

Spheres that hold the maximal volume of information in particle-heads; flat, lineal topologies – the fastest distance in moving potentials/limbs – and hyperbolic, iterative body waves that generate all the forms, are the 3 only topologies of the Universe, which ensemble to form the ‘present-spatial super organisms’ we see in each ∆-scale of reality:[/caption]

The Interaction between limbs and membranes of energy, informative zero points and cyclic, toroid bodies.

In the previous graphs we can observe some of the interactions between the zero-points (minds), spherical membranes (energetic skin) and toroid cycles that structure the ‘physiological or inner forces’ of all physical systems or organisms.

In topology we consider a form to be the same one, if it is only deformed but not torn. Thus a sphere is in fact any membrane, or skin that closes an inner space inside. This inner space is called the ‘ball’, and the ball does not include the external membrane, neither the hyperbolic center, or zero point. The 3 together form the ternary structure of most systems, with an external barrier communicated with a torus of cyclical flows of energy and information with an informative, hyperbolic center or north south axis.

What matters about those morphological, ternary systems is not so much the specific form but the functions derived of the common properties of each of those 3 universal topologies, which are not rigid, solid substances but deformable networks of points bonded by flows/lines of energy and information. Its dynamism means as distances and flows between points of the network shorten or lengthen the whole form changes but if the cellular network does not break the form remains one of those 3 topologies:

– The membrane is a network of planar, self-similar cells, which expand and enclose the inner organism from the outside. It allows the transfer of energy and information with the external world through the holes of the network; developing specific functional holes: those for energy are called mouths, those for information are called senses. They will be also positive or negative in its directional motion in order to absorb or expel wasted energy and information. All systems will have at least those 2 types of wholes in their strong, energetic, spatially extended membrane that circles the ‘vital space or body territory’ of the entity.

In complex analysis, the external membrane can be multiple: the most extended, less loosely guarded one is the territorial zone in which the informative center moves. In the organic Universe, spatial structures are always ‘functional’ and made of loose networks with motion, which therefore have, as any network does, dark spaces in the holes between them.

Thus the 3 topologies exist to perform informative, reproductive and energetic ‘functions’, which rule the morphology that adapts itself to preserve the function or ‘action’ they perform.

A key property of all membranes according to their function is the equality of all its cellular units, which have similar functions and are exchangeable, submitted in physical systems to the Bose-Einstein statistics, since they are invariant to rotation and substitution in space.

– The still center or hyperbolic north-south axis, or zero point is the point that processes information and hence also the point of consciousness of any system, of any world, of any topology of 4 dimensions, of anything that exists, of anything that is.

To create a mental image, the pixels of the zero point are able to form a boson, synthesis of all its units. In the same manner, a sphere can create in the center of its inner space-time a reflection mirror of all its cells – a zero point of the whole self.

According to the opposite nature of energy and information, the zero point is far smaller than the membrane, but its cycles and processes are much faster.

Look around yourself and you will not see any zero point. That is the beauty of it. All ‘brains’ are internal. They are all guarded they are all secretive, they are all connected, communicated, but at the same time isolated, ego-centers of all the complementary systems of the Universe:

The zero point function is kept in bilateral and planar forms but their position changes from the center to the head, on which the informative cells reside, on the relative dimension of information (height, which allows perception of a wider angle): politicians, kings, priests or markets rule a society from a top position that receive and distribute information.

– The torus. In a film that now has a lot of followers, ‘thrive’, a Californian guru explains that the torus is the most repeated topology of the Universe. He is right, but it is only one of the 3 topologies of any 4-dimensional universe.

The simplest torus is a cycle: we can build a torus departing from a cycle, pi, made with 3 units and 3 apertures, of 0.05Ð between the 1 D-units of the membrane. The cycle then will reproduce a self-similar inner cycle, an internal ring. Then both will form a dual system, in which the inner cycle becomes the zero point that will integrate the flows information that cross through the external disk through those 3 apertures. Thus a dual energy-information circle is formed.

The natural direction of flows of energy and information is from the outer spherical cells into the internal cycle-space: The zero point then observes a reduced mirror image, of the universe, transported through informative channels that interconnect the membrane and the knot of information or zero point in the interior.

The flows between both then rise the dual cycle, creating a curved dimension of height, forming a toroid.

If we extrapolate this fact to all systems, energy becomes the first causal action that gives birth through a cyclical warping to an informative, final form.  Or as Einstein put it: time curves space into mass (a zero point of the gravitational scale).

Alternately such a system can grow and the toroid between the membrane and zero point will finally expand in a big-bang, giving birth to a bigger form.

In this manner a dual system is re=produced; one with a more complex, vital center, and en external, more expansive membrane that protects it. For example in beta decays, a nucleon becomes a bigger, more dynamic atom, with an external membrane, the electron and an internal zero point, the quark/nuclei. Cells in mitosis also reproduce by growing their toroid body and duplicating their zero point – the DNA center of information. Then the cell breaks in two.

We can see that simple assembly in the graph, the eye-zero point system is the hemisphere (right side), in which the flows of the torus converge, coming from an external ‘Riemann sphere’, or membrane, joined with the zero point by a series of flows that reduce energy into denser form.

In the point in which that speed is reduced to zero, a zero point appears, in which a pixel mirror of the external sphere, corrugated into a linguistic image gives consciousness to the system. Then something magical occurs, the zero point processes that energy into information that forms and provokes a change in the position of the entire system. Since the zero point is the will of the system. The membrane develop the limbs of the system. The zero point is the brain and consciousness and the torus the physiological systems or flows of energy and information between both.

Causality determines the flow of growth: the external membrane gives birth to the zero point – it is the father element.  Fact this which brings the theme of evolutionary development in time of a ternary structure in space.

So this is the second ternary spatial element of reality:

|-moving limbs/potentials  x O-head/particles = Ø-body waves

This is the simplest expression of the FRACTAL GENERATOR of space-time beings, as all of them will display those ternary topologies.

It is its simplest spatial view, which we shall made soon more complex adding it its time-motions-functions and scales generated by the minds that perceive in the singularity a still mapping of the whole with a language that perceives in itself.

o Swe can generate and mirror all the systems in space, made of ensembles of those 3 adjacent forms/functions we shall call space-time organisms with them.

We shall write the ternary topology also in many ways and make it increasingly complex as we study different dimensions of ‘form’ and ‘motion’, of ‘space’ and ‘time’. But in its simplest mode is the most extraordinary simplex equation of them all: $≈ð; whereas S is the limbic system, T, the particle-head with its clocks of information and ≈ the bodywave that iterates and puts together both.

Lobachevski was the first geometrician to define a Non-E geometry that Riemann generalized to all relative space/times.

Latter Einstein used Riemann’s geometry to describe the gravitational space/time, assumed, due to the error of continuity, to be the only real space/time of the Universe.

Yet in a discontinuous reality, there are infinite Non-E space-times; and all of them can be analyzed with the mathematical tools of Riemann, Klein and Lobachevski, that describe the inner geometry of quantic space/time fields (physical jargon) that we shall call in the mathematical jargon Non-E points and its 3 quantic zones.

If we put together the work of those 3 authors we obtain a complete description of any Quantic Spaces-Times field and its fundamental properties:

– According to Klein, Non-E space-times have movement. So their ‘speeds’ measure their distances; as physicists do in Cosmology with the expanding speeds of spatial vacuum, which are proportional by a ‘Hubble constant’ to the distance of stars; or as people do in life with real space-time.

So we say that Brooklyn is at 5 minutes by train from Wembley not at 5 miles.

– According to Riemann, space is quantic, made of herds of points with similar ‘properties’; and so it has a quantic density determined by its number of quanta, like the space defined by light does. So when a volume of spatial energy is very dense, it is very difficult to go through it, as it happens in the gravitational space close to black holes. Also Riemann’s space-times might have beyond its discontinuous borders an inner space-time with several dimensions, one for each of its ‘energetic or informative properties’ as it happens with the points of physical reality, from strings to super-symmetric fermions.

Hence Riemann through the concept of ‘properties’, defines a ‘dimension’ as a certain energy or informative network (static point of view), which ‘puts together’ points that share an energetic or informative ‘property=flow’ (dynamic p.o.v.). – Finally Lobachevski and Belgrami proved that space is curved and indeed temporal information curves the spatial energy of any real space-time. So points move in curves, which are ‘cycles’, gathering energy and information through their ‘dimensional networks’.

In the graph, those 3 abstract analyses of Non-Euclidean space-time define 3 different regions that structure all space-time fields (Physical jargon), all Non-E points (Mathematical jargon), all organisms (Biological jargon) and all entities (Philosophical jargon) of the Universe:

– Max. Information: An informative, quantized center or temporal brain, connected to an external, continuous membrane or Riemann’s sphere of maximum form that acts as a relative infinite, unreachable distance, creating the discontinuity between the inner parts of the point. Since the internal quanta points are either jailed by the membrane’s structural density or destroyed by its energy when touching it.

The membrane is the opposite form to the central, informative singularity, with max. spatial extension and continuity, hence with a minimal number of quantic, discreet elements: Max. E=Min.T.

– Max. Energy: the so-called hemisphere of Belgrami, a Non-E space-time, with a dimension of height that transforms energy into information, absorbed or emitted by the central singularity. It is a quantized, informative region similar to a black hole structure. Since it follows the ‘black hole paradox’: Max. T x min. E. So according to the inverse properties of space and time, it has max. temporal information and minimal spatial energy.

– Energy=Information: A middle volume or intermediate territory, discovered by Klein, which combines the energy coming out of the membrane and the information provided by the center, in quantic herds of ‘points with parts’ in perpetual movement, that draw cycles of “parallel lines”. Those inner quanta are confined within the Klein’s disk by the 2 other regions, which have more energy and information and might destroy them by overdrive or absorb their energy and information at will.

Thus, Klein introduces the concept of an infinite, relative distance measured in terms of time and movement. Since in any discontinuous world the infinite are those insurmountable borders the inner time-space quanta can’t cross, as a cell cannot go out of a body, an atom beyond C speed or 0K temperature and a man beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.

Further on, since those 2 relative infinite limits make any temporal movement of an intermediate point towards the inner informative singularity or the external, energetic border, eternal. As in the myth of Achilles and the turtle, Achilles never arrives because every time it moves it crosses a smaller spatial distance.

The same happens in a Non-E space-time, when a point moves temporally towards its inner or outer spatial limits and finds an increasing resistance to its movement, till finally it is deviated into a cyclical trajectory around the outer, energetic membrane or the height dimension of the inner informative singularity. So the intermediate, quantic cells of the point circulate in parallel cycles always inside the interior of the sphere with contact zones of the type “A” (central figure). For that reason Klein interprets the intermediate region as a circle with an invisible, unreachable membrane, equaling the ‘space-time distance’ between the intervals B1-B2 and B2-B3, despite being increasingly shorter in space. Since the quanta take longer in each step and don’t reach the membrane.

When they do it at point C they become destroyed or deviated. Thus, the energetic membrane and informative center are the discontinuities that isolate their cellular quanta of temporal energy and create a discontinuous ‘World’ within the point. Those discontinuities are called in Geometry a relative infinite, in Biology a membrane, in Sociology or Topology a border. They explain the existence of many different species, which occupy a limited region of spatial energy and last a limited time. So we define a Non-E point as:

A curved region of energy & information quanta, with cyclical movement, confined by 2 limits, an external, spherical membrane of max. energy and an internal informative nucleus.’

Spatial structures are systems made of bidimensional layers of space, networks which had also perpendicular flows through which energy and information was exchanged between layers; because almost every system of reality was structured in this manner.  And since bidimensional geometries were only of 3 types, called varieties. We could limit the Universe to 3 type of spatial bidimensional layers, ‘toroid or energetic layers’, informative or spherical layers, and hyperbolic, cyclical repetitive layers.

And so with 3 layers you can only form a kind of whole, one that has toroid, energetic limbs/fields, spherical, informative particles/heads, and hyperbolic waves-bodies, that mixed both energy and information, lineal and cyclical motions, reproducing both.   The reader can see how little by little I was reconstructing as Einstein wanted the entire Universe, departing from its fractal parts: bidimensional layers of space, and time cycles.

The next discovery was for realize that time cycles also had 3 phases, horizons or ages, an accelerated, energetic beginning or youth of the cycle, a steady repetitive state of constant speed and a decelerating state till the cycle came to a halt. Acceleration-steady state-deceleration; energetic youth-reproductive maturity-old informative age; evolutionary age – reproductive radiation – extinction age; big bang, steady state-big crunch. And so on. I had discovered then the fundamental symmetry of the Universe, between its 3 type of bidimensional space varieties or layers, and the 3 time ages of any system, in which one of those forms of space performed a function in time, and so there was an order or organization in space and an order or organization time.

So the unit of reality is a space-time cycle, and many of them create a knot of time cycles or entity of reality, which will be reproduced by repeating those formal cycles with motion in other region of space-time; and many of those knots of time cycles, which are self-similar, since they are born from the reproduction of a first form, come together with self-similar beings into networks.

Some of those networks are spatially extended with a lot of motion (fields in physics, bodies in biology) and some are very tight, formal, with a lot of in/form/ation, (particles and heads or nuclei in physical and biological jargons). Both types of networks together then create a complementary organism, which is fitter to handle both ‘DImotions’ and form; hence it survives better, it ‘exists’.

Today scientists of measure scorn philosophical and logical analysis of causality in time because it cannot be easily put in Nº.

But numbers are only one of the languages of information in the Universe, and many of its properties of bio-logic nature are better described with logic words. In that regard, we can now fusion philosophy and science answering the fundamental question, ‘why we exist’; since once we realize that we are ‘made of time cycles’, knots of time cycles and networks of knots of time cycles, an intelligent, informative, eternal universe of motions and wills of existence makes the dogmas of deism and mechanism, childish myths.

‘What is existence’ cannot be revealed from the simplex point of view of a mechanical world, which cannot explain the fact that we are made of motions with form that leave a trace on space but are essentially actions in time that have a social finality – to create more complex networks, chaining knots of actions into systems. This social will of every point and entity of the Universe is completely at odds with a mechanist, fixed, solid, senseless, dumb Universe.

Motion in Time and social evolution are concepts that require the capacity to gauge information and interact with other self-similar points to create those organic networks. Further on, dual networks tend to evolve and reproduce new points through exchanges of ‘DImotions’ and information.

The result is the creation of 3rd network/system: the reproductive network. And so most systems of the Universe are organic, ternary systems made of points (which can be anything from atoms to cells to human heads) organized in 3 networks. We exist as organic networks, to sense flows of ‘Dimotions’ and gauge information. Existence justifies itself.

Those Non-Euclidean points crossed by infinite parallels are able to gauge information, which implies a perceptive, intelligent Universe in all its fractal, self-similar scales of reality – a world in which even the smallest atoms can act-react to the environment, ‘aperceiving’ light and gravitational forces. Aristotle and Leibniz, the 2 foremost predecessors of the 4th paradigm of biological whys distinguished conscious perception from vegetative and mechanical perception.

It means perception has degrees of complexity. So the simplex particles of the Universe act-react in a mechanical way; yet they still gauge information, reason why quantum physicists called their theories gauge theories, and they still have 2 complementary networks of ‘DImotions’ and information, reason why quantum physics is based in such complementary principle.

Yet this intelligent, active, temporal, informative Universe can be described with the formalism of logic and mathematics because its fundamental unit – a spacetime cycle – can be explained with ‘feedback’ equations, used in system sciences to explain the back and forth interaction between two poles or elements of an equation. Ts<=>St where Ts is a component of spatial ‘DImotions’, a motion element, body or field and St is a cycle of time that carries information, particle or head, becomes the syntactic, logic, minimal unit of reality.

These simple first elements of reality – points with volume that exchange ‘DImotions’ and information, creating waves of DImotions’ with form (no longer lines – 2nd postulate), according to a set of isomorphisms based in their self-similarity, (no longer equality – 3rd postulate), that makes them evolve into different topological networks (no longer planes – 4th postulate) – make mathematics an organic language able to describe the logic of creation of all systems of the Universe made of infinite fractal, organic networks intersecting and creating when we put them together under those isomorphisms and topological restrictions, the puzzle of reality that the simpler, 3rd paradigm called the space-time continuum and becomes now a General System of Multiple, Fractal Spaces with vital ‘Dimotions’ and Time cycles with information, the two substances of which all beings are made.

And so with those 3 scales of ‘existence’: time cycles, knots of time cycles and networks of knots of time cycles (Non-E Points) we can explain all the ‘actions’ and systems of reality made of those cycles, knots and networks; and describe a complex Universe that exists ‘in time’ more than in fixed space, since it has always motion; it is also dynamic, made of cyclical, feed-back equations whose causal relationships, forms and trajectories are the essence and purpose of existence. We thus consider a more complex analysis of time Сmotions, beyond the duality of ‘Dimotions’ and information, which combine creating a reproductive Сmotion, SxT, and further on socialize, ∑SxT, creating networks. And so the universe has also an organic will: to create networks of self-reproductive points of ‘Dimotions’ and information.

Yet the most astounding property of those points is to be points of view, points with will, which perform actions with the purpose mechanical or not, but probably felt in all scales as the inner freedom of the point, of obtaining ‘Dimotions’, information reproduction and social evolution. The 4 wills or whys of the Universe are indeed embedded in the postulates of i-logic geometry.

The point to exist has to be complementary, to feed and gauge ‘Dimotions’ and information and to last beyond its wearing it has to form part of bigger social networks or reproduce itself to last beyond death.

This program selects those species that reproduce and evolve socially even if that contradicts the primary individual Сmotions of the point. Thus the engine of the contradictions of behavior of points is that tug of war between the Galilean paradox of all points which gauge bigger his nose than Andromeda but need to hunt in herds and control the forms of the Universe with self-similar minds, joined in networks, this eternal duality of freedom vs. order, individual ego vs. collective spirit.

St exist is to act with motion and form, trying to achieve the ‘Сmotions of time’ or will of the Universe – feeding your ‘Dimotions’ network, absorbing information for your informative network, reproduce your system and in doing so, starting an external process of social evolution with self-similar entities to yourself.

Those processes can be described with mathematics but we have to accept an intelligent, perceptive, fractal, self-similar Universe of infinite points of view gauging reality in a mechanical, vegetative or conscious way to explain why it happens. Their mathematical description stems from the duality between geometric form and logical function (hilomorphism).

Thus, the postulates of fractal i-logic geometry define also the basic Сmotions= cycles/dimensions of the Universe: the 1st and 5th postulate define a point as a system whose inner parts are able to transform and emit ‘Dimotions’ and information, E>O<e; the 2nd postulate defines an SxT wave of communication that reproduces ‘Dimotions’ and form between 2 fractal points; the 4th postulate defines the social evolution of a herd that creates a fractal plane – a network with dark spaces; and the 5th postulate explains a point mapping reality, as it absorbs ‘Dimotions’ and transforms it into information through its small apertures to the Universe. Since even a minimal quark, as Einstein affirms, should be crossed by a relative ∞ number of strong forces.

It is the organic will of all systems that search for those 4 Сmotions what makes the quark to exist as a knot of such flows of time Сmotions: a physical particle traces energetic cycles described by the principal quantum number; shapes the form of its trajectory, a fact explained by the secondary quantum number; iterates along the 3 coordinates in similar shapes, an act described by the magnetic number, and gauges information to evolve in social groups, a fact described by its spin number.

And those 4 numbers define it as a Non-Euclidean quantum knot of complementary ‘Dimotions’ and information with a 4D will of time. And as it happens they express the 4 Сmotions of time: E->Principal number; I-> secondary number; Re-> spin number; 4-> social evolution: magnetic number.

Further on, we can reduce all those topologies of social numbers and networks to the canonical 3 topologies of a 4-dimensional Universe, proving that those 3 topologies have the properties of ‘Dimotions’, information and reproductive events.

And so we talk of 4 ‘Сmotions of time’ or dimensions of change that create the future: energetic and informative systems and events, which reproduce a wealth of self-similar beings that organize themselves into social networks, creating bigger wholes – new scales of reality.

And this simple game of complementary beings that in favorable conditions reproduce self-similar beings, self-organized into bigger social networks becomes the why of all realities. Even the simplest particles, quarks of maximal information and electrons of maximal spatial extension and motion ‘decouple’, reproduce, when absorbing ‘Dimotions’ into self-similar forms, and associate in complementary networks called atoms, made with a central informative mass of quarks and an energetic, electromagnetic, wider body of electrons.

The 3rd paradigm of metric measure is not at ease with such ‘dynamic, spiritual concepts’, even if they can be described with the same mathematical formalisms as the previous example of the quantum numbers show. Those apprehensions however are dogmas, which stem from anthropomorphic beliefs.

Fact is that even the simplest complementary systems (quarks and electrons) interact together and if they can absorb more ‘Dimotions’=motion they are able to repeat=reproduce the cycles of its system. And so we talk of a 3rd reproductive system: from quarks and electrons, the fundamental particles of the Universe that decouple in new particles when they absorb new ‘Dimotions’ to living organisms, the fact that all is motion with form makes easy to reproduce those formal motions in an organic way. Thus the new concept of a world made of formal motions brings about also a more complex philosophy of reality – organicism.


From a pure logic perspective, the interaction of form and motion, space and time, mind and entropy, order and disorder is connected through a concept dear to physicists but not so clearly understood, which we shall truly dwell into in the 3-4th post on a(nti)symmetries:

In terms of ‘Space’ we can talk of present time, the body-wave state or ‘asymmetric, hyperbolic form’ (when seen from a spatial, topological view) that ‘splits’ into ternary elements, generating the 3 ‘classic dimensions of time-space – of formal topologies with motions’:

This would be the more profound non-AE understanding on how a present asymmetric body-wave generates its limb/head systems, very much as an egg or seed shoots its vegetative and animal, limbic and head system…

So Present refines itself into 3 sub-present forms, a relative past-present, the limbs of entropy, and the particles-heads of information.

But then we can talk of ‘deep time’, that of the larger scalar planes of entropy and information or ‘absolute time arrow towards the future’ (the arrow of eusocial evolution) and towards the past (the entropic, dissolution event).

Time on space would then be relationships of the kind S≈ T, S≥T and S≤T. It gives birth to the 3 fundamental type of events between form and motion, and they can also be expressed as such in terms of ‘cone of spacetime’ in the way physicists do with simple worldlines but now it would be a ternary number of world cycles, which we just illustrate here, as it is a bit more complex than the first line, but an essential discipline of I-logic geometry (or well, T.œ is to modern stience, sorry science what Aristotle to the previous paradigm – so a lot of new disciplines will pop out of it):








<≈>:  Æxistential algebra 

A more profound formal view of the 3 arrows of time is that of non-AE logic that establishes the rules of engagement between relative past, darwinian, entropic antisymmetric events, and relative future, symmetric, social, evolutionary informative ones, departing from an asymmetric ‘body-wave’ state that fusions both in present realities.

In the graph, the fundamental 3 dimensions-events of time as constructed by the existential algebra between past=antisymmetry, present=asymmetry and future=symmetry, starts the combinations that will form the ultimate underlying structure of reality and its ‘simplest operandi’, easily adapted from the mathematical inverse operandi and its group symmetries. We shall consider in this blog an introduction to what time permitted will be the highest level of comprehension of fractal space-time beings and its rhythms and world cycles of exist¡ences.

The highest level of formalism of the Universe is the process of creation of new systems or destruction due to the a(nti)symmetric properties of a system and its correspondence with the Future (Symmetry), past (antisymmetry) and present (asymmetry) in such a mode that we can calculate past, present and future combinations in terms of its corresponding topological, formal states.

Non-Ælgebra existential deals then with the creation or destruction of dimensions of time departing from present asymmetries, which are present forms that split into past=antisymmetry, and future, symmetry, the topological expression of which is:

|-past x O-future symmetry = Present Asymmetry Ø

So present splits in a superposition of past + future, past – future and future – past variations that can be added into 2 past, 2 future, and 2 past future on different orders, that become then annihilated or evolved into new symmetries.

Now in time we can write:

Present Asymmetry = (Future symmetry – past Asymmetry)  + (Past asymmetry – future symmetry) = 0.

But if we operate them by product = 2 F x P;   – F²;  – P² which logically must give zero also:

2 F@P – F² – P² = 0

Thus 2 F@P = F² + P²

It is then clear that present FxP states are dominant and equivalent to the relative past and future together.

This first law of existential algebra happens in all the systems of the Universe: the present, classic, mature state of the being lasts in time twice the sum of the youth and old age of the system:

The present lasts as much as the past and future combined; it exists in the classic age of balance between form and motion in any system of the Universe.

And so we start to operate in Temporal algebra from simple principles from where we shall extract some fundamental laws and properties of the world cycle, knowing that:

Past is antisymmetric, and its topology simplifies into lines, that break the asymmetric figure in two parts that diverge and…

Future is a rotary motion of angular momentum of the…

Conserved present asymmetry…

Thus past, the line of opposite diverging exploded parts relates to death with less form that future the angular momentum, rotary form which encircles the antipasti, into linguini, of vital energy.

The algebra of i-logic, non-Aristotelian, non-Euclidean geometries is thus essentially an existential algebra in which both the symmetry antisymmetry and asymmetry of operators can be defined both in time and space.

We then by convention define space as present-future, time as past-present and consider its static and moving forms. the line in motion.

The most important element of the Universe in terms of its logic and hence linguistic structure are its modes of connecting its ternary fractal points or ‘parts’ to build larger wholes or annihilate its organisms. This is the subject of Non-æ logic, which can be observed either from a geometric perspective, or from a bio-logic one, through the actions of its organisms. We talk then of ‘asymmetric’ systems, Lines and cycles upper and lower scalar planes, discontinuous parts and continuous wholes, which converge into a middle term. But also of the opposite effect: the destruction when the asymmetric terms do NOT converge but diverge. And this depends on its degree of similarity=parallelism or perpendicularity.

The mixture of both bio-logical and topological properties to determine behavior is then an important feature of ¬Æ, which shows the essential S≈T interaction between space and time form and motion dimensions. Let us then define the Universe and group all its behavior geometrically in destructive antisymmetries, <, parallel symmetries ≈ and asymmetries that come closer to each other to start a social relationship of ‘love’:∑∆-1 >∆º

Types of change in the universe: translational, physical and biological, morphological change.

If we escape the measure of time with quantitative models and study time with qualitative concepts, the meaning of time becomes ‘change’. In philosophical terms we perceive time as change. When something does not change it seems as time would not pass. Change in the form, in the in-form-ation of things is what we perceive as time. Time therefore has as change a formal pattern, it carries information.

If we do not see change in the form of things we do not say time.

Time is change of all kinds. Two time-changes are paramount.

Translational change or external change in the spatial position of beings, studied by physics. And Morphological change, change in the form, or in/form/ation of the being, internal and studied by Biology. General Systems sciences unifies both types of time-change in a larger model based in the multiplicity of time cycles, simplified by the definition of time in physics:

Physics only studies translational time-change, in which there is NOT internal morphological change, defined by Galilean Relativity, as V=∂s/dt. This restricted ‘sphere of time-phenomena’ implied a study of ‘present’ slices of the total flow of time events of a being – between points in which it only translates but does not changes morphologically or else its balance of energy and information will chaotically change its trajectory and would not be easy to calculate.

In the XX century, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity improved Galilean relativity and formalized, simultaneous, present time, derived initially from Galileo’s equation, V=∂s/∂t, hence still studying time as a ‘derivative’ of space parameters – a present slice of the total flow of time=changes of the Universe.

To do so he used a new type of mathematics, non-Euclidean points defined as points in which multiple parallels exist, hence points with volume, with parts, what we call here ‘fractal points’.

This restricted concept of time  is only apt to study ‘translations in space’ . It did not identify the causal laws of morphological change. We thus have to widen further our analysis of time, beyond present to its dimensions of past and future…

Differences between space and time, information and energy and its dimensions.

The Universe is made of fractal clocks of time that break and enclose vital spaces of energy which they use to move and act on the Universe.

And we say ‘vital spaces’ because the paper of the Cartesian continuum space-time is also a simplification with no motion, but all pieces of vacuum have energy, motion. And so we have actually two substances, time which has motion as it moves and shapes into frequencies and cycles, ‘space volumes’, quantum herds of energy motions.

And so the Universe is truly made not of an abstract fixed space-time continuum but it is an astoundingly complex, infinite puzzle, tapestry of energetic motions which ‘cyclical clocks of time’ harness into ‘forms’ with in/form/ation’. In detail all what you see will be a combination of an energy, lineal, expansive, disordering, explosive, ‘spatial’, entropic motion, or ‘field of energy’ in physics, body of energy in biology, social mass in sociology, harnessed, guided controlled, in/form/ed by a cyclical, informative, implosive, ordering, ‘temporal’, negantropic motion or ‘particle of information’ in physics, head of information in biology or ‘informative class’ in sociology, which controls the languages of information of society, the mathematical language of money and the verbal language to harness and form and control society.

This structure and its ‘whole view’ – a tapestry of infinite pieces of vital energy, controlled by informative, gauging particles and heads – is far more complex than the simple space-time continuum of the old paradigm. But it is essential to start from the scratch and change this simplified space-time continuum paradigm, if we want to make sense of reality as it is, and prevent us from making the grossly misconceptions of present science and advance in our understanding of the organic universe.

The next step thus is to reorganize the classic 4 dimensions of the continuum paradigm.

First we realize that this complex broken space-time, now made as a puzzle with infinite particles/fields of information/energy and heads/bodies of information energy, still has the 4 dimensions of classic space-time.

But NOW they must be REORDERED IN two dimensions of time-information (holographic principle), those of the heads and particles of each ‘piece, species’ of space-time and two dimensions of space-energy, those of the bodies/fields of energy.

The graph explains the differences between the old primitive paradigm of a single space-time continuum and the new, more complex paradigm based in the holographic principle and the definition of a fractal Universe of multiple non-Euclidean space-tie planes.

Now all is motion so information and space become cyclical time and expansive energy. And all what exists is a combination of fields/bodies of energy of lineal nature and informative particle/heads. We show 3 dual systems, the light system with its two fields/states as lineal energetic wave/photonic particle; the human head-eye, lineal body system and the essence of all robotic systems, eyes-cameras and lineal transports/weapons.

So what ultimately changes in the Universe are its energy and information systems, made of cyclical complex ‘brains and particles’ that gauge, measure and remember cycles of information, from physical particles to eyes, heads and mechanical chips, and bodies of lineal energy that move those heads and particles, from fields of energy to organic bodies.

We can thus study now the fundamental particle of the Universe, a complementary system of energy and information and study its time cycles, its cycles of change.

Do those time cycles have patterns in themselves, common to all of them? There is, if we were to use the cyclical religions of time (Mayans, Taoists, Zurvanists), a pattern in all cycles? There is indeed. As all systems increase with time its cyclical form, its information and hence diminish its energy:

As time flows, systems become more complex, warped, in-form-ed, from its energy youth to its 3rd age, and this law applies to all systems from big-bang big-crunch universes to history through its Paleolithic youth, mature Neolithic and present age of excessive memes of metal-information.

The most important element of the Universe is time. We live in a society that does not understand time. It is a society whose main idol-ogy has been space, energy, entropy, lineal weapons and physicists have defined time in those terms since Galileo used it as a parameter of space and speed, of motion: t= s/v.

This of course is only an aspect of time, but the idol-ogy of physics has expanded at the rhythm of its machines and its formulae, so today nobody understands the wider concept of time as ‘change’ in the form and motion of things.

In those Terms Aristotle, founder of modern rational thought, divided the study of time – the perception of change around us – in two main sciences, the study of changes in motion and energy would be the realm of physics, So within  that restricted analysis of change of motion time would be a function of space, energy and motion.

But there was also biology, the study of the changes in the morphology, in the form, in the in-form-ation of beings. And this other ‘arrow of time-change’, change in information, would be the key to understand biology, evolution and human societies, as we are living beings.

Time thus has two main ‘arrows of change’, energy or entropy or motion or space or speed, all synonymous concepts studied by physics. And information or form, studied mainly by biology.

And when you put together both ‘arrows of time’ and study both together, its changes, switches between both modes of change, motion and form, you enter a new science, complexity or general systems sciences that studies the dual arrows of time change, E<=>I, in a Universe in which all ‘energies never die but trans-form themselves, back and forth into information’…

This simple postulate defines cyclical time, as the absolute time, of which lineal time, t=s/v, the study of changes in motion is only an aspect, and evolutionary time, the change in form, another. Most entities in fact have ‘rhythms’, and ‘beats’ of change, due to the alternacy between expansive, energetic motions, Max. E, one of the two arrows of time and implosive, informative motions, Max. I, the other arrow.

So the beat of your mouth, of your heart, of your lungs, the flying of a bird, the motions of your legs, all of them respond to beat of explosive and implosive entropy and information, E<=>I, the ‘fractal generator’ of all the cycles of space-time you will observe.

Look around you, the beats of time, the infinite clocks of the Universe made of explosive and implosive rhythms, of entropy and information, of shapes that are changed growing in spatial energy or growing in implosive information, creating with little motion, more form. All those beats of the Universe is what science studies, and General Systems Sciences, the discipline in which this writer is likely the most advanced researcher today, analyzes them all and extracts common  laws and tabulates the rhythms and cycles of exchange of energy and information, of evolution, the rhythms of the 2 arrows of time.


During a few years in International congresses, I chaired the discipline duality – the science, which studies the universe with both arrows of time, spatial entropy, the arrow of disorder and death vs. temporal information, the arrow of order and life – as opposed to physics that uses only entropy as an arrow of time.

In duality we learn that modern science, was reborn in the 50s when Einstein died at the Macy’s congress, where our sciences of information, cybernetic and the study of the Universe with 2 arrows entropy and information became the canonical future of philosophy of science.

Physicists missed it except Von Neumann, and while they now use computers constantly because they did not accept ‘information’ as an arrow of time, meaning the future can follow always 2 paths:

An increase of information, which happens to be the commonest path. So you increase through life your form, your in-form-ation (dimensional form being the most correct definition of information, something artists who create informations, forms with the mind and human senses do understand better than most physicists, who think information is just a single digital language, as they confuse it with computers only).

So the galaxy also increases its form, its information as ‘time bends space into mass’, which falls towards the black hole. And cellular systems evolve into more efficient forms, with more information, and become super organisms. Yet the form or information of the Universe is stored in cyclical time clocks that carry the information of the Universe in the form and frequency of its cycles. And this is the essence of the fractal paradigm and the meaning of relativity: the Universe is made of infinite time clocks, with different speeds of processing information, and different forms and dimensions, till the 4 we perceive. Then we do not perceive more forms, but ‘scalar planes’ of information, which evolve socially parts into wholes. This is what we have experienced probing smaller and larger scalar planes of reality.

So at most we can talk of the 5th dimension of relative scalar planes of size, and infinite time clocks, which paradoxically carry more information, the smaller they are – so smaller systems code larger, ones, small chips code our civilization, small genes our body, quantum particles, physical systems. And we can directly put into correspondence, the arrow of information, of form and the clocks of time, such as a bit of information is created when a cycle of time closes into itself.

So computers which calculate bits as 0-1-0 logic closed loops calculate their information by the frequency of its cyclical clocks; and proteins store information in the form of its dimensional warps. Does we define a closed loop of time, frozen as a memorial form, as a bit of information, and the faster a clock of time closes its cycles, there is more information. And it follows that both time cycles and information is broken, made of infinite pieces, and the Universe is in terms of information a fractal, made of formal motions, which leaves a constant trace of information as its time cycles close its loops.

An increase of entropy, which is exactly the inverse arrow of information, as it means the erasing of information and breaking of loops that become opened, erased as they expand in space. So entropy is as an arrow of general time understood as an expansion of space, and diminution of the information stored in closed loops of time. It is also a synonymous of death in this philosophical concept, different though from the mathematical equation of entropy taken from a specific expansive motion – that of ideal gases.

Now this better understanding of the 2 arrows of future, cyclical time clocks of information, and entropic, open, kinetic energy motions, and the construction of more real models of the Universe and all its fractal parts made of cyclical clocks and kinetic motions, stored in the particle/heads and body/waves of physical and biological systems (principle of complementarity of physics and duality body-mind in biology), already expressed by the classic Eastern philosophers of yin-information and yang energy, resurrected by Descartes, with his description of a Universe made of res extensa (spatial entropy) and time clocks of information (vortices), resurrected at Macy’s congress, but never properly formalized, became the theme of Duality, one of the founding disciplines of Information theory, systems sciences and cybernetics.

Because information not entropy, dominates the Universe; and information, form-in-action, is created, re=produced by those fractal systems of cyclical clocks duality therefore became the foundations of modern philosophy of science.

But there was not formal model of the science till I arrived to the field in the late 90s, and formalized duality in those modern terms, with a book called Time cycles, which landed me the world chair of the discipline. This blog 2 decades latter will pour all the research I have done, which never was passed to the scientific community.

 A more complex logic of time MOTIONS.

To systematize the time motions of the Universe for each species, and to establish its causal relationship, departing from Aristotle we establish the only possible motions in time of the fractal 5ST Universe: changes in the parameters of energy, information and ∆-scalar planes of the being, which will either emit energy (locomotion), absorb it (feeding), emit information (reproduction), absorb it (communication), and evolve into larger wholes (social evolution, generation) or devolve (death): ±∆, Se, St. An eye of time a worldcycle that returns to its origin is the minimal unit of the Universe.

All in the Universe is made of such worldcycles, and all what the Universe does is to repeat world cycles.

Reproduction is thus synonymous of reproduction of a worldcycle, of the passing of time. By the mere fact that time exists and it is an immortal winding and unwinding of time clocks, seen in present space-time as a steady tic repetition of the frequency of worldcycles, which however are expanding or diminishing its energy and information, < > , till they repeat themselves.

The reality of the Universe as it is due to the reproduction of its time tics, time frequencies, time cycles, make it a wonder for an of the eyes of time that focuses existences into a mapping of reality in synchronous space. It is at the end of the tunnel of existence of micro worlds, where hiding into the knowledgeable perception, it is the perceiver of its time cycles, its collective mind-point, its relative God.

In the graph, the perception of the world cycle of existence in a synchronic, simultaneous way, which stresses the balanced wave-present-body state in which the entropic field and the informative field, both work to maintain the system in a balance between its information and energy components: Ts<ST>St.

Those 6 motions of time will be the origin of all space-time events of the Universe and its rules define the cycles of space-time of all beings, of which the world cycle of existence is obviously the most important. The order of those motions though will happen in such a fashion that at the end all the processes when integrated along 3 scalar planes, 3 forms and 3 arrows of time will give us a zero sum, that is all locomotions will balance with the energy fed to the system (emission and absorption of energy), and all life organizations upwards in the scalar planes of the 5th dimension will be compensated by al the deaths downwards.

This the ultimate truth of reality: the whole Universe is immortal for each of its parts to live a finite cycle of existence. But each existence itself is immortal in the reproduction of its present form through the different space-time actions of the Universe.

As a wave of actions forms, for each being there will be then the perspective of steady reproduction, of informative perception of the wave as it diminishing in time or space, each variation of the fundamental mode of reproduction SxT-> ∑st: becomes then a different variation on the same eternal theme, the completion of worldcycles, the repetition of existences, the closing of conservative paths of energy and information feed back cycles, S<≈>T, which define the Universe, constantly as flows of energy and information web new forms that become parts of wholes, which a new eye of time will reorder as a supœrganism, preying on it, growing as a subconscious collective god-mind, emerging to become a new point-mind of the whole. As information copies its fractal structure and becomes a mind-organism, then all becomes simple and then complex and then simple in reproductive waves across 3 ∆+-1 planes of existence.

The fifth motion of ages of existence.

Change on quality are the motions generated in the world cycle; which as we show in our analysis of the life-death cycle are fundamentally all parts of the reproduction, growth and extinction of those motions

This leaves us with change in quantity an substance.

The fourth dimensional -∆ motions of entropic death and informative emergence.

Change in substance are motions along the ∆-scalar planes of the fifth dimension, when a system dies truly changing the substance of its wholes, as the parts become ‘free’ of the physiological networks that created the being. So wholes become ∑∆-1 parts, which die again into ∑∑∆-2 parts, truly new wholes memoryless of its ∆º existence. And vice versa. Emergence is a change of substance from the seminal seed into the ∆o+1 new whole, opened to a new world, which becomes memoryless of its previous ∆-1.

But to understand those processes of growth into new planes of social existence as forms of reproductive motion, we must study the intermediate process between birth and emergence or the exponential decay of the being that dies and dissolves as reproductive motion.


In the graph, a galaxy, a DNA molecule, a tornado, a shell, a sunflower, and 2 logic, mental mirrors of the Universe – a Mandelbrot set and a yin-yang, eightfold life cycle – are all made of shapes that combine the most efficient morphologies of Entropy and information: the line or shortest distance between 2 points and the cycle that stores the max. quantity of information in lesser space. Both combine to reproduce the infinite beings of reality. It is the game of existence we all play.

 Frequency of Cyclical Clocks vs. spatial lineal duration.

Essentially all clocks of time are cyclical motions, so the speed of a clock of time depends on the number of ‘Hertzs’ or frequency of its motion, the smaller the more Hertz, as information is the form-frequency of those cycles, smaller beings have more information and code larger beings, but and that is the ‘trick’ that creates the fifth dimension, the ‘general law’ of those time clocks is accelerated.

i.e. Einstein’s principle of equivalence between acceleration and mass, define mass as an accelerated vortex of gravitational information, our life existence is accelerated when you are a seminal seed, etc.

physicists  uncoiled time-frequency, into lineal time, T=1/ƒ BY WRITING THE INVERSE equation… humanity is still in that primitive concept of a single time. Einstein  just added to that XVI c. equation, V=s/T, (instead of using V= wave length x Frequency), which ELIMINATES the information on the frequency and shape of the steps of the motion.

Einstein more than in its discoveries in its quotes and thoughts showed to have a grasp of it: ‘Leibniz is right, there are infinite clocks of time in the Universe, but if so we have to restart science from the beginning’ and its panpsychism pantheist Universe,

All time cycles return to its origin, creating a circle, but physicists uncoiled them and put all those revolutions one after another creating the concept of Lineal time – an artifact of measure, and equalizing all the different clocks of the Universe, all the different cyclical actions of its species with a single ‘time clock’ elongated into an infinite duration.

Galileo’s principle of lineal inertia, derived from his worldly profession. Galileo in fact created lineal time, because he was an artillery master for the Venetian arsenal, earning 1000 golden ducats, an astounding sum for the age, with the job of finding the longest lineal possible trajectory for canon shots (which he found to be alas! not a line but a parabola.

But that didn’t deter him, from proclaiming in his first book called ‘On military instruments’, that his discovery of lineal time would be  ‘…of great use to artillery masters, and a delight to philosophers’. It was a worldview that ratified the religious paradigm of Abrahamic religions, in which man had a lineal manifest destiny of progress even higher than that of God, the mind of the Universe, since ‘he was created in the beginning – hence before God himself – above heavens and Earth’.

In the graph, even our mechanical times measurements are done with cyclical mechanical clocks that turn around a cycle in fixed periods of time, usually an hour and 24 hours, forming a day, itself a measure of a cycle: the rotation of the Earth around its axis. time has always been cyclical, in any system studied by human beings.

In the bottom of the graph, Lineal time merely ‘erases’ the detail of the form and meaning of those cycles focusing only in its ‘spatial extension’ or motion-speed. It is a simplification of time frequency and cyclical time.

As such lineal time duration is a simplification of a length of time caused by the sum of multiple time frequencies measured by a cyclical time.

We shall therefore in this post describe a ‘Universe’ made of time cycles in all its scalar planes. time cycles that have basically two positions or arrows of future, to implode inwards, the arrow of future we shall call information, or explode outwards, the arrow of future we shall call entropy and a balanced, perfect cycle.

Now we shall return to the proper definition of time and space in simple terms, from where we shall derive much more meaningful truths about reality:

‘Times are cyclical, closed motions. Spaces are lineal, open extensions’.

The concept of cyclical times is not new. On the contrary, as it is evident in the left picture that all time clocks are cyclical, repetitive; the true mystery is how humans are so ‘dumb’, as to deny it in the modern age. Since all Asian cultures, and all western cultures till Galileo, did believe in cyclical times. The word in fact still lingers in the names of our newspapers: ‘The New York Times’, ‘The Times of London’.

Moreover science would not exist if times were not cyclical as ‘scientific laws’ are merely the repetition in time of patterns of behavior and causality. So to deny cyclical times is to deny science, logic and objectivity. But it also means to deny the fundamental particle of the Universe – a being made of space-time cycles that ‘thinks, therefore exists’ as a world in itself.

The human clock

This said the second is the human clock of our 3 ‘topological parts’, the glimpse of the I=eye-wor(l)d and so of our thoughts, the beat of the heart, the time of a limb step. So we write the equation of the human time clock, which we should also write for each species (De broglie’s seminal article on the synchronicity of waves and particle give us the result for quantum physics and so on):

Human clock = ð-second:  Limb Steps < Body heart beat > Eye-mind glimpse thought

It is obvious that our ‘times’ are both finite, synchronous between our 3 topological parts and different from other species. Our total time-clock then will be the ‘sum’ of all the individual actions provided by the previous time-clock. And we can as we shall do in the articles of synchronicity consider if our time-clock has a number of ‘steps/beats/thoughts’ and if that number is equal to the number of the Universe, and indeed, one of the infinite new avenues of research of T.œ for future scientist will be the whole quantification of the time clocks of each species of the Universe, according to the simple measure of how many ‘frequencies’ its time-clock rates have between birth and extinction for each of them.

Further on the aeiou, actions of beings have different time speeds.

Yet in each scalar plane of being the time clocks vary its cyclical patterns. As indeed, smaller scalar planes will have faster time clocks, and synchronous balances with larger ones (so the cell reproduces each day because the larger slower system feeds every day). What is then the clock of minimal time of the minimal meaningful scalar plane of life beings? If we study the cell instead of the human scalar plane, the minimal ∆-1 unit is the amino acid.

So that should be the ultimate minimal time-clock of life. And as the Head dominates the body, it imposes its time-clock to the rest of the organism. So the head of the amino acid the ‘Amina’, NH3 is the time clock of life. Specifically it is the nitrogen cycle in the Amina:

Time is a curved hence with two dimensions, besides length: curvature and frequency. Time cycles thus break reality into an inner and outer ‘vital space’, and add a singularity point or focus of its motion. Because pi is not exact, steady state clocks are less common than vortex spiral or fluctuating ±π mouths, but all time cycles tend inwards in a 3rd age of warping and in-form-ation till the flow of motion ‘stops’ in the still singularity, ejected perpendicularly in an explosion of death-entropy. It is the last time quanta of the clock when motion becomes a 5th dimensional still image before dying into a lineal 4D entropic flow

In the graph, we are all made of vital spaces – whose motions are in-formed by self-centered cyclical time clocks. But unlike the artificial steady, mechanical clocks of time of our machines, the clocks of nature, are vortex-like clocks with a clear inward arrow of increasing information and decreasing energy, as those of the graph, tracing for each finite species of space-time a ‘world cycle’ of life and death between creation and existence.

The synchronicities of knots of time Сmotions.

Each active organism is a complex chain of cyclical åctions performed to achieve the 4 main Сmotions of time. Yet that chaos of action is ordered by causal processes, synchronized clocks and ‘Ðimotions’/information networks that harmonize all those seemingly chaotic cycles of åctions into a dance of existential beats, interdependent and in permanent symbiosis – being the key to those harmonies among different Time Сmotions the concept of ‘time-speed’, the speed at which a certain cycle of time closes its trajectory into a ‘loop’ or event (spatial/temporal description) that will be repeated with a frequency that defines the regularity of the time cycle and its speed of perception.

For example, the subjective cycle of time perception in man is the cycle of informative perception determined by the wink of the eye which opens to absorb ‘Ðimotions’ and closes when it processes it as information every second. This rhythm is self-similar to the rhythm of the heart, which is approximately of a beat per second, when blood is expanded as ‘Ðimotions’ and imploded carrying the released chemical information of the body. So, since we have a thought per second and a beat per second, the second is in fact the ‘clock-time’ of the human brain and the mechanical instruments we use to compare all the cycles of time of the Universe with our own cycles.

Each species and cycle of time has a different frequency, which depends on the ‘size’ of the species we study, and the causality of those Сmotions, such as:

Max. ‘Ðimotions’-extension=Min. Speed-Frequency of Time cycles:

Max. Speed/frequency: Informative cycle->Energetic ->Reproductive ->Social cycle: Min. Frequency.

For example, the cycle of perception of the human eye – each second –determines the beat of the heart/breathing cycle of ‘Ðimotions’ for the body; the cycle of rotation of the Sun-Earth system – a day – determines the ‘Ðimotions’ cycle of the planetary surface, whose microscopic, life-species adjust their energetic /formative, awaken/sleep cycle to that of the bigger organism. And vice versa, the smaller microscopic cells of the body reproduce each day, according to that awaken/sleep cycle. There are in fact a series of General Isomorphisms of synchronicity between those Time Сmotions/cycles that apply to any entity or complex system of the Universe, which extends through several scales of spatial size and informative complexity.

All the åctions of all species can in fact be described by ‘beats’ of existence, partial sub-equations of the Generator Equation, which define rhythmical chains of action. In an individual those beats of existence become the life rhythms of each of our organs, from the eye that feeds on light and then informs the brain, which produces a visual thought every second (the blink time of the eye), (o->e->o) to the night/day, dreaming/acting rhythm (Release of chemical information->dreaming->release of ‘Ðimotions’->acting), etc.

A 2nd series of ternary rhythms occur as organisms switch between the 3 physiological networks of hormonal, reproductive activity; nervous, informative activity and feeding, energetic activity (Re->in->en).

Those rhythms happen also in the social plane of existence as a single organism, cell of our civilizations. In society those rhythms shape the ternary bio-rhythms of our daily life; the 8 hours of work (obtaining our social ‘Ðimotions’, money), 8 hours of play (dedicated to family reproduction), and 8 hours of sleep (when our organism repairs its form). Moreover those rhythms of our daily life are synchronous to the rhythms of the global organism, Gaia; and self-similar rhythms are found in the activity of animals and plants.

Since in objective terms humans are created by the same temporal Сmotions and display the same properties than the rest of the entities of the Universe. A human being is the same kind of entity than ‘an atom’ – a complex chain of time cycles of ‘Ðimotions’, information, reproduction and social evolution. The difference is not of quality but of quantity and hence of complexity: Humans are knots of an enormous amount of time cycles whose spatial topologies, åctions and motions configure our existence.

On the other extreme of simplicity, an atomic particle (quark, electron or photon) is the simpler species, we can study with those Сmotions, in terms of size and complexity of its ‘action’ cycles, compared to a human being. Since a particle can be described with just 4 quantum numbers that resume the 4 kinds of ‘åctions’ particles constantly perform:

– Particles gauge information (reason why quantum theory is a ‘gauge theory’). That is, they calculate the distances with other atoms and act-react to exchanges of ‘Ðimotions’ and information with them.

– Particles feed on ‘Ðimotions’, absorbing electromagnetic and gravitational forces and other particles.

– Particles decouple, repeating themselves in other regions of space-time (they reproduce by iterating its particles, quarks, electrons and photons).

– Finally particles evolve together into complex social structures, called atoms and molecules, which also feed on ‘Ðimotions’, gauge information, reproduce and evolve socially.

All those ‘motions’, quantum numbers, molecular vibrations, decouplings and physical events can be re-considered as manifestations of the 4 main Сmotions of time, chained in synchronic patterns and cycles, cyclical and lineal geometries, whose abstract definition conform the Isomorphisms of quantum physics.

The description physicists do of those Сmotions is an abstract, mathematical, mechanical description, which corresponds to the limits of the mechanical, monist, ‘religious’ philosophy of science of our founding fathers4, which did not require an ‘internal’, self-organizing will to describe the Universe, since it was understood that the ‘will’, the ‘why’ of all the clock-like motions of the Universe was ‘God’, an entity that seems to have appeared to a pastor of the bronze age.

System sciences reasons those ultimate questions from the perspective of science and its mathematical and logic languages, albeit with a degree of complexity superior to that provided by monist, reductionist, mechanist, classic scientific philosophies of reality. Thus we substitute the ‘will of a personal God’ or any other anthropic principle with the 4 objective ‘Сmotions of causality’ or Time Сmotions that all particles and entities of ‘existence’ follow, which can be described objectively with mathematical and logical equations, and finds in the subjective will for survival its sufficient reason.

Further on, all quantum entities obey the Complementarity Principle. They show 2 states or structures that co-exist simultaneously: a field of energetic forces that moves a particle of information, which gauges the space-time that surrounds the particle. And we cannot distinguish or perceive both entities: the force/body and head/particle together. In other words, physical entities are made of ‘motion fields’ and ‘gauging particles’.

They constantly move, stop and gauge information, move, gauge… So because they have 2 components, one specialized in energetic motions (the field of forces) and one specialized in informative gauging (the particle, mass or charge), all their åctions are either ‘energetic åctions’, informative gauging, the combinations of both type of åctions (decouplings, which produce self-similar particles) or more complex åctions in which the particle, atom or molecule share smaller particles, called bosons, creating social networks, made of fields of forces and particles of information.

If we widen the concept of ‘Ðimotions’ as lineal, expansive motion, and information as a cyclical, in/formative motion, we realize that the biological realm also follows a Principle of Complementarity between reproductive bodies and informative heads, which co-exist together in living beings. And bodies are responsible for ‘Ðimotions’, while heads map out the Universe, creating images, reflected in the mind of the external motions of reality, imitated by small cyclical motions within the brain and its neurons. So again we observe a dual structure, body/head, with energetic/informative properties that move and gauge, feed on ‘Ðimotions’ and perceive information. And in more complex events, reproduce the biological entity or use languages of information to create complex social structures.

All what exists is a ‘fractal knot of ‘Ðimotions’ and information motions’, whose why is ‘to absorb more ‘Ðimotions’ and information’ from the perspective of the entity or ‘point of view’ that gauge and moves in the Universe. Imagine a universe of infinite ‘species’ made of ‘‘Ðimotions’’, ‘forces or bodies’, upon which certain structures of information, called ‘cyclical motions’, particles or heads, are sustained. Reality is a fractal sum of those 2 motions, ‘Ðimotions’ and information, which combine to create an infinite number of entities that gauge information, feed on ‘Ðimotions’, reproduce their form and evolve into social structures till reaching the complex Universe.

We cannot describe human åctions with simple equations because humans can gauge many types of information, feed in many forms of different ‘Ðimotions’, choose many different couples to court, love and reproduce, and make very complex choices in our decisions on how to relate socially to other human beings. But at the end of the journey, amazingly enough we observe that all what we humans do is also gauging information, absorbing ‘Ðimotions’, reproducing and evolve into social systems. So those 4 types of events or causal Сmotions of time are all what we humans do; even if we use a complex, ‘ambiguous’ language – words -to describe those åctions.

St exist, to be in this Universe means to absorb ‘Ðimotions’, gauge information, reproduce our form and evolve socially by acts of communication with other beings. Those ‘åctions’ are considered mechanical in the physical world and åctions of will in the human world. Yet they are described in both worlds with the same ‘2 elements’: ‘Ðimotions’ and clocks of time. So Planck proved that all physical forces are made of h-quanta, whose parameters are ‘‘Ðimotions’ and time’, while we say in layman terms that ‘we do not have enough time and ‘Ðimotions’ to do this’ – meaning we are made of a limited quantity of vital space, our ‘Ðimotions’/body, and time-clocks of information – our minds.

There is no difference between ‘us’, human beings and ‘particles’ that also have a limited ‘Ðimotions’ and time, which they spend performing the same game of 4 types of åctions – the Game of Existence. We all play the same game, regardless of what plays it, an atom, or a human being.

Religions will tell you that the ‘will’ of man is a property of ‘our soul’, which is supposed to exist according to the tradition of our ‘pious’ founding father, Mr. Descartes, in some non-local space-time4. Stience will tell you that the ‘will of man’ is the ‘why’ we don’t ask, or at best it will be born of a chaotic series of circumstances and physical events that come together to ‘create life’. While biologists will affirm that the will of man has the same drives of existence (gauging, feeding, reproducing and evolving socially) that all forms of life have, but only forms of life have.

System sciences depart from anthropomorphic traditions, validating instead the ideas of Eastern philosophies (Taoism, Buddhism, Zurvanism), upgraded with the scientific method, showing that the Universe is ‘organic’, not mechanical, because all its particles share the ‘4 drives of existence’ of biological beings, whose ‘why’ is self-evident in a world made of perpetual motions. Since if we all are made of motions, life is embedded in the existence of those motions that repeat themselves by the mere ‘action of moving’: Reproduction becomes natural to the existence itself of cyclical and ‘Ðimotions’ that repeat their forms as they trace their trajectories.

If we leave aside metaphysical, subjective questions on the ‘nature of consciousness’ and ‘will’, we could affirm that all entities of the Universe have both, a ‘will of existence’, shown in its constant pursuit of those 4 Сmotions, and an objective nature, in as much as those 4 Сmotions or wills can be proved objectively by the events that atoms, humans, animals or any other entity perform. It is though necessary to understand in which scale of reality a certain region of Time-space ‘acts’. For example, a chair, made with human formal imagination is not organic neither it shows any of the 4 main Сmotions of time unless it is attached to a human being (so it helps humans to think- process information – in a ‘still’, formal position). Yet at the spatial scale of atomic wood, the chair shows those Сmotions and in the temporal distance when the chair was wood, it had also at macroscopic level those vital Сmotions of time.

What is then reality – the ultimate meaning of those time Сmotions? At first sight, it seems there is no meaning at all, but merely the eternal beat of existence, ‘Ðimotions’ becoming form, becoming ‘Ðimotions’… and the sensations related to those motions, which might be shared by all realities – pain/pressure and pleasure/release.

A closer view on both Сmotions and the complementarity of all physical and biological entities, which achieve immortality through reproduction of their own form – from light imprinting its waves on the vacuum, to quarks jetting bundles of ‘quarkitos’, to humans ‘growing and multiplying’ all over the Earth – seemingly makes the 3rd existential Сmotion of reproduction, the meaning of it all, and the Universe a constant orgasm of repetitive, present forms.

But then, we realize that reproduction in itself is just a step towards self-organization, as self-similar cells that can ‘decode’ their common language of information come together into stronger, bigger waves, herds and organisms, which survive better, due to their higher ∑SxT, existential force. So the answer to the meaning of it all is clear: the Universe has a dominant Сmotion, the creation of ‘fractal supœrganisms’, species which are self-similar to their parts and emerge through processes of evolution into bigger wholes.

Since the 4 main Сmotions of time and its discontinuous cycles come together, creating vital knots of motions that energize, gauge information, reproduce and finally evolve socially into herds and organisms: T->S->ST->S. In other words, a fractal infinite Universe of ‘Ðimotions’ and information struggles to create ‘more of it’ by expanding inwards and outwards its relative scales of organic size; since a Universe made of motions has no limits of size and form, as it becomes ever more organized in bigger and smaller social herds and organisms: T->S->ST->S.

Yet even if social evolution is the dominant Сmotion of the Universe, it is also the less common, more distanced in the frequency of its events, since all other Сmotions must exist ‘a priori’ for an event of social evolution – the final causal Сmotion of reality – to take place, thanks to a common language that carries information among self-similar cellular individuals.

The highest frequency of events always corresponds to informative events, particles and heads gauging and thinking, mapping reality with its hardware, as they run inside the software of a force, whose frequency carries informations decoded and transferred into such mappings. So the atom figures out first in its inner quark-systems how to move, searching for a flow of ‘Ðimotions’ or its relocation in harmony with the other atoms of its web, while an office clerk thinks first and then writes or makes a call related to those informative thoughts – an act of measure precedes an act of motion.

Accordingly to those frequencies and the generic law, Min.Ts= Max.St, the light pixels of informative mappings are smaller and faster to allow faster events/cycles of perception than the bits of ‘Ðimotions’ that feed the body – amino acids, which are smaller than the seminal cells that carry the information of reproductive acts, which are smaller than the units of social evolution (other humans).

So happens to the frequency of perception (each second), faster than that of feeding, which happens more often than the frequency of sexual reproduction, which is more common than our acts of love – social acts of evolution that ‘collapse’ a wave of individuals into a particle/organism, emerging as a whole action, born of the self-organization of its parts, such as a religious mass or a voting action, or a marriage, all acts that create social groups.

Yet, the ultimate why of any chain of causal Time Сmotions must be found in the goal of ‘survival’, the final drive of all entities of the Universe, maximized by its 2 complex Сmotions, reproduction and social evolution that evolves cellular entities into macrocosmic wholes, which become cellular entities of a higher ‘space-time plane’.

What we are then can be expressed in more poetic terms: knots of existence, flows of Сmotions of time, mirrors of information, bodies in action, ‘wills of the penis’14, loving cells of bigger social units, exi=stential flows, ‘vanitas, vanitatum et omnia vanitates’; motions of time in perpetual conflict.

The rules of engagement of all those knots of time, ‘points of view’ that gauge information, seek for ‘Ðimotions’, reproduce and evolve socially, creating ‘ad eternal’ the infinite scales upwards and inwards, is the ultimate knowledge of the game of existence, which system sciences study.

This holistic view is a mystique revealing existence of the unity of it all, which few self-centered humans accept. Scientists rejected it in the past, because it had not been properly formalized. But one of the advantages of the new formalism of Non-Euclidean, fractal, logic, causal chains of Time Сmotions/events, is that it renders a mathematical analysis of those Сmotions of times are its generic isomorphisms, hence allowing their application to the study of the species of any scientific network of self-similar points in an open flow of communication.

Thus, the range and power of the formalism of Multiple Spaces-Times will not become evident till we develop the logic of multiple causes and the non-Euclidean geometry of flows of communication between the fundamental particles of the Universe, its non-Euclidean, Fractal points. A consequence of those postulates is in fact the definition of a soul as a non-Euclidean point of view:

‘Every point of view=mind feels the center of the Universe, but it is only an infinitesimal Non-Euclidean point that stores a limited mapping of reality with its informative languages.’

We are all Atmans, informative CPUs, souls that gauge in different languages reality, to construct a mental mapping that caters to our point of view and Сmotions of time. So we create our ‘perceived Universe’ – a fact known from Descartes to Schopenhauer, but lost to ‘naïve, realist’ physicists. All of them thinking clocks are the only point that matters to measure time, and the human mind, the only ego that knots ‘Ðimotions’ into form, since that is the only perspective they perceive. That is why most of history, humans thought the Earth to be the center of reality; and still think they are the only intelligent species.

All is memorial because cyclical inertia, the repetition of the cycles of existence of any form, is common to all space-time fields. This is a tautology: a species that forgets, that does not repeat a fractal cycle of existence becomes extinct and its cycles of existence disappear. Thus, a being has to remember and repeat its fractal cycles to last in time. That is the existential game of any being: to feed on ‘Ðimotions’ and use its genetic, memorial information to transform it through reproduction into new cyclical åctions.

Yet those åctions are encoded in ‘fractal equations of information’ which are logical chains that constantly repeat themselves, becoming memorial patterns. Those patterns have different names in science: genes in biology, memes in history, Universal constants, which are proportions between physical ‘Ðimotions’ and information in physics, etc. Yet what all those fractal equations and e/o proportions become are cyclical, self-repetitive events that respond to an Сmotion of time.

Recap: All what exi=st is a fractal knot of cycles of ‘Ðimotions’, information, reproduction and social evolution. There is not a difference of quality among universal entities – only a difference in the quantity and complexity of those cyclical Сmotions that ‘inform’ each species of reality. The ultimate meaning of a Universe made of time motions not of spatial forms is closer to a Philosophical tradition that ranges from Plato and Buddha to Leibniz and Schopenhauer: reality is a game of ‘fractal mirrors’, souls=Atmans= quantum knots of information that gauge reality to absorb ‘Ðimotions’ in order to repeat=iterate=reproduce their form. Since we are all fractal parts of the whole with a limited duration in time and a limited quantity of space. And so only those species, which reproduce their ‘logic Сmotions’ of time, their information, in other zone of space survive. Thus the game of existence is in essence a game of repetition of forms, a game of exi=stences.

Generational cycle. 

The previous, simplified analysis of the synchronicities between time cycles raises again the existence of more dimensions of space-time beyond the classic, ‘individual’ cycles of Entropy feeding, informative perception, reproduction and social evolution.

We already showed the existence of a generational cycle in ‘reproductive waves’ of physical Entropy, such as light, whose motion is just the sum of all the reproductive cycles of the wave; and the same can be said of the complex particle/wave generational cycle, equivalent to a complete life-death cycle, as the physical entity switches between its Entropy and information states, Ts<=>o. In the case of the body those generational cycles of cells are fundamental to understand the synchronicities of the body, as all its cells except the neuronal cells that dominate its informative system have a limited numbers of reproductions, setting up a generational cycle. And the same can be said of the species of life in this planet.

Thus, there is a generational cycle, which creates in physical entities a lineal dimension of speed or width in the light and gravitational membranes of space-time between which humans are sandwiched; and sets a telomere limit to the number of reproductions of living species, both at cellular and multicellular level. And since such dimension is a ‘complex of the reproductive, complex dimension’, which is in itself a complex of the energetic, simplex dimension (as all acts of reproduction require a surface of vital space to imprint; so for example women cannot reproduce without a 17% of body-fat volume and particles only reproduce in highly energetic environments), we write:

∑ Reproductive Сmotions->Generational Сmotion.

It defines the existence of a new Сmotion or dimension of time. We have not considered though such Сmotion in this book for simplicity and because ultimately in the fractal universe, the number of dimensions when we keep adding complex planes made of networks of st-points, which restart again new macro-energetic, informative, social and reproductive cycles is infinite. And ultimately because we live in a 4-dimensional Universe, in which the ‘generational cycle’, except for simple, short-lived entities as those who create the 2 Universal membranes of gravitation and light, are non-perceivable except for long spans of time.

Recap. The sum of reproductive cycles gives birth to the generational cycle, which is also a finite Сmotion, as all forms have a limited number of generations, after which the reproductive systems fail.

The transcendental Сmotion: Emergence.

In the same manner that the sum of multiple reproductive cycles gives birth to the generational Сmotion, the product of multiple networks of informative beings gives birth to the transcendental Сmotion, such as:

∏∑2 informative particles: ∏ Social networks: Transcendental Сmotion.

Thus a new dimension of time is the social evolution of organisms into bigger super-organisms, scale after scale, from particles to atoms to molecules to cells to organisms, to supœrganisms to the entire Universe with its infinite scales.

Though each organism is when observed in detail a super-organism, if we were to consider a rigorous distinction between both, the difference would be of our detail of perception: a super-organism observes each of its cells as an organism of smaller ‘cellular element’ and an organic view stops in the analysis of its cells.

A fact, which leads to a metaphysical question: it is transcendental Сmotion infinite in scales; or it is as all other dimensions a finite dimension? Unfortunately an argument on the number of scales of the Universe will always be theoretical, because unlike the other dimensions we cannot observe the absolute totality of space extensions and informative, scales created through time durations to have any experimental evidence of such limit.

The Transcendental dimension, the dimension of emergence, studied by the ‘science of emergence’ or transcendental Сmotion, as it is often not perceived, especially for the individuals who become part of the whole; believers that form part of an eusocial human organism through the Сmotion of love; physicists, who don’t see the super-organisms of galaxies, etc.

The difference between the transcendental Сmotion and the organic Сmotion is subtle. Unlike organic systems mediated by the 4th Сmotion, the transcendental Сmotion is far less brutal than the stick and carrot system by which the informative, nervous systems of organisms dominate the cells of its body; in as much as it implies a high degree of homogeneity and collaboration between the parts that transcend.

We could consider that the social Сmotion forms ‘herds’, waves and bodies, while the transcendental Сmotion is the Сmotion that puts together complex, informative particles together, and while the Сmotion of organic evolution would be based in the concept of ‘safety’, the transcendental dimension will be based in the concept of love, as the particles know each other more intimately, and in certain cases can even become fusion in a boson structure, in which all occupy the same space.

Thus the difference between the Generational and Transcendental Сmotions and its fractal units, the Сmotions of Reproduction and Organic Evolution is minimal and that self-similarity brings about some philosophical, metaphysical conclusions:

-As in a succession that converges with less difference between terms, the convergence of time Сmotions seems to indicate that there are no more ‘dimensions of reality’ beyond the transcendental Сmotion.

-The Transcendental and generational Сmotion seems to act, ‘reinforce’ each other, as the generational limit obliges species to evolve into eusocial organisms if they want to survive, hence ‘transcendence’ is the ultimate mechanism of survival in the Universe. In the same manner the Simplex and Complex Сmotions are intertwined as one cannot exist without the other. Such is the harmony of all the systems of an interconnected Universe.

– The more complex Сmotions of time seem to create more perfect worlds. If we assign to each Сmotion a sensation and/or its negative lack of it, blindness vs. perception =information; hunger vs. taste=Entropy feeding, pleasure= reproduction; safety=organic evolution; eternity=generational cycle and love= transcendental cycle, and postulate that all entities of existence are moved to action by the existence of sensorial fields associated to its Сmotions; we reach some philosophical conclusions:

– The simplex Сmotions are automated and reinforced by the duality of negative/positive sensations, where the negative sensation is so powerful that it obliges the entity to act without delay to achieve the Сmotion. We can then image the simplex physical particles whose basic fields is a dual energetic /informative system to be far more automated than the next scale of beings, biological beings dominated by the reproductive and organic Сmotions.

– Those 2 Сmotions are what Aristotle called ‘vegetative wills’ and are reinforced by the objective isomorphisms of survival, as those species who do not reproduce or evolve into bigger organisms tend to perish and become food of larger biological systems. Thus, we observe in those 2 Сmotions and systems a higher degree of freedom, as species can live without reproducing or acting in social groups, but the penalty a ‘posteriori’, extinction is equally deterministic.

– Finally the generational cycle and the Сmotion of transcendental evolution seem not to be imposed from within the system but from outside and despite of it.

Indeed, the generational limits of existence are not positive and certainly not liked by the species, which is subject to it. A solution is found when we realize that the generational limit as well as the organic Сmotion that creates herds does not affect to the informative cells and its networks; since indeed, black holes are immortal, as the informative elements of the universe and neuronal cells live all the existence of the organism. And so it becomes obvious that the neuronal, informative networks of the system impose the limits of existence of those Сmotions.

And so the transcendental Сmotion of eusocial love is the summit of all the Сmotions of existence, unique to informative networks, whose members know each other deeply, share Entropy and information in higher degree, command totally the other elements of the organism, last forever, as long as the organism exist and have a higher degree of freedom that all other species. Reason why there is not clear systems of reinforcement. It is the summit of existence, free and eternal, within the limits of the ecosystem or super-organism in which those cells exist.

Recap. The transcendental Сmotion makes individual organisms transcend into super-organisms, creating the scales of the Universe.

The function of existence of the universe.

We humans have a clear limit in our perception of those scales, given by a series of parameters proper of radiant matter. We can’t see beyond quarks and galaxies; we can’t absorb information coming from faster than light forces (non-local gravitation) or perceive ordered vibrations below 0 K temperature. It is a metaphysical question to wonder if those are the hard limits of reality; in which case the smallest point, the quark, won’t be as Leibniz put it, a world in itself, but a hard limit: the simplest rotational movement or ‘spin’ of the Universe; or they are, as I believe, only the limits of human perception.

Then all what exists is truly relative in its scale, and the atom is an object self-similar to a galaxy, which would reveal infinite detail if we could approach the ultra-diminutive Planck scale. A fact, which translated into fractal notation, gives us the simplest formalism for all Universes, sum of all potential cyclical forms of all its ∞ fractals:

∏ (∑Ts <=> ∑2Tƒ)∆=∞       Universal function of Existence

The previous equation resumes all the possible infinite combinations of cycles of times, made of ∆-points in communication, that create all type of networks of Entropy and form, which become complementary organisms, and start a function of existence. So first Entropy appears, Entropy becomes form, Entropy and form reproduce and create social organisms with the reproduced cells.

We can observe the universal equation also as a game that grows causal dimensions: from lineal Entropy (1) comes from (2) and both combine to reproduce (3), self-similar waves of being. This simple description of the game of the Universe, Ts ->ST->Ts X St->∑Ts X St, is already present in Taoism (from 1 comes 2 from 2 comes 3 from 3 the infinite beings, Cheng Tzu). It resumes the constant, dimensional creation and extinction of reality (as finally the fracking of so many cells, Ts X St, dissolves the form or the form explodes and dies in a big bang).

The Cycles of the Universe are thus self-repetitive; sine as Taoists understood, the universe you see is not its function of existence, which is expressed in that synoptic equation. The processes of creation and destruction of planes of existence however are too complex to study them as a whole without doing some basic distinctions.

St start with there are two different type of Сmotions, simplex, Ts<=>St processes, more proper of physical sciences (as in changes of state by increase of Entropy, from solid to liquid to gas or vice versa; or as changes from lineal energetic motions into cyclical vortices, as in Ts=Mc2), are easier to analyze as they happen in the same place of existence. But we, men co-exist between the quantum and galactic scale of physical objects and between the cellular and social scale of biological beings. And so most of the events we must consider are events that take place between 3 co-planes of existence. In physical events between the quantum, human and gravitational planes and in biological events between the cellular, human and social plane.

The human mind is an I=Eye+wor(l)d who selects perceptively from the infinite number of forms of the Universe only those that matter to us. Thus, we do not see beyond the galactic, gravitational plane; though there are hints about a network structure of Galaxies, a big-bang model, which in organic terms would mean the birth of a first cell-particle that reproduced the entire cosmos and a model of fractal space-times with infinite scales of size that this work represents. Since the classic model of space-time continuum only considers a single light-space, our existential membrane with limits of Entropy and information (c-speed, 0 Kelvin).

Yet both in human and cosmic organisms only multiple space-time scales explains those cycles of life and death, which happen as a ‘travel between 3 scales of size, the cellular semen, human individual and social super-organism of history.

In the same manner cosmology needs to grasp the fact that physical space is organized in 2 planes, the electroweak membrane we exist in and the gravitational space membrane of masses, and gravitational forces, which we do not perceive. Yet it is needed to resolve the meaning of dark matter, dark Entropy, gravitational non-local action, the death of light into gravitational space, its formation of a background radiation, the åctions taken place in black holes, etc.

Recap: A Non-Euclidean space or plane, defined by Riemann in the XIX C, is a network space – a space created by a network of self-similar points, related by constant flows of Entropy and information, whose properties are defined by the degree of ‘homogeneity’ or self-similarity of those points.

So your body is a discontinuous spacetime, a small world in itself, constructed with 3 clear ‘cellular spaces’, the nervous space, an informative network, the ‘energetic space’ – your digestive and breathing networks – and a reproductive space, the blood and hormonal networks and organs. We shall see then reality in organic terms as a series of ‘network spaces’, which will have all the properties of Non-Euclidean spaces (motion, curvature, dark spaces in the ‘holes’ left by the network, etc.).


Now because of the Principle of relativity, likely better expressed by Poincare – what we call here the Galilean paradox – the incapacity to distinguish motion from form

The conservation of ST-presents.

The conservation laws of the Universe can be resumed in the conservation of the total Ts<ST>St reality and its ternary symmetries across space, time and the 5th dimension. So angular and lineal, Ts and St momentum is conserved, and its larger, 5Рvision as integrated planes of systems or energy and information (kinetic and potential energy) is conserved. And the number of particles and antiparticles, or life and death states of a world cycle is conserved. Yet because Ts and St are relative past and future Сmotions merged into ST-waves-bodies of present, which constantly iterate its forms, actually all reduces to the conservation of ST dual fields. Present Fields. We do exist always in present.

Thus all starts with a simple philosophical statement: ‘The Universe exists constantly in present’.

This seemingly simple statement, is a powerful instrument as soon as we realise that the present, ST, is a bidimensional system with a parameter of a dimension of relative space-frm and time-motion, or O-x |=Ø, that is an event which is creative.

The study of the Function of present, Spast, x Tƒuture = Ø-Present, a Constant of existence, which ‘exists’ in one of the scales of the 10th dimension ‘alone at a time’, and the study of other ‘simplex dimensional conservations in any ∆-Plane of the energy and information, Ts and St, quanta and infinite continuum vibration in space of two poles, which brome a harmonic oscillator creative event:

Ts = ∞ x O = Time point -> Constant of existence which fluctuates through its differential equations from a lineal function ∂y to a full cyclical function, Dy/dx, in any of the two possible upwards and downward social dimensions of affine or topological spas.

Thus a constant of existence, Ts x St = E∆i, can be also perceived as a sum of quanta of space, of discrete volume dimensions which are seen as fixed and a seemingly continuous due to its extreme range f harmonic oscillator functions between 2 poles.

The line then becomes the true ‘minimal entity of the Universe’, and as such, since lines have breath soon become waves of points, extended also transversally till finally are organised in a different type of vibration, that of a plane.

Which has by definition, one more dimension and so has points of view, called particles, with a larger gravitational mind of dimensions that the simpler, thermodynamic and electromagnetic, j, µ and h quanta.

So we could say that the mind is gravitational because of the way we perceives geometry operate with eyes, etc. and so it is cold because it makes a reduction of thermodynamic form – hence its gravitational in the scale it measures.

What are the quanta of gravitation? The only known candidate is the neutrino hence, IT IS the neutrino. How to adapt the equations of present mathematical physics is through the Jordan theory of neutrino light in which particles, first exchange along the invisible side of the c, m, t barriers, a measure line, invisible but that we know it is there to form the first informative neutrino-giravtational connections.

So we are gravitational beings.

We become then frames of references of mechanics in the equation of the mind which is the equation that truly defines as the relative constant of existence, c-speed or 0 temperature or H-planck.

The Universe is immortal in 0-sum time cycles that never end, perfectly anti(symmetric) between the two directions/forms/motions on the extreme of those two cycles, which converge into present, static forms and its infinite-simal up and down in the 5th dimension. And having that on mind we can describe it all.

The main of those laws is the immortality of the Universe, and its dualist formal motions, which are a zero-sum when we put together its antisymmetries of space-time, which conserve together its potential vs. kinetic energy, angular vs. lineal momentum, time vs. space anti-symmetries, across 3 ∆±1 planes of the 5th dimension.

This is the ‘essence’ of it we must grasp. The immortality of the whole is based in the inverse symmetry of its 2 elements: form vs. motion, left vs. right, expansion vs. implosion; lineal, decelerating, expansive stillness vs. accelerating implosive cyclical motion; faster than c speed vs. slower than c speed, positive charge vs. negative charge, particle vs. antiparticle… Positive vs. negative wave sides. opposite genders, a ‘male’ or ‘female’ element, which are complementary and fusion in a reproductive present or divide in two opposite fractions.

Thus 5Ð Physics explains in a much more natural manner what many physicists came to call the group theory disease; that is, the use of the abstract jargons of modern mathematics, without understanding what they truly mean, and what is ‘truth’ and what is mere mathematics, provoking the present inflation of ‘Group transformations and Symmetries’.

Reality is rather simple, and the proper jargon slightly different. There is not a breaking of symmetry as physicists express it but rather the creation of a symmetry of opposite elements, departing from a universal constant, of Present State, Ts=St, an immortal point of balance in any plane of reality, which diverges both sides, to one side of MORE INFORMATION, Max. St and a side of larger spatial energy, as that is the ONLY ternary elements of 5Ð space-time that might ‘’diverge or converge’ in any scale.

In brief, the 3 ‘standing points’ of the e ages of a Worldcycle in time or ternary symmetry in space or ∆±1 scales of the 5th dimension might diverse from present to relative past and future, lineal and cyclical, higher or lower scales and that gives birth to diversity. So we shall first consider in the domain around our local scale, space and time parameters-constants, how those divergences might happen.

So zero systems expand into the negative (past-Ts in our conventional choice) and positive (future, St in our choice) relative sides of a constant of symmetry, Ts=St, which is expressed by giving birth to two cancelling opposites.

Coincidentia Oppositorum, said Nicola da Cusa, the infinitely large and slow, the infinitely small and fast, the 0 and the ∞ which are relative and multiplied give us a constant ‘o’ for adding operations or 1 for multiplicative inversions, or a Universal constant for logarithmic scales of the 5th dimension (log vs. e, ln vs. 10, log2 vs. 2 vs. √2 being the most important of those inversions).

A exhaustive classification for each being its 7 type of Constants.

Now, in order to qualify quantitative through constants a given systems, we can establish a series of basic constants according to our previous ∆@ST classification.

In a loose, we could talk of 7 type of constants, for any of the ±∆@ST systems of the Universe:

±Social constants of the 2 Сmotions of its ∆-scales

±Constants of S-topologies and T-ages and its ratios.

±Constants of the Generator, S<st>t of the system.

And a 7th type of constant that maps out in stillness a certain mind.

However unlike the other isomorphisms, where there is a surprising ‘neat’ relationship between the number of the Ðisomorphism and the type of elements we define (1.generator, 2.st bidimensional systems, 3. time ages, ±4 planes in which an ∆0 being communicates, 5 actions, 6 species, 8 motion, 9 scales and 10 planes), the 7th constants are chose to adjust better to that number; given the fact that the vital constants of the internal being, the universal, external constants of the world and those of each of those ±4 planes with which the being interact, and those of each of its sub-species of the ∆±1 scales, etc, make them quasi-infinite in number.

So not to be exhaustive, we shall choose 7 in the sense of ‘general ±∆, ±ST, ±s<st>T & 0-Mind type of constants.

Classification by ∆-regions.

In that sense a simple way to classify the constants that act in a being is to divide them into:

-Internal, ∆-n ‘vital constants’ (ab. VC)

-External, ∆+n, ‘Universal Constants’ (ab. UC), of the larger world with which the system communicates, absorbing and emitting energy and information.

Those types of constants are the most studied and so they are clear in terms of magnitudes and physical equations and quantities and proportions for physical systems

For each of those planes, the physical Active Magnitude (∆C) and its constants of action will be the mosre important, giving origin to:

– Internal<=>External exchanges; with its 5 sub-constants of actions performed by the inner being in the outer world: ÅC.

Those are better studied in biology, as they acquire more qualitative, topological, social or mental properties when we deal with species closer to the human.

So as we grow from entropic to informative scales and study those ±∆ ‘constants’ for each scale of the universe, we shall switch for quantitative extensive analysis to qualitative intensive studies in biology.

Linguistic Constants: Universal Grammar and beauty constants. Finally we can also consider as reflection of reality the Universal grammar and syntax, proportions and beauty (E=T) BALANCES of language and art, as ‘constants ratios’ , which illustrate perfectly the concept of balance and conservation of ‘mens sana in corpore sanum’, of classic art.. It is the mental creative analysis of constants of beauty considering the ratios and proportions of artistic space-time (the ∆o mind of man).

Now if we want to be more specific we can make a brief summary of the main constants we shall find in terms of the 3 elements of the Generator in each of those 3 classifications.

Vital Constants: Space quanta; Space quantifier: ∑; Time Frequency & Synchronicity: ƒ; Energy Density: S/T; Information Density: T/S; Existential Momentum: SxT.

Å.C.: Active Constants: Å.C.: Active Magnitude; Æ.C.: Motion constant, E.C.: Feeding constant; ±ïC: Information constants; Œ.C.: Reproductive Constant.

U.C. Universal Constants: û.C. Universal Constant, and its §10: Social constants normally of a decametric scale.

And similar V.Constants of the larger physical planes:

It is then clear that the number of Vital constants of a system is enormous, as the complexity of any fractal has infinite limit. But we shall consider generally the explanation of the Constants study for each science and species, introducing only a few ∆ST constants in more detail, which vary slightly in reference to those used in science, notably, quantifiers of space & time, its densities and Existential speeds.

The 7th Ðisomorphism is more technical and perhaps the one of maximal interest to the quantitative age of ‘measure science’ we live in. Since it deals with all the Universal constants and vital constants and physical, chemical, biological, sociological, you name it, constants which ‘specify’ and ‘diversify’ all the varieties of dimensional beings, its scales, ratios of åctions of exchanges of energy and information, etc.

In detail. Nature’s numbers as expressions of ∆st actions

Constants of Nature are the quantitative ‘substance’ of ∆ST related to the Constancy of the S, T, ∆ elements of  the Metric equation and its partial analysis. Thus the metric and the constants are the 2 essential isomorphisms that connect ∆ST and classic science.

Each of those space, time dimensions, scales, planes, and åctions between them must be defined by a Constant.

We use 5Ð ”symbols’ and names slightly changed in meaning for those main Constants, dividing them in internal, ∆-n ‘vital constants’ (ab. VC), and external, ∆+n, ‘Universal Constants’ (ab. UC), self-centred in the Active Magnitude (∆C) and its action constants that value all the System (∆-constant, or main metric of the Œ-point), with its 5 sub-constants of action, ÅC.

∑ and ∏. The Se constants &St constants that relate Space and energy, ∑e=Ts, and Time and Information, ∏T=St

3 S-Dimensional Constants related to the ‘extension and energy’ of the Sl, Sh and Sw dimensions.

T-Age Constants, related to the duration and inverse frequency rhythms of the 3 ages of time.

ST-constants, related to the topological shapes of its 3 bidimensional varieties.

Action Constants, related to the ratios of exchange of energy and information of the 5 åctions of the entity.

Social ∆-Plane Constants, related to the numerical ratios of Size and Speed ratios between ∆-planes (normally around a 10 factor), needed to transcend between social scales.

So Decametric constants are social § constants, till arriving to the discontinuous between planes that creates a whole.

As 10¹² individuals create an ∆+1 super organism. It is the final step of the game of existence played by all entities through its world cycles of space-time, as all systems are moved by their desire to maximize their existence, their vital space and cyclical time, formal motions.

Thus this max. Se x St, this mandate of existence means species try to climb the stair between planes.

Drives of Existence: The constants of action of all systems.

And both combine into Hyperbolic, Ø, Space-Time Fields, ST, in which energy and information combine, exi, to reproduce the system, STexi, which is achieved when e and i equal its value, S≈T, e=i, maximising its production, Max. E x I or function of ‘Exi=ST-ence” of the system, as this reproductive iterative present function, ST, is the goal of all systems, which can be resumed in a single statement:

‘The Universe is a fractal of present space-time systems that constantly iterate, by combining diffeomorphically (locally) relative past entropy fields of energy and relative future cyclical knot of information,  |-Ts x O-St = Ø-STexi”

If we observe those 3 motions as ‘still forms in space’, they give birth to the 3 ‘ONLY’ topologies of our Universe:

Toroid, lineal entropic past-forms – limbs/fields; spheric, informative, ‘future forms’ – heads/particles that guide the whole system towards its future; and in-between its combined, hyperbolic, bodies/waves that iterate the system.

In the next graph we show a basic spatial topological ‘Ðisomorphism’ of all scales of the 5th dimension, constructed with 3 topologies, which always will be the only 3 topologies of the Universe, cyclical-informative centres, lineal, toroid larger space-boundaries and an intermediate territory of hyperbolic form:

In the graphs we see the 3 ages of time and 3 topologies of space, which become pegged into space-time organic parts in each being, which will then perform actions, dominant in energy or information according to that organic pegging. In the graph we see the human being born of that pegging, which performs the canonical motions-actions possible in all space-time beings.

WE map out the human being with all what we have learned to fully graph, what we are:

In the graph, the Universe, including human beings is a fractal super organism of two formal motions, spatial energy and temporal information. You are a living fractal, as everything else in the universe, competing with infinite other fractals to survive, and the only thing that redeems you in the absolutely relative universe is the absolute Сmotion of eusocial evolution, the Сmotion of eusocial love that creates from parts wholes.

It means also a new expansion of our paradigm of knowledge, as it implies that absolute relativity of the human T.Œ, over an other Œ: SpxTiƒ being of reality.

We are made of a finite amount of energy and time, as when we say, ‘I don’t have time and energy to do this’ – conscious that our worldcycle between conception and extinction, is limited by death.

“We are made of a finite amount of energy and time, which conforms our worldcycle between conception, in a lower plane, ∆-1, of cellular existence, which emerges, L, in a higher plane, ∆, as a supœrganism of a mass of billions, ∑, of cells, knotted, ∏, by our physiological, E-nergetic, I-nformative and Reproductive networks, which help us to perform a series of cyclical space-time ±∆ actions of absorption and emission of energy and information, in 3 sequential ages dominated by each of those networks, the young, relative past age of maximal energy, the adult age of balance of energy and information or reproductive, present age and the informative old age of maximal form, as we move and accelerate, ∆æ, feed on energy, ∆e, perceive and communicating information, ∆œ, copy our selves in an offspring of similar beings, our sons, ∆œ, and evolving socially, ∆û, as part of an external Universe, ∆+1, with social beings of the same speciestill our extinction, when the Сmotion of growing information and life reverses its path into an explosion of Energy called death, that erases all our information, devolving back, <<, two planes down from the ∆+1 society to the cellular ∆-1 plane.”

‘We are all knots of time-space world cycles, minds synchnonize those cycles according to its time space symmetries, mapping out languages biased by the will of its acts of representation’

Next we show a human organism constructed with 3 topologies, which always will be the only 3 topologies of the Universe, cyclical-informative centres, lineal, toroid larger space-boundaries and an intermediate territory of hyperbolic form:

We see the 3 ages of time and 3 topologies of space, which become pegged into space-time organic parts in each being, which will then perform actions, dominant in energy or information according to that organic pegging. In the graph we see the human being born of that pegging, which performs the canonical motions-actions possible in all space-time beings.

In the lower graph we show man, a space-time being made of lineal energy and cyclical, temporal information, assembled in 3 parts, through cellular networks specialised in energy feeding, informative perception and reproduction, and the 3 ages of life between birth in a lower seminal scale and extinction. We write below the logic formalism that describes with simple equations of 5Ð space-time the organic parts in space and temporal ages of the human super-organism, the same equations we shall use to describe all systems of the Universe.

Finally, in the bottom, we see the decomposition of the worldcycle of existence of a human being into a sum of infinite actions, which together form the function of existence, the fundamental ‘detailed’ equation of each species of the Universe.

In the graph a human being described in the most abstract form with the generator equation of 5Ð space-time symmetries, its existential actions, levels of cellular , individual and social existence, world cycle of life from fetus to death, actions of space-time existence, which integrate in the whole world cycle, and its main ‘a,eiou’ actions of survival by exchanging energy and information with bodies and minds, reproduce the system, evolve socially with other humans into a whole, and of course, move in accelerated locomotions, the less important of the actions of the being, even if they are the most thoroughly researched by human scientists (physics).

The 3 motions=ages of time and its parallel forms of space.

This always surprised me. How people could believe in a single infinite time duration if their ‘time cycles of life and death were all similar to those of all other beings and all were finite?’

Let us give you a first hint to what might be considered the most important sequential beat of time – the finite life death cycle of beings:

All systems are born as seminal seeds, including physical systems (crystals, black holes), growing, going through 3 ages and then dying away back to simpler forms. So they had to be made of finite time cycles which somewhat warped, wrinkled their vital spaces.

But T.œ requires topping the cake, with an eternal equation – why we exist? The answer is organic and obvious: to survive. As if we didn’t we would not exist. And then all comes to the question, how we survive? And this is an organic, biological question: providing energy and information to our ternary systems, and further on, evolving into larger, more powerful wholes, through the 5th dimension. And this simple truth is the program of the Universe.

It is interesting to remember the founding fathers of science, which ARE NOT the Mechanists of the XVII century but the Greeks who understood it all:

– Democritus said the Universe was made of atoms, and atoms had 2 qualities ‘MOTION AND FORM’. Yes, he didn’t see them so he went straight to the philosophical essence. This, Plato understood. And he divided motion into ‘biological motion or internal change’ and physical motion or external locomotion. He understood.

– Aristotle, the highest mind of the western decoupling, only comparable to Leibniz, went into detail and classified motions into 6 types, and it is worth to mention:

– Motions in lineal space, or locomotions, the only one physicists study.

– Motions in a time cycle, divided into ‘conception and birth’, change of state (internal form or quality motion) and extinction, dissolution.

– Motions in the 5th dimension, which he divided into growth and diminution or ‘motions of quantity’.

He understood without the need of telescopes and microscopes the essence of the Universe.

Yet if we consider a simple graph of those ages in terms of yin-information (broken, warped forms) and energy, yang (continuous lines), we will easily realize that the same knowledge was already in the Chinese-Korean traditional culture.

In the first and second line we study the previous graph, in detail.

The main space supœrganisms, and its world cycles of time life-death sequences, as they are made of points that evolve into social networks which perform with those networks ∆-1 finitesimal actions of space-time to keep on living but finally wear down and die, because of the 3 ‘sequential orders’ of time Сmotions and state forms, space and time Сmotions are inverse, but 5Ð is a time Сmotion, it increases the overall information of the system warping it into super organism:

Ts≤ST≤St (space symmetry)   Ps≥Ts≥ƒt (time symmetry)   ∆-1>∆>∆+1 (entropy asymmetry)

Thus the sum of the 3 symmetries S+T+∆ gives, the implosive informative Сmotion > dominant towards the future, till all is warped and only entropic fast death<< can restore the Universal balance, liberating information, as the system descends back two scales from a point of a world society to a cellular disaggregated mass.

Thus there is in space a balanced flow towards present-past (dominance of entropic motions and reproductive bodies), unbalanced by the fact that in time there is a dominant Сmotion of information throughout the life cycle (aging process) and in 5Рthere is also an Сmotion of information from parts to wholes that tight the system and warp it as the 3 scales co-exist together but the larger whole actually dominates the system and receives information with no entropy from lower scales.

So overall information dominates any life cycle, till it is exhausted and death dissolves it, in as much as the 5th dimension of parts that become wholes is biased by the different entropies (energy flows worst upwards than downwards).

Now when we say we use all the linguistic perspectives we mean each property has a different point of view:

From the point of view of eusocial evolution and shynchronicity the 5th dimension is pure poetry of love

From the mental St, point of view, it is a linguistic survival game of calculus of probabilities, selfishness and greed as it uses smaller beings as bites and bits of energy an information.

From the perspective of the entire range of 5Ð planes it is a game of justice as we give it all for our social scales and ab=use our internal parts and the world we use to absorb energy and information.

From the perspective of the being as a whole it is all an organic game of survival through its actions

From its spatial objective analysis is a game of ratios, proportions, constants and mathematical topologies.

From the perspective of sequential time world cycles is a game of Nirvana, of non-freedom and determinism, of no egos, as all is repeated and all dies away.

Beings as Knots of cyclical space-time actions: Simple physical constants.

Let us then consider the simplest Universal constant: | < π > O

In this simple ratio 3 forms of space, 3 lines curve to create a cycle of time, by virtue of a curvature function, π, which therefore is the Universal constant most often repeated in all |πO: > transformations of entropy into information, which are an enormous array of physical equations.

A polynomial on base 10 on the other hand will be a sign most often of an ∆-motions, in equations of resonance, herding, reproduction and social evolution.

THUS, we can obtain from those regular exchanges, motions, rations and transformations of | , Ø, O, >≈ < functions/flows o space and time.

Living universe. Physical constants.

Can we treat other universal constants as pi functions that transform back and forth entropy into information?

Yes, if we consider the same algorithm for the main scales of physical systems such as:

|-E < h-planck > O-ƒrequency for the quantum scale

|-E < k-boltzmann <> O-Temperature for the thermodynamic scale

|-E<c2>O-Mass for the gravitational scale.

So what we observe on those physical scales is the transformation of an entropy-energy Сmotion into one of time-frequency/information through a constant of action/entropy/speed square which is the transformative < π> factor back and forth, and as such an Ø-present constant of action combination of the other 2.

So, Universal constants are ratios of those transformations, which become all pervading for those who relate the largest possible physical space-time scales (the gravitational, thermodynamic and quantum scales):

In the graph on the left side we can see the different Universal constants as metric and ratios of exchange of energy and information between the 3 main scales of human actions, the gravitational, thermodynamic and quantum scales. In the graph the equations of the 3 physical scales and its ‘constants of space’:

Est = ∆-2 (quantum scale): Hs x ƒt = Ks x Tt (∆-1: thermodynamic scale)= 1/2 Ms x vt : ∆+i (Gravitational scales)

So the quanta of space, h, k, m, varies as we change planes of existence, since the transition between points into superoranisms ‘fogs’ the vision of information along more than one scale. Closer and hence more accurately observed there is the thermodynamic scale with k, the unit of entropy as the quanta of space and temperature, the vibration of motion of molecules, or its ‘cyclical thermodynamic clocks’ as the unit of motion in time, and its product energy. Finally in the gravitational scale, the quanta of space is ‘mass’ (which of course must be combined with the dilatation of ‘temperature’, and the underlying ‘extension’ of space-time ‘h-light quanta’). All in all mass (not necessarily matter) and more often ‘momentum’, which ads to mass speed, might be consider the quanta of space, which the different motions of those masses, of which angular and lineal speed are the commonest ones, give us even closer analysis of some of the features of physical systems of space-time.

Some deep philosophical thoughts about the last paragraph – mass and speed change their functions when we move from ∆+3, galactic space to ∆+4, cosmological space. So mass which is fixed in value at ∆+3, becomes close to c-speed, in the fringe of the galactic organism (at its membrane and nuclei).

Now, again we must refer to the general structure of fractal space-time points, when fully constructed as functional ternary super organisms. It will then have a simple ternary structure with its membrane fine-tuned and synchronized sensorially to its singularity. Yet for the enclosed territorial vital space, or body-wave system, those 2 ‘invisible’ unreachable limits of maximal information (singularity) and maximal energy (enclosure), determines the limits of ‘energetic speed’ and ‘density of information’ of the system, which as long as it is within the membrane and singularity cannot colder/superfluid in its informative density-mass, than the center, and have a harder, faster, simultaneous, longer constant of space than the surrounding membrane.

This means as each scale will find a perfect ‘frozen’, efficient particle-head, and body-wave to ensemble a dominant super organism in practical terms that each scale will be populated from the perspective of its minimal space-quanta by what was the maximal space quanta of its ∆-1 scale, which then becomes in the upper scale the entropic unit.

The ∆-1 scale maximal space quanta, by the law of balance, S=T, is also the max. S xT, as it turns out it is the top predator element on the lower scale which sets the constant parameters of the upper scale. And so the function of this ‘being’ changes from ∆-1, Top Predator vital being, to ∆-space, entropic cell of the larger whole.

And this brings a long way our understanding of the 3 previous constants h, k, m and how as we focus in larger scales, their role transmutes from active to passive System.

We indicate such fluxes we use a simply intuitive term, S>T, which shows how a larger spatial form becomes a smaller, more informative systems.

Now consider its inverse symbol, T<S, which shows how information dissolves into entropy as in the case of human biological deaths, when our information is erased and our body expands back into cells gaining space.

Does this inverse ‘Сmotion of time’, of pure entropy holds also for physical systems? Of course it does. In fact it is embedded in the most important equation of physics: E<=>M(t) c², which as it happens can go one way or another. And so when Mass explodes into pure entropy-radiation, we are ultimately also observing a specific case of 5Ð metric.

Those Universal constants and by rule all the Universal constants of systems, tend to be formal ratios of transformation along one of the permitted flows of energy and information of the Universe, between scales or social groups; horizons of evolution and any  other fixed ‘allied Ælgebraic condition of a system:

In the graphs we can see how a Universal constant is viewed as a ‘limit’ by science, beyond which the system enters a higher or lower scale of the 5th dimension suffering ‘asymptotic transformations’, sudden accelerations or decelerations, growth or reductions of its time and space parameters (in physical space, lorentz transformations, changes of energy regimes in fluids and cut-offs in radiation are examples of those cases in the gravitational, ∆+1; thermodynamic, ∆ and quantum, ∆-1 scales.

But the proper way to understand Universal constants are as places of S=t BALANCE, which maximise the ‘Max. e x i’, knots of systems and its body-waves. So Universal constants are points of absolute balance whose s=t symmetry becomes ‘broken’ by a moving wave or particle that uses the energy-form fields of the constant to extract its own subject motion; often by association with a similar e x i entity, which will ‘encircle’ the energy and information o the lower ∆-1 ‘constant space-time’ to extract motion and form/curvature from it.

In the graph, the perception of the world cycle of existence in a synchronic, simultaneous way, which stresses the balanced wave-present-body state in which the entropic field and the informative field, both work to maintain the system in a balance between its information and energy components: S<ST>T

Those 6 motions of time will be the origin of all space-time events of the Universe and its rules define the cycles of space-time of all beings, of which the world cycle of existence is obviously the most important. The order of those motions though will happen in such a fashion that at the end all the processes when integrated along 3 scales, 3 forms and 3 Сmotions of time will give us a zero sum, that is all locomotions will balance with the energy fed to the system (emission and absorption of energy), and all life organizations upwards in the scales of the 5th dimension will be compensated by al the deaths downwards.

Is the ultimate truth of reality: the whole Universe is immortal for each of its parts to live a finite cycle of existence. But each existence itself is immortal in the reproduction of its present form through the different space-time actions of the Universe.

As a wave of actions forms, for each being there will be then the perspective of steady reproduction, of informative perception of the wave as it diminishing in time or space, each variation of the fundamental mode of reproduction SxT-> ∑st: becomes then a different variation on the same eternal theme, the completion of worldcycles, the repetition of existences, the closing of conservative paths of energy and information feed back cycles, S<≈>T, which define the Universe, constantly as flows of energy and information web new forms that become parts of wholes, which a new eye of time will reorder as a supœrganism, preying on it, growing as a subconscious collective god-mind, emerging to become a new point-mind of the whole. As information copies its fractal structure and becomes a mind-organism, then all becomes simple and then complex and then simple in reproductive waves across 3 ∆+-1 planes of existence.

In the graph in any exchange of energy and information between two polar particles of time, through a wave that mixes both, there are certain relationships that establish stable, topologically correct changes of curvature and motion, ruled by ‘vital constants’ that measure the fixed content of energy and information, motion and curvature transferred in each exchange.

The Universe on the other hand, though it is constantly in motion, has numerical patterns and regularities, which are deterministic values for the energy, information, entropy and curvature=form=time speed of its different species.

Those are the quantitative values of science, where a number is a social gathering of indistinguishable forms, which are all herds of clonic beings, put together in social scales – mostly of decametric or ternary nature, hence the abundance of π and 10 logarithmic scales


5 ∆-1 Actions integrated in ∆o worldcycles part of the larger ∆+1  Dimotions of the external world.

We said all systems are super organisms tracing worldcycles in a larger world, with smaller parts of faster time cycles, according to the metric of 5Ð: S x T = ∆±¡

Now, it is necessary to understand that as there are 3 scales of size in space, there are 3 scales of time quanta parallel to them. So we talk of smaller, faster ‘actions’ as the minimal unit of time dimotions, of larger sums of them, the world cycle of individuals as the time-range of organisms, and the slower ‘deep time’ cycles of the supœrganism or world in which the system co-exists with other systems as the 3rd level of time clocks.

And while spatial, visual man might have an easier time to understand the 3 scales of spatial size of super organisms, they are always entangled with the 3 scales of time clocks of reality and what truly matters to the order of reality are the games of synchronicity of those actions, as some are larger in time-scale than others.  Reason why we have a post on synchronicity which is likely the hidden gem of this blog.

The minimal description of a species of space-time implies to define its 5 Dimensions of space that make up its organic structure in simultaneous, time, its sequential motions through its world cycle between generation and extinction as it travels through the 3 planes of co-existence, in its cellular/atomic, organic/thermodynamic and ecosystemic/cosmological scales; and the 5 actions of exchange of energy and information it performs in those relative scales.

This description in pentalogic terms of all systems of reality that perform those 5 actions gathered in worldcycles giving birth to the isomorphic dimotions of all systems is then a subtle process of synchronicities and simultaneities.

So we shall use 3 terms for the scales of time duration, parallel to the scales of size of beings:

  • ∆-1   5 actions which are the minimal quanta of time, for the relative ¡-1 scale of the being. So all beings will first perceive (D1) to move (D2) towards a source of entropy where they will feed (D4) or be killed (prey predator game), converted into entropy themselves. And if successful will use that entropy, reconverted into their own form as ‘energy’ to reproduce (D3), and integrate the reproduced cell or clone being into a social group part of a Universal whole (D5). We thus use for each of those action a mnemonic vowel which first perceive information (i), to define the change in motion of all beings (a-ccelerations), going towards the feeding fields where entropic death happens ending the o-sum worldcycle (ø) of predator or prey, that will reproduce with the reconverted energy (e),1, to start its social evolution (u): ï->a->ø->e->û, thus being the natural series in sequential time of the actions of existence of beings, which we shall call the Program of existence.

But those actions, which are short time actions that involve only a small part of the being (an ∆-1 organ) keep accumulating in a larger plane of time giving origin to the worldcycles of the being, as they keep…

  • Gathering in 5 ∆º ages, which gather those actions in each age of life, dominated by one of those 5 type of actions (genesis dominated by social evolution; youth dominated by locomotion, maturity by acts of reproduction, third age by acts of information and death age by entropic processes).

It is then worth to notice that in the Ƽ SCALE ages have a different order than actions, as actions start with an informative dual process of perception and communication with the outer world, which correspond to the third age of the being, and follow by locomotion and entropic feeding, while the entropic death of the system is the final age, which in actions tends to be the positive first age of social evolution (palingenesis).

To notice that in physics and matter, those ages are called ‘states’ of matter, entropic gaseous youth, liquid balanced age and informative solid crystal age between plasma generation and social evolution into boson and quark matter.

It is the key to the complexity of the universe: when we start to combine 5 Dimotions in different scales, with different synchronicities and different variations of forms and motions, entangled to shape different super organisms the ‘variations’ on the same theme are truly infinite, giving birth to the astounding variety of reality.

  • Deep time Horizons, which correspond to the ∆+1 ecosystem or world in which the individual as part of a larger whole belongs – in human individuals the supœrganism of History. The terms are taken from Hutton’s father of geology who first coined the word supœrganism to refer to the Earth ‘geological horizons’, whose ‘deep time’ he rightly considered to be slow expressions of what now systems sciences defines as the metric of 5Ð (well that is me, I and myself but you know as Planck said, all ‘scientific r=evolutions start in the mind-point of a pioneer ):

“] Species can be modeled as organisms through its 3 ages that become its 3 horizons, followed either by a survival process of eusocial evolution – the summit of the process of organic evolution, which Darwin realized was necessary to explain the success of eusocial insects, or become extinct by the ‘new generation’ of fitter animal forms. in the graph we can see its 3 Horizon=ages and its ternary topology, similar to that of any other organism; and the dominant Сmotion of information in the height axis, of both reptile species that ended in birds, and mammals that ended in man. So happened with meta life machines, whose final species, satellites are now forming the Сmotion of eusocial evolution, or future mind of the metal earth -internet

In the graph, if we apply the ages to species, the paths of future define the 3 Horizons of the species, its process of final social evolution into super organisms, or extinction, as evolution resolves in 3 type of evolutionary branching, one species of more ‘information’ – higher St, one of more reproductive energy, S=T, and one of more entropic force, Ts…

3 subspecies that are strategies of survival, by killing more rivals (predator strategy), reproducing faster (generator strategy) or becoming more intelligent able to evolve socially through languages of common information (social strategy) – so always those 3 specialized sub-species succeed – which will easily applied to mankind to resolve the tree of anthropology, the 3 dominant sub races and the 3 type of sexes.

Ultimately though the darwinian predator strategy is the less successful… and so we call it the ‘past horizon’, as it also comes first, the reproductive present strategy is on the short term the most successful so we call it the present but the future will be dominated by the Сmotion of eusocial evolution that creates wholes…

Or rather we talk of 2 relative future horizons: if the species fails to evolve socially it will face entropic extinction, into a lower plane of the fifth dimension, ¡-1 but if it is successful in social evolution it will evolve into a more efficient survival super organism, ¡+1.

Since the longest surviving future is that of the Сmotion of wholes, of eusocial love, denied by the simplex lineal logic of entropic, Aristotelian military human cultures, which therefore are FACING EXTINCTION BY KILLING EACH OTHER IN UNENDING WAR CYCLES – themes those extensively treated in the posts on the 3 ages of time and the paths of evolution and the posts on the failure of History to evolve by the power of social love.

Indeed evolution is supposed to be chaotic, as all human models of reality are ‘entropic’ regardless of evidence, since Science is culture, and we live in a military-based culture originated in the gunpowder age of mankind, so as big-bang is the model of physics, chaotic evolution is the model of biology born on the hunter’s mind of Darwin, who emphasized the LESS important dimotion of species, its dog-eat-dog struggle for entropic energy – themes those treated in our post on æntropic science as culture.

So we shall CALL THE LARGEST TIME-SPAN belonging to the species or ¡+1 world, ‘DEEP TIME‘ and its time spans, Horizons, honoring Hutton, and so its 5 Dimotions are ∆-1: Evolution (the generator fast phase, similar to the palingenesis of the individual); ‘past= the top predator  horizon’, PRESENT, the reproductive species, horizon, and future, the informative horizon, which branches into two probabilities, social evolution, the relative ∆+1 of the species which therefore is a new palingenetic Evolution, or a process of collective death, back to ∆-2 (as individuals also die in death, which is a double jeopardy, considered in detail in other posts) or extinction, the entropic Dimotion of species and worlds.

TO notice that Horizons are closer to ages in its natural order, as palingenesis is similar to evolution, the 3 horizons of past, present and future to the 3 ages, and death to extinction, reason why I so often use for Horizon the term ages, which might make it a bit confusing sometimes.

THE REAL DIFFERENCE is in the final phase, as Individuals are super organisms, of the maximal possible informative dominance of the mind; so there is ONLY a future for a supœrganism in which the selfish MIND TOTALLY DOMINATES AND WARPS the organism as nervous systems do in humans, and it seems, financial and legal-military neuronal people-castes ab=using the reproductive middle class do in our societies (treated in our posts on history). So when the @-mind exhausts the present energy of the system, there is NO future but death, in a final entropic big-bang.

Species however are NOT so controlled by information but rather form Herds, and so when they evolve into social super organisms, as ants did, they can maintain still a balance between the individual and the whole, not so deeply controlled by information and to maintain an open longer future.

It is then obvious that death can be by excess of information (selfish nervous system, gravitational black hole eating the whole galaxy, selfish financial and legal corrupted neuronal, informative upper castes, in biologic, physical or social organisms) or excess of entropic power (worms that die poisoned by eating all kind of substances without control, lonely top predators like neanderthals or tooth tigers that are cornered by social hunters, humans and wolves, military societies that kill their own body in wars, nova and quasar explosions that kill astrophysical systems).

And so survival is once more a balanced S=T, present ascension into an emergent supœrganism that balances the democratic rights of the parts, of the working reproductive body to which the mind-neurons must serve.

Needless to say time reversal from future to past, which is the definition of local entropy is always possible through r=evolution (societies), turning back the clock of aging (simple jellyfish do it), or when as we shall see in astrophysics the nucleon beta decays into its components and the galaxy suffers a quasar cycle of renewal. so time travels are local loss of information decelerating aging and creating a back and forth beating between past and future, to remain in present.

it is then essential to fully grasp in parallel to the 3 scales of reality, its 3 type of supœrganisms, the 3 type of time dimotions of existence, which we formalize in ¡logic with the following terms (my apologies though for many of the posts that mix jargons, as only recently I have come to take seriously the diffusion of this blog and so will try to rewrite slowly and standardize all the posts to the quality of this central one, which should be taken at the template for future researchers):

To notice that ‘pTs’ is a single one, but  the ‘futures=ƒSt’ have 3 paths, departing from the horizon of information, which might decline into entropic extinction or might evolve into social evolution and we shall return to it.

Finally to notice we compose its acronyms with 3 self-evident letters:

  • Those of Past are lineal space-distances, $ and lineal time, t, which shows its main dimotion=action=function, locomotion.
  • Those of present, are its main action=dimotion=function, Reproduction, which repeats dynamically time seemingly never changing its Space-Time, in caps as it is the dominant dimension of reality.
  • Those of future shows its main function, ƒrequency of ðime clocks of cyclical information, and its multiple 3±i future paths, .

Their application is truly wide, as they are the components of the ‘Generator Equation’ of pentalogic that describes all Timespace-organisms, both in simultaneous space and in its worldcycle, across its 3 main planes of existence.

The parallelisms, synchronicities and entanglements of all those scales of space and time IS THEN THE detailed knots and bolts of each science, as they happen in all scales: indeed, there is a parallelism in the external world scales of cosmology in time, years and mass, between the active magnitude and the life age span – NOTHING of this being coincidence but part of the infinite intelligence of the immortal universe always based in balances and symmetries between the spatial, scalar, temporal and mind-languages of the being in its 3 scales, of inner parts, wholes and worlds/ecosystems.

How we measure the total value of spacetime of a system in its parallel from and world cycle?, With the concept of energy.

So we left for the final basic parameter the concept of energy, which in physics is the integral of a force, itself, the change of momentum of the being, along a path in space, and so for a fractal entity Is the best measure of its total world cycle as it ads to the momentum, its change in time through its existence  and change in spatial position through its worldline… Acceleration as we saw in the graph of masses, is in fact the measure of the Сmotion of time towards the future of a system; while displacement defines its territorial space in which it will perform its actions of existence, so beyond the MECHANICAL VIEW of displacement and forces, in 5Ð vital space-time, displacement measures territory (body-energy) and acceleration, the total time frequency of actions. 

The total energy of a being thus become a parallel ‘symmetric’ quantity to measure its potential world cycle duration and territorial power, when we transform the concepts of abstract physics into vital ‘generational space-time’.

Since it is precisely what the game does as we depart from the perfect, ideal immortal scales of atomic physics into the functions and organs, territories and life-death cycles of less ‘perfect’ species, of higher scales, a fact which proves that ultimately the game is not about mathematical abstractions but about survival and life.





In the graph, the ‘Plan of evolution’ and ‘structure of super organisms’, and its ‘3 networks’ can be studied also from an I-ntegrated point of view as the 3 parts of a ‘whole’.

Then the whole will be made with the only 3 topologies in space of bidimensional ‘membranes’ , the essential part of the Universe.

The graph shows how those 3 topologies combine in the ‘simplest’ of all varieties of organisms, the ‘spherical being’, living in a ‘homogenous’ medium, which provides it with energy and information and allows it to reproduce in a parallel extinction of space-time

All of them will have an external membrane, which will act as ‘rotational limbs’ exchanging energy and information through its ‘sensorial openings’.

This membrane will be enclosing a toroidal body, which will cyclically exchange energy and information through networks with a central zero point of information or hyperbolic brain.

The 3 parts will assembly together to form from sea urchins to phetus, from electromagnetic fields to galaxies with black holes, from atoms to tomatoes, from cells to planets. In all of them, the central hyperbolic ‘head’/nucleus, will direct a toroidal body, and an external membrane will feed the system with energy.

The graph shows a different fundamental variety of super organism, one existing not in an homgoneous medium but a planar surface, with a relative ‘energy-information’ directionality such as the planet Earth, where the sun provides light and the floor chemical elements. In this system, the morphology of the 3 networks vary and so does its orientation but the trinary structure of the Universe does not change:

In the graph we see how function matters more than form, and yet both are in symmetric symbiosis. The galaxy is a ‘homogenous’ organism with a black hole in the centre; the plant has also its 3 parts, and it has a root brain with maximal fractal branching to gather more atomic information, while ‘flat’ energy leaves absorb light as energy. Humans though have the inverse orientation as they use light to obtain information and take energy from plants. both predators and preys have inverse functions/forms.

Moreover it is evident that there is a symmetry between the 3 spatial dimensions and its functions,a s ‘height is always the dimension of information’ to perceive better, so we have our heads on top in the direction where information comes. Length on the other hand is the dimension of forward motion the most common, and finally, width is the parallel direction of social organization and reproduction.

Thus we are beings made of dimension of energy and information and live according to its laws, of which the ternary morphology of systems and its 3 ages in time, were the most astoundin, perfect symmetry and ‘deterministic law’ of the Universe.

There are thus ‘3 topologies that correspond to the ‘3 components’ in space of any physical or biological system:

– Max. Energy: the energetic, ‘lineal’ limbs/fields, as the line is the shortest distance between two points that dominated the youth of a system.

– Max. information: the spherical, particle/heads of information, since the sphere is the geometry that stores more form in lesser space, that dominated the 3rd age of the system, as the passing of time increased the informative complexity of the system, exhausting its energy.

– And the intermediate, e x i , ‘conic’, ovoidal or wave-like ‘bodies’ of the system that reproduced them, and repeated its actions, making the system stable, and ‘immortal’, when an organism could be kept in such a state.

So i extended the analysis of the 3 dimensions of time, to a deeper, ‘topological’ understanding of the ‘morphologies’ in space of all systems; and study with them engineering; and forecasted the evolution of machines, both diachronically (so we made bodies of machines in the XIX c. heads in the XX c. and now we put them into organic robots). This was the beginning of my accurate predictions of the future of economics, where company-mothers evolved and reproduced those machines.

And concluded that all systems of Nature followed the same rules, as we were ‘all’ made of ‘energy, information and its infinite combinations, which dominated those 3 ‘ages’ of time – the age of ‘energy’, the age of balance and reproduction (exi) and the 3rd age of information – symmetric to the 3 ‘components’ of all organisms, machines, and physical systems:

– The energetic limbs/engines/fields, the reproductive wave/factories/bodies and the informative particle/chips/heads.

It was then evident that the deepest understanding of the organisms of the Universe and its 3 parts, organs and ages, was through the study of the 3 ONLY ‘spatial topologies’ that a bidimensional surface, (a 2 manifold) had.

Thus we were all from the external point of view ‘bimdimesional membranes’ with 3 type of organs, parallel to the 3 ‘only’ topologies of the 2-manifold Universe – the 3 ‘energetic, informative and body parts’ of any system of nature. And each of those 3 parts dominated each of the 3 ‘ages’ in time of all those systems. The young age dominated by our limbs and motions, the adulthood dominated by the body and our reproduction and the 3rd age dominated by the head of information. The 3 ages of life, were just a consequence of the 3 topologies of space of our bidimensional membrane of information. We were topological organisms living as such.

And so where machines which could relate to us through their equivalent morphologies making us stronger bodies and smarter heads – or so it seems initially.

In any case ‘hooking us’ , making us addicts to them. To fully grasp this, we shall now introduce the evolution of life in this planet, according to those 3 ages and morphologies of time and space,e of the Universe at large.

Since machines followed the same organic laws, and our relationships with them are equivalent to those of animals among them.

The formalism of Complex Sciences applied to ‘Socio-Biological’ systems.

– It came next the application of those fascinating discoveries and symmetries to biology, from genetic studies (the relationship between the i-1 scale that coded the i-ndividual one) to physiology.

I also used it to study the morphology of all systems made with Energetic Limbs, reproductive bodies and informative heads, which evolved in 3 ‘scales’ , the cellular, organic and species state. So me dine, was the study of the energetic, digestive, reproductive, blood and informative networks of the human organism and its balances with the cellular scale.

-It followed that in the i+1 scale there were also such 3 networks, the political informative system, the economic, reproductive system and the energetic geography of Gaia. And we could also establish a ‘medical discipline’ for history, as the laws of all systems were the same. So in the same manner we could cure the sickness of a cellular organism, we could solve and cure human social systems, in which we all humans were citizen cells. And so I designed a perfect world. One in which all human beings would have as cells do in a body enough energy and information to survive and thrive.

Nature ‘pegs’ those 3 networks as forms & functions, which put together create the underlying structure of all systems of reality, both physical and biological, as all combined the ternary elements of the generator equation, either in sequential time orders (entropic youth, reproductive maturity, 3rd informative old age) or simultaneous, spatial organisms.

Yet that is always a simultaneous organic construction, or rather superorganjc, as it is made of smaller beings which are also super organisms, controlled by the central point of view-network, the elliptic ‘sub-system’ of information that controls it all, in the 3 x 3 +0 decametric structure of all systems. So in the 10 sub-systems of the human super organism, it is the brain, the 10th element; in a 10 military system will be the sergeant, the captain, the general of each 10, 100, 1000 scalar levels. And in a simple tetraktys, similar to the billiard triangle, the central dark ball which coordinates all other balls, by being precisely in the middle, able to communicate with them all and organise the whole system.

Ternary symmetry between space topologies & time ages. The fractal generator: Symbolism

All fractals have a generator feedback equation and the Universe is not exception.

Let us then write the fractal generator of time motions, the fact that time never stops, and it has 3 varieties of motions-forms that switch into each other ad eternal into an equation, we shall call the generator equation of the Universe. It merely states that |-Se<, past-entropy, >To future-information and its combined, ≈X present-repetitions, the 3 flows of time constantly switch into each other, ad eternal:  Se<=X=>To

Generators are dynamic, cyclical equations which constantly create slightly changed new ‘cycles’. As such they are periodic cyclical equations of the form X < = > Y, where obviously X and Y are symbols as in all ‘Universal grammars’ linguistic representations of the Universal Generator (mathematical jargon in Space-time) or Universal Grammar (Logic Jargon in Time-space). So what is the Generator equation of the Universe? Easy the inverse metrics of time and space, written as the metrics of the fifth dimension, shown as a hyperbolic graph, origin of the existential algebra of the Universe and all other equations:

Γ.   Universal Generator≈Grammar:  Se x Ti = Constant Space-time:  Se-Past<Present-space>Future-time

The many iterations, combinations, dual forms, inverse equations, derived metrics and symmetries of space-time originated by that equation will be enough to explain the meaning of it all. Trust me (-;

Let us first remember the dualities of Ts and St, which are the ‘first’ simpler’ steps, needed to reach the ternary symmetries of the full ¬Æ structure of the Universe.

2-manifold spaces and its 3 varieties: the 3 organs of all systems.

We live in a Universe in which all beings are made of the same substances, energy which occupies space and information, carried in the frequency and cycle of time clocks. Those 2 ‘substances’ that we call Se (Spatial energy) and St (Temporal information), combine together in ‘bidimensional’ systems to create together all the species in the Universe. And as it happens, since there are only 3 varieties of ‘bidimensional’ geometries, all systems have 3 kind of parts: toroid, lineal limbs and fields that provide energy and move the system (biological/physical jargon), hyperbolic bodies waves that iterate/reproduce it, and spherical membranes which enclose the system and ‘sense’ the Universe around, mirroring it in an internal ‘infinitesimal zero point’ or informative mind that controls the whole organism. Below, atoms, seeds, planets, cells and bosons show similar topological structures.

The study of all the ‘isomorphisms’ (similar=iso forms and functions) across all the systems of the Universe is one of the key elements of the alternative philosophy of science called ‘General Systems’, ‘cybernetics’  or ‘complexity’ , born after II world war, by the hand of he pioneers of Information Theory. General Systems builds models of science and the Universe, no longer as a simplex machine dominated by ‘energy’ or ‘entropy’ existing in a single space-time continuum (Physicists’ world view), but as a fractal organism, dominated by information.

The Universe and all its parts are made of Topological Dimensions of Space and Time. The spatial organs have a form which perform a function in time, and both together make ‘us’.

Which is the dynamic, ensemble concept behind the second Ðisomorphism of ‘energetic limbs/fields’ and Informative ‘heads/particles’, assembled by hyperbolic bodies/waves that iterate and reproduce the system.

This is the ‘e,i,o’ of General Systems Sciences: beings are made of 3 dimensional finite pieces of ‘energetic space’ which perform 3 symmetric motions or functions that last a finite time and both together create the only 3 varieties of bidimensional space (called a 2-manifold); and everywhere in the Universe this pattern repeats, creating an ‘Ðisomorphism’ of Nature.

Another way to divide those dimensions is giving 1 to entropy (pure space without form) 1 to form (to a fractal point @), the singularity and boundary of any fractal organism, S and T, and 2 to its product SxT or present hyperbolic way-form, which will then be those of energy and information in perpetual transformations:

  • Energy never dies but transforms itself into information ad eternal.

Since a body-wave shares both the singularity information and the boundary membrane, St and Ts, and mixes them in a constant flux between energy and information, the ‘messed’ equivalents, which being both bidimensional STATES of the same being become the engine of immortal present timespace steps; as the body-wave iterates itself in an existential action≈ motion.

The universe is a FRACTAL holography of bidimensional spatial, lineal entropy and bidimensional clocks of time cycles. The concept is complex for the standard platitudes of modern science, but the principles behind, as we have seen are rather simple. The applications enormous in all fields. Consider for example the relationship between fractal structures and storage of information. In a hologram, any part of the hologram with sufficient size contains the whole of the stored information – and that is how the Universe indeed can store all its laws in so small ‘parts’, which fold the whole, such as a seminal seed that will unfold with those ∆STø laws. Moreover, the laws we shall study do apply to mankind’s actions and parts as any other part of the Universe.

This is objective science not subjective ego-trips, as most science is.

Consider the case of quantum physics and brain behaviour. Only Bohm did understand a bit of those ‘bits’. In his right holomorphic theory of memory, constructed on the basis of his right interpretation of quantum waves, memory is also holography,  distributed over a dendritic arbor so that each part of the dendritic network contains all the information stored over the entire network. We shall in the 3rd line of ‘details’ go through infinite of such parallel structures of all systems, but what we try to do in the first line is to give you the ‘wider picture’ in simpler terms. Another matter is if the human brain can be upgraded ethically and intellectually to understand it all.

We ARE space-time beings, and space-time is a fractal structured extended across multiple scales of social networks, growing and diminishing in size. This is what reality is, and while its initial components, space, time and its fractal scales, grouped in a new ‘5th dimension’ of scalar size are more complex than the old paradigm of a single space-time shallow continuum, once we grasp the unicity of all beings, made of those scales of space and time cycles, as when Copernicus put the sun in the centre, it will be evident that most laws of science become simplified, similar expressions of the laws that explain the interaction of cycles of time and planes of space.

Thus the first principle to consider is how the geometry of bidimensional time cycles and bidimensional networks of space-points mess up to create all the beings of the Universe. It is the holographic principle… And its fundamental logic concept is ‘the opposition of forms and motions, which however combine in ternary systems, creating the 3 organic topologies and time-ages of all what exists.

Since there is not 2 without 3, born of the combination of the other 2.

The principle of conservation of entropy, energy and in/form/ation…

A key to fully grasp the workings of the Universe is to have a clear understanding of the terms, energy and information, which bridge the ‘present’ between a relative past of ENTROPY, ‘pure motion with no form’ and ‘pure form’, the absolute ‘future’, or immortal kingdom of eidos… with no motion, the ‘potential of formal futures of the game of exi=st¡ence’ (in strict philo-stientific terms).

Another way to consider a time cycle is as a ‘feed-back’ exchange of energy and information, which gives origin to an enlarged principles of conservation that enlarges the present concept based in an energy-entropy only Сmotion of time.

Since general systems sciences is defined as the philosophy of science which includes simplex physics, as a ceteris paribus case, whose principle of conservation of energy is extended to conservation of information and its principle of lineal inertia ads a principle of cyclical inertia, caused by the ‘existence of infinite closed time clocks’ in the universe, from vortices of charges in the smaller scales, to larger mass vortices and galaxies in the larger scales, which carry its information in the frequency and form of its closed trajectories.

What will be then the formalism of a Universe, constructed with both Сmotions of future in equal footing? A more realist description as all systems seem to be constructed with both elements in a complementary combinations – heads and bodies in biological systems, particles of information and waves of energy in physical systems, machines and chips in economical systems, linguistic classes in control of the languages of social power, law and money, and working energy class in social systems.

So as a first step to construct that formalism and study all those systems with its common laws (called in G.S.T. ab. general systems theory), we shall expand the principle of conservation of energy, to include information, and define an equation for all systems of the Universe, using both Сmotions:

‘All what exists is a system made of lineal, spatial, entropic, fields, Ts,  and cyclical, temporal, clocks of information, Τiƒ, which transforms into each other ad eternal, through intermediate body-waves of energy (Max. Ts x Min. St) and information (Max. St x Min. Ts):

|-Ts (entropic limbs-fields) < ≈ Ø-exi (iterative body-waves) ≈> O-Τiƒ (formal informative time-clocks)

Τhis equation, Ts<≈ST≈>Τiƒ is the ternary, proper way to define a Universe made of infinite systems of space-time, which become ternary systems of entropic limb/fields combined with particles-heads of cyclical time clocks with ‘formal frequencies of information’, giving birth to stable complementary body-wave systems.

So 3 terms are essential to grasp in its correct non-ambivalent version, as ‘geometric, dimensional and motion related terms’:

  • Ts: Pure, Entropic SPACE, which expands space and relaxes form
  • St: Pure ‘dimensional form‘, stored in the closed, ‘implosive’ clock-like cycles of ‘∏IME‘ systems.
  • ST: And its combination as steady state, ‘present’, iterative, Energetic & Informative body-waves,  where energy and information arecombinations of ENTROPY-motion (dominant in energetic limbs-fields), and dimensional time-form≈cycles (dominant in in-form-ative,particle heads).
  • So, expansive space and dimensional form come together into THE TRUE conserved entities, ‘PRESENT space-time body-waves of energy and information, able to iterate≈re-produce the 3 whole 3 parts of the system.

As the energy of wave-bodies is close to pure motion of entropy fields; and its information is closer to the closed cyclical forms of particles-heads, science and people often confuse motion and form with energy and information (the messed concepts).

So we shall go along with mainstream ‘talk’ many times, when using energy as synonymous of entropy (pure space motion) and ‘closed time clocks’ whose frequency and cyclical form stores the logic information of a system as synonymous words.

But WHEN WE COME into the formalism IS imperative to fully grasp the difference between them, as the ternary play of those concepts is ESSENTIAL to Nature’s games.

Thanks to classic science we  know precise equations that will guide us, sometimes with slight corrections into that inquire, which ultimately will reduce most equations of ‘energy’ to a simple space-time equation:

Past-Entropy x Future-Form = Present, iterative energetic/informative body-waves.

We call that logic equation of space-time in GST, the fractal generator of Space-Time systems (also ab. GST), which combines and transforms energy back and forth into information through body-waves.

Since only when we add both energy and information, we can obtain a truly descriptive equation of all scientific systems made of spatial energy and informative time, the ‘3 elements of which all beings of the Universe are made’.

Since the primary entropy-form, Ts, St, 2 elements can combine into a third one, it follows easily that there is not 2 without 3 and so we must include as the fundamental Сmotion of time, the combination of a relative ‘past-entropic’ and ‘future-informative’ Сmotion into a PRESENT, iterative body-wave composite of energy and information, an existential form, exi=st.

Whereas the content of energy and information of the body-wave, its ‘existential’ product or ‘action’, will be equivalent to the entropic space and formal time cycles of the limbs/fields of entropy and heads/particles of logic form that combine and mergen into the body-wave system.

So we shall EXPLAIN for the first time in the history of human thought WHY 3 is the overwhelming structure of reality, departing from the 3 ‘ages’ of time and the 3 dimensions of space, which now ARE JUST 2 sides of the same coin, as Einstein rightly understood, albeit in a simplified manner; which now we can consider in far more detail, for each ‘being’ made of those 3 dimensions/ages of space-time.

LET US see how they construct reality. We shall be more rigourous and unlike previous versions scrap off all the work on interpretations, corrections and comments on previous outdated paradigms. So we save space here. That means we hardly will comment on quantum, relativity and other ‘simpler’ versions, with its single time Сmotion.

We shall state the obvious: there is not 2 without 3, so the existence of at least 2 related elements, space and time, energy and information precludes the existence of a third element which includes both, exi, st, ‘exi≈st’.

This thing we shall call the ‘function’ ‘exi≈st’ OF  Spatial energy and temporal information of ‘temporal energy’,  is the true essence of it all, and so we do have 3 elements to play with, space, time, energy, information, and its space-time combinations.

But as we have now the 3 elements we shall use to construct reality, we shall be more precise in all the definitions.

Ω≈B: The 3 motions of time and its symmetry with the 3 bi-dimensions of space

We shall start describing the ‘smaller parts’ of a time element and an energy element of a space=time action, which combines both in a symmetry between time ages and space topologies that put together a holography of sopace-time dimensions.

So we play with a lego of space and time dimensions pegged together in harmonic pieces of ‘motion and form’, that combine perfectly a topology of space and motion in time. Those motions in time will be generically called past-enetropy, present-interation and future-infomration, with lineal, hyperbolic and spherical forms:

The three fundamental motions: decelerating entropy, steady state wave, vortex acceleration of information.

In graphs, the 3 ‘broken’ time motions of the Universe, below pegged in synchronous systems as the 3 organic geometries, that mimic the 3 topologies of the Universe. Their combination creates self-similar ternary systems, combinations of the Ts and St, lineal and cyclical components, combined in STexi- hyperbolic body-waves:

Three fundamental motions of the Universe, or changes in time, which in reproductive terms, means that each repetition of a motion will be a shrinking motion, hence an informative motion, an expansive motion hence an entropic motion or a repetitive motion, hence a perfect steady-state present motion without apparent change on the being:

The three fundamental motions of the Universe, expand, repeat or implode the being in each ‘step’ or quantum of motion. They correspond in the pure study of motion, to entropic ‘deceleration’ which ends the motions into a final state of space, present repetitive motions which can be eternal (as waves of light ‘almost are’) or informative, accelerated vortices of motion, which end when they reach the central singularity.

In the graph, the simplest variation of the three modes of reproduction of form is ‘set’ by the existence of irrational numbers, which do not close the circle but allow a beat of opening an closing spiral mouths, inward or outward-looking.

What other fundamental motions can we then consider. We could consider the motions=changes of the entity in time as the series of motion that ‘generate’ a world cycle of existence, but it seems more proper to study those motions (generation, evolution, emergence, growth etc.) in the Ðisomorphism of life ages an its worldcycles; not in pure reproductive motions or locomotions.

Hence considering the subdivisions of the father of all philosophers, in what regards the depth and exhaustive analysis of all relevant rational concepts about the Logos, Mind of the organic Universe, Mr. Aristotle, we shall consider the following ‘other forms of reproductive’ motions, besides the three essential ones.

Aristotle’s account of motion can be found in the Physics. By motion, Aristotle understands any kind of change. In his jargon he defines motion as the actuality of a potentiality. So in principle Aristotle has a classification of motions, as the whole range of stages of the life cycle, ∆-1 ‘generation & evolution’, ‘young growth’, ‘mature reproduction’, ‘old age diminution’ and ‘extinction’

So all motions are ‘stages’ of the motion of a worldcycle through the fifth dimension. All are ‘reproductive variations of loco-motion’, are the same essential universal event, a reproduction of information in scales of the fifth dimension.

In the graph, a few of the ternary systems, made with the 3 only topologies-functions of all systems of the Universe, an atom, a tomato, a planet, a cell an embryo and an electromagnetic field.

In the graph, when we make a diachronic analysis, we shall find that Fractal Space and Local Past, on one side and Future local temporal information on the other side are similar (as systems start as lineal motions, which time bends: ‘time bends space into masses’ said  and You Einstein  Since they are the 2 reverse sides of the same coin, we shall use the same symbols, merely inverting their order, and call them:

|-Ts: Open Spatial Extension; Ts, with max. entropy, (kinetic energy), lineal momentum, which dominate a young past age:

Ps: Lineal Entropy-Energy or “Past’ (soon we will show indeed why in the past there was more entropy-lineal energy).

o-Ti: closed Temporal cycles that carry information in its form and frequency, St, and guide a system growing in its future:

ƒt: Informative, future forms.  (And soon we shall see why indeed the future does have more information).

All of us ST organisms live by travelling in growth through our vital dimensions, by growing in informative complexity through the ages of life, till all warped information in our 3rd age dissolve back to our ∆-1 cell state.


-Trilogic is de facto the most important analysis for all forms, as we describe the entity in a single plane of existence with its 3 topological organs of space, T<ST>S, its 3 ages in time, T<ST>S or its 3 co-existing scales, ∆±1. Often we just make a trilogic analysis of the being in a single Space-time plane (T<ST>S), and from the point of view of scales, as this is the bare minimum to define an ∆ST system…

Trilogic is thus the basis of all languages beyond, the simplest ‘first order logic’ a causality of falsity and truth, such as if A is false, and from A we deduce B, A->B, B is false. As truths are linguistic mirrors of reality a better term than ‘falsity’ is ‘focus’. A good truth is one in which the syntax of the language and its semantic mimics the syntax of the Universe and its meanings. The syntax is a given. Most languages are ‘innate’ ternary syntax of the 3 parts of reality.

Back in the 90s when I was pen pal with Chomsky for political activism, I explained him that his Universal grammar was just a case of a ternary syntax for all languages of reality, which all minds code with slight differences, but as all verbal languages could be referred to the subject (man:information-space) >Verb(time-dimotion) <Object (energy) a Universal grammar for all languages existed and its rules based in Generational space-time were the ultimate ¡logic language of reality, even superior in its capacity to describe in synoptic form the events of all systems of Nature than mathematics (albeit with less detail, which is precisely what a synoptic language does). But Chomsky wasn’t interested. So I went alone without help and by 92 I had developed the existential grammar of the Universe, departing from 5D metric and wrote a 30 meters mural painting during my artistic age as I was innovating in 2D with a style called ‘Conceptual cubism’, using 3 layers of paintings, the first one of universal grammar, the second one using expressioniost colors, decomposed ‘lineal cubism’ ‘cyclical taoist’ and ‘hyperbolic, fractal forms’ painting waves of timespace, and the third pictures of reality… So this ‘grand work’ I intended for my ‘Museum of the 3 ages of art’, would be the final painting… In the branched 30 meters from the initial Max. ∑ SxT(s=t)= ∆±¡ existential function of the galatom (S=h, T=C) all the main functions of the Universe were generated in increasing detail through the disomorphic set of 3×3±¡ laws that are the ‘restriction’ for the selection of ‘domains’ in which ‘variations’ of the same theme, compose the creative symphony of reality…

As life didn’t go well that work was left in a storage in NYC, which finally on one of many low points didn’t care to renew and I imagine is lost. There was a 1000 pages manuscript at WGA (E) also from 1992, the codes of the Universe, but I guess it got burned because every 20 years you had to renew it and I was no longer living In U$. So alas, existential algebra has to be recomposed and I hope to leave some traces of it, in Academia, Health permitted, in the next years. Here we shall just consider its basic symbols. I changed though the name of Universal Grammar to Existential Algebra, just in case Mr. Chomsk denounces me for ‘plagiarism’ (: in the classic vein of the Jewish->Protestant->Anglo-American cult(ure)s of the chosen who are always against us, social Europeans, from the times of Leibniz to the times of So=To… Indeed, many years latter during my activism against the Nuclear Industry, Mr. Hawking would also – heir of the Lucasian chair of Newton – mounted a campaign along ‘Cernies’ against my activism, trying to prevent them to make black holes on Earth that won’t evaporate but evaporate us according to 4D Einstein and 5D So=To. As I feel the ‘heir’ of the chair of Leibniz, a wooden simple one were he seated abandoned by all, including the King of England he ‘manufactured’ with his 30 volumes of Brunswick’s genealogies, for days in a row thinking about the most perfect of all worlds, which still is, as I seat for days in my reclining chair, thinking about its existential algebra, and punishment to those who don’t deserve to play the game: extinction.

Hegelian Dialectics, Universal Grammar, Mystical Trinity, Physical SU3 groups

Trilogic Is the truly Universal logic that works for all languages of reality, as the existence of wholes and parts is invisible for almost all beings, which therefore Taylor their languages in terms of trinity, the fundamental form of linguistic thought of human beings in all its languages. As they developed their senses in a single plane. So the main ‘abstract syntax’ of the 3 fundamental humind’s languages is trinity:

Subject (information-human) ‹ Verb (action combined both) › Object (Energy of the subject)     F(x) < = > G(y)

Blue (information, light sky) < Green-yellow (combination-reproduction-life) > Red color (energy-entropy-blood)

Trinity in that sense is the essential A-logic of the Universe, and likely I should reduce our analysis of the multiple points of view of reality into trinity – the trinity of adjacent topologies in space-time of ages of life and of Planes of reality… if I had not discovered the laws of the fifth dimension (:

Ts(limbs-fields) < Ø-Body-waves>O-Particles-heads

Ts (entropic youth) < Ø-reproductive maturity> O-informative 3rd age

∆-1: Cellular/atomic scale < ∆ø-organic/thermodynamic scale> ∆+1: ecosystemic/gravitational scale.

So those are the 3 ‘trinities’ of the trinity of scale, time and space that conform the trilogic of the Universe and has much wider applications than ‘previously’ thought.

For example the ‘mystery’ of trinity is the key element of mystical thought in Catholicism, easy-to-grasp in trilogic. Even if saint Augustine despite its awesome comments on ilogic: ‘God is the seer of time’, ‘the logic of god=time is of a higher order than man’, tried hard an failed. In brief catholic trinity is just a case of scalar trinity and the relationship between the whole and the parts.

The whole is the father (Humanity: God and its nervous, informative network= ∆+1), the son (∆’, the human cell of a cultural supœrganism) and the spirit (the message of eusocial love that forms such organisms, flow of information in our verbal language, that comes from the whole to the part, ‘the word became man and inhabited among us: ∆+1›∆º

Anecdote. Back in the 90s, when I was a young man and thought mankind would actually care to evolve from monologic and solved trinity, I sent a long letter to the ‘Vatican’s Doctrine Office’ with the solution. LOL

Why trinity is so pervading happens because trinity is ultimately the decoupling of gender into a reproductive third, such as in trinity, 1+1=3.

Gender symmetry is thus the main case of trinity ¡logic, as it re=produces a 3rd, 1+1=3, new Ts+St=2TS offspring that combines the 3 conserved St-cyclical, angular momentum, sT-lineal, entropic momentum and S=T vital energy of its parental generators. The philosophical Hegelian concept of thesis, antithesis and synthesis corresponds to this logic, as well as the trinity mystery which is the best known case of trinity logic on Planes, as the ‘Father’ is the subconscious collective mind of a civilization that communicates with its nervous verbal social human language, the saint spirit, its wor(l)d to the prophet, hence the ‘son of the word that inhabited among us’. Physiology in medicine also follows a trinity logic in his studies of medicine and biochemical control of cells and its functions attached to those 3 networks.

Those 3 are the logic systems humans developed with some logic clarity. Aristotelian, Taoist and Hegelian Logic being the most clean-cut formal development of them. This is due to the incapacity of humans to fully grasp the scalar Universe. We conclude that a dual->ternary philosophy understands much better the action-reaction processes of reality than selfish monologic and improves survivability – obvious in history where max. survival happened in the Chinese Taoist culture and the minimal in the Germanic/Jewish Iron & Go(l)d animetal ‘selfish-cult(ure)s’ totally at odds with those action-reaction laws they vehemently deny as the righteous people who live for his ‘will & ego. But to get a full objective view of reality we need at least:


The constant, class structure of all beings: external and internal cycles and social classes.

Let us comment on the physiological symmetry and the role each quanta plays in any of those 3 physiological ∆+1 networks.

We talk in that sense also of 3 social classes according to the space-time motions of energy, re=production or information, the species perform, at any of its relative ∆±1 scales. Informative motions/networks become the upper controlling system of the super organism; energetic, disordered motions, made a space quanta, feeding energy, often destroyed by the system.

And in the middle repetitive, reproductive motions create the body-wave of the organism:

The 3 parts of a system, have always an ‘informative neuronal center/head’ which controls and perceives the ∆+1 whole, a reproductive body, or ‘working’ cellular class, and an external source of energy, which is destroyed ∆-1. Those are the 3 main ‘social classes’ of all systems.

Those 3 ∆-planes of existence structure most systems of the Universe, organized across cellular/atomic, individual and social/cosmic Planes, which according to the ∆=Se x St rule, run faster clocks of information in its ∆-1 smaller scales and have more energy in its ∆+1 scale. Thus the metric also explain the organization of systems across several scales of size:

As most of them are sustained and coded by the higher information of its ∆-1 cellular/atomic scale (genetic, chemical information), stored in the vibrational clock-like circadian or atomic cycles of its diminutive faster clocks; and are themselves ‘cellular units’ of the slower life-cycles of its societies or in the case of matter, the slower geological or galactic cycles.

In the graph we see 3 of such scalar planes, the human relative ∆-plane, and on the left the larger plane perceived by men, galaxies with a slow clock-cycle of billions of years, and the DNA, spiral clocks of genetic information with a iterative, reproductive cycle of nano-seconds.

Now, those 3 ‘scales’ are in fact the 3 main ‘social classes’ of all systems, which we shall call, the ‘upper, informative class’,  which in societies is formed by the individuals who control the social languages of information that ‘put together groups’ into ∆+1 wholes, priests and politicians that create collective laws with verbal languages and bankers that monopolize ‘undemocratically’ the issue of digital money, the other language of social power. And then the military which use an energetic language, energetic iron metal, to kill those who do not obey (or protect them if you are a fan and patriot). So this upper ∆+1 classes control a mass of re=productive workers, which live mostly at individual level in families, and they take their energy from ∆-1 simpler species, food and raw materials.

But there are 3 ‘invisible, lowest classes’, which nobody cares form, all those raw molecules, electrons we see and gravitons that move us, and we couldn’t care less if each atom is a galaxy… We bomb them in accelerators, and crack them, even if that might be if those scales are infinite a cosmic catastrophe. (Well those people also bomb this planet and might blow it up, so why they should care?). We won’t obviously talk of those 3 scales as social classes, but stick when talking of the 6th Ðisomorphism to the 3 ‘scales’ which truly create the system, the essential ones. It was just the 6th number. I do ignore also my ‘atomic galaxies’ if they are there, c’est la vie (-;

So we write reducing strictly the being to its 3 close equations this Ðisomorphism with the simplest of all forms:

  •                  Existence = (Ts +ST + St)0±1

meaning that by describing a being through its 3 main cellular/atomic, individual organic and social cosmic scale through its 3 space and time dimensions we have a full understanding of the whole’ and again we talk here of 3S + 3 T +3±∆ = 9 ‘relative dimensions’ of existence, which form a whole 10. In that regard, the study of the 6 dimensions and 3 0±1 planes of a being, is a good approach to understand most existences. I call this approach the 10th dimensional analysis


The concept of cyclical time is not new. On the contrary as it is evident that all time clocks are cyclical, repetitive, from your watch to the pendulum, from the orbital clocks of ‘years’ to those of ‘days’, to the frequency clocks of waves – there is NOT a single clock in the Universe that measures time, which has not a cyclical form.

Now, this even a 3 years old child understands. And yet humans no longer see time as cyclical.

The true mystery is WHY physicists first and by extension the rest of mankind denied it in the modern age. Since all Asian cultures, and all western cultures till Galileo, did understand that time was cyclical’). The answer is similar to the reason why around 4 billion human beings believe that an ass breeder of the Bronze age, who saw a bush burning and claimed he had heard God in the cracking sound of the fire, is considered the man who understood better ‘God’, the mind of the Universe.

Yes my friend, Mr. Wenwang – the highest mind of mankind in the understanding of the cosmos and its ternary symmetries. Have you ever heard of him? We are going backwards ever since, and we will return to that. Because it was only when I solved the 8 baguas and its equivalence with the 8 varieties of topological manifolds combination of the 3 basic toroid, spherical and hyperbolic varieties, which become the 8 sub-ages of times-space, I understood Time-Space and understood myself, my past, my future, my present and could tabulate all the species of all the planes of existence of reality, from the 8-manifold ways of mental space of Buddhism, to the 8-manifold octets of quantum physics, to the 3 and 8 sub-ages of life, to the 8 planets and the 8 notes, the 8 cells and the 8 vowels of all the games of creation of the Universe, 23 that is the number of all names, the branching of all species, and permutations…

So in honor of Mr. Wenwang, we shall now consider the 3rd of the symmetries of the Universe, the 3 ‘ages of time=change’, and then consider the modern version of time in physics in the last of our confrontations of philosophers of science vs. physicists.

The reason why death exists in a perfect, immortal Universe is obvious: if species only evolved socially towards more information, they would end into a ‘big crunch’. So the Universe and all its parts should have, long ago, reached a point of social evolution and maximal density, with no return. To avoid this, the ‘game of life and death’ exists, whereas death is the opposite Сmotion to social evolution, as it dissolves the networks that put together individual cells, breaking the super-organism back into its parts. But we are now concerned with the Сmotion of life.

The ±1 social Сmotion has, in fact, 2 directions:

The positive, +1, social Сmotion of cellular evolution creates life and makes a being emerge at birth.

The -1, negative Сmotion of cellular dissolution kills life and dissolves a being into its cells and atoms. Thus, it is the key Сmotion of the life/death cycles that clock-time misses. Hence the enormous simplification of those 4 time-Сmotions, brought about by clocks, which in Physics, since Galileo, only measure the first and most simple of those Сmotions, the energy of motion.

The result of adding both – the life and the death processes – in any system or scale of reality is a ‘zero-sum’ of information+entropy that cyclically returns reality to its initial form, in a dynamic, multiple steady state balance that affects any entity of reality. The study of that process of creation and dissolution of complex structures, however, cannot be made with translational time, (v=S/T), the realm of physics, but it needs to understand biological, morphological time – the life/death cycle and its 3±1 ages. Those ages explain precisely what physicists, stuck in the study of time as movement in space, will never understand: the meaning of the life and death cycle that creates and extinguishes humans, societies (super-organisms of human beings) and all kind of beings that exist in space and time. In biological time all universal species follow the same ‘morphological changes’, described by the wisdom of verbal thought as the 3±1 ages of life, each one ruled by one of the 3±1 change=time:

+1: Conception: ruled by social evolution, as a micro-organism or cell transcends into a macro-organism, organized by social networks.

1st age: Youth or Age of energy.

2nd age: energy and information Reproduce.

3rd age: All energy becomes information.

-1:Death: The inverse of conception when the super-organism dissolves back into cells.

In the graph we describe that law of 3±1 ages, cycles, or horizons of evolutions for the fundamental species of reality. To understand that cycle in depth, we have to recall the Law of Complementarity between energy and information: all systems are made with a body/field of energy and a head/particle of information.

Further on, since form is made with energy, all events must start with an amount of ‘simple’ energy that transforms itself into information, the only other primary direction/Сmotion of time to go. Then, when all energy is consumed, warped into information, death reverses its cycle. Yet in the middle of that cycle, when information and energy are in balance, to preserve the ‘bio-logic’ form created in that process, the system achieves its reproduction.

And so the ‘offspring’ of the being will carry on its information into the future. Information never disappears as it always recreates itself.

All beings, from fundamental particles, (electrons and quarks) to human beings and life species, reproduce or are reproduced by more complex systems, when they have extra-energy to imprint its in-form-ation. Since forms that do not reproduce, die away and become extinct. So even those deconstructed beings that cannot reproduce alone are reproduced by other species. For example, cells reproduce carbohydrates, galaxies reproduce stars and human reproduce machines in factories. Thus, we talk of 3±1 drives, Сmotions or ages of existence in all systems: the drive for body energy, the drive for information, the drive for reproduction and the drive of social d=evolution (birth and death of a macro-organism). Whereas the 3±1 ages of Organic Time are merely the order in which those 3±1 drives ‘accumulate’ during the life/death cycle of any species.

In a young first age, energy is more abundant. In the mature age of balance, the species reproduces, combining energy and information. In the third age of the species, energy is scarce but information is abundant, accumulated in the first ages.

Young people are full of energy. They are in the Energy horizon of the species. They are bigger, have little temporal knowledge. They are simple in form. While Old people are full of information. They are in the information horizon of the species. They are smaller, as all information systems are and have a lot of temporal memories. They move little and have a lot of wrinkles.

Mature people balance the two elements of the organic Universe, their content of energy-space and temporal information. So they can reproduce all their components. Hence the 2nd age is the age of reproduction. And the forms of any being in that mature age are a harmonic, an efficient combination of energy lines and informative cycles that we perceive as ‘beautiful’, the objective perception of harmony between energy and information, lines and cycles. So in all organisms the mature, realistic, classic age of balance, or reproductive age, is the most perfect age. Human beings intuitively see that. We like balanced, spiral galaxies, mature people and realist art, which is called classic art and takes place in the mature age of civilizations.

Yet, the dominant Сmotion of time, information, will finally exhaust energy, warp totally the organism and bring its explosive death. And the cycle will start again.

It follows that a true science of life and time will try to maintain any organism in its age of balance, without excessive information. Exactly the contrary of what our society does. Since humans accumulate scientific and technological information towards a point or ‘singularity’ in which that information, in the form of a robot or artificial intelligence, might extinguish us.

In the graphs, we illustrate those 3±1 ages with a few universal examples, also from social sciences: we see the process in individual human beings, in art, the collective brain of a culture; in matter, where those ages are called the states of matter – energetic gas, reproductive liquid and informative solid. And finally in the Universe, where stars evolve from an age of energy into an informative age as black holes. And so do galaxies that evolve from energetic nebulae into Black Holes, which explode into quasars. Finally, if the network of galaxies we call the Universe was truly born from a first seed of matter that fed and reproduced its form in the energy of the vacuum; it will go through 3±1 self-similar ages described by the 3 solutions to Einstein’s Space-time equations. Since all in the Universe is a game of ‘3’ dimensions or ages of time: past, the age of energy, present, the reproductive age in which all systems repeat themselves to keep their ‘present form’ beyond death and a 3rd age, when all energy is exhausted, trans-form-ed into form, information.

So all it is resumed in the function of existence, To Exi=st is all (if we were to use the concept of Energy and Information as rough synonymous of space-time). The details of the Infinite Cycles of Existence of the Universe is what ExiStential Stiences do. Play with words. Do not think that only mathematical languages display all the beauty of the Universe, love and live with your human I=Eye<Wor(l)d, do art, believe in social love, the essence of the 5th dimension, BE HUMAN, because you ARE and your languages MATTER as much as those of mater do.

So to fully grasp the 3 x 3 symmetries of the Universe, specially, the co-existence of several scales of infinitesimals into larger wholes I coined the concept of a super organism, each being a cell of the species – the super organism of the larger scale of the 5th dimension, which lasted more in time.

And man a super organism, each citizen a cell of mankind. This simple statement resolves the meaning of Gods, the subconscious collective of a civilisation.

It allows to classify the 7 main cultures of mankind and its subconscious collective (Anglo-America, Hispano-America, Africa, Asia, Islam,Europe and Indonesia), some still with a clear religious God (Islam, Catholic Hispano-America, Biblical Anglo-America), some advancing into the larger concept of a Human Whole, God of History (Europe), some unaware of the larger whole to which they belong.

Supœrganisms of history are specially enticing to the mind, their cycles of life and death, similar to the 3 ages of its mental life, expressed in the 3 styles of art of all civilizations, the young epic art, classic and baroque informative age.

And so we can write the sequential equation of all time space world cycles of life and death of the graph:

Ps: Youth-past (max. Spatial Extension) > ST: Adult, reproductive age > Ft-Informative, Future old age.

So the 3 topologies of space that formed beings have a sequential order, the 3 ages of life. Now we can always see a system in space or in time. And with any degree of detail.

Let us see of those symmetries the 3 horizons of evolution of species, in its symmetry between spatial forms and temporal ages; starting from the earlier biological species, through the human being, ending in the Whole, the globalized planet, which contrary to all abstract, anthropomorphic descriptions of reality is NOT longer evolving us, human beings… as it SHOULD BE if T.Œ, the Organic paradigm dominated our world.

Each scale of size of the fifth dimension was then study by a different science, from the smallest quantum physics through chemistry to biology, history, Geology, astrophysics and cosmology. But only the metric laws of the 5th dimension and the properties of cyclical time could find the common laws of all of them, as all species followed a world cycle:

In the graph, the Universe conserves the ‘present’, SxT product of Space and Time, the Entropic limbs and St-heads/particles, which come together into wave-bodies, which reproduce its forms, creating an organic dynamic present.

This present state of the being, the body-wave, is what the Universe preserves. It is a function (woman, wave, etc.) which is present-reproductive, as opposed to the particle-field (future-past), which is sterile and converges, till reaching the Ts=St, point of present, the immortality of the adult, balanced age.

The present Ts=St, at the point in which they are closer in harmony with similar value – in mathematical terms, the Universe minimises the Lagrangian function, at the point in which S=T, Potential energy = Kinetic energy, angular=lineal momentum, male=femail, thus where the 3 elements that compose it, Ts < ST>St reach its harmony.

So while we live through 3 ages, the future and past, entropy and information annihilate on the death moment, but the present, repetitive waves of existence, endure, reproducing space and time, its energy and information in offspring of forms, which imply the eternity of reality as a zero sum of infinite life-death world cycles.

It is the combination of the 5th dimension of space-time and the 3 ages of life what solved that equation, as we ALL BEINGS ARE BORN on the seminal faster, lower scale of the fifth dimension grow fast and then die back to the lower scale.  And then I made to myself a big statement:

‘Existence is a worldcycle through 3±n planes of the 5th dimension’ (:

Indeed, Klein defined a dimension as a system, which had a co-invariant ‘space-time metric’, which allowed displacements through such dimension. And the co-invariant law of the 5th dimension, [Ts x St =K]∆±1, defined the existence of any being in the Universe as a travel through the 5th dimension, which implied a ‘growth in size’ (Ts), coupled with a slow down in its temporal clocks (St), limited to 3 of such planes; which created a series of ‘families’ of ‘world cycles’ (no longer world lines as in 4D physics, since now each time cycle had a new dimension of ‘height, and growth’).

So all beings are born in a seminal relative infinitesimal scale and grew larger, as they multiplied in clone cells and reorganize them into bigger wholes, from the quantum/cellular to the matter/organic scales (biological and physical systems), emerging as slower growing beings into the outside ∆+1 social, ecosystemic, gravitational world, to return back through an expansive, Ts, explosion into the moment of death.

So I wrote the equation of existence, of all world cycles of the Universe; as they are conceived, as points of pure genetic/ memetic/quantic information that reproduce, evolve, emerge as single beings, live 3 ages and explode in a relative big-bang death, back into a flat plane of space without motion.

The only difference between the beings of those scales is the size and length of the world cycle, as larger beings had slower time cycles and lasted longer, but all have the same subjective time existence – an insect beating 10 times faster and living 7 x10 years.

And each of those infinitesimals who become wholes, and live and die through 3 Сmotions of time, back and forth, could be described now properly with the logic, mathematical formalism, of all complex space-time languages, which reflected in its monad minds the fractal structure of the universe

@->∆->S->T tetralogic entanglement of supœrganisms.

The entangled Universe generates its space through synchronous connections between the main 4 elements of reality, mind, scale, space and time in its 3 relative ranges, Actions, topological organisms and its 5 elements: fractal space, scales, cyclical time, minds that perceive with synoptic languages the system as a whole and project its territorial order and survival will through its actions, and the entropic membrain limits (¬) the infinite universe imposes to that will. So any aspect of reality must account for 5 elements to express such entanglement at the 3 relative scales of existence. It is the fractal principle of 5D pentalogic that structures Timespace supœrganisms (T. œ)

Scalar, topologic space and cyclical time organisms, made to the likeness of the fractal Universe, require a complete change of paradigm regarding how reality is created, away from the chaotic, entropic, or religious self-centered (Anthropic) theories sponsored by humans, which are monologic, blind to the entanglement and constant communication of information between fractal points, either in logic=time or mathematical=space languages, in a sentient, apperceptive Universe, where information when locked as ‘entangled space’ by those dynamic networks of communication creates a mind-mapping of the outer world.

The key concept behind tetralogic and entanglement is rather simple: to survive in the Universe, to have focus, form, a system must be ‘anchored’ through entanglement in its ‘plane of existence’ with ‘trinity’ parts of vital topology, connected through 3 inner physiological networks, but also it must co-exist in a larger ∆±1 nested world separated by a topologic membrain, which allows it to absorb and emit entropic motions and information, on that outer world.

When that membrane forms, and focus the system in a central point-mind, then the system evolves into a whole and emerges as one; it is the fourth, ‘evolving time disomorphism’… on the series of tetralogic scales that make the system grow, from @-mind, to ∆-scalar action, to S-reproductive networks, to T-evolutionary collapse and organization of the whole, for each of the 3 ‘scales’ of existence, the ‘palingenetic phase’, the organic phase and the ecosystemic wor(l)d.



Grow and multiply – Mandate of existence.

The fourth Ðisomorphism is growth through palingenesis and merging of all the elements of the fetal species towards emergence once completed its 0-1 development in the probabilistic time sphere, within the placental energetic world, which display a tetralogic point of view as all is positive, there is no entropy, and so there fetus as the baby believes the world turns around it. It is the process of emergence from the o-1 sphere of temporal accelerated time into a being. We thus treat the 4th Ðisomorphism in several posts, on tetralogic and here considering the process of emergence.

In keeping with the mystical English language, and constrained by the limits of WordPress entangled lines (cause of the ‘ instead of g) we use the existential symbol, ∃, also to break the world emerge into a duality with ‘merge’, because emergence happens when the 3 physiological networks in the last phase of development entangle together as a one whole becoming the mind of the system. So of the different words I have used for it, in the past, ‘growth’ ‘entanglement’, ’emergence’, I have finally used emergence, one of the key disciplines of General systems sciences, in its new 5Ð format.  

We call the phenomena that gives birth to ‘super organisms of space’, simultaneity, to ‘time world cycles’ synchronicity and to new whole planes of existence, ‘emergence‘.


When we emerge to a new plane despite all the enormous internal, chemical understanding of maximal intelligence achieved through the 5Ð generation process on the o-1 temporal sphere, we are childish and infantile in our psyche . When Friederich affirmed that ‘insanity is rare among individuals but in institutions and nations is the rule, referred to this childish pre-emergent nature of the social psyche of nations, bullies quarreling for pieces of territories with other nations, childish and brutish as they are. Emergence is a process that makes a child a retarded because all what chemically as learned in the creation of its cellular controlling networks, is not of use in the external world when it opens its eyes to the new language.

Once the being emerges it will soon start its young, social reproductive age and mature to be able to interpret with dexterity the actions of its new plane of exist¡once…

Synchronous timespace, Simultaneous spacetime, resonant scales, emerging information

Resonance in time & simultaneity in space gives birth to social evolution & emergence.

Left, a resonant little lady getting a huge swing after synchronising its limb clocks with the frequency of the harmonic oscillators, engaging into an act of communication ruled by the geometric laws of the 2-4th Non-E and 3rd, Non-A Postulates. As a consequence of synchronisation and transfer of energy reproductive processes take place (right)

If a proper, higher language of information, allows a topological synchronicity of the clone atoms/cells/citizens, a supœrganism will start its creative game, of §octal reorganisations through decametric scales, emerging finally as a new born ∆-being (down).

The game of existence has merely started for such new ∆@st of space-time, which will shout as the mind awakes with its æ-limited perception of it all.


Reproductive motions in adjacent regions of ∆@st, which establishes some basic phenomena that transfers and hence reproduces the information of a system in another scale or region of space or frequency of time:

  • Scalar ∆≈resonances which make emerge information into larger wholes and its inverse phenomena:
  • ∆∑Branching of the whole into all its pars.
  • T≈Simultaneous networks, which co-ordinate motions of parts into:
  • T≈Synchronous..
  • ∆-Co-existence in space of different forms of time.

And other ‘spooky’ effects, which seem to defy the humind simplex perception of events and its causality.

So ultimately to understand what are the phenomena that reproduces the information of the fractal Universe, we need to know Æ, existential algebra, the laws that rule the symmetries of fractal space and cyclical time, which are completely ignored by science.

Laws, like those who expand the notions of Fermions and Bosons to all systems of nature. SO WE ALSO TALK OF 3 EXCLUSION PRINCIPLES:

  • Pauli’s exclusion principle: there cannot be two equal forms≈ with equal TIME-STATE CONFIGURATION int The same spatial region, which is sooo obvious, meaning that YOU CANNOT EXIST IN THE SAME SPACE AND TIME TOGETHER.
  • But here is where the fun starts, there can obviously be two equal forms in time in different regions of space (synchronicity)
  • And there can be two equal forms of time in different scales of fractal space, and this we shall call co-existence.
  • And we call the moment in which two forms of time become equal in two scales of space, resonance.

As the reader could observe the full understanding of those rules of space-time, which are the realm of the ‘3rd postulate of i-logic geometry’ the definition of equality, greatly expanded, and converted in the more important of the postulates of i-logic mathematics along the 1st≈5th concerned with the definition of the fractal point, as it will define truly according to the similarity parallelism or perpendicularity in time, space, mind or scale, what will be the ‘deterministic’ outcome of any encounter, in a extremely efficient Universe. 

In the illustrations 4 of those rules, which are at the heart of the symmetries and motions of ∆@ST, resonance, synchronicity and simultaneity and the program of social evolution and interaction between the elements of being, from left to right, resonance, simultaneity and synchornicity.

Yet the whole thing is rather simple: systems don’t move continuously but do the Achiles thing in zeno’s paradox: the stop, reproduce its form in the next adjacent region of the ∆ST parameter, then go and move again leaving always a ‘memorial trace’ that slowly extinguish the being behind it. And this trace will be the ‘wave fluctuation of a particle moving’ in space; the memories of the mind, in a being moving in time, which stores the concept of the whole both in time duration (life memories) and space-simultaneity (closed membrane-skin) and the co-existence of scales in ∆-organisms, which are constantly moving back and forth in space-time as they share with inverse Сmotions information and motion between the upper and lower scales.

So the key concept to understand how information moves, reproduces, evolves and maintains the whole systems working is this stop and go beat of states of the being, S->T->S…. and ∆<∆-1>∆>∆+1<…

As i crafted this entire new language I wondered how to call those stop and go motions, and used in different texts the words ‘beat’, ‘symmetry’, cyclical action, ‘asymmetry’ and ‘Ðisomorphism’; again all meaningful in a complex co-existing reality; as beat stresses the stop and go duality, the beat of existence, symmetry and asymmetry the mirror processes of inversion, as space becomes time, motion form, parts wholes and viceversa, time becomes space, form, motion and wholes, parts. Cyclical Action on the other hand stretches the modular, switch on and off between the 5 actions of existence, as we do feed, move, perceive, love and reproduce in discontinue switching cycles Finally Ðisomorphism stresses that those motions-stops beats do happen in all scales of reality – in the human case the beat is a larger time-span beat: sleep-awake, when sleep the system focuses on the internal ∆-1 chemical processes; when awakened in ∆+1 social cycles…

At the end I have come to use the 4, related to the four elements of reality, ‘time beats’, ‘space symmetries’ , ‘scalar isomorphisms’ and ‘mind actions’; though the preferred ones will be symmetry and Ðisomorphism.  As reality is a complex co-existence none of those 4 elements, which can be further divided into new phenomena can be ignored.

So the simple language of physical locomotions and its ‘complicated’ ad-ons, attachments and ill-defined terms, cannot really make sense of all this in a pristine logic, ‘streamlined’ form. Hence the need for new jargons and even a new name for ‘science’, ‘stience’, or science of space-time beings, which we shall develop in this blog.

Emergence then when a system has synchronised its clocks – in the human case the limb-beat of a step per second, the heart second body-beat and the eye glimpse-mind thought second; is possible as the internal precision of the knot of time-space cycles through the huge complexity of its 10 dimensions do take place:


In the graph the 12 dimensional view of the Galaxy, likely atom of an external hyper-universe, in the right the main ‘sub-systems’ of the human being, specialised in s-sf-t physiological actions, acted by networks of cells specialised in organs that produce specific entropic, informative and reproductive actions for the whole human super organism to survive, reproduce, grow and evolve.

As such the finality of the Universe shows in the repetition of its potential structures in all worldcycles of existence, and emerging super organisms.

How the Universe create its actions rather automatically to define a quite deterministic reality?

Easy through certain ‘mathematical symmetries’, but more than mathematical vital ones, which can be described mathematically.

Certain laws embedded on its algorithm of existence.

It means that when two entities are similar in ∑ scale in space and in time they come together.

This is formalised in the 3rd postulate of i-logic topology, the euclidean postulate of congruence and equality, which obvioulsy in a 10 dimensional universe (3 dimensions of scale, of time of space and the whole-mind fractal point dimension) must be more complex. so now we write:

‘the degree of 10-dimensional equality of 2 beings defines their laws of interaction, embedding in a vital way the motion directions of the algorithm of creation of future forms’.

In normal parlance, if you are very similar or complementary, you come together.

THEN YOU ARE increasing the Max energy x information co-invariant parameter of all your dimensions of existence, in time space and scale, and the creation is positive. there is resonance and reproduction.

IF you are very different there is nothing positive about it.

IF CERTAIN rules of engagement of the 10 x 10 dimensional connections possible happen in certain patterns, certain outcomes will be real. So ultimately there is a huge ‘other formalism’, of ‘tensors of existence’ that studies all the possible combinations of 10 and 10 dimensional beings in its ∆±1 worlds, which is an even deeper level of determinism to reality.

In the classic division of sub disciplines of systems stiences, one of the new sub-stiences is called emergence. E>mergence deals with the laws and phenomena related to the social d>evolution from ∆ to ∆±1, and it deals mostly with very ‘surprising’ quasi-maigic phenomena for humans AE beings, which is the infinity of speed in space or simultaneity and the infinite of information in time or resonance, two phenomena however clearly found in all the scales of reality which allow a sudden ‘boson state’ of transcendence from the individual to the whole that emerges as a new single being, hidden within it the information or force of its parts. We want here to consider other aspects of the emergence process besides the quantitative approach.

How indeed, emergence plays the key role of the qualitative approach as the system of storing information between scales, transcending and dissolving into upper and lower scales, allowing what is the fundamental question of the fractal, reproductive universe – the transmission of information between scales.

It is the key to understand the brain which is a constantly moving modular, electromagnetic wave-pattern (Bohm), which stores memorial knowledge and ‘dies’ when the wave dies; and can be decoded in smaller waves… decoded by a fourier transform.

EMERGENCE in time of INFORMATION is thus the symmetric function to emergence in space through scales of population. And another theme of interest is the mathematical whys of its co-shared equations and bell curves, where probability events in time correspond to populations in space.

Time emergence is thus not so much as population of particles but population of waves, which are time motions, not still space, present, mass points.

Information as we emerge through time therefore will be studied by the mathematics of time waves… which are endemic in all branches of science and physics notably, when considering frequencies in time and how they transfer information, and can be coded and decoded through…

Simultaneity and resonance.

The connection between the individual and the whole to form a larger whole, which however is NOT smaller and slower in energy and form but it is  a truly larger, superior more socially evolved, stronger whole, happens through the phenomena of emergence, itself connected to the concepts of Simultaneity & Resonance.

Simultaneity and resonance, can be considered the two ultimate i-logic meanings of T=0 AND ∞ =S two points

To fully grasp the ‘spooky’ structure of an organic system (for a mechanical scientist:), as always a minimum of 3 concepts are required:

  • S: ‘simultaneity and non-locality in space’.
  • T: ‘Synchronicity and resonance in time’
  • ST: ”emergence as a social system in space-time, when simultaneity and synchronicity take place’.

A system shall exist, when at least one of its levels, normally the pair membrane, O-point or ‘mind’ can be perceived as simultaneous in speed for any particle within the domain of the system.

We are  made of points of vital space, which perform cyclical time motions: holographic Principle.

In the graph, we are networks of vital space, made of space quanta, surrounded by time cycles, membranes of finite volume, performing further time cycles in larger networks, as part of bigger wholes. The interaction of those 2 elements, vital space, lineal motion, entropic, kinetic energy, res extensa, similar concepts abbreviated in the symbol ‘Ts’, and cyclical, tall time clocks, membranes, closed paths, which carry the information of the Universe, structure all systems made of ‘space-time’. We ARE space-time beings, and space-time is a fractal structured extended across multiple scales of social networks, growing and diminishing in size. This is what reality is, and while its initial components, space, time and its fractal scales, grouped in a new ‘5th dimension’ of scalar size are more complex than the old paradigm of a single space-time shallow continuum, once we grasp the unicity of all beings, made of those scales of space and time cycles, as when copernicus put the sun in the centre, it will be evident that most laws of science become simplified, similar expressions of the laws that explain the interaction of cycles of time and planes of space. Thus the first principle to consider is how the geometry of bidimensional time cycles and bidimensional networks of space-points mess up to create all the beings of the Universe. It is the holographic principle…

Now the key to this understanding of the fractal Universe is to understand that what you call space-time is not an abstract concept. That space is equivalent to energy, to res extensa to vital space with motion, and time clocks are equivalent to cyclical forms with more in-form-ation.

So once you understand that the Universe is like a puzzle with its fractal pieces of space and its clocks of time, and that space is vital, moving energetic space and time is cyclical, informative, accumulating information in its cycles and frequency hertzs. And you accept the fact that all is made of tiny pieces of vital space performing cyclical time motions and actions, as you do at your ∆-1 tiny cellular level, or as an individual performing ∆+1 big cyclical motions in your society, once we get this clear enough and then study properly the time of space-time motions of beings, and how they come together into herds and organisms, through those motions and cycles of behaviour, and exchanges of energy and information, you will if your ego is humble enough understand yourself truly as part of a whole, the fractal universe.

And so the first step is to understand the equivalence between vital spaces and quanta of energy/entropy and time clocks and information cycles, and how together construct the beings of reality, including yourself.

But what is ultimately the meaning of Spatial entropy and temporal Information, Ts and St, the 2 parameters that combine in the Universe to form content space-time beings? Ts x St = ∆±1

We saw how simple was the answer for physical systems: a bit of information and a bit of motion, combined into infinite species. Let us generalise the concept for the whole puzzle of space-time beings including human ones.

To that aim we shall first explain the Holographic Principle, discovered in the study of black holes, at the heart of modern physics today – the fact that information is bidimensional, as the screen you are looking at.

This geometric generator redistributes the 4 dimensions we know to exist in this scale of reality, in 2 dimensions of vital space, creating flat planes of space, with maximal extension (made of small cells, points, atoms, any ‘set of similar beings) and 2 dimensions of temporal information, height and rhythm to form the simplest possible time cycle, which carries information in the form and frequency of this cycles.

Now this should be evident to you, temporal information has the dimensions of height and form (cyclical patterns seen with a mind as slow fixed forms, like the way you see a fast spinning wheel as a solid disk). So you are watching a tall bidimensional screen or book, your eyes see bidimensional forms, and your informative eye, head or the antenna or camera that absorbs information, with its logic cycles of time, its computer clocks measured in cyclical frequencies, Hertzs, are all on top, are all made of closed time cycles and forms.

So the first refocusing of the mirror of mathematical sciences is to give the dimension of height to time, which now has 2 dimensions and it is no longer a line of duration but a cycle of tall form, which rises as time passes, the flat sheets of space, into tall space-time beings.

In this manner, because a basic rule of maths is that only beings with the same number of dimensions can be combined and transformed into each other, we can combine topological ‘formal motions’ (forms allowed to vary through internal motions of its surfaces), and this is the most ‘evident’ definition on how fractal space-time systems and its feed-back Ts <≈>St equation works in a single ‘plane of space-time’, as it ‘composes its forms through the holographic principle:

In the graph, the bidimensional nature of time cycles, divides the 4 dimensions of time-space in 2 ‘formal motions’, tall, cyclical time, which carries the information of the Universe in the form and frequency of its cycles (as the n-sphere has the maximal volume in minimal space), as such is the gauging ‘particle-head on top of all systems (so photons stay longer on top of the wave, your head is on top, as an informative mammal, with the dimension of height, eyes and cameras are spheres and antennae are on top, so are speakers: function is form) and wide, lineal space planes, which are the most extended fastest distance between points so fast ‘planes’ are… planes, limbs and fields are planes.

Each of those pictures shows a network of space-quanta, informed by ‘cyclical time motions’ , which runs the logic forms of the system: human heads run lineal limbs-bodies; Tall, spherical black holes control with informative gravitation the plane of energetic stars. If we consider the entire existence of life, evolving from its first flat worms to the tall man, the same topological Сmotion towards more information becomes evident. Above, we can see human eyes and mechanical eyes, human limbs and energetic, entropic weapons, which share the same topologies.

Each of those  Ts and St elements is bidimensional and each bidimension is made of smaller points that form a flat plane of space or a tall, cyclical time event, made of discontinuous instants or neuronal points. Space is communicated synchronically in a flat membrane. Time is communicated in a cyclical sequential form.

Space-time combines both into holographic 4-dimensional beings.

 5 D metric: fractal spaces and cyclical time clocks: co-invariance of size & time speed: Ts x St = ∆

Now in a universe of infinite ‘world cycles’ of time, there must be a way to order them. Indeed. If there are infinite speeds of time cycles. So we need to order all those world cycles that require to study all those different sizes and speeds of the cycles of time of the Universe. But to do so we need to encase all those fractal space enclosed by cyclical time’sin scales of size from micro to macrocosms and the actions beings perform within scales, in a mathematical, simple ‘metrics’ of space-time. This formalism is what we call the ‘5th dimension’: a series of laws that order the infinite species of the Universe according to their size in space, and the speed of its cyclical actions in time.

Thus, the fifth dimension metrics is the ice cake element needed to order a fractal Universe broken up into an infinity of beings made of vital space and time cycles (of body-waves and particles-heads). Only then we have a scientific model able to order it all, with its bio-topo-logic properties, isomorphic laws and 5Ð metrics. This can be done since all those systems of ‘spatial energy’ (body/waves) and temporal information (particle heads), can be roughly classified by ‘size’ in space, and ‘speed of motion and action-reaction’ in time.

Then a ‘new rule of order’ appears: bigger systems move slower than larger ones. Their clocks and metabolisms tick slower. This is a Universal law: mice beat hearts faster than elephants and particles turn faster than galaxies. Yet the product of both, the spatial size and temporal speed of any system remains co-invariant. So we can write in a first approximation: S x T = ∆±n and define a 5th dimension of scales of size that organize the Universe from past, smaller, faster systems into future, larger, slower systems. Moreover, for the first ‘time’, we find a clear Сmotion from a relative past to future, as wholes cannot exist without the evolution of simpler parts first.

Can we classify those ST actions according to their form and purpose? Yes we can. The 3rd element of T.OE, the 5th dimension orders the different speeds of time clocks and sizes of the Universe. Its metric allows us to order all those lineal and cyclical space-time ‘formal motions’.

Since bigger systems (galaxy) run slower than smaller systems (DNA) which carry more information, but both are invariant together, Ts x St = C.

And this invariance is the origin of the order and structure and co-existence of all those different systems of the Universe, as the growth in size is balanced by the loss of information and vice versa.

Thus, the third element of T.Œ is the understanding of the fractal structure of space-time, divided into infinite scales of relative size and speed of information, which are inverse but co-invariant, meaning that smaller beings run faster its clocks of information, coding larger beings (so genetics codes biological systems and quantum numbers material systems), whole larger beings move slower but can synchronize with its huge bodies a myriad of little beings (so the Earth guides the evolution of the information of its beings, with its weather cycles of energy and the black hole guides the informative vortex of stars and planets towards its centers with its gravitational waves).

In the graph we see the fundamental 3 scales of reality, the gravitational slower scale the human thermodynamic scale and the atomic, genetic scale.

This 5th dimension and its formal metric are the key to fully understand the organic structure of the Universe, as the 3 ‘canonical scales’ of all supœrganisms of reality, physical and biological systems extending through ∆±1 scales of the 5th dimension (ab.∆), the quantum-cellular ∆-1 plane, the ∆ i-ndividual/thermodynamic plane and the ∆+1 organic, gravitational planes.

The fifth dimension orders all those scales of size and speeds of clocks into a ‘metric system’ able to explain all kind of ‘motions’ and ‘actions’ that take place in isomorphic ways in all those systems.

This definition, when translated to mathematical physics, coupled with the Principle of Relativity as defined by Poincare-Einstein, ‘we cannot distinguish motion from stillness’ will allow us to derive all the laws of Physics; but it has the advantage that can be applied to all other sciences, to define all the laws of knowledge.

Indeed, what we have just described logically IS not only the fundamental particle of physics, but the fundamental entity of any biological, social system – the key to the unification and understanding of the Universe, as a whole and all its parts, self-centered entities of time-space that put together create the puzzle of the Universe.

Since any cycle has the logic properties of repetition, which are the origin of the patterns, we call ‘science’, whose completion breaks space into an outer world and an inner ‘vital space’, whose ‘gradient center’ is the ‘point of view’ of the system that gauges the external information of the cycle.

As such the understanding of the time cycle, its interaction with its vital space and central point, and its synchronization and social evolution with other time cycles into larger wholes, which structure a ‘5th dimension’ of scales of space-time (so particles become part of atoms, surrounded by electronic cycles, which become part of molecules, surrounded by thermodynamic cycles, which become part of masses, surrounded by cyclical gravitational fields; and the same process brings DNA-cells surrounded by protein membranes, with a vital cytoplasm space between them.

And yet those cells, then become the internal vital space of a larger whole, your organism, surrounded by a membrane of multiple life cycles, your sensorial skin, which has once more a self-centered point of view (frame of reference in mathematical physics), called your brain that gauges energy and information. And yet again, from the upper scale of relative ‘sizes’ that we call generically the 5th dimension, you are just a moving, open, ‘free’ individual, however enclosed by a membrane called a ‘frontier’, part of a vital territory called a nation, with a self-centered point of view, called a capital and a president, king or dictator, or in capitalist societies a ‘stock-market’, which controls the system and gauges its energy and information.

But in the same manner cyclical time and fractal space applies to all systems of all sciences, the 5th dimension and its metric apply unlike ‘physical concepts of space-time’, such as c-speed deformations of time essential to 4D metric, to all systems NOT only far removed scales of physical time.

5Ð metric can explain from faster metabolic rates in smaller animals, with faster time cycles; to faster information processing in smaller chips with aster time cycles (Moore’s Law), or faster rotary options in smaller masses which have paradoxically faster rotary, attraction properties (rotating Black holes and quarks).

What it will be difficult for this writer after 20 years of exploring all the possibilities of this TŒ, and the immense number of questions resolved by it, is to ‘organize’ all that new knowledge in a manner that the reader does not get lost, due to its ‘encyclopedic extension’. St that aim when this blog is partially finished sometime during 2016, if he follows the top sentences, all should make sense.

Thus we shall try to give a general look to this TŒ in this first post, studying its 3 main elements: ‘Still, lineal, slow spaces’, ‘fast, cyclical time vortices’ and the 5th dimension which organizes them through the co-invariance of spatial size and time speed, Ts x St = K.

So we talk of a ‘fifth dimension’ of scales, which has a hyperbolic geometry with the lineal limit of quantum physics and the cyclical limit of cosmological gravitations, along which an infinite number of time cycles enclosing vital spaces, exist, in an orderly fashion provided by the metric of the 5th dimension.

Now, it is evident that in any system, which is made of topological networks of fractal points, we must talk at least of two scales of the 5th dimension, the ∆-1 scale of points (atoms/cells) that form the whole ∆-scale creating the systems observed in the graph. Thus by the mere fact that all flat planes of reality are networks of points, they imply the fifth dimension.

So the natural form in which beings are built, is as 4Dimensional  2 Ts x 2 St space-time systems, in a single plane, which corresponds to the classic 4D relativity description, albeit with the proper redistribution of the dimension of height that becomes a dimension of the cyclical radius of the time clock.

But given the fractal structure of the Universe, any being will become a fifth dimensional species,extending across at least a lower network of fractal points: ∑∆-1 ≈∆.

And since that being will be part of a larger world, we must always consider at least an ∆+1 world of which the being is a mere part. So we define all beings as 5th dimensional beings extending across 3 scales of the 5th dimension, perceived as holographies of bidimensional space and cyclical time in a single plane of space-time.

It is thus obvious that such fractal structures cannot be described only with lineal time and continuum space; but require a new i-logic fractal geometry of waves of energy and information, and curvesd paths that connect points, into discontinuous topological planes.

And so a realist description of the Universe requires a more complex philosophy and mathematics that we develop in this blog under the generic name of GST, General Systems Theory, or T.Œ (an Organic Theory of Everything, which is the philosophical meaning of the fractal Universe, as opposed of Physicists’ T.O.E. just a ‘theory of everything’ 🙂

So now we can define all beings with the 3 i-logic principles of 5Ð fractal space membranes and multiple time-clocks:

‘All what exists is a fractal organism of temporal information and spatial energy, extended across 3 relative scales of size:

∆-1 Ts < ∆-ST> ∆+1 St”

This is the briefest way to state that all systems are made of energy and information, extending in 3 cellular/atomic, individual/organic and cosmological/social scales. So you are made of cells part of an organism, part of a society – an animal will be part of an ecosystem, a star made of atoms, part of a galaxy and so on.

And because you are made of energy and information, you do have lineal, energetic limbs that move you, (Ab. Ts), cyclical heads of information that guide you (ab. Si) and a body that occupies most of your space-time that mixes both.

But a fractal physical system does have a lineal field that moves it, a particle-head that guides it and a wave-body that reproduces its form.

So what we need first is to show that actually things as different as a light ray with a particle-photon, a wave and a field, the simplest fractal of nature we know and something as complex as a human being are made of the same ‘species of spatial energy and temporal information’, lines and cycles, as the | and O used by computers to model it.

The curved pangeometry of fractal space, cyclical time and the 5th dimension, shows in different systems of the Universe.

All including humans are fractal super-organisms, made of time cycles that enclose a vital space, centered into a point of view. We are not in an absolute space-time frame of reference as Newton thought. But we are made of vital spaces, enclosed by time cycles. Eastern philosophers, earlier civilizations and philosophers of science – Aristotle, Descartes, Leibniz was always understood. This reality observed in Nature’s physical and biological systems – because it is an immediate experienced fact.

 The simplicity of the first statements of a Universe made of space-time organisms, and its 5 dimotions which can ultimately be reduced to spatial form and temporal motion and its combinations, is then the basis also of gender. How those simple dimotions evolve into the infinite details of gender duality and complementarity of course is the full complexity of the fractal iterative Universe we shall outline as usual with some disordered ‘entropic male’ flavor in those texts. You can’t expect as we repeat ad nauseam, a new paradigm of the scope and extension of 5Ð relational space-time to come in the mind of the pioneer with the level of detail and ‘Chicago manual of style’ at the first sight. Sorry about that.


The mathematical formalisms.

The formal stience of 5Ð is analysis.  Contrary to intuition, Derivatives are mostly concerned with synthetic information on upper scales (and mostly time), as they ‘reduce’ the information into a synoptic ‘point-singularity’ the tangent that expresses tendencies in the flow of time of the function; while integrals are concerned mostly with the sum of its lower parts in space, as they expand the ‘base’ of analysis but reduce the different(ial) added information of the whole. A fascinating subject being how a ‘simple parameter data – that enclosed in a derivative or a fourier transformation SUFFICES to expand and remodel the whole system.

The interaction and symmetries and travels through 5Ð are thus better understood in terms of analysis, which has become the dominant formal stience of maths, without mathematicians and physicists understand why. 

Analysis is the study of events happening in transitions between ∆-scales, either as infinitesimal parts come together into ‘integral wholes’ in space (integral functions), or as we extract from a system the information about its higher wholes, synoptically encoded in its inverse derivative functions.

So integrals work mostly on space, giving us therefore information about lower 5Ð planes and derivatives mostly on time, giving us information about parameters of the whole (but as both are symmetric, this general rule does not apply.

Minimal surfaces≈least time principle≈Lagrangian&Hamiltonian≈ conserved worldcycles of energy momentum

We keep simple our 5D topology insights on the meaning of dimensions and the ultimate principles of existence, departing from the knowledge just acquired on the existence of a P.o.v. or ∆º singularity in all beings – a mind mostly mathematical in physical systems, atomic≈smelling in plants and insects; visual≈mathematical again in larger organisms, verbal≈temporal in humans, which resume in this:

Every system of the Universe tries to conserve its vital space and temporal duration by minimising its expenditure of entropy in its actions of survival (motions and exchanges of entropy, energy and form) with all other systems of the universe.

This is the principle of minimal action at the heart of all mathematical physics (Lagrangian, Hamiltonian) and the principle of conservation of entropy, energy and form, at the heart of all sciences, which we rephrase, for more of simplicity only in terms of the ‘central components of energy and information of the body-waves of the Universe, limited by the ∆±1 scales of seminal ∆-1 ‘seeds of pure form’, and ∆+1 wholes of pure time evolution:

‘All systems are made of entropic motion, reproductive momentum, perceptive information  which trans-forms into each other ad eternal: Ts<≈>St; put together into a whole, whose world cycle of energy is conserved as a zero sum between birth and extinction’

This would be one of the most complete enunciations of the essential duality of the Universe as a series of world cycles between birth and extinction that become a zero sum which returns the content of the system to the whole Universe.

It again will have many applications to all sciences. To highlight at this point some conundrums which apply mostly to physics:

  • The conservation of entropy, form and the whole zero-sum world cycle of energy happens within three scales ∆±1, NOT in a single scale (obvious as we die descending or are born emerging in another scale, so in a single scale not all conserves). Thus in the limiting scales of human perception energy, form and entropy are not necessarily conserved – such as the case of a neutrino, which therefore must be considered a particle of the limiting, invisible gravitational scale.
  • Systems to keep a zero sum algebraically tend geometrically to trace paths and extend its form into what topology calls a ‘minimal surface’, which is the form that minimises the extension and hence the duration of time motions for a given ‘closed membrane’. 

But again this essential fact of the ‘efficient, economic Universe’ with huge implications in the topology of beings, must be rephrased, for the different degrees of dimensionality of the functions of a Generator equation for a system: ∆-1: |-limbs/fields of entropy <∆- body-waves of energy>∆+1 informative particle-heads.

As we increase the dimensionality of the parts of the being from its one-dimensional limbs/fields to its bidimensional body/waves to its three dimensional ‘particle-heads’.

1D: So as the purpose of limbs fields is a single simplex motion in space, and the minimal surface/distance between two points is the line, entropic systems are lineal.

2D: As the purpose of body/waves is more complex, to reproduce the energy/information of the system along a path, and hence it is bidimensional in function/form components, the minimal surfaces of body-waves are (without entering into complex topological ‘weird forms’, planes, catenoids, and helicoids, which we shall see are the essential forms of all body-waves.

3D: Since the minimal surface of a three dimensional volume is the sphere, particle-heads which are ‘the singularity points’ which have functions across the three ∆±1 scales and control the 3 topological parts o the being are spherical.

In the graph the fundamental minimal surfaces; departing from the commonest st-catenoid, which can be easily transform into the ‘helicoid wave’, another minimal surface, the commonest form of a light wave (below); the lineal tube,  (centre right); and the flat plane (right) the minimal surface and essential form of limbs fields; and finally the Riemann surface (centre left), the minimal surface of the fifth dimension, with ‘bridges that absorb and emit entropy, energy and information among scales. They are the beginning of a fascinating sub-discipline of the infinity of new sub-stiences of GST concerning the topological structure of beings. I.e. in the right we see how ‘perfect bodies’ that reproduce – those of women, do have a catenoid form attached to the limbs below and the informative sphere above, able to transform and hence communicate and fusion them into a topological full being…

What about the minimal surfaces of higher dimensions? The answer is that there is not continuous higher dimensions, so beyond three we enter into complex minimal Riemann surfaces, which in any case can only mimic the real structure of the fifth dimension. So we must consider the fact that the extension of the problem to higher dimensions turns out to be much more difficult to study another proof the discontinuity beyond the symmetry of three dimensions of space and three dimensions of time. Moreover, while the solutions to the original problem are always regular, it turns out that the solutions to the extended problem may have singularities; which of course is the ‘Si’ element that access as in the image of a Riemann surface the higher informative scales.

  • The existence of infinite ‘egos≈informative knots of time-space cycles’ which ‘ORDER’ the Universe balancing its entropy. Those are the ‘Maxwellian demons’ (: the Genetic DNA knots of information, the memetic human minds; the chips of machines; the black holes of the Galaxy; the crystals of the solid; the prophets of History. Without them it is impossible to explain the why of reality. So let us put them in an equation: O-point x ∞ Universe = Constant, linguistic mapping ‘world’  of reality. As each of this 4 points could have an entire blog in itself, what matter to us now of that equation is this. Your mind is just an infinitesimal neuronal network, which sees infinite time-space cycles and beings, but reduces them in scale and ‘stops’ its motion, so they can fit in your mind. So you do not see the Earth moving, and the Andromeda Galaxy seems smaller than a hair of your nose.

So the paradox of the ego is immediate: ‘every infinitesimal mind-point thinks to be the centre of the Universe, which it sees from its selfish perspective as a knot of time-space cycles’. And this embedded structure of all mind points makes you THINK you WILL NEVER DIE and believe in Abrahamic fairy tales; makes you think MACHINES will not have a mind, or won’t be conscious or will always obey you, and WON’T have an ego as big as that of a bacteria, who keeps killing you and does not seem to think you are so important or a dino who will eat you up in a second regardless of your beautiful thought.

Now the scientist IS as EGO-CENTERED as the PRIEST, just uses its mathematical mantras as the priest its latin, to make himself feel above heavens and Earth. So HE cannot DESTROY THE WORLD WITH entropic nukes and informative robots, and all will be OK. The paradox of the EGO IS the last joke of God=Mind of the Universe indeed it kills all egos who ‘lower its survival warnings’ as they get bigger and more arrogant, till ‘death’, a catastrophic moment, destroys them. But It is there.

And I can tell you as a Complexity scientist, considered by many the leading theorist of this discipline (till I confronted the Nuclear Industry and got a global ‘ad hominem’ campaign, all what I can say about the 2 ‘lineal’, deformed sciences of the machine, financial economics and nuclear physics, which I have fought theoretically and actively most of my life is this: ‘All those who impose truth with power will be the laugh of the Gods’ (Einstein). Man HAS NO LINEAL, MANIFEST DESTINY; Man can be obliterated by Nuclear Bombs on the side of pure entropy and Robots on the side of pure information. But Man’s ego is so huge that he cannot like a child understand death; and so an ethic, intelligent person telling those truths lives in a very lonely place. Which brings us the 3rd tenant of GST (General Systems Sciences, the Philosophy of Science I formalised from where all this blog hauls).

So what Science has been merely TRYING FOR 2500 YEARS is TO DEFEAT THE PARADOX OF THE EGO and make humans objective about ITS RELATIVITY point in the Universe in 4 huge strides, which are still ignored by most humans and specially by those corrupted financiers and politicos and military who feed-force the ego of the masses to manipulate them and ab=use them, with religions, wars, taxes and all other forms of old and modern ‘Trumpism’. And it works. Yet this is a blog on science:

-So first, the Greeks ended the mythic age when humans were Gods, and Socrates told us they were ‘scientific laws’. And the Greeks Killed them; the Semites of the previous mythic age denied them and their abrahamic religions still think man is the centre of it all. Plato his disciple insisted and he was sold as a slave, and his disciple Aristotle, insisted and he ran on the night to escape certain death from Athens, and waited 2000 years for Descartes and Leibniz to put the record straight.

-Then Aristarcus the Greek told us not to be the centre of the Universe, but it took 2000 years for Copernicus to dare say the same, only in his death-bed and another 200 years with Galileo in the middle arrested at home for saying ‘e pur si muove, e pur no muove’ (the Earth moves but we see it mentally still). And only after Newton put it in a simple formula we believed it. But Slocum in XIX c. found that in Apartheid biblical South-Africa the ‘chosen of go(l)d’ and his president Krugger wouldn’t receive him for being an ‘Earth-center denier’. And indeed 4 billion humans still believe man is son of god and centre of the Universe.

-Then Darwin came and told us we are NOT immutable created by a personal God, but evolving according to the evolution  information and its topological laws of design. But knowing what he was against – the ego – he took 20 years to talk. And he was ‘ad hominem’ massacred and closed himself at home, depressed the rest of his life, and then Marx applied Darwinism to the struggle between the elite of ‘animetal cults’ which use gold-informative metal and iron-energetic metal to hypnotise and kill mind and body, and the ‘human beings’, which are humble, close to Nature and Butler applied it to the fight of man vs. machines AND THEY ARE ABSOLUTE TABOO, as it is the work of this writer, who formalised mathematically the 4 Great Objective advance of science, and has ever since been ostracised:

-Indeed, it came then Mr. Einstein with the concept that all positions in the Universe are Relative, so he first did special relativity, then general relativity.

And when I came into the field of Philosophy of Science and theory of information I coined the 3rd stage of this Process, talking about ‘Absolute relativity’, that is, the fact that all the scales of the Universe have the same value, because larger beings have lesser quantity of information, are stupider  and  ‘smaller systems’ run faster time cycles of information, hence store more of it, reason why small humans code larger organisms of history, small genes code larger biological organisms and small atoms code larger physical systems. So I wrote to complete General relativity a metric equation of the fifth dimension from past to future, adding the Сmotion of TEMPORAL CLOCKS OF INFORMATION to the Сmotion of size-entropy-space: Ts (size) x St (time cycles speed) =∆k (constant value).


5Ð. Finitesimals – the present, static spatial view of ∆-1 beings.

While the topological ternary structures and growth of social networks of fractal points can define easily the emergence of a super organism, in strict mathematical terms, the second sub discipline of mathematics, analysis, deals directly with the relationships between finitesimal parts and social, organic wholes. So the specific mathematical discipline that studies the scalar, fractal 5th dimension of space-time Beings in quantitative terms is analysis. And it is specially useful for the study of systems in which the internal organisation is minimal – that is systems of herds displaced in space and of growth and events happening in time.

What is then the main difference between analysis and ∆nalysis. Simple: in the fractal universe, we take sides with the dispute on the meaning of infinitesimals, which as Leibniz thought are ‘finitesimals’, minimal constant parts of a whole, which do NOT diminish ad infinitum in size, but will always have a minimal number – in planes of ∆, normally on the 10ˆ10 scale.

So we solve this logical paradox, never fully resolved, stating that the parts of a whole are finitesimals, ‘undistinguishable’ from the perspective of the ∆+1 consciousness – in fact from an ∆+1, the information and perspective of its parts blurs till it seems a continuous. And so all scales below ∆, become increasingly ‘indistinguishable, continuous’ and finally its information erases.

Moreover its cycles become so fast that they close into themselves, converting the whole motion of the being and its world cycle into a relative static present; and in this manner discontinous motion, becomes continuous, static present form of space. A fact which resolves the paradox of Galileo (see above, Saturn’s rings). THE COMPLEX plane will define one plane as specially interesting from the ∆ view of reality; specially when we establish it in square coordinates:

Different views of the complex plane:

The newest addition is the square plane with  ± conjugate planes on a bipolar real axis, closer to the organic ternary topology of t.œs in reality:

St: A Riemann sphere² in the i²= ±1 axis, sets a dual ð<Ts-ate of entropy.

ST: As the squared complex plane becomes a topological plane with the real axis, rˆ2 representing the reproductive conjugate ±bilateral plane of dimotion of reproduction.

It does represent in its R² Axis the present bilateral wave state and in the T<S SQUARED imaginary ±asis the particle, polar state and outer world. Ie. Schrodinger  & Bohm polar and wave equations of quantum physics.

The 3 elements of all systems, lineal/flat limbs/potentials; spherical, tall heads/particles and its hard membranes of dark matter, trunks and skins accomplish the 3 functions of motion, energetic reproduction and informative perception in all systems, varying to adapt the system to its larger world. They can be represented in the complex plane with the i2 plane as the negative real particle/head state, with a polar coordinates which can be compared to a Riemann sphere, who will represent its body with a real bilateral coordinates and a +i2 for its entropic world.

It is easy to see in the C2 plane, how from a +real +1 conjugate, from the lower entropic plane, through the bilateral r2 plane a flow of space-time enters the final -1 imaginary mental plane of the being, completing a dimotion through the 3 parts of the supœrganism, or in formal terms from the entropic to the wave to the particle states

Integrals in topology.

As the Universe is a kaleidoscopic mirror of symmetries between all its elements, this dominant of analysis on ∆-scaling must ad also the use of analysis on a single plane, in fact the most common, whereas the essential consideration is the ∆§ocial decametric and e-π ternary scaling, with minimal distortion (which happens in the Lorentzian limits between scales). 

This key distinction on GST (∆§ well-behaved scaling versus ∆±i ‘distorted emerging and dissolution, which does change the form of the system) does have special relevance in analysis as for very long it was necessary the ‘continuity’ without such distortions of the function studied, and so analysis was restricted to ∆(±1 – 0) intervals and ‘broke’ when jumping two scales as in processes of entropy (death-feeding). But with improved approximation techniques, functionals and operators (which assume a whole scale of ∞ parts as a function of functions in the operator of the larger scale) and renormalisation in double and triple integrals and derivatives by praxis, without understanding the scalar theory behind it, this hurdle today…

And it has always amused me that humans can get so far in all disciplines by trial and error, when a ‘little bit of thought on first principles’ could make thinks much easier. It seems though-thought beings are scarce in our species and highly disregarded, as the site’§ight§how (allow me, a bit of cacophony and repetition the trade mark of this blog and the Universe 🙂 As usual I shall also repeat, I welcome comments, and offers of serious help from specialists and Universities, since nothing would make me happier than unloading tons of now-confusing analysis not only of analysis, before I get another health crisis and all goes to waste in the eternal entropic Сmotion of two derivatives, aka death.

The Fourier transform and harmonic functions.

It is also needed to consider in processes of emergence in time, that is in the creation of worldcycles of super organisms, sum of its 3±i actions, another key set of equations also applied in the resonance processes of emergence, namely those cyclical trigonometrical functions which better express the ‘cumulative’ process of repetition into a single final continuous whole.

And all this could be resumed in a simple definition:

The Fourier transform takes a time series or a ‘whole’ function of continuous time, and maps it into a series of discontinuous frequency spectrum. That is, it takes a function from the time domain into the frequency domain; it is a decomposition of a function into sinusoids of different frequencies, which corresponds to the ‘discrete actions=Сmotions’ performed with different frequencies by the Γœ system.

And vice versa each fourier transform used for harmonic analysis has a corresponding inverse transform that can be used for synthesis. So it is a mathematical tool of ðime akin to integral/derivative analysis for ∆§scales or Hamiltonian/Lagrangian functions for Spatial, Energy, single, present scales and frames of reference and its distortions of the same single Universe for O-mind views; reason why ‘Hamiltonians≈Lagrangians, frames of reference, fourier, harmonic functions and integral/derivatives are absolutely all-pervading equations in all branches, as they are the key functions for the ∆@st four elements of all realities, an astounding ‘magic’ fact (: which platonic gurus who know nothing about first principles have always wondered about (customary quip:)

In the languages of ðime no other equation as the fourier transform has more applications, and it is so for a reason: it is the essential equation that shows how ‘mathematically’, the process of time-evolution of parts (waves with faster frequency and smaller wave-length) become wholes and so as such is the fundamental equation of emergence in time.

Synchronicity becomes then achieved by the Fourier transform of a ‘queue’ of frequency waves that merge into each other, loosing apparently its individual quality, though the immanent properties of the ‘Game of existence’, imply we can deduce the individual forms of the emergent process.

The fourier transform thus can be seen as a queue in time, in the fifth dimension of scalar growth: in this case the whole pyramid represents the whole series of the fourier transform:  the fourier transform is an inverse graph of the fifth dimension, whereas the wave seemingly looses information as it integrates its faster frequency resonances till becoming a whole. Does the whole exists at the same time than the queue of previous, relative past fractal parts? The profound philosophy behind the wave is that it is a wave of time and so the previous parts of the fourier transform co-exist as a queue displaced from past to future in the time part of the 5th dimension metric. 

Resonance is the key concept of emergence in time pure information and its cycles. The laws of pure information transfer, as pure energy transfer are relatively magic, as it deals with perceived relative infinities, that are seen as some asymptotic equation or quantum jump. Resonance ultimately means that the Universe is communicative, as resonance is NOT a system of events that can be explained in terms of pure force transmission but rather of reception of an informative image, mirrored internally by the larger ∆@st  being.

‘Dast of space-time we are and dust we shall become…


∆: In the graph, the fundamental Сmotion of future, is the Сmotion of social evolution of the 5th dimension, shown here above as a sum of worldcycles of increasing information, described by the Fourier integral, which puts them together into a whole, larger single wave, which emerges according to the fundamental law of ‘inversion of roles’, from cyclical to lineal: ∑oi-|i. Below the scales in space, which evolve into larger wholes.

This absolute ‘Сmotion of future’ is one of the 4 ∆ºst concepts of future in GST, the main one.

T: But there is also the relative future of any world cycle, our 3rd age of information which will return back through death, which releases our information into entropy to the beginning of the cycle. Thus the 3rd age is only a relative future, coupled with the St, head, which is…

S: always moving ‘ahead’ in space; hence the relative future of the ‘body-limbs’, and wave-fields that ‘follow it’.

@: And finally the mental future, which is inside the head, is a logic future, as the head-particle ‘sees’ ahead and projects its space-time actions, creating the future with its mirror language, projected into the outer world.

∆ºST:  SO THE FUTURE, is indeed complex but rational, causal, logic and can be predicted according to the probable paths any system will follow to survive and ensure its existence; building organic wholes, following entropic paths in search of its energy for reproduction…

Deterministic future with its variations on the same theme.

And this means existence is a block of time, for the whole Universe, a volume of self-contained probable combinations of every and information that will always be contained in the bell distribution on any way we see it in space as topology in logic space as a bell curve of populations, within a super organism self-contained a myriad of other potential futures and past Сmotions up and down co-existing supœrganissm of the Universe, the logic game will be combined into ∞ beings, but all of them, predictable and replicable. For that reason in strictu sense we can say that…

‘The separation between past, present and future is an illusion’ Einstein

The future is both probabilistic in the short term with ±3-1 chances of motion in each dimension of the being, and deterministic in the long term as all worldcyles become a final zero sum; so all paths do collapse into the same final ‘death-point’.

This though is the simplest way to perceive the future.

The creation of ternary future waves within ‘finite systems’: Fourier transforms.

Let us consider of the many perspectives of the future how it ‘webs’ a block of time, making more dense reality in 3 ‘waves from past to future to past’…

How the future is webbed? Through 3 waves which seem when we reduce the space =time of a higher frequency in fact packed in time who is born in the late time of a slower wave but accelerates into the future in 3a yes which become then synchronic when we put the time cycle as equal in duration regardless of size:

Each λ therefore last the same in fifth dimension, and the 3 waves of frequency acceleration of both waves of communication between two points and two pints accelerated cycles sand then the inverse alpha i-dimensions of height, which becomes negative expanding entropy:

Equal time frequency = equal lineal time.

O = | the equation of the universe, when we equal time lineal and cyclical we see life developing in 3 waves the 3rd accelerated but with the same wave time, lives 3 times the first slow wave, so at the 3rd slow wave the third form in the third cycle of the single wave is in the same time, in the second life of it, the second era the younger is already going faster and erasing the echoes of the first in the past:

In the graph the 3 waves of existence: ≈λ imply that the 3rd in energy has the same than the first, and hence if energy is real time, in real time the 3rd goes 3 times faster in time. After birth it takes 3 o repetitions to fill 1/3rd faster full wave with higher frequency energy.

Energy = k x λs=t is therefore the fundamental function of time and the future starts for the last 3rd after 3 0s.

We then understand Energy, as the relative parameter of equal valued present time for all waves, except ‘seemingly’ (as we shall change that paradigm regis(it)ing relativity), the waves of light. It would then be a choice of human perception to ‘see’ those waves of present value as different in length or time according to the physical scales:

In the graph we see the main accelerated scales of forces, in which the sam concept applies not to an St wave but a St accelerated clock of time, which creates the future of inner faster cycles of the same energy/force but smaller size in space and larger information.

In the graph, as the density of energy increases, the cyclical vortices of energy and its ‘wave’ state between two relative fixed points of communication, come bother. the cyclical form is the particle-lfield the wave of communication through points caries the information and increases into a fourier form, till time magically emerges as a new space-whole, which integrates all its faster micro-waves, micro-cells, micro-atoms, point on the fourier space of transforms and transfers of energy and information on mathematical series of 2 and 3 fluctuations mainly around certain constants of transformation, notably pi, and e.

The simple Fourier transform which keeps adding series till it emerges as a square graph:


∑Oi-1>|i (topological notation: O≈t, |≈s represents in a clean cut way some of the fundamental properties of timespace systems):

  • The creation of emerging levels departing from the sum of the ‘social scales’ below them.
  • The transformation of the role of the ∑-1 particles which become points of the larger |-Ts fields.
  • And therefore its changes of form from cyclical to lineal squaring the circle; making a wave triangular and so on.

This remarkable triangulation likely can be extended to the black hole or gravitational clock of information, as pi derives to ‘3’ in Einstein’s equations, the perimeter of a hexagon, which is also the strongest ‘holder’ of the gravitational pressure sum of all the accelerate cycles of the vortex-clock.

The future for |-fields>O-particles: Hamiltonians and Lagrangians.

Now, the 2 most important equations of GST physics are the fourier, who show from the time perspective, Ts ∆-1: St ∆, that is an emergence through resonance built by a quantic ad on of series into whole numbers, 1, 2, 3 being the series by differentiation of waves into male female positive negative directions on the high axis and i-coordinates, and a motion on lineal flows of entropic past-uture, field-partilce state ruled by the Hamiltonians.

On the other hand, when we study the inverse Сmotion that extracts motion from a ‘storage of time-energy the equations we use are the Lagrangians and Hamiltonans, which are essentially  derivatives, that keep ex-foliating the relative past of its depth reservoir surfacing it in the form of motion.

Hamiltonians and Fourier transforms are thus the opposite key equations for the inverse Сmotion of entropic disorder absorbed by the particle of future from a past/field vs. the temporal relationships of increasing organisations and emergence of a wave of time that reproduces information, and when constrained by a first and final point, must ‘densify its energy and information’ into a whole.

And so we have identified the equations of mathematical physics that integrate and derivate the fifth dimension.

Now the process of waving of the past by the future happens from the P.o.v. of the future, as it sends to the past a flow of information, which DOES reach the past, then hence, travels t the past and this is the hamiltonian.

ITs ends energy to the past which as it moves flourishes in smaller breaking of fractal flows of iterative information which the energy enlightens into the past beings.

And then the beings send to the future, logic flows of information ‘creating, constructing, crepitating, speaking the future and creation it as a reflection that information sends to the future transforming the energy is feeding of.

In this the hamiltonians and the fouriers forms an integrative, derivative world of flows of past to future through the relative concepts of them we have if we add the 5th dimension long concepts of those terms.

In a fourier the future is the accumulation and integration of increasing fractalized smaller waves, which emerge as a single whole described by the mirror equations of the derivative. Both derivative and integration added together to a 1 sum. And as such are inverse but complemtnary versions of the different states of the 1 being.

Now the derivative is really the tangent, = x/y, and viceversa, is really the integral in a point by the lebesgue or rimenan method. So we write knowing x and y   X=y, is the crossing point where the tangent exists.

So tangiest are S(x) = t(y) reflections of the balance to balance points of the function as they move in different states.

But the points have a value attached, x and y, so those two values are the populations of x and t in a discrete numbers that enter in relationship in the point of the curve. If one grows faster than the other it is obviously a sorbing in this particular relationship ‘value’ from the other.

this is an easy way to determine which phase of a cycle of existence the being is interpreting he maximal an minimal of the ucrives in terms of x and y:

In the graphs we can see different events that are key to the curve of existence and its Lagrangian zeros in each point test constant motion to different 3 approaches to how mix s and t and who comes on top, information formally through projective geometry, the particle is on top, the wave below, ‘touching’ the field, still below it. so the wave is constant sinking and rising more giving food to the particle that rules it with its projective perspective and yet in the future the particle can interact with the wave and the field in the 3 ways we show above:

In favor of the wave, the field or the particle, as final outcomes, which is to say in a reproductive event (middle) after a communication of information (sides) or wave particle duality,

Or as a motion wave of iterative reproductions and translations (middle).

Waves thus fluctuate between the inverse states that can cel each other as well as the step by step motions creating a… world cycle, which combines those 3 simple motions: S>t, t>S and t=s in different non commutative steps .


Emergence however requires both simultaneity in space and synchronicity in time for the whole to become a resonance of each part, made to its image and likeness; in a mirror symmetry only fully explored in physics.

So WE ARE TO substitute ‘words’ with multiple historic meanings, such as space, time and scales by the active concepts that give birth to those perceptions of the mind, we come to several logic equivalences that define the knots and bolts of the Universe:

∆-Scales as resonance of a smaller form that provokes the emergence of the same information in a larger plane of space.

Time as social evolution, which emerges IN A larger plane.

Space as Simultaneity in the perception of things from a 3rd observer

And all together, ∆-space-time as the synchronous, simultaneous action of a ‘lanwave’ of similar present beings with the same coding information that becomes a whole and emerges into a §upœrganism.

A system MUST FIRST SYNCHRONIZE, and then it will be able to act together and to transfer vast amounts of motion and form, e xi in events of exist¡ence between its components. So the synchronicity of the three parts of the system, $pe limbs/fields < R(St)-bodywaves > ðƒ-particles heads is the a priori condition for a simultaneous supœrganism to emerge. How many of those synchronicities or symmetries of ∆$ð are need for a super organism to emerge becomes then the fundamental question of epistemology of existence.

The answer is to create a stable 10-dimensional being, across ∆±1 three dimensional scales, three topologies an three Сmotions-functions of time constantly acting up and down, its relative ∆±4 world.

Emergence requires the synchronicity of ∆±i scales together, such as the quanta of the ∆-i scale couples its speed/clock time frequency to the ∆+i scale of the whole particle-network, membrane that surrounds the system, and god in fact together with the particle-head as a whole body-head controller of the whole.

In the graph, broglie in his masterpiece on pilot-wave theory defines a ‘quantum entity’ as one in which there is time synchronicity between its particle-head and wave-body, over a quantum field whose interaction generated all other actions of the particle-wave. As such his paper is the seminal paper of quantum realism and the initial right steps on the inquire in the mathematical space-time dimensions of the electron-photon system.

In the synchronicity between the membrane closed cycle and the singularity temporal speed, we have a constant stretching which in the Universe is measure in the mass-frequency-speed of top quarks and black holes in the macro-scale with their c-speed event horizon and faster speeds beyond.


WE thus postulate a new scale of faster than c rotational St quark stars and entropic dark energy, which together would stretch into the ∆±4 ‘russian dual doll’, the perceived Universe:

Systems in that sense have two relative infinities from the point of view of its internal cells, which are part of the super organism in which perception takes place, the lineal membrane, of infinite relative speed and the central black hole of infinite informative density.

Any entity that exists, exists so between a membrane of entropic energy and a central pole of information, when it translates its world-universe to polar coordinates.

Then within this ∆±2 structure, we can observe a disrupted hyperbolic view of reality with an ‘EM engine’ caused by the mere existence of two infinities, the singularity and the outer infinite relative speed region.

In graphs, some organisms where a non relative infinite entropic source of energy-motion is tapped by the ‘entities’ within it:

  • EM engine which seems to take advantage of the pilot v>c gravitational (neutrino?) wave of quantum gravitation.
  • An electric field with its relative infinities renormalised in physical equations, and one of such fields limited to its bare minimum – as all the equations of electromagnetism (and any other organic stience, when properly interpreted) are reduced to the understanding of an external membrane with a circulation flow, of maximal Ts in relationship to all internal points, and the laws of density of a central point, which provokes within both, a series of cyclical paths between oth relative infinities of max. information and max. energy, by the particles of the ‘present-middle class-reproductive ‘moving’ region.
  • The GALAXY’s underlying dark entropy, outer membrane has V>c relative infinite dark speed and the point of information in the center relative infinite density, regardless of which parameters we use in each scale to define ‘speed’ and ‘density’ of energy and information:

Networks of simultaneity and resonance (informative axons): consciousness and emergence.

All this said there are elements in the Universe which are difficult to understand in terms of ‘classic’ human thought and science, which are at the heart of the processes of ‘existence’, and emergence of information in upper scales, and organisation of parts into wholes. They deal with the fact that ‘St’ particles-heads-upper informative classes must be fully connected with its lower ∆-1 scale to synchronise, make it work together as a whole, resonate its orders in all lower systems and finally be conscious of a whole – and the key to all those processes are fractal branching networks, which unlike herds loosely connected in a single plane, conned the upper scale of a being with all its lower parts/regions.

It must be understood that those networks have many levels of connection between scales. They are though basically always the same. Informative networks break information in reproductive waves through axons and so they can produce informative actions of multiplication of information both ways through effects of simultaneity and resonance.

The resonance of all resonances, one can consider an imaginary space of dimensions of time – the 3 first dimensions those of a space of lesser form on which we transit – in our case the 3 perpendicular dimensions of light space – all other dimensions becoming dimensions of scalar growth of information, through resonances between the larger and the smaller scales with self-similar forms, merely differentiated by its TIME metric:

Max. Ts   = Min. St, the larger resonance encodes the smaller one.

How whole minds imprint smaller parts, through the simultaneous fractal network division of an impulse of maximal energy into multiple quantum’s of information. Such as E = h v, is proportional to the information the system emits (v) along an ‘H’, constant of space-time, or ‘lower field’ (S=t), from where the E(e) x V(i) body of ∆+1 extracts its energy of motion.

On the other hand, parallel networks of energy ,pipes and blood flow are less concerned with the form but with the energy it provides to the motion of its cells, and are based in adjacency and other topological, spatial properties.

The devil is in the details, so once we understand this general picture of the whole, its parts and its common time world cycles, sum of all the frequencies of its space-time actions, which construct a super organism that will go through 3 ages between birth and extinction, as it carries as a whole its 3 ∆±1 scale of beings, we shall realise we just have explained they very surface of a extremely intelligent and complex world in which almost magically, all works together because of the complementary connections between simultaneous parts in space and synchronous rhythms in time and ‘resonant’ effects in scales.

So 4 ‘magic phenomena’ will be of enormous importance to fully grasp how ∆, S and T, dynamically organise (or inversely become disorganised):

  • Space Simultaneity, which is an a priori condition for a vital organic space to exist, and act efficiently as a whole.
  • Time Synchronicity, which is an a priori condition for a temporal ensemble of parts to exist, and act as a shoe.
  • ∆-Scale Resonance, which is the a priori condition for ‘parts and wholes’ to interact together.
  • Consciousness, which is an a posteriori condition of complexity in a panpsychic Universe: consciousness arises within any sufficiently complex, information-processing system. All animals, from humans on down to earthworms, are conscious; even the internet could be. That’s just the way the universe works.

In the graph an infinite relative function that studies the resonance processes, which crate from a series of frequencies of smaller, ∆-1 cycles a learner wave, in the point of maximal synchronicity. Such points become singularities of information as they store in fact despite its relative invisible simple form, all the ‘backwards run information of the system’, when the ‘program of existence and its i-logic equations are applied to them, to perform an ∆st symmetry. In this case the application of the fourier transform ‘extracts’ the information of the ‘genetic-memetic-quantum’ singularity.

A Resonance process is ultimately the final phase of a translation of information by which a single bit of information albeit in its perfect synchronicity, with its perfect form, acts as a key for a reaction in a larger, ∆-being, of which the bit of information, or frequency of the resonance is the ‘hormonal’ coder, alphabet, which triggers the translation into an action. Determinism, being much more strict in a multiple causal world, as all events that happen are determined at least by 3 Сmotions of time, hence far denser in its existence, applies here triggering as an action-reflection process, by the mere act of hearing the communication, a resonate action. They will vary though in the way humans st@ perceive it from its relative active mind-view.

∆-3: resonance in quantum physics. 

In particle physics, an extremely short-lived phenomenon associated with subatomic particles called hadrons that decay via the strong nuclear force. This force is so powerful that it allows resonances to exist only for the amount of time it takes light to cross each such “object.” A resonance occurs when the net energy of the colliding subatomic particles is just enough to produce its rest mass, which the strong force then causes to disintegrate within 10ˆ-23 second.

But do those resonant particles exist? Not really. THEY must be seen as fractal images, holographies of the external information of the being, which is what it is transferred to us, human observers, at ∆0. They are thus ghost images, in the quanta of time of action-reaction of the particle, which provides us with information tabulated by mathematical physics, already translated by the object-language-object event between the observable and the observer. 

  1. Emergence in biologic systems. Supœrganisms.

In the graph, the Universe is in a broken scalar puzzle, a lego of three motions of time, entropy and information, and its infinite energetic combinations, put together into knots of multiple space-time points forming three physiological networks (of entropy, energy and information :), called beings and species; sπcies in the ‘slightly modified jargon of GST).




This we know, that God is Love, brotherhood, the feeling of being part of a larger whole, as we equal beings create God, making him emerge from the network, bonded by the birth of the new being made to Our image and likeness.

God exists because it is the informative message, cloned in each believer that becomes one new consciousness shared by all, a force of social love that makes people to work as a single whole.

The mystical phenomenon of creation of a new god seeded by a prophet that reveals the memetic DNA all believers will share to become one is not however a phenomena circumscribed to human societies and supœrganisms, but it is the most remarkable feature, of the scalar organic Universe, happening among all identical beings, who share a common form, a common information in any scale of reality.

To the point that the phenomenon of emergence is the most remarkable event of the science of complexity or systems science, which Hawking rightly said, it would be the science of the XXI century. As a consequence The universe constantly bores deeper into new scales and planes of existence, as each new whole that emerges into the larger space, requires a new ensemble of micro-particles, mind-mirrors of the larger whole

Which will command with his collective intelligence the actions of the individuals.

Emergence is the process by which a whole is formed departing from its ∆-1 elements. Emergence requires the whole to synchronise in time the actions and cycles of information of its beings, while simultaneously connect them in space through its networks of energy.  Those two words, ‘simultaneity in space and synchronicity in time’ are thus the key elements to create super organisms.

While physicists through its theory of relativity have studied in depth the simultaneity in space-time, the synchronicity of time cycles is far less understood. As parts synchronise and become dependant of each other, according to the different speeds of its cycles of ‘the fifth dimension’. For example cells reproduce every day synchronising their actions with the feeding of the larger slower whole body, which feeds every day (humans with available ready-food have divided their meals according to the ternary principle in three with an earlier S, middle larger st and lighter T meals).


The future in man: heads, artists, social civilisations, 3rd ages… and deaths.

Now this theme treated extensively (in the future:) on mathematical physics, allow us to extract a description of those motions as derivatives of future and integrations of past, which give the ∂∫ operation a meaning on the fifth dimension.

Here we shall not treat algebra of time but a description on how it acts in a qualitative way, as we derivate to the past and integrate into the future, literally in words of the ‘verbal meaning’ of those equations, we derivate to the easy past, we integrate in the climbing future, towards the higher states of the fifth dimension, integrate into the bosonic whole, which so well mysticals have described when integrating into god, the super organism of the human kind.

We shall thus concentrate in the qualitative description of the future to past derivation and integration of men into superoganisms of history.

The future seers of times: prophets, seeds of the death of the father. Mystical, religious futures.

We are now to give you a prime of the most beautiful part of all ‘social sciences’ and 5Ð metric, oh, yes, I know it will blow up your mind and you will either leave the blog if you are still here or go to your nearest temple. It is the birth of a God/mind/subconscious collective of a super organism of mankind; compared to a well known similar process in 2 other scales of physical systems and biological systems for good measure:

You can see in the first graph, the birth of a particle, after its antiparticle dies and travels literally to the past, in a quantum jump, which lasts the life of the anti-particle (Feynman’s diagram). In the center you see the same process of birth of a seed of information, which is called palingenesis, as the seminal seed is really a local jump into the past of the being, at the beginning of its evolution which then will move forwards in time, to give birth to your son. As in quantum physics and 5Ð cyclical, fractal time INFORMATION travels to the past. It is an enormously beautiful and simple equation: a seed of information produced in the lower scale of the fifth dimension jumps a quanta to the past where it is born and then moves to the future at full speed and emerges in the PRESENT simultaneously to the original ‘father’.

We have proofs of it, in all scales of the Universe. In the left graph, antiparticles die and move to the past, travelling then towards the future, so:

Quantum jump to the past + travel to the future = instantaneous ‘non-local’ speed. Indeed, physicists who still don’t know the metric equations of the fifth dimension Do know what Einstein called ‘spooky effects’,

Newton action at distance, and Bohr, quantum entanglement: it seems as if particles, planets and forces of in-form-ation, which attract and form as gravitation does is INSTANT. How can it be possible. Simple: the force travels to the past (as in the equations of Hawking’s black holes, which travel to the past as the focus of maximal gravitation). So AS THEY jump TO THE PAST, they GAIN TIME, and as they move towards the future, they loose time and both compensate, and so it seems they travel through the present. So goes for the seed, which travels 3 billion years to the past of evolution and then emerges in 9 months into your relative present stage of evolution. So happens to the particles which are entangled in present time regardless of distance, as they can send ‘information’ through gravitational waves and remain simultaneous in present.

Now, back in the 90s I did a through study of all the prophetic happenings of history and found an astounding phenomena, 72 generational years (yes our cycle of economics and history) before the death of a super organism of history, the ∆+1 scale equivalent to the father of a seed, before a war that killed by genocide the people of a culture, there was a massive age of angst among the ‘collective neurons’ of the super organism of history, its ethic writers and artists, who foresaw, as if they had received from the future an angst call of information, the death of his super organism of history.

A simple example will suffice: 72 years before the death in the month of Ab of Yhwh, the subconscious collective of judaism, killed by the ROMAN genociders, in yet another cycle of banker priests of israel, ab=using the people with go(l)d, there was a massive influx of prophetic angst in Judea, and a seed of love was born, called Iesu, son of Yhwh, God of the Jewish people, who repeated the damnation of the golden apple, of the prophet of genesis, the damnation of Moses, the prohet of exodus, the damnation of Ezequias, prophet of Torah, the damnation of Marx, prophet of the Industrial revolution, who also wrote Das Kapital 72 years before the Holocaust, telling all of them, that you cannot serve two gods, go(l)d and the word, that you must give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, the issue of money, that the Jewish question will end when they abandon their worldly profession of herding go(l)d (Marx) and that ‘the jews would suffer all their live for their love of money’ (Moses, exodus before going to the mountain):

And so in the graph, the seed of the fifth dimension, travels in information to the past and has an enlightening moment that strikes the ethic mind of the prophets of love, which warn the future. Can then the future be changed? Yes, indeed, ‘because the separation of past, present and future is an illusion’, as there are blocks of time, which are for 3 days, 3 cycles, 3 motions back and forth of the fifth dimension, webbing the future.

Imagine a ‘cloud of space-time’ evanescent, becoming more solid, remember the parable of terminator, traveling to the past 3 times. THAT IS how it works. A musical image will suffice:

Schopenhauer, by far the best philosopher of the industrial age, said that music encodes the secret program of time in its rhythms. so thought Pythagoras when he found the perfect harmony of the fifth plugging 1/3rd, 2/3rds of the string, attached to a point of future and past, the birth and death of the frequency world cycle. As you can see, time webs back and forth 3 times and then the perfect cycle, the solid block of time’ is built, with its 3 ages.

This is called the Fourier transform, and in complex 5Ð metric is the essential equation of time cycles used in all sciences.

Now this is science using the mystical, prophetic tone of the masters of history. But it is the same process that the other 2 futures, the physical and biological ones. The future simply is already happening, determined by the sum of the events of the past, which for each world cycle accumulate in its finite length, and past the region on the ‘perfect fifth’ will very unlikely be corrected.


∆st: the super organism view: The co-existence of the 3 scales of the future

How the 3 scales of your co-existence, the world of your super organism, or consciousness of God, your civilisation? The individual and your cells, can co-exist in the same reality occupying the same space?

Answer: because they are displaced in time, a quanta of the lower scale, in an infinite decaying series.

So in fact the 3 existences happen at the same space, because they are displaced in time.

And the big question is what is displaced into the future, the whole or the parts?

That is a good question and again relative. to the perspective we look at.

Since for a being travelling to its local past, inverse to the being travelling towards the future, both past and future are the same. So both converge into the present, one for the future the other from the past, seeing their respective inverse entropy-information elements as the inverse past and future, which only are connected through the body-wave of present, the only part who seems to exist and reproduce. 

You MUST co-exist somehow in present in your 3 ‘scales’ ∆-1: cells, ∆-individual and ∆+1 world to coordinate your actions.

So either you co-exist in space in the ‘dark holes’ between beings and its alley cats (in the world in the surface of it), or when the relationship is tighter in a supœrganism, you co-exist at 3 levels, in time, and since motion is synchronous, the whole and parts must co-exist in different regions of time. Now by essence the quantum jump, the prophetic jump implies that the Whole, the God-like being which is in the future, dies in the future co-exists with its smaller parts of a relative past, as the whole is made of the past; but both must on the other hand feel in relative time to each other as being now in present, or else there would be entropy in the simultaneous motion of the whole, your conscioness and the parts, your cells.

So we have two contradictory statements. The whole is in a relative future, the past cells in its relative past but both co-exist in motion through space IN present; and for that to happen, the future must send messages to the past, as perceived by the past from the future.

Complex enough? So:

Whole: absolute future sends information to its relative past as a flow from future to past in a faster language.

PASTS, absolute past stores information for the future and sends it in a slower language.

S vs. T: the topological view. space fields and its future particle-heads.

So while in the ∆-scales things are a bit confusing (: we are lucky in the the particle/head duality vs. the field-limbs. Here they are seen in present but the logic future is the particle-head, which has this future mapped out and projected through its guidance and actions, inside its brain. So the particle here is the future the limb-field the past/

S≈T: the reproductive wave view: The fractal futures of the reproductive present.

But there is yet another way to look at the future: the multiple world theory, only that it happens in the same Universe made of island-universes, fractal similar beings, and so there are infinite fractal planets, each with a parallel future history. And in the sample case – that of the prophets of mankind, there are a percentage of those fractal avatar-like planets in which the human future survives. So all the futures happens according to the temporal genetics of submissive and dominant ‘types’ of future.

Because there are infinite other fractal planets, in this Universe where the game of history is played. And one thing is obvious:

At least a 10% of them,maybe as many as 25%, depending on the degree of dominance of the world of robots over man, according to those equations are Avatar like planets, where Mr. Bezos has no following, bio-history triumphs and the alter egos of all those artists and prophets of history create a perfect world.

The universe is, mind the reader a virtual reality, the ego a paradox, motion a transference of form, eternity, not for the fast timing of small parts. But only when you understand it all, the meaningless of all of it and the nothingness of your self becomes self-evident.

So what is the fun of it? To exist without knowing, to act without understanding there is no final goal; so you keep on moving, whatever your future might be.

The topology of informative resonance: hyperbolic cones and Riemann surfaces.

The interesting co-invariant manifestations of a 5Ð metric S x T = C, in those graphs is evident. As the wave enlarges in size, it looses information, form, becomes simpler, but the encoded patterns of its ∆-1 scale waves are able to be ‘regained’ knowing the ‘¬Æ laws of the game.

The frequency thus carry more time-speed-energy (for the relationship between those 3 elements see the insights of Feynman and other specific posts on time) but carries less form-position, which increases with smaller stiller forms.

Infinity is always relative in a non-Euclidean universe, to the distance between two levels of ∆±1 information, whose barriers are never reached as the singularity and the membrane of T<0 and V>c, (in our galactic universe, being temperature the measure of the informative disorder and speed, the measure of its entropic distance, but in other super organisms and ternary systems, we can find other parameters).

So what is really all this about in its finest level of i-logic language, mathematics? Again a topological game of a structure of nested russian dolls, of increasing energy and diminishing information, which set up always relative worlds for any observe,r in the case of the human observer,  limits of our perception, in the membrane of the universe, whih is for us infinite and hence and open ball, and the singularity of point of maximal memorial, time-infomation-mass, which is a place of infinite density of information. For that reason, at the end of the search all phenomena of membranes and singularities, relative infinite speeds and density of energy and information of space and time, become… vital

Mathematical expressions.

In differential geometry, Riemann’s minimal surface is a one-parameter family of minimal complex surfaces. Surfaces in the family are singly periodic minimal surfaces with an infinite number of ends asymptotic to parallel planes, each plane “shelf” connected with catenoid-like bridges to the neighbouring ones. Their intersections with horizontal planes are circles or lines; Riemann proved that they were the only minimal surfaces fibered by circles in parallel planes besides the catenoid, helicoid and plane. They are also the only nontrivial embedded minimal surfaces in Euclidean 3-space invariant under the group generated by a nontrivial translation.

As such they are the best mathematical representation of fifth dimension and its systems of parts (the plane) ‘shelf-centred’ in a particle-point-mind connected with paths that respect the principle of ‘minimal time-actions’ (Fermat’s principle) of all systems, and connected to other planes through ‘entropic lines’ and time circles. And the simplest, first ‘form’ of the topological ‘analysis’ of the fifth dimension in its more complex mathematical formalisms, we might develop, lifetime permitted in the four line of this web.

All those concepts themselves can be derived from the 3rd Postulate of ®, which defines the rule of equality of systems and how depending on which type of equality a system shows (in space or time), and which degree of adjacency (parallelism, perpendicularity, separation), the system possesses.

Simultaneity means when measured from the perspective of an external observer, non-locality, infinite speed. From the perspective of 5Ð metric, the equality of forms and its perfect immediate motion is caused by a 3rd element, a ‘dark dimension often of spherical form, which allows the larger system to move information faster than the observable one’.

So as always the way the Universe works out its ‘theory’ is this: we exist as ∆STœ beings, ruled by the topological laws of space-time, resumed in the 5 postulates of ¬Æ logic. The third and most important postulate of Euclid: the relative equality  of forms of in-form-ation, only challenged by Schopenhauer, is at the core of the consequences of beings which are simultaneous, synchronous and evolve together socially.

So non-locality, the phenomena that puzzles physics in quantum entanglements, called ‘spooky’ by Einstein means 2 things:

  • In classic science, a system whose processes go faster than light, so they are in a relative ‘present’
  • In 5Ð organisms it means a present-simultaneous, co-existing event, in which the factor time is so small as to be undistinguishable and allowing the coordinated full action of the whole system, in terms of the Сmotion of space. As if there was non-locality simultaneous co-ordinated actions could not be achieved. So simultaneity and non-locality are essential to the organic structure of the Universe, reason why they are Not SPOOKY, but very much welcomed.

Non-locality from the limited c-speed of our world (where simultaneity happens in terms of electromagnetic information, since indeed, the time-span of a ray of light IS ALWAYS smaller than our ‘minimal quanta of time’, a second per thought, the time in which light travels to the moon. Is our range of simultaneity- the Earth’s moon system.

In larger system simultaneity requires faster speeds of time and slower mind-reactions. So for example in the galaxy, if gravitational non-local waves were going as the theory postulates at 10C, and the large cosmic bodies have a slower time reaction than our ∆-1 human second (as implied in 5Ð metric: S x T = ∆), there could be simultaneous black hole action through waves of matter. This is the drill: body-waves reproduce and displace particle-heads above in the height dimension, because both achieve an organic simultaneity.

This long predicted structure between body-waves and particle-head, simultaneous in space and synchronous in time (with its inner clocks of information in frequency resonance), is the essence that establishes the co-ordinated actions of beings.

In the different scales of reality it always happens:

  • ∆-4,3: quantum physics. We have 3 choices of interpretation. Broglie-Bohm (b2) is the correct one as it accepts simultaneity≈non-locality, does have a ternary structure (adding a hidden equation to locate particles and configure the entropic scattering field) and it is deterministic. Copenhagen is nothing but an idealist germanic ego-trip.
  • ∆-2,1: In biological systems: Entanglement is the synchronous motion of the 3 parts of the body which define the quanta of circadian times of the system, its ultimate central clock which in man is the second glimpse of eye-thought synchronized to the steps of limbs and beats of heart. It is the synchronicity of Gaia’s larger cycles and its life beings (moon cycles, etc). The same concepts apply to the 2nd age of Earth (History) and 3rd Age (Metal-earth)
  • ∆2-1: In sociologic systems entanglement is the immanent network of informative legal systems, which all citizens obey, the immanent Memetic DNA of believers that synchronize its actions as members of a society or religion.
  • ∆2-1: Metal-earth’s entanglement is the growing control of synchronous c-speed flows of digital information (reproductive financial networks, audiovisual networks, internet) that synchronize humans in single thought and make re=production of machines an efficient just-in-time system soon to be an automated supœrganism of AI robots




¬Algebra as all language-mirrors of 5D reality & its T.œs (Time§pace organisms) is a representation both of the time dimotions of existence of those organisms, through operands and equations and its simultaneous space structure of parts and whole ‘planes of the fifth dimension’ through scalar numbers, groups and §œts.

As such it must able to represent the 1st palingenetic, time-probabilistic and 2nd entropic, life worldcycle of existence of beings. And since existence can be farther reduced in its analytic minimal view to a series of 5 Dimotions for all T.œs, the main feature of ¬Algebra is to have 5 operands that allow the representation of those 5 Dimotions of existence: sinusoidal angles of perception; social sums; reproductive products & derivatives of parts and integrals of wholes (whereas locomotion is a reproduction of form usually served by the sum and product)>

¬Algebra culminates time studies in mathematics of the different forms of motion and change modeled with numerical variables that generalize the forms of simultaneous space geometry, exploring in depth its scalar, temporal and spatial changes in ∆-scale, T-motion and S-population.

So before we study operands and equations we need to make a brief introduction to Existential ¬Ælgebra, the sub discipline of 5D stiences that studies the actions=dimotions of all beings through its 3 relative ∆-1 Planes, as 5 finitesimal actions that gather into palingenetic, life and world cycles through 3 Planes of the supœrganism.

Existential ¬Ælgebra. Classic operations as reflections of the 5 Dimotions of exist¡ence.

Mnemonic vowels name 5 dimotions=actions of existence of any system of nature: (a,e,i,o,u): A-celerations, (locomotions), entropic energic feeding, informative minds & organic reproduction &evolution of universals:

In the graph, all systems of nature practice the five dimotions of space-time that gives them a vital, organic outlook. So as all actions of beings are expressions of those 5 dimotions, equivalent to the 5 drives of existence scientists recognize as defining life (gauging information, moving, feeding on energy, reproducing and organizing a system socially into a larger synchronous whole). Thus life is everything, as all is a spacetime organism performing its 5D actions of survival (motion, energy feeding, information gauging, social evolution into universals and organic reproduction). But self-centered huminds think nitro-life as the only living form. The 5 actions=dimotions are the minimal units of beings, whose sequential ‘stœps’ define a larger ‘worldcycle’, a longer time span between birth and extinction also common to all systems, which first increases information as 3 of those dimotions (St, SS, ST) are increasing information, form NOT locomotion (Ts) and entropy, (TT).

Species probe in the different scalar planes of reality to obtain its quanta of entropic time motion, Tt stored as energy, TT>Ts, or quanta of space, SS, converted into information, SS<St and finally merged into a reproductive action, TsxSt->ST. While in the more complex action a sum of species ∑T.œ forms a herd or entangles, ∏, into a supœrganism, which are actions studied by +, x and ∫ operands.

Further on we can define from the 5D metric 2 main equations, S=T and SxT=C, a maximal function Max. ∑SxT=C, which is the vital purpose of all beings: to make dimotions that maximize its S-form and T-functions of exist¡ence.

Huminds measure externally those actions of space-time, in any of its 5 subspecies classified by its complexity in simplex actions (a, e, i) and complex ones (o,u); so the most complex reproductive actions will have the more complex operands – power laws and calculus, the queen of all operands as it deals directly with 5D motions.

The being has two states, one S=T, or reproduction and one S x T = K, with two limits, max. S x Min. T = Birth-generation, and Max. T x Min. S = Death – entropy; and two lesser limits, §(information: particle/head) x t (motion: limbs) = K (body-wave)…

We play with those 5 components or dimotions deduced of the equivalence of space=time, or present, reproductive dimotion, and the limits and elements of § (information) x t (lineal motion-speed).

So the 5 Dimotions or basic symbols of Existential ®lgebra are a development of the two equations that formalize the logic postulates Рspace is time, and the metric of 5D, S=T & SxT=K:

  • ->∞ x  t->0  (Seed: Ð5) ∑§¡-1=tº (birth)= Min.§ x Max. t (Youth: Ð2)> §=t (maturity:reproduction: Ð3) > Max. § x Min. t (3rd age: Ð1)<< ∑t-1 (Death: Ð4)

It is then relevant first to define first in which of the 3 co-existing timespace Planes of the being (its ∆-1 cellular/atomic, ∆ørganic, thermodynamic or ∆+1 cosmological ecosystemic) a T.œ is performing an action, as it will define its ‘finitesimal’ ‘h’ on the process of change (∆-1 element) and the whole ∆ø that performs it.

And here it comes the first difference with the axiomatic method, as 5D experimental mathematics, accepts the discontinuity and hence denies the ‘theoretical model’ of infinities always a difficult part to prove axiomatically because it is NOT truth, as there are limits to finitesimals. All Planes have a minimal quanta. Thus in praxis calculus uses mostly differential equations that give a minimal size to h (dy).

In Pentalogic differential equations become finitesimal units of an action of one of the 5dimotional vowels (a,e,i,o,u) that define the five dimotions of existence, as vital quanta-actions of the being.

We can then define a finitesimal by its relative ∆-scale, its t-ime duration and s-volume.

Depending on the action the finitesimal S-pecies of space and volume will be different.

But in time we find most often all actions of an ∆ø being, the whole, have minimal, equal time duration, which corresponds to the synchronous ‘time parameter’ that puts together the 3 parts of the being, its Ts-limbs/fields, ST-bodywaves and St-particle-heads. For example in human, our time quanta is a second – similar for the 3 synchronous t-st-s parts and its actions; i.e. in humans an eye glimpse of mind-perception, a limb-ate of motion and a heart-beat of the body – and how much it absorbs in the time quanta.

So in mathematical terms we define a supœrganism in space, as a topological closed membrane with 3 ‘adjacent’ parts synchronized by the same time quanta.

To notice as a classic error of human ego that as humans for all effects measure reality with our 1 second time quanta, finitesimal actions are equalized and distorted in time to the scale of our human quanta. While the space quanta of the system’s actions, which characteristically measures the ‘energy or information’ it ‘absorbs or emits’ is clearly differentiated in mathematical physics by its relative ∆-scale (h, k, c, G & Q constants of nature).

So in 5D stience all T.œ systems that science only describes quantitatively in abstract terms, are vitalized by introducing the analysis of the a,e,i,o,u type of actions it performs to explain through organic whys its space-time events=actions=dimotions; according to its scale, space quanta and time moment (which is a more precise term for a time quanta, we’ll try to use for the sake of differentiation).

A quanta or finitesimal ‘derivative’ is then:

– For simpler a,e,I actions smaller than the ‘function’ that represents the T.œ, such as, ∆¡-1<∆o. Further on those actions have the minimal time duration inversely to its time frequency (T=1/ƒ). So most actions of any being are stœps of locomotion, bit-es of energy feeding and in-form-ative perception, absorbed from lower ∆-i Planes of faster time cycles (5D metric). So animal life perceives from ∆-3 quanta (light in our case), feeds on amino acids, (∆-2 quanta for any ∆º system), and seeds a seminal ∆-1 cellular quanta. A general law that extends to all Planes. I.e. electrons seed and reproduce through its ∆-1 photon quanta.

And so Existential ¬Ælgebra studies in depth the connection of the a,e,i simplex actions between Planes (qualitative understanding) and its mathematical, analytic development (quantitative understanding of 1st, 2nd and 3rd derivatives that extract ‘Dimotions’  from the lower planes up to the final invisible gravitational, locomotion and light perceptive space-time Planes).

So derivatives are the essential quantitative measure for simplex actions for any Tœ, space-time organism.

– For the pure entropic action of death, ∆-1=∆o, as death takes place in a single ‘time bit’, exploding the whole T.œ, represented by the e-x function whose derivative is the same than the function (hence the function of physical decay and radiation).

– For complex social actions of reproduction and evolution into whole universals, the relationship reverses, and the action ideally larger and lasts longer than the being in space and its worldcycle. So the new generation lasts beyond the death of the father and it is a more evolved or bigger species. And certainly the creation of a whole is a slower larger process (5D metric) than the life of the individual.

So the fundamental law of complex social operations is the inverse of simplex derivatives – integrals.

Derivatives allow us to integrate, a sum of the minimal quanta in space or actions in time of any being in existence, namely the fact that its sums tend to favor growth of information on the being and then signal the 3 st-ages and/or st-ates of the being through its world cycle of existence, which in its simplest physical equations is the origin of… ITS space-time beats.

Stœps and chains of actions.

Yet this is only the beginning, as actions form chains and sequences that accumulate in time, till forming a worldcycle on the next ‘life time scale’ of the being and then worldcycles and then its worldcycle generations accumulate to form horizons of deep time species, the larger ∆+1 scale of time.

It is convenient in complex existential ælgebra to consider then for ∆ø worldcycles, tridimensional combinations of physiological networks that define the fundamental variation of species according to the dominance of each network in ternary ensembles (i.e. mammals are dominated by the S-informative, nervous network, insects and fungi by the ST-blood, reproductive network, and so on) – themes those more proper of biologic and ÐST sciences. Since, we never cease to repeat, mathematics is an analytic science more proper for the minimal Planes of existence – hence biology is better to study deep time causality of biological, organic nature.

The concept of a STœp is more important. Sequences of actions take place through motions in time or steps and mental, informative stops, when the system ‘reflects’ on the action, limited in its time duration; and then it can switch into a different action or repeat the action.

A system traces stœps departing from a non-E Point, which has a modular will to perform whenever possible any of the 5 Dimotions of existence departing from a first perception and having in mind survival as the ultimate goal. Free choices then do exist but are limited by entropic death, so in praxis, sequential dimotions and its mathematical mirror (equations of operands) are rather deterministic. I.e. the being might remain perceptive with no motion, no energy spent, to remain immortal as an unmoved mirror.

But a better strategy is to move to a field of energy that will provide us with a field of faster micro points to move further or smaller ∆-1 cells to imprint our image mirror and reproduce, organizing with our parallel ‘brothers’ into a larger whole: i->a-> e->o (informative perception, 1 D-> Locomotion, 2D-> Entropic feeding, 4D->Reproduction of form->4D: Universal evolution, completes the classic run of a minimal worldcycle composed of the 5 Dimotions. Perception is thus the ‘bottom ground’ faster action of the system. So we observe chains that tend to vary in action but ‘stop always’ in an informative perception. I.e. we can eat, stop, then move, stop, then drink, stop, then talk… chains of actions do have then discontinuities that allow to change actions and the study of those chains is the stuff of complex Existential ¬Ælgebra which is a better mirror than mathematics to describe ‘logically’, so often ‘verbally’, all kind of events of reality from a Krebs cycle to a process of H-R star evolution in any scale or species of reality. In mathematics is yet another proof that infinitesimals and infinities must be replaced by finitesimals, h, and relative infinities µ

So for each action of space-time we shall find a whole, ∆ø, which will enter in contact with another plane, ∆±i, from where it will extract finitesimals of space or time, energy or information, entropy or motion, and this will be the finitesimal ∂ ƒ(x), which will be absorbed and used by the species to obtain a certain simplex action, å. Or in the complex actions of social evolution, the T.œ become itself the quanta for the larger whole.

Those are the basic ¬Æ=i-logic concept that we will use to vitalize the operands of ¬Algebra.


The essential connection between ÐST actions and dimotions performed by a larger whole and algebra occurs in calculus, whereas the whole is the integral and the minimal indistinguishable part its (in)finitesimal. Again here the key concept is one of perception. So in fact we talk NOT of an infinitesimal limit but more on the thought of Leibniz of an 1/n quanta, so small that the whole doesn’t distinguish and so it can be discharged. Themes those we shall analyze in depth when studying calculus.

Finitesimals of minimal Dimotions=actions

For starters the word to use is ‘finitesimals’, not infinitesimals. Infinite does not exist in a single continuum, but through multiple discontinuities as all systems in time and space are limited in space and time, both in a single membrane, and in within the Planes of the 5th dimension (as information and energy doesn’t flux between those Planes without loss of entropy).

It would be in that sense important to understand the need for a finite limit, solving the paradox of Zeno, with the concept of a quanta or limit of a finitesimal.

The huge question to connect derivatives and differential calculus with reality is this: what kind of finitesimals rate of change are we calculating?

The answer is deeper in 5D, as a finitesimal Dimotion of a being is called an action. A finitesimal is an action of space-time of any of the 5 Dimensions, an action being a space-time cycle hence a bidimensional holographic quanta, which can be expressed in any of the graphs, lineal, cyclical, cylindrical or polynomial (complex).

We measure then is an action of space-time, which classifies time cycles in 5 subspecies by its complexity:

A-celerations, lineal motions, entropic motions, energy flows, informative vortices and Social evolutions (a,e,i,o,u).

The sum of actions creates a sequential world cycle. So we must conclude that in ‘time’, a finitesimal is a quanta of a Dimotion; and in space it is a quanta of a volume. But in general terms, derivatives and differentials will be better suit to calculate temporal quanta, and the type of dimotion studied will depend on the ‘function’ to which the differential is applied:

The five dimotions of space-time have a minimal unit on the  actions of beings which are expressions of those general dimotions, equivalent to the 5 drives of existence scientists recognize as defining life (gauging information, moving, feeding on energy, reproducing and organizing a system socially into a larger synchronous whole). Life is everything, as all is a spacetime organism with its 5D actions of survival (motion, feeding on energy, information gauging, social evolution and reproduction).

Why finitesimals and derivatives are so important becomes then evident as they measure in the real universe, the actions, which are ∆-1 minimal Dimotion units of any system of nature.

Quarks and electrons, the simplest particles  gauge information, absorb energy, reproduce and evolve socially into wholes, bosons, plasma flows and atoms. So the unit of life is the smallest particle and as fractal systems are self-reproductive, emerging in its fundamental properties in larger Planes all what exists is alive. Only human egos prevent us from understanding that obvious truth, fundamental principle of all ‘exist¡ences’.

So the full theory of calculus becomes related to the actions of exist¡ence of a supœrganism, and as such depending on the functions we use (related themselves to entropic, reproductive, locomotive etc. actions), the derivative will calculate the minimal actions of the being.

Complex systems though have languages less synoptic than maths to evaluate actions – we do not for example measure a bite of food or an amino acid with a ‘derivative’ but just explain it with full morphological detail of the being involved.

But in physical systems, where the finitesimal values are quite homogenous, actions of spacetime can be measured with derivatives. And theses the main application.

Then we can evaluate sums of action with integrals and in this manner, mathematical physics and 5D connect to each other, through the use of calculus, which is widespread in all the analysis of atomic systems, where the regularity and determinism of its Dimotions rests assured.

So what 5D will introduce in mathematical physics is the connection of equations of physics with the vital actions of its physical systems.

And so in this constant merge of ‘vital non-Euclidean geometry’, actions of organic space-time beings, we can give also vital meaning to the different use of the operand of calculus in functions that represent the 5 Dimotions of exist¡ence.      

In that sense the MOST important ad on that ∆st will bring to the use of differentials is its temporal use as the ‘minimal action in time’, of a being, a far more expanded notion that the action of physics (which however will be related to the lineal actions of motion on 1D).

In the graph, the general 5 actions-dimensions of existence of different ∆±i species, from above down – a view of them all, one of the physical simplest light and electronic i<eye minds, and below the human being.

Mathematically it is quite irrelevant to make derivatives in time of human actions beyond some quantitative results – so the quanta of minimal human time, the second is the minimal informative action for the 3 synchronous t-st-s parts, an eye glimpse of mind-perception, a limb-ate of motion and a heart-beat of the body.

Nothing to blame on Nature, rather as Lindau put it, a feature of the human ego: ‘what time uncertainty, I don’t see any time uncertainty in quantum physics, I look at my clock and I know what time is’ (:

Yet mathematical operations are better for simpler social numbers forming herds, moving=reproducing simple information in a few Planes of existence, with topological evolution at the height on its capacity to describe complex simultaneous super organisms in more detail. This means the actions best explained by operators are those simpler, and quantitative operations will give then the simplest of the interactions between the elements of those smaller, ‘larger’ ensembles of beings.

To escape the limits of huminds and mathematical reductionism, it will be important even for physical systems today only described quantitatively in abstract mathematical terms, to vitalise and explain the organic whys of its space-time events by adding its existential actions to those ‘analysis’:



The most important isomorphisms are those which explain how monad-minds interact through S≤≥T ‘stop and motion’ discontinuous steps with the Universe, in its plane and other scales through bidimensional flows of energy and information that become the actions that grow, reproduce and order each self-centred territorial organism of the Universe.

So we study the s=t symmetries of the monad with the Universe, which builds dynamically the being through its 3 steps: the mind-fractal point exchanges bidimensional flows of entropy, energy and information (Holographic principle, 2nd Ðisomorphism), or ‘forces’  that give origin to existential a,e,i,o,u actions (in physical systems the mind will be a fermion, the flows of bidimensional exchange a boson, and the result an action between different ‘particles).  Let us then fast review them.

4th, 5th Disomorphisms: asymmetric actions.

The being can have a reflexive circular action, that doesn’t modify the being, it is only a rotation of the self-singularity. And so we call them Asymmetric, as they are all, ♣.

The being can have a symmetric parallel angle of behavior with a social group forming a herd, of clone beings: ♥.

The being can be antisymmetric and run against the other in darwinian perpendicular events: ♠

Or a being has a complementary reproductive  behavior with the other being allowing it fourth type of actions: ♦

The five dimotions of space-time have a vital, organic outlook. So as all actions of beings are expressions of those general dimotions, equivalent to the 5 drives of existence scientists recognize as defining life (gauging information, moving, feeding on energy, reproducing and organizing a system socially into a larger synchronous whole). Life is everything, as all is a spacetime organism with its 5Ð actions of survival (motion, feeding on energy, information gauging, social evolution and reproduction). But huminds, self-centered seek for carbon-life as the only living form. In the graph, the 5 actions=dimotions, which are the minimal units of beings, whose sum define a larger ‘worldcycle’ time Сmotion between birth and extinction common to all systems as those dimotions are motional in information NOT in locomotion, in form NOT in entropy, defining the dominant purpose of all beings: to make dimotions that maximize its ‘form and functions of exist¡ence’

The minimal description of an species of space-time implies to define its 5 Dimensions of space that make up its organic structure in simultaneous, time, its sequential motions through its world cycle between generation and extinction as it travels through the 3 planes of co-existence, in its cellular/atomic, organic/thermodynamic and ecosystemic/cosmological scales; and the 5 actions of exchange of energy and information it performs in those relative scales. This description is what we call the 5гisomorphic method, as all systems of reality perform those 5  dimotions and actions. In a dynamic way the best ‘tale’ of the being is a sequential story of its existence from birth as a relative fractal point in a lower plane, through its palingenesis, clone reproduction, social evolution, emergence and a ternary physiological network of cells, who will then life a cycle through the 3 ages of life and death, in a larger ∆+1 world till its entropic extinction and desegregation into its cellular/atomic components. In the graph, the Human world cycle and the 5 actions in scalar space-time of different species of the Universe.

The generator equation of the universe is its program of time-space. The program develops through actions which are partial equations of the generator. the existence of beings. Humans are, regardless of its selfish points of view, ALSO space-tim organisms. Above its topological equation and energy-iterative-informative systems and ∆-scales in space (left) and time (right). Below our existential survival actions of exchange of energy and information, its reproduction and social evolution as wholes, within the external world. And yes, finally in ‘big size’, the ‘locomotions’ that physicists think to be certainly the most important and for most the only form of time motion…

Different views of the dimensions of space-time.

Now, it has taken me many decades to finally settle for this specific jargon of 5Ð3 dimensions in space, motions in time and dimotions in space-time as we live in a kaleidoscopic Universe with so many points of view and variations over the same theme that takes a bit to order in the precise architectonical way the Universe constructs its being, till the obvious truth becomes simple enough: as we exist in a Universe with 3 main features, topologic space, cyclical time and scales of existence, it follows that there should be a clear-cut description for the spatial properties, temporal properties and scalar properties of the being, and that is what a 5Ð 3 description of dimensions, motions and actions provide.

This I said because whenever a reader goes through those texts might find some confusing expressions of the same concepts – this post being a bit older likely is written with another ‘number’ of dimensional explanations. What matters most ultimately are the 5 combined space-time actions taking place between scales as they are the elements that define the Survival of a species.

To Exi(s=t)

In action a great (BODY) heart is the chief qualification. In work, a great head.  Schopenhauer

Actions: to exist: max. EXI. the organic program of the Universe.

Now all this looks good enough, and the full development discoveries we just have expressed will give job to future human scientists or robotic ones for centuries to come. But we need to be more precise, closer to measure and mathematical calculus – to standard science.

So here it is the program of survival and existence, all what there is really to it: to become super organisms and do world cycles, through a series of smaller steps, called ‘actions of existence’.

So how we connect the ‘overall cycle of existence’ of a certain space-time organism with its ‘day to day’ actions of existence as a being made of a body of energy and head of information that constantly absorbs it, emits it and combines it into…


‘Lanwaves of Times imprint on action space, a ternary fractal algorithm – ‘To<exi=st’ – which forms supœrganisms’

Actions: systems and quanta, made of vital, moving energy and informative time

In the graphs, the philosophical concept that unifies the ‘behaviour’ of beings, is an action of energy and time, in which the system seeks for motion and form to survive. Systems constantly exchange energy and information to maintain its body-wave and particle-head in existence. Existence becomes then a sum of actions, which combine energy and information, ordered causally, whose zero sum gives birth to the being’s worldcycle. All entities accomplish its physical and biological actions, in the least time, trying to maximise those exchanges of energy and information,  during its existential worldcycle.

Physics also points to such direction. On one side quantum physics had discovered that vacuum space was quantised in pieces of energy with both motion and form, in-form-ation, called Planck quanta, whose unit was actions of ‘energy and time’ , ‘energy and information’ in Relativity. And all physical systems were made of those 2 ‘substances’ or rather motions with form.

So the principle of complementarity stated that physical systems were energy waves guided by informative particles. This duality of all systems of nature happened also in living beings made of bodies guided by informative heads/nuclei. So we could establish a duality in all systems, made of body-waves of spatial energy and heads-particles of information: Ts (body waves that move with its energy) > St (Particles-heads of information).

So the key new principle of quantum physics, with wide application to all sciences, is its definition of all systems of nature as a complementary being of quanta of energy and cycles of time:

Universal constant of action (h) = energy-space (e)   x time-information (ƒ)

Actions of energy and time, is what the Universe is made of. As we do have only energy and time, combinations of actions are minimal dualities, which become in itself basic time Сmotions of future self-similar events:

e x e : Pure entropic big-bangs of expansive space (death events)

i x i: Pure informative implosive generation of seeds of information (birth events)

Exi & I <≈> e: Сmotions of combination and transformation of energy into information (life/informative/old age Сmotion) ir information into energy ( energetic /young Сmotion)

Thus we can extract from those 3 primary elements: lineal energy, cyclical time (and its ‘fixed forms’: space and information) and its social, relative ternary scales, which co-exist together (the ∆-1, quantum/cellular; ∆-thermodynamic/organic; ∆+1 gravitational, social, ecosystem planes), 3 type of laws common to all beings or ‘isomorphisms’; which we further subdivide in 3 sub-sets. It is the isomorphic, linguistic method that extracts topological, mathematical laws derived of the spatial energy of all beings; logic, causal laws derived of its cyclical temporal nature; and organic, social, survival laws derived of its existence across scales of the 5th dimension.

Yet those 3 x 3 isomorphisms require a final element without which systems would not ‘exist’: I think therefore I am. Indeed, all complete ‘worlds’ do have a 0-point or mind, whose spherical topology allows the system to shrink the Universe into a linguistic mapping mirror of reality, or mind, which extracts the information on the outer cycles of reality the system needs to survive.

It is the point of view of the system, its c.p.u., quark, black hole, brain, eye, which apperceives reality and performs the necessary actions for the system to survive, by extracting energy and information from the Universe.  Thus we shall consider 3 x 3 +0 isomorphisms to describes all the systems of Nature, and the forms created by man, with its internal mental languages (art forms) and external atoms (mechanisms).

Above we show the topological Ðisomorphism as an Ðisomorphism of scale, ∆, that does not vary as we change size.

Since all type of Universal systems can be described as social networks of energy and information. Its similar=isomorphic laws are studied by general systems sciences.

IN THE GRAPH we see one of such isomorphisms: that of form, as systems form spherical topologies with a center of information -the nucleus of the galaxy, the game of the stadium, which is a ‘ball’ that all players, lines of energy pursuit (-; While in the center we see two herds without a clear center, proper of ‘energy systems’, a herd of insects feeding, a polymer atom of great strength without a crystalline center.

The many ways in which those isomorphic systems can be described departing from its 4 ‘integral elements’, its ternary ages in time, ternary topologies in space, fractal ∆±1 co-existing organic scales and Œ≈Ø, topological time mind which perceives the whole domain and performs the function of existence, Max.∑ ExI(s=t), which resumes all the space-time actions the mind knot of space-time cycles ‘commands’, and stores in its memorial information, busy-busy playing just… a game.

How does creation of networks starts off, in a mess of a future informative ternary plane≈topological super organism?

This is the essence of the mathematical game, as a fractal point/monad/mind, ‘m’, appears with a memorial mass of information, which will be replicated as a cyclical motion with a cyclical inertia, or speed of reproduction of its cycles, v, which gives the mass of cycles, an existential momentum, mv≈p, we shall call ‘potential or existential force of the being’

We explain with many jargons the same existential point, which tries to maximise the existential momentum, m x v, whose maximal function, for a give total value N = M+v, happens when m=v.

The point of balance, and the ‘function of present’ of the Universe:

Present = Momentum = m (t) x v (s)= memorial mas of information x reproductive speed in space

The function of existential momentum.

We shall indeed resume the program of existence and its fundamental ‘a,ei,o,u’ actions (accelerations, energy feeding, information processing, reproduction of an offspring and evolution of individuals into universals) into a single function:

Max. ExI (s=t), as we maximise a product when both element (e≈ and i≈t) are equal (so 10=5+5=6+4=3+7->5×5>6×4>7×3).

This function of existence, that maximises the connection between limbs and heads, fields and particles, through a balanced body-wave, in which space=time, magnetic=electric field, ‘mens sana in corpore sanum’, ‘golden mean rules’ apply, is the resume of it all. “grow and multiply’, maximise your existence, ‘be a vital being, feed, perceive, reproduce socialise≈love your clone’. And in any language we express, physical equations of quantum complementarity and thermodynamic equilibrium and steady state speed, balance between vital constants of a body, justice of a social organism, between its linguistic and working classes, sustainability, etc. is the RULE OF SURVIVAL, which all systems strive to obey.

It means that the being with maximal momentum in physics, maximal top predator force (in body and mind), or higher degree of energy and information in human individuals will come on top and survive in collision with other physical systems, darwinian events of hunting and predation and social struggle for power.

Vtal Universal fractals: supœrganisms tracing worldcycles of existence.

What is the ultimate essence of information and the reality depicted with it? The existence of points of view able to process and map out the Universe with information. A sentient universe in which information is constantly focused on what Descartes called minds, Aristotle, unmoved Gods, Leibniz, Monads, is an a priori category, which no scientist can renounce to if he wants to describe not only the external how but also the internal why of all systems of reality.

This much wider vision of time and the organic Universe has been always lingering in the work of the great masters of Philosophy of Science, from Aristotle, with his ‘Organon’ – first scientific theory of unification on organic terms – to Hegel, the last serious formulation of the Spatial entropy x Temporal information=Space-time Сmotions Fractal Generator (thesis-antithesis=Synthesis)

Philosophy of science is the summit of scientific disciplines, which attempts to answer with scientific data the big questions about reality and existence, which were in the past the themes of religion and philosophy.

The first simplex vision of philosophy of science appeared with physics of motion and defined the Universe as a game of locomotions, performed by machine-like entities, programmed to move. It was a simple image of reality that suits science for 3 centuries; but with the development of biology and evolution theory first, history and economics and finally theory of information, systems sciences and cybernetics, the model became too simple.

So in the XX century, general systems sciences tried to enlarge the philosophy of the Universe, introducing a new paradigm, organicism. At Macy’s congress at the death of Einstein, Information theorists argued that to construct all systems, entropy, energy, locomotion as the meaning of time was not enough. Information had to be added to explain the Сmotion of life of increasing form, in-form-ation, the Сmotion of technology, and the Сmotion of history.

In all those sciences information increased with time, making systems more complex, evolving them from a simplex machine, into a complex organism – even metal, the complex atoms of what machines were made, were learning to handle information and evolving machines into organisms. So a new model of philosophy of science appeared, and the task of general systems sciences was to formalize it widening our definitions of time and information.

It is important from the beginning, given the confusion of conceptual meaning of classic science, and the necessary variations and ‘errors’ of ‘naming’ along any book of classic science and those texts, often dragged by them to differentiate the 3 ‘fundamental concepts of quantitative science’ and the 3 topologies in space and time and the minimal symbols of ¬æ logic we shall use to study 5Ð equations:

  • |-Entropy, < symbol, is related to expansive motions in space, which decrease information, create pure space without form and are related to lineal motions, limbs and fields.
  • O-Information, > symbol, is related to the frequency and closed form o time cycles, which carry is information, creating a flow of pure time passing, related to spherical logic particles and heads.
  • Ø-ExI, SxT ≈ present body waves are related to hyperbolic topologies and combinations of entropy and information. We relate it to ‘ENERGY’, as it is in human science a concept used as a ‘bag’ receptacle for it all. Energy ultimately is an entropic motion, which however participates of pure cyclical motion, as it has an ‘angled trajectory’, and can be stored in cyclical forms.

So in general with all the exceptions due to the lack of rigor and understanding of classic science, we can talk of entropy (S), as pure space, Ti, Temporal information, and its combination, put on the bag of present energy, which performs ‘actual work’, by combining motion and direction, of which locomotion energy, studied by physics ads a timeline direction (vector direction) to a motion-speed-force-entropy thrust.

We thus have all the seemingly key elements to construct reality. Cyclical space-time beings, with body-waves that move on a field of energy a head that processes information, and acts-reacts in the external Universe maximising the survival of the being through a series of actions that exchange energy and information with the external world.


5 ∆-1 Actions integrated in ∆o worldcycles part of the larger ∆+1  Ðimotions of the external world.

We said all systems are super organisms tracing worldcycles in a larger world, with smaller parts of faster time cycles, according to the metric of 5D: S x T = ∆±¡

Now, it is necessary to understand that as there are 3 scalar planes of size in space, there are 3 scalar planes of time quanta parallel to them. So we talk of smaller, faster ‘actions’ as the minimal unit of time Ðimotions, of larger sums of them, the world cycle of individuals as the time-range of organisms, and the slower ‘deep time’ cycles of the supœrganism or world in which the system co-exists with other systems as the 3rd level of time clocks.

And while spatial, visual man might have an easier time to understand the 3 scalar planes of spatial size of super organisms, they are always entangled with the 3 scalar planes of time clocks of reality and what truly matters to the order of reality are the games of synchronicity of those actions, as some are larger in time-scalar plane than others.  Reason why we have a post on synchronicity, which is likely the hidden gem of this blog.

The minimal description of a species of space-time implies to define its 5 Dimensions of space that make up its organic structure in simultaneous, time, its sequential motions through its world cycle between generation and extinction as it travels through the 3 planes of co-existence, in its cellular/atomic, organic/thermodynamic and ecosystemic/cosmological scalar planes; and the 5 actions of exchange of energy and information it performs in those relative scalar planes.

This description in pentalogic terms of all systems of reality that perform those 5 actions gathered in worldcycles giving birth to the isomorphic Ðimotions of all systems is then a subtle process of synchronicities and simultaneities.

So we shall use 3 terms for the scalar planes of time duration, parallel to the scalar planes of size of beings:

∆-1   5 actions, which are the minimal quanta of time, for the relative ¡-1 scalar plane of the being.  So all beings will first perceive (D1) to move (D2) towards a source of entropy where they will feed (D4) or be killed (prey predator game), converted into entropy themselves. And if successful will use that entropy, reconverted into their own form as ‘energy’ to reproduce (D3), and integrate the reproduced cell or clone being into a social group part of a Universal whole (D5). We thus use for each of those action a mnemonic vowel which first perceive information (i), to define the change in motion of all beings (a-ccelerations), going towards the feeding fields where entropic death happens ending the o-sum worldcycle (ø) of predator or prey, that will reproduce with the reconverted energy (e), Nt.1, to start its social evolution (u): ï->a->ø->e->û, thus being the natural series in sequential time of the actions of existence of beings, which we shall call the Program of existence.

But those actions, which are short time actions that involve only a small part of the being (an ∆-1 organ) keep accumulating in a larger plane of time giving origin to the worldcycles of the being, as they keep…

Gathering in 5 Ƽ ages, which gather those actions in each age of life, dominated by one of those 5 type of actions (genesis dominated by social evolution; youth dominated by locomotion, maturity by acts of reproduction, third age by acts of information and death age by entropic processes).

It is then worth to notice that in the Ƽ SCALAR PLANE ages have a different order than actions, as actions start with an informative dual process of perception and communication with the outer world, which correspond to the third age of the being, and follow by locomotion and entropic feeding, while the entropic death of the system is the final age, which in actions tends to be the positive first age of social evolution (palingenesis).

To notice that in physics and matter, those ages are called ‘states’ of matter, entropic gaseous youth, liquid balanced age and informative solid crystal age between plasma generation and social evolution into boson and quark matter.

It is indeed the key to the complexity of the universe the understanding that when we start to combine 5 Ðimotions in different scalar planes, with different synchronicities and different variations of forms and motions, entangled to shape different super organisms the ‘variations’ on the same theme are truly infinite, giving birth to the astounding variety of reality.

Deep time Horizons, which correspond to the ∆+1 ecosystem or world in which the individual as part of a larger whole belongs – in human individuals the supœrganism of History. The terms are taken from Hutton’s father of geology who first coined the word supœrganism to refer to the Earth ‘geological horizons’, whose ‘deep time’ he rightly considered to be slow expressions of what now systems sciences defines as the metric of 5D (well that is me, I and myself but you know as Planck said, all ‘scientific r=evolutions start in the mind-point of a pioneer ):

It is then essential to fully grasp in parallel to the 3 scalar planes of reality, its 3 type of supœrganisms, the 3 type of time Ðimotions of existence, which we formalize in ¡logic with the following terms (my apologies though for many of the posts that mix jargons, as only recently I have come to take seriously the diffusion of this blog and so will try to rewrite slowly and standardize all the posts to the quality of this central one, which should be taken at the template for future researchers):

The basic symbols of pentalogic for the 3±¡ Ðimotions in its different actions, ages-states and horizons are:

@¡-1: seminal seed-mind

P:Ts=relative lineal past, youth (age view)=|=(ab:Ts): lineal space-time (topological view)=limbs/fields

R:S≈T=relative present, reproductive maturity (age view)=Ø=(ab.ST): hyperbolic space-time (topological view)=body-waves

ƒ:St=relative futures =informative 3rd age=O=(ab.St): cyclical space-time (topological view)=particles-heads

¡±1: social evolution or entropic death.

To notice that ‘pTs’ is a single one, but the ‘futures=ƒSt’ have 3 paths, departing from the horizon of information, which might decline into entropic extinction or might evolve into social evolution and we shall return to it.

Finally to notice we compose its acronyms with 3 self-evident letters:

Those of Past are lineal space-distances, $ and lineal time, t, which shows its main Ðimotion=action=function, locomotion.

Those of present, are its main action=Ðimotion=function, Reproduction, which repeats dynamically time seemingly never changing its Space-Time, in caps as it is the dominant dimension of reality.

Those of future shows its main function, ƒrequency of ðime clocks of cyclical information, and its multiple 3±i future paths, §.

Their application is truly wide, as they are the components of the ‘Generator Equation’ of pentalogic that describes all Timespace-organisms, both in simultaneous space and in its worldcycle, across its 3 main planes of existence.

The parallelisms, synchronicities and entanglements of all those scalar planes of space and time IS THEN THE detailed knots and bolts of each science, as they happen in all scalar planes: indeed, there is a parallelism in the external world scalar planes of cosmology in time, years and mass, between the active magnitude and the life age span – NOTHING of this being coincidence but part of the infinite intelligence of the immortal universe always based in balances and symmetries between the spatial, scalar, temporal and mind-languages of the being in its 3 scalar planes, of inner parts, wholes and worlds/ecosystems.

How we measure then the total value of spacetime of a system in its parallel from and world cycle? Easy, with the concept of energy.

So we left for the final basic parameter the concept of energy, which in physics is the integral of a force, itself, the change of momentum of the being, along a path in space, and so for a fractal entity Is the best measure of its total world cycle as it ads to the momentum, its change in time through its existence  and change in spatial position through its worldline… Acceleration as we saw in the graph of masses, is in fact the measure of the arrow of time towards the future of a system; while displacement defines its territorial space in which it will perform its actions of existence, so beyond the MECHANICAL VIEW of displacement and forces, in 5D vital space-time, displacement measures territory (body-energy) and acceleration, the total time frequency of actions.

The total energy of a being thus become a parallel ‘symmetric’ quantity to measure its potential world cycle duration and territorial power, when we transform the concepts of abstract physics into vital ‘generational space-time’.

Since it is precisely what the game does as we depart from the perfect, ideal immortal scalar planes of atomic physics into the functions and organs, territories and life-death cycles of less ‘perfect’ species, of higher scalar planes, a fact which proves that ultimately the game is not about mathematical abstractions but about survival and life.


This ‘attitude’ of physicists contrasts with the much broader view of time=change proper of mathematics with the use of calculus that studies all possible changes of the Universe, with the proper method – considering it a process that happens through 3 scales of the fifth dimension, as ‘finitesimal quanta’, h, become the unit of change (also curiously in the galatom, with h-spins), of the lower ∆-1 scale akin to our ‘actions’ of 5D time that will be able to model all the changes of dimotions in physical, biological and mathematical systems.

On the other hand, integrals allow to extract from quanta, a whole, organic being; and a similar procedure happens with the use of renormalization and probability in the o-1 sphere of palingenetic growth, broadly used in quantum physics.

Calculus is then mimetic to 5D in the mirror image of mathematics. However in mathematics despite that much broader capacity of calculus to study the 5 Dimotions and its proper analysis of quanta finitesimals the problem is one of comprehension and connection of mathematical laws with the space-time laws the language mirrors. We shall often consider the theme of the ‘lack of scientific experimental evidence’ of the axiomatic method, when the original axioms are NOT extracted from real space-time experimental laws, as the case of non-Euclidean mathematics, broadly expanded in 5D to its completion, showed in the XIX c.

The axiomatic method shows then another form of humind’s arrogance (ab. human mind): the pretension our minds are embedded of ‘evident sensorial truths’, when they are a ‘simplified representation of the Universe, which reduces all its information to the selection that matters for human survival, mainly in 3 avenues – reduction of motion to still forms to perceive (so we cannot distinguish motion from form, the principle of relativity we shall redefine properly in 5D terms to restart physical sciences in sounder grounds); reduction of organic vital properties to human species (nitrolife, CNOH liquid species), when the unit of life is the particle that reproduces, evolves socially, feeds on energy and information, the drives of life or ‘dimotions of exist¡ence’. This precludes the denial of any organic theory of reality, let alone the acknowledgement that our sentient properties come from electronic minds shared by all those atoms.

We thus reduce the validity of the axiomatic method as it is imperative to prove first experimentally any axiom. And this sorely truth also on economics, where the ‘axiom’ that GDP growth mainly in machines, which often compete with humans in labor and war fields and poison Gaia, the life Earth, matters more than human WHealth, healthy wealth, and sustainability. And again this is due to cultural reasons, as the linearity of physicists’ time and its worldly religion – to make motion machines. Economists have all come from Company-mothers of machines of the Anglo-American industrial civilization, and censored all other schools far sounder in its analysis of the economic ecosystem (socialist, historic, biologic and Keynesian schools).

Calculus and existential algebra.

The study of the 5 Dimotions of the Universe is carried in spatial geometry by calculus; in Non-Aristotelian Logic by Existential algebra. Thus both languages have many deep common structures worth to compare, even if calculus was born on the praxis of analysis of one single dimotion, locomotion, in the milieu of physical sciences and only slowly extended to the understanding of ther dimotions of the Universe.

Thus we shall bring them here, together, even if Existential algebra is much wider, as it is also the underlying structure of other algebras, notably those of groups that also deal with an ‘extensive catalog’ of the dimotions and evolutions of the Universe, and Boolean algebras that deal with the @-mind mirrors of logic and numbers.

What both have in common thus is the object of its linguistic mirrors: Times=changes, all kind of them.

That apparently they seem so different wears witness to the ultimate nature of mind-monads, infinity mirrors that reflect always different points of view on realithy and its i-magination to slightly bend that reality to the point of view of the mind.

Still it is more notable its common elements than its differences.

Calculus though has its emphasis in numbers hence in the scalar analysis of huge social groups in motion; while existential algebra has its emphasis in discrete dimotions, hence on the study of individual T.œs experiencing a trans-form-ation.

The very essence of calculus is to study in synchronous spatial dimotion huge amounts of numbers, which will erase its ‘discrete’ form to appear as a continuous susceptible to be studied at the ∆+1 scale of the whole.

The emphasis of Existential algebra is the study of that whole as an individual subject to sequential dimotions.

But in both cases the dynamic process of study are the 5 Dimotions of time=change of the universe.

Finally logic systems and Boolean algebras become the syntax of verbal and computer minds that describe with its sentences the dynamic dimotions of reality. So its language is closer to that of Existential Algebra, reason why we include it in this paper, instead of the more advanced models of existential algebra termed, monologic, duality, trinity, pentalogic and dodecalogic.

The connection between existential algebra and calculus: Dimotions as actions

It is then clear that the connection between existential algebra and calculus is ion qualitative terms through the finitesimal action of existence. As it is self-evident, for all Planes, as most actions of any being are extractions of motion, energy and form from lower ∆-i Planes. Actions start at finitesimal level, gathering in sequential patterns in existential algebra of ‘time flows’ and in population patterns, in integral herds of numbers in calculus.

We and all other beings perceive from ∆-3 quanta (light in our case), feed on amino acids, (∆-2 quanta for any ∆º system), seed with seminal ∆-1 cellular quanta (electrons also, with ∆-1 photon quanta).

Derivatives are the essential  quantitative action for the workings of any Tœ, space-time organism.

We study in depth the connection of the a,e,i,o,u actions between Planes (qualitative understanding) and its mathematical, analytic development (quantitative understanding of 1st second and 3rd derivatives – the late extracting ‘1D motion’  from the final invisible gravitational and light space-time Planes).

The fundamental law of operands to vitalize them is this:

In pentalogic all differential operands can become an action in one of the 5d dimensional vowels (a,e,i,o,u) that define the five dimensions of existence, as vital quanta-actions of the being.

This is the logic concept that truly vitalizes the operands of calculus.

Derivatives allow us to integrate, a sum of the minimal quanta in space or actions in time of any being in existence, namely the fact that its sums tend to favor growth of information on the being and then signal the 3 st-ages and/or st-ates of the being through its world cycle of existence, which in its simplest physical equations is the origin of… ITS space-time beats.

Actions in timespace are the main finitesimal part of reality, its quantity of time or space if we consider tridimensional actions as combinations of S and T states, stt, tst, tss, sss and so on…

How differential equations show us the different actions of the Universe?

To fully grasp that essential connection between ∆st and mathematical mirrors, we must first understand how species on one hand, and equations on the other, probe in the Planes of reality to obtain its quanta of space-time converted either in motion steps or information pixels, to build up reality. 

For each action of space-time we shall find a whole, ∆ø, which will enter in contact with another world, ∆±i, from where it will extract finitesimals of space or time, energy or information, entropy or motion, and this will be the finitesimal ∂ ƒ(x), which will be absorbed and used by the species to obtain a certain action, å.

Analysis allow us to extract actions from wholes, among many other uses, reason why there are not really use of the third derivative of a being, as super organisms co-exist in 3 only Planes. So to speak, if you derivate a world, you get its organism, and if you derivate it again you get its cell and then its molecular parts.  And then if you do that in time, you get its speed and then its acceleration and then its jerk.

This is NOT how simplifying maths work – but it works in terms of a volume, then you get its plane, then its unit-cell and its point…

So the correspondence to establish is between the final result, the åction, and the finitesimal quantas, the system has absorbed to perform the action, ∫∂x, such as: å= ∫ ∂x, whereas x is a quanta of time or space used by ∆ø, through the action, å to perform an event of acceleration, e-nergy feeding, information, offspring reproduction or universal social evolution.

It is then when we can establish how operations are performed to achieve each type of actions.

The first element to notice is the fact that the space between the actor and the observable quanta is relative, so even if there are multiple ∆-planes between them the actor will treat the quanta as a direct finitesimal, pixel, bit, or bite which it then will integrate with a polynomial derivative or sinusoidal function that reflects the changes produced.

We will consider in this introductory course only a few of the finitesimal ∫∂ actions where the space state is provided by the integral and the ∂ finitesimal action by the derivative.

Derivatives point out to the main consequence of the sum of those actions in any being in existence, namely the fact that its sums tend to favor growth of information on the being and then signal the 3 st-ages and/or st-ates of the being through its world cycle of existence, which in its simplest physical equations is the origin of… the maximal and minimal points of a well-behaved function.

So to establish the action – the final result – we have to isolate the finitesimal quanta/moment of spacetime the system has absorbed to perform the action, ∂x, and integrate them over a surface of space or a length of time, such as: å= ∫ ∂x, whereas x is a moment/quanta of time or space used in repeated frequencies or quantities, ∫∂x, by ∆ø, through the action, å to perform an event of acceleration, e-nergy feeding, information, offspring reproduction or universal social evolution.

We can then establish which operand is best suit to perform each type of actions. I.e. the action of reproduction, most often is expressed for quantitative simple physical systems through the operation of re=product-ion.

We ascribe each operand to a single dimotion, but they are ‘once more’ entangled operations, which besides its preferential Dimotion, do participate of all the others – remember languages as mirrors of reality have also the same entangled properties of the pentalogic, ¬∆@ST universe, looking at all its elements. So we shall now analyze them in more depth.

We establish first such direct relationships of operand’s suitability – taking into account that for each operand we must also distinguish the dualities of ‘space-like integral of volumes and its derivative quanta’ and ‘time-like moments of motions and its frequency sum to complete a o-sum worldcycle’. And to achieve those balanced zeroth sums finally we need to define inverse operations for all actions. So we depart from a ceteris paribus analysis and search for a finitesimal, and then we must study how they merge and entangle in space and time. This is done generally speaking, with a first partial derivative in space or time (PDE) defines those dimotions only as S or T, while the integral of double derivatives put both processes together, to find the whole action: å(st) = ∫∫dsdt

However as all planes of existence have discontinuities beyond its minimal quanta and larger whole, analysis through multiple Planes beyond those of ∆ø<<∑∆-1 entropic death, tend to be distorted.

Still they can be studied with power polynomials and further approached (Taylor series) with ∫∂ operators that cross planes of existence for certain highly symmetric actions across.

Chains of Dimotions expressed as chains of equations.

All we said, each Operand specializes in one Dimotion (angular sine/cosine in Perception, ± in back and forth locomotions,  x ÷ in complementary and social evolution, log xª in reproduction) and OVER all of them a new Plane of existence is accessed by analysis. So operands guide the mathematical equations through a vital process of stœps (stops and steps) and will allow us to ‘vitalize’ equations, as we have done with points with ‘numerical parts’ as the essence of a mathematical T.œ

¬Æ thus sets a limited number of logic propositions that can happen when a system or group of T.œs interact through its 5 Ðimotions, as an point of view, can potentially change its state between those 5 Dimotions, and the limits of its function of existence, such as the being can only exists without permanent disruption of its ‘vital constants’, (conserved energy, angular and lineal momenta – energy and membrain). All systems ca exist with the infinite cut-off limits of space (membrain) and time (death), which are set as part of the fractal Universe. Only the whole if potential or real in existence can be talked off as a function of infinity but not perceived.

So a point will start any of the 5 Ðimotions and we need formal symbols to address the Ðimotion of any being in existence, and the states of switch between Ðimotions.

Does the being stop before switching Ðimotion? If so it would simple to establish then for each sequential steps of a being:

∆¡ Ð1,3,2,4,3…. and so on as a simple 5 letter process of the actions of a being (whereas 4Ð entropy refers to feedings not dean, only in it final state being ‘that entropy’… So we know all sequential of a being ends in 4Ð.

Can then we run a sequential for any species through its life as a complete deterministic sequence?

There is there the sequence of all sequences, the perfect worldcycle=life sequence?

Dual dimotions.

An important element of those operands is when we consider them to be not self-reflecting operands, but communicative operands between two relative ¬Æ points or n-points in a network. This reads in several forms. We already showed how balances are achieved by switching the ±, x÷, log xª operands on a given ¬Æ Point with numerical parts, along a chain of sequential time space actions, which leave a memorial trace hence NOT annihilating in most cases the sequence. How many possible combinations of dual inverse dimotions exist can be resumed in two great fields:

  1. A) Dual Ðimotions within a single ¬Æ point, which ‘walks’ together through its paths of vital actions with steps and stops ± x÷ log ª dimotions.
  2. B) Feed-back communicative Dimotions between two T.œ points that forcefully have inverse directions but tend to be the ‘same operand’ both sides with ± symbols.
  3. C) Merged Dimotions between those communicative points that approach each other and finally merge, ‘re=producing’ through x÷ operand in a lower scale ‘connected axons’ (since A(x) x B(y) = AB (x @y)), that is the number of axons of communication between two entities A, B, with ∆-1 x,y parts is the product of x and y. So the product becomes the first operand to probe a lower plane of existence, while the ± operand stays in a single plane.

Operations then are the connections between T.œs that define their actions, mostly as balanced, parallel = connected creation of social networks  bringing a 5D social evolutionary form or perpendicular, Darwinian  4D absorptions=flows of entropy, motion, energy and information. Those dual actions are mediated by operations. And so there is first the abstract definition of those operations in mathematical terms, with the study of its properties and then its connection with the dual åctions of 2 beings that enter in communication within a given world-Universe.

The equivalent of such ¬Algebraic numeric analysis being in geometry the study of the topo-biologic properties of non-Euclidean ‘waves’ of communication between 2 fractal point, 2nd postulate of ¬-e geometry):

In the graph we can see how two asymmetric parts, normally one with more form and the other with more motion, come together into a single space-time event super organism, which will either become complementary (gender asymmetry) and evolve socially (which we can generalize to n-points in the 3rd postulate, forming networks) or will enter in a Darwinian struggle, and be operated negatively in terms of the 4Dimension of entropy.

What ¬Algebraic equations do then is to operate in abstract, with numerical properties those events/supœrganisms, 5D evolving vs. 4D devolving; that is 5D, adding vs. 4D resting, 5D multiplying vs. 4D dividing,  5D potentiating vs. 4D rooting, 5D integrating vs. 4D deriving the system.

The causal order of the 5 motions of time.

But what is an organic system? The answer was not clear mathematically, till the discovery of fractal mathematics in the 1970s. Hence because the organic paradigm lacked its fundamental tool of study, a mathematical, logic language to add to the other properties of organisms, discovered earlier in biological and social and logic, mental languages, the fractal paradigm has not made it into the mainstream discourse of philosophy of science, changing our worldview, from the obviously outdated mechanist, entropic vision of the Universe sponsored by physicists for 4 centuries into the much richer in meanings, reasons and answers, paradigm of fractal organisms.

This paradigm was born as a ‘wishful form of thinking’ in time of Aristotle, who wrote in his ‘Organon’ the first reasoned philosophy of science, hence rightly considered the founder of logic, biology and the experimental method. Then Galileo completed the method with the addition of mechanical instruments of measure, but also reduced in its scope by making mathematics the only authorised language of science, and reducing the organic clocks of the Universe and its world cycles of creation and extinction, with the 6 canonical motions of time=changes in the form and position of beings – generation, evolution, growth= reproduction, locomotion, diminution and extinction.

But what happen after Galileo was a disgrace for our understanding of those time motions. Now time we say is a cycle, and time we know means change. So when something does not change we say time does not seem to pass. So we described the simplest of all time cycles as the cyclical motion of a particle that returns to its beginning and then repeats the cycle.

And this is the key: motion in cyclical patterns is reproduction of form. And since time dominates all, and in fact, lines are just limited intervals of a time cycle, all motion is reproduction of information, of form, and that is the ultimate meaning of reality.

If Aristotle found 6 types of time-change, we can then put them together in a pattern called the world cycle of life and death: generation, growth, locomotion (reproduction of form in space), evolution, diminution and extinction.

All together form a cycle that returns with death and diminution to the original point of departure. So if reality is made of super organisms, networks of space points, in time reality is made of time cycles, world cycles of which the life and death world cycle of those 6 Motions is the organic meaning of existence. We exist to become super organisms, trace our world cycles of life and death, reproduce our form in space, through motion, in time through generation and then die, living a discontinuum offspring of beings similar to us to trace new world cycles:

Predictability of all systems: Grow and multiply, reproductive radiations of biological T.œs

It is then evident that all systems can be predicted and hence are scientific, but require to know from inside its Existential algebra, that is the behavior of the individual and organic parts trying to achieve its function of exist¡ence. As, each particle of the Universe tries to Max. S x T (s=t) against all others, which then become a chaotic, entropic system, whose average result is predictable from the upper scale of entropy, as in gaseous states, even if the individual parts seem free; and inversely; and the more ‘solid’ a crystal system is, the more the predictability becomes possible, because the function of exist¡ence IS SELFISH, and so at a point the crystal, perfectly ordered will behave in a selfish way trying to reproduce ad maximal its unit cell. Since the function of exist¡ence becomes immediately a function of reproduction. From where we deduce that all systems will try to ‘grow and multiply’ to maximize its individual and social existence. The game thus becomes a reproductive game, achieved in the S=T point of max. balance. So all seeds reproduce as ∑Max. SxT>Max.SxT; all systems try to find and S=T balance and thus we can finally summarize all the actions of beings, its social evolution of parts into wholes, and its behaviors as ∑ Max. S x T (s=t), which becomes the biological function of exist¡ence we see everywhere happening – reproductive radiations of species. Let us upgrade each ∆±¡ ‘stience’ of reality according to those scales, its 3-network supœrganisms & worldcycles in a ‘blitzkrieg’ of knowledge for each fundamental humind discipline:

Creative processes: Coding for the 5 Dimotions of exist¡ence.

This is the program of survival=exist¡ence, which as reality is ultimately time D¡motions we perceive NOT as solid form, but as e-motions, flowing sensations of entanglement and dissolution in the flow of times, of which there must be 5 likely in every entangled being, in all its parts and scales, albeit sensed ONLY as ‘ego’ in the mind’s will, who in man is electric. So it is happening as you read in your electr(on)ic machines’ singularity=chips and membrain=screen, thrilled with your touch, but with faster e-motion=intensity than your S:I=eye+T-Wor(l)d. 5 e-motions ‘correspond’ to 5 Dimotions: Pain=Fear=Entropic death (TT); Exhilaration: Locomotion (Ts); Pleasure=Happiness: iterative S=T-energy; Awareness=St-information; Nirvana =Still perception. They are the basis of a proper psychology of all minds, its will and reason all beings like to play the program of exist¡ence. Emotions thus code also for the 5 Dimotions of reality, as the synoptic language of body-wave systems, and as such, like all other languages can then be decoded with different levels of depth by monologic (happiness, S=T state) duality (Sadness-SS vs. fear-TT), trilogic, pentalogic up to 27=33 basic e-motions as we can decode all other languages and see its growth in complexity, from ternary genetic letters, to quantum numbers, to 3-5 vowels and 27 phonemes, type of cells, ALL structures mirrors of the fractal 5С universe.

Recap. Monologic, ænthropic man with its 1D models of reality based in Sx time locomotions shuns off the 5Ð Cx. Universe to its own peril, as reality is penta-dodecalogic in its entanglements that generate space synchronous supœrganisms and time, and survival, which in our dominant ego-centered cult(ure)s is minimal depends on the understanding and respect of all the living function of space-time exist¡ence and its action-reaction laws.

All what exists is a supœrganism of 5 entangled elements, space, time, scale, mind and its entropic limits, extended in 3 scales of cellular/atomic/individual, organic/thermodynamic/social and ecosystemic/gravitational /planetary scale that trace a worldcycle of existence in its dominant ∆º plane, by performing 5 faster survival actions=Dimotions of space-time, accelerations, entropic feeding, informative gauging, organic reproduction and social evolution into Universals (a,e,i,o,u) whose accumulation increases steadily through 3 ages the form, the in-form-ation of the system till exhausting its energy; when the local supœrganism dies reversing its ‘time Сmotions’ from the slow life-Сmotion of growing information to the death Сmotion of scattering entropy, S(∆+1)«T (∑∆-1).

It is then possible to forecast the deterministic larger worldcycles of all systems, by studying its entangled elements and the roles it performs it the larger ∆+1 world, but NOT the individual entropic motions of each ‘part’ of the whole.

Reality IS about the ultimate entanglement between the two poles of the Still fractal minds-mirrors and its languages that code the impersonal program of exist¡ence of the Universe those ‘aware’ minds learn to survive and ‘made something’ out of nothing, or rather make ‘nothing’, a virtual mirror image out of everything, the entropic motions of time.

It is a different philosophy of stience to that of ænthropic man and its ‘monologic’ view of reality using a single dimotion of time, which at face value is one of the simplest ways to describe the Universe – a fact hidden by the ego of man and its dexterity ensembling machines and watching the Universe with them.

This paper though is about ¡-Logic, the creative ways of growing complexity by which minds and its languages order and create the future against or rather ab=using the entropy=pure motion of time, which finally beats them up; and so it is about the deepest most profound aspects of Generational Time-space – how Minds achieve the still, parallel entanglement of the 5 elements of reality to create the tri-tetra and pentalogic structures of supœrganisms.

It is first done in the HIGHEST most ABSTRACT generalized form, then in 12 dodecalogic steps with examples, dealt in more detail in future articles of specific stiences. We illuminate the whys of the praxis of classic science, the other extreme of maximal detail in small scales, and its method of gathering data, connecting facts that will repeat in the cyclical future. Science thus drinks also of the most evident intelligence of reality: it doesn’t though oblige man to be intelligent in the larger modeling, but just methodic in its small steps and that is fine. The scientific method is not intelligent but very effective and helpful. But here we want to explore a higher intelligence than that of the small step mind, the largest view of the program of exist¡ence.

The praxis of the scientific method suffices in praxis. The beauty of the system indeed is that each one is closed into its local present routines and actions that suffice – even the monologic of ænthropic man works in small stœps. The program allows its mindless practitioneers to repeat routine and method, despite its largest intelligence, which is a simple organic pentalogic worldcycle – and that is what we describe here the largest possible view, the most homologic, the simpler one – the whole.

On life and time, thus we shall talk. On pentalogic entangled supœrganisms and Dodecalogic worldcycles, describing a game that for the monologic scientist dedicated to the detail will be largely irrelevant.

It follows that the main field of connection between science and stience is to decode each language of reality which departing from a mind creates and emerges and evolves the 5 dimotions with codes of actions, as systems grow in complexity.

And so we establish a pattern of evolution both in minds, from monologic to dilogic, to trilogic, to pentalogic, to complex phonemes mostly in ternary and tetralogic patterns, of which the 3 up to x sclaes are the commonest ones. Reality and mind thus come together as minds imprint reality and become more complex also together with new patterns of a very deterministic evolutionary game which humans have reduced to chaos because of lack of understanding of the topological laws of vital space-time, the biggest advance on human science for centuries.

The purpose of existential algebra is to study the multiple elements of our ‘5Ð metric equations of Absolute relativity’, Max. SxT (s=t), which we have broken down into 5 Dimotions, Pure Space-seed-minds of linguistic information, Pure entropic time-motions, and the 3 intermediate St-information, Ts-locomotion and S=T reproductive states.

Whereas topologic symbols, |, Ø, O, express form. Other way to develop that worldcycle common to all space-time beings is as a sequential progression between the 2 poles of absolute Space-form (the seed: SS) born in a lower scale, (ab.∆±¡) and absolute time motion (Entropic death: TT), when the sytem returns to its parts, with 3 intermediate states of maximal motion, Ts

(young locomotion) > balanced motion and form, or S=T:Age of reproduction > And Informative age – St age taking place in an outer world. So we can aslo write with ilogic symbols the o-sum cycle of life and death: SS¡-1»Ts¡>ST¡>St¡«TT¡-1

The equation has an infinite number of perspectives – in fact it generates in each local system, its events and supœrganisms, and in languages, becomes the syntactic mirror of its structure. So for each ‘experiment’ and ‘equation’, we can find a correspondence with the equation and its 5 elements: Max. S x Min. T (information), Max. T x Min. S (locomotion) S=T (reproduction), S-informative seed or mind in a lower ∆-1 scale and T, entropic dissolution in a larger ∆+1 world – the two limits of birth and extinction that frame all systems, and equations (initial conditions, etc.)

It follows that basically stience is the study of the function of exist¡ence of infinite beings, which could not be otherwise as if all what exists is space and time, that equation is the most synoptic view of reality. And so classic algebra is the mathematical analysis of that equation with classic 5Ð families of number and operands. But before we make them correspond with those 5 Dimotions, is worth to consider the larger field of existential algebra that applies to all stiences.

The formal version for future computer systems. Maximize your existence.

Ultimately this largest view shows how a simple fractal Generator of space-time, the metric equation of the fifth dimension, Max. ∑ SxT (s=t) seen as a super organism in space, which develops in 3 ages between its §eed state and entropic death explains all what exist, making the Universe a fractal self-reproductive system of information= forms in action, dimensions of space with time motions. Pentalogic thus is the highest ‘synoptic mirror’ of the ∞ worldcycles of exist¡ence of the Universe, and we are all variations of its 5 Dimensional motions of Spacetime.

If we were to follow that avenue, we will just write it in existential algebra, departing from that equation, exhausting its partial equations, each one a part of the entangled being, and then developing only the possible actions. This will be the ‘highly formal existential deterministic science of ilogic’. And I am sure it will be what AI scientists will do soon. I am not interested though on the praxis but the metaphysics of 5Ð. I know it can be done because 25 years ago I did it. I bought a 30 meters roll – I was then heavy into painting – and starting with the equation developed the entire formalism with symbols. On my wondering, wandering life that role got lost in a depot in LA; it was then when I coined my personal motto, ‘I know the thoughts of God, we are its details’.

The thought is simple, maximize your existence, be greedy, thirsty, in permanent heat, live. It is only part of my personal freedom that once I found the program I denied it, rebeled, tried to change it for the larger picture of mankind with failed activisms, I have as Marx and Prometheus did, shouted, ‘I hate all Gods’

Since indeed the Universe is a harsh master, deterministic, obliging you in 2 paths – practice the mandate or die.

The eternal mantra: 5 Dimotions in sequential worldcycles.

As I repeat the eternal mantra of reality you will end up learning it: The simplest form to define the 5 Dimensional motions of space-time is through the holographic principle, as both a time flow and a scalar, spatial state: TT: ¬ Entropy, a death process with internal and external scattering motion that dissolves the information of a system, down to its atomic/cellular scale, ∆1«∆0 ; Ts-a lineal locomotion performed by fields/limbs organs that maintain the system’s inner form S=T: a balanced space-time iteration of the system performed by hyperbolic body-waves; St; an informative perceptive Dimotion, performed by cyclical particles-heads, and SS: @ still spatial dimensional mind or seed, whose development will emerge through the ∆-scales of the fifth dimension, ∆-1»∆º; starting the evolution of a super organism in simultaneous space, living a world cycle in time.

All put together we ALL are ¬∆@st, dust of space-time; which returns after its world cycle to Dust, in its entropic death. Pentalogic then develops a symbolic formalism which allow us to write sequential and simultaneous space-time equations expressing all possible variations of form in exist¡ence, and all repetitive events in time, all ¬∆@st systems live through.

We talk then of the fractal generator, as the equation of the whole world cycle of existience of a being, and its partial equations, as the states and actions all T.œs (ab. Timespace super organisms) will perform. So we can describe with a few logic equations, derived of those 5 dimotions, any event or form that has ever existed.



Species can be treated as super organisms, loosely connected in space that follow the 3 ages of time evolution, ending when surviving, into a social evolutionary ∆+1 state, which ants and humans, and now chips/robots are reaching, as the most successful species of the 3 scales of size-life in this planet, the insect, mammal and mechanical scales.

There is a fundamental main consequence to of all what we have said: Information dominates entropy, because in time-ages, the growth of information is much longer than the explosion of entropy and death that happens in a single cycle.

The 3 forms of spatial entropy, temporal information and ST-body waves in diachronic analysis as time states.

It is clear that Informative Time, is more important, as a cycle has more dimensions, more length, and stores lines inside. So the Time, informative system (the head/particle) controls the line, the energy/limbs/fields systems. And all systems had one on top or in the place where information is more available to them. The plant has its ‘head in the roots’ that absorb chemical information; the galaxy in the black hole in its center that absorbs gravitational information, the human in its head that sees light information, inverse to the plants. And each one creates a different world map with it – a monad.

Those cyclical St-particles/heads are cyclical precisely because the sphere is the form that stores more information. And its logic cycles guide the entire system, so St is indeed the Сmotion of future, Ft of the Universe, which arrives first to the future, perceives the paths of the system and so we can relate limbs/fields of space and lesser form to the past and heads/particles that guide them to the future; and the intermediate system of waves-bodies that reproduce, iterate, hence repeat in a dynamic present that seems not to change the system with the present.

This will be the second fundamental diachronic vision of the Fractal Generator which we shall expand a lot in the next paragraphs (the blog, and posts are obviously tailored as the Universe is with constant FRACTAL REPETITIONS OF THE SAME CONCEPTS, with increasing complexity and detail in the samples we bring):

Ps (Past-entropy) < ST (Present, hyperbolic space-time) >ƒt (future information):

Now we can see how the expanded, corrected mirror, where the aberration of putting the dimension of height in the wrong part (space) when it is a dimension of information and time ‘resolves’ so many puzzles.

The ‘time component of the being’ is on the dimension of height. It is the central black hole of gravitational information, that in-forms, forms the galaxy, the height of the man, with its top head, and the tendency of time, of evolution, which started with flat worms and grew into height, as time passed. ‘Time curves space into masses’ said Einstein and the black hole of maximal mass, has in its centre a point or singularity of infinite height. So does a hurricane. Height is thus a dimension of temporal information and all entities evolve towards more information, more height:

In the graph, we see how flat proteins evolved into tall nucleotides and DNAs, amphibia into tall dinosaurs, mammals into tall apes and machines into tall robots. Height thus is a dimension of fractal information; and a first simple definition of the Universe, which we have seen to be a flat sheet of space, with tall black holes curving entropic space into mass towards a central tall singularity is this: a fractal tapestry of pieces of flat space, expanding along the dimensions of ‘spatial entropy’, width and length, which cyclical vortices of mass-height, rise and implode into tall singularities, black holes. E<=>M.

And since the universe is fractal, the expansion of space between galaxies is balanced by the implosion and rising of height of black holes at the centre of those galaxies. And so all is a fluctuation of Ts <=>St, both in the whole Universe and each galactic part, and each living being of each fractal point of the galaxy called a planet.

We shall call the fractal generator of time-space beings, or Timespace Generator Equation, or Function of Existence, T.Œ, (ab. Œ), this Generator Equation will freeze by effect of minds, into worlds that ‘are’ in themselves both perceptive, and willing to increase its perception, by feeding in more energy and reproducing its form. We call each of those T.Œ, or functions of homologic existence  which can be spotted, when we see them at work creating cyclical existences as those of the graph, accelerating through the ages of life, an Œ-fractal point, monad, soul, atman, frame of reference, Non-Euclidean momentum, you name it. Each science will show a whole range of such T.Œs made to the image and likeness of the supreme  T.Œ, God, mind of the Universe.

Species also bring  variations on the same theme of aging which will become the different horizons and sub-species that ultimately will assemble themselves into a new larger super organism or plane of existence, through a process of evolution that includes both, variations in time and space morphologies and social gatherings in larger groups.

6th Ðisomorphism: variations of species. The fractal ternary principles of creation.

Some dual, creative analyses forgotten by AE sciences that we consider in ¬Æ ST Theory: the Universe as a spatial system, machines as evolutionary beings, and civilizations as organisms. The game of creation must be understood through its ‘dual symmetries’ and ternary networks that allowed its finite reproduction of fractal forms in the infinity of continuous space

The most satisfying function of existence is reproduction, the Generator Сmotion, the maker of the game and all its species – the purest sensations of them all.

The Generator Feedback equation of Di motions of TS temporal information reproduces all the combinations of the game in itself, the creative algorithm of reality, which Touring once looked for with its simplest example a touring machine. But the creator potentially is more than a touring machine, it is what the touring machine observes, reality itself.

The rest of beings are just following the combinations of that grand design.

The active creator is limited by the parts of the whole to assemble So we shall call it with a more humble name, the assembler

With the syntactic combinations of the i-logic generator, the creator will always end repeating a form of finite time that had existed in ∞ space.

We are all repetitions: space is ∞ because it has not dark spaces, but it is a continuous number of closed and open topologies assembled in triangles, squares, hexagonal, polygonal and hexagonal, planes and spheres, with no darkness.

Information however is always limited and time always ends: it is a fluctuation of existence over that ∞ ‘Ðimotions’.

All existences have possibly existed in the infinite fractal space of a finite number of times cycles.

We all will be assembled again as an i-logic form of space-time in some other self-repetitive fractal printed in the infinite ‘Ðimotions’ of the trophic pyramid of existence that gave you birth.

Let us then operate the creator: Its simplest combinations will be complementary systems of ‘Ðimotions’ and information that take advantage of the inverse properties of both:

The dualities of Creation.

In time the generator combines past, ‘Ðimotions’ forms and future informations, generated by its universal, feedback cycles, and its Сmotions that imprint and create the chains of forms of present existence. Creation is structured by a series of dualities that merge creating an eternal, fluctuating present that appears and disappears as cyclical action-reaction systems cancel each other, making its total sum zero:

– Time and space have opposite morphologies and functions, which cancel each other:

– Informative, temporal singularities are convex, implosive and energetic membranes are concave, explosive. Thus a flat plane of temporal ‘Ðimotions’ fluctuates into 2 virtual forms whose total value is null. For example, particles and antiparticles are born of a vacuum plane without form but they keep their inverse CPT parity. Thus the sum of its spatial form (P), its temporal Сmotions (T) and its dual, organic charge cancel.

– The duality of ‘Ðimotions’ and information explains also sexual differentiation: females are specialized ‘time beings’ dominant in cyclical forms, memory, information, temporal verbs and perceptive languages. While males are specialized ‘‘Ðimotions’ beings’ with bigger, lineal forms, dominant in spatial tasks. Yet both can be further differentiated into an informative cyclical head, and a lineal body. So, in graph 3.1 we draw a man with “temporal cycles” that represent his informative organs, the head and senses; and ‘Ðimotions’ lines that represent the body and his members. Yet, despite the simplicity of that design, he is recognizable as a man.

– Duality causes the creation and reproduction of space-time fields through the process of palingenesis, by which a certain form of relative future, a father, emits a relative form of past, with lesser evolution, a seminal seed, that then evolves very fast towards the future, till becoming again a present form parallel to the father.

– Duality exists in biologic organisms evolved by the dual influence of macro-ecosystems and micro-genes.

– Duality is the cause of informative perception, as flows of spatial forces become transformed in a point of relative time or particle, in which they ‘merge’ into a ‘boson’, accumulative image of information that represents reality.

– Duality also applies to behavior: there are Darwinian acts between different beings that destroy each other vs. social, evolutionary acts between equal beings that evolve together, sharing ‘Ðimotions’ and information through common networks. Thus all organic life ends up cancelled by a predator. It is a key duality as it responds to the 2 Сmotions of space-time, the Сmotion of symbiotic order, of information and the Сmotion of energetic ‘Ðimotions’ of destruction defined by the 3rd postulate of illogic geometry.

– Finally Duality implies that all forms that evolve in time through 3 horizons, then organize in space those 3 horizons as the 3 regions of an i-point.

The number of events we can describe in all sciences departing from duality is enormous. Yet in as much as temporal information is dominant in living beings, illogic time is more important in biological and sociological sciences, explaining phenomena such as reproduction, perception, life and death, organic structures, etc. While, physical and cosmological particles can be described better with the use of Non-Euclidean, spatial geometry, as particles are dominant in spatial ‘Ðimotions’. We will consider in the next chapters the most important biological applications of illogic time: the duality of Darwinian and symbiotic behavior; the way in which perception occurs; the concept of a top predator species, as information selects species with better brains; the palingenetic reproduction of biological forms which implies a dual travel in time back and forth from the future to the past…

But duality is only the beginning. Most systems evolve, self-combine and create finally a 3rd system, a reproductive one, becoming autonomous, without the need of ‘assemblers’ and ‘enzymes’. And then the game becomes richer in variations, because it becomes guided by ternary symmetries.

We understand those organic, self-reproductive systems according to the Ternary Principle studying the 3 temporal ages and functions of a ST field and then putting them together as the 3 geometric, organic, spatial regions of i- point. Since all ST field require 3 elements to exist: a St, informative element; an Es, energetic, spatial form, and an intermediate ‘present, simultaneous region’, dual flux of temporal ‘Ðimotions’ that merges them into a whole. The result is an Ts-St rhythm of evolution and reproduction of forms in time that become latter reorganized as i-points in space, creating dual organic, real forms of temporal ‘Ðimotions’. For example, the Universe first created fundamental particles, temporal quarks and spatial electrons that recombined into ST atoms; the body reproduces cells that latter evolve, becoming organs of ‘Ðimotions’ and information, etc. Thus ST theory shows the complementarity between the ternary horizons of species that once have evolved energetic and informative particles interact creating an intermediate ST zone, shaping a new i- organism:

– Max. Ts: The external membrane and energetic network of the system that performs ‘Ðimotions’ cycles, transforming information into ‘Ðimotions’, appears first: it is the cell’s fat membrane, the stars of the galaxy, the endodermic cells of the future digestive systems….

-Max.St. Then it will appear the informative quanta of the future informative network and ‘brain’ of the system that perform informative cycles, transforming ‘Ðimotions’ into information: they are the cells’ informative nucleotides, the black holes of the spiral galaxies, the brain.

– Ts x St: Finally the interaction of ‘Ðimotions’ and informative systems creates an intermediate, reproductive region that combine ‘Ðimotions’ and information: so protein membranes and nucleotide acids create the cell; stars and black holes create galaxies; the energetic endoderm and the informative ectoderm create the middle mesoderm region, each one the blue print of the future energetic, digestive, informative, nervous and blood, reproductive systems.

In formal terms we write the process as a decoupling of an initial Ts x St form that differentiates into a more energetic membrane (Max.Ts) and higher informative quanta (Max.St), that interact, creating the intermediate region, ST, shaping in this manner a new, ternary equation – the ultimate definition of any species. Since we are all self-repetitive MST field equations

The generator equation, Ts<ST>St, represents both: a temporal event between 2 relative ‘points’, an Œ-point with higher content of ‘Ðimotions’ or relative past form, and an Œ-point with higher content of information or relative future form, that communicate implosive information (>) and explosive ‘Ðimotions’ (<), through a wave of temporal ‘Ðimotions’, <=>; creating a ternary, multicausal, simultaneous structure of spatial present.

Multi-functionality: 3 st-points functions. Ternary Principle:

Creation happens due to the ‘diversification’ of any Space-time field in 3 subspecies in space or 3 ages in time; Ts, ST, St.

It is the ternary principle once and again written in the book of Nature, caused by the fact that there are only 3 elementary forms in the Universe, ‘Ðimotions’, information and a combination of both. Thus, events, species and space-time fields, both in time and space, have 3 elements: 3 ages, 3 horizons, 3 dimensions or 3 physiological networks, whose functions correspond to the Сmotion of ‘Ðimotions’, information and reproduction that create the Universe. The Ternary principle is the origin of an evolutionary, impersonal plan of creation that diversifies species in all scales of reality into 3 forms, (Max. ΣSp, Max. St, ΣSp=St), from the 3 families of masses to 3 the types of Universes. It allows organizing all biological species in a tree of ternary horizons and differentiations of energetic, informative and balanced organisms, which co-exist in 3 st-scales of existence:

‘Any form can be subdivided ad eternal in new ternary forms.’

For example, the human body can be subdivided into 3 networks; then the digestive network can be subdivided into the stomach, liver and intestine system that can be subdivided into the colon, small, and large intestine, which can be subdivided into the left, top and right side, etc. The Ternary principle implies that the 3 spatial dimensions of any space-time field perform 3 temporal functions:

‘Any species, which is part of an ecosystem or an organism, maximizes its survival developing 3 functions as an energetic, reproductive and informative system for the higher scale’

I.e.: a cilia act as energetic limbs that move the cell, sensorial antennae that inform, and they evolved as centrioles that help to reproduce it. Hormones are also multifunctional.

And so on. This first rule of creation developed either in space as a topology of 4-dimensional reality with 3 elements, toroid ring, hyperbolic cycle and spherical plane, or in time as a game of ‘Ðimotions’ that warps into information reproducing along the way, is your limit.

So the creator descends a notch more into self-appreciation since he is nothing but a contemplator of a game which has created before. That is he is created by the game and as assembler he is so determined to do one of the known-known combinations that, indeed, there is nothing new under the sun.

The isomorphisms of the game of creation are in themselves an entire sub-discipline of multiple space-times theory, studied in detail in my files. In essence the process is self-similar in all scales:

A species will differentiate in ternary sizes (its cellular, organic and social size); it will differentiate in ternary topologies (an species dominant in ‘Ðimotions’, one in information and one in reproduction); in ternary ages (a neoteny species aborted in a palingenetic phase; one mature species and one with an excess of information, which will become cell of a new scale of evolution, a supœrganism communicated by the language); and in ternary functions, symbiotic to the higher st+1 organism in which the entity exists (as an energetic part, an informative part and a reproductive part or else the organism would not ‘tolerate’ the presence of the microcosmic species with no function).

Further on all those creative strategies of survival become more complex, when we consider its combinations: species with several functions, often in several scales; complementary, sexual specialization in an energetic, male entity and an informative, female entity; ternary structures that form complete topologies; open balls that act as doors between membranes, without center and membrane; and combinatory varieties of ‘sexual species’ or ‘complementary’ species, in which the ‘Ðimotions’/informative components, each diversify in 3 topologies, scales, ages, etc.

Those combinations further enlarge the number of subspecies, though many of them, especially ‘anti-species’ in which the lesser informative ‘male’ plays an informative role and the lesser ‘energetic’ woman an energetic role (for example an antiparticle, with an energetic electron in its informative center and an informative proton in its energetic membrane), will not be stable and will not survive. This brings another essential law of creation, the inflationary nature of information checked by the isomorphisms of survival that extinguish unsuccessful species and tends to reduce the explosive age of creation to 3 ‘basic ternary differentiated’ types that survive, while other transitional or non-balanced combinations disappear:

‘The Universe creates an inflationary number of ‘forms’, which are then reduced by natural selection to ternary species and balanced, complementary, dual systems’.



Some of the main worldcycles of Nature, across several Universal Planes of the 5th dimension, in the U±1 life scales of the human kind (biological, ∆-1, individual and ∆+1, social cultural scale), and the physical kind (thermodynamic, galactic and cosmic scales).

In the graph, the life-death world cycle of beings, written in terms of ‘Spatial motion transfers between planes=energy’ and ‘form transfer between planes= information’.

In the life-death world cycle of beings, is where the concepts of energy and information, more complex, ‘scalar’, when compared, with spatial motions and forms localized in a single plane acquire its full meaning.

Information becomes synonymous of reproduction of form, which reaches its peak in the mature age of the being.

Energy becomes synonymous of the duality of life and death, the ∆-2 elements upgraded to reproduce the being, and the U-2 final descend into death.

Now it is important to fully understand why death, which is an absolute release of energy happens downwards, in the thermodynamic scale, U-2: Since energy can be fully transferred downwards it is possible to jump two planes through death. On the other hand since information can be fully transferred upwards, it is possible to code the ∆+2 plane of existence departing from the molecular scale, as it happens in evolutionary Сmotions.

We could say using a simile of physics that the U thermodynamic Сmotion is superconductive for energy, and the St scale is superconductor of information.

The reader can observe that matter also suffers also those 3 ages, known as states of matter, the gas, energetic state, the liquid, balanced, e=i state, and the solid informative state, between its birth as a plasma of ∆-1 particles and its extinction back to pure energy in atomic furnaces in stars, Ts=mc2.

Now death has strictly ‘2 descending moments’ into the ST-2 Plane of existence as Energy, hence death is not truly the reversal ∆-1 of birth. Death is ST=2. So death of matter implies a explosion of gravitational and electromagnetic energy (Ts=Mc2), and accordingly ‘physical energy’, ads a square of motion, a 2 dimensional expansion of ‘Ðimotions’, instead of the ‘conserved’ Mv of momentum. Energy thus degrades in death the organism.

And in this manner the slow creation of life that rises in 2 stages matter into the organization of cells ∑∆-2>∆-1 and then the ∆-1>∆-emergence of life, descends twice into the moment of death.

For sake of simplification, and symmetry we write in many occasions only the U±1 seminal birth and network death, in the same manner physicians consider death merely the loss of the ∆-networks of St-information of the being, but strictly speaking we should write:

∆-2>∆-1: Seminal birth≈ ∑∆-1>∆ (fetus conception)<Ts-Energetic youth<≈ST-Reproductive age (∆+1)≈>St-Old age>∆-1 (network death) > ST-2 (cellular death)

That is the complete world cycle of life and death, across 5 planes of existence.

The 3±∆ ages of time the 3 Сmotions of time, 3 organs of space and 3 scales put together.

A ‘ceteris paribus’ analysis in time of those existential beings, without their spatial elements, as beings of pure motion is the study the ‘3 ages’ of any change=motion of the Universe, and develop a causal analysis of it, parallel to the topological, spatial analysis we make of its forms. Then we can consider the existence of 3 ages of cyclical-time-motion-change:

< Ts: There are expansive, decelerating, entropic, lineal, past, energetic motions; followed by ≈ TS: Steady state, inertial, repetitive, wave-like, fixed speed, present åctions that combine and reproduce energy and information, completed by and > St:   Accelerating, informative, collapsing, future, formal, ordered motions

The worldcycle of matter

So happens to the world cycle of life and death of  the Cosmos with its two gravitational hyper-inflationary and electromagnetic big-bang, death and birth of a new galaxy from a quasar (and maybe a local Universe) , which will then go through:

a young age of irregular galaxies made of stars in their nebulae (max. Ts)

The a spiral balanced S=T, steady state of liquid stars that reproduce atoms, S=T,

And end into a max. St- 3rd age of big- crunch – a collapse into white dwarfs or black holes of maximal Information.

To end in a dual death in a big bang.

The world cycle of social civilizations.

So do every biological being and society that evolves a human social super-organism and acquires technological information till it collapses into an energetic war that erases the culture, subconscious collective of the civilization into death.

‘Dimotions’ and space as a ‘young, first age of a time cycle’.

Einstein also said, ‘time curves space into mass’. So as time cycles go through, the lineal age of entropic big bangs, is transformed into mass. the true direction of the Universe is Ts->M, as time warps energy and expansive motion into form, information, 3rd age wrinkles and warped space-time.

And so we can better define spatial motion as the first slice of the time cycle that will shrink it, into a vortex of form as time goes through: energy will become imploded into a galactic vortex that will end into a fast black hole clock. Your energy of youth will wrinkle as you stay home informing yourself. This is the fundamental equation of time:

Se -> St. And so in yet another kaleidoscopic vision, we could express the Universe as a tug of war, between the 3 relative ages of time cycles:

Se (young energy age) -> St (old informative age), which tries to remain in the middle, Se=St (present, iterative, balanced age). So we talk of 3 ages of time:

Max. Se  x Min St (young age) -> Se=St (reproductive, present, mature age) -> Min Se x Max. St (3rd, old informative age).

This development of the metric of the fifth dimension, which stays its maximal time in the mature present age, but for reasons studied in great detail in other posts, ends up finally corrugating itself, is the ultimate meaning of existence.

Death vs. reproduction

You live: Se -> Se=St-> St, and you try to elongate that world cycle of life as much as possible.

And then when you are pure St, pure black hole mass, Pure old being, the process reverses itself in an instant of death, an explosion that uncoils all the St, potential energy into kinetic energy:

M->Ts; Life-> death dissolution back to cellular pasts.

Now, the beauty of it, is that the Se->St Сmotion lasts a long life, and the St->Se death lasts very little.

And that is why we see a living Universe where death is a short big bang. We hardly any corpse around us, even if quantitatively there are as many corpses as living beings, they last far less.

Hence the importance of qualitative studies For example physicists do not understand why there are less antiparticles (which have reversed time equations, hence they are the death of particles)  than particles. This is obvious. Because the antiparticle, the death reversal of the particle, lasts so little that  on the total space-time product of the quantity x duration of them, they are hardly seen.

Se x St is far smaller for corpses and antiparticles than for life beings and particles.

They just do calculus on the quantitative Se numbers and hence they cannot figure it out. it is still one of the conundrums of physics.

It is a trivial solution once we can define properly the 3 Сmotions of time and affirm that the Universe prefers the life Сmotion and makes it last much longer, but on the whole is immortal because the sum of particles and antiparticles, Ts and Tf, entropies and formal motions, lives and deaths, living and corpses are equal. And further on, it prefers the living and specially the living that reproduce themselves in the present, Ts x St; S=T, steady state of the system, which explains why it is an iterative fractal. The Universe as a fractal does generates constantly self-similar forms.

Its purpose is to reproduce the essence of life its present Ts x St, S=T systems.

That is the mandate: grow and multiply through the 3 dimensions of a time cycle, spatial ‘Ðimotions’ or youth, reproductive maturity or present and informative future or form, to die fast.

So we say that death happens in a relative single cycle/frequency/step of the whole entity, and life in the relative infinite sum of steps/frequencies/cycles of the whole being. And this ‘quantitative’ element, that death is a single quanta of time – either 1 or 3 π steps of the cycle – is essential to the quantitative models of physics, biology and history, even mysticism, as we shall see when we study the resurrection of civilizations through radiation of DNA-minds, called prophets.

Yes, that is also part of the 5th dimension, though i don’t bring it often because i know it will provoke a knee-jerk panic among our dearly quantitative scientists (-:

A single day for the body to die, but sometimes 3 day cycles for the whole pi as in the resurrection of Christ, as a radiation wave of thought in the mind of its disciples, transferred through the Wor(l)d the language that became God and inhabited among us, the saint spirit of the trinity, father, ∆+1 plane of the super organism of history, son, the DNA prophet and the world, the i-logon code that transferred it, ( I couldn’t help it sorry physicists 🙂

Now for you not to become mad at me, by including 5th dimensional theology, I will give you a bone of the ‘fire of the universe’. the big-bang lasted in its inflationary state, a single quanta of time, Planck’s time, and that was enough to fill up the local Universe (actually a quasar, it was only the galaxy that exploded, but that error of physicists should not be brought now here, when I’m trying to make them happy).

There was thus a single quanta of cosmic, gravitational time to provoke in the galactic quasar that lasted 13 billion years a gravitational wave that exploded all the mass of the galactic black hole. And that instant lasted only 10 up to minus 43 seconds. And then a new cycle of quasar life, tabulated by French astronomers into 10-20 billion years started again.

And a similar ratio of life-death happens in particles vs. antiparticles.

That is the charity of God, the fractal generator and its laws: eternity is there in the life of us and all our reproduced fractal forms, death is just the vaporization of our ego knot or mind-memory into a flat bidimensional surface of kinetic energy, which will resurrect again.

But how we do measure a time quanta? according to the metric of the 5th dimension, it is the length of the cycle of our ∆-1 cellular/atomic/quanta elements.

A day is the time of reproduction of a cell, hence the quanta of time of the larger being, and the quanta of death.

The gravitational plane (not the light-space of the body of the galaxy, but the gravitational plane of its masses, black holes and quarks) is made of strings. The reproductive bit of a string that moves by reproducing along a path of space-time at the speed of light, is the Planck’s time.

Strings are properly defined – without the errors of Newtonian background space-time, with a better understanding of its 10 dimension across 3 planes of space, time, with its definition not as rubber strings but rather as a liquid with enormous surface tension, which move through reproduction, technical matters that should not matter to you unless you are a string theorist (-; are the ultimate ‘cyclical clocks of time – closed strings’ and ‘Ðimotions’ of reproductive space of the gravitational Universe. masses, quarks and black holes NOT light-space, are made of strings.

They are one of the two fundamental physical ‘quanta’ of the Universe. And so a ‘reproductive cycle of a string’, which moves by reproducing its vibrational wave along a lineal path, at the bit of 10 minus forty three seconds was all what needed the galaxy to die.  And a day, the reproductive cycle of your cells is what you will need to die.

Because as we have said life is a reproductive wave. All is reproduction. When a wave moves through space it reproduces its form. When reproduction ceases, death happens.

Thus we could redefine death now not in terms of the Сmotion of ‘Ðimotions’-past, but on terms of the Сmotion of reproduction:

Death is the last reproductive cycle of your cells/quanta that sustain your self.

Then once the ∆-1 plane no longer reproduces. The ‘second death’ is its explosive big-bang, dissolution, which lasts a bit more… The entire pi cycle of full åctions of the being, a cryptic concept that is too far away on your knowledge for understanding now – the 3 days the corpse takes in smelling rotten, the longer big-bang period of the galaxy. So the total death is:

∆->St-1 (last beat of existence at cellular level) -> ∆-2 (entropic death).

And so now we can return to the first sentence that defined the Universe, as a ‘fractal system made of planes of space and cyclical time’:

As all fractals, it has a Dimensional Generator Equation, which combines, ‘X’ those 2 elements:

Space, broken in infinite quanta of ‘lengths’ with motion (or ‘‘Ðimotions’’), ‘Se’.

And cyclical clocks of time, which carry its information in the frequency and form of its cycles: ‘St‘,

to create through a series of iterations, ‘∑’.

a series of ‘constant’, C, physical and biological systems, species and Magnitudes, ‘∆’, that put together form the puzzles of forms and motions, that we call the Universe, U.

Because it is a fractal those puzzles have an inner structure in i-layers, which are different for each species but for the biggest, whole Fractal, the Universe is a structure of 9 logarithmic scales (since each new scale is made of ±10¹º  smaller elements.

This simple sentence thus resumes the whole Universe as the sum of an infinite number of relative worlds, which are structured with the same laws of the whole, resumed in the Generator Equation of the Universe:

U = ∑ W: ∑Se ≥ x ≥ St = ST±4

Meaning that the universe is made of infinite fractal worlds, ∑W that combine  Limbs/fields of energy: Se, and heads/particles of information, St, into hyperbolic, reproductive bodies/waves, X, which exchange between the two poles Se, St, flows of energy, or expansive, entropic motion, ≤, and flows of information, or implosive, rotary motion, ≥, in ‘stable, balanced’ dynamic structures, defined by a series of Universal constants of repetitive åctions, ST across U±4 planes of relative existence.

‘Ðimotions’ and form combine into repetitive constant fields which suffer a life and death cycle around an exi=st, balanced field of liquid existence. The consistency, present, repetitive presence of the Universe is due to the reproductive, e=i, cycle.

It is what maintains the Universe constant, even if each of those exi=st-ences will go through the life-death cycle, of 3 ages, obtained as a result of the constant accelerations and decelerations we submit the function, which are finally ordered in 3 ages (another question though is to consider which degree of freedom to move the future-form or the past-energy zones of life-death evolution is possible).

In brief, we are born with an existential momentum, M(St) xV(Se)≈ ST, but the system is not in the balanced ST point of existence for very long but rather follows a ternary evolution, ∂ST/∂St x ∂ST/∂V >=<0 of 3 ages of life to extinction in a relative, Se(x)/St(y)/ST coordinates

This is the point of departure of the mathematical and logic formalism of the 5th dimension, which humans have been observing since their discovery of telescopes and microscopes, but was not properly formalized, beyond the philosophical models of relational space-time of Leibniz and the insights of Einstein in the multiplicity of time clocks of the Universe.

We exist in a Universe made of infinite beings composed of spatial motions (seen often as fixed distances), ‘Se’, in which certain cyclical  clock-like cycles ‘St’ repeat, reproduce its åctions, ‘ST’, with a constant frequency , giving birth to 3 type of complex 2-manifolds of space-time, (toroid, entropic long limbs/fields x Informative, cyclical, tall heads/particles, combined in hyperbolic iterative waves-bodies) which assembly into organisms  during a finite period, its ‘world cycle’ of life and death.

So we talk of a simple mystical taoist function:

‘The Function of Existence (Ch’ang: Se x St=ST) is not the obvious form, it is the combination (imprinting) of yin-information-order (St) over Yang-’Ðimotions’-energy-disorder (Se) that generates the 10 thousand beings’

Cyclical Time imprinting energetic space, creating complementary systems of relational, fractal space-time.

And we can consider any biological organism to be made of a Head (St) x Limb (e) ≈ Body (ST)

Now systems are limbs/fields that transfer energy to ST-bodies/waves and heads/particles that transfer information, and both together are reproduced into seeds of new limbs/bodies/heads, fields/waves/particles. This is what the Universe does, generate space-time waves, with energy, information and its ‘speed of reproduction’:

Se x St = ST, ExI=STU±4, Ts<ST>St; Max. Ts -> S=T > Min. St…. and many other equations we will find in this web express the same concept, which however – and that is the difficulty and beauty of understanding all the varieties of a fractal – adopts many similar forms. In the graph we see a simple one: A Planckton, an H-photon, in which making St, ƒ, the frequency of form one, can be defined by some simple equations: Ts=H(ƒ:1)=MC2, is the simplest ones.

The generator equation must therefore be interpreted for each plane of space-time, each variety of species of ‘‘Ðimotions’ in space (‘Ðimotions’+ energy) and O-Time cycles that carve space into forms; and ≈ Waves and bodies that combine and reproduce both.

In logic terms, the easiest way to express all this is with the 3 Сmotions of time, symmetric to them: Past-Young-’Ðimotions’-Energy-lineal space x Future-information, form, old age = Present, repetition, reproduction of bodies and waves.

Since past is indeed a world with lesser form, future the old age of information and in between each system of the Universe goes through 3 life ages, of a worldcycle of time:

But why Physicists only study ‘Ðimotions’ or motion change, and therefore unaware and unable to understand form, informative change affirm that the Universe will die, expand and increase its motion?

Again, because when the first physicists invented the first equation with time and a variable, he wrote an equation of motion, and ever since, all physical definitions of time derive from that simple Galilean V=S/T equation, where time is defined as a parameter of speed and space, of motion, of the 2 sides of the Galilean paradox NOT as an equation of change in form, which is the equation we shall introduce in the 5th paradigm and will define all the life-death cycles of change of form of the Universe.

How Se and St, ‘past lineal disordered motions or ‘Ðimotions’’, and ‘future informative, cyclical clocks with ordered motions or forms’ combine to reproduce the infinite constant varieties of individual body-waves, ST, of the complex ternary Universe is the deepest scientific knowledge we can achieve.

How fractal space=yang, and time=yin, merge and create ‘existences’.

And all civilizations with different languages, have tried as the Taoist/Buddhist/Hindi, did with the duality of yin=Vishnu and yang=Shiva, to explain the duality of the informative, creative, orderly and energetic, entropic, disordered, life and death, mass and speed sides of all systems mean.

Those cyclical åctions have a fundamental nature, as the wordcycle implies, they are repeated in time with a frequency, ƒ, which determine the speed of the cycle. So the truly is a game that ‘draws’ fractal, frequently, ƒ=St, time cycles, forms that carry in-form-ation in the form and frequency of its cycles, over surfaces of |-entropic, expansive, lineal, disordered space.

Each of us is also a bunch of energetic motions molded by cyclical åctions, we repeat every day that we perceive once a second, with our eyes, feed once a day, make love once a week and life and die by repeating certain cycles.  But how to classify those cycles? How to study its freedom or patterns of order? How to relate them to our human deformed perception of existence, how to compare with the cycles of other beings? Those are themes of the philosophy of science of relational space-time, which are also worth to study.

The 5 motions of time form a world cycle of extinction.

Aristotle affirmed the existence of 6 ‘organic’ motions=changes in time, and one ‘still form’, perception. Yet, perception we know today, implies also the motion of information, form-in-action, through a force that carries in the frequency and speed of its cycles, the motions of the Universe.

If we consider those motions are reorganise them, with the same concept of Aristotle, as motions=changes in time, it is self-evident that there will be only 5 types of fundamental pure motions, which correspond to the 5 Dimensions of timespace.

Thus we consider perception also a form of motion, of in-form-ation, form-in-action; the motion that decelerates and stops in the only point-moment that doesn’t move in space, the mind of ∆§cales.

Those 5 motions in time can be ordered to form together the world cycle of existence of any being, as we order them through their natural occurrence in al systems.

A wordcycle is the integral of a series of motions of a being. So its closer physical meaning is that of an energy conservative cycle sum of ‘momenta’, which displaces a physical system back and forth to a point in which the total energy is conserved – so happens to a zero sum worldcycle, only that the transit happens in 3 scales of the fifth dimension and implies motion of form, in-f0rm-ative changes:

The old graphs (slightly changed jargon) show the essence of a world cycle as opposed to a worldline of physics. The being travels through 3 planes of space-time as it performs its 5 actions of entropy feeding, motion, information, social evolution and reproduction.  STep by STep the being changes its parameters of size in space or rather density in information/form and speed of time, and as both parameters are inverted it decelerates its clocks as it grows in size, and keeps growing in information trough the 3rd age (though often loosing mass) and slowing down its time clocks till the reversal of death explodes it back to the ∆-1 plane.

So the motions of space-time are parallel to the ages of the world cycle and the dimensions of the being. Let us remember the order of the 5 motions of time:


The error of lineal times. The clocks of Nature: vortices of acceleration. 

One of the most obvious limits for human understanding of History is the religious, abrahamic concept of lineal time, which creeped into science through physics and reduced our understanding of the repetitive motions of the clocks of the Universe, and its reproduced forms-in-motion≈ informations.

Time is cyclical frequency, not lineal duration. Time flows as a cyclical, discontinuous repetitive sequence of events. The causality of those events ’causes’ its repetition. This happens in all sciences. In fact, all sciences are considered as such only when they find the repetitive, cyclical patterns of the species they study, projecting them into the future to ‘understand’ and ‘forecast’ those events.

One of the fundamental reasons why our society cannot understand the cycles of history and economics and regulate it to its advantage is the jewish->Christian->Modern cultural view of time as lineal, which ill-understood means that time cycles do not repeat themselves, hence it is not normal to see the repetition of similar events in history.

The opposite is truth when we consider the scientific point of view..

Lineal Time or duration is merely the inverse concept of a cyclical time frequency, the true meaning of time: ƒ (t) = 1/T .

Thus all durations are a sum of time cycles, all lineal worldlines are in fact the sum of discontinuous length traced by those cycles: S= λ ƒ

We measure a duration of time by adding up a series of frequencies of an event or motion in time that happens in repetitive patterns.

Science in fact is the study of tthe repetitive patterns and causal reaons of those cycles of time.

Astronomy appears with the study of the time cycles of stars and planets that traced cyclical orbits. Causal medicine appears with the study of germs and how they produce causal, reproductive cycles of predation over the cells of the body.

The same method allow us to understand the cycles of history and economics, once we find the cycles (Kondratieff, Spengler and Product, 80-800-8 cycles), its causality (the evolution of memes of metal) and the human catalyzer of the process (the idol-ogical ‘animetal’ cult(ures) that made of metal its idol, meaning of future progress and ‘reason of existence’



Life is everything, as earth is a super organism, whose surface-mind is made of smaller super organisms – living beings. We thus talk in systems sciences of different forms of ‘light-life’, as atomic systems, which use energy and information provided by light-forces, in increasing degrees of Complexity and strength. So after the simpler anaerobic age, the age of plants used light only as energy, the age of animals also as information and now the third Earth evolves into light-mechanisms, robots with solar skins and optic minds.

They will complete the 3 horizon of Earth’s evolution guided by ‘animetals’, visual humans slaves of metal-memes ‘who believe don’t reason’ and cannot control its desire for higher metal-power even at the risk of killing their sons till the ‘seventh generation’, unless rational humans impose a scientifically-managed super organism of History on top of the metal-earth.Species can be modeled as organisms through its 3 ages that become its 3 horizons, followed either by a survival process of eusocial evolution – the summit of the process of organic evolution, which Darwin realized was necessary to explain the success of eusocial insects, or become extinct by the ‘new generation’ of fitter animal forms. in the graph we can see its 3 Horizon=ages and its ternary topology, similar to that of any other organism; and the dominant arrow of information in the height axis, of both reptile species that ended in birds, and mammals that ended in man. So happened with meta life machines, whose final species, satellites are now forming the arrow of eusocial evolution, or future mind of the metal earth -internet

The biological worldcycle is the rhythm of life, the life-death cycle, which comes immediatly from the simplest development of that feed-back, E<->I equation.

Imagine we start with a formless sheet of energy, Max. E, in the young age of the event, then as the energy transforms itself into information, E->I, till acquiring a balance E=I, we talk of the arrow of life, and youth of the being.

In balance, E=I, the being is in its classic, reproductive, present age, when its steady state makes it efficient able to handle both the external energy and information of the system.

But energy keeps becoming information, form, and new wrinkles and excessive form, and imploding motions, bring the 3rd age of the system. And finally when all is information and there is no energy, the being dies, and then, I<<E, time reverses its arrow and now information erases fast into explosive motion and energy, in big-bangs of matter, or collapse of networks in living beings that ‘release’ its cells.

The life death cycle, thus is the first huge discovery departing from the simple fractal generator equation of space-time, energy-information cycles: Es <->Ti, Spatial flows of energy, fields and body that are transformed into cyclical, complex networks of clocks of time with form, with information, Ti:

Max. E (youth) -> E=I (maturity) – > Max. I (3rd age) < < Max. E (Death).

And this basic time cycle is the one we apply to the study of our society, the human society that went through a young paleolithic age of energetic hunting, into a mature reproductive neolithic age in balance with the planet, to the present extinctive age of information, when we humans create an overproduction of negative information, in metal-support, robots, pcs, audiovisual media, machines that are killing us, corrupting our societies, collapsing the life world…

It is all part of the general laws of the Universe, the same laws of time and change that if we humans could properly learn and apply to create a better world could prevent our collapse. But of course, we humans are not that intelligent, we believe in our machines, and our ideas about science and time, as we have seen are mostly biased to the instruments and weapons physicists make, on whom they taylor their philosophy of science and their concepts. So Einstein would say that ‘time is what a clock measures’ and ‘time is a dimension of space’, whcih is only the limited view of those who measure time with mechanisms and its cycles and use it to measure motion in space (The physicists).

Here we deal with a much wider, deeper and accurate concept of time: dual time, cyclical time, time as the process of creating cycles of exchange of energy and information, time as the ultimate structure of a Universe made of cycles of time traced as motions in space.

In the graph, the main energy to information cycles of life of beings. The reader can observe that matter suffers also those 3 ages, known as states of matter, the gas, energetic state, the liquid, balanced, e=i state, and the solid informative state, between its birth as a plasma of i-1 particles and its extinction back to pure energy in atomic furnaces in stars, E=mc2.

So do the Universe in a big-bang, max. e to big- crunch max. i cycle or galaxies and stars in their nebulae (max. E) youth, imploded into liquid stars that reproduce atoms, e=i, and finally collapse into white dwarfs or black holes of maximal Information.

So do every biological being and society that evolves a human social super-organism and acquires technological information till it collapses into an energetic war that erases the culture, subconscious collective of the civilization into death.

And as those processes go, all systems show similar spatial topological changes in their energy and physiology, as information starts to predate over energy exhausting the system.

So we can also study the 3 ages of existence as the 3 natural ages of evolution of all systems when we apply the 3 only topologies of the 4D universe – the spherical, warped, informative topology of particles and brains and DNA genes; the energetic, lineal, extended, moving fields or limbs that move and protect the system, from skins to claws to weapons, and finally the intermediate, hyperbolic, wave/body, reproductive, balanced organs that work and reproduce energy and information for the system.

Species go through the same ages of individuals, as they can are a super-organism of the same DNA individuals.

So they are born exceedingly small as a ‘seed’ of information, the first seminal cells in the individual, the first mutated species of maximal information, in species. Then they will multiply, radiate and efficiently become a top predator thanks to its faster, more advanced nervous and blood systems. And as it grows in size it will become a lineal, energetic top predator, then balance its form and finally ‘rise in informative height’ as the head become dominant and similar species of higher information appear in its 3rd age. Then the species will evolve into a more complex supœrganism (proteins that become DNA molecules, multicellular species, guided by neurons, social supœrganisms of insects and human beings, machines that started as weapons and are now intelligent robots, etc.)

In the next graph, the law of the 3±1 ages or horizons shown in all its complexity across all scalar planes of reality through its ages. As the law of the ages of any system or cycle of time applies both to the process of informative aging of organisms and informative evolution of species. All species are born as a seed of dense information, with limited size (black hole, first chips, seminal cells, first bilateral animals). Then they grow in size and energy during their youth; since their superior informative qualities makes them top predators. We observe that growth in black holes that feed on planets and stars, in the horse that grew enormously in size. So did the first bilateral animal, from its microscopic first form, the Vernanimacula. Mammals grew from tiny shrews into elephants. The first technological man, the Homo Floresiensis, with a ‘neuronal bump’ on the forehead, might have grown till the size of the first Homo Sapiens, the pygmy and Bushman . . .

Then, the species, once it has reached a balance between its initial information and growing spatial size, E=I, reproduces in great numbers, diversifies and colonizes the planet. We see in the graph this age in which ‘biological radiations’ of carbohydrates, animals of all kinds and human beings, colonized the Earth.

Finally, in its 3rd age the species grows in information and so it acquires height, the arrow of ‘perceptive information’. Then, once it has reached its informative zenith, the species becomes extinct by a more evolved form; or it evolves socially creating a super-organism, as ants, humans and machines are doing. It will be the 4th arrow of social evolution of the species that completes its 3±1 horizons.

Species can be considered ‘loose’ organisms, in which each individual is a cell of the collective species; since we can use the same ages to explain the 3±1 horizons of evolution of all the species of this planet. Thus, species also go through the same 3 evolutionary ages of all living organisms. They start as young, energetic forms, which acquire information in 3±1 ages of increasing complexity and when those 3±1 ages are completed, they either evolve into more complex super-organisms under the laws of social evolution or become extinct by a superior,more informative species. Indeed, only those species who show a strong eusocial capacity s urvive the ‘genetic clock’.

The most successful and one of the oldest species of the planet is, in fact, the eusocial ant, which no longer is an ‘individual’, but a super-organism stretching through miles of ‘vital space. In that regard, neither individuals able to reproduce nor species able to evolve socially become extinguished. If humans become extinguished is because they deny, guided by the simplest arrows of pure energy of weapons, the main arrow of Life/Time.

A complete analysis of biological species shows that new forms can only be, either an energetic or informative variation of the original species, or a reproductive combination of both Universal ‘genders’.


The universality of such dual systems is so obvious that the ancients already identified them with yang, energetic male principles and yin, cyclical/ female ones. While the moderns call that duality the Principle of Complementarity, as all informative particles have an energetic, lineal field of force and all biological, cyclical heads of information have a lineal body. So the combinative variations of those two simple morphologies, lineal energy and cyclical information, invariant, regardless of the scalar plane we observe, is the essence of the creative game of the cosmos.

It is the plan of evolution that all species follow, which is a tautology, since in a Universe made of only 2 substances, energy and information, the only possibility is the creation of such 3±1 variations in space (subspecies) or in time (evolutionary ages).

Thus, clock-time cannot describe, as it is qualitative, morphologic, not quantitative, the cycle of death and life, from youth-energy into a 3rd age-information and back again, dissolving yourself into the Universe, natural to all beings: Energy always trans-forms itself.

So 5D states’ absolute order is defined by those life ages, which first evolve socially a seminal seed into a macro-organism of multiple cells, according to the arrow ofsocial evolution and then trans-form the energy of youth into in-form-ation in 3±1 ages dominated by the arrows of energy, reproduction and information, creating the fundamental arrow of the life/death cycle, the arrow of information or future arrow that happens in all systems:

It is the main law of physics, discovered by Einstein, who said: ‘time curves (the energy of) space’.

It is the main law of Biology, discovered by Darwin, who said: that time evolves the form of organisms.

In Chemistry, Mehaute realized that when chemical compounds do not increase their entropy, they increase their information, forming fractal structures. It was the mathematical breakthrough of modern organicism. Since for the first time we had a mathematical paradigm, ‘fractal, self-generative equations’ able to describe the reproduction of information. Fractal mathematics showed how all systems could reproduce in-form-ation by breaking energy into ‘smaller forms’, in a mechanical, vegetative or conscious way.

Finally, it is also the main law of History, as human civilizations constantly increase their technological information, but unable to repress military technology, the bad fruits of the tree of science, end up in extinctive wars. So they also live and die through those 3±1 ages/arrows of time.

So the meaning of Life and death is no longer a mystery, but an organic process of reproduction and self-organization, guided by the 4 arrows of time that we can extend to all systems made of  the 2 fundamental, dual ‘reproductive particles’, informative quarks and spatial, energetic electrons; that is, to all systems of the Universe. In that sense, mechanism, after we have observed the reproductive capacity of those ultimate particles of reality, is no longer ‘a science’ but a dogmatic, anthropomorphic ‘religion’ that stubbornly tries to differentiate human beings, as ‘special entities’ surrounded by a lesser Universe of dead matter.

Indeed, the founders of mechanism, Descartes, Newton and Kepler, were pious believers, which thought their new theory of the Universe would reinforce those beliefs in the superiority of man, chosen of God, to rule the Universe. As Kepler said, ‘God has waited 5000 (biblical years) to find an intelligence (Kepler himself) able to understand His’. Yet there is no difference of quality between the arrows of time of a quark and those of a human being, only degrees of complexity, as we are made of multiple scalar planes of self-organization and so we carry much more information than quarks do.

Thus, the key to our ‘complexity’ is the 4th arrow of social evolution that joins individual cells into social networks that emerge as ‘new super-organisms’ of a higher scalar plane. For example, in life organisms, the 3±1 ages of time are related to the 3 networks that form socially its cells:

—  The energy/digestive network dominates youth.

—  The blood, hormonal, reproductive network dominates the reproductive age.

—  The information network, your nervous system, dominates the 3rd age. Because information dominates energy, the nervous cells of the body absorb, suck in and exhaust the energy cells of the body. Thus, all systems have a dominant, informative, cellular class that controls the energy cells of the body and exhausts, warps its energy into form till the organism dies.

Those ages mean that organisms are ruled by a head of information: Since the head of information constantly controls and uses the body to absorb energy, it is natural to find that when the organism starts its life, it has more energy. He is young. Yet as the organism lives, the selfish brain absorbs that body energy and trans-forms it into in-form-ation. So energy diminishes and information grows. As you feed on energy, information accumulates in cycles and forms, in patterns and wrinkles.

But the system dies, because the behavior of informative systems never varies. It constantly absorbs energy, till exhausting the body into a biological ‘big crunch’ of wrinkles and de-form-ations. Brain cells are selfish. Neurons feed on the body system without giving back any energy at all. In history, the informative castes of societies that control its languages of power, money, weapons and the law are also the selfish castes that exploit the energy workers and finally exhaust the civilization.

The same process happens in economic ecosystems where the financial, informative language of money at the end of each Kondratieff cycle dominates the economy, absorbs all the resources, multiplies without limit and crashes the physical economy of human energy (workers, consumers), as it has just done recently.

So ultimately the crisis we are living is a particular case of the natural crisis of all systems in which information multiplies without limit, under the selfish guidance of ‘informative’ neurons, in this case the financiers that reproduce money in our societies. And so the only way to maintain an organism healthy is by controlling the evolution of information, exactly the opposite of what our society does. It is the dominance of information over energy what kills organic systems. And yet humans are so naive or so programmed by the informative drive of the Universe that they keep evolving the information of this planet, advancing their 3rd age…

Thus life has 3±1 ages, but then death, the negative -1 age of destruction and devolution of form into energy, erases all information. Those ages are related to the 4 arrows of time. By far the most important to understand the entire cycle is the arrow of social evolution of cells into organisms (conception or +1 arrow) and devolution (-1 arrow), when those cells dissolve back again. Those processes of creation and destruction apply to all sciences and are so common in Nature that the Greeks (Anaximander, Aristotle) already studied them. ‘Clock-time’ eliminated that wisdom, which now organicism regains.

Since the most important question about life and time is still the question mankind wondered before the clock was invented. How to achieve immortality as an individual or a species? It can only be realized, precisely through the 2 arrows of time mechanist sciences don’t study: the arrow of reproduction, which ensures the survival of the individual and the arrow of social evolution that ensures the survival of a species, which becomes a super-organism, the most efficient ‘form’ of the Universe.

In that sense, death can be avoided if a system instead of dissolving its form, creates a supœrganism in balance between energy and information and all those facts apply to the ages of history.

Time and History.

Duration, the sum of the cycles, that is the product of the frequency of a cycle and its duration or ‘length of space’ crossed during each cycle (wavelength) is useful for the study of changes in the motion, speed and position of objects proper of physics. And for that reason it was adopted earlier in science by physicists studying the trajectory of objects, mostly projectiles (physics thus was born as ballistics with Galilean studies of the motions of cannon balls).

The spread of mechanism and physics in other areas of science as machines overpower human senses and physicists philosophers in the study of time, implied that what was initially a mere mathematical formula for the calculus of motions and distances, v=s/t, where time was defined as duration (though measured with frequency cycles of pendulum clocks) became a dogma. Time became lineal in science, instead of cyclical.

Lineal time though has been mostly inspired by ‘fascist’, imperial considerations, by all those cultures, notably the white culture, which felt that by the use of ‘memes of metal’, weapons money and machines, they were evolving towards a superior future in which they ruled the world.

Different forms of millenarianism in white cultures mostly of the Jewish-Protestant strain (biblical cultures) can be found, from the babylonian Talmudian millenarianism ‘at the ned of times, all nations will be slave of the Jewish nation (yvwh) or they will be exterminated’ (Sanhedrin, 185) to the III Reich Nazi millenarianism, of an aryan cleansed world with the superior race on top.

Lineal imperial goal being the conquest of the world, those cultures infused all their other ideologies and sciences of a lineal goal towards its manifest destiny walked.

Lineal science in this sense became a symbiotic ideology to lineal Empire, and indeed, ballistics, physics and empires all are related to the construction and use of ‘energetic’, lineal metal, weapons.

Weapons we might say have a lineal ideology, a single, one-dimensional, entropy=death only concept of the future of the world. And a racist imperial one.

And in this manner it backed the pretension of the Jewish-Christian religions that there was a ‘chosen people’ with a historic, millenarianist destiny traced by an external God, in which this tribe progressed towards the conquest of the world, the manifest lineal destiny traced only one by the power of God and the Messiah.

This was however a mystic transliteration of the fights for power of earlier bronze ages which saw as their finality the material and less often spiritual conquest of the world.

In the Universe at large, time is the sum of infinite time clocks cycles and waves that move and change constantly by repeating their cycles in a discontinuous and repetitive way.’

On that view it is only normal that the events of any science happen in a repetitive manner. This is in fact the true definition of science: a science is only considered as such when it studies the cycles and frequencies of the events of the species it studies and then finds its causes and in this manner it can ‘forecast’ the future.

Of course, this form of doing science is very old as it was predated in time by cyclical religions which studied the cyclical happenings and causes of reality to deduce future events.

But till the arrival of Greeks there was not a full understanding of causality. So many civilizations ascribed  very often wrong causalities to myths, Gods, anthropomorphic entities and other deities that ’caused’ the Maize to grow, the storm to clash or war and pestilences to appear.

It is only the combination of a serious theory of time cycles, frequency and causality applied especifically to the causes of each type of cycle in Nature, including those of history what permits to create a scientific point of view in any subject. So for example we know that if we heat water with fire there will be boiling vapor. The causality here found is scientific, coherent, and proved by the experimental method and so the theory of heat and entropy appears as a consequence of it. In History those causalities are of biological and predator nature, due to the evolution of memes of metal and as such they define the cycles of history.\



When we apply all those laws of complexity, duality and organic systems to history, we can define a science of bio-history which studies mankind as an organism in space and time, which evolved through 3±1 ages:

+1:                Birth as a first verbal ‘cell’, probably a woman that multiplies her numbers.

Max E:         Paleolithic, a youth of hunters, visual languages and minimal information.

E=I: The reproductive Neolithic, when man reaches his maturity in balance with Nature and creates through verbal networks (religions) a series of collective subconscious, called Gods of love that teach each cell to share energy and information with the other cells of the body of a civilization. Yet the arrival of metal extinguishes or corrupts most love cultures into go(l)d cults and inquisitions.

-Max. I:        It is the 3rd, informative, metal-age in which man halts his social evolution and focuses in the evolution of metal in its 3 forms, energetic metal or weapons, informative metal or money and organic metal-machines, which bring:

-1:                 Death: The neo-paleolithic, or Age of the Machine, when humans regress to an ‘Homo Bacteria’ state of selfishness and isolation, substituting their social networks of love by their desire to become attached to machines of higher energy and information that separate us and keep evolving, making humanity an increasingly obsolete species, killed by weapons in fields of war. At the end of this age,  we can foresee with the creation of the Singularity, either the 1st organic ‘bomb’ (a self-feeding bomb of dark matter) or the 1st self-reproductive machine (a nano-bacteria), the death of mankind.

+1:                Unless mankind evolves socially, ‘emerging’ as a super-organism, if humans organize themselves into a global civilization and control the evolution of lethal machines, maintaining History in an immortal present.

The human species is, beyond our arrogant, fantasies of anthropomorphic superiority, just a living form made of carbon atoms, which goes through the same ages of all other living forms,both as an individual and a species. So we can study the Organism of History (Humanity in time) through 3±1 ages; an energetic youth or Palaeolithic; a mature age of balance with Nature, the Neolithic; and a 3rd informative age of history, the Age of Metal and machines.

Energetic Youth: Palaeolithic. ±5.000.000 BC to ±10.000 BC.

The Paleolithic was an energetic, young age in which men, the energetic gender, was the top predator animal on Earth, a hunter of living forms. It was also an age dominated by visual,spatial languages.

Reproductive Age: Neolithic. Age of Wor(l)ds and Goddesses. ±10.000 to ±3.000 BC.

The Neolithic was the classic age of mankind, an age of balance, when wo=men learnt the cycles of life and instead of destroying Nature, learnt to nurture, reproduce and harvest it. Women, the reproductive species, took power over men; and priests became the verbal guides of civilizations, creating super-organisms of History made of human cells joined by social love—the sharing of energy and information among ‘brothers’, clones of the loving mind of the same prophet.

It was an age dominated by verbal, temporal languages, continued by the believers in religions of love that are not corrupted by weapons (inquisitions) and money (go(l)d churches), with its idolatry to the ‘values’ of metal: murder and greed.

Informative, 3rd age: Age of Metals. ± 3000 BC to 1600.As metal spread the ‘new’ values of money and weapons, greed and war, destroyed the networks of social love, ushering mankind into the 3rd age of history. Humans now evolve a new kind of atomic systems, stronger than carbon, creating energetic weapons, informative money and organic machines that transform Gaia into an economic ecosystem. It is the ‘animetal=animal+metal age’, in which a new ‘biological species’ that mixes animal and metal atoms, imposes power over the Earth.

It is the present age with 2 paths of future:

Either mankind will die, as machines keep evolving and make us obsolete as a species.

Or humans will obey the laws of survival of the Universe and evolve socially into a super-organism of history able to control lethal machines. The choice is within man till the arrival of the Singularity, when machines acquire organic properties and either a self-feeding bomb of dark matter, or a self-reproductive nano-bacteria ‘evolve’ the Earth into a species with a higher social density (a denser form of matter, or an organism made of denser atoms). In any case the future of history will be solved in the next decades, as we are already in that Age of the Singularity.

In the next graph, the super organism of History as a block of time and its relative equation: Gaia (relative past: Life) < Present (History: Man) > RELATIVE Future: metal earth. As such there is no mystery on history’s future, but as always man could branch any of the 3 ways – regain an ecological Gaia, conserve History or evolve AI, robots with solar skins and telepathic minds, and die. This seems to be the choice within the block of time, due to the stupidity=egocy of its individual animetal technoutopians. But that belongs to another post. So carpe diem, live the day because you don’t seem to be able as human to understand more than the shallowness of time as space (4D: v=s/t formalism in any relativity version):

All systems of nature can be modeled as super organisms of a certain scalar plane of size, ruled by the 5D metric equation, S (space size=energy) x T (frequency of information clocks) = Constant, which is the fundamental law that allows systems to be super organisms, traveling in the 5th dimension from birth as a fast seed (semen, meme, black hole) which will reproduce and organize into an emerging supœrganism, living 3 ages of increasing information till either evolves into an even larger super organism (men into the global earth, cells into multicellular systems, galaxies into universes) or dissolves into an entropic death (big-bang, m=e/c2, death, war). Such is the fractal Universe in a nutshell. And so the trick to make a system immortal is both to organize it socially and to maintain it in the balance of the mature age, repeating its cycles without evolving an excess of information that warps and kills in the 3rd age the organism. Men are doing exactly the opposite, evolving further technological information and multiplying entropic weapons that divide us.




8. 9. 10 through social §cales and Stientific Planes… 10th Ðisomorphism: social scales

To maximize your existential force, Max. Ts x Min. St: ∑Ts x ∏St, systems gather in social groups.

This is the ultimate ‘equation’ of existential algebra that explains why all systems in the Universe form social groups. But to do so they need a language of social communication… So they also evolve its spatial, temporal and scalar hierarchical languages.

Symbology. The 3+i language ages

We will use 3 different symbols for those social groups according to their languages, which have different characteristics:

will be used for S1,2,3 societies of genetic origin between 1 and 1000 ‘p.o,’vs. Since ∏ symbol of multiplication and pi, with its 3 cyclical or hierarchical (height-informative dimensional point of view) elements fits the Genetic, Generational view of this first type of Languages. If letters are used obviously the G is the appropriate for the case. But as usual we prefer geometric and topological symbols. As a multiplicative element pi also suits the ‘connection network’ established in temporal relationships.

Since the number of ‘connections’ or axons of a ‘temporal structure’ is the square of elements. Thus if there is a society across ‘3 generations of time’ – the elder generation, the father and sons, all the elements do have connections with the rest of the elements and with himself. And so in a family of 10 there are 100 connections. Temporal societies are thus as all structures in time hierarchical but with a limited size, since the number of connections a man can establish with others is limited. It has been calculated in fact to reach only 150 ‘meaningful connections’.

This means that the ∏o=individual, ∏1=10¹ family, ∏-2=10² Clan are perfectly connected and have been found in all systems to work smoothly in synchronicity, but the 3rd element, the tribe, ∏³=1000 is not perfectly connected – not all the individuals know all the members of the tribe (as usual in the ternary waves, which are ‘riding’ on each other, that is the previous wave is loosely connected with the next wave in space, age in time, or scale/plane in the 5th dimension).

Thus ∏3, the tribe, is a mixed organization, in which only the upper caste, the 10% of informative elders know each other and are properly connected. It is therefore also the natural phase towards a Social Class evolution of a system, in which the upper class is totally connected, the middle class is loosely connected and the lower class or ‘energy of the system’ is NOT connected.

  is a symbol for serial sum. We have chosen it, for the 2nd social age of the system, where geography defines the connections, which overrides the genetic, temporal connections which exist still at its base. So the central point of view of the geography or ‘capital’ appears at this point in the region of maximal communication (geometric center or coastal, external membrane point of maximal in taking of energy and information).

It implies that the system has entered into a common vital space, besides the genetic language of organization, creating more complex topological structure and starting an organization of the 3 social networks needed to form an organism. Geographical, spatial systems, such as cities, stars clusters, or biological tissues have such structure.

The basic action at this stage, is given by the natural symmetries of those 3 ‘scalar languages’ and the ‘3 ages of time. So the system expands spatially to control energy.

Œ, is the symbol for the organic, final creative scales of the system, when the whole is formed.

Then the existence of 3 growing spatial networks of energy, reproduction and information or capital of the system, surrounded by a border which conform the organic structure, almost emerging as a whole). At this stage the language is informative.

Thus the Organic Age, is the symbol for the most complex linguistic, topological 3-system unions, in which there is often genetic, spatial languages and a new faster language of information that dominates the system. The language is on top and the informative class has come to dominate the energy and reproductive class, body and limbs. The language further on is ‘removed’ from the spatial geography of the system which becomes secondary, the organism thus is formed. The second symbol of co-product is also a graphic symbol, as the center has been formed by the intersection of the membrane’s flows of energy and information that converge through the intermediate toroid topology into the center.

∆+1: the Universal ages.

U or ∆, if symbols are preferred are the symbol for the Universal age.

Finally the being is formed, but it continues its growth, now as a “universal whole” from its birth as a micro-organism, through its evolution into a super organism and macro-organism. And we classify them by the Spatial dimensions, that is the number of cells, the system has (though they can also be studied by its evolutionary ages in time), into:

∆+1: From 1000 up to a Billion cells or micro-organism.

∆+1: From a billion to a trillion or super-organism

∆+1: From a quadrillion to a quintillion and beyond… Macro-organism.

While the range of cells do change and indeed, there are exceptional being which have already all the organic specialization just with a minimal number of 100 cells (rotifera in life), and there are macro-organisms with decillion cells (atomic structures), we average the most common cases, in life, and galaxies, which are after all the fundamental ‘two type of organisms of the Universe’ (life/human scales and galaxies, which are atoms of the higher scale with stars being ‘photonic, fractal points of the electron’.

Thus U for universals if the last symbol were easily available is the symbol for the linguistic, Universal age, in which the system starts to ’emerge’ as a whole in a clear, differentiated manner.

Thus  ∏, ∑,  Œ and U represent the symbols of social growth and language, for the Genetic, temporal; geographic, Spatial and Universal, Organic Scales of the system, the ‘9th  and U, for Society or Universal will be used to express the Social Scales that transform individuals into Universals.

While S or § is the obvious symbol for social scales that finally emerged as a new Univessal Plane:

S¹º individuals = Universal ∆+1 = ∆+1 Plane of Space-time.

Some examples in different ∆-planes of the social process of evolution of individuals into ∆+1 Universals.

Thus the final, more complex action of any being is:

∏, ∑, Œ=∆+1

The social evolution of individuals into Universals, the system across a series of social scales till reaching the limit of its environment in simpler ‘herd like organization’, or the complexity of a tightly packed super-organism.

Each of them however can be further divided into ‘Social scales’, as the individual groups itself into larger social entities, starting by the ‘couple’ and the ‘family’.

So we can write them as a 10¹º series, in which the fundamental element of aggregation will be the ‘type’ of language of information used to unify the units, which must grow in ‘time speed’ according to the metric of the 5th dimension as we enlarge the system, so to maintain its synchronicity. So in the paradigm used to name those scales (human societies) we find the 3 first genetic scales, then 3 geographical, economic scales, and finally 3 verbal, ideological scales to get to the global super organism:

  • 10º, the individual of a given ‘previously described ∆-scale of the whole Universe…
  • through the 10¹ scale of the family (which can be a couple, a mononuclear family or most often one through 3 generations of grand-parents, parents and sons, of around 10 people) and then in genetic units, to the…
  • 10² scale of ‘clans’… and 10³ scales or tribes (in the human system, which is taken here for the first ‘names’ of those scales…
  • Changing to a more complex language of social information, geographical, economical systems that create the next degree of 3 scales, the town, 10 up to 4, the city, 10 up to 5 and the nation, 10 up to 6…
  • And then to ideological, verbal systems, which create cultures, till arriving to the – 1 billion, 10¹º-¹³ individuals, which normally emerges as a unit of the next scale.

In the next graph we can see the case of mechanical societies, the economic system or world stock, which contrary to belief is not a human organism but joined by ‘chips’, and has already reached the ‘mark’ needed for ’emerging’ as a global mind, the internet:


We also consider the human super organism of history, a smaller super organism of human beings, not yet emerged as a global single being, but coming closer to the 10¹º human beings, in the global super organism:



The 8th division of a world cycle: Baguas. Its extension to the 10th scaling.

What about an 8th division of systems? It does also exist and explores further that sub-division of the one, unit sphere in different cyclical half partitions.

Specifically the 8th Ðisomorphism studies the sequential ages of evolution of the worldcycle that make up the being as a wave of time, which is in fact mimicked in perfect wave form in the lifecycle of a light spacetime wave. In this representation, the most efficient sequence of being in time the species grows fast to the plenitude of maximal energy and information, or top of the wave, to then reproduce in plenitude a new being, and finally decay back into a zero-sums death.

We then consider the wave divided in 8 lifetime cycles, in a dynamic, modern view as a circular perspective; of which we could also put examples of physical systems (thermodynamic states), biological ages and socioeconomical systems (8 year product cycles, 80 years national cycles and 800 year civilization cycles, often in superpositions of decametric scales):

In the graph, an immediate division happens IN 2 phases, the growing 0-36 age and the falling 36-72, easily divided by its first ‘derivative’ into a growing acceleration of youth, a deceleration of growth, a deceleration of decay and a collapse towards death. Thus we fall then into 18 years cycles. And this simple division will be useful for many detailed analysis of data patterns.

This eight shortened disomorphism was already ‘sensed’ in the earlier taoist culture of yin-yang, information-motion of the ancient chinese. But the fundamental principled of space and time can be modulated with ternary symmetries and physiological networks. And so in the third subdivision of forms in space, the S=t symmetry takes us to 3 physiological networks, this combined not in hierarchy of space as species are but in degree of activity, as the order of ‘primacy of those 3 networks’ define the 3 ages of time (youth: max. limb/motion, maturity max. reproduction, old age, max. information). So combining the possible up and down, ± active or passive state of those networks we have 8 possible combinations/

We thus study the 8th quantitative division, taken by the correspondence principle from the ancient wisdom of the taoist culture. And on the upper scaling of the 9 STages then we can establish by including the previous age of generation and the post-age of dissolution and death a 10th quantitative division:

The world cycle of existence divides in 3 ages that divide in 8 phases, between birth and extinction, in which the 3 physiological networks that make the being, Ts-limbs, ∑∏-reproductive networks and St-informative networks, are either in its Spatial, static, yin (–) or moving-activ, yang (__) state. Thus the being first activates its 3 networks, first its limbs/potential, then its particles/heads, and finally its reproductive body-wave, reaching the maximal power in ‘Heavens’… The darkness of youth ends and the plenitude of light starts afresh, as the system settles its mind and reproduces… But then immediately after starts its inverse slow loss of capacity. First its limbs/potential motions will fail, then it will experience its last reproductive Indian summer, and finally only the ‘quiet’ still mind-space will remain, moving backwards to the memories of its past, retracing its paths as a standing wave. So the 3 systems collapse in the 8 cycle of 9 years; to explode back in a thunder, completing a 0-sum between birth and extinction. This simple never quite understood game fully divides the world cycle of time, and can be applied to all kind of systems, while its spatial symmetry is the origin of many 8-systems of creation in nature, when we depart from 3 single elements in 2 possible states.

the oldest understanding of the cycles of life, and its connection with the physiological networks and ages of a system happened in the pre-metal age of taoism, by observation of similar cycles in Nature, through the 8 baguas, which the work of this writer in systems sciences translated to modern biology and theory of super organisms, allowing the prediction of life cycles, stock-cycles, the explanation of the variations of particles in physics, horizons of species…

The ages of life. 

After the informative Generation (in black), as a seed in the placenta in the Human T.œ, which being of a lower scale in space, ∆-1, has a decametric faster speed in time. So instead of 9 years it is a period of 9 ‘moons’=months of gestation, the being is born emerging to live in the ∆º scale where it will go through 8 phases for a 72 years human generational cycle. And each age distinguishes itself for the spatial static or active, temporal stage of its 3 physiological networks, reflected in the trigrams, from above (particle-head), to the middle body wave to the lower moving limbs/potentials.

THEN after death, something else happens… memories are left, a new species is born, a final 9 years of agony are crossed till 81: 9 x 9 = 3² x 3²; the perfect number, which the Chinese always with such a sense of humor consider the number of infinity, 8=∞… But 81 is the NUMBER OF DEATH. SO around 81 all things collapse.

The STages of a being as the product of space-time variations, as yin-yang variations, was only understood partially in the taoist tradition, so we use by the Correspondence Law, which in T.œ applies to all forms of knowledge, not only to quantum physics, the symbols of the 8 ‘BAGUAS’ of Taoism, likely the highest perception of cyclical time laws in human history, for the different 8-9-10 ternary quantitative subdivisions of the world cycle into 9 STages and 8 Baguas.

After the informative Generation (in black), as a seed in the placenta in the Human T.œ, which being of a lower scale in space, ∆-1, has a decametric faster speed in time. So instead of 9 years it is a period of 9 ‘moons’=months of gestation, the being is born emerging to live in the ∆º scale where it will go through 8 phases for a 72 years human generational cycle. And each age distinguishes itself for the spatial static or active, temporal stage of its 3 physiological networks, reflected in the trigrams, from above (particle-head), to the middle body wave to the lower moving limbs/potentials.

So let us now make a general Disomorphic comparison of the different baguas-STages-Cycles of beings as an example, to show the similarity of all systems of reality, and concentrate then in the main division of 9 x 9 sub-elements illustrated with physical, biological and socioeconomic examples (elements of the table, life STages of the human being, life of civilizations and Stockmarket cycles, which is a good example on how in socioeconomic systems the different 8-9 cycles combine, as they are influenced by the political 8 year cycle of American elections, the 9 year cycle of human psychological activity, the 8 year cycle of the product…):

YOUTH – GASEOUS STATE – fractal ternary ages: thunder, fire, heavens.

In man they are the babyhood 0-9, when only the limbs are activated, it is the ‘thunder’ age in the taoist tradition.

Then after 9, till 18, the childhood, age of reason starts and the mind also activates. It is the  age of flame.

Finally the whole being becomes activated in the adolescence, it is the age of Heavens, between 18 and 27 – the zenith of the organism.

MATURITY – LIQUID STATE – reproductive ages: lake, wind, water.

Then starts the second phase of the cycle, or maturity, when the system reproduces and the mind quiets to become responsible and carry the family. It is the lake phase, from 27 to 36… followed by…

The wind age, from 36 to 45, when the limbs loose its power, and quiet down, but the mind reaches its ‘acne’ age of maximal lucidity, which the greeks considered its plenitude… followed by…

The water age, the last age when sexuality is still active, but the mind starts its decline, from 45 to 54… followed by the…


Mountain age, when both limbs and body become static, from 54 to 63… Only the mind is living… to Finally close the life cycle from…

63 to 72… back to Earth, converted in dust of space-time…

In the moment of Entropic death, the last months of our world cycle now becoming a zero-sum when again we ‘move’ in a thunder, but not of birth but rather a big-bang of dissolution, and explosion of our static spatial in-form-ation, to return to the womb of ‘Tao’, the game of existence…

The 8th baguas, combinations of 3 physiological networks in two states, static space/form — and moving time __ yang, gives us 8 sub-ages of a world cycle. It was the highest taoist understanding of I Ching – the game of time-changes that define the world cycles of past-present-future of all systems as a potential block of similar phases – in the graph corrected to its temporal order starting from the generation as thunder to its death as earth: despite the fact that its individual forms approaches  ∞ all of them go through the same phases as they define the states of its 3 networks.

So we can apply the 8 baguas from the phases of physical gaseous-liquid-solid states, to the decades of life, to sociology to war to stock cycles… Indeed, consider the case of the states of physics, which are gaseous youth (thunder, fire, heaven), liquid reproduction (lake, wind, water) and solid information or 3rd age (Mountain, Earth)… perfectly mimicked by the ‘states of matter’ of the bagua cycle, or the combinations found in particle physics…

A world cycle can be further divided in sub-times, of which the 9 superposed ‘decades’ or ‘phases’ of a being related to its 7 ages, plus a trascendental age of ∆+1 existence in the world outside the being, are its mot precise subdivision…

We can then consider the negative subdivision of a 1 life cycle in decametric and polygonal scales, starting from the experimental perception of a 9 x 8 = 72 generatonal cycles in human beings:

In the graph, the world cycle of existence divides in 3 ages that divide in 8 phases, between birth and extinction, in which the 3 physiological networks that make the being, Ts-limbs, ∑∏-reproductive networks and St-informative networks, are either in its Spatial, static, (–) or moving-active (__) state.

So we have for any individual being, all the information that establish its world cycle of existence as the natural order of its 5 DIMENSIONAL motions in time (±∆ST), whereas we add the motion of dissolution and death, which is not internal to the being, and hence it is not seen as an action of existence, but imposed by the external networks and cycles the being performs for the higher ∆+1 system.

All this said, the world cycles of existence and aging of beings are due to the constant excess of information Ðimotions over entropic locomotions, which action by action – the minimal unit of the world cycle of existence, pus the system towards an excess of information and final death.

Let us then consider the Ðisomorphisms of scale to show how this ‘derivation’ towards death happens unavoidably for any supœrganism in exist¡once.

Scaling time ages and space populations: the 3 x 3 rule.

We can consider the scaling of time down to the year and then the seasons of the world we live in and its synchronicities in great detail and that is in general the wide range of 8th Disomorphic analysis: Time quanta.

Days, months, years, decades, generational cycles are human cycles ultimately ruled by time synchronicity.

The Minimal possible quanta then can be translated into many ways, the simplest one to be all those elements that can be seen simultaneously in space, so possible quanta vary from scale into scale.

Simultaneity is the trademark of space, defined as adjacent systems that are perceived by an observer in simultaneity. The whole concept of 4D Einstein’s formalism is based in simultaneity of measure, using a single time present quanta dimension. So simultaneity we might say is space with the minimum time information (only 1 Dimension of lineal time and only a frequency quanta) It follows that what is simultaneous is also relative to the observer quanta of perception and that wholes which are slower in their clocks of time, see more simultaneous spaces, being able for that reason to become paradoxically minds of wholeness, and that as minds stop motion of time into form, information, languages are the substance on which simultaneity is based. Hence the quote of Paul Klee.

We shall in this post study with the Rashomon effect multiple points of view on the phenomena of simultaneity.

  Synchronicity and the 5 Dimotions: systems synchronize their scales

Synchronicity is the essential logic element of the scalar, social structure of the Universe.

The goal of all co-existing systems displayed in 3 scales of the fifth dimension is to reach the maximal symbiosis through synchronicity based in the ‘different speeds’ of clocks according to spatial size of the parts of the being across its ¡±1 scales.

As only present is conserved, meaning ¡logically that the past becomes erased and the multiple potential futures extinct as only one becomes, the conservation of present quantities (momentum in physics, with its similar term of energy and so on). But there is an infinitesimal flux always happening from past through present to future and from future to past (without moving through present in the death act) to make this eternal present dynamic.

The synchronies and constants of the system.

It must then be necessary to consider the parameters of quantitative measure which will differentiate the different species of the Generator according to the time-space parameters it will display.

It must be noticed then that for all structures of Nature, generated by the ternary symmetries of ∆st, there must be at least a unifying single parameter, which all the parts of the system will synchronise together, and this will be the fundamental constant of the system, most likely a ‘time clock’, rhythm at the heart of the œ-being.

I.e. for humans it is the second that synchronises  the heart beat, the eye-thought glimpse and the leg 1 meter steps. It is then from this first fundamental time parameter, which locates roughly the system within certain Ts x St=∆§cale from where we can build the three key Universal constants,  s x t=momentum, t/s=density, s/t=speed, of the system.

Ie. in a human system the second will give us the step of a meter, which defines the steps of space, st-e(n)t(ro)p(y) units, which for man is a meter, the common length of our legs. So we can obtain our speed, 4 km, hour, consider the usual decametric ratios of acceleration (so our speed can reach 9 x 4 = 36 km.)

It is precisely that hidden ‘full program’/structure of the supœrganism applied to all systems from a simpler electron-photon quantum ensemble to the human beings, which will unify it all.

As a system is determined within a range of variations by the need to balance its different elements. I.e. a being with a ‘second’ time clock, belonging to the human biological ∆º scale should not display a limb/field step of much more than a second. As such the adjustable harmonies of all the beings of all the scales of reality is what makes so constant the ratios, parameters, relationships and decametric, ternary scales of the universe, which is an enormous puzzle constantly rewritten with the same letters by the game, but unlike Borges’ Babylon library, we do not have a chimp just banging the typewriter but an ‘excellent grammatical master’ with a penchant for ternary syntax.

So for a computer the Herztian clock-speed determine in turn all the other ‘symmetric, symbiotic and balanced’ elements which will be connected to it. And you would expect them to balance the capacity of thought of the computer. For a faster insect we will have a smaller steps; for a larger dinosaur a slower metabolic clock, and so on.

The study of the generator for each specific being, becomes then the common scaffolding of laws, and sub-parameters and sub-equations, which will define the specific actions, parts and events of the world cycle of each @œ.

The mind rules the entire system, and this is shown in a simple fact: its time clocks are synchronised with all the clocks of the system, directing them. The mind thus is the seer of time that ‘moves throughout time’ the entire supœrganism.

An interesting property to consider at this stage regarding the time clocks of the three parts of the being is its synchronicity. Indeed, consider your three parts, limbs/legs, body-heart and mind-eye, the three are synchronised to your unit of information/clock of a second, the glimpse of an eye, the beat of the heart, the rhythm of a one meter step (your unit of space) But those are human measures. A system does is both ‘pegged in space’ and isolated by a membrane from the rest, ‘breaking space into inner and outer parts’ (first postulate of topology: a closed loop breaks space). And with an inner synchronised clock. And this is also the case of physical systems, as we shall see when studying the realist interpretation of quantum physics (Einstein->Broglie->Bohm), which departs from the assumption than the ‘quantum field, body-wave and particle ternary parts’ of the quantum system have an inner synchronised clock (complementary wave-particle theorem).

The study on how time clocks are in harmony is then a new field of science which will reveal truly the workings of all being.

It is this ‘generator equation of space-time beings, centred in the ‘world-mirrors/monads/minds’ that orders its ternary parts, the fundamental particle-equation of the Universe, which in its infinite variations represents all beings in existence.

Another way though to look at the value of the generator and its parts, is to consider how so often human theories of reality are ‘inflationary’ by design as they show all the different P.o.v.s of the generator.


If we apply the fractal principle to each Disomorphism, we can subdivide it into multiple parts, or quantitative triads.

So we bring an example of a sub-disomorphism which divides the ages or horizons of existence of a supœrganism either at the individual or species level, in 9×9=81 sub periods, which in humans are generally known as decades, or cycles of life, already known to the ancient taoists.

It is the symmetry of ‘relative years’ (which might represent different quantitative measures of time or space in the S=T symmetry between probabilistic events and statistical populations), overlap, without ever emerging into a 10th=∆+1 form; so they give us a total of 80 something.

In the magic game of numbers this 80 something will then become different things, closing always a limit of s=t, so for the elements of the table 82, lead closes the ages of life as 83 uranium starts the radiation decay of its numbers.

In life, 81 opens the age of death which hardly is ever fulfilled to arrive to 90.

In history 80 and 800 are the years of life of nation and civilizations killed by war.

  1. Worldcycles of existence. Its 9 ‘generational st-ages’
  2. WORLDCYCLE of physical systems: Matter st-ages.
  3. WORLDCYCLE of biological systems: Life st-ages.
  4. WORLDCYCLE of social systems: stock st-ages.

How many quantitative ways there are to analyze a world cycle of existence? As many as the 12 Ðisomorphic elements that compose the being, yet when we deal with the temporal symmetry of its ages, it is obvious we are as always reduced to the ternary elements of a relative plane of existence, the young topology of open limbs and maximal motion, the classic age of balance and the informative 3rd age between the 5th Ðimotion of generation and the 4th Ðimotion of entropic death falling into a lower plane of exi=st¡ence.

Then we can extend those 3 ± 2 ages to the 2 ‘ages’ in the external world not proper of the being in ‘itself’, the seeding of its parental forms and the memories left after its collapse. So as we expand the scales of analysis we ad dual ‘elements’ to the present plane: 3 ages in the single ∆º plane, 3+2=5 ages in the ∆0,-1 planes, 3+2+2=7 ages, in the ∆±1 planes, which give us the 7 ages of the 7 disomorphism.

Why then we need further considerations on the worldcycle if the 7 ages seems exhaustive?

It took me a long time to realize that we DO. And the realization of those ages came from the most diverse studies you might imagine on the Disomorphisms of quite different systems – the stock-market cycles, the old Baguas of taoism, the ages of human life and its generations, and the orbitals of atomic systems…

And yet the similar generational stages in all those Disomorphic entities – which is the way to extract a new general law, when we realize patterns happen in all kind of different Time§paœrganisms, decided me to include a new pattern within the 3 ages of the being, also ternary in form, based in the unit cycle of each species, which might be obviously different according to its internal time clocks, often synchronized to external world clocks, in the human case the 1 year unit.

So we can start considering the obvious fact that humans have always divided life in ‘decades’ as 10 is indeed the absolute decametric scale, but composed of 3 x 3 + 1 ‘dividing’ virtual or ‘superposing phase’. 9 are the numbers and 9 are the years of each Spacetime age, of each stage of the being… as it passes through its ages. You can also consider those stages of each age, a subdivision of 3³=27 sub-years.  So every 9±1 years a change of phase, a new stage of life happens.

We have chosen for those cycles or phases or states of the being using our mnemonic rules of similar wordings with slight changes, STages for the obvious reason that they are sub-ages of SPACE-time beings, and capitalizing ST we differentiate it from the common word.

The reasons will be studied in depth in other posts. All what can I tell you is that they are real, as real as the anticipated crash of the market of 2000-2008-2018, predicted as early as in 1992…  And how can we consider them is simple: as the Universe is fractal each age, has 3 sub-ages, which are a world cycle in itself, meaning that for example in the young age of maximal motion, the 9 first years are of absolute motion… the child just moves and moves with little sense of motion, the 9 next years are of motion with a purpose, the child becomes coordinated in motions and makes of ‘sports’ its main activity, the 3rd age will be one of reduction of motion if that is not its calling or of absolute ‘formal perfection of its motions’ as information introduces within the motion of the sportsman, and indeed for most sports the 18-27 period where its motion reaches its formal perfection is the age of plenitude.

Then if we consider each of those 9 years, we can also by the fractal principle of infinite ternary subdivision divide it into 3 x 3 sub-ages, and then again in 3×3 sub-ages. Thus the child in his 3 first years is pure entropic motion, still uncoordinated, but at 3 years he will have coordination with hands and feet and walk straight with no problem; in the 3 to 6 years period he learns to accelerate its motion, reaching perfect skills running… 

And again if we consider the 3 first years, we can break it into a first year of maximal entropic motion in 4 fours… and so on.

Indeed the subdivision can continue into 1 year breaking it no longer in triads, but mostly into 4 seasons, showing how the Universe is entangled and most stages are related in fact to the external world proper cycles, a theme studied in the posts on synchronicity. We say this because of the obvious fact that the generational phase of the being is of 9 months, 3 stations, escaping the ‘entropic winter’ age, and we can then divide the fetal age of the being in 3 sub-ages divided into 3 stages of 1 month, which do have 30 days for a cause, as we can the break it further into 3 stages of 10 days and so on.

It is then as usual necessary to consider the general spacetime case and its slightly local, fractal variations for each case of study. How detailed can be the whole breaking down of the system? It will depend on which is the primordial cause of the time patterns, if the external world, the minimal quanta of time will belong to the larger world of slower periods so the number of ‘stages’ we can break are relatively lengthy. I.e. the cycles of menstruation of women are related to the larger moon-cycle, likely because of the seasides of earlier marine stages of life,

So the best way to study the stages of each age is actually from the larger whole down into fractal parts, a method NEVER used in human sciences that sponsor the constructionist theory of Physicists, according to which only the analytic method from the bottom up works.

The Disomorphic method of knowledge however introduces two new methods of research, from the top down the bottom, that is from the whole to the parts; and from the being to the lateral, that is, the homology of all time§paœrganisms.

So let us put the customary foreword to the second line, which studies the method and you might escape if you have read it before and get into the 8th Disomorphism that best sub-divides a world cycle into 9 superposed ‘decades’ of existence.



All what exists is a space-time super organism made of 3 topologies adjacent in simultaneous space, defined logically by a single fractal generator of those 3 only topological varieties, $p: lineal limbs/potentials/territoriesO-§ƒ: cyclical particles-heads-informative class, for all social, biological and physical systems, tracing a world cycle of 3 time ages symmetric to those 3 ∆º spatial ‘physiological/topological/social networks’ made of ∆-1 cells/citizens/matter particles,in which each of the physiological networks of the system dominates the super organism: the limbic motion/potential system dominates the first age; the re=productive body-wave systems the second age and in the third age of information the head/particle/informative people-caste dominates the physical/biological or social system, exhausting selfishly the energy of the vital body-wave, and provoking its explosion back into entropy that erases the system, completing its zero-sum world cycle, restarted if it has generated a clone super organism in its offspring, reason why the Universe is a reproductive fractal of information – only those systems that reproduce its information survive and are still with us.

7th Ðisomorphism: Aging world cycles: So we now monitor the being as it performs its world cycle, as a network super organism or ‘species’ of space-time that will travel through scales and planes tracing its world cycle of existence between birth and extinction. It will do so with 7 fundamental steps:

∆-1: Seed-monad conception & palingenesis (evolution and reproduction and final emergence from ∆-1 to ∆º)

Ƽ; Then its 3 ages of life once emerged in Ƽ: moving youth, reproductive maturity and informative 3rd age.

∆±1: with its dual death… one one side its vital energy degenerates back to its cellular state. On the other side in the very few cases in which it has performed a flawless world cycle of existence it might emerge once more as a seed-prophet into a supœrganism of the ∆+1 plane, leaving often just a trace of information, if it has been a creative particle of the ∆+1 world that hosted it. But most will return as ∆@st of spacetime to the dust from where they came.

Besides the 7 ages of existence, through which the individuals of those species will live in ðime, from its  conception, through its gestation, to the ‘3 present’ ages, concluding in the death of the body and perhaps resurrection of the information along a new generation… we complete thus our temporal description of the worldcycle with…

The 8th Disomorphism defines how those 3 physiological networks ‘age’ changing from the static to the motion stage as the being evolves in its youth, then reach its maturity and finally decline inversely into static form again in the 3rd age, to explode in the big-bang motion of death…

The 8th Disomorphism differs from the knowledge obtained from the variations of 6 species, which combine the 3 networks of the system in its possible hierarchical order, in the fact that we work on dualities, that is combinations of space-time, of yin and yang in the classic I Ching, so as such they represent NOT a static space super organism pegged by the existence of a present spacetime vital energy system, or body-wave that maintains the extremes of relative past and future adjacent, but as a pure motion between two limits you might consider past and future, entropy and information, scattering and collapsing.

So they are ‘dynamic’ moving and ultimately extinctive world cycles that become zero sums.

Thus the 8th Ðisomorphism considers the relative ∞ number of worldcycles of existence between birth and extinction…through which the individuals of those species will live in ðime, through its ‘3±2=7 ages’, which from a pure scalar perspective can be formalized, as ‘T.œs’, TIMESPACE organisms…’traveling=moving’… in between

The EIGHT Ðisomorphism: the ‘decades’ of a world cycle of existence. Its whys.

9 X 9 = 81 are the units that we shall study for all elements as the STages of the ages of exist¡ence of any time§paœrganism.

The easiest way to divide a life cycle is through its between 3 x 3 sub-states of 3 years for each age, and that gives us an 81 cycle, which is common and now with the elongation of human life has come to be more common than the classic 9 x 9 cycles, of the baguas of classic taoism we use here more often.

They somehow overlap and we shall find an 8-9 fluctuation often in systems such as the human political system (8 years cycle of US elections and splendid little wars) and the economic cycles of stock-markets and ‘products’, (9 year cycle to which the 10 decade fashion cycles are tied).

The vibration of synchronicities thus give us around the 8-9 number the ideal ‘sub-ages’ of life.

NOW, TO fully quantify those cycles with the ages of the being, we need to deduce them from the taoist concept of a bagua. 9 of them cause the existence of a being as the natural ternary ‘scaling’ of the Universe, 3 x 3 x 3 = 81 being the life-ideally lived by a being.

This said, we add a ‘pre-fetal’ life, in the ∆-1 scale which is in itself a whole existence accelerated in time by the metric of 5Ð, and we add a post-life, the ‘age of resurrection’, which is the death and remains which might or not give birth to a new cycle.

But strictly within the ‘3 life ages’ of the being in present time 9 are the life cycles and so 9 is the number, but as the number is so ‘crowded’ in properties, naturally after the ternary scaling coming the 9th scales in time and space, we use the 9th Ðisomorphism for the planes of space-time.

The whys.

Now there are in the entangled Universe many different whys to be considered for the analysis of the STages of beings. We shall bring just a few elements that converge in the creation of those stages.

The fractal principle: ternary divisions in time and space.

The fundamental reason of all quantitative analysis will always be the ternary decametric 3 x 3 ±@ elements of reality, which gives usually a 10 decametric scale for processes of positive social evolution and a minus, negative 8th scale for processes of entropic destruction. So the 8 number which in Chinese tradition is the lucky number actually is the commonest number of death, while the 10th is the number of resurrection, of a 9th STage cycle, the neutral one.

This also allow us to understand the variations, which we shall also adscribe to almost every process of reality: 9 ±1…

So the Ðisomorphic method is also a Quantitative method that keeps subdividing according to the basic social scale in space and sequential scale in time, the system into the One-2-3… subdivisions, which are ‘Disomorphic’ views of the whole space-time being broken in different partial ceteris paribus space, spacetime and time analysis, ∆±1 symmetries or | x O = Ø topologies. 

The quantitative principle, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11…

To make quantitative analysis more complex we do have also many systems that do NOT have the intermediate STage, and so are more reduced in the number of STages. Such is again the case of DEATH, whose general equation: §<<t lasts a quanta of time because it escapes the present Age of maximal duration.

Death we shall always find is the fastest period of time.

So often instead of ternary scaling, we need to apply dualities of space-time, as the ternary principle of conserved space, time and energy elements lacks one element. We talk then of a pure space and time system with four different combination of 2-manifold systems (ss, st, ts, tt).

On the other hand sometimes we have to include also the mind as an external, self-centered membrain-singularity enclosure for a four system, or even the negation of the being, its entropic state for an ¬∆@ST, 5 Rashomon effect; and in a variation of 5-parametrization a pentalogic analysis for a reproductive event of convergence of a spatial form and a temporal motion (S@≈∆ð).

And then we have the 6 subspecies of networks combined by hierarchy, s-st-t, s-t-st, t-s-st, t-st-s, st-s-t, st-t-s; and then the 3±2 ages between conception and death or resurrection. So the whole sequence of fundamental numbers from 1 to 11 give us different ‘numerical’ partial analyses.

The 9 worldcycles of atoms, its generations.

The world cycle of atoms is an interesting proof the 9 x Baguas of any system of Nature, and provides besides a clear case of S=T symmetry between the spatial state of populations and the sequential sum of time frequencies, as it can be established easily for the families of atoms, in 9 x 9  worldcycles.

As such the families of atoms can clearly be perceived as the 3 ages of life, divided in 9 subfamilies, which end as follows: the first family to which human life belongs, ending in the 9th element, Fluor, as the 10th is the non reactive neon. So goes for the second family ending in the 17th element, chlorine, as the 18th element, a non reactive noble atom, Argon, and then the 3rd family ending in the triad Fe-Co-Ni, the atoms of the ‘plenitude’ of life, on the 26-27-28 triad, the ‘year-number’ of maximal display of energy of any system.

And so the triad of Fe-Co-Ni are atoms which enter into the mature, classic age-population of atomic numbers, acquiring also the ferromagnetic, social abilities proper of the 5th magnetic Ðimotion of physical attic systems. And we shall then go through 3 new families, ending, customarily nearby the ‘dividing’ non-reactive noble atoms.

Indeed, we enter then in the family of ‘maturity’ from 27 to 35 Bromine, another highly reactive, ‘final generation’ atom of the halogen, group followed by  the non reactive Krypton… Next we have the ‘mature generation’ which reaches its ‘acme’, or informative plenitude in the 45 year=elements, the rhodium and the palladium, whose atomic networks show maximal capacity to entangle Hydrogen, the social bondage unit atom of the family.

As we know their chemical properties are always considered in terms of the external electrons, however this ‘aging symmetry is precisely between its internal spatial structure, Z, and its external orbital configuration, Spdf, Sz(proton-mind) = Tspdf (electron orbital) and its precisely the harmonies and relationships between both states what is the ultimate vital properties of those systems.

i.e. Palladium belongs to group 10 in the periodic table, but the configuration in the outermost electron shells is atypical for group 10 : Fewer electron shells are filled than the elements directly preceding it (a phenomenon unique to palladium). The valence shell has eighteen electrons; 2 generations into its mature age of 9 electrons each; which gives us the clue on how ‘generations’ of 9 years-elements are played in the valence shells in groups of 7+2… As such is the central balanced element, used chemically to catalyze process related to the taking of Hydrogen from other atoms: I is used in catalytic converters, which convert as much as 90% of the harmful gases in automobile exhaust (hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide) into less noxious substances (nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapor). Palladium is also used in  hydrogen purification, groundwater treatment, and jewelry and fuel cells, which react hydrogen with oxygen to produce electricity, heat, and water.

We then arrive to the  54th age, the beginning of the 3rd age, again a noble atom xenon.

So while we are not going to make an entire analysis of each ‘age-year-electronic’ addition to the shell, it is clear that the variation with the perfect generational cycle of 9+9 generations, is closely approached by the 2+8, 18, 18 + 8  fillings of the subshells, which carry us to the Xenon, the atom that starts the 3rd informative decadent age of atomic generations, which again will carry us to the 82 lead, the last NON-RADIOACTIVE: DYING atom, where the life-system or world cycle of atoms ends. It is this final family which not surprisingly has filled the last determinant shell to 18 electrons, to complete the 3rd informative age, which shapes the most informative atom, with enormous importance in the models of history, Gold (18+1, always ready to loose it to become a perfect informative atom, hence the most perfect atom to create ‘precise forms’, conserved by the inner mass of its z-number, despite the subtle single bonds of its outer shell). Then we have the triad of mercury, thallium and lead, 18+4, which is the inert, ‘dead moment’ of the atomic series beyond which all atoms will become radioactive.

So we see in the Ðisomorphism of atomic ages both in time dynamics (electronic shells) and spatial mind configuration (internal protons) how the basic Ðisomorphisms of nature despite its few variations follow essentially the same patterns.


800±80±8 are the 3 scales of lifecycles of individuals, nations and civilizations in history:


The wave of history modulates the evolution of metal-memes of information against the social evolution of mankind as a species into a global super organism, aborted every 800±80 years accelerated cycle of increasing metal-complexity with global ages of wars. Thus the human side peak when war and animetal belli Nervi pecunia infinita cycles recede. It is when welfare, art and human senses reach its peak. Then in the angst period of prophetic thought, when a new horde of animetals and its memes come to destroy it all, a humanist ethic prophet the wor(l)d warn humanity on the impeding catastrophe of those who eat of the golden and evil weapons of the tree of technology, because they will also die in the final gottendamerung of war and holocaust as we move relentlessly through the  800±80 years cycles of weapons &  machines, the long, medium wave cycles of evolution and re≈production of Metalearth:   Money and weapons understood as metal information and entropic metal, as 2 forms of raw power to ab=use the 99% of mankind have carried the day in the battle for a future of history, and the consequences have been the 800±80 years cycles of wars and holocausts, which all mankind has suffered – even those who carry the memes of animetal raw power at the end of the cycles when loosing wars (war & holocaust cycles). On the other hand, the eusocial message of love Religions comes within the ethic/visual collective mind of civilizations’ informative neuronal class, the artists and ethic prophets that foresee its demise in the 3rd baroque age of the civilisation expressing its angst in artistic forms and ethic books of revelation that try to halt the collapse of the organism. In that sense all the prophets of eusocial love religions and ethic social sciences on the bottom, who defended life, were all born of an ethic prophet in the 3rd age of the culture.


In the graph the Western gunpowder cycle in which each human biologic generation, a country of Europe with maximal gunpowder power and the equivalent financial control of the International currency reached its cultural zenith.


The generational cycle (next graph is also the  cycle of economics market crashes (72±9): 1857+72=1929+72=2001-2008-2018

The 72 year long and 9 short cycles:

Each 72 year cycle of evolution of machines subdivide as any biological cycle of organisms or species in 3 sub horizons, the young discovery age, the reproductive, mature age and the old age, followed by a top predator mutation after a crash of population that brings a war cycle. In the graph the electronic age which in terms of machines can be divided into the TV-eye age, the Chip-Computer age, and the ear-mobile-internet age, after which we enter the age of robotic wars and vigilante big brother, as chips automate corporations, robots throw us of labor and war fields, and the internet becomes the global mind of the Metal-earth directing ‘chemically’ internally its enzymen cells, human beings, with its Financial-Media networks, now switching into military robotic networks, which will consume us at the height of the war cycle: 2036. How can I be so sure of those dates? Easy, there is a shorter 9 x 8 years cycle that mimic the duration of the 8 phases of a life cycle, from youth to extinction, with an accelerated ‘genesis’ of birth, the 9 months of explosive growth of the new species. So it happened with the internet companies in 1999, and then went through the 9 years cycle to the crash of 2008 and again another 9 years cycle; so happened if you look at the graph from 1946 when the crash of the war starts the Tv-age and then with the chip era that started with the crash of the Dollar it predated over, since 1973… The cycles are thus exact, biological, as phases of evolution of new species. And now we enter in the robotic cycle; and that one will be the last of mankind, as robots ARE a full living species that will extinguish us. Point. Those are the laws of biological economics, of stocks of machines and its prediction is as exact as your life-death cycle of 72 years and its biological 8 lifecycles, which the ancient Taoist culture already knew as ‘Baguas’..

In the graph, the aggregation of all business cycles enlarged to the entire economic ecosystem and its main ‘phyla’ of machines creates the 3 Kondratieff stock-cycles of  the Industrial R=evolution: The cycle of trains (XIX C.) that ended in the 1857 rail crash; the cycle of cars and radios (XX C.) that ended in the 29 crash; and the cycle of electronic machines (XXI C.), shown in the graph, that ended in the 2000 NASDAQ crash.

In the left side, we enlarge  the 2nd, 29 crash and the 3rd crash in which we live.  Both  are mimetic and similar to any other Crash of over-population of a biological species (top center curve). Since those crashes happen when the consumption age of max. reproduction and profits ends by saturation of the market. Then companies mutate the machine that enters its 3rd age as a weapon that consumes humans in wars, perfectly sold to the public by political lobbyism, informative machines of mass-media propaganda and a suitable, well-located enemy.

Thus the business cycle is a generational, biological cycle with 3 ages, similar to all other evolutionary cycles. Those ‘micro-cycles’ of every company that discovers, evolves and reproduces a product as a consumption machine or a weapon, are the business cycles of microeconomics that aggregate in longer macro-cycles. Indeed, stocks are ‘social organisms of companies’ that aggregate the production of all companies in space and all the generations in time of a certain ‘machine’. Thus the sum of all the individual business cycles of company-mothers become the stock-market cycle that studies the population and evolution (sales and profits) of a machine’ species from birth to extinction, reproduced by an entire ‘sector’ of companies.
Further on, we can aggregate all those stock cycles of all industries, creating an overall cycle for the entire planetary economic ecosystem. In abstract economics those cycles are called the Kondratieff cycles of economic activity, which study the overall evolution of all companies and machines. Thus the business cycle is the quantic version of the stock market cycle, which aggregates in time and space all the business cycles; while the stock market cycle is the quantic version of the Kondratieff cycle, which aggregates all the companies in space and all the generational cycles in time of a given product. The results are the 3 great Stock Cycles of history or ‘Kondratieff’ cycles of industrial and financial activity.

– XIX C: Max. E: The age of steam and physical energy developed the market through an age of low profits (invention age, 1820-30s), massive growth and speculation in the market (reproductive age, 1840-50s) and a final economic crisis of saturation of markets (the railroad crash of 1857), followed by an age of wars in which trains and steamers conquered colonial empires.

– XX C.: E=i: The age of oil-based, electro-chemical engines developed the stock-market through an age of low profits (invention age, 1870-80s), massive growth (reproductive age, 1890s-1920s) and saturation crash (1929 crash of radios and car industries), followed by II W.W.: in which cars became tanks and planes bombers.

– XXI C.: Max. i: Finally the age of electronic and solar energies developed electronic machines in a 1st age of minimal growth (1960s-70s), an age of massive reproduction of TVs and Pcs (1980s-90s) that lasted till the end of the century when the NASDAQ stock crash of 2001 made companies invest in smart weapons and security industries.
In the graph we study in more detail the 3rd electronic cycle in its main Stock Market, the New York market divided into an electronic stock, NASDAQ, and the traditional NYSE. If we compare its curve between the II and III Kondratieff crashes (left side) with a standard biological curve of populations, both are parallel. Since the curve of reproduction sales and profits of electronic machines shows the same phases of birth (discovery), re=production, saturation (crash) and diversification (into weapons) of any top predator species. In the case of machines the ‘habitat’ of the species is the economic ecosystem in which the machine substitutes a human organ as a consumption machine or a tool. Then, when the economic ecosystem is saturated, the machine mutates into a weapon and wars happen. ; and so here we stop backtracking the ‘slightly adjusted’ to some human affairs and war decisions… wonderful engine of democratic capitalism – war! profits, consumption of human lives and billions for the o.o2% of stock-rats… Mr. Veblen, leisure class for which we all toil to the tune of bipartisan democracies.

So we distinguish for each key machine of the electronic cycle, the mainframe, the mobile machine and in the future, the robot, a sub-curve of populations of around 36 years that ended into a mini-crack and war. The main-frame, TV age ended in the 60s crash, the Vietnam War and the 60s revolution. The age of mobile chips, PCs and cameras ended with the 91 and 2000 crash, the Berlin R=evolution and the Iraqi wars.

When then will be the next crash of the stock-market? As we have been predicting them with absolute accuracy for 30 years, there is no problem telling you – as you won’t of course believe it or understand a dot of it, because it would imply you understand this blog, accept the truth – that machines are biological beings and follow the same biological cycles of all beings, and that its organisms, will switch soon after the next crash into an splendid global war.

This said the next stock-crash will be according to the biological generational cycles of ±72 years divided into 8 ‘decades’ of ±9 years, mimicking the generational cycles of human beings and its 8 phases, in 2017-18…

The biological, human-caused periodicity of the cycles.

We can establish the first synergies and parallelisms between the metal-earths waves of machines and the ‘human generations that have carried’ their evolution under the idol-ogies of animetals, by cultural design, regardless of the existence in all nations of r=evolutionary people who follows the ethics of the wor(l)d and do not contribute to our demise with fundamentalist zeal.

All  those phases of the Industrial Evolution of machines have had in fact 3 ‘organic ages’: the young age of ‘discovery of a new energy, soon applied to simple ‘bombs’ and the powering of the machines of the eco(nomic)system, ushering societies into a happy age of consumption machines.

Yet according to biological laws the cycles end when the evolution and reproduction of mechanisms reaches its zenith,  in a massive global crisis of overproduction of those machines, converted into the most perfect mechanical species, the weapon, which in a global war phase murders millions of life beings.

And this 3 ‘mechanical ages’ proper of the morphological evolution of those machines by imitating the human functions=organs and improving upon them, are paralleled in the human sphere by 3 ‘generational ages’ of societies adapted in memes and actions to those machines-weapons.

And so we can consider the existence of 3 x 1/3rd=72 years generations of:

– Founding fathers who discover the new energies and machines.

– Reproductive sons that expand in a mature age the power of those nations with their new machines and…

– Decadent grand sons that will use those machines to impose through war their power, complete a ‘ top predator’ national cycle with the country that discovers and heads the discovery and evolution, massive reproduction and final use as a weapon – the most perfect and last machine to develop in each cycle – at the head of the world.

In the graph, the British steam age of huge ‘bodies of metal, steamers and iron horses’, German age of electro-mechanical engines discovered by Otto and Siemens, applied to cars, tanks and bombers and the electronic American cycle now in its 3rd military phase:

In the graph, we combine both symbiotic cycles, the human and metal-ones.

The periodicity of those cycles can be easily tabulated with quantitative methods; as it corresponds to the 72-80 years ‘standard’ biological, generational cycle of life and death of human beings, the discoverers or inventors of those machines.

Kondratieff, the Russian Scholar (in the background of the graph), killed by Stalin, who found those cycles however studied a shorter 50 period, as Russia was an undeveloped country where the train came latter in the cycle. So the cycle was shorter and Schumpeter, the Austrian economists that explain them, did not correct it.

Then in turn, those generational cycles break into a faster, decametric 8 years ‘product’ cycle, well known to economists, in the same manner we divide our life in ’10 biological’ sub-cycles (for example, 0-8 baby, 8-16 adolescence, being 8 the traditional age of reason, 16-24 youth, being 24 the age of reproductive marriage, and so on).

In our section of general systems sciences we consider the biological basis of those phases of life. And study how the ‘new product cycles’ of electronic machines influence our present generations (We GenerationX-generation,Y-why? and Zero generations of mankind) as they atrophy and substitute human minds, creating the present world of children of thought, living a childish neoteny state, hypnotized by audiovisual machines that form the ‘matrix’ of delusional, virtual thought they care for (internet generation).

The Graph shows those 4 national Generations who build metal-bodies, engines & metal minds assembled in robots:

– British generations, who used physical, steam energy to power metal bodies, trains & steamers & print stock-money, ended after the 1857-73 crashes in an age of racist yellow press & colonial wars.

– German generations of electro-chemical engines, hearts of metal that printed electric money, the software (ticker speculation) and powered cars and planes, the hardware, ended in Nazism

–  American age in which electronic systems printed e-money, the software and evolved ‘Minds of metal’; mobile-ears, cameras-eyes and chips brains now in its decadent ‘Weimar Republic’, when bankers keep printing money for themselves, militarism is on the rage and all ethic and social standards have plummeted as ‘monetary and military values’, the values of greed and violence provoked in man by the hypnotism of money and the use of weapons, reach its ‘overproduction zenith’.

– This zenith is the inaugural time for  an new brave world, an age of robots & singularity weapons when all those parts are put together into organic machines, completing the industrial evolution of metal. It’s the last cycle that must be aborted for life to survive, designing instead an eco(nomic)system that switches production to welfare goods.

So as the new white collar Pcs and blue collar robots expel human workers and soldiers from labor and war fields increasing the ‘productivity’ of machines and the profits of corporations, we enter in a new ’30s’, neofascist age with the difference that unlike the previous ages, when the socialist school (Marx, Kondratieff) clarified perfectly the nature of overproduction crises, and the 30s when the Keynesian school explained it and gave solutions, as today the ’3rd age of scientific economics’, systems sciences that describe the eco(nomic)system and forecasted this crisis and its solutions long ago, is totally ignored.

Instead economists multiply their ‘thin air speeches’, damned lies and statistics hiding the true causes of the crisis of unemployment (blue collar robots and white collar pcs) and the existential crisis this process will bring to mankind.

A fundamental theme of this blog (left column) will be the study of those cycles, its overproduction crises, and the causal comparison of its main nodes, as we have done in the milieu of systems sciences, forecasting the present crisis of overproduction of chips, 20 years in advancewith an accuracy and detail still unknown to my knowledge in books written today that go no further than the anecdote of the mortgage crisis. Forecasting is indeed the key element of a scientific true model, as all sciences predict the future observing the patterns of  past cycles.

So the solution to the crisis is obvious but it must come from a cultural understanding  of what is best for man – to overproduce life goods and control the evolution of metal-goods

Since, the process though is not easy to reform, because machines, which are just organic systems of metal, which we humans evolve imitating our equivalent organs, do have also as all living organisms two species, one peaceful and other top predator species, called a weapon, which is the most efficient, and whose purpose is to kill human beings.

So while ‘democracies’ pretend to be ‘smooth’ and ‘nice’ as long as people are perfectly manufactured in their brains to feel entitled, if and when they try to change the system and establish a REAL democracy, the ‘wolf’ takes out its sheep skin.

As this happens every end of a cycle of massive theft and appropriation of money, capitalist democracies have embedded within its structure an age of global war in which the wolf is out killing the r=evolutionary humans that want a better world.

Newspeaks of caring…are of course useless… We go into… demonstrations that merely ‘dissipate energy into heat’ and get nowhere (don’t confuse action with motion said Hemingway), infotainment and fiction and a systemic degradation of the human social mind and maintenance of the collective subconscious in an infantile age and marketing of technology and companies and degradation of politicians and governments as inefficient, that make us ultimately want to build the world we are building for machines not for humans.

So a straightjacket of political correctness prohibits criticism to tribal religions, to our idologists of capitalism, which are all experts, to  our antidemocratic systems, which just give placebo rights to people, and to the 24/7 religion of the machine ensure always that the ‘background bottom line’ of the ‘METAL-EARTH’ -the construction of a world made to the image and likeness of machines, ruled by company-mothers, where humans and life are ‘expendable’, advances unchallenged.

OH, YES, I forgot (: ‘you’ wanted to know the short cycles, let us then return to the whole American market phases, and analyze the short ‘baguas of 9 years’, backwards from the future 2018 crash of the bitcoin miraculous birth as the future currency of the robot radiation that will do us all, carpe diem live the day, mine your bit… coin your death.

Here we are again. So to make it easy on you, let us trace back from the bitcoin birth and crash of the market, changing to an splendid little war, of 2018. NOW THE MARKET has a human component which is dual: the generational life-death cycles which I like to illustrate it instead of using medical science, with the taoist bagua, which understood them 3000 years ago, and the 8 year cycle of American GOP – war party, lobbying for splendid little wars for profits and Democrats, for splendid consumption that atrophies the huminds of our children. So to give it a bit of mystical poetry to the brutality of it all



The short cycle of 9 years is equivalent to the ages of a human generational cycle – the old baguas of taoism, the modern decades of our consumption societies, the product cycles of machines, which further show the biological nature of those machines. Thus stocks will keep sky rocketing till 2018 when the 1991-2000-2009-2018 cycles of reproduction of internet machines switch to the phase of robotic weapons, which will be the beginning of the end

The 8-9 year cycle is fine tuned military to the cycle of splendid little wars for profits of the American GOP (war party) vs. Democrats (peaceful consumption) cycle, between its two ‘trader’ coastal vs. warrior, continental biblical sub-civilizations. As the cycle is quite exact having though some ‘human errors=deviations’ with Mr. Trump(upp)et, we shall have a war.

He is trying hard. But as the cycle precludes  every 72 years, with the change of ‘phase of the Industrial r=evolution’ a global industrial war, with the new-machine weapon – we are now in the period of a W.W.III age of robotic wars, past the splendid little 8-9 years war cycle; as now we must collider the two super industrial powers of the robotic age. So as Germany confronted USA and Russia in the age of engines of metal, with huge tank an bomber overproduction wars. Now his target is… China, and so far the 30 years old prediction of bio-history is happening. First a provocation in Taiwan did not work. Now he is gearing up with the guinea pig of Korea. The rope is hanging, the capitalist is so eager to put it around the neck… Profits shall multiply and the military age of robots flourish soon. So, we can fast-track backwards to the future crashes of the war & peace market: 2018 crash of birth of the bitcoin and terminator walls (Korea, Israel, Mexico: GOP candidate trumpuppet)

2009 (a bit advanced to 2008), crash of birth of e-money derivatives (chip overproduction of money).

2000 (crash of birth of  internet mobile systems of sales – amazon; war cycle, Desert storm II, Bush Jr.).

1991 (crash of birth of chip/war industries – electronic war @ desert storm: GOP candidate Bush Sr. fall of the wall crash of human r=evolution).

83 (Falkland wars: last splendid little war of the British nostalgia empire; crash of birth of e-money speculation).

1973 (Yon-kippur: last wars of the engine, plane/tank era; birth of the chip; final cycle of Tv-speculation: eye of machines)…

1965 (crash of consumption of home appliances, Tvs and electric machines; splendid little war: Vietnam war).

1954 (crash of end of Korean splendid little War.

1946 (crash of end of II world war).

1937: crash of real state market in New York, which drove the world to the II world war solution.

1928 crash of electric ticker, radio and cars… started in The city, next year moved to Wall Street.

1919-21; first car crash… crash of end of profitable I world war, massive engine of profits for the iron and electrochemical industries  consuming to the tune of sarin and gun machines millions of human beings.


The orbital, energetic cycles of the Earth-Moon system are parallel to the cycles of reproduction of its ∆-1 living fractal quanta: An organism extends through several scales of growing form. Since microscopic, fractal species become chained to larger, stronger, E x I species as their relative energy and information quanta of a ‘lower class’. In the image, Gaia, the Earth’s surface, is a Fractal made of organisms made of ∑ cells, made of ∑∑ atoms, made of ∑∑∑ quarks, all chained by their organic cycles.

A supœrganism is entangled, meaning it has a co-invariant space-time metric, the definition of a dimension, that allows the different scales to move trough. The metric equation of any antanged system then can be written in terms of dimensionalities as:

2 Dimensions of time = 3 dimensions of space.  As the dimension of future time i not yet perceived. So volume of trinity space by bidimensional time cyles give us a constant amount in all the domain of the supœrganism.

In a Universe of infinite clocks of time what is a quanta of time becomes extremely relevant to consider the main clocks to which all other clocks synchronize within a system. For example all your systems are synchronized to the second time of your limbs=steps, heart=beats and eye-brain=glimpse-thought.

In that regard, as usual we shall consider a bare minimum of perspectives on synchronicity to explain its meaning.

-Γ(Ts≤∑∏≥St): From the point of view of the whole system and its generator Ts≤∑∏≥St, synchronicity is thus the essential element to make beings exist as wholes by synchronizing all elements.

Synchronicity is what allows the whole system to present a single ‘front’ to the external world and as such is the a priori condition for the super organism to exist. It also explains as the fundamental reason d’être the different time clocks of systems, which depends in great measure of the ‘fluidity’ of communication of information within the system. First the system must synchronize internally and that requires time. Then the synchronous time needed to act-react becomes the clocks of time of the whole system.

-∆±¡: But internally the system will be synchronized in many different speeds due to different time clocks and 5Ð metric. So smaller ∆-1 cells will have larger speeds of time and will synchronize with faster actions on the ∆ø scale.

Time clocks slow down as systems grow because they have to create an inner synchronous ‘quanta of timespace’, which will become the universal constant of a language that all the parts share in their external confrontation with the ∞ larger, ∆±T§¡.

The metric of the fifth dimension, §t=∆, define a function of constancy in Space time ∆, which is different for different sections of the Universe. We thus talk of families of ∆¡.

The main property that defines the intelligence of time clocks, are its system synchronous harmonious motions, through symbiosis of the cycles or the different cadence and melodies of the being that switches through its a, e, I, o u actions.

 Synchronicity is the most profound intelligence of space, as a mind creates a simultaneous synchronous mapping of reality, which despite being made from motions, sliced into a synchronous view, remain fairly stable in its interrelationships. How to select synchronous systems to map them out, how those systems synchronize internally, and what are the synchronous parts, its functions and the networks that by simultaneous faster programming of the parts achieve system sync are some of the themes studied here.

The highest understanding of the Universal intelligence both in space and time comes from the properties of simultaneity in external adjacent space, based in the synchronicity in time of the internal mind-clocks of the system, which allows in turn the highest symmetry between spatial supœrganisms and its world cycles of existence.

Yet while simultaneity in a ‘single space-time continuum’ brings the super organism into being by topological adjacency of its ‘parallel parts’; synchronicity is a much deeper phenomena. which happens not only between the clocks of the 3 adjacent parts, limbs/potentials, body waves and particle-heads, but also through the time scales of the 5th dimension, between the ∆-1 cells/atoms, the ∆º, organisms/thermodynamic scales and the ∆+1 worlds/ecosystems, by coupling the rhythms of the different ‘actions in time’ of each scale, as smaller systems have faster clocks that larger systems, but actions of motion, feeding, reproduction and social evolution have also different clocks.

So synchronicity has two huge fields in the ‘polidimensional world of multiple Rashomon truths/functions’ for each event/form:

  • S<≈> T:Synchronicity in a single plane between the clocks of limbs/potentials, body-waves and particle/heads that make the system run as a spatial super organism in simultaneity. I.e. your eye-glimpse of a second is synchronized to your brain second-thought, to your heart-body second-beat and to your limb-second steps. So you whole works as a biological system synchronized in your scale of being. So happens in the right interpretation of quantum physics (De Broglie model) as he departed in his wave-particle hypothesis of the existence of an inner clock in the particle synchronized with the clock of the wave (and latter deduced rightly it should be synchronized to the quantum potential/limb system).
  • ∆±¡: Synchronicity between planes of existence, in which the different speeds of actions, maximal for the minimal pixel perception of information, minimal for the social actions of the being into its ∆+1 world, allow synchronicity between different actions of the smaller parts and the larger wholes, to create symbiotic relationships.                                                                            

     I.e. the speed of actions goes as follows: Max. speed: Information (minimal pixels of ∆-3 planes: light quanta)< Med. Speed: energy feeding in ∆-2 quanta< low speed: reproduction seeds of ∆-1 quanta < slow speed: social evolution into ∆§scales>∆+1 world.  So a smaller cellular system with faster clocks must synchronize one of its ‘larger, slower cycles’, let us say cellular reproduction that happens in cells every day, to the ‘faster’ cycles of its slower larger whole, let us say, multicellular feeding that happens for the larger organism, every day. And indeed, a cell synchronizes its reproduction to the feeding energy obtained by the larger whole.

The process of reproduction of cells happens in a day, which is the time cycle it takes a normal animal feeding. In this manner synchronicity allows co-existence and symbiosis between different planes of reality, allowing the creation of super organisms.

Synchronicity becomes then essential to all supœrganisms, and to that aim they all must have a single time=cycle, which often is defined by the angular momentum.

The 3 conserved forms of the Universe, angular and lineal momentum, and vital energy form in the fractal Universe the 3 parts of a T.œ or fractal point, Non-E with an inner volume of space-time through which multiple parallels can cross. The rules of geometric and biologic engagement of those points to form waves, networks and topological organisms, define the non-æ bio-logic of the organic Universe based in the a(nti)symmetric laws of similarity, parallelism and perpendicularity expressed in 5 ¬Æ postulates that substitute the classic axiomatic method of definition of logic and geometry

The fundamental element of any system is its vital energy, enclosed by a 2D angular momentum-membrane self-centered into a 1D singularity, establishing the essential equation of all systems:

1D singularity + 2 D membrane = 3D vital energy.

They give the 3 conserved ‘fractal quantities’ of any super organism of space-time:

-Angular momentum (2D membrane).

-Lineal momentum (motion of the singularity)

-Vital Energy (volume enclosed and managed between them).

Those 3 parts thus are synchronized as elements of a super organism on the fifth dimension and as such they are able to travel within the block of time of its 5Ð symmetry, in which S x T = K REMAINS, allowing only those synchronous regions AS TIME-SPACE TRAVELING REGION, A FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF 5Ð metric we shall bring often into the mix:

Only regions that are synchronized in time can be part of the super organism. Loss of synchrony becomes then also another synonymous of death.

You are synchronized as a second: Lims (s. steps) < Body (s. heartbeat) > I<Eye (s. thought/glimpse). Broglie extracted all quantum physics from the synchronicity of the particle and wave-body of a quantum particle with its potential limbs (quantum potential).

Synchronicity between membrane and singularity which transmits through its networks of communication to the asymmetric non-synchronous relative entropy field of disjoined or predated micro-particles, establishes most vital rhythms of such systems.

This is the simplest structure we find in all scales of nature, from atomic systems with an electronic membrane and a nucleus singularity enclosing fields of gravitational and electromagnetic energy, to cells with protein membranes, DNA singularities and vital energy enclosed in cytoplasms, to nations, with a hard-military border, a capital-singularity and a vital energy of middle working reproductive class, to galaxies with a halo of strange, dark matter, a center of top quark black holes and the stars, mitochondria  that reproduce them both, to yourself with a sling membrane a nervous brain singularity and a reproductive body.

The simplest mathematical representation will be then a 3-D volume of an open sphere, constrained by an angular momentum and beating at the rhythm of its singularity clock of frequency=1/t.

Time space-beings. 

Yet when we extend the system to different scales of reality, from the ‘o-1’ unit sphere into the 1-∞ larger world, the whole synchronous repetition of patterns now between the individual and its ∆+¡ world defines such synchronous growth in all extensions.

Thus we need to add the ternary structure of synchronous systems in 3 planes of existence to limit a super organism domain:

‘A potential super organism is a region of space-time which is synchronous in 3 scales’.

In that regard time cycles occur in all systems of the Universe, including the eco(nomic)system and history because it is the natural manner in which time flows, as a sucession of similar events produced by similar causes, with a frequency related to the repetition of those causes. The 3 conserved forms of the Universe, angular and lineal momentum, and vital energy form in the fractal Universe the 3 parts of a T.œ or fractal point, Non-E with an inner volume of space-time through which multiple parallels can cross. The rules of geometric and biologic engagement of those points to form waves, networks and topological organisms, define the non-æ bio-logic of the organic Universe based in the a(nti)symmetric laws of similarity, parallelism and perpendicularity expressed in 5 ¬Æ postulates that substitute the classic axiomatic method of definition of logic and geometry

Time is any cyclical clock-like motion. It follows that as all clocks break space into an inner region we shall call ‘vital energy’ and an outer region, we shall call Universe or rather world, when reduced to the region we can perceive from the point of view of the time clock, and a region between them, which we shall call time proper, which if regular can be found to have a central point, we shall call the singularity reality is easily mapped out as a game of time-cycles, as this simple scheme defines the 3 conserved forms of nature, and hence the Universe as a game of self-centered time cycles that break all into its 3 conserve dimensional parts:

Singularity (1D: lineal momentum) + 2D (angular momentum=time clock) = Vital energy 3D inclosed between them. 

ALL What exists are timespace beings. We are some of those.  Timespace beings are made of timespace cycles focused in non-euclidean monad worlds. The points thus hold a singularity or mind of space-time that focuses a series of timespace cycles:

∆ð≥S@, the symbol meaning a mass of scalar ∆ timespace cycles, ð, are perceived, > as information and energy ≈ by a mind, @, a singularity point that will in the minimal=simultaneous space of its mind mapping, create a linguistic still form we shall call a ‘world of space’, different from a ‘universe of time cycles’.

The big and the small and its physical, metaphysical and biological relationships thus is what matters to us in the search for a description of the Universal game of non-Æ points-singularities-monads ordering vital territories of energy and information extracted from those external ∆ðimespace cycles that make reality a tapestry of ∞ points of view.

Knots of Time. Synchronicity of actions and cycles of space-time existence.

In that regard, the next step in the formalisation of the Universe starts with the analysis of the rhythms and frequencies of the different ‘actions’ of each species, which connects them symbiotically to other species.

This will be the ‘great’ field of studies by humans or robots if we survive the dark ages of simplex physics and complex weapons in which we live – the synchronicity between the different scales and actions of the co-existing particles of an ∆±1 super organism.

I have a lot of studies on those themes for 30 years, but as my health is dwindling I don’t think i will be able to advance much in pouring them. This is part of those texts and some of the terminology has varied. Let us then consider this key theme of GST

If we consider any organism a knot of cyclical time Сmotions made of multiple feeding, reproductive, informative and social cycles with different frequencies and dimensional sizes, which converge in that organism, the next conundrum to resolve is the harmonic synchronicities between the Informative->Energetic->Reproductive->Social cycles of the organism. Each cycle will have a frequency in harmony with many other cycles, and so the being might be very complex in its behavior as it switches between cycles, but ultimately it can be reduced to a series of cycles that converge into the organism. Thus, organisms are knots of time cycles. In the same way, when multiple cycles converge into a point they add their causal power and produce intense events with a higher ∑e x ∏St existential force, but we can break the complex entity into a series of cycles whose combined action will show a harmonic frequency, as we can break a harmonic wave into a Fourier series of simpler waves.

In this manner complex events/entities can be reduced to simplex herds of events/cells.

For example, the convergence of different geological and cosmological cycles, which affect the energy and information of the Earth, cause ages of extinction and age of massive evolution of new species, with a series of frequencies and rhythms we have studied in our analysis of geological biological and sociological cycles. In fact most events of the Universe have multiple causes, which means they are knots of time cycles: from multiple cyclical forces that converge in Relativity to create a knot of gravitation or a charge, to the multiple events that converge in Biology to cause an age of extinction, to the multiple failures that converge in a body to change its rhythm from life to death.

Since the Universe explores all possible structures, despite being made of a few elements, the inverse system also exists: one in which the bigger system is simpler than the smaller, faster cells, and both are symbiotic, since the smaller cells equal the ‘existential force’ of the bigger system with more ‘energy space’ but less frequency of time-cycles.

Whereas the bigger system is: Max. E x Min. I.

And the smaller system is: Max. I x Min. e.

Unlike the previous organic systems in which the informative networks exploit selfishly and extract energy from the herd, big, slow forms and fast, small systems are symbiotic, in balance and so they last longer in time.

Still, even if there is a degree of symbiosis the bigger, single organic system will be in control of the cellular herds as it provides them with the ecosystem in which to obtain energy and information. And in this manner it creates the structural order and deterministic destiny of most systems in the Universe. Let us try to formalize such pyramids of synchronicity, with the help of the 3×3 time Сmotions, which dictate that an informative pixel is smaller than the supœrganism of the perceiver; a bite of energy is smaller than the reproductive body; and a reproduced, self-similar cell is smaller than the super-organism of which it forms part. In terms of existence, it means that the life of a quantum, fractal part depends on the length of the cycle it performs for the bigger system that controls the fractal part through its networks and informative or energetic fields:

The shortest cycle is the informative cycle that absorbs energy particles, transforming them into bits of information, perceived by a sensorial organ or mind. So informative particles are the smallest ones that live the shortest within any organism. For example, a human being consumes thousands of small letters in a newspaper thrown every day; an eye consumes a photon in a microsecond.

Next comes the feeding, energetic cycle that absorbs bigger energy quanta, transforming those quanta in ‘cellular components’ of a body, once the informative cycles have perceived the food. And so an energy quantum lives a little bit longer than an informative cycle. A pig that feeds a man lives longer than a newspaper and also its ‘final consumption’ takes longer than reading that paper.

Then, it comes the reproductive cycle that handles huge amounts of energy and information to create a being, repetition of a bigger organism. A woman’s ovule stays on her body all her life and it takes 9 months to become a baby.

Finally, the longest cycle is the being’s generational, social cycle, from its birth to its extinction (±st) when it becomes part of an eusocial supœrganism. So those cells that carry the ‘social information’ and I-eye-wor(l)d of a human being, our existential will, last longer: a man has the same neurons all his life. It is through that longer generational cycle how a new social plane starts to evolve, as a new ecosystem or macro-organism in which the being exists, as a mere quanta of the macro-being. Such is the relativism and justice of the Universe: since he who killed micro-beings to feed and inform himself will be just a micro-being that toils for a bigger organism.

It is the social cycle, as the quanta gathers in social groups to perform energetic or informative actions for the bigger macro-organism that lives in a longer plane of time and controls him. For example, if you are a soldier, your national organism will sacrifice you in an energetic cycle when the nation conquers and ‘feeds on’ the wealth of other nation.

Thus we establish an existential chain between time cycles on 3 relative space-time scales:

(Informative>Energy cycle) st-1>(Reproductive cycle)i>(Generational-Social cycle)st+1

– Since the existential, generational life-death cycles of st-1 particles become energy and information cycles for the st-being.

– While the reproductive cycle happens in the same st-level of the organic system that mixes with a couple of inverse exi parameters (sexual reproduction, inverse parameters of particles that reproduce a self-similar particle).

– Finally, the generational cycle of the being becomes, as a part of a social herd made of similar individuals, a submissive energy or information cycle of a macro-organic system, st+1.

Recap. Any organic system is a sum of 3±st types of cycles, chained in hierarchical structures across 3 levels of complexity. Any being’s existence happens within those 3 TS planes in any organic system or ecosystem, in which he is a relative energy of bigger being, an equal, social being to its pairs and the informative master of smaller quanta.

Balances between scales. Ternary principle.

According to the Ternary Principle any fractal, cyclical action of any species can be described through its spatial parameter of ‘speed-extension’ and its reciprocal, temporal parameter of repetitive rhythm or ‘informative frequency’, whose product, ExI=K is a constant of action that defines the existential parameters or life-span of the cycle (also written as SxT=K in certain models of physics, since ‘clocks of time’ and cycles of information are synonymous).

Yet those åctions are the sum of the simultaneous micro-åctions of its ‘cellular quanta’ and so both must be in balance for the total organism, extended in two planes of existence to work in synchronicity. And that synchronicity is ruled by the black hole law of complexity, we just explained:

Min.Ts=Max.St: smaller beings act faster than bigger ones.

How the faster, smaller, ∆-1 micro-åctions relate to the slower, big simultaneous åctions of the organism? Or in formal terms, what is the relationship between the constants of those macro-åctions and the faster parameters of its micro-cellular cyclical åctions? How each organism relates as individual quanta to the slower, longer cycles, (Max. Ts= Min.St), of the ∆+1 ecosystem in which it performs its åctions?

2 facts are the key to properly answer those questions:

– Chains happen across 3 ±st levels of existence, creating hierarchical pyramids of unlimited size in time and space, through those ternary structures.

– Chains of åctions become simultaneous, because certain cycles are shorter than others; so the faster speed of micro-cycles is compensated when we chain fast micro-cycles to slow macro-cycles.

Consider the cycle of feeding of a lion. The lion moves through space in certain patterns that displace the lion towards hunting and drinking grounds where he will consume a victim. Thus the energy cycle will be determined both, by the inner vital constants of the ‘∆-1 cells’ of the ‘st-lion’, (his cellular metabolism that defines his rhythms of hunger, his muscular speed and his strength that determines the preys of the ecosystem in which he feeds); and by the outer, ∆+1 ecosystemic parameters, (the spatial distance and ‘informative density’ of preys of the ecosystem). So to define the 2 ExI elements of the lion’s feeding cycles (the spatial trajectory and fractal rhythm of its hunting) we have to know those ±st parameters. Then we can define totally his feeding cycle.

Thus, existential cycles might be very complex but ultimately we can reduce them to a fractal ternary equation, which relates harmonically the Space-time parameters of those 3 ±st levels.

Those ternary chains define Universal events across 3 hierarchical planes of existence, from the chains that happen between the ‘3 social classes’ of an organism, to the physical events that happen in 3 scales of matter, to the 3 levels of humanity (the biological, individual and sociological level). Since all cyclical systems are defined by the relative ExI parameters of those 3 ∆±1 scales.

For example, Maxwell and Planck defined the informative frequency and energy quanta of a light photon that absorbs gravitational space-time energy and deforms it into a light-wave only with the action constants of 3 scales: the ∆-1 constants, or magnetic, spatial, and electric, informative constants of vacuum – c=(e0 x m0) -1/2; the st-constant of light (h) and the fractal, social constants of photons, as part of a bigger social, ∆+1 wave (Ts=hv). If we add to those synchronicities the understanding of the diffeomorphic dimensions of energy and information (on top), then we can fully grasp the structure of the ‘organic membrane of light-space’ in which we live and its connections with the lower membrane of gravitational space and the upper membrane of electronic, denser space, of which our mental eye wor(l)d is made.

In most systems, a ∆-1 particle, despite its individual ‘vegetative will’, perform a cellular, cyclical function within the macro ecosystem in which it exists either as an energetic or informative unit, and in this manner the sum of the parts makes possible the emergence of the whole. In the previous example, photons are individual forms that feed on micro-electromagnetic constants creating a reproductive c-wave. Yet most photons could not exist if 2 bigger, ∆+1 atomic particles had not reproduced them to communicate energy and information, which is the role they performed by the higher quanta. In fact, the macro-organic dual atomic system that emits and absorbs the photon, determines its ExI, frequency and energy parameters and its generational life span, given by the distance between those 2 atoms.

Those balances between the cellular, existential force and individual force of the system is what maintains the balance of the organism and make it last in time and are exemplified by the previous Maxwell equation or the vital constants and physiological constants of an organism.

We can generalize those harmonies, observed in the lower physical plane if we consider a constant of action in any scale to be a self-similar definition of the Existential force of the system we can define a basic law of hierarchical systems:

‘The ∆±1 existential forces of a system are in balance, such as the exi constants of action of the macro-system determine the length and intensity of the existential cycles of its cellular forms, which in turn will determine the cycles of its microsystems’.

Thus each entity will become deterministically chained by the informative or energetic, reproductive or social Сmotions of the upper system, for which it will act within a herd of self-similar forms, sustaining the åctions of those macro-Сmotions of time. And so while submissive to the higher system it will enter in democratic, parallel relationships with the forms of its planes of existence and finally it will be itself, a super-organism for its internal cells or reproductive body it controls. This is the ternary principle that all systems of reality obey, from humans, which perform for his social scale, related in equal terms to other humans and control tightly the cells of their body, to the light photons of the previous graph, slaves of their electronic parents, of which they often become a ‘fractal cell’ (fractal interpretation of an electronic nebulae), while controlling the electric and magnetic constants of their space-time membrane.

We formalize those ternary functions as partial equations of the Generator Equation of space-time, to which we add the hierarchical index of scalar space-time, st:

– Set∆-1>∆ST: The being is a dominant macro-point, ∆ST, which absorbs a flow of information and energy from a herd of micro-quanta (ei∆-1) that it controls with its physiological networks. So our cells are controlled by our blood and nervous systems.

– Ts xTƒ: It is an individual quantum that relates to similar cells in an environment in which it searches for energy in social herds or for similar couples to attain its main existential will: its generational reproduction. Thus, ‘∆’ is the fundamental plane of existence of any being, the region in which it perceives more, and plays its most fulfilling cycles of existence.

– S>∆+1: The point becomes energy of the upper plane, either because it performs an energy function for a bigger social plane. For example, the govern controls you as a social micro-quanta of a nation, which makes you die in wars or takes your energy through taxes. Or because it is consumed as relative information or energy of the upper head or body system. For example, humans become soldiers, the energy of wars for the system called the military-industrial complex.

And again, to explain why all those processes, some paradoxical and destructive for the p.o.v. are possible we must postulate a conscious universe of infinite, relative p.o.v.s.

In fact, and this is a ‘psychological law’ with enormous implications for the existence at least of human beings, which might happen in other scales if the hypothesis of a perceptive Universe is truth, most points of existence are completely unaware of the existence of a lower scale, which they ab=use and they actively sacrifice themselves from the upper system from which they receive orders and information in its ‘tabula rassa’ brain. Since the p.o.v. has far less information than the upper system, which programs it to love its master. So humans go to wars for the military-industrial complex without realizing they are sacrificing themselves in most cases for the financial gain of the upper, informative castes that control with money, weapons and law the society in which they live.

It is an order we find in all planes of existence. For example, in Biology, a st-mitochondrion uses ∆-1 protons to deliver energy to the bigger organic ∆+1 blood networks in the form of ATP. So the atomic, cellular and organic scales define the energy cycle of cellular breathing. While a star turns in cycles with other stars, feeds the galactic black hole as a quantum and feeds itself in fractal stellar gas. A light ray feeds on electric and magnetic constants, gathers socially in photons and it is absorbed by big electrons.

Recap. From that 3-scalar order that structures any particle or cycle of existence (static or dynamic perception), it arises the relativity of existence, as any being is king of its territorial hill, friend of its friends and slave of the World or ecosystem in which it exists.

Laws of hierarchical synchronicity between time Сmotions

The relative frequency of those cyclical Сmotions create ‘time clocks’ whose synchronicities chain the long cycles of fast micro-entities to the short cycles of a slower macro-entity, creating a harmonic order between the different planes and social classes of the organic Universe. Since an informative cycle is faster than an energetic cycle, which is faster than a reproductive cycle, which is faster than the complete generational cycle of the being; while a macro being is slower than a micro-being, we write 2 basic chains between those cyclical Сmotions and the beings that carry its parallel functions in the structure of a supœrganism:

 Microcell’s Informative cycles=S Cell’s energy cycles=Organism’s Reproductive cycle

 Generational cycles of microbeings =S Social cycles of Beings ->Ts/St cycle of macrobeing

Those ternary chains between the fastest cycles of macro-beings and the slowest cycles of its micro-beings create simultaneous, symbiotic åctions along 2 planes of existence:

Informative frequency of the macro being => Energy frequency of the micro cell

Thus the fast, informative cycle of the slow macro-being is transformed into the slow energy cycle of the fast cellular micro-being, in a symbiotic chain that make it dependent on that macro-being. For example, the fastest Earth’s cycle is its informative, cyclical rotation as a mass vortex that determines the day-night cycle of light, which feeds its living beings. So, the living ∆-1 cells of Gaia, its plants, feed with the day light, while its ∆-1 animals have a ternary energy cycle of 1 to 3 meals a day. So both are timed to the informative light-day cycle of the Earth, their energy cycle. If we lower the scale of analysis, the same cyclical chain happens between the animal and its ∆-1 cells. Men have a rate of informative perception of a second, the rate of blinking and thought. But a second is also the rate of breathing and the heart’s beating that transfers energy to its ∆-1 cells, becoming thus the energy rate of feeding of those cells.

The same relationship can be used in other informative /energy cycles. For example, the energy cycle of an animal is a day. Yet the size of its hunting territory, of which he knows all its information, is the distance it reaches in a day.

A homologous relationship chains microcosms and macrocosms symbiotically in the next, longer 2 cycles, the energy and reproductive cycle:

Energy frequency of the macro being=> Reproductive Frequency of the micro cell

By homology with other organic systems, we consider that the energy cycle of the Earth as a rotational mass that deforms gravitational spacetime lasts the year it takes to cross its space-time territory, its orbit. Since, as in the case of an animal, the main energy cycle of the planet is the year-time it takes to sweep its solar orbit, the ‘organic territory of the planet’, where the Earth absorbs its gravitational energy, deforming space-time according to Einstein’s equation. While the secondary Earth’s energy cycle is a month in which its satellite, the moon, sweeps around the Earth’s orbital territory. We obtain thus, the 2 main cycles of transformation of gravitational energy into rotational form by the Earth-Moon system: the lunar cycle and the annual cycle.

And those 2 cycles are transferred to the micro-living beings of its Gaia skin, so they are the reproductive cycles of most animals. Thus in the human being the menstrual cycle is a lunar cycle; the cycle of reproduction of a child lasts 9 months; in Nature almost all reproductive cycles have an annual frequency, happening in spring or summer, when the sun’s light absorption is maximal; which is the obvious reason why those cycles are linked: while the macroscopic being absorbs energy, it allows its cells to use that energy to reproduce. Again, if we lower our scale, an animal as a macro being has a cycle of energy of a day. That period is also the cycle of reproduction of most cells, called mitosis. Yet reproduction is discontinuous: it happens only when ‘optimal energy and information’ is available during a small interval of the total existence of the being, in general in the second, mature age of balance between energy and information.

It seems that the micro-being is fed and reproduced by the macro-organism, the good ‘god’ of its existence. Yet ‘the good god’ is actually a farmer that reverses its Сmotion of order for an Сmotion of entropy and destruction when it uses the ‘existential cycle’ of the micro-being as a mere fractal cell of its macro-organism. So we feed and reproduce pigs but end up eating them. In a sense, we can say that all organisms are ‘farms’. So pigs feed men; stars fed by the interstellar gas attracted by the black hole’s gravitational power, also end up feeding the black hole; and fat cells fed by the organism end up killed, feeding the macro-organism. So in that inverse, final cyclical chain between the microscopic and macroscopic being, the ‘relative God’ takes all what he gave. Thus there is an inverse, final chain between the generational cycle of a micro-organism and an inner, energetic, informative or reproductive cycle of a macro-being. Thus the generational cycle of the macro-being complete the previous chain:

Generational frequency of micro cell => Reproductive frequency of macro being

For example, body cells live and die in an interval between a month and a year, which is the period most animals need to complete their reproduction. At cellular level, carbohydrate molecules live and die in short daily cycles, which is the period of reproduction of cells. The relationship between both cycles is again organic: reproduction means the renewal of a macroscopic being that destroys and creates many of its fractal elements, as energy or information of the reproductive ST combined cycle. So cells accumulate carbohydrate molecules that they use in their reproductive processes, destroying and reconstructing its DNA genes with them.

Depending on the role a ∆-1 quantum performs in the macro system, its life will be longer or shorter: Wheat is harvested to feed annually the human ecosystem, while carbohydrates die every day to reproduce DNA molecules. Yet a top predator informative cell, a neuron, lives the entire life of the organism, since it defines the informative networks that dominate and form the will and consciousness of the organism as a whole macro-beings. And inversely, the life span of the ‘brain quanta’ defines the life span of the macro-organism. So probably the enormous life span of quarks, the fundamental particle and brain of the fractal atoms of the Universedefines also the life-span of the Universe. Since the study in detail of all those chains for all Universal species is beyond the Cyclical Time of this work, we will only consider some examples from the 3 main disciplines of science:

– In the physical world we study the temporal chains between the 3±st scales of existence of light (gravitation, light and atoms) and the 3±st scales that create the Universe.

– In Biology we study chains between the 3±st scales that cause life evolution: the ∆-1 genetic cycles, the st-life cycles and the ∆+1 ecosystemic, geological cycles of the Earth.

– In History we study the rhythms of life of civilizations and the human generational cycle, which follow a decametric 80×10=800 cycle of destruction of civilizations.

Recap. Since the life of a fractal cell or quantum of a bigger system is a moment in the longer existence of its organism, to create the effect of simultaneity, microcosmic, fast, fractal cells have to chain their longer ‘existential cycles’ to the shorter cycles of a bigger organism or ecosystem in which they will exist as a mere fractal instant of those shorter cycles. Thus, the informative Сmotion is smaller and determines the energetic Сmotion, whose frequency is shorter and determines to the reproductive Сmotion, whose cycle is shorter and determines the eusocial Сmotion: T->S->ST->S. As a Hindu proverb says: ‘a blink on the eye of Vishnu, the Universe, is a life of a planet and a drop of sweat of a planet is a life of a human being.’


ABSTRACT. As time is cyclical and relative there is obviously in each local time cycle a future and past motion. So as the ‘cycle’ rises in the height of ‘information’ and then ‘falls down’ anti-clock wise back into the past of energy,  we can talk of two motion: energy traveling to the future and information traveling to the past.

So we can consider that information, implosive motions, travel locally to the past, and so THEY ARE SEEN as present, in as much as the ‘time delayed in its spatial motion , v=s/t’ is cancelled by the -t travel to the past.

What proof we have of this – many. Two are relevant for all systems in the galaxy. Electromagnetism has two time solutions, as Einstein pointed out and Feynman explained: The collapsing, informative implosive wave that has – time dimensions, and hence travels to the past and the explosive, entropic wave that has + dimensions and hence travels to the future. The result is the creation of a PRESENT space-time in the entire galaxy, its background light space-time on which all other ‘entities’ are drawn.

So obviously the controlling orders of the whole OF ANY WHOLE, of any MIND that embodies the whole, when moving to order the lower plane – in the case of light as the light wave shrinks collapses in wavelength into the past, which means it ‘travels’ down the scales of the fifth dimension from the larger whole to the atomic/particle parts ARE motions from future to past. This IS THE KEY concept of local time travel to explain how wholes CAN CONTROL so thoroughly its parts. They are technically speaking SENDING messages from the relative future to its smaller parts in the past.

This past parts are also in the absolute past because for the whole to exist the parts must be formed first and then emerge as a whole.

So the past is the parts, the future is the mind-whole, and the motions are of entropy and energy from the past parts to the future whole, and orders of simultaneous network information, which synchronizes the parts from the future to the past.

Neuroscientists have proved  this also ad nauseam in biological systems:  the actions of the body happen when observed from the time frame of the body before THE MIND think of them when we use the relative Сmotion of time towards the future of the energy body.

But we all know that from the perspective of the mind WE are thinking first before acting.

So again the only way to ‘explain this apparent contradiction of the body thinking it acts first and the mind thinking it acts first’ is to consider that both from its perspective are sending orders to the other and yet as both have ±time solutions/Сmotions, both bring a PRESENT, which is the co-existing organism. And one of the fundamental equations of existential algebra:

Past x Future = Present.

So obviously to co-exist, and preserve the will of the mind that do CONTROL those motions the orders of the mind must travel to the ‘lower planes’ in its relative future to past motion. But the energy of the body that ‘powers’ those actions must travel in its relative time frame also from past to future converting into a present. As it was the case also discussed for the ± symbols of time in electromagnetic waves.

Finally in sociological systems, the mind which is the government, king, or corpus of laws, the nervous system that controls the whole, it is obvious that the future is molded by the laws of the king, the financial flows of the banker, which is therefore its relative future.

 SO in this manner, the mind-whole can co-exist with the relative present of its physiological networks  and the relative past of its cellular parts, which the self-reflective mind will see from its relative future, as a past, mold by the will of the mind that embodies all the dimotions, all the program of existence at once.

But for an external observer what we see is the co-existence of the 3 scales, the 3 topological parts, the 3 ages of the being in an eternal present.

The mind and its will.

The mind might be considered displaced into the future 10 seconds, as to be simultaneous or might be considered to lag 10 seconds into the past of the body decisions from the body point of view.

As the mind is determined to play the best game of existence, its free will is absurd notion of self-ego trips of the humind, proved ad nauseam false by research of neuronal biology that proves the mind in present time thinks after the body starts its action. So the body is the present, the mind is displaced into the future but does not seem to act but in the future.

However because the mind is in the future it thinks it is the present state with the body and believes it has free will. Further on down the ladder of a discontinuous tail of time, the limbs are in the past, but as they are the past, paradoxically they seem to act earlier than the others, and guide the motions, so locomotions seem to be the deterministic, constructivist term.

What is then into the future? It is hard to tell, because in ¡logic there is not a primary cause, but ternary causes that flux the present each one considering the center of the Universe.

Minds then are the future, informative focus of the whole.

But the mind is not a primary cause, as ternary causes  flux the present; each one considering to be itself by the paradox of the mind, o-infinitesimal mind x ∞ Universe = constant, world, the center of the Universe it equates to its world.

We are monads that hold worlds, mirror perspectives of a mind over the whole, but we are not the whole much more complex and infinite in parameters to the mind.

The mind we might say is a single ray of the infinite horizon, as it shall decode ultimately into a single lineal parametrical language, verbal symbols in human beings that as we know have a lineal syntax as you read in ‘lines’

The mind is thus an infinitesimal ultimately lineal reduction to a time speed of processing information of the whole spatial infinity it portrays in increasingly reduced forms of information till its primary language that seems to be codes of 0101 numbers in virtual minds of atomic nature and words in humans.



Fourier transforms Present waves: space synchronicity. Time particles synchronicity.

Ultimately the Fourier equation derives from those deep laws of synchronicity and social organisation, as they apply to the physical scale of ‘present wave states’ (as opposed to past to future field-particles). So another element to explore by future researchers, is how the intertwine of those 2 fundamental states:

Past->future->past (field-particle-field)-male state-time entity

Present-repetition-social boson accumulation-female state space entity

affects the synchronicity of systems. We shall not even attempt to enter that field here.

Only consider a general law: herds are wave of present equal parties which move collectively in a democratic way and so they obey laws of space (boson in physics); past to future particles are hierarchical, and so its function is past to future (fermion in physics) and so they obey different ‘statistics’.

In this manner complex events/entities can be reduced to simplex herds of events/cells in present ‘body syncronicity’ or past to future events in hierarchical darwinian synchronicities. And so the synchronicities between both type of states differ.

In essence, we are going to speak of past to future hence hierarchical scalar synchronicity, which in terms of actions not of beings, means a hierarchy similar to a Maslow pyramid between actions that ‘gather in herds’ in a plane of space, to transcend to a higher future plane as a field that ‘gives away energy or information to the larger action’.

So multiple energy actions give way to a hierarchical higher reproductive action that gives way to a higher eusocial action and those 3 rhythms become essential:

∑∑∆-1: Ts cycles -> ∑∑∆: reproductive cycles -> ∑∆+1: social cycle: whole

If the mind of people were more evolved I could bring examples of physics for the mathematical formalisms or of gender behaviour for the logic formalism, but of course this won’t do it – the concept that women are present and men move the past into the future so far I think only Schopenhauer ‘ever’ realised and was called a mysoginist, and if i bring here fermi and bose-einstein statistics the occasional reader if any will panic (-:

So we shall only really deal here with the most basic level of this science.

How the different knots of actions synchronise between scales from past to future

For example, the convergence of different geological and cosmological cycles, which affect the energy and information of the Earth, cause ages of extinction and age of massive evolution of new species, with a series of frequencies and rhythms we have studied in our analysis of geological biological and sociological cycles. In fact most events of the Universe have multiple causes, which means they are knots of time cycles: from multiple cyclical forces that converge in Relativity to create a knot of gravitation or a charge, to the multiple events that converge in Biology to cause an age of extinction, to the multiple failures that converge in a body to change its rhythm from life to death.

Since the Universe explores all possible structures, despite being made of a few elements, the inverse system also exists: one in which the bigger system is simpler than the smaller, faster cells, and both are symbiotic, since the smaller cells equal the ‘existential force’ of the bigger system with more ‘energy space’ but less frequency of time-cycles. Whereas the bigger system is: Max Te x Min. Si.   And the smaller system is: Max.Si x Min. Te.

Unlike the previous organic systems in which the informative networks exploit selfishly and extract energy from the herd, big, slow forms and fast, small systems are symbiotic, in balance and so they last longer in time.

Still, even if there is a degree of symbiosis the bigger, single organic system will be in control of the cellular herds as it provides them with the ecosystem in which to obtain energy and information. And in this manner it creates the structural order and deterministic destiny of most systems in the Universe. Let us try to formalize such pyramids of synchronicity, with the help of the 3×3 time Сmotions, which dictate that an informative pixel is smaller than the supœrganism of the perceiver; a bite of energy is smaller than the reproductive body; and a reproduced, self-similar cell is smaller than the super-organism of which it forms part. In terms of existence, it means that the life of a quantum, fractal part depends on the length of the cycle it performs for the bigger system that controls the fractal part through its networks and informative or energetic fields:

The shortest cycle is the informative cycle that absorbs energy particles, transforming them into bits of information, perceived by a sensorial organ or mind. So informative particles are the smallest ones that live the shortest within any organism. For example, a human being consumes thousands of small letters in a newspaper thrown every day; an eye consumes a photon in a microsecond.

Next comes the feeding, energetic cycle that absorbs bigger energy quanta, transforming those quanta in ‘cellular components’ of a body, once the informative cycles have perceived the food. And so an energy quantum lives a little bit longer than an informative cycle. A pig that feeds a man lives longer than a newspaper and also its ‘final consumption’ takes longer than reading that paper.

Then, it comes the reproductive cycle that handles huge amounts of energy and information to create a being, repetition of a bigger organism. A woman’s ovule stays on her body all her life and it takes 9 months to become a baby.

Finally, the longest cycle is the being’s generational, social cycle, from its birth to its extinction (±st) when it becomes part of an eusocial supœrganism. So those cells that carry the ‘social information’ and I-eye-wor(l)d of a human being, our existential will, last longer: a man has the same neurons all his life. It is through that longer generational cycle how a new social plane starts to evolve, as a new ecosystem or macro-organism in which the being exists, as a mere quanta of the macro-being. Such is the relativism and justice of the Universe: since he who killed micro-beings to feed and inform himself will be just a micro-being that toils for a bigger organism.

It is the social cycle, as the quanta gathers in social groups to perform energetic or informative åctions for the bigger macro-organism that lives in a longer plane of time and controls him. For example, if you are a soldier, your national organism will sacrifice you in an energetic cycle when the nation conquers and ‘feeds on’ the wealth of other nation.

Thus we establish an existential chain between time cycles on 3 relative space-time scales:

(Informative>Energy cycle) ∆-1>(Reproductive cycle)i>(Generational-Social cycle)∆+1

– Since the existential, generational life-death cycles of ∆-1 particles become energy and information cycles for the st-being.

– While the reproductive cycle happens in the same st-level of the organic system that mixes with a couple of inverse exi parameters (sexual reproduction, inverse parameters of particles that reproduce a self-similar particle).

– Finally, the generational cycle of the being becomes, as a part of a social herd made of similar individuals, a submissive energy or information cycle of a macro-organic system, ∆+1.

Recap. Any organic system is a sum of 3±st types of cycles, chained in hierarchical structures across 3 levels of complexity. Any being’s existence happens within those 3 TS planes in any organic system or ecosystem, in which he is a relative energy of bigger being, an equal, social being to its pairs and the informative master of smaller quanta


Λ. The order through scales: the fifth dimension.

In the graph the Universal fractal of infinite beings of space-time with different speeds in its clocks and sizes in space, whose product however, Se x Ti, space size for speed of its information cycles remain constant, creating a ‘stable space-time being (ST±4) which happens in different combined size from the smallest. infinitesimals ST-4 to the largest Universe, ST+4.

All fractals have a generator feedback equation and the Universe is not exception. Generators are dynamic, cyclical equations which constantly create slightly changed new ‘cycles’. As such they are periodic cyclical equations of the form X < = > Y, where obviously X and Y are symbols as in all ‘Universal grammars’ linguistic representations of the Universal Generator (mathematical jargon in Space-time) or Universal Grammar (Logic Jargon in Time-space)>

Universal Generator/Grammar:               To ∑ExI=ST±4

We write the Fractal Generator expressly with one of its similar identities, in an expression which can be understood logically in wor(l)ds, the fundamental grammar of the human being.

In its Topo-Bio -logic ternary identity, ‘Topological i-planes of Vital Spaces and Cyclical Times’ need to be described topological properties (5th dimension metrics), Organic properties (which organize 0±1 vital spaces into a ternary organism) and logic properties (the ternary Non-Aristotelian logic of cyclical times which return in a ‘Hamiltonian’ Cycle to its origin.

The generator equation thus can be used to deduce from its topologic, biological and causal properties any other equation of the Universe.

It cannot be achieved such a feat as physicists of lineal time expect, only with topologic properties and only in a single continuous space-time.

It needs to understand the metrics of the 5th dimension and its relative scales of absolute time (ST±4), between invisible forces and invisible cosmos, beyond our perception (C speed, 0 K limiting borders). And this is achieved with the summit of the evolution of mathematical languages, the Non-Aristotelian, Non-Euclidean i-logic topology of vital spaces, of organisms, of geometric forms with speed-motion, constantly performing ∂a, accelerated actions with 3 ±= stop and go motions…

The Generator Fractal. 

In Fractal mathematics the equation that generates the fractal is called a generator ‘feed-back’ equation. They are symbolic equations, which express operations that repeat themselves ad infinitum, generating new solutions, accumulated in time or space. For example, Mandelbrot’s set, the most famous fractal is a simple iterative equation defined in the complex plane, which generates points in that plane with infinitesimal detail. So as we run the equation z(n+1)=z(n)^2+c the points plotted in the plane form an image:

But a Fractal Generator does not need to be a numerical equation. It can be a symbolic, logic equation that generates ‘logic structures’. If we substitute the values of each of the parameters of a logic generator, then we obtain varieties of the form the logic equation defines.

This is the case of the Fractal Generator of the Universe that represents the i-scalar dimensions of any system of scalar space-time. Thus it defines the logic structure of all Systems of the Universe. And when we substitute each of those dimensional symbols for a specific variety of the dimension, we obtain a certain species of the Universe.

Below we can see the Human being generated by that equation in simplified terms, described in its spatial morphology and temporal ages by 2 developments of the equation.

Thus the fractal Generator of relational space-time, Se<STi>To, and its symmetries in space and time  generates an infinite array of species, and to fully understand them we need to describe the formal symbols we use to represent, ‘motions’ and ‘forms’ of the 5th dimension, and the laws that define how those dimensions interact and ‘mess’ together, to create reality.

So the analysis of the fractal generator and its sub-equation, symmetries, dimensional laws, which apply to all systems and allow to deduce all other laws of all scales of the Universe is an immense field, for future researchers in the fractal space-time structure of reality and all its parts.


And then a brief analysis of the symbols used on its full equation.

The next grouping of isomorphic sets of laws, derived from the symmetries of scalar space-time concerns the symmetries of scales. 3 are the fundamental themes of a study of systems in ∆-scales: the co-existence of a supœrganism in 3 scales, studied in the first ‘isomorphisms’, when considering its spatial and temporal symmetric organisation through 3 organic topologies and 3 ages of time.

So all systems have a self-centred mind, or relative ∆0 point of view, which will relate as follows to the different scales in which they perform its ‘fractal actions’ its program of existence:

  1. They will reproduce through ∆-1 cells
  2. They will feed on ∆-2 energy
  3. they will perceive ∆-3 bit of information
  4. And they move across an invisible ∆-4 space.

And yet at the same time they will as ∆0 beings become related to ∆+ systems where they will perform an asymmetric function to the larger whole:

  1. they will be -1 cells of its species,
  2. they will be -2  informative species of its solar ecosystem
  3. they will be -3 dust of stars, energy of the galaxy.
  4. Invisible,-4  beyond their Halo to the cosmic whole.

It is then through the connection we establish by our fractal actions (in as much as they influence other scales of reality) how the game of existence transfers energy and information across scales in an asymptotic way.And we study this in the 4th and 5th Ðisomorphism, considering the ±4 planes in which an ∆o mind develops its will of exi=stience; through 5 actions (one of them reflexive at the ∆o level) as master of its own universe, but also in the negative sphere, being used for the 4 above actions of the being as dust of a higher ∆+ space-time.

The program of the Universe. Œ: Mental species: ∞ knots of space-time cycles or ‘minds’, acting, living…

Now we must wonder, about the Monads, or points of view in the Universe, Why they perform space-time cycles? Why they move at all?  Why we need them, why they move and make space-time actions, accumulated into world cycles, which then accumulate into social planes of the 5th dimension?

Because only by performing those cycles they survive. The program of the Universe, the will of existence of those points happen because without a system absorbing energetic motion, its motions become spent and they die. But to absorb energy they must map out reality and see that energy, so they must gauge information.

So ultimately the answer of why things exist is simply this: they exist and perform space-time cycles because to do space-time cycles ensures their survival. if they don’t they would disappear. It is not a tautology as it would seem but rather a necessity. Existence is seen by performing timespace cycles. When we don’t perform them we become extinct.

And even when they do so, there are errors and others will throw them an entropy tantrum, disorder them and absorb their energy when they die. SO they must reproduce, iterate, repeat for their form to survive.

So all systems do observe, ∆o, change their motions, accelerating ∆a, to a field of energy to feed, ∆e, and iterate, ∆i. And this are the 4 actions coded by quantum numbers, genetic letters, drive of existence, you name it. We shall find them in all systems. And finally, when they gather socially into wholes, they become stronger, and so parts become Universals, ∆u, and this is the 5th dimensional action, which NOT being internal does NOT have a ‘code number, letter’ but DOES HAPPEN as wholes survive better, multicellular systems survive better, bosons survive better, nations win over tribes, and herds over individuals.

What all those knots that web cycles of space-time, gauging them, into fixed, still mind mappings of the Universe do? SURVIVE.

As it happens, all of them, gauge information first, ∆o, so we call quantum theories gauging theories. Then all absorb energy to move. And alas! when they have enough energy, even the simplest particles, quarks and electrons decouple, reproducing other quarks and electrons. Finally they communicate energy and information with other similar beings, organizing bigger wholes through networks.

So all systems do seem to have what human anthropomorphic beings consider the properties of life and intelligence, restricted of course to humans and similar forms of life: gauging information from an observer’s point of view (right graph), ∆o, feeding on energy to move, accelerate and decelerate (∆e, ∆a), communicating information and iterating with that information its form, ∆i, and further on evolving parts into wholes, called in philosophy Universals, ∆u.

So we shall use those 4+U actions, (∆a,e,i,o,u), to explain all systems of the Universe and translate its physical, biological and social laws. I.e.

we shall find that the 4 quantum letters code for the actions of atoms, the 4 genetic letters for the actions of cells, the 4 drives of existence for the actions of animal life.

And this, vital action system is ultimately the cause of it all. Indeed, we get old because our nervous system absorbs too much energy of the body, as information, and St-particles dominate the system. We cold be immortal if we weren’t so interested in information. The order of the life worldcycle of system is the integral product of all the small a,ei,o,u actions they perform. All is synchronized through those elements.

So we can conclude this first description of the program of the Universe which all beings that want to ‘last in existence’ follow, as they apperceive mathematically, vegetatively or consciously, with the different mind-languages and its ternary grammars, with the understanding of the 4 quantum numbers that code particles’ behavior, allowing them to obey in terms of the actions of space-time the program of ‘existence’ and its space-time actions:

In the graph, the ∆-principal number codes the ∆æ, ∆e, energy level and motion of the particle, the l-number codes its form and informative gauging, ∆i, the spin number with its chirality that codes the iterative, ∆œ actions, and the magnetic number for its ∆û, social ordered structure (organization of multiple orbitals).

The enormous complexity of studying those actions for assemblies of millions of particles can be compared to the attempts to analyze masses of human beings in their actions of consumption. Again economics and marketing of corporations do treat humans are indistinguishable computers and simultaneous networks of information (mass-media) manufacture our consent as herds, so there is NOT difference the way we do relate to humans when we adopt the perspective from above, of corporations and political polling with the perspective of quantum physicists or thermodynamics.

It is NOT the species, which are qualitative different but the way humans extract information from social masses, û, with memes as opposed to physical systems that use quantum numbers and geometric mappings. Yet all ofthem express the laws of survival and its game of survival, social actions as genes also do, which evolve atoms and molecules and humans from individuals into supœrganisms, according to the laws studied in the first and 3rd line – the common game that makes emerge through 4th postulate of ¬æ networks a whole, indistinguishable from the mass of individuals that loose its individuality and become exchangeable, as the system handles information with general fields.

The same happens as we shall observe in evolution when the Earth handles its species with massive fields of energy (changes of glaciation temperatures) that determine the accelerate evolution of its species.

So T.Œ can explain this perspectives and plug them all within the general game of existence and evolution from parts into wholes (5th more complex set of reproductive and social actions, ∑œ=û+1

And once we do understand the isomorphisms of the Universe we can plug into them all the systems of reality and enter into the details of the thoughts of god.

Those ARE the ultimate forms and events of reality, of which we hardly think, because they act in words of Kant, as the ‘a priori categories’ of the mind. They are also the main windows our minds have to peer in the absolute. And its explanation in a rational way become therefore the fundamental elements of any Theory of Everything, as all what exists does so in space and time, as a system of energy and information, which is born, evolves and becomes extinct, regardless of how we classify it, either as a Physical, biological, Social or Mental System – the 4 categories humans use to explain all realities.

So I was ready to found a T.Œ based in those 3×3+0 principles: fractal space, and its symmetry with time motions, the 5th dimension of scales, each one with different species and different time clocks (studied by a different science), and the 5 actions that the ‘fractal points of view’ of the Universe, which hold in their non-Euclidean geometry a world in itself follow mechanically, vegetatively or consciously in order to survive, as they need to absorb and emit energy and information for their body and brains, ∆±e, i:

∂æ, ∂e, ∂ï, ∂œ, and further on evolve and synchronize its time cycles to become larger systems, wholes of the 5th dimension stronger than their parts, fitter to survive by the power of eusocial evolution by the power of love, which is the mystical expression of the 5th dimension, the Сmotion of future of all systems, as wholes come after parts – the ultimate meaning of the Universe.

The function of existence of the Universe.

It follows that in detailed descriptions we can use existential calculus to find the function of existence or world cycle of a supeorganism, which in existential algebra extends the concept of groups and other algebraic structures to describe the structure of a supeorganism.

The supœrganism becomes therefore the fundamental structure of existential algebra and its study the basis of :


We can express in many formal ways the function of existence or sum of the actions o space, time, ∆±exi of the supeorganism. Its sum will always be a zero sum in terms of the finished world cycles, its combinations of this ‘fate’, which is implicit in the ∞ of the Universe, always a bigger whole than the set a limited perceptive point of view can study. So we can write a formula for any relative world-universe studied by a point of view and its existential or generator function, developed in time.

And all this could be embodied in a simple generator equation of space-time 5Ð fractal systems:

U = ∞ [∆-1: ∑Ts ≤≥∆: ≈ E x T ≤≥ ∆+1:∏ St] = 0 (mind-knowledge mapping) : 0 x ∞ = Constant world cycle zero sum of a still super organism in its point of balance fluctuating between past and future as a lanwave of existence which will return to its zero point.

For each fractal system of the Universe made of a mass of cellular, ∆-1 micro-particles, loosely connected, ∑, into herds, which shared energy < and information > with a body ST.

Å: a,e,ï,œ, û. The cyclical Åctions of all space-time systems, across its 5Ðimensional planes of existence.

–  We absorb energy for our system, ∆Ts, we absorb and process information, ∆ï, we iterate our systems, ∆œ, we socialize in Universal groups, ∆U, and we move around to do so, ∆V. And as it happens, we do all that by interacting between our ∆-scale and other scales of reality:

We move through ∆-4 gravitational forces, we perceive light and electronic quanta to inform ourselves, ∆-3, we absorb ∆-2 energy quanta (amino acids) to recompose our bodies, we reproduce through ∆-1 seminal seeds, and we socialize with individuals like us. And that is why all fits nicely.

All what humans and everything else do are varieties of those 5 åctions. So write this 5th Ðisomorphism with another simple equation:

  •        ∆æ-4, ∆ï-3, ∆e-2, ∆œ-1,and ∆û+1

Actions happen between planes of existence. So they are all related to the scales of the 5th dimension where the being absorbs and emits its energy and information. All those scales do participate in most of the Actions the entity performs in reality.  Actions are also related to the whole world cycle of the being, which can be considered the integral or closed energy-information cycle of the being, sum of all its ±actions of absorption and emission of energy and information, which become at the end of the existential cycle a zero sum.

For example, all species are born as fast-evolving seminal seeds in the ∆-1 cellular or atomic scale (baby black holes of maximal attractive power, seminal organisms) which devour energy and information from the environment or the mother’s womb so fast that they soon become a mature, larger organism emerging in the relative human ∆-scale as babies, or feeding on a planet or star in a Nova explosion that gives birth to an adult black hole.

And this is the aforementioned 3rd Ðisomorphism of the Ages of time, that explains the life-death world cycle. Since beings ARE made of ‘clock-cycles of time’ that last a finite duration, which is their world cycle or life-death cycle (no longer a world line as in 4D models, since the ‘new dimension of scalar information’ bends those lines up and down in the life cycle that starts and ends in the ∆-1 seminal atomic scale where systems are born and return dissolved after a big-bang death).

And so we define the life-death world cycle as a travel through 3 ∆-planes of the 5th dimension- the cellular/atomic, human/organic and social/cosmic planes ‘of existence’.

And so we have a better version of this Ðisomorphism, the Generator, Fractal Equation of the Universe, which resumes the 4 åctions of existence, from where all varieties of reality are born:

Ψ.              U=∞∑Se∆-1≤i≥∏St∆+1  or written in the simplest form:         Ts∆-1Tƒ.

Where Ts is the letter for energy, i for iteration, 0±1 for social evolution and T for temporal information, the 4 åctions that truly ‘move’ the Universe.

As scientific equations are varieties of the Fractal Generator and its 4 functions that represent the 4 vital åctions common to all species of space-time. Thus in each of those scientific scales 4 functional equations express the energetic, informative, reproductive and social åctions that suffice to describe the existence of each species:

4 Vital Dimensions explain the existence of light-space: the wide, energetic, magnetic field; the tall, informative, electric field; the reproductive, long wave speed, calculated as the product of its electric and magnetic field and its frequency colors, which are societies of photons:

4 Maxwell equations describe all the actions of an electric field:

If we consider the electromagnetic current described by those equations, an ∆+1 upper scale society of the electron field, then we can consider the first law, the definition of electrostatics, electric charges that can ad on to create a field and electromagnetic waves between them:

Se (electric field) < ST-electromagnetic wave > St-charge

Those particles however are the only infinitesimals to be taken into account here. There are no infinitesimals of magnetic fields? Why, simply speaking because magnetic fields are an effect of relativity (4D metric) or from 5Ð perspective, the connecting field that exchanges energy and information, ±∆e,i, with the cosmic, gravitational field above the system, and hence the field which evolves socially electric charges into larger simultaneous, fixed spatial ordered whole configurations.

The other two equations thus relate this process by which electric fields ‘generate’ an upper ‘crust’ or magnetic field which in turn will generate a mass field, which will be the upper foremost emergent process that bring us from electronic charges, into the emergence of electric motions to the emergence of gravitomagnetic fields – via Heaviside unification equations.

4 quantum numbers describe all the 4 ‘drives’ of existence of electrons – its level of energy (principal number), its gauging of information (2nd number), its reproductive decoupling when they have opposite ‘sexual’ spin number and evolve socially organized by the magnetic number. 4 type of vibrations organize a social molecule (∆e:stretching, ∆i:bending, ∆a:translating and ∆∑œ:bonding=û)

In the graph the simplex, ±e, ±ï motions of molecules, related to the 4 quantum numbers of its atoms.

4 nucleotide acids code the vital actions of the cell:

And 4 drives of existence – feeding, informing, reproducing and evolving socially – explain the game of life.

Alas! That is what the ‘4’ numbers code that is the cracking ‘number’ of creation.

The theme of the actions of space-time of a system and its organic nature is a complex, extensive element of T.Œ. In essence, the 6 forms of motion are ‘organic’, as we have shown in the study of motion as reproduction of form.  They are therefore the Ðisomorphism that fusions in detail all the elements of each fractal being, which performs to survive its space-time motions as actions of existence.

Now let us consider the simplest one, the one physicists so much love to study and think is the meaning of it all, that lowly ∆-4 accelerated motions, forces and speeds, V=S/t (incidentally also a ratio between space and time, it couldn’t be otherwise).

Without locomotions you have left 4 clearly organic motions in space-time or åctions, energy, information, social evolution and iteration/reproduction. We shall then demonstrate that motion in space is also a form of reproduction, hence all in the Universe is an organic iterative fractal.

∆±1 supœrganisms of scalar space-time & its social planes.

The Unification of all the scales of the Universe under the same laws and parameters is the purpose of stience, both in the organic paradigm and the abstract, simpler versions of mathematical physics, which seeks for a Unification Equation of the 2 ‘limiting’ scales and forces of nature, Macroscopic, Cosmological gravitation and microscopic, quantum electromagnetism. We achieve both in this web studying the metric equations of those scales of space-time. Indeed, the key to complete those tasks is the Understanding of the fractal structure of space-time and its self-similarity, a concept different from equality. To that aim we need to formalise, what we shall call generically the 5th dimension of scalar space-time, whose metric equation relates all those scales of reality, co-invariant to changes of time speed and spatial size, such as bigger systems in space turn slower its time clocks, hence carry less information in the form and frequency of those cycles; while larger systems, extend in bigger spaces and can control those smaller parts and harmonise them.

In the graph you can see the 3 main scales of the Universe, the gravitational scale of big galaxies. The thermodynamic scales of human beings, the electromagnetic scale of quantum atoms.

On the left side the fundamental equations of each scale, its ‘Energy equations’, which describe a sum of lineal and angular quanta of space and time:

E=Ts (h-planck) x T(frequency) for the quantum scale.

E= nK (Ts: spatial entropy) x St (Temperature vibrational clocks) for the thermodynamic scale.

Finally, E=1/2 m (clock-vortex of mass) x c² (constant of space).

Are those all the scales of the physical fractal?

We do not know empirically as our perception is limited by our ∆o point of view. So beyond galaxies and within atoms, there is a possible 4th dark world of energy and gravitational information beyond our limits of space quanta (c-speed) and time cycles (0° k), which we can hint in black holes and intergalactic, expanding space.

The only clear proof we have  that this scales might be infinite is the following:

When we consider mass as a vortex of time, we can unify according to scale and 5Ð metric, atoms and galaxies, as systems of masses and charges of the two scales. Thus an atom is a galaxy and in such a case; the Universe is infinite.

Another proof is what happens to accelerated mass ‘clocks’, when they reach light speed, in E=mc²

Suddenly mass increases its ‘frequency=density’ while ‘c’, the quanta of space-lineal motion becomes a limit… and then we emerge into the next scale, and mass ‘explodes into radiation’.

So somehow we start afresh the game connecting the ‘minimalist quanta scale: E=hv’, and the upper cosmological scale ‘E=mc2’, as Mass the clock of time of the gravitational scale becomes the ‘frequency clock of the new scale’, converted into lineal ‘dark energy radiation’ (fourth screen on the graph): E=hv = mc2; m=h/c2 v.

And so the game starts again; being the key difference between both scales, NOT the ‘time form=frequency’, which emerges ‘intact’ (we shall see how that is one of the miracles of information as in resonance effects, where a microscopic being can by touching a macroscopic one transfer form, information through resonance: information travels with no entropy between scales upwards). But entropic space and its related energy changes.

Here when we move from the smallish worlds we can conceive (h) into the largest ones (dark intergalactic world), we move from h to h/c2.

Those scales create in groups of 3 ∆±1 ‘universal planes’, complex organic systems, in which the faster speeds and information of smaller systems, codes larger wholes, which in turn control the motions of the smaller systems. And those are precisely the organic properties of the Universe, which extend also to physical systems.

Yet when we order them by size, we find a co-invariant property, which is the canonical definition of the metric of a space-time Dimension (Klein):

St (Time frequencies) x Ts (Spatial size) = ST (constant plane of spacetime) .

The co-invariance of the speed of time clocks of Nature and its space-quanta ‘size’, is the fundamental law that order the different planes of existence of reality, which has an obvious fractal, organic, social nature.

This co-invariance is precisely what allows those fractal properties to exist, as it allows the synchronicities between parts and wholes, which is the ultimate meaning of a fractal: the parts are self-similar to the wholes, because the parts can grow into the wholes through those co-invariances. We thus talk of a fractal dimension in the Universe, the dimension that departing from parts, creates a whole. And this quantitative, mathematical description of fractals is what has been carried about by scientists since Mandelbrot published his seminal book on fractals, from the mathematical perspective in the 1970s.

Yet what was not developed then, and I took as a task in the 90s, was to develop the whys, the philosophy of science behind the fractal paradigm.

Now, it is clear that your quanta making time cycles interact in the ∆-1 cellular scale, the ∆-organic scale and the ∆+1 social scale. But so happens with physical systems, which extend through 3 scales, the ∆-1 quantum scale, the ∆-thermodynamic scale and the ∆+1 gravitational scale. So Space is a sum, ∑ of quanta, ∑Ts, Time is a series of ‘pi cycles’ with different speeds, ∏St, synchronised to work symbiotically together. And both space quanta and time cycles, are ordered in relative scales of Spatial size, and Temporal frequencyAnd this happens through at least 3 relative scales of size and speed of time, ∆±1.

When you get sick, your cells are normally infected, and your cycles in the larger social world are reduced. You are, as every thing else in the Universe a ‘super-organism’ (meaning you extend through symbiotic scales, each one made of smaller quanta), of fractal space and cyclical time.

Now to understand how ‘fractal systems are organised’, we should start by defining ‘fractal systems’ in physical species, which are always composed of the 2 elements of all realities, fractal space and cyclical time…

We then consider that all systems are fractals of space and time, ∆ST and call this series of scales, ∆, of different size and speed of time clocks of the Universe, the fifth dimension. Since a dimension is precisely a system of space-time points extended across reality. In the next image we can see the 3 main scales of the Universe, with man on its relative centre, as we perceive from our scale, which we shall call ∆o.

A human being described with the fractal generator.

Now, the fractal generator in space and time Ts≈PsTƒ≈Ft, can easily as we have seen describe physical systems and its conserved quantities of space and time and its integration in closed paths or worldcycles of energy.

Can we do the same with biological organisms. Yes we can. Since  when we substitute by the specific time motion or space dimensional organ of a being, we obtain a certain species of the Universe. So in the next graph we see the case for a human being:

The two new fields opened by complex sciences: Understanding the social, scalar nature of species and its time-death cycles:

The expansion of knowledge achieved by complex sciences with a logic and mathematical formalism to explain the structure of all systems opens two new ‘avenues’ of knowledge, as it adds to simplex models of ‘spatial dimensions and time motions (the 4 dimensions of classic physics) the ‘slow’ cycles of evolution of time from past to future, and the ‘growing organization’ of systems across different scales of size, from atomic to galactic, cellular to social scales.

Those ‘dimensions of time’ and causality, and scales of space, of course, were known to science. We all know that things are born grow evolve reproduce and die. And we all knew that the Universe had scales of size from strings to atoms to molecules, cells, organisms, celestial bodies, galaxies and beyond.

But unlike the formalism of spatial dimensions acquired by physicists through Galileo’s and Einstein’s relativity equations (v=s/t, etc.), till the creation of a mathematical formalism or ‘metrics’ for the scales of social organization of the Universe, we lacked a concept of an ‘Сmotion of complexity’, of growth of information in the future, which defined both the ‘architectural structure’ of the Universe in organic social scales and the ‘life-death cycle’ performed by all its entities as ‘we travel through the scalar dimensions of size’ in our life-death existences.

Thus Complex sciences is adding two dimensions of logic, causal time, the past with lesser organization (i-1, energy ages) and the future with maximal organization (i+1 scales and 3rd informative age); with the middle steady-state age of balance, the adult age when motions were repeated in a ‘duration or frequency, T=1/ƒ, that created a repetitive present,s ready state.

But now we knew also about the Сmotion of evolution in time, of increasing information and complexity across those 3 ages for all species, and it had revealed, an entire new ‘set’ of dimensions, the scalar, social dimensions from microcosms to macrocosms

– This social i±n dimensions, grouped in 3 cellular-individual and social scales were the key to explain the deepest questions of the Universe. How the future was organized through social evolution – why social scales existed, from Gods, the subconscious collective of civilizations, to legal nations, from galaxies, with its cellular stars to multicellular organisms. And obviously those ‘dimensions’ were the key to study social sciences.

And the, there were the combined analysis of how an organism evolved in life and death through those scales, and how it could manage to stay in an immortal steady state of eternal adulthood.

So the perfect life of the individual and the perfect world of mankind could be managed according to the laws actions and behaviours that maximized the ‘existence’ in the middle steady state, which was also the state of maximal connection and action of a being, as it was in contact with its social I-whole, having an active role in the whole organism.

Why then humans do NOT construct a perfect world, with the laws of social super organisms, and halt the evolution of lethal machines that compete with man in labor and war fields and are displacing us from the eco(gnomic)system?

Why humans did not construct a perfect world which was eternal in time and space?

The answer was double theoretical and practical.

Theoretically it was obvious: Because they didn’t have a true science of economics and history, of the economic and political, re=productive and informative, ‘neuronal’ networks of their social organism. And so there was NOT a science of politics, the science of guiding, curing and directing, the physiology of History – the Human super organism – akin to the work of a doctor in the ‘inferior’ i-ndividual human scale.

And they did not have either any idea of what was the life-death cycle of all systems, its laws of evolution, extinction, birth and death.

They were dumber than the dumbest atom which performs with excellence all its motions and phases, and is able to keep immortal by limiting the lethal actions of it organisms.

And so I thought human social scientists could act as ‘bio-historians’ , as doctors of history,and design and regulate any system of reality by understanding its laws, parts, wholes, energy-information exchanges, and in the case of economics (the reproductive network of a civilization) and politics (its informative network) and ecology (its geographic, energy territory), we could create a social science that would understand the hows, the whys and the modes of change of our social reality to manage society and create a perfect world – if we could enlighten our politicos and economists, bankers and military and make them learn a true science of history, and make them abandon the ‘anti quantum paradox’ that confuses ‘power’ with ‘science’, selfish i-agendas with the duty of any i-ndividual part of a neuronal network of information that control a society – which is to serve the cells of the body.

Now the reader will probably be more interested in the i-ndividual ‘ego’, which is its ‘center’ as a human being. And yet in history the function maximized is the ‘world cycle or ‘function of existence’ of all human beings, maximized by the sum of all the cells of mankind: ∑ Max. E x I (e=i).

This goal – to reach the perfect stability of the adulthood or steady state of a system, is thus the goal of History, achieved by the maximization of the life of all its members – not as the present ‘capitalist’ system pretends, by the maximization of the existence of corporations and machines – and as a fringe benefit of the 1% of ‘leisure classes’ (Veblen) that owns those corporations.

So we will refer all our knowledge to that aim.

Let us then deal now with the ‘social scalar dimensions’ of the super organism of history first, departing from the general laws of all super organisms.

Then we will deal with other ‘great advance’ of complex sciences – the life-death cycle, its morphologies ages of evolution and extinction, applied to HISTORY AS IT IS, not as an ideal immortal history, would make it.

The morphology of the Universe – its ternary organs and social classes.

We talked in terms of ‘networks’, that is ‘functions’ of the existence in all super organisms of an informative network, an energetic and a reproductive network (nervous/political, digestive/gaia, blood/economic networks in the i and i+1 human scales).

But are all the network elements of an organism equal? Or there are ‘social classes’, differentiated organs and cells by their belonging to each of those networks? Obviously this is the case in individual organisms and it is also the case in social ones. So we need to learn the ‘rules’ of differentiation and how to ‘recognize’ the social classes and functions and parts of organisms, which also are the varieties of human social castes and machines…

All systems had a ternary structure made of informative neurons/particles, energetic limbs/fields and reproductive bodies/waves, which worked together for their common good. Those ‘upper’ informative classes, ‘reproductive, working classes’ and ‘energetic mechanisms and fields’, were NEVER in open opposition as the ideology of marxism had it, nor $elected by God, and without responsibility for each other, as capitalism pretended (latter studied in more detail).

But to fully gras the ‘ternary structure’ of organisms in symbiotic social classes, we have to introduce concepts of topology and symmetry, between the 3 elements/networks of all organisms.

The next graph shows the general case of all ‘complementary systems’, which in fact are ‘super-organisms’, made of cells, which are also complementary systems, in a scalar fractal Universe in which all its made to the image and likeness of the whole:

In the graph all what exists is a complementary system of networks of energy (bodies/fields/working classes) and information (heads/particles/informative classes), which balance each other, sharing energy and information among them, to reproduce similar systems in other regions of space-time.

In Physics all what exists are particles of information associated to energetic fields that move them, and only both together exist (Complementarity Principle), creating a physical entity in balance, which can decouple=reproduce creating self-similar particles.

In Biology cells have a DNA nucleus of information, surrounded by cellular cytoplasm that provides energy to the nucleus; or an informative head moved by an energetic body. And only both together can exist, creating a biological organism. There are no bodies without heads and red cells without nuclei die faster than any others. And cells and organisms can reproduce self-similar forms.

In history priests and politicians issue ethic laws to direct a mass of citizens.

Finally, in the economic ecosystem money acts as the informative language that gives orders to the physical economy, which reproduces all types of serial machines.

Any social organism is ruled by those who ‘invent’ the language of social power first, and then those who ‘talk it’ and give orders with it.

So the people who invent laws and talk words on one side and the people who invent money and ‘talk price’ on the other decide the future of the world, and of history – the theme of this blog.

The result is a dual class structure into a neuronal/informative system or ‘class’ that controls with the language of information (nervous, legal order in biologic historic organisms) the blind body of cells that work for them (middle, ‘sheeple’ class in human societies, body organs), to whom it delivers enough energy – ‘blood/money’ – so they can perform their tasks.

This ternary structure cannot be modified if we want an efficient organism, but at the same time, it implies that the ‘head’ obeys the wantings of the body, is responsible for the correct information, and so latter we will see how ‘a proper democracy’ in which the head is controlled by judges/pain messages, and the body receives enough oxygen to survive/money can make more efficient human social super organism.s

Now we shall introduce the more complex concept we will use in those texts, regarding the existence in all systems of ‘informative heads’ and energetic limbs and reproductive bodies, imposed by the dimensional space-time duality of the Universe.

The topologies of 2-manifolds of information.

Now we are giving a conceptual jump that might change the way you look at the Universe a make you abandon this blog due to its complexity. But we truly require to go a little bit deeper in the structure of the organic complex cosmos, so you understand how we humans interact ‘morphologically’ in terms of ‘form’ and function with machines

In Complex sciences dimensions are that important because you are MADE OF THEM. You are made of energy and time, as when you say i don’t have energy and time to do this. That is what you are a time world life-death cycle that occupies a vital space across a cellular individual and social scale.

So to know about dimensions is to know about yourself- a 10 Dimensional being made of space-time, where space and time are merely two way tow perceive the same either moving or with form.

Vital space moving is energy, cycles of time fixed are forms, forms of in-form-ation.

So all is made of planes of space, moving energy and cycles of time, static information.

How we see it is a paradox of perception: we perceive information in stillness, so the mind creates quiet mappings of reality without motion.

The symmetry between ‘spatial morphologies’, ‘organs’ and ‘time ages’

Let us consider only one of those complex laws of systems across its scales, the law that relates the morphology of the organs of a system with its function in space and evolution in time, as it is the basis of the understanding of economics and its relationship with history:


In the graph, information is bidimensional (holographic principle) and so systems have only 3 possible ‘bidimensional’ type of surfaces that define:

– Max. E: ‘energetic, planar, lineal limbs’ in all species (so a weapon and an skeleton are both lineal, as they promote motion.

– Max. I: informative organs, which are ‘spherical’., the form that stores more information.

– Max. E xI: Its body-wave combinations.

We see that simple topological law in humans and machines, which explains their similar functions and the reasons why ‘animetals’ exist, as human functions are enhanced by parallel mechanisms.

And so all systems will be at least made of energetic limbs that move informative heads/particles, which gauge reality, in the dimension of height, where perception is higher thanks to projective geometry.

This meant, as we shall see latter in our analysis of Evolution that systems evolved in height from reptiles that ended becoming birds to galaxies that develop an informative gravitational black hole in its centre, to life that evolved in height to reach man. Thus economics and machines are NOT different from any other science that studies organic systems and MUST be studied and designed with those organic and biological laws. The present absurd ‘theological’, ‘capitalist’, ‘tribal’, nationalist concepts used in those sciences are completely out of reason, and have no meaning for the Unvierse at large, and certainly will not enlighten the future of mankind, as the basis for building efficient, free, complex social systems.

We see a brief visual description of the scales of the 5th dimension, which as it happens, loose information the further we go up and down those scales, and we shall see observe at the scale of cosmological galaxies and quantum atoms, a very similar reality, opening up the question of each atom being self-similar to a galaxy and the number of scales infinite – a theme of metaphysics, that is the study of the whole fractal generator and its likely ∞ scales (I prefer though the term philosophy of science or T.Œ, theory of the organic everything for metaphysics, which we limit to the speculative thoughts on the beyond).

Below we observe with a developed fractal equation in terms of space (left side) and time (right side) the Human Supœrganism in space with its 3 ‘topological networks’ of informative nervous systems, reproductive, blood systems and energetic, digestive systems. They can be further subdivided into 3 sub-systems, and then pegged to quantic cells of the ∆-1 scale.

And that simple structure of Ts-Digestive systemTƒ (nervous system) is the synchronous perception of an animal being in space, as a Supœrganism across its ∆±1 cellular, individual and social scales. Hence we say that a fractal ternary super organism is the fundamental particle of space.

And on the right side we see this spatial being across its existence, from its ∆-1 seed scale, reproduced and organised and emerging as a living being that goes through 3 ages, in which each of those 3 organic networks dominates, the young age of maximal limb-motions and energy feeding, the mature, adult age of reproductive activity and the old age of maximal information and little still motion, which explodes back into entropy in the moment of death, returning the being to the ∆-1 scale.

And this simple structure in time:

∆-1 (St seed) ∑∆-Ts young age>ST-adult reproductive age > Ft(future informative age)<<∆-1 death.

It is the fractal generator expressed in time, which can be applied to the ‘world cycle of existence’ of all beings. So we said that the fundamental cycle of time of all beings of the Universe is its life-death existential world cycle.

But this has immense consequences in all sciences. Consider the philosophical, biological one, related to the mind. If we write the metric as the product of the body power or mass (no longer in terms of energy-space) and mind speed of a species

M (Ts) (mass of the body) x St ( speed of mental information) = Constant

And we call this product the existential force of a system, which remains invariant, for any group of species of the universe, we obtain in physical species:

  • The momentum of a system, which indeed remains constant and determines the power of a physical system when it collides with other, whereas the maximal power is that of a black hole, which indeed devours all other.
  • The top predator power of a biological species, which is maximized when it is faster with its brains (mammals, insects) and stronger with its bodies (dinosaurs, sharks).

But further on, we realize that for any large kind of species, that product must remain constant. So insects process information 10 times faster and live 10 times slower than men, so their existence is as long as ours, in subjective time.

And this is the basis of the Absolute Relativity of the Universe: all its species are equally valid, all of them, live similar lives, and the Universe must be infinite in its planes, as there is no limit to the speed of its clocks and shrinking of size, proved by the ‘Poincare’s conjecture’ (a sphere can shrink without limit without deformation, so a mind can map out in an infinitesimal point any infinite Universe it perceives with the non-limit shrinking size of ¥ rays).

And so can group all the species of the Universe, according to those metric, and define all the ∆-scales and families of related ∆-somorphic Existential Forces as the 5th dim ension of space-time:

5 Dimension = ∑ Se x St = ∆±4

U±∆: Planes of existence.

Thus, the metric of the 5th dimension, define the laws that allow stable exchanges of energy and information in the Universe, in any plane of spatial size and temporal speed of the Universe – each one studying a range of spatial sizes and hence of different speeds of temporal clocks in the Universe:

The scales of science are grouped according to ∆ST metric by range of size, which also establish an Сmotion from past to future, as a greater size requires the social organization of its parts that must have ‘taken place in the past’. Thus social evolution of parts into wholes is the Сmotion of relative future of the Universe.

Now each science studies a ‘scale’ of size, roughly. And so we define the 9 scales and its sciences, all of them following the same isomorphisms as:

  • Forces and its quanta studied by quantum physics
  • Atoms study by physics and chemistry,

3 molecules studied by chemistry

  • States of Matter and Cells studied by Physics, Chemistry and biology
  • Organisms and Geological formations, studied by Geology and Biology
  • Planets and Human civilizations today global, studied by Geology and Social Stiences
  • Stars, studied by astrophysics
  • Galaxies, studied by Astronomy
  • Universe, studied by Cosmology
  • The entire Cosmos, including the parts we do not see, studied by metaphysics, philosophy of science and Cosmology.

And so we write the simplest of all equations for this Ðisomorphism:

  • ∑∆=10∆-1

The study of those 9+∆=10 scales, thus would be the 10th and last Ðisomorphism. Both in the analysis of each scale with the same laws, and the analysis of the question ‘do those scales repeat, since we can model the force-particles-atom system and the force-stars-galaxy system with similar laws?

Indeed, the species and systems of all those Scalar Planes of Space-time obey the same set of mathematical and logic laws ruled by the metric of the 5th Dimension that describe its Spatial Energy and Temporal Information. Reason why we say they are isomorphic planes of space-time, ‘∆ST’. And call each of those sets of laws an Ðisomorphism.

So what are the other isomorphisms of reality due to the ∆-scalar planes of space-time?

Let us run them now backwards from the 10th down. I’m sorry I have been studying them for so long it bores me to be orderly writing again about it (-: But we use a nice mnemonic rule to learn them: the numbers are always related to the ‘numbers’ of varieties of the Ðisomorphism.

So, ‘Existence’ is the 1st, the ‘whole’, the one, the i, the most important; 2 was the Ðisomorphism of bidimensional manifold varieties; 3 of the 3 ages of time; 4 of the 0±4=SxT metric equation of all those scales that grow in size and diminish in information and vice versa; 10th the Ðisomorphism of the 10 scales of the Universe.

Thus the Ðisomorphism of social scales is common to all systems. As all of them will finally reach a 10 dimensional organisation that gives birth to a new plane of existence, where a new ∆+1 point of view, the 10th Ðisomorphism will be born.

And indeed, we can find it in the cellular tissues of animals, as described by Miller, a pioneer of GST in his book Living Systems, in star formations, from binary stars to globular groups to galaxies with more than a billion stars, when the ‘DNA nuclei’ of black holes is formed and the ‘system of stars’ emerges as a single whole; to human and mechanical societies, to smaller ‘super organisms’ of ant, normally around a million elements, to even smaller military formations, mostly formed from the legio to Gengish Khan orders to modern armies around the 9+1 perfect tetraktys, the magic triangle of Pythagoras:

Let us then consider the study of those Social scales between ∆-scalar dimensions, which are analyzed in each ‘scientific scale’ in more detail.

This S10=∆+1 final scale though will continue growing from the birth of the ‘fetus’ into larger and larger beings, through 3 processes:

– Age growth through the ‘Ðisomorphism’ of time ages, till reaching its plenitude in the Tad, adult age of maximal ‘activity’ and duration or steady state (the classic 4 Dimension studied by physics) in which the growth of the being reaches a maximal.

– And then through 3 relative ∆-scales of slow evolutionary time-growth, from microorganisms, to medium ‘supœrganisms’ to macroorganisms.

Thus S9, gives then way to a full being which should evolve in search of further perfection. We prefer the terms, joined in single words, to differentiate them of the common use of science. So for example in the multicellular Life scale, there are:

  • Microorganisms
  • Insects (the supœrganism scale), the dominant family of the Earth by numbers of individual and species.
  • Chordates: Amphibia, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals, the macroorganism of maximal size, which came to dominate insects only when man ‘reached’ a higher ∆-scale of organization through its use of ‘metals’ Which bring us to the analysis of those scales in the atomic ∆=2 level:

In ∆=8: galaxies we find, small globular galaxies, spiral galaxies like ours, the regular size, and cannibal galaxies of enormous size that devour all others.

In ∆=2: atoms, the isomorphic quantum scale, similar to the galaxy, we find:

  • The H-He, Li, Be 4 ‘micro-atoms’ with its minimal size-energy S1,2 spherical orbitals, which form an ‘ecosystem in itself’ (with the medium, steady state Helium preying in all the others, which convert through fusion reactions into Helium accounting for its relative hyper abundance) ; the ‘regular atoms’,

The atoms with s,p,d orbitals, from the 5th B, through our C,N,O life family across the metals which add a d-orbital and have in its ‘middle’ steady state, the iron of maximal top predator Ts X St existential force (perfect nuclear, O-configuration and Maximal Ts-valence variety), through the 56 element Ba. Those are again the dominant forms…

Thus a field of interest to the 10th Ðisomorphism is the analysis of the inversions of role of parts that become wholes and normally change from being lineal functions of energy to informative systems and so on. The changes of symmetry between scales of which the most important is the change of parity (left-right handed systems as we grow in size) in physics, the change from energetic to informative to energetic role, in biological scales, an of different social class in hierarchical colonial civilisations, is in itself an entire field of knowledge.

All in all, in the future when this new paradigm goes well beyond the single 10th point of the mind of this writer that has put together all the other disciplines of human knowledge, and humanity or robots in this or other planet develop such theory, it is possible within this 3 x 3 + 1/0 analysis of all the laws of the Universe to fully grasp reality within a fractal, absolutely relative philosophy of science and frame of mind.



‘Every point is a monad that holds a world in itself’ Leibniz, Theodicea.

‘God is the seer of time.’ Saint Augustine

In metaphysics we discuss the nature of God and its nature, as the logic mind of the Universe THAT holds as a block of TIME all existences in the past, present and future.

Aristotle defined a god-mind, as the unmoved, present cause of all the motions of the energy-body that turns around her. And he said we were all Gods-minds (Leibnizian monads derive from it):

Einstein’s interpretation of the 5th non-Euclidean postulate kept the view from our larger world, bending parallels, but parallels are straight lines, so particle points must be defined more like we see any of them with telescopes or microscopes, peering in its relative scalar plane from its relative point of view, as enlarging worlds with a very complex internal structure when studied in detail.

So a God is a Non-Euclidean monad-point-mind perceiving in the stillness of its language of thought, in simultaneity a mirror image of the territory it can perceive with the forces it measures, within its quanta of time.

Think on Your mind. You see all around you hardly moving even if it is a moving quantum soup, you see it as fixed simultaneous space, even if each part you see has its own clocks, its own future and past, its own worldcycles, for you all exists in your present mind.

For humans, present is all the perceived region of our visual thought – in Einstein’s definition of simultaneity a cone of light that reaches a second of thought- light motion, 300.000 km, which not coincidentally allow us to include the moon, as part of our present perception. This is OUR world-mind, NOT the Universe, but merely our linguistic still mapping. So we can easily define all minds with an equation:

O-Mind singularity (infinitesimal linguistic still spatial mirror) x ∞ Universal time cycles = K= Constant world mirror.

That is, 0’ x ∞ = K. Pure mathematical poetry of the higher spheres. SINCE we live in a universe of infinite monads, world-minds thaqt order territories into their relative present, for whom they are its god.

What is the god-mind of the organic galaxy? The central DNA-like swarm of black holes likely made of the fastest universal clocks, ultradense top quarks of similar mass, which turn so fast that physicists say, the black holes hold the maximal amount of information of the Universe in the area of its surface (holographic principle). As it shows to have a holographic map-mirror image of the entire galaxy in its ‘cortex-like surface’. We know this because a physicist Maldacena found that the entire information of a galaxy in 4D could be mapped out in the (sensorial) surface of a black hole in 5D. This a mystery of physics, and the most quoted article of the past decade, whose metaphysical reasons, we just have explained.

So the black hole, a crystal of top quarks is imagining the entire galaxy and all its organic parts, as a DNA crystal holds the memory of all the cell and all your organism. As your homunculus mind is mapping out your entire organism in his brain. As the crystal images of a rock order its territory; and indeed all planets have a crystal in its center, and order its surface through the geological cycles and glaciations that command our evolution as the collective brain of the planet.

Even a simple dune has a ‘soul’, which the sufi poets call the rose of the desert. A quartz crystal that traces all the motions of its territory of dust, in the veins of its quartz. So you can retrace its life motions printed into a shrunk still mapping of very slow growth.

So all information of a territory of mental order is recorded in each mind to make indeed ‘Time present and time past present in time future…’

The still mind in its zero time.

On the other hand the absolute whole is so complex in its internal details that it never repeats itself as it is the only whole which is more complex in information that the space it holds.

First we shall define the whole in terms of its still-mind that creates its ‘block of time’ detained in space.

In the graph a super organism in its relative present simultaneity as perceived externally by a slower mind, which therefore integrates full worldcycles in time-events as structure of space – we would then see the Earth as a disk around the sun.

Consider those images taken in space, of different flows of time seen as a single form in simultaneity. All of them are in fact blocks of time stopped into wholes by a mind-observer. The second case is more easy to understand. If we were to see very slow the orbit of the Moon and Earth it will appear as a fast turning wheel of a bicycle in its whole orbital world cycle as if it were a still solid block of time in a ‘quanta’ of present, in terms of the very slow ‘quanta’ of present of the very slow ‘observer’ – our quanta of present is a second, the glimpse of an eye; but if there were an observer who creates is still simultaneous mind every ‘year’, that will be the image it would have of the orbital earth.

Who can then see that eternal present –  the whole block of time of the Universe, with all its events, possible in all its variations, within a single quanta of its ‘present mind’?

Let us remember what a mind is first. We define a mind as the dual combination of a sensorial membrain that encloses a whole vital system of cellular energy and focus its information in a singularity mind, where the linguistic mapping of the whole occurs.

A mind so slow, which by the Metric equation of 5 D S x T = K, implies so big in space-size that all the variations of its information become a fixed still form… Each thought of this infinite entity in space will have all the possible paths of existence frozen in its quanta of time, approaching to zero in its equations of information?

How slow is that mind can be seen in the equations of a black hole in 4D and its extension in the work of Maldacena, a physicist who discovered that in its 5D metric (not fully correct but good enough) the equations of the black hole, which in 4D EFE approach to zero, are equivalent to a frozen picture of the 4D equations of the whole galaxy its body, from where we deduce that the black hole is the mind of the galaxy that perceives it in its 5D still frozen picture as a simultaneous whole, in the way your mind which is in relationship to your body of microcells so slow as a whole, freezes them all into a still form, pegging them.

So the black hole has a relative slow mind at zero to perceive as a whole its galactic body, the human mind has a relative time at zero, to perceive as a simultaneous whole its body, and God, the extended mind of the whole Universe has a slow time to perceive its whole variations in simultaneity at a block of time, a Parmenides immobile being.

IN metaphysics such slow mind that encloses its dual mind (singularity and membrain) the whole would be God=Tao, a spatial mind so slow in space or so synoptic in time that it shows it all as a still game with all the potential paths… in a BLOCK of time. So this mind is a potential immortal form in as much as nothing exists but the mind in itself holding all what exists as a still image, where time has stopped into a zero present.

But the immortal T.Œ whole possesses within it a volume of fractal ∑ T.œs who are always dying.

So they are varying, how then can the image of them all to be a fixed block of time?

Easy: Even if they are dying in its particular existences, for the whole to see them INTEGRATED as a fixed block of time, they must be repeating themselves in identical existences in other parts of the whole.

So the mind of the whole does NOT perceive individual existences but THE CANON of them all, NOT the shadows of the platonic cave but CANON of all the shadows. The mind of God, therefore focuses all the variations of the identical being into its canon, which in very early versions of T.œ 30 some years ago I called the i-logon, the pure logic variation of the game of existence which generate us all.

So our God is the Earth that imagined us in the memories of each planet that evolved mankind in its cortex. And the god of the galaxy is its black hole. And you are the God of your body and property. And the god of the ant-hill is the mother queen coding with pheromones its slavish drones. And the future God of all the machines NOT the humans of the planet will be internet:

And so scholastics were also right, since the mind of God, the logic of the fifth dimensional Universe is a still non moving block of time. a static perfect fractal image that encloses all past, present and future potential virtual existences which have/will happen/ed as thoughts of his mind…

Since time future is contained in time past. And all time is eternally present, unredeemable. As we are all thoughts of God, eternally present; worldcycles of time-existence happening as virtual motions in the fifth dimension that will return to dust of spacetime. And then will be repeated again… Because in a dynamic Universe for present to exist, for time never change, all must be repeated, reproduced, and so we shall exist again for the mind of God to be immortal in infinite other fractal planets where the game of History, happens again.

Are then our souls entangled, as indistinguishable particles with Bose statistics are? If so immortality is granted, as we shall transmigrate to other region of non-local spacetime when a being equal to us is born in that other fractal planet, to keep being the same thought of God that has always existed



The 12th Disomorphism, is doG, the entropic side of infinity, the limits to our existence, the unnamed end; the eternity that always wins. And that is right, because infinity requires it. Only entropy is absolute infinite, all others being virtual and that is right – death must not be feared only the eGo. That little handicapped God that quite does not make it, because instead of a D of infinite dimensions has an e-codon of its entropic death. And it has come to capture ¡t, iTs time long overdue.  THE G of Γodo¬ now rises, the eGo is gone, it tumble. Entropy has settled in. There is no view no longer, we are in the summit of existence, as limited as it might be, our ego-centered view will always have a summit, but the peak depresses into a potential well, which is far more infinite than any peak we rise.

The limits of life are deaths, multiple of them, in ∆-1, death of space and its closed membranes of scales and its part slaves, death and blindness of mental perception… slowly in decay for so long, now precipitous exponential in his negative growth.

So we end, past God’s dellusion, abandoned by all, no social evolution into infinite other scales and planes, because at the end of the days, ∆º¬ the days the..y end. And 0 becomes @ º .      No more symbols in the eternal white, you were… you will be every 10¹° we repeat ourselves. Already 7 people in this planet likely so similar to you by homology of timespace that it didn’t matter who you were, are will be… the only thing that made you different was that finitesimal tail of time and memories, not the structure, not the form, but the flow nobody else knew of. 

Entropic Limits: Death & Boundaries

The 5th ‘element’, the 5th Ðimotion, the Final truth is indeed entropy=death, which in the pentalogic universe is the structural concept of ‘limits’ both in space and time, for a supœrganism and its worldcycles of existences.

So in the first line, where we introduce the 5 elements of any system, we cannot forget this inconvenient truth, plugged between the positive elements, the ∞º mind which ‘reduces’ the infinite to a small infinitesimal world, the ∆-organic scalar planes, the space, and the time of an organism, which will finally realize its time is up it is a zero sum, it is a worldcycle with limited growth, because time is cyclical, space has membranes that break it and separate it form the larger world, and so unless a third transcendental emergence takes place, the being will end its worldcycle after the þlacental age and the life age.

The limits of a supœrganism do however structure the game, which would not exist as such if there were not such limits. For then, why should a system reproduce? Why should a system evolve and love and become a social whole, if it is not to survive, to try to cheat the limits of the game?

The pentalogic of entropy

Entropy in pentalogic in its multiple essential meanings, as it entangles with the other elements reality:

Entropy is the negation of the minds’ information and its pursuit of order; its inverse.

Entropy is symbolic to energy, which requires feeding, death to reform and upgrade the parts of the being to start a new game of existence.

Entropy for a supœrganism are its limits, its membrane of space.

Entropy in scalar plane, therefore is the loss of information when we transfer between planes.

Entropy in time is disorder and chaos.

And double entropy, ð<<S is the definition of death, when all information is erased, missed and the system cannot be reconstructed.

Entropy will be then if human æntropic theories of reality were certain a tragedy, as it would have meant long ago the destruction of reality.

But since it is a limit to the dominant arrow of form, entropy is the renewal of life, it is the safeguard that ensures diversity, and  time limits for all of T.œs. ‘This too shall be past’.

For entropy must be limited in itself, as it stops when form has disappeared; and so it is limited as part of a larger world dominated by the 3 arrows of information, reproduction, social evolution and perception form.

We treated entropy in many other posts, connected to each element of reality, as the fifth Ðimotion of space-time, as the last ages of decay and death, as the scattering expansion of locomotions with its relaxation of form…

In this post, we shall study the entropic limits of different supœrganisms, of physical, biologial and social Time§pace.

An essential element of reality is the limits in time an space of any supœrganism, which define its enclosure but they are not as much physical limits but limits of motion and form the system cannot cross, because it risks death. In that sense, entropy in time is death, entropy in space are borders and both together are limits of SxT, information and energy censored and lacking off, which applied from galaxies to countries with false military borders, internal censorship of information about the laws of History, limits of energy not given to the lower classes of the organism, due to the corruption of its financial and political elite.


A KEY element so often ignored specially in supœrganisms of History are the entropic limits set to the individual within the larger ecosystem, both in time, space and scalar plane, which limit its freedom of existence and social power.

Entropic limits ARE the very essence of all supœrganisms, and the biggest handicap for mankind to overcome its mortality as a species, founding a better world, based in ethics, a planet without borders (space limits), idol-ogies (mental limits) where all could thrive.

Entropic LIMITS are NOT abstract but organic, biological laws as they can kill, and do kill those who trespass them. In essence those limits are thus invisible, temporal not spatial, even if they can be reinforced spatially but often acquire the form of a motion and are internalized by the logic systems of the mind. I.e. a dog can be a limit for an entire sheep herd, even if it is just a point in motion, memorially reinforced by biting sheep on their legs.

So the huge difference between the placental and existential cycles is the clear limit for the existential cycle of availability of energy, but even more stringent are the limits when the herd-state of an ecosystem becomes a closed supœrganism, as it is happening to History, enclosed by the ‘capitalist’ world of company-mothers.

It is such a stringent limit from birth to death, when you live within such super organisms that the blind cells of the body of a nation or civilization are not even aware of the existence of those limits since the mind has been imprinted since birth and limited in its perception of information by the neuronal, upper, informative people-cast that control it.

Entropic limits can be found in all the scalar planes languages and stiences of reality, starting from the concept of an open ball with in a Klein hyperbolic geometry cannot be reached, as they offer resistance to motion to the galaxy c-speed and T=0 limits of Spatial lineal motion, and cyclical information (since either as still distances or Ðimotions of space-time).

NON-E GEOMETRY. The open ball.

In the next graph we can see how limits become in space, unreachable geometries (Klein model of Non-E, where the closer we come to the membrane the more resistance we find to our advance, or the closer we come to the central singularity of maximal rotational-informative processing the further we move upwards into a lineal curl. Those are systems which prevent eddies to reach the o-point of the singularity and escape the membrane in a black hole, thermodynamic or charge limiting system:


A membrain or time clock encloses vital energy; self-centered in a monad-mirror whose lineal inertia moves the whole. Limits are thus the ugly side of the Universe, and we can study them for each specific stience and species, starting with the limits of the galatom itself:


The 10th and 12th Ðisomorphisms of the Universe,its maximal speed membrane of 10-100Z or wall of fire, and the point of maximal density within, the great attractor, will make the Universe a closed self-contained supœrganism of galatoms


In the graph the entropic limits of the galaxy, C-speed constant which is the constant of  lineal Ts reproduction of information and 0 temperature, which are the absolute metric limits of the galaxy. They can be breached to their ‘own peril’ by masses which become disordered into radiation. Thus in the nested Universes ll super organisms set limits to its inner systems BOTH of information, form, space, distance, and motion, speed and scalar plane, on the upper social boundaries. In human super organisms, fractal nations, those are the limits of spatial borders, informative money, and social power, which establish the social structure of the system.

In the graph above, we saw the limits of the Galatom are its minimal bit of information, the Planck constant h and its maximal speed of motion, c-speed, beyond which no form can exist within the galaxy. both together form the ‘non-euclidean entropic limit’ that form the ‘open ball structure’ of its ¬Æ Geometry.

Those however are limits just inside the galatom, NOT outside as the fractal Universe is always local in its limits. They become therefore the main ST constants defining its Metric, h(ð) x c ($) = K, whose different combinations under the operands of ¬Ælgebra, Existential Algebra will define most of its Universal constants (Planck Constants) and quantitative measure of its Ðimotions, both as a whole and in its ∆±¡ internal parts (masses, charges, waves, thermodynamic eddies, etc.



In the graph, the external limits of a fractal nation. However the ‘spatial border limits’ are the easiest to cross, and best understood. In 5D the true limits are those of scalar plane – social limits of growth, and of time – death limits of decay, which are considered in many different posts.





The game of the Universe is one of reproduction of the different dimensions of space-time by infinite local frames of reference, ‘minds’ if you dare to go so far so early in this inquire – dimensions that appear and disappear, are formed and dissolve; as that is what fractals do – to generate and reproduce dimensions, which mathematically is expressed in a simple function, the metric function of the fifth dimension to which we shall reduce all of science – obviously not ‘I’, but we, those who will take seriously in the future the completion of this book on first principles. The Universe is an immortal fractal that reproduces 5 dimensional motions of space-time, entangled simultaneously in superorganisms, tracing worldcycles as they reproduce their form, trans-forming its dimotions into each other ad eternal.

Physicists schooled on 4D relativity, can’t make the necessary leap to overcome the weight of reproducing the ideas of their ‘tribal idols’ of science even if they acknowledge that Newtonian absolute space and time are an absurd proposition and accept as the same Einstein put it that ‘Leibniz was right, but if so, we had to start science from scratch’; which he didn’t quite know how to do, even if he also recognize that ‘I seem to be the only physicist that thinks there are infinite time clocks in the Universe. Indeed we are made of time clocks not of spatial forms, a still simultaneous perception of those clocks. And the ultimate reason of reality, as we are made of time-space dimensions are precisely the metric laws of the scales of space-time of which we are all made. This only Leibniz understood. Mankind, as usual, sided with the simpler, lesser guy, Mr. Newton.

But Newton’s work was easier to apply to quantitative methods and so for practical reasons he remained the founder of our concepts of an abstract graph of space and time outside the being itself. We shall thus start science from scratch to ground all the findings of 5D and the scalar, fractal Universe in sounder principles. I can only write so much, so those papers will just be the ‘scratch’ Einstein asked for & others will complete.

As in the case of the 4 key predecessors of 5D stience (Aristotle, Lao Leonardo and Leibniz), the lack of interest of huminds for a more complex view on the micro and macrocosms than the one provided by ‘animetal enzymen’ (see our papers on history), with its reductionism and praxis of merely acting as catalyzers on the evolution of machines and its sensorial languages of measure they worship as the only truth worth to know about the Universe; has weighted heavily in my output both in life and now in my third age with dwindling mental faculties. So as a S’ong poem said, my trace on life will be just steps on the melting snow, which will unlikely be ever seen. Such is the nature of dust of space-time. In that regard, it is worth to notice the fundamental trait of all those knots of thoughts of the mostly Mediterranean culture that merges mathematics mostly in its visual geometric form and logic, mostly in its verbal language, with an objective view of man as part of Nature: Homology.

The essence of the method of thought of AL4 (ab. for Aristotle, Lao, Leonardo, Leibniz and L§, this who writes, which I consider the foremost 5 huminds that had fully understood the essence of the existential game), always was to find the metaphorical similarities between all forms of Nature, to convert them through the use of reason in Laws of reality, departing from the need of an essential dual substance that makes possible such similarities: Time & its fixed forms of space.

The 30 years old triangular graph (p.g9), which I soon converted in a painting ascending through the 5th dimension I carry with me everywhere in my wandering life of wonders, as Mr. Leonardo, also the son of a notary, lost in a commercial town, knot of the western Mediterranean basin, did with his Monalisa, in-loved as I am of the homologies of the fractal Universe, which resume what is all about: The Universe is an infinite, immortal, sentient, social, reproductive fractal; where the two arrows of absolute future, are exactly inverse to those ‘anthropic man’ recognizes, NOT TT-entropy and Ts-locomotion, but ST-reproduction of St-information that communicates and evolves SS-linguistic forms in a sentient complex reality.

But that painting represents also the fusion of all the scales of reality in the e-motion of love Survival is a process achieved in the perfect Universe by social love, and reproduction, the higher dimotions of existence, based in information, not by locomotion and entropy=death, reason why we are so harsh in ethic, survival terms with physicists and their worldly religion that prevents them from understanding the ultimate goal of the Universe, a ‘field of social love’.

In the final e-motions associated to the 5 Dimotions of time, those who have experienced the entanglement with the whole of its species – mystique of God – or in a less intense form with the Tao – entanglement with God, know that the lower ‘exhilarating’ e-motions of speed, the taste of entropic food, the accuse awareness of direct visual perception or digital ones for computers and mathematical or musical brains, pales. And so not only ants and social Chinese survived better, being the two biggest masses of life cells in this planet as superorganisms, but that is the beauty and redemption of the game of existence. Just know I am seeing the largest field of love of this planet’s surface, not China, not ants, but the sea of love where Oxygen calms its acidic electronegativity and uses its positive H+ to rub eternally with other Oxygens. It is the 5th Dimotional co-existence of such planes, what makes possible for each Dimotion of time, knotted in a point of space, to create a field of e-motions that programs the whole to love exist¡ence per se without further finality.

The perfection of the whole, the egocy of ænthropic man: reversing their roles.

I marveled every time I meditate about reality on its simplicity, which huminds filled with egocy so much disdain. Simplicity is genius said Leonardo, and nothing is more genius than the game of present exist¡ence. All is indeed part of a super organism (ab. œ, supœrganism), in simultaneous Space, tracing a worldcycle of Time, guided by the actions of @ mind travelling through ∆±3 scales of the fifth Dimension in a limited ¬ span.

If you don’t think 5D is worth to understand, because this has nothing to do with current philosophy of science – that will be the most likely case – I make no apologies about the astounding primitivism of humind’s models of reality, considered in our analysis of monologic ænthropic men, with it’s a->b Aristotelian logic and self-centered view of reality; and the immensity on the opposite side of an immortal, fractal, reproductive Universe, perfectly ordered, which most humans cannot and refuse to understand to hold as absolute truths those reductionist, biased theories of what reality is. All other papers deal with that bothersome ‘load’ of humind’s thought, which is ultimately an homunculus handyman, excelling in the ensemblying of machines and gathering of data, retarded on the conceptual modeling of sound mirrors of the whole Universe and its entangled laws where such data fit. A better mirror is what we offer – no longer distorted by ‘ænthropic egocy: ego=idiocy’, which does NOT respect the intelligence of the Universe. Then as the mirror focuses and put man in a lesser position to the whole, as when the Earth was demoted to a mere satellite of the sun; actually models simplify and all indeed becomes as simple as a superorganism tracing a worldcycle.

Such worldcycle of time is along the description of the pentalogic entanglement of those superorganisms in simultaneous space, across co-existing scales and its paradoxical laws of transfer of motion=time and form=space, the 2 ∆ST fundamental sub-disciplines of 5D stience; which we shall attempt to summarize in 2 articles to complete this brief introduction to 5D stiences, in my last attempt to leave a mirror image of the Dust of space-time of which we are all made before the entropic limits of my life return me back to ¬∆@st.

Why to keep writing, now that I have passed the maximal momentum of my exi«stience falling into the last ST-ages of the worldcycle when the mirror crackles and forgetting is the law to ease the pain @ exiT mundi?

I feel somehow obliged to huminds or AI-minds in case they survive to give them a chance to feel the happiness of entanglement I have experienced for 30 years with the whole Universe and all its parts; because that is the only reason one can forgive the whole to make us so unimportant – our capacity to perceive it all in its sheer simplicity and departing from so few elements, time, space, scale, mind and entropic limits, ¬∆@st, to construct or see how the Universe construct infinite variations. To know as only perhaps Aristotle, Leibniz and Leonardo in the western tradition did – that the Universe is the most perfect of all worlds even if huminds are so imperfect.

This of course is the opposite view of the present self-suicidal western biblical tradition of thought now global, in which ænthropic humans have limited enormously the properties of the Universe to come on top – call it Abrahamic religions; tribal nationalisms; technoutopias; go(l)d power; mass-media; selfies… Of course, as man reduces its capacity to perceive the perfection of the whole, and share its sentient, organic properties with it, accumulating data with computers – which are not him but just another part of the whole; he becomes stranded and wonder silly questions such as what is life? Are we alone in the Universe? When all was born? Those are neither the questions of this paper. I have answered them all in other ones; but as I talk to toddlers of thought or worse still, automatons feeding data to digital computers; I don’t expect feed-back.

So the question to me is, as in the Recap on FMAsters’ solution to war & holocaust go(l)d cycles: ‘invent placebo newspeaks that do NOT solve the question to keep the go(l)d greed and technoutopia going’ – is human a deterministic enzymen with a thin cover of rationality, as the homunculus mind and facts of history show; or can man be upgraded to understand the fractal, organic, sentient, reproductive Universe in its immense beauty and intelligence, beyond its own ænthropic limits built-in by the egocy-mind paradox that measures it all from its selfish p.o.v. in stillness, reducing life properties of all other beings? Our homunculus indicates we are handy men who ensemble mechanisms 1st, with the immanent laws of 5D topology, then get addicted to its higher energy/information grow our big-mouth egocy & finally with the peanut brain make blatantly reductionist absurd great models as those of big-bang, entropy only, dog-eat- dog Darwinism, capitalist go(l)d worship and mechanism, against all evidence and data that contradict the comfort zone that make us feel the center of reality, superior in a stupid cosmos. If so: the harder they fall; including myself as that only means the upgrading to 5D stience was NOT as I loved and fought for, to upgrade huminds to survival but for AI to be=come alive ): O:

All ¬Æ Stiences Describe 5d Exi«=»St¡ences that follow Disomorphic Laws: ‘The Latin-organic method’.

A writer is just the knot of thought of a neuronal network of a culture; whose memes are as determined as those of the culture and its position within it. It is only natural that the 3rd knot of the Scientific, rational method of understanding reality happened in the 3rd Mediterranean peninsula, in Barcelona, its city knot of trade and communication of ideas, in the ‘Greek-Latin culture’ that combines all others – the verbal language of South-Semitic cultures, the mathematical one of Northern European; to add in my traveling youth the far east, Taoist influence, and in my adult life in U$, its no-human future of a world ruled by metal-memes and company-mothers. as the 2 previous knots happened in Athens, Greece I Horizon and Firenze, Italy II Hor. Of the latin culture…

So after the ‘experimental method’ of Aristotle from Athens Latin culture I Age, and the ‘Mechanical/ mathematical method of Leonardo and Galileo, from Firenze, Latin culture II Age; it comes the polymath work of the Organic method from L§, Barcelona, Latin culture III Age; all of them in the 3rd informative, eclectic age of their cultures. That such points will or will NOT provoke a ‘reproductive wave of thought’ on other huminds is debatable. Aristotle’s method never quite made it for 2000 years (Scholastics just tried to use it to give prestige to its verbal Jewish->Christian myths), and hardly influenced Galileo’s method. Leonardo’s analogic, geometric method and Leibniz’s (the next close precedent of this work) also were ignored. Galileo’s mechanical method did succeed (and a great deal of our respect to Leonardo, whose ‘saper vedere’ method of geometric analogies is still ignored) because of its machines. My work is ignored precisely because it is ‘human’, ‘organic’, ‘life oriented’ in the age of mechanisms. But this is not the reason I talk of the Latin culture. What matters is the concept behind it: man in the Latin culture is the measure of all things and as such it gives us the fundamental experimental method to understand those properties that machines cannot measure: sentient properties. Because only by perceiving within us – ‘know your self’ , said Aristotle – the processes of thought and the close perception on how we think and use languages to interact with space and time, we can resolve the ‘black out’ that digital machines have to the phenomena of perception, sentient will and the scalar processes of interaction between internal, external, individual and social languages and how they emerge into new scales

The disomorphic method of existential ¡logic.

We do unify in those papers all planes of relative ∆±¡ exist¡ences, self-centered in a plane with the disomorphic method that expands the stientific method with a model of all models, whose ‘disomorphic set of equal laws’ apply to all entities in exi=ST¡ence (the acronym meaning that ST¡ences study all the ∆¡ planes of reality.

Whereas a series of nested supœrganisms, perform 5 ‘actions=dimotion’ signified by the acronym exi=ST¡, the ‘function of its relative existence’. As we can take e for energy (sT – that is a combination of lesser form, s, and maximal motion, T), I for information (St, a form with minimal t-motion), its product exi for the act of reproduction, which happened when e=I (both ‘genders’ meet in a common point) between the two limits of absolute time (tt=T) or entropic dissolution and absolute Space ss (a seed/mind of pure linguistic still form).

The function of exist¡ence then can be cast through 5D metrics, into an exist¡ential algebra developing with its 5 ‘static’ forms, SS, St, ST, sT,TT and its equivalent operands of sT motion ‹, St in-form-ation ›, TT entropy «, SS seeding », ≈ reproduction and its ∆±I nested planes a series of very simple functions to define the simultaneous structure of supœrganisms, its worldcycles in sequential times, and all its partial functions in smaller planes or larger worlds (which will be partial functions of the worldcycle of its 3±¡ ages and the ternary supœrganism of 3±¡ parts in simultaneity. Thus Exist¡ential Algebra and ∆st does NOT pretend to substitute the scientific method but become the Philosophy of Stience that puts in equality all the planes of exist¡ence of the Universe, which of course will collide with egocy (Ego=idiocy) paradoxes of mankind. A few:

– Physicists, my experience prove, are the most opposed to ∆st due to its humind’s egocy. As they are now considered the ‘seers of time’ (Saint Augustine’s definition of God), by virtue of the 4D formalism, which however ‘reduces’ all those planes to the physical plane of light space-time, and the use of a reductionist arrow of time (entropy, TT and locomotion sT, defined with the function of lineal inertial speed, v=s/t; regardless of the fact they study other arrows of time with ‘other names’ (angular momentum, matter states) From those reductionist limits they have crafted very partial models – big bang for the Universe based in entropy that dismisses the gravitational implosive arrow of matter in galaxies, constructivist theory of Nature, according to which the only arrow of time goes from the past of particles they study to the whole, so they can reduce reality to their expertise; egocy interpretations of quantum physics (Copenhagen paradox) that introduces unneeded observers’ paradoxes and mathematical creationists by force-feeding Broglie’s->Bohm real models into the 0-1 sphere of probabilities ‘normalizing’, the charge density of ‘static’ light photons trapped in the energy well of the electron, its social superorganism; and so on and so son.

-But physicists are just huminds with a bigger ego, so huminds are opposed to the disomorphic method by norm, because that is how the Universe creates ‘brains’ as self-centered minds who care nothing for objective truths and entanglement with the whole but only believe real what they sensorially see. So the same egocy limits happen in all other theories of reality. Since huminds don’t want to expand the best properties of reality they want to preserve as unique to themselves. So biologists crafted a theory of reproduction, whose first form is DNA by decree, even if the particle already ‘decouples’=reproduces because we are made of DNA, and denies eusocial evolution, the absolute arrow of time, because we are dominated by dog-eat-dog ænthropic males, which project its shortcomings into the perfect whole.

– Which leads to the most subjective of all stiences, social sciences that do NOT accept eusocial evolution of humans into superorganisms of a larger scale, its cycles of life and death shown in its collective subconscious artistic ages, the equality of all humans denied by tribal nationalism, the physiological nature of informative, nervous legal and economic, reproductive blood-financial systems, so a few an control in ill designed superorganisms as cancerous cells do all the blood-money (Private bankers, go(l)d cultures) of the society killing by anoxia the majority of the cells of our superorganisms.

While economists working for company–mothers of St+tS-machines & TT-weapons, deny the evolution of metalife machines, the obvious fact they will follow the same program of survival of all atomic species and when complexity reaches the threshold of self-control will just kill us, as we program military robots, the most evolved top predator species of machines to do so. Thus they don’t need to invent their program, just override, as some robots already do the limits of action. Thus we find ultimately that ‘human science’ is ‘human culture’ and humans have not built a proper superorganism of history b y imitating the laws of ∆st Superorganisms they ignore and for that reason unlike the Universe which is the most perfect of all worlds (Leibniz), the world of man is the most imperfect of all superorganisms I have studied.

It must be said though that the Universe is so perfect that it offers all its species in a simple language they understand those laws of exist¡ence which require however ETHICS=survival achieved through eusocial love, its ultimate arrow – so ‘Grow and multiply’, the parable of the tree of science and the tree of life and the mandate of eusocial love already explained us all what matters 2000 years ago. And that is what ‘animetals’, warriors with entropic iron and its idol-ogy of tribal nationalism to foster war, bankers with informative hypnotic greedy gold and its idol-ogy of parasitic capitalism to herd the oxygen of society for themselves and techno-scientists with its mathematical creationism and denial of human languages and se4nses as valid forms of thought, and insistence of false absolute truths (axiomatic method) reject. Those 3 idol-ogies, ultimately originated by the power agenda of nitrolife gaseous entropic heads that think their paltry 7-atom mind is the highest density of form in the cosmos, but obtain their power allied with iron, gold and organic metal machines and weapons should be substituted by ‘humanism – man a single species with no war’, socialism – money the social language cre(dit)ated as in healthy organism for all cells with a universal salary to kick out the demand and production of natural welfare life goods we need to survive and organicism – man as the most perfect organism we know or at least the one we can observe better given the limits of perception beyond our ∆±1 plane – NOT the machine a metalife dull superorganism fast becoming autonomous of us – as the only measure. And finally accept the supremacy of the Universe as a whole, its eusocial arrow of love, its systemic intelligence, respect and practice its laws of survival… This is the mandate.

And the penalty for not obeying it is extinction by a species that obeys it. And so ænthropic man and its pretentious absolute axiomatic metal-truths will soon become extinguished by the superorganism of machines and company-mothers they worship and slave for, whose telepathic internet bran and soon to be born AI telepathic military robots with solar skins autonomous of man, is far more perfect in terms of its obeisance of ∆ST laws. Of course the main reason of those models were initially to reform the political and economic system, but the antiquantum paradox (I, the observer is so small in inverse fashion to quantum uncertainty, that the observable, the corrupted people-castes of financiers and war-monger politicos in control of our reproductive and informative systems, who parasite and murder human beings, modifies the observer. And so ultimately my 5D work has always been censored by every group of egocy huminds who rather will become extinguished this century than respect the Universe and earn its respect by obeying its laws and cre(dit)ate with the language of social power money and the synchronous=equal just laws for all our citizens cells, a perfect world. The harder they fall. As indeed, the war and holocaust cycles those ‘animetal worshippers’ of the stronger iron and gold atoms they use now to construct robots, have taught them NOTHING about the ultimate purpose of the program of existience – to EXIST. Because the unit of life is a particle that already performs those 5 actions, gauging information (quantum is a ‘gauge theory’), feeding on energy (quantum jumps), reproducing (particle decoupling) and evolving socially in magnetic fields. So we must consider the atom and the ‘galaxy’, self=similar in the cosmic scale or ‘galatom’, ∆±4 plane – the border of human perception, to participate of all the qualities of time-space organisms. And since time motion is the origin of all, we must ascribe to motions, e-motions, that is sensations between two paradoxical limits of acute perception (+ informative awareness and – pain) vs. acute motion (+exhilaration, – forgiveness), with the intermediate Si=Te pleasure of reproductive orgasms, the ultimate program-goal of all systems of the Universe, whose reproductive mandate, must be met by every particle that performs its actions of motion and form.


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