Islamism’s assault on Israel is a crime against all of humanity

The vile murder of 6 Israeli hostages tells us who Hamas is – the heroic rescue of Bedouin captive Farhan al-Qadi tells us who Israel is
Sep 2, 2024, 4:02 PM
Relatives and friends attend the funeral of Alexander Lobanov, whose body was among six recovered from the Gaza Strip after they were murdered by their Hamas captors, at the Ashkelon cemetery in southern Israel on September 1, 2024. (Menahem KAHANA / AFP)
Relatives and friends attend the funeral of Alexander Lobanov, whose body was among six recovered from the Gaza Strip after they were murdered by their Hamas captors, at the Ashkelon cemetery in southern Israel on September 1, 2024. (Menahem KAHANA / AFP)

Israel, for almost a year, I am with you on the agonizing rollercoaster of despair and hope, hope and despair. I feel the crescendo of our briefest joy and I carry in my viscera the depths of our cavernous anguish

Just last week, 326 days after Hamas invaded Israel, pillaged, raped, and murdered 1,189 people – entire families, communities even unborn future generations in an act of ‘kinocide‘ (the weaponization of the destruction of families some consider a new crime against humanity), and abducted more than 250 hostages, Israel delivered a remarkable moment of joy.

Bedouin Israeli Muslim hostage Farhan al-Qadi was rescued by an 18-strong elite special forces IDF unit from the misery and barbarism of Hamas captivity, almost 10 months of it spent inside the subterranean dungeons of Hamas, some more than 230 feet below ground. In a tightly run operation, eyes shielded sunshine al-Qadi likely hadn’t seen for months, the IDF brought back the Bedouin to his astounded family and his elated nation.

Rescued hostage Qaid Farhan al-Qadi seen with family members and doctors at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba on August 27, 2024. (Courtesy Soroka Medical Center)

Days later Israel is once again plunged into a vortex of grief. The whiplash from despair to joy to grief is intolerable. Joyful celebrations that night in the Bedouin city of Rahat in the Negev are already a fading memory as Israel rallies around the enormity of grief and rage.

When Farhi addressed the Prime Minister as “Abu Yair,” the Bedouin’s plain words revived hope for coexistence between two peoples. Days later, Hamas brutally crushed even this meager joy as they executed, possibly within earshot of the IDF, six hostages abducted on October 7, one an American, each shot at close range.

The cruelty is unbearable. The cruelty is more than one nation, more than two peoples, more than humanity can bear.

This combination of six undated photos shows hostages, from top left, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Ori Danino, Eden Yerushalmi; from bottom left, Almog Sarusi, Alexander Lobanov, and Carmel Gat (The Hostages Families Forum via AP)

The six Israeli hostages were murdered some time Thursday night or Friday morning, two or three days after Farhi’s rescue – and possibly hours after the cabinet took a vote to hold a hard line on security measures along the Egyptian border. Many Israelis are linking these, particularly as Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is reported to have explicitly said the vote would lead to hostage deaths. Others believe it may have been that IDF soldiers were closing in and the captors murdered the hostages before retreating. We may never have the full story unless the captors themselves are captured and questioned.

As a Muslim committed to Islam, and thus starkly opposed to the mendacious, totalitarian imposter of Islam that is Islamism, the underpinning of all Hamas’s words, deeds, and diabolical aspirations, I and countless other Muslims around the world who saw a humble Muslim Israeli rescued by the IDF only to witness this appalling execution of hostages at the last moment of rescue are reaffirmed in our mission to expose, disavow, reject and dismantle Islamism by all means possible. Even when Israel is bleeding and brokenhearted, you give us strength. You demand we be strong as you force us to confront the rank evil and ruthlessness of Hamas. 

Hamas held these hostages along with hundreds of others, all the while claiming to represent the Palestinian people who have themselves been captive above ground as part of Hamas’s calculated collateral damage strategy. It is a strategy wherein maximizing Palestinian deaths translates as political capital for Hamas’s totalitarian Islamist aims: the eradication of the Jewish people, the elimination of the Jewish State and, let’s not forget, as Hamas says in its own words, the eradication of as many Palestinian lives as called for by their own sick calculus.

Hamas’s is a dual genocide, of Israelis and of their Palestinian brethren.

I toured Israel’s Gaza border region in the days after October 7. I saw the sites of the atrocities, spoke, interviewed, and filmed eyewitness survivors of the appalling massacres, and bore witness examining the bodies of the murdered, remnants of those incinerated, and other human remains. 

Almost exactly a year on I will return to these places in mark of respect and commitment, just as Hamas’s war is not over, neither is mine on them.

Hamas’s war is the nihilist war waged by all Islamists. Embracing religionized war,  Hamas espouses an ideology that has raised killing above all sacraments. Its enmity is not merely about Israel, or Palestinians or territories, or even the Jewish people. It rejects all Western constructs, a universal value of which is that the Holocaust is a crime against humanity. Hamas deems this and other humanist values an intellectual invasion and cultivates a cosmic enmity with all Jews. All humanity — you and I — become mere collateral.

Islamism is not Islam. Islam demands that we as Muslims have sympathy for our fellow beings even if, mortals that we are, we might feel allegiance to our own. Many under such allegiance are legitimizing Hamas, deluded by the dehumanization of the Jewish people that Islamism indoctrinates. Far from a moral stance, tolerating Hamas or even going so far as to celebrate it as in some way “defenders” of the Palestinian ‘against’ the Israeli is, in fact, an immoral fallacy.

The Quran reminds us to “Contend not on behalf of the treacherous. Plead not on behalf of those who persist in being unfaithful. God loves not those who are perfidious.” Quran 4;106-108

Israel is part of humanity and is fighting Hamas on behalf of humanity. When Israel is bleeding and broken, a part of our humanity – my humanity – bleeds too. The recovery of al-Qadi is a resounding victory for all who stand against Islamism. The death of six hostages executed on the threshold of salvation is a horrific loss sustained not only by Israel but by all of humanity. As in the Torah so too in the Quran, the murder of one is the murder of all mankind. 

Hamas embodies Islamism’s dangerous creed of religionized antisemitism. Hamas’s acts embody its words, as it murders Jew after Jew while expending Palestinian lives to do so, its appetite for death boundless. A ruthless, malevolent, and unrelenting enemy of all humanity, there can be no accommodating Hamas. Nor can a peace be built with them. And, because humanity is me and you, Israel, your losses are made mine. Baruch Dyan Emet.


About the Author
Qanta Ahmed, MD, is a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, a life member, Council on Foreign Relations and an Honorary Fellow at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. She is the author of 'In the Land of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor's Journey in the Saudi Kingdom'

The devastating reframing of Israel’s just war against Hamas

Suggesting symmetry between Israel and Hamas fundamentally ruptures the sense that the lives of Jews and all Israelis matter
The destruction caused by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, at Kibbutz Kissufim, November 20, 2023. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)
The destruction caused by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, at Kibbutz Kissufim, November 20, 2023. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Throughout this conflict, global leaders have almost universally condemned Israel for its actions in Gaza, largely granting Hamas a pass, and worse, often lionizing Hamas with privileged victimhood status. Sinwar’s text messages intercepted and published by the Wall Street Journal confirm he had banked on exactly this response knowing Israel could be crushed by international pressure. German writer and Nobel Laureate Herta Muller in her poignant and raw Open Letter delineates exactly how Hamas orchestrates images to manipulate our feelings ‘as their strongest weapon’. A wider look at the context of the killings and military actions has never been more urgent.

Since the inception of the Israel/Hamas war, the world has witnessed the remarkable, rapid, and deeply persistent denial by millions around the world of the Hamas atrocities. The war has become the ‘Gaza war,’ erasing Hamas from the title of the war it intentionally launched.

As an observing Muslim who has protested Islamism, the vicious imposter masquerading as my great religion, I chose to travel to Israel in mid-October to see the outcomes of the actions of Hamas in person. I arrived in Israel – at my own expense – as a physician, to see firsthand the sites of violations, the bodies of the dead, their charred, mutilated remains, their X-rays and CT scans, their incinerated teeth and vertebrae, their ashes.

As one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in history, it was an attack not only on the Jewish people but on nationals of over 30 countries including 41 French citizens. I walked through kibbutzim and moshavs, entered silenced safe rooms made slaughterhouses, refrigerated containers, wet morgues and pathology laboratories.

It was in these spaces that the evidence of investigators, police, doctors and rabbinical workers were contained. I immersed myself in the findings of pathologists, forensic scientists and anthropologists, taking notes, photographs, videos and pouring over medical images.

A member of Zaka at the forensic center in the Shura military base near Ramle, on October 13, 2023. where hundreds of dead bodies have arrived since Hamas-led terrorists rampaged through southern Israel on October 7, 2023, killing some 1,200 people. (Nati Shohat/Flash90)

I contacted Francois Zimeray, French human rights attorney and survivor of a 2015 attempted assassination by ISIS in Copenhagen. Zimeray was the first to turn to the ICC seeking international arrest warrants for the leaders of Hamas on November 3rd of last year.

Soon after, Zimeray brought the first nine families, all of them related to victims killed by Hamas on the first day of the war, to speak to Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan of the ICC. Subsequently, many other families came forward.

Khan’s call for international arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel was deeply shocking. This was as the death toll in Gaza exceeded tens of thousands, and the May 26th Israeli operation on Rafah targeted and killed two top Hamas commanders, but also tragically claimed the lives of more than 40 civilians, for which Netanyahu apologized.

Correct ICC legal procedure, according to Zimeray, takes into account the concept of complementarity. When a nation has a functioning judiciary, the ICC no longer has jurisdiction, so the nation itself is responsible for the investigation, prosecution and sentencing of any war crimes, crimes against humanity, or other violations of international human rights.

Where such organizations are lacking, the ICC lawfully steps in.

ICC Chief Prosecutor Khan and his team were due to arrive in Israel to assess Israel’s judicial capacity concerning exactly such complementarity when the ICC team abruptly changed course and delivered their decision regarding Israel.

True, no one is above the law, including Israeli leaders, but this latest move bears a political dimension. By deliberately choosing to establish a symmetry between Israel and Hamas in the announcement, the prosecutor creates an equivalence between the two camps. Now we know how this also plays into Hamas’s overall strategy. The more Israel is delegitimized the more Hamas is legitimized.

Add to this that Jews historically have been subjected to false accusations which served as excuses to attack them with diabolical consequences, the projected symmetry becomes incendiary.

Many vilify Israel, and many more remain silent on the Hamas atrocities. This silence is perhaps the most powerful weapon in Hamas’s arsenal. In the 1992 treatise, ‘Bearing Witness or the Vicissitudes of Listening,’ psychoanalyst Dori Laub observes the fundamental betrayals of trust in humanity. One example was when the world witnessed the Holocaust for years in plain view, yet allowed it to continue unwitnessed.

It is this aspect of denial that is devastating to so many in Israel. It has fundamentally ruptured the sense that the lives of Jews and all Israelis, including Druze, Muslims and Christians, matter.

While a conclusion of this war in Gaza is necessary and a new war may be unfolding in the North, just as vital, perhaps more so, is a more just framing of the injustices to the Jewish people.

About the Author
Qanta Ahmed, MD, is a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, a life member, Council on Foreign Relations and an Honorary Fellow at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. She is the author of 'In the Land of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor's Journey in the Saudi Kingdom'

Israel’s jihad remains my jihad, the IDF my soul soldiers

For Hamas, there is only the killing, the maiming, the violations, the debasing. It was there all along, but we didn’t want to see it.
'Be not afraid, for you go not alone.' IDF security forces patrol in the southern city of Sderot, October 11, 2023. (Oren Ben Hakoon/Flash90

Ten years after I wrote so, Israel’s jihad remains mine. Ten years on, now closer to sixty than not, I am beginning to understand that my jihad, like Israel’s, is a lifelong undertaking. My struggle is Israel’s struggle; our struggle is our compass, our true north, our true religion.

As an observant pluralist Muslim who rejects all forms of Islamism – radical Islam – whether nonviolent or not, I remain on a personal crusade to delegitimize every Islamist who claims to speak for me, who claims to speak for Islam, who dares injure or slay any of God’s viceregents on earth – my fellow mankind.

Atrocities committed against the Jewish people are atrocities committed against me; atrocities committed against Israelis are atrocities against me; atrocities against all of humanity.

When Islamism kills one life, it kills all mankind. We all are now slain by this barbarity, if not in flesh, in soul. We are all killed in our spirit when our brethren are laid lifeless, be they Jew, Muslim or other. But in our anger, in our fury, in our right to avenge the radical Islamists, we rise and we reclaim and we restore justice. This too is our jihad.

In these short days, I have listened to the fear, anger and outrage of my beautiful friends in Israel: bankers, entrepreneurs, commanders. But in this moment, they are suddenly made in their grief, three fragile Jewish Israeli savtas. This war finds deep in me a sorrow, a rawness, a pain which I have not previously known. Israel’s jihad is now personal to me unlike any other.

I am not Israeli. I am American. I am British. I am Muslim. I am Pakistani, but deep inside in these short days, my flesh and blood have become Israeli and ache for my brethren who wear the olive green uniform and leave my savta-sisters to fight my jihad.

Not even a day after the barbarity, a 35-year-old member of the IDF Engineering Corps bid farewell to his mother, wife and children and is already gone to defend and to fight we don’t know where, we don’t know how, and when he calls his mom he encourages her not to worry. I charge her to not look into the abyss.

In Ramat Gan, sun-worn and 70, the retired IDF commander has already signed up as a volunteer reservist. For some time it has been hard for us to talk on the phone because of his hearing, but he knows the operational theory of the Quran and understands the minds of Hamas and Hezbollah, his Arabic is better than almost anyone I know. His knowledge of the Quran outstrips nearly every Muslim I have known. With his wife, his family has served Israel from its genesis, with 62 years of IDF military service and counting.

As their jihad against Islamism is lifelong, so too must be mine.

The veil is fully off.

A bottomless ravine of hate

Hamas is radical revolutionary jihadism fueled by Islamist ideology. Hamas is ISIS. I repeat to millions of viewers, there is no such thing as a Hamas militia or a Hamas military wing – their entire ideology is nihilist. Every action is war-making. There is only terror. There is only violence on a hollow scaffolding of ideology; nihilism on a bed of dehumanization; Islamism as totalitarianism.

Islamism as totalitarianism has never been more distilled. Even ISIS cavorted with a sinew of self – a ‘caliph’ figure, a territorial caliphate of monstrosities; a smattering of manifestos; a grotesque effigy of a fictitious past transmogrified into a heinous reality.

Today, six years after the war with ISIS ended, we see ISIS as it was intended to be, the seed of a new dimension of collective terror that has grown and rooted itself deeply in the Middle East.

Hamas in Gaza has shown us the true horror of these Islamists. In the killing of women, children, the elderly, the disabled, babies; we see you clearly. We do not flinch as we see you. We look into the horror of your hate. There is no self; only void. We peer through their gaze to see what they see.

There is no self, neither us nor them; neither Israeli nor Palestinian. There is only void and death; there is no faith for the Islamist; there is only killing, mutilation, rape, desecration, abduction and objectification. There is no Islam that was revealed to us, there is only an imposter totalitarian façade. Like the aging narcissist, the visage is crumbling away to reveal the deep cold lakes of self-hate within; to reveal that, for Hamas, there is no Palestine for the Palestinians, there is no statehood, no sovereignty, no future, no prosperity, no peace. There is only killing, maiming, violations, debasing. The only abundance is the swelling rivers of accumulated delight in the suffering of the Jew, and all who befriend her; deep within the hollow there lies a void where once a human soul made its home, leaving only an excavated imprint – a bottomless ravine of hate.

There is no Muslim in Hamas, only the Islamist, no Islam, only Islamism: all-consuming, never sated; only the hollowness left by the erasure of self in pursuit of erasing the Jew; the dehumanization of Muslims rendered Islamists, believers rendered husks. As they dehumanize the Jew they dehumanize themselves, a loss of life force in pursuit of the erasure of Jewish life; all this nihilism to make way for the fascist apocalypse; the erasure of all morality to commit genocide. Hamas has become the new Nazi. It was there all along, but we didn’t want to see it.

Ten years lends clarity. Wisdom. And hope never leaves the soul, but it is time I admitted the enemy will never be appeased. The IDF is waging jihad not only to defend the State of Israel from Islamist annihilation; the IDF is waging my jihad. The tanks and the gunships and the trajectories of the Iron Dome, the footsoldiers and the pilots in the air and the naval divisions in the sea; they wage not only my jihad as a Muslim who fights Islamism; they fight the jihad of the Yazidi; they fight the jihad of the Kurd; they fight the jihad of the Uighur; they fight the jihad of little red riding hoods in Malala’s Mingora; they fight the jihad of the Sufi; the Hazara; the Ismaeli; the Bahai; the Rohingya; they fight for the child soldiers snatched back from the Taliban; they fight for the child soldiers reclaimed from ISIS; they fight for the girls abducted by Boko Haram; they fight for us all.

Abu Hurairah has recounted that the Prophet Mohammed Messenger of God has said of his pious believers in the face of hostility: “When I love him, I become his hearing with which he hears; his seeing with which he sees; his hand with which he strikes; and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks something of me; I give him; and if he asks of me my refuge, I protect him”

As the IDF prepares to turn Hamas into ashes; to defend all human life from these fascist nihilists who desecrate God’s creatures, God’s earth, who tear apart God’s vicegerent, God’s worshippers, God’s children, God’s infants, know that Hamas is not meeting merely the IDF in battle, Hamas is making war with God himself for beside all the IDF, stands God.

I have become you

While you are six thousand miles from where I am now, to every man and woman in Israel’s defense forces, I am both with you and I have become you. You are fighting my jihad. You are fighting for the Muslim, for the Christian for the Catholic for the Protestant, for the Druze, for the fellow Jew, for the Bahai, for the Hindu, for the Buddhist; for the Yazidi; for the Uighur; for the Rohingya; for the agnostic; for the atheist; you fight for us all. But you do not fight alone

Be not afraid, for you go not alone. The IDF goes with God. Alongside you, beside you and above you, and beneath you, within you and surrounding you My LORD is your Lord, He is your Shade, your Shelter, your Commander. You are invincible because so is Our Lord. You are victorious for He will triumph. Never forget: In slaying forty babes even perhaps as – God help us – their mothers looked on, Hamas has brought God’s war against themselves, Hamas that showed unfathomable cruelty to pious souls even in their cradles.

Tonight Hamas does not know its war is with God. But soon it will be revealed.

You, my IDF soul soldiers, go not alone into the tunnels, into the war, into the labyrinth, into the dark. You go with God, he goes with you, you go into His light and with His strength. He will shepherd you back to Peace in ways we cannot know, vanquishing Islamism we, none of us, know how.

And when it is done, Hamas will be none, and we will be one.

About the Author
Qanta Ahmed, MD, is a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, a life member, Council on Foreign Relations and an Honorary Fellow at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. She is the author of 'In the Land of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor's Journey in the Saudi Kingdom'
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Sarsour as Sanders surrogate: Intersectionality meets Islamist anti-Semitism

Sarsour ticks all the intersectional boxes: She's Muslim, hijab-wearing, a woman of color, and a daughter of immigrants. So am I.
Linda Sarsour listens as Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks in a roundtable discussion at the First Unitarian Congregational Society, Saturday, April 16, 2016, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)
Linda Sarsour listens as Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks in a roundtable discussion at the First Unitarian Congregational Society, Saturday, April 16, 2016, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

The announcement of political activist Linda Sarsour’s appointment as Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign surrogate comes as little surprise to those who understand the enamorment of some on the political left with Islamism. The tendency for some on the left to assign the prestige of select victimhood as the pinnacle of American culture, allows them to be duped into believing Islamism is de facto Islam and not its appalling imposter.

In reality, Islamism’s right-wing supremacist totalitarian origins are only masked as a minority religion. Add to this the ill-disguised but virulent anti-Semitism that passes for anti-Zionism among some on the left, and American democracy has now mainlined Islamism into a presidential election.

The irony here is that Sarsour recently announced, “I would be so proud to win, but also to make history and elect the first Jewish American president this country has ever seen,” even as she has long endorsed an anti-Zionism consistent with Islamist sympathies.

Sarsour, the Muslim American of Palestinian origin, co-chair of the 2017 and 2019 Women’s March and former executive director of the Arab American Association, openly embodies contemporary anti-Zionist sympathies typical of an Islamist ideologue.

Her actions have long demonized Jewish Zionists and been perceived widely as anti-Semitism both in the Jewish community and beyond, including among those who work to combat contemporary anti-Semitism.

Sanders’ embrace of Sarsour means that the future of the Democrats as the progressive left envisions it will be defined through the lens of racist anti-Zionism.

The Sarsour-Sanders collaboration typifies a well described Islamo-Left alliance which has infected the British Labor Party, or Corbynism, and has taken a stronghold within the American Democratic party. But less recognized is the role of a rising radical feminism and intersectionality as an effective vector of virulent anti-Semitism

Adding this intersectionality and fourth wave radical feminism to a major campaign makes an Islamist sympathizer almost unassailable. This is why Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rep Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Sarsour have been so successful at deflecting their significant critics. Islamism’s duplicity, the false construct of Islamophobia, and today’s lionization of all victims — other than those who are Jewish — provide these firebrands with a Teflon shield from political and judicial consequences.

Islamism, masquerading as the great monotheism of Islam, is an artificial manmade 20th Century totalitarian ideology that steals the language and metaphors of Islam but holds at its core a cosmic enmity with all matters pertaining to Jewry, Judaism, Zionism and Israel.

Islamists claim to be a besieged religious minority. Claiming the freedoms afforded to religions in secular liberal democracies, Islamism is shielded from political and intellectual scrutiny.

Those lacking knowledge of Islam — and Islamism — under the prevailing climate of political correctness are unable to challenge any assertions made in the name of Islamism or by Islamist sympathizers.

Sarsour, who wears a hijab, covers all the desirable bases of an intersectional icon. She is a woman of color, daughter of immigrants, and a Muslim (which in the U.S. is a minority religion even as it is the world’s second largest faith.)

I am also a woman of color, daughter of immigrants and a Muslim. But unlike me, Sarsour is an unapologetic anti-Zionist embracing the potently anti-Semitic BDS movement.

Academics have described intersectionality as the “sum of all virtue signals” and a “quasi-religious” anthropological phenomenon. Gabriel Brahm, Director of Michigan’s Center for Academic and Intellectual Freedom, identifies intersectionality as uniquely hostile to Jews.

While intersectionality’s origins were humane and based on a narrow legal decision to protect all factory workers, today’s intersectionality as conceived by radical feminism has become a conduit for virulent anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli sentiment.

Unsurprisingly this radical feminism has become the most valuable asset in the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement as intersectionality adopts the value of the symbolic victim narrative applied to as many groups as possible.

As the co-founder of the Women’s March in 2017, Sarsour claimed Zionism and feminism could not coexist. The Women’s March thus excluded Jewish Zionist feminists.

“It just doesn’t make any sense for someone to say, ‘Is there room for people who support the state of Israel and do not criticize it in the movement?’ There can’t be in feminism,” Sarsour said. “You either stand up for the rights of all women, including Palestinians, or none. There’s just no way around it.”

In this era of Democrats struggling with anti-Semitism in their ranks, the Sanders’ campaign’s ill-advised choice purportedly in the spirit of inclusivity indicates that affiliation with Islamist anti-Zionism and thereby anti-Semitism has become a badge of belonging among the progressive left. In their eagerness to seem inclusive they are embracing patently Islamist anti-Semitism.

Qanta A. Ahmed, Visiting Fellow, The Independent Women’s Forum. Member USC Shoah Foundation, Member, Council on Foreign Relations. Follow her on Twitter.

About the Author
Qanta Ahmed, MD, is a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, a life member, Council on Foreign Relations and an Honorary Fellow at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. She is the author of 'In the Land of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor's Journey in the Saudi Kingdom'
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