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Anesthesia machine basics

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1.1 Introduction The anesthesia machine is that component of the anesthesia delivery system that receives medical gases (oxygen, nitrous oxide, air, heliox) under pressure and controls the flow of each gas individually. The contemporary anesthesia workstation comprises the anesthesia machine, vaporizer, ventilator, monitors, and alarm systems. The workstation, breathing system, and waste gas scavenging system constitute the anesthesia delivery system.[1] Fig.1▮ Apollo anesthesia workstation. (Courtesy Dräger Medical, Telford, PA.)[2] Fig.2▮Simple block diagram for anesthesia workstation 1 1.2 Central Supply of Medical Gases The central supply (bulk storage) system is the source of medical gases distributed throughout the pipeline system. For oxygen, the central supply can be a series of standard cylinders connected by a manifold system or, for larger installations pressure vessels of liquid oxygen with accompanying vaporizers. For medical air, the supply can be cylinders of compressed air, cylinders of oxygen and nitrogen with the gases mixed by a regulator, or air compressors. In general, for nitrous oxide or nitrogen, a series of cylinders, or liquid Dewar tanks, with a manifold system is used. Fig.3▮Typical cylinder supply system.[2] 1.3 Medical Gas Pipelines Medical gas must travel through a pipeline to reach its designated point of use, The pipeline system involves pressure regulators that function to maintain normal outlet pressure (e.g., 55 psig for oxyge ...
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