
Jane Doe


side blog of @lore-gore for rtc rp profile pic by @idk-tbh-idk

Karnak had died just before Jane Doe was resurrected. Now the choir haunts the abandoned fair.

A public roleplay.

Name: Jane Doe

Gender: Cis Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 17

Sexuality: Asexual lesbian

Appearance: She wears a grey knee length high waisted v-necked pleated pinafore over a white Juliette sleeved high necked lace blouse with black ribbon accents on the collar and puffs. She also wears white knee high socks and black Mary Janes. She is tall and very thin, bony in fact. She has a small chest. Her skin is pale and dull. She is headless, and wears her dolls head as a replacement. Her heart-shaped face is porcelain white and paler than the rest of her body. Her eyes are big and round and appear completely black, including the sclera. (They are actually just empty sockets.) Her hair is chin length layered light blonde ringlets with fluffy curved bangs that fall above her eyebrows. It's styled in a way that almost looks like a heart. She wears a thin black headband. She has long black eyelashes (including drawn-on lower lashes) and her thin eyebrows are black as well. Her eyes are shadowed in grey only on the crease. (These are the doll sockets that allow her to blink.) She has a button nose and rosebud lips. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are dark pink. Her nails are short. She carries a headless doll dressed in a white floor length high necked lacy dress with puffy sleeves and a square bib collar with a white ribbon detail and a small white bow attached at the neck. She moves like a broken marionette, with head bobbing, mechanical head turning and tilting, side to side walking, barely bending knees, blinks a lot, staring rather than looking, neutral facial expression, occasionally parted lips, mouth moves up and down like a puppet when she talks, dangling stiff arms with fingers that don't bend often, when she walks she sometimes leads with her head. Her voice is echoey, singsongy, and dead. She is cold to the touch.

Personality: She has amnesia due to losing her head, and cannot remember who she was, not even her name or what her face looked like. She is often confused. She is creepy, morbid, and gloomy. Despite this she is quite sweet and kind of silly. She has a melancholy air to her. She has the personality equivalent to a shattered mirror. She is lonely. She has accepted that she is dead and that she will never know who she is as no one else does either. Despite this she has this slight glimmer of hope that one day she will. She does not understand personal space, nor social cues. She is touch starved and seeks warmth like a moth. She is curious and asks a lot of questions. She is book smart and often shares morbid facts. Probably autistic.

Backstory: The one unidentified body of The Cyclone Roller Coaster Disaster. Everyone knew everyone in Uranium, but no one could recall this member of the choir. There were rumors of a girl who joined at the last minute, but as the choir conductor, Father Marcus, died of a heart attack seven hours after the accident, there was no one left to verify. Somе believe that perhaps she was never in the choir at all. All one knows for certain is that a body was found in a Saint Cassian uniform without a head. So... a mystery.

The most forgettable girl in town.

Played by @lore-gore

(Got the shattered mirror part from @bi-shop I just love it)

Name: Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg

Gender + Pronouns: Demigirl, she/they (closeted)

Sexuality: Sex repulsed asexual, lesbian (closeted)

Age: 17

Birthday: December 22nd

Sign: Capricorn

Favorite Ride: Bumper Cars

Appearance: Ocean is a short girl, standing at a solid 5'2". She has pale skin, is built small and somewhat thin, and lively facial features. There's a spark in her bright green eyes, and a devious smirk. Her hair is a bright ginger color, smooth and silky. She commonly accessorizes it with a black headband. There is a very small amount of freckles scattered along the bridge of her nose, cheeks, and shoulders. As for her outfit, it stays clean and professional. Often seen wearing her uniform which consists of:

-A clean, white, collared ("golf" style) button up, with puffy sleeves.

-Dark red tie thing (?) (Idk how to describe it)

-A pleated, v-neck gray pinafore

-Thin material, tall white socks

-Black Mary Janes

Personality: Ocean, Ocean, Ocean... she's quite interesting. She is the loud, confident, and cocky type. She acts out, always making her opinion known. She is addicted to feeling like shes the best, no, BEING the best. She never truly recieved much attention or affirmation from her extreme parents. Just.. chill. She completely rejects this lifestyle, wanting to be seen by the world. She can be overly ambitious, or even borderline egotistical, but it's all in the name of being seen and loved. She isn't afraid to make others feel bad in order to feel good.


Ocean was born into a family of far-left of center humanists who moved from Northern Saskatchewan to live a carbon-free lifestyle. The hemp needlepoint above the household's toilet read:

If it's yellow, let it mellow

If it's brown, scoop it out with your hands and put it in the compost.

Yet in between all the drum circles, Marxist Parables, and cheese sandwiches made of human breast milk, Ocean could never shake the feeling she was the white sheep of her family. It was only at the age of 8, when she found amongst her parent's record collection an album called "Up with people". The cloying positivity of this pro-capitalist gaggle of teen crooners brought tears to her eyes. Perhaps the peppiest thing Halliburton ever produced. High school student, straight A student, Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg..

The most successful girl in town.

Name: Ricky Potts (Closeted), Savannah Potts (With Chosen Name)

Gender: Transgender Female (Closeted)

Pronouns: He/him(closeted), She/they(Not closeted)

Age: 17

Birthday: June 5th

Sign: Gemini

Sexuality: Pansexual Fem leaning

Favorite Ride: The Gravitron

Appearance: They wear a red vest over a white long-sleeved button up collared shirt, grey pants, black dress shoes, a grey and white and red striped tie, and black cat ear headphones that light up purple. They are of average height, skinny yet toned. They have an oblong face, with an aquiline nose and small hooded brown eyes. Their hair is medium brown and swooped, short on the sides and long in the front. Their complexion is light. They are an ambulatory wheelchair user who switches between using a wheelchair and crutches.

Above done by @lore-gore . Thank you !

Personality: Clearly the nerdy person. Clearly a teenager. In all hypotheticals, they would talk about all the things they have built within their mind, being a good listener as well. They can be a bit quiet most times, trying to just get by and not getting much attention when they were alive, so they bottles things up to an extent. With these feelings, they are impulsive and doesn’t really realize on what they could mean until it’s too late... They try their best anyways, preferring to sign rather than speak to avoid it and for their own comfort. With their close friends, they are quite enthusiastic at times and like to do what friends do, like secret handshakes with some, if they could. Some in their case usually meant not a lot, but its life. Ever since they died, they can use telepathy to speak to others, even sing.

Backstory: Born with a rare degenerative disease, when Richard mysteriously stopped speaking at an early age, the Potts family took a vow of silence. The only time they ever really interacted with one another is when they read comics, or fed the cats. They had 14 cats. From the time they started school Ricky was subjected to the most appalling cruelty humanity can muster: complete indifference. Far from growing bitter, Ricky developed an elaborate playground in their synapses, where they became their own best friend. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Ricky Potts!

The most imaginative person in town.

Name: Constance Blackwood

Gender: Transfem

Pronouns: she/they

Age: 17

Birthday: November 14th

Sign: Scorpio

Sexuality: asexual, panromantic, polyamorous

Favorite Ride: The Cyclone

Character description/appearance: a short, plus sized girl with olive skin who has dark brown hair usually in two space buns with purple and pink tips at the bottom (split dye), she wears butterfly clips in her hair sometimes adding flower clips too, she has one green eye and one brown eye, she wears square, black framed glasses, she wears her uniform with her collar untucked with a gummy bear charm necklace on and with colourful bracelets along with it, she wears knee high socks with Mary Jane shoes, she paints hers nails a dark purple and wears a lighter purple eyeshadow to go with it she wears lipgloss but only a small amount so its not very noticeable, she usually fidgets with her fingers causing them to have some marks and scratches on them also some of her nail polish is chipped from her nervousness she also moves very awkwardly because of her anxious nature, she also has some bruises and scratches on her legs along with her arms, she also has wears a pink heart bag while coming and going from places and when it’s cold she wears a pink flower cardigan (similar to the one I wear in my cosplay of her on my main account).

Personality: she’s a very self conscious girl who doesn’t talk much unless someone tells her to, she will stand up for what’s right though and will call out wrong behaviour and she’s not scared to defend someone from something wrong, she nearly stuck to oceans side but has started to drift away from her and can get very anxious and or scared of anything she is not familiar with and doesn’t like talking to other people who aren’t close to her but will talk to anyone who seems alone or sad.

backstory: The only honour Constance Blackwood was to receive in her short lifetime was ‘Nicest Girl in Homeroom’ - three years in a row: an award she secretly threw in the dumpster behind her local Kentucky Fried Chicken on her way home. When the children of Saint Cassian signed Constance’s yearbook, they wrote things like: “Wow... you seemed nice.” or: “I never really met you. You seemed friendly!” Those pages in Constance’s yearbook were carefully removed with an Exacto knife and burnt. Constance Blackwood,

The nicest girl in town.

Name: Misha Bachynskyi

Gender: Cis male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 18

Birthday: August 18th

Sign: Leo

Sexuality: Polyamorous bisexual

Favorite Ride: The Shooting Gallery

Appearance: He is tall and somewhat athletic, with curly brown hair, slightly shorter than shoulder-length. His eyes are deep brown with thick eyelashes. He often wears a backwards red cap and basic school uniform, featuring a white shirt (which he often doesn’t fully button up) with a red vest (which he often disregards). His skin is tan from growing up near the sea, but since then it has gone slightly paler from spending too much time indoors in a basement. He also wears grey pants and black dress shoes, but much prefers casual shorts and whatever awful choice of footwear he can afford.

Personality: He is often rude and outspoken. He has a heavy Slavic accent, likes to drink and in general fits the description of a “typical man from Eastern Europe”, though he hides a very vulnerable soul behind his persona. His anger was not a default setting, but something he developed after coming to Uranium. He is actually open-minded and very affectionate to those who he cares about. His love language is words of affirmation, physical touch and basically everything he can provide. Another love language of his is Ukrainian. He also speaks Russian, English and a little bit of Dutch. He is a mama’s boy. He misses his mother, homeland, and Talia a lot. He also can cook well and is street smart.

Backstory: Misha was conceived in a little town outside Odesa in Ukraine by a factory worker named Tamara. His mother, after being part of the clean up crew in Chornobyl, was dying of prolonged exposure to uranium. Wanting her son to be safe, she decided to put him up for adoption — forging his birth certificate, she claimed he was two years old, and was recently potty trained. When Misha came to Canada, his adoptive parents were surprised to see their toddler had five o’clock shadow, and a slight trace of alcohol on his breath. They put him in the basement, and his adoptive mother would prepare food and leave it for him on the top of the stairs. On the rare occasion he would run into his new parents— the mother would weep, and the father would shoo him away like a horsefly. So began an inexhaustible rage. He turned to the last bastion of pure strength and masculinity in society: self-aggrandizing commercialized hip-hop. This is how Misha became

The angriest boy in town.

Name: Noel Gruber

Gender: Cis Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 17

Birthday: March 5th

Sign: Pisces

Sexuality: Gay

Favorite Ride: The Ferris Wheel

Appearance: He wears a red vest over a white long-sleeved button up collared shirt, grey pants, black dress shoes, and a grey and white and red striped tie. His nails are short and painted black. He has tan skin and light brown eyes. His straight dark brown hair is styled in a side part, a few strands falling into his face.

Personality: A very cultured young man. He enjoys old-world things, such as celebrities, movies, etc. He can be very easily irritated, especially with Ocean. Most likely autsitic, due to maladaptive daydreaming about being a prostitute in post-war France, and hyperfixating on old movies and history. He also tends to be quite nihilistic.

Backstory: Noel lived with his mother in Uranium, Canada. His father left him and his mother at a young age. Before his death, Noel worked at the Taco Bell at the local mall, a job he very much disliked. To add insult to injury, after his death, the Taco Bell named a meal after him, the "Noel Gruber Hungry Hombre Meal". His mother heard him sing "Beautiful" by Christina Augulara one time in the shower because he had it stuck in his head, and had it played at his funeral. Noel does not like the song "Beautiful" by Christina Augulara.

Backstory 2: Very early on in Noel's life, his mother realized two things... The second was his pension for all things nihilistic. While other children acted out Harry Potter, Noel acted out French new-wave cinema. In grade 7, during the Saint Cassian Christmas Nativity Pageant, Noel was suspended for suddenly breaking into this excerpt from 'Waiting for Godot':

"There is no room at this inn, for it is Christmas. Shall we hang ourselves?"

"I hear it gives you an erection."

"Then we must hang ourselves immediately!"

"Or we could just go to the manger, Joseph!"

Aspiring iconoclast, enfant terrible. Noel Gruber,

The most romantic boy in town.


Karnak had died just before Jane Doe was resurrected. Now the choir haunts the abandoned fair.

A public roleplay.

Name: Jane Doe

Gender: Cis Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 17

Sexuality: Asexual lesbian

Appearance: She wears a grey knee length high waisted v-necked pleated pinafore over a white Juliette sleeved high necked lace blouse with black ribbon accents on the collar and puffs. She also wears white knee high socks and black Mary Janes. She is tall and very thin, bony in fact. She has a small chest. Her skin is pale and dull. She is headless, and wears her dolls head as a replacement. Her heart-shaped face is porcelain white and paler than the rest of her body. Her eyes are big and round and appear completely black, including the sclera. (They are actually just empty sockets.) Her hair is chin length layered light blonde ringlets with fluffy curved bangs that fall above her eyebrows. It's styled in a way that almost looks like a heart. She wears a thin black headband. She has long black eyelashes (including drawn-on lower lashes) and her thin eyebrows are black as well. Her eyes are shadowed in grey only on the crease. (These are the doll sockets that allow her to blink.) She has a button nose and rosebud lips. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are dark pink. Her nails are short. She carries a headless doll dressed in a white floor length high necked lacy dress with puffy sleeves and a square bib collar with a white ribbon detail and a small white bow attached at the neck. She moves like a broken marionette, with head bobbing, mechanical head turning and tilting, side to side walking, barely bending knees, blinks a lot, staring rather than looking, neutral facial expression, occasionally parted lips, mouth moves up and down like a puppet when she talks, dangling stiff arms with fingers that don't bend often, when she walks she sometimes leads with her head. Her voice is echoey, singsongy, and dead. She is cold to the touch.

Personality: She has amnesia due to losing her head, and cannot remember who she was, not even her name or what her face looked like. She is often confused. She is creepy, morbid, and gloomy. Despite this she is quite sweet and kind of silly. She has a melancholy air to her. She has the personality equivalent to a shattered mirror. She is lonely. She has accepted that she is dead and that she will never know who she is as no one else does either. Despite this she has this slight glimmer of hope that one day she will. She does not understand personal space, nor social cues. She is touch starved and seeks warmth like a moth. She is curious and asks a lot of questions. She is book smart and often shares morbid facts. Probably autistic.

Backstory: The one unidentified body of The Cyclone Roller Coaster Disaster. Everyone knew everyone in Uranium, but no one could recall this member of the choir. There were rumors of a girl who joined at the last minute, but as the choir conductor, Father Marcus, died of a heart attack seven hours after the accident, there was no one left to verify. Somе believe that perhaps she was never in the choir at all. All one knows for certain is that a body was found in a Saint Cassian uniform without a head. So... a mystery.

The most forgettable girl in town.

Played by @lore-gore

(Got the shattered mirror part from @bi-shop I just love it)

Name: Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg

Gender + Pronouns: Demigirl, she/they (closeted)

Sexuality: Sex repulsed asexual, lesbian (closeted)

Age: 17

Birthday: December 22nd

Sign: Capricorn

Favorite Ride: Bumper Cars

Appearance: Ocean is a short girl, standing at a solid 5'2". She has pale skin, is built small and somewhat thin, and lively facial features. There's a spark in her bright green eyes, and a devious smirk. Her hair is a bright ginger color, smooth and silky. She commonly accessorizes it with a black headband. There is a very small amount of freckles scattered along the bridge of her nose, cheeks, and shoulders. As for her outfit, it stays clean and professional. Often seen wearing her uniform which consists of:

-A clean, white, collared ("golf" style) button up, with puffy sleeves.

-Dark red tie thing (?) (Idk how to describe it)

-A pleated, v-neck gray pinafore

-Thin material, tall white socks

-Black Mary Janes

Personality: Ocean, Ocean, Ocean... she's quite interesting. She is the loud, confident, and cocky type. She acts out, always making her opinion known. She is addicted to feeling like shes the best, no, BEING the best. She never truly recieved much attention or affirmation from her extreme parents. Just.. chill. She completely rejects this lifestyle, wanting to be seen by the world. She can be overly ambitious, or even borderline egotistical, but it's all in the name of being seen and loved. She isn't afraid to make others feel bad in order to feel good.


Ocean was born into a family of far-left of center humanists who moved from Northern Saskatchewan to live a carbon-free lifestyle. The hemp needlepoint above the household's toilet read:

If it's yellow, let it mellow

If it's brown, scoop it out with your hands and put it in the compost.

Yet in between all the drum circles, Marxist Parables, and cheese sandwiches made of human breast milk, Ocean could never shake the feeling she was the white sheep of her family. It was only at the age of 8, when she found amongst her parent's record collection an album called "Up with people". The cloying positivity of this pro-capitalist gaggle of teen crooners brought tears to her eyes. Perhaps the peppiest thing Halliburton ever produced. High school student, straight A student, Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg..

The most successful girl in town.

Name: Ricky Potts (Closeted), Savannah Potts (With Chosen Name)

Gender: Transgender Female (Closeted)

Pronouns: He/him(closeted), She/they(Not closeted)

Age: 17

Birthday: June 5th

Sign: Gemini

Sexuality: Pansexual Fem leaning

Favorite Ride: The Gravitron

Appearance: They wear a red vest over a white long-sleeved button up collared shirt, grey pants, black dress shoes, a grey and white and red striped tie, and black cat ear headphones that light up purple. They are of average height, skinny yet toned. They have an oblong face, with an aquiline nose and small hooded brown eyes. Their hair is medium brown and swooped, short on the sides and long in the front. Their complexion is light. They are an ambulatory wheelchair user who switches between using a wheelchair and crutches.

Above done by @lore-gore . Thank you !

Personality: Clearly the nerdy person. Clearly a teenager. In all hypotheticals, they would talk about all the things they have built within their mind, being a good listener as well. They can be a bit quiet most times, trying to just get by and not getting much attention when they were alive, so they bottles things up to an extent. With these feelings, they are impulsive and doesn’t really realize on what they could mean until it’s too late... They try their best anyways, preferring to sign rather than speak to avoid it and for their own comfort. With their close friends, they are quite enthusiastic at times and like to do what friends do, like secret handshakes with some, if they could. Some in their case usually meant not a lot, but its life. Ever since they died, they can use telepathy to speak to others, even sing.

Backstory: Born with a rare degenerative disease, when Richard mysteriously stopped speaking at an early age, the Potts family took a vow of silence. The only time they ever really interacted with one another is when they read comics, or fed the cats. They had 14 cats. From the time they started school Ricky was subjected to the most appalling cruelty humanity can muster: complete indifference. Far from growing bitter, Ricky developed an elaborate playground in their synapses, where they became their own best friend. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Ricky Potts!

The most imaginative person in town.

Name: Constance Blackwood

Gender: Transfem

Pronouns: she/they

Age: 17

Birthday: November 14th

Sign: Scorpio

Sexuality: asexual, panromantic, polyamorous

Favorite Ride: The Cyclone

Character description/appearance: a short, plus sized girl with olive skin who has dark brown hair usually in two space buns with purple and pink tips at the bottom (split dye), she wears butterfly clips in her hair sometimes adding flower clips too, she has one green eye and one brown eye, she wears square, black framed glasses, she wears her uniform with her collar untucked with a gummy bear charm necklace on and with colourful bracelets along with it, she wears knee high socks with Mary Jane shoes, she paints hers nails a dark purple and wears a lighter purple eyeshadow to go with it she wears lipgloss but only a small amount so its not very noticeable, she usually fidgets with her fingers causing them to have some marks and scratches on them also some of her nail polish is chipped from her nervousness she also moves very awkwardly because of her anxious nature, she also has some bruises and scratches on her legs along with her arms, she also has wears a pink heart bag while coming and going from places and when it’s cold she wears a pink flower cardigan (similar to the one I wear in my cosplay of her on my main account).

Personality: she’s a very self conscious girl who doesn’t talk much unless someone tells her to, she will stand up for what’s right though and will call out wrong behaviour and she’s not scared to defend someone from something wrong, she nearly stuck to oceans side but has started to drift away from her and can get very anxious and or scared of anything she is not familiar with and doesn’t like talking to other people who aren’t close to her but will talk to anyone who seems alone or sad.

backstory: The only honour Constance Blackwood was to receive in her short lifetime was ‘Nicest Girl in Homeroom’ - three years in a row: an award she secretly threw in the dumpster behind her local Kentucky Fried Chicken on her way home. When the children of Saint Cassian signed Constance’s yearbook, they wrote things like: “Wow... you seemed nice.” or: “I never really met you. You seemed friendly!” Those pages in Constance’s yearbook were carefully removed with an Exacto knife and burnt. Constance Blackwood,

The nicest girl in town.

Name: Misha Bachynskyi

Gender: Cis male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 18

Birthday: August 18th

Sign: Leo

Sexuality: Polyamorous bisexual

Favorite Ride: The Shooting Gallery

Appearance: He is tall and somewhat athletic, with curly brown hair, slightly shorter than shoulder-length. His eyes are deep brown with thick eyelashes. He often wears a backwards red cap and basic school uniform, featuring a white shirt (which he often doesn’t fully button up) with a red vest (which he often disregards). His skin is tan from growing up near the sea, but since then it has gone slightly paler from spending too much time indoors in a basement. He also wears grey pants and black dress shoes, but much prefers casual shorts and whatever awful choice of footwear he can afford.

Personality: He is often rude and outspoken. He has a heavy Slavic accent, likes to drink and in general fits the description of a “typical man from Eastern Europe”, though he hides a very vulnerable soul behind his persona. His anger was not a default setting, but something he developed after coming to Uranium. He is actually open-minded and very affectionate to those who he cares about. His love language is words of affirmation, physical touch and basically everything he can provide. Another love language of his is Ukrainian. He also speaks Russian, English and a little bit of Dutch. He is a mama’s boy. He misses his mother, homeland, and Talia a lot. He also can cook well and is street smart.

Backstory: Misha was conceived in a little town outside Odesa in Ukraine by a factory worker named Tamara. His mother, after being part of the clean up crew in Chornobyl, was dying of prolonged exposure to uranium. Wanting her son to be safe, she decided to put him up for adoption — forging his birth certificate, she claimed he was two years old, and was recently potty trained. When Misha came to Canada, his adoptive parents were surprised to see their toddler had five o’clock shadow, and a slight trace of alcohol on his breath. They put him in the basement, and his adoptive mother would prepare food and leave it for him on the top of the stairs. On the rare occasion he would run into his new parents— the mother would weep, and the father would shoo him away like a horsefly. So began an inexhaustible rage. He turned to the last bastion of pure strength and masculinity in society: self-aggrandizing commercialized hip-hop. This is how Misha became

The angriest boy in town.

mystery-contestant reblogged mystery-contestant Follow @democracyrockzz @astral--horrorshow @krowsselfindulgy @ratsvoid @savannahwiththegreeneteyes @spacingbachelorette @badeggyt @affinity-play-real Main Tws: death, unreality, body horror, implied gore, yelling, trauma, loss of identity, internalized queerphobia, horny teens being horny teens(Pay mind to the timestamps) We pick up where we left off: LoreGoreBreakdown of edits for upcoming roleplay, found here: Ride The Cyclone Open Roleplay Doing a Ride The Cyclone roleplay. Jane Doe: Taken bTumblrAt the end of Ride The Cyclone. (Check pinned post for those visiting) And that's it. On September 14th, 2016, all of the kids died, none able to escape their fate. Years pass, and the fair rots like their corpses. Except it's not the end. For they now haunt the abandoned fair.Welcome to:The Circus of LifeWe begin at the entrance of the cyclone. It is night. (See Chance theatre's set. Note: Just so you know I do not support M*C*rter, as I'm pretty sure Chance is associated with them.)A headless silhouette appears from behind a sheet, slowly revealed by a backlight. Jane Doe, singing:I know this dream of life is never endingIt goes around and round and round againAt times we fall and soon we are ascendingI know beginning comes with every end2:13-2:44As she sings, she puts on her doll's head and adjusts it. (See Station Theatre's Jane Entrance.) Lights fade out. The stage is lit by a blue light. You Drop! Begins. 0:17-2:20Each character enters from opposite sides as they sing, walking in beat with the music before turning towards the audience. They act like lamenting ghosts. The song ends and the characters snap out of their trance.Synopsis: The choir processes the fact they are now ghosts as well as observes the ruined state of the fair. (Remember that in order to makes sure nobody feels rushed to answer whenever you want to speak you should put in the comments that you are going next!) spacingbachelorette Follow A voice can help people express. Whenever it is to say anything, or to fake some part of it for an impression.Ricky- Well, just Potts just looks ahead at the audience. Do… Does this…With only a voice they don’t have, they look at the rest, not having much feelings about their situation. They already knew their time would be up, maybe getting used to being a ghost so fast.“Well… hey there.” They say, with that voice to the rest. They can’t help but stare beyond the rest, however. astral--horrorshow Follow Noel looks around at the now dilapidated fair, the darkness and rust a mockery of the once-twinkling fair and it's shiny rides, the silence a mockery of the happy shouts, screams, and voices that once penetrator the air.Noel is almost amused. It's like a plot he would see in his beloved new-wave French cinema films.badeggyt The cold dead air would have given Mischa chills if he could feel it. He stands there, face revealing hints of worry and confusion. His lips parted slowly as if he were about to say something, but he quickly closed them. He stared solemnly at the worn down abandoned amusement park for a moment. Mischa turned to the other members of the choir, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "This is it?" He spoke softly, unsure, "There is nothing more for us?"mystery-contestant "Death is often unfair. That is the way it goes." Jane said, clutching her doll. Death was nothing new to her. In fact, it's essentially all she knows.She has long accepted her death. democracyrockzz Follow "This... this cant be real.." Ocean mutters, clutching her fists in a tight ball. She was quite angry. She holds back tears as she looks away, almost in a pouting motion. She feels as if there is no more hope for her.savannahwiththegreeneteyes Follow (SORRY I DIDN’T REALISE IT WAS MY TURN.)she looks around at the sad gloomy warehouse, her happy demeanour falling as the weight of the situation grows on her.“so this is really it huh? There’s nothing else left for us.”she touches the wet floor trying to catch a feeling or glimpse that she’s still alive in some way but she only feels numbness and coldness.spacingbachelorette “I mean,” Ri- Potts feels the handle of their cane. “We have each other, right?” They… don’t feel much about this, sure. But seeing their friends who had their lives ahead of them just mourn at what could’ve been, they now just want to help them. Thats what they can do.Breath in, breath out. ‘You got this,’ Potts thought. (Does that even work?)badeggyt Mischa stared at the others, feeling their words deeply. The passion he felt in this moment nearly seeping out of him, but he kept him composure. "Yeah, you're right," He spoke, thinking hard for a moment. He felt alone, even with the choir with him. There was a whole world out there, and now he can experience none of it. Not only that... he could never have the life he once dreamed of having. The life he dreamed of having with Talia. "This sucks," He then said, flatly; almost comedically at how blunt it was. democracyrockzz Ocean's heart seemed to drop in her chest. She didn't know how to feel- she felt bad for the others, sure, but she was practically knee high in self-pity. She'll never experience graduation, or college, or being an adult at all for that matter. All of that had been robbed of her. But then, she remembers Jane. She was planning on picking her anyways. God, why do feelings have to be so complicated? "Okay, so we're stuck here. I suppose we make the best of it." She swallow her breath, trying to ignore her inside thoughts. mystery-contestant Jane wandered off. Suddenly the place lit up with tiny lights, the fair whirring back to life. Jane walked back over and and pointed at the lights, staring at rest of the choir. savannahwiththegreeneteyes Constance looks around and starts to tear up“this…this can’t be happening…it’s not fair!”she exclaims, she falls to her knees and starts breaking down sobbing“mum…dad…please…I miss you…”spacingbachelorette “Guys.” They said, surprised by how loud their voice actually was. They looked over at where Jane had pointed, walking over to her and seeing where the lights would go back next. “Do you… see that?”astral--horrorshow Noel looked from Jane's pale finger to where it pointed, his mouth gaping wide when he saw it."Yeah- I do..." He saidbadeggyt Mischa looked at the lights, amazed. He was confused, but anxious to see why the lights started to shine. "Це красиво..." He said almost under his breath, "We should go check it out."He looked to the rest of then before starting to walk the way of the lights.democracyrockzz Ocean turns her attention to the flashing lights, slowly walking over, almost as if she is in a trance. She then quickly shakes herself out of it, not wanting to seem weak or childish. She turns her attention to the crying Constance, concerned. She runs over to her, shaking her a bit. "Hey, stop stop- everything's okay- I uhm- you're fine-" She's obviously not very good at this, but she's trying. savannahwiththegreeneteyes she looks up at ocean and sighs, tears streaming down her face“ok…but…what is that light?”she asks pointing to the light Ricky was previously mentioningmystery-contestant (It seems the fair was somehow still getting power, despite being shut down. And Jane had managed to turn it back on. Yet the lights did not alleviate the feeling of lifelessness.) Jane stared at the lit-up fair, entranced. "The lights are on but no one's home." She said in her sing-song voice.
mystery-contestant reblogged mystery-contestant Follow @democracyrockzz @astral--horrorshow @krowsselfindulgy @ratsvoid @savannahwiththegreeneteyes @spacingbachelorette @badeggyt @affinity-play-real Main Tws: death, unreality, body horror, implied gore, yelling, trauma, loss of identity, internalized queerphobia, horny teens being horny teens(Pay mind to the timestamps) We pick up where we left off: LoreGoreBreakdown of edits for upcoming roleplay, found here: Ride The Cyclone Open Roleplay Doing a Ride The Cyclone roleplay. Jane Doe: Taken bTumblrAt the end of Ride The Cyclone. (Check pinned post for those visiting) And that's it. On September 14th, 2016, all of the kids died, none able to escape their fate. Years pass, and the fair rots like their corpses. Except it's not the end. For they now haunt the abandoned fair.Welcome to:The Circus of LifeWe begin at the entrance of the cyclone. It is night. (See Chance theatre's set. Note: Just so you know I do not support M*C*rter, as I'm pretty sure Chance is associated with them.)A headless silhouette appears from behind a sheet, slowly revealed by a backlight. Jane Doe, singing:I know this dream of life is never endingIt goes around and round and round againAt times we fall and soon we are ascendingI know beginning comes with every end2:13-2:44As she sings, she puts on her doll's head and adjusts it. (See Station Theatre's Jane Entrance.) Lights fade out. The stage is lit by a blue light. You Drop! Begins. 0:17-2:20Each character enters from opposite sides as they sing, walking in beat with the music before turning towards the audience. They act like lamenting ghosts. The song ends and the characters snap out of their trance.Synopsis: The choir processes the fact they are now ghosts as well as observes the ruined state of the fair. (Remember that in order to makes sure nobody feels rushed to answer whenever you want to speak you should put in the comments that you are going next!) spacingbachelorette Follow A voice can help people express. Whenever it is to say anything, or to fake some part of it for an impression.Ricky- Well, just Potts just looks ahead at the audience. Do… Does this…With only a voice they don’t have, they look at the rest, not having much feelings about their situation. They already knew their time would be up, maybe getting used to being a ghost so fast.“Well… hey there.” They say, with that voice to the rest. They can’t help but stare beyond the rest, however. astral--horrorshow Follow Noel looks around at the now dilapidated fair, the darkness and rust a mockery of the once-twinkling fair and it's shiny rides, the silence a mockery of the happy shouts, screams, and voices that once penetrator the air.Noel is almost amused. It's like a plot he would see in his beloved new-wave French cinema films.badeggyt The cold dead air would have given Mischa chills if he could feel it. He stands there, face revealing hints of worry and confusion. His lips parted slowly as if he were about to say something, but he quickly closed them. He stared solemnly at the worn down abandoned amusement park for a moment. Mischa turned to the other members of the choir, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "This is it?" He spoke softly, unsure, "There is nothing more for us?"mystery-contestant "Death is often unfair. That is the way it goes." Jane said, clutching her doll. Death was nothing new to her. In fact, it's essentially all she knows.She has long accepted her death. democracyrockzz Follow "This... this cant be real.." Ocean mutters, clutching her fists in a tight ball. She was quite angry. She holds back tears as she looks away, almost in a pouting motion. She feels as if there is no more hope for her.savannahwiththegreeneteyes Follow (SORRY I DIDN’T REALISE IT WAS MY TURN.)she looks around at the sad gloomy warehouse, her happy demeanour falling as the weight of the situation grows on her.“so this is really it huh? There’s nothing else left for us.”she touches the wet floor trying to catch a feeling or glimpse that she’s still alive in some way but she only feels numbness and coldness.spacingbachelorette “I mean,” Ri- Potts feels the handle of their cane. “We have each other, right?” They… don’t feel much about this, sure. But seeing their friends who had their lives ahead of them just mourn at what could’ve been, they now just want to help them. Thats what they can do.Breath in, breath out. ‘You got this,’ Potts thought. (Does that even work?)badeggyt Mischa stared at the others, feeling their words deeply. The passion he felt in this moment nearly seeping out of him, but he kept him composure. "Yeah, you're right," He spoke, thinking hard for a moment. He felt alone, even with the choir with him. There was a whole world out there, and now he can experience none of it. Not only that... he could never have the life he once dreamed of having. The life he dreamed of having with Talia. "This sucks," He then said, flatly; almost comedically at how blunt it was. democracyrockzz Ocean's heart seemed to drop in her chest. She didn't know how to feel- she felt bad for the others, sure, but she was practically knee high in self-pity. She'll never experience graduation, or college, or being an adult at all for that matter. All of that had been robbed of her. But then, she remembers Jane. She was planning on picking her anyways. God, why do feelings have to be so complicated? "Okay, so we're stuck here. I suppose we make the best of it." She swallow her breath, trying to ignore her inside thoughts. mystery-contestant Jane wandered off. Suddenly the place lit up with tiny lights, the fair whirring back to life. Jane walked back over and and pointed at the lights, staring at rest of the choir.
mystery-contestant reblogged mystery-contestant Follow @democracyrockzz @astral--horrorshow @krowsselfindulgy @ratsvoid @savannahwiththegreeneteyes @spacingbachelorette @badeggyt @affinity-play-real Main Tws: death, unreality, body horror, implied gore, yelling, trauma, loss of identity, internalized queerphobia, horny teens being horny teens(Pay mind to the timestamps) We pick up where we left off: LoreGoreBreakdown of edits for upcoming roleplay, found here: Ride The Cyclone Open Roleplay Doing a Ride The Cyclone roleplay. Jane Doe: Taken bTumblrAt the end of Ride The Cyclone. (Check pinned post for those visiting) And that's it. On September 14th, 2016, all of the kids died, none able to escape their fate. Years pass, and the fair rots like their corpses. Except it's not the end. For they now haunt the abandoned fair.Welcome to:The Circus of LifeWe begin at the entrance of the cyclone. It is night. (See Chance theatre's set. Note: Just so you know I do not support M*C*rter, as I'm pretty sure Chance is associated with them.)A headless silhouette appears from behind a sheet, slowly revealed by a backlight. Jane Doe, singing:I know this dream of life is never endingIt goes around and round and round againAt times we fall and soon we are ascendingI know beginning comes with every end2:13-2:44As she sings, she puts on her doll's head and adjusts it. (See Station Theatre's Jane Entrance.) Lights fade out. The stage is lit by a blue light. You Drop! Begins. 0:17-2:20Each character enters from opposite sides as they sing, walking in beat with the music before turning towards the audience. They act like lamenting ghosts. The song ends and the characters snap out of their trance.Synopsis: The choir processes the fact they are now ghosts as well as observes the ruined state of the fair. (Remember that in order to makes sure nobody feels rushed to answer whenever you want to speak you should put in the comments that you are going next!) spacingbachelorette Follow A voice can help people express. Whenever it is to say anything, or to fake some part of it for an impression.Ricky- Well, just Potts just looks ahead at the audience. Do… Does this…With only a voice they don’t have, they look at the rest, not having much feelings about their situation. They already knew their time would be up, maybe getting used to being a ghost so fast.“Well… hey there.” They say, with that voice to the rest. They can’t help but stare beyond the rest, however. astral--horrorshow Follow Noel looks around at the now dilapidated fair, the darkness and rust a mockery of the once-twinkling fair and it's shiny rides, the silence a mockery of the happy shouts, screams, and voices that once penetrator the air.Noel is almost amused. It's like a plot he would see in his beloved new-wave French cinema films.badeggyt The cold dead air would have given Mischa chills if he could feel it. He stands there, face revealing hints of worry and confusion. His lips parted slowly as if he were about to say something, but he quickly closed them. He stared solemnly at the worn down abandoned amusement park for a moment. Mischa turned to the other members of the choir, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "This is it?" He spoke softly, unsure, "There is nothing more for us?"mystery-contestant "Death is often unfair. That is the way it goes." Jane said, clutching her doll. Death was nothing new to her. In fact, it's essentially all she knows.She has long accepted her death. democracyrockzz Follow "This... this cant be real.." Ocean mutters, clutching her fists in a tight ball. She was quite angry. She holds back tears as she looks away, almost in a pouting motion. She feels as if there is no more hope for her.savannahwiththegreeneteyes Follow (SORRY I DIDN’T REALISE IT WAS MY TURN.)she looks around at the sad gloomy warehouse, her happy demeanour falling as the weight of the situation grows on her.“so this is really it huh? There’s nothing else left for us.”she touches the wet floor trying to catch a feeling or glimpse that she’s still alive in some way but she only feels numbness and coldness.#SORRY#PRETEND I SAID FAIR GUYS#prev<#it's okay!!!#also I'm going to bed cause it's 2 am for me#so we can continue in the morning#or if you have a few things to say in mind go ahead#just don't get too far
mystery-contestant reblogged mystery-contestant Follow @democracyrockzz @astral--horrorshow @krowsselfindulgy @ratsvoid @savannahwiththegreeneteyes @spacingbachelorette @badeggyt @affinity-play-real Main Tws: death, unreality, body horror, implied gore, yelling, trauma, loss of identity, internalized queerphobia, horny teens being horny teens(Pay mind to the timestamps) We pick up where we left off: LoreGoreBreakdown of edits for upcoming roleplay, found here: Ride The Cyclone Open Roleplay Doing a Ride The Cyclone roleplay. Jane Doe: Taken bTumblrAt the end of Ride The Cyclone. (Check pinned post for those visiting) And that's it. On September 14th, 2016, all of the kids died, none able to escape their fate. Years pass, and the fair rots like their corpses. Except it's not the end. For they now haunt the abandoned fair.Welcome to:The Circus of LifeWe begin at the entrance of the cyclone. It is night. (See Chance theatre's set. Note: Just so you know I do not support M*C*rter, as I'm pretty sure Chance is associated with them.)A headless silhouette appears from behind a sheet, slowly revealed by a backlight. Jane Doe, singing:I know this dream of life is never endingIt goes around and round and round againAt times we fall and soon we are ascendingI know beginning comes with every end2:13-2:44As she sings, she puts on her doll's head and adjusts it. (See Station Theatre's Jane Entrance.) Lights fade out. The stage is lit by a blue light. You Drop! Begins. 0:17-2:20Each character enters from opposite sides as they sing, walking in beat with the music before turning towards the audience. They act like lamenting ghosts. The song ends and the characters snap out of their trance.Synopsis: The choir processes the fact they are now ghosts as well as observes the ruined state of the fair. (Remember that in order to makes sure nobody feels rushed to answer whenever you want to speak you should put in the comments that you are going next!) spacingbachelorette Follow A voice can help people express. Whenever it is to say anything, or to fake some part of it for an impression.Ricky- Well, just Potts just looks ahead at the audience. Do… Does this…With only a voice they don’t have, they look at the rest, not having much feelings about their situation. They already knew their time would be up, maybe getting used to being a ghost so fast.“Well… hey there.” They say, with that voice to the rest. They can’t help but stare beyond the rest, however. astral--horrorshow Follow Noel looks around at the now dilapidated fair, the darkness and rust a mockery of the once-twinkling fair and it's shiny rides, the silence a mockery of the happy shouts, screams, and voices that once penetrator the air.Noel is almost amused. It's like a plot he would see in his beloved new-wave French cinema films.badeggyt The cold dead air would have given Mischa chills if he could feel it. He stands there, face revealing hints of worry and confusion. His lips parted slowly as if he were about to say something, but he quickly closed them. He stared solemnly at the worn down abandoned amusement park for a moment. Mischa turned to the other members of the choir, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "This is it?" He spoke softly, unsure, "There is nothing more for us?"mystery-contestant "Death is often unfair. That is the way it goes." Jane said, clutching her doll. Death was nothing new to her. In fact, it's essentially all she knows.She has long accepted her death. democracyrockzz Follow "This... this cant be real.." Ocean mutters, clutching her fists in a tight ball. She was quite angry. She holds back tears as she looks away, almost in a pouting motion. She feels as if there is no more hope for her.savannahwiththegreeneteyes Follow (SORRY I DIDN’T REALISE IT WAS MY TURN.)she looks around at the sad gloomy warehouse, her happy demeanour falling as the weight of the situation grows on her.“so this is really it huh? There’s nothing else left for us.”she touches the wet floor trying to catch a feeling or glimpse that she’s still alive in some way but she only feels numbness and coldness.#oh btw it's actually the fair#not warehouse
mystery-contestant reblogged mystery-contestant Follow @democracyrockzz @astral--horrorshow @krowsselfindulgy @ratsvoid @savannahwiththegreeneteyes @spacingbachelorette @badeggyt @affinity-play-real Main Tws: death, unreality, body horror, implied gore, yelling, trauma, loss of identity, internalized queerphobia, horny teens being horny teens(Pay mind to the timestamps) We pick up where we left off: LoreGoreBreakdown of edits for upcoming roleplay, found here: Ride The Cyclone Open Roleplay Doing a Ride The Cyclone roleplay. Jane Doe: Taken bTumblrAt the end of Ride The Cyclone. (Check pinned post for those visiting) And that's it. On September 14th, 2016, all of the kids died, none able to escape their fate. Years pass, and the fair rots like their corpses. Except it's not the end. For they now haunt the abandoned fair.Welcome to:The Circus of LifeWe begin at the entrance of the cyclone. It is night. (See Chance theatre's set. Note: Just so you know I do not support M*C*rter, as I'm pretty sure Chance is associated with them.)A headless silhouette appears from behind a sheet, slowly revealed by a backlight. Jane Doe, singing:I know this dream of life is never endingIt goes around and round and round againAt times we fall and soon we are ascendingI know beginning comes with every end2:13-2:44As she sings, she puts on her doll's head and adjusts it. (See Station Theatre's Jane Entrance.) Lights fade out. The stage is lit by a blue light. You Drop! Begins. 0:17-2:20Each character enters from opposite sides as they sing, walking in beat with the music before turning towards the audience. They act like lamenting ghosts. The song ends and the characters snap out of their trance.Synopsis: The choir processes the fact they are now ghosts as well as observes the ruined state of the fair. (Remember that in order to makes sure nobody feels rushed to answer whenever you want to speak you should put in the comments that you are going next!) spacingbachelorette Follow A voice can help people express. Whenever it is to say anything, or to fake some part of it for an impression.Ricky- Well, just Potts just looks ahead at the audience. Do… Does this…With only a voice they don’t have, they look at the rest, not having much feelings about their situation. They already knew their time would be up, maybe getting used to being a ghost so fast.“Well… hey there.” They say, with that voice to the rest. They can’t help but stare beyond the rest, however. astral--horrorshow Follow Noel looks around at the now dilapidated fair, the darkness and rust a mockery of the once-twinkling fair and it's shiny rides, the silence a mockery of the happy shouts, screams, and voices that once penetrator the air.Noel is almost amused. It's like a plot he would see in his beloved new-wave French cinema films.badeggyt The cold dead air would have given Mischa chills if he could feel it. He stands there, face revealing hints of worry and confusion. His lips parted slowly as if he were about to say something, but he quickly closed them. He stared solemnly at the worn down abandoned amusement park for a moment. Mischa turned to the other members of the choir, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "This is it?" He spoke softly, unsure, "There is nothing more for us?"mystery-contestant "Death is often unfair. That is the way it goes." Jane said, clutching her doll. Death was nothing new to her. In fact, it's essentially all she knows.She has long accepted her death.
mystery-contestant Follow @democracyrockzz @astral--horrorshow @krowsselfindulgy @ratsvoid @savannahwiththegreeneteyes @spacingbachelorette @badeggyt @affinity-play-real Main Tws: death, unreality, body horror, implied gore, yelling, trauma, loss of identity, internalized queerphobia, horny teens being horny teens(Pay mind to the timestamps) We pick up where we left off: LoreGoreBreakdown of edits for upcoming roleplay, found here: Ride The Cyclone Open Roleplay Doing a Ride The Cyclone roleplay. Jane Doe: Taken bTumblrAt the end of Ride The Cyclone. (Check pinned post for those visiting) And that's it. On September 14th, 2016, all of the kids died, none able to escape their fate. Years pass, and the fair rots like their corpses. Except it's not the end. For they now haunt the abandoned fair.Welcome to:The Circus of LifeWe begin at the entrance of the cyclone. It is night. (See Chance theatre's set. Note: Just so you know I do not support M*C*rter, as I'm pretty sure Chance is associated with them.)A headless silhouette appears from behind a sheet, slowly revealed by a backlight. Jane Doe, singing:I know this dream of life is never endingIt goes around and round and round againAt times we fall and soon we are ascendingI know beginning comes with every end2:13-2:44As she sings, she puts on her doll's head and adjusts it. (See Station Theatre's Jane Entrance.) Lights fade out. The stage is lit by a blue light. You Drop! Begins. 0:17-2:20Each character enters from opposite sides as they sing, walking in beat with the music before turning towards the audience. They act like lamenting ghosts. The song ends and the characters snap out of their trance.Synopsis: The choir processes the fact they are now ghosts as well as observes the ruined state of the fair. (Remember that in order to makes sure nobody feels rushed to answer whenever you want to speak you should put in the comments that you are going next!) #Youtube#ride the cyclone rp#ride the cyclone#tw death#tw unreality#tw implied gore#tw yelling#tw trauma#tw loss of identity#tw internalized queerphobia#tw body horror#ride the cyclone roleplay#jane doe ride the cyclone#ricky ride the cyclone#mischa ride the cyclone#ocean ride the cyclone#constance ride the cyclone#noel ride the cyclone#circus of life au
mystery-contestant reblogged badeggyt Character Sheet !!Name: Mischa BachinskiGender: Cis MalePronouns: He/Him (also fine with they/them)Age: 18Sexuality: Unlabeled (do not try to put Mischa Bachinski in a box, because he will break out of that shit hunty)Appearance in image below: Text description: Mischa wears a long sleeve untucked white button-up, sleeved rolled up and a few of the top and bottom buttons un-buttoned. As well as grey slacks, a black belt, and white tennis shoes. He stands at about 5'10 and is of a larger build, having a bit of fat and muscle on his bones. His hair is brown and curly, usually slicked back or under a backwards baseball cap; Mischa can be seen with and without said baseball cap. When looking at his face, you will notice that he has a slight freckles on his cheeks and nose. His eyes are hazel and he also has a cleft lip. Mischa wears a blue and yellow bracelet that Talia sent him in the mail.Personality: Mischa says things how he sees it, never meaning any bad blood about it. He's probably one of the most genuine people you'll meet. He's a movie geek, especially for horror movies and loves the psychology of it (he will talk your ear off if you mention the Saw series to him). He has a lot of love for his home country and is not afraid to show it. Mischa can pick up on new skills pretty fast, he's a hands on learner and loves to learn new things. He's really smart but he likes to play it off by being funny, being a nerd might ruin his street cred! He's a loyal friend and you can count on him to have your back in any situation.Backstory: Born August 18th, Leo; sign of aggression. Favorite ride: The Midway (Carnival Games). Mischa was conceived in a little town outside Odessa in the Ukraine by a factory worker named Tamara. His mother, after being part of the clean up crew in Chernobyl, was dying of prolonged exposure to uranium. Wanting her son to be safe, she decided to put him up for adoption, forging his birth certificate, she claimed he was 2 years old and was recently potty trained. When Mischa came to Canada, his adoptive parents were surprised to see their toddler had a 5 o’clock shadow and a slight trace of alcohol on his breath. They put him in the basement and his adoptive mother would prepare food and leave it for him on the top of the stairs. On the rare occasion he would run into his new parents, the mother would weep and the father would shoo him away like a horsefly, so began an inexhaustible rage, he turned to the last bastion of pure strength and masculinity in society, self-aggrandizing commercialized hip-hop.The most passionate angriest boy in town.#gotta have this sick drawing on here
mystery-contestant reblogged mystery-contestant Follow Karnak had died just before Jane Doe was resurrected. Now the choir haunts the abandoned fair. A public roleplay. mystery-contestant Name: Jane DoeGender: Cis FemalePronouns: She/HerAge: 17Sexuality: Asexual lesbianAppearance: She wears a grey knee length high waisted v-necked pleated pinafore over a white Juliette sleeved high necked lace blouse with black ribbon accents on the collar and puffs. She also wears white knee high socks and black Mary Janes. She is tall and very thin, bony in fact. She has a small chest. Her skin is pale and dull. She is headless, and wears her dolls head as a replacement. Her heart-shaped face is porcelain white and paler than the rest of her body. Her eyes are big and round and appear completely black, including the sclera. (They are actually just empty sockets.) Her hair is chin length layered light blonde ringlets with fluffy curved bangs that fall above her eyebrows. It's styled in a way that almost looks like a heart. She wears a thin black headband. She has long black eyelashes (including drawn-on lower lashes) and her thin eyebrows are black as well. Her eyes are shadowed in grey only on the crease. (These are the doll sockets that allow her to blink.) She has a button nose and rosebud lips. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are dark pink. Her nails are short. She carries a headless doll dressed in a white floor length high necked lacy dress with puffy sleeves and a square bib collar with a white ribbon detail and a small white bow attached at the neck. She moves like a broken marionette, with head bobbing, mechanical head turning and tilting, side to side walking, barely bending knees, blinks a lot, staring rather than looking, neutral facial expression, occasionally parted lips, mouth moves up and down like a puppet when she talks, dangling stiff arms with fingers that don't bend often, when she walks she sometimes leads with her head. Her voice is echoey, singsongy, and dead. She is cold to the touch. Personality: She has amnesia due to losing her head, and cannot remember who she was, not even her name or what her face looked like. She is often confused. She is creepy, morbid, and gloomy. Despite this she is quite sweet and kind of silly. She has a melancholy air to her. She has the personality equivalent to a shattered mirror. She is lonely. She has accepted that she is dead and that she will never know who she is as no one else does either. Despite this she has this slight glimmer of hope that one day she will. She does not understand personal space, nor social cues. She is touch starved and seeks warmth like a moth. She is curious and asks a lot of questions. She is book smart and often shares morbid facts. Probably autistic. Backstory: The one unidentified body of The Cyclone Roller Coaster Disaster. Everyone knew everyone in Uranium, but no one could recall this member of the choir. There were rumors of a girl who joined at the last minute, but as the choir conductor, Father Marcus, died of a heart attack seven hours after the accident, there was no one left to verify. Somе believe that perhaps she was never in the choir at all. All one knows for certain is that a body was found in a Saint Cassian uniform without a head. So... a mystery. The most forgettable girl in town.Played by @lore-gore (Got the shattered mirror part from @bi-shop I just love it) mystery-contestant Name: Ocean O'Connell RosenbergGender + Pronouns: Demigirl, she/they (closeted)Sexuality: Sex repulsed asexual, lesbian (closeted)Age: 17Birthday: December 22ndSign: CapricornFavorite Ride: Bumper CarsAppearance: Ocean is a short girl, standing at a solid 5'2". She has pale skin, is built small and somewhat thin, and lively facial features. There's a spark in her bright green eyes, and a devious smirk. Her hair is a bright ginger color, smooth and silky. She commonly accessorizes it with a black headband. There is a very small amount of freckles scattered along the bridge of her nose, cheeks, and shoulders. As for her outfit, it stays clean and professional. Often seen wearing her uniform which consists of:-A clean, white, collared ("golf" style) button up, with puffy sleeves.-Dark red tie thing (?) (Idk how to describe it)-A pleated, v-neck gray pinafore-Thin material, tall white socks-Black Mary JanesPersonality: Ocean, Ocean, Ocean... she's quite interesting. She is the loud, confident, and cocky type. She acts out, always making her opinion known. She is addicted to feeling like shes the best, no, BEING the best. She never truly recieved much attention or affirmation from her extreme parents. Just.. chill. She completely rejects this lifestyle, wanting to be seen by the world. She can be overly ambitious, or even borderline egotistical, but it's all in the name of being seen and loved. She isn't afraid to make others feel bad in order to feel good.Backstory:Ocean was born into a family of far-left of center humanists who moved from Northern Saskatchewan to live a carbon-free lifestyle. The hemp needlepoint above the household's toilet read:If it's yellow, let it mellowIf it's brown, scoop it out with your hands and put it in the compost.Yet in between all the drum circles, Marxist Parables, and cheese sandwiches made of human breast milk, Ocean could never shake the feeling she was the white sheep of her family. It was only at the age of 8, when she found amongst her parent's record collection an album called "Up with people". The cloying positivity of this pro-capitalist gaggle of teen crooners brought tears to her eyes. Perhaps the peppiest thing Halliburton ever produced. High school student, straight A student, Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg..The most successful girl in town.Played by @democracyrockzz mystery-contestant Name: Ricky Potts (Closeted), Savannah Potts (With Chosen Name)Gender: Transgender Female (Closeted)Pronouns: He/him(closeted), She/they(Not closeted)Age: 17Birthday: June 5thSign: GeminiSexuality: Pansexual Fem leaningFavorite Ride: The GravitronAppearance: They wear a red vest over a white long-sleeved button up collared shirt, grey pants, black dress shoes, a grey and white and red striped tie, and black cat ear headphones that light up purple. They are of average height, skinny yet toned. They have an oblong face, with an aquiline nose and small hooded brown eyes. Their hair is medium brown and swooped, short on the sides and long in the front. Their complexion is light. They are an ambulatory wheelchair user who switches between using a wheelchair and crutches.Above done by @lore-gore . Thank you !Personality: Clearly the nerdy person. Clearly a teenager. In all hypotheticals, they would talk about all the things they have built within their mind, being a good listener as well. They can be a bit quiet most times, trying to just get by and not getting much attention when they were alive, so they bottles things up to an extent. With these feelings, they are impulsive and doesn’t really realize on what they could mean until it’s too late... They try their best anyways, preferring to sign rather than speak to avoid it and for their own comfort. With their close friends, they are quite enthusiastic at times and like to do what friends do, like secret handshakes with some, if they could. Some in their case usually meant not a lot, but its life. Ever since they died, they can use telepathy to speak to others, even sing. Backstory: Born with a rare degenerative disease, when Richard mysteriously stopped speaking at an early age, the Potts family took a vow of silence. The only time they ever really interacted with one another is when they read comics, or fed the cats. They had 14 cats. From the time they started school Ricky was subjected to the most appalling cruelty humanity can muster: complete indifference. Far from growing bitter, Ricky developed an elaborate playground in their synapses, where they became their own best friend. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Ricky Potts!The most imaginative person in town.Played by @spacingbachelorette mystery-contestant Name: Constance BlackwoodGender: TransfemPronouns: she/theyAge: 17Birthday: November 14thSign: ScorpioSexuality: asexual, panromantic, polyamorousFavorite Ride: The CycloneCharacter description/appearance: a short, plus sized girl with olive skin who has dark brown hair usually in two space buns with purple and pink tips at the bottom (split dye), she wears butterfly clips in her hair sometimes adding flower clips too, she has one green eye and one brown eye, she wears square, black framed glasses, she wears her uniform with her collar untucked with a gummy bear charm necklace on and with colourful bracelets along with it, she wears knee high socks with Mary Jane shoes, she paints hers nails a dark purple and wears a lighter purple eyeshadow to go with it she wears lipgloss but only a small amount so its not very noticeable, she usually fidgets with her fingers causing them to have some marks and scratches on them also some of her nail polish is chipped from her nervousness she also moves very awkwardly because of her anxious nature, she also has some bruises and scratches on her legs along with her arms, she also has wears a pink heart bag while coming and going from places and when it’s cold she wears a pink flower cardigan (similar to the one I wear in my cosplay of her on my main account).Personality: she’s a very self conscious girl who doesn’t talk much unless someone tells her to, she will stand up for what’s right though and will call out wrong behaviour and she’s not scared to defend someone from something wrong, she nearly stuck to oceans side but has started to drift away from her and can get very anxious and or scared of anything she is not familiar with and doesn’t like talking to other people who aren’t close to her but will talk to anyone who seems alone or sad.backstory: The only honour Constance Blackwood was to receive in her short lifetime was ‘Nicest Girl in Homeroom’ - three years in a row: an award she secretly threw in the dumpster behind her local Kentucky Fried Chicken on her way home. When the children of Saint Cassian signed Constance’s yearbook, they wrote things like: “Wow... you seemed nice.” or: “I never really met you. You seemed friendly!” Those pages in Constance’s yearbook were carefully removed with an Exacto knife and burnt. Constance Blackwood, The nicest girl in town.Played by @savannahwiththegreeneteyes
mystery-contestant reblogged mystery-contestant Follow Karnak had died just before Jane Doe was resurrected. Now the choir haunts the abandoned fair. A public roleplay. mystery-contestant Name: Jane DoeGender: Cis FemalePronouns: She/HerAge: 17Sexuality: Asexual lesbianAppearance: She wears a grey knee length high waisted v-necked pleated pinafore over a white Juliette sleeved high necked lace blouse with black ribbon accents on the collar and puffs. She also wears white knee high socks and black Mary Janes. She is tall and very thin, bony in fact. She has a small chest. Her skin is pale and dull. She is headless, and wears her dolls head as a replacement. Her heart-shaped face is porcelain white and paler than the rest of her body. Her eyes are big and round and appear completely black, including the sclera. (They are actually just empty sockets.) Her hair is chin length layered light blonde ringlets with fluffy curved bangs that fall above her eyebrows. It's styled in a way that almost looks like a heart. She wears a thin black headband. She has long black eyelashes (including drawn-on lower lashes) and her thin eyebrows are black as well. Her eyes are shadowed in grey only on the crease. (These are the doll sockets that allow her to blink.) She has a button nose and rosebud lips. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are dark pink. Her nails are short. She carries a headless doll dressed in a white floor length high necked lacy dress with puffy sleeves and a square bib collar with a white ribbon detail and a small white bow attached at the neck. She moves like a broken marionette, with head bobbing, mechanical head turning and tilting, side to side walking, barely bending knees, blinks a lot, staring rather than looking, neutral facial expression, occasionally parted lips, mouth moves up and down like a puppet when she talks, dangling stiff arms with fingers that don't bend often, when she walks she sometimes leads with her head. Her voice is echoey, singsongy, and dead. She is cold to the touch. Personality: She has amnesia due to losing her head, and cannot remember who she was, not even her name or what her face looked like. She is often confused. She is creepy, morbid, and gloomy. Despite this she is quite sweet and kind of silly. She has a melancholy air to her. She has the personality equivalent to a shattered mirror. She is lonely. She has accepted that she is dead and that she will never know who she is as no one else does either. Despite this she has this slight glimmer of hope that one day she will. She does not understand personal space, nor social cues. She is touch starved and seeks warmth like a moth. She is curious and asks a lot of questions. She is book smart and often shares morbid facts. Probably autistic. Backstory: The one unidentified body of The Cyclone Roller Coaster Disaster. Everyone knew everyone in Uranium, but no one could recall this member of the choir. There were rumors of a girl who joined at the last minute, but as the choir conductor, Father Marcus, died of a heart attack seven hours after the accident, there was no one left to verify. Somе believe that perhaps she was never in the choir at all. All one knows for certain is that a body was found in a Saint Cassian uniform without a head. So... a mystery. The most forgettable girl in town.Played by @lore-gore (Got the shattered mirror part from @bi-shop I just love it) mystery-contestant Name: Ocean O'Connell RosenbergGender + Pronouns: Demigirl, she/they (closeted)Sexuality: Sex repulsed asexual, lesbian (closeted)Age: 17Birthday: December 22ndSign: CapricornFavorite Ride: Bumper CarsAppearance: Ocean is a short girl, standing at a solid 5'2". She has pale skin, is built small and somewhat thin, and lively facial features. There's a spark in her bright green eyes, and a devious smirk. Her hair is a bright ginger color, smooth and silky. She commonly accessorizes it with a black headband. There is a very small amount of freckles scattered along the bridge of her nose, cheeks, and shoulders. As for her outfit, it stays clean and professional. Often seen wearing her uniform which consists of:-A clean, white, collared ("golf" style) button up, with puffy sleeves.-Dark red tie thing (?) (Idk how to describe it)-A pleated, v-neck gray pinafore-Thin material, tall white socks-Black Mary JanesPersonality: Ocean, Ocean, Ocean... she's quite interesting. She is the loud, confident, and cocky type. She acts out, always making her opinion known. She is addicted to feeling like shes the best, no, BEING the best. She never truly recieved much attention or affirmation from her extreme parents. Just.. chill. She completely rejects this lifestyle, wanting to be seen by the world. She can be overly ambitious, or even borderline egotistical, but it's all in the name of being seen and loved. She isn't afraid to make others feel bad in order to feel good.Backstory:Ocean was born into a family of far-left of center humanists who moved from Northern Saskatchewan to live a carbon-free lifestyle. The hemp needlepoint above the household's toilet read:If it's yellow, let it mellowIf it's brown, scoop it out with your hands and put it in the compost.Yet in between all the drum circles, Marxist Parables, and cheese sandwiches made of human breast milk, Ocean could never shake the feeling she was the white sheep of her family. It was only at the age of 8, when she found amongst her parent's record collection an album called "Up with people". The cloying positivity of this pro-capitalist gaggle of teen crooners brought tears to her eyes. Perhaps the peppiest thing Halliburton ever produced. High school student, straight A student, Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg..The most successful girl in town.Played by @democracyrockzz mystery-contestant Name: Ricky Potts (Closeted), Savannah Potts (With Chosen Name)Gender: Transgender Female (Closeted)Pronouns: He/him(closeted), She/they(Not closeted)Age: 17Birthday: June 5thSign: GeminiSexuality: Pansexual Fem leaningFavorite Ride: The GravitronAppearance: They wear a red vest over a white long-sleeved button up collared shirt, grey pants, black dress shoes, a grey and white and red striped tie, and black cat ear headphones that light up purple. They are of average height, skinny yet toned. They have an oblong face, with an aquiline nose and small hooded brown eyes. Their hair is medium brown and swooped, short on the sides and long in the front. Their complexion is light. They are an ambulatory wheelchair user who switches between using a wheelchair and crutches.Above done by @lore-gore . Thank you !Personality: Clearly the nerdy person. Clearly a teenager. In all hypotheticals, they would talk about all the things they have built within their mind, being a good listener as well. They can be a bit quiet most times, trying to just get by and not getting much attention when they were alive, so they bottles things up to an extent. With these feelings, they are impulsive and doesn’t really realize on what they could mean until it’s too late... They try their best anyways, preferring to sign rather than speak to avoid it and for their own comfort. With their close friends, they are quite enthusiastic at times and like to do what friends do, like secret handshakes with some, if they could. Some in their case usually meant not a lot, but its life. Ever since they died, they can use telepathy to speak to others, even sing. Backstory: Born with a rare degenerative disease, when Richard mysteriously stopped speaking at an early age, the Potts family took a vow of silence. The only time they ever really interacted with one another is when they read comics, or fed the cats. They had 14 cats. From the time they started school Ricky was subjected to the most appalling cruelty humanity can muster: complete indifference. Far from growing bitter, Ricky developed an elaborate playground in their synapses, where they became their own best friend. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Ricky Potts!The most imaginative person in town.Played by @spacingbachelorette
mystery-contestant reblogged mystery-contestant Follow Karnak had died just before Jane Doe was resurrected. Now the choir haunts the abandoned fair. A public roleplay. mystery-contestant Name: Jane DoeGender: Cis FemalePronouns: She/HerAge: 17Sexuality: Asexual lesbianAppearance: She wears a grey knee length high waisted v-necked pleated pinafore over a white Juliette sleeved high necked lace blouse with black ribbon accents on the collar and puffs. She also wears white knee high socks and black Mary Janes. She is tall and very thin, bony in fact. She has a small chest. Her skin is pale and dull. She is headless, and wears her dolls head as a replacement. Her heart-shaped face is porcelain white and paler than the rest of her body. Her eyes are big and round and appear completely black, including the sclera. (They are actually just empty sockets.) Her hair is chin length layered light blonde ringlets with fluffy curved bangs that fall above her eyebrows. It's styled in a way that almost looks like a heart. She wears a thin black headband. She has long black eyelashes (including drawn-on lower lashes) and her thin eyebrows are black as well. Her eyes are shadowed in grey only on the crease. (These are the doll sockets that allow her to blink.) She has a button nose and rosebud lips. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are dark pink. Her nails are short. She carries a headless doll dressed in a white floor length high necked lacy dress with puffy sleeves and a square bib collar with a white ribbon detail and a small white bow attached at the neck. She moves like a broken marionette, with head bobbing, mechanical head turning and tilting, side to side walking, barely bending knees, blinks a lot, staring rather than looking, neutral facial expression, occasionally parted lips, mouth moves up and down like a puppet when she talks, dangling stiff arms with fingers that don't bend often, when she walks she sometimes leads with her head. Her voice is echoey, singsongy, and dead. She is cold to the touch. Personality: She has amnesia due to losing her head, and cannot remember who she was, not even her name or what her face looked like. She is often confused. She is creepy, morbid, and gloomy. Despite this she is quite sweet and kind of silly. She has a melancholy air to her. She has the personality equivalent to a shattered mirror. She is lonely. She has accepted that she is dead and that she will never know who she is as no one else does either. Despite this she has this slight glimmer of hope that one day she will. She does not understand personal space, nor social cues. She is touch starved and seeks warmth like a moth. She is curious and asks a lot of questions. She is book smart and often shares morbid facts. Probably autistic. Backstory: The one unidentified body of The Cyclone Roller Coaster Disaster. Everyone knew everyone in Uranium, but no one could recall this member of the choir. There were rumors of a girl who joined at the last minute, but as the choir conductor, Father Marcus, died of a heart attack seven hours after the accident, there was no one left to verify. Somе believe that perhaps she was never in the choir at all. All one knows for certain is that a body was found in a Saint Cassian uniform without a head. So... a mystery. The most forgettable girl in town.Played by @lore-gore (Got the shattered mirror part from @bi-shop I just love it) mystery-contestant Name: Ocean O'Connell RosenbergGender + Pronouns: Demigirl, she/they (closeted)Sexuality: Sex repulsed asexual, lesbian (closeted)Age: 17Birthday: December 22ndSign: CapricornFavorite Ride: Bumper CarsAppearance: Ocean is a short girl, standing at a solid 5'2". She has pale skin, is built small and somewhat thin, and lively facial features. There's a spark in her bright green eyes, and a devious smirk. Her hair is a bright ginger color, smooth and silky. She commonly accessorizes it with a black headband. There is a very small amount of freckles scattered along the bridge of her nose, cheeks, and shoulders. As for her outfit, it stays clean and professional. Often seen wearing her uniform which consists of:-A clean, white, collared ("golf" style) button up, with puffy sleeves.-Dark red tie thing (?) (Idk how to describe it)-A pleated, v-neck gray pinafore-Thin material, tall white socks-Black Mary JanesPersonality: Ocean, Ocean, Ocean... she's quite interesting. She is the loud, confident, and cocky type. She acts out, always making her opinion known. She is addicted to feeling like shes the best, no, BEING the best. She never truly recieved much attention or affirmation from her extreme parents. Just.. chill. She completely rejects this lifestyle, wanting to be seen by the world. She can be overly ambitious, or even borderline egotistical, but it's all in the name of being seen and loved. She isn't afraid to make others feel bad in order to feel good.Backstory:Ocean was born into a family of far-left of center humanists who moved from Northern Saskatchewan to live a carbon-free lifestyle. The hemp needlepoint above the household's toilet read:If it's yellow, let it mellowIf it's brown, scoop it out with your hands and put it in the compost.Yet in between all the drum circles, Marxist Parables, and cheese sandwiches made of human breast milk, Ocean could never shake the feeling she was the white sheep of her family. It was only at the age of 8, when she found amongst her parent's record collection an album called "Up with people". The cloying positivity of this pro-capitalist gaggle of teen crooners brought tears to her eyes. Perhaps the peppiest thing Halliburton ever produced. High school student, straight A student, Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg..The most successful girl in town.Played by @democracyrockzz
mystery-contestant Follow astral--horrorshow asked:LORE IS THAT YOU??????Is that my name? Do you know my name? (Silence) I guess not... #yes its me#this is my rp blog#summer is approaching and the rp will start soon#i'm very excited#jane doe#jane doe rtc#jane doe ride the cyclone#ride the cyclone jane#ride the cyclone jane doe#rtc jane doe#ride the cyclone#ride the cyclone rp#tw unreality#it hasn't started yet#just wanted to get in character
mystery-contestant reblogged mystery-contestant Follow Karnak had died just before Jane Doe was resurrected. Now the choir haunts the abandoned fair. A public roleplay. mystery-contestant Name: Jane DoeGender: Cis FemalePronouns: She/HerAge: 17Sexuality: Asexual lesbianAppearance: She wears a grey knee length high waisted v-necked pleated pinafore over a white Juliette sleeved high necked lace blouse with black ribbon accents on the collar and puffs. She also wears white knee high socks and black Mary Janes. She is tall and very thin, bony in fact. She has a small chest. Her skin is pale and dull. She is headless, and wears her dolls head as a replacement. Her heart-shaped face is porcelain white and paler than the rest of her body. Her eyes are big and round and appear completely black, including the sclera. (They are actually just empty sockets.) Her hair is chin length layered light blonde ringlets with fluffy curved bangs that fall above her eyebrows. It's styled in a way that almost looks like a heart. She wears a thin black headband. She has long black eyelashes (including drawn-on lower lashes) and her thin eyebrows are black as well. Her eyes are shadowed in grey only on the crease. (These are the doll sockets that allow her to blink.) She has a button nose and rosebud lips. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are dark pink. Her nails are short. She carries a headless doll dressed in a white floor length high necked lacy dress with puffy sleeves and a square bib collar with a white ribbon detail and a small white bow attached at the neck. She moves like a broken marionette, with head bobbing, mechanical head turning and tilting, side to side walking, barely bending knees, blinks a lot, staring rather than looking, neutral facial expression, occasionally parted lips, mouth moves up and down like a puppet when she talks, dangling stiff arms with fingers that don't bend often, when she walks she sometimes leads with her head. Her voice is echoey, singsongy, and dead. She is cold to the touch. Personality: She has amnesia due to losing her head, and cannot remember who she was, not even her name or what her face looked like. She is often confused. She is creepy, morbid, and gloomy. Despite this she is quite sweet and kind of silly. She has a melancholy air to her. She has the personality equivalent to a shattered mirror. She is lonely. She has accepted that she is dead and that she will never know who she is as no one else does either. Despite this she has this slight glimmer of hope that one day she will. She does not understand personal space, nor social cues. She is touch starved and seeks warmth like a moth. She is curious and asks a lot of questions. She is book smart and often shares morbid facts. Probably autistic. Backstory: The one unidentified body of The Cyclone Roller Coaster Disaster. Everyone knew everyone in Uranium, but no one could recall this member of the choir. There were rumors of a girl who joined at the last minute, but as the choir conductor, Father Marcus, died of a heart attack seven hours after the accident, there was no one left to verify. Somе believe that perhaps she was never in the choir at all. All one knows for certain is that a body was found in a Saint Cassian uniform without a head. So... a mystery. The most forgettable girl in town.Played by @lore-gore (Got the shattered mirror part from @bi-shop I just love it)
mystery-contestant Follow Karnak had died just before Jane Doe was resurrected. Now the choir haunts the abandoned fair. A public roleplay.
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