Disclosure of the Qatari official about the 2 trillion dollar project to overthrow the Syrian regime
The former prime minister of Qatar revealed that Bandar bin Sultan received a budget of 2 trillion dollars to overthrow Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria, which some countries participated in providing.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: 13 years have passed since the war that the United States and the Western and European governments created with the help of some of their regional mercenaries in order to create a deviation in the popular revolutions of the countries of the region and drag it towards Syria, another part of The dimensions behind the curtain of this world war were revealed.
Hamad bin Jassim, the prime minister of Qatar at the time, during a televised interview about the behind-the-scenes dimensions of this military coup, revealed the direct role of the Saudi and American governments in it and exposed some hands stained with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Syrian people. Statements that show that the war that led to the destruction and destruction of Syria and killed hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions of Syrian citizens was not a revolution, but a military coup that led to a terrorist war against Syria.
According to Mehr, the former prime minister of Qatar, Hamad bin Jassim, emphasized in this television interview that Bandar bin Sultan, the former head of the Saudi Intelligence Service and the former Saudi ambassador to the United States, during the tenure of the Saudi Arabian Intelligence (Intelligence) Organization, the case of ending the rule of Bashar al-Assad. took control of Syria.
The former Prime Minister of Qatar continued: Bandar started his plan to carry out this mission in order to change the governance of Syria within a few months. They and of course we wanted to start a revolution in Syria, the result of which would be the destruction of Bashar al-Assad's rule.
Bin Jassim stated that Bin Sultan requested a huge budget for this work, and in total, about 2000 billion dollars were collected for him from different places.
He continued: We were responsible for this case in the first few months of the crisis, but when Bandar came to work, he wanted to take over the management of the situation. In this way, differences arose between us and Bandar bin Sultan on how to manage this matter.
Hamad bin Jassim clarified: The port requested a huge budget and many governments participated in this budget, but Qatar did not participate in providing this budget at that time. In this regard, a meeting was held in Riyadh, in which the foreign and intelligence and defense ministers of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United States, and I think Turkey and the UAE - if I'm not mistaken - participated in it. It may be the member countries of the Cooperation Council, but I am not sure.
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